The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 20, 1920, Image 5

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1. f
A Landslide 1
J ml ARB a a WS LV
ICS iLslliCC
S3 !C I J
$ -
What's the "Nigger in the Woodpile?" You'll ask. "There aint none," except LOWER PPICES, and SJ
take it from us, the difference i so great that this store will be packed with eager buyers
& mis our lvi
Of Our Entire Stock of Ready to Wear Garments
All Suits to go at
one-half price.
EgJ , All Coats to go at
one-half price.
All Silk Dresses to go at one
third to one-half price.
fourth to one half price.
All Silk Skirts to go at one
fourth to one-half price.
All Voil Dresses to go at
one fourth to one third
& All Silk Waists to go at
23 one-fourth to one- half
Most Wonderful Bargains In the 'City.
All Petticoats to go at
one fourth to one third
All Gingham Dresses to
go at one fourth to one
third price.
Come look us over. If you don't say we're right
we'll shovel coal to Frisco in our bare feet.
House Dresses to go
at one fourth to one
third price.
Prices Reduced in
Other Departments.
Space Does not Permit
to Tell You Come to
No Approvals,
.No Lay-n-Ways ,
No Exchanges
J. B. McDonald made a bajlness trip
to Sutherland Saturday.
Dixon & Son grind their own lenses.
H. E. Mehlman left Sunday for Cal
ifornia to locate permanently.
Mrs. F. J. Diener returned from
Omaha Saturday where she had been
Try the Rexall first, it pays. 14tf
Lucille McFarland will leave tonight
for Detroit to visit relatives for sev
eral weeks.
Ray Langford went to Maxwell last
evening to attend a mCetlng of the
bank directors.
"Mr? and Mrs. Thomas Burgner re
turned Saturday from an extended
trip in Wyoming.
Miss Eulalia Walter returned from
Kearney Sunday after visiting her sIb
ter Mrs. Jack Deal.
SaleOutdoor toilet. Phone
. 54-3
m ,.1 Wnrwlhlirst. MfflO 111) frOm
Kearney to spona a iew uuy
una folks Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilson returned
Saturday from Lincoln by auto where
they visited for a week.
Special for Friday and Saturday
ono dollar broom for 55c at Gamble
with SDrlnger four stores.
liiwnn rnturned to
lvauienuu .ju...."" .
Grand Hand after visiting a week at
tho Herman Schiouier name.
..Steam Hnths, Massngo and Electric
Treatment nt 312 East 6th, St. Pliono
g97. Mrs. Arthur Hush. If.
H S. Johnson returned from Oma
ha whore ho had been taking treat
ments in a hospital in tnai ciiy.
Mrs. Ida Casey returned from Den
ver Saturday and resumed her duties at
tho Barkalow Bros. News stand.
Howard MoMIchaol and P. 0. Deats
and familios left Saturday for Estos
Park to spend a couple of weeks.
Mrs, R. .0 Langford left Sunday for
Washington, D. C, to visit hor sister-in-law
Allco Langford. who is 111.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cochran. aro
spending a few days in -Scotts Bluff
combining buslnoss with ploasuro.
Wo have word of tho arrival of a
fino largo boy at tho home of Mr. and
Mrs. H. S. Wright, on last Tuosday.
Mrs. May Preston will take charge
of the Gamblo with Springer Chain
Store No. 2 located at 110 E. B street.
Mrs. I. W. Rqoso returned to her
home in Elsio yesterday after visiting
with her daughter Mrs. Jack McGraw.-
Miss Mario McGlone, who has been
vlsitng her grandmother Mrs. Sey
ferth left Saturday for her home in
Wanted Girls for nurse training;
$35 per month with board and room.
Apply at General Hospital, City. 4Ctf
Mrs. C. H. Watts loft Saturday for
Los Angeles and other western points
Saturday and expect to bo gone sev
eral weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Kolly onrouto
from Chicago to Colorado Springs
stopped off over tho week end to visit
friends In tho city.
Mrs. Will Morris and children loft
Saturday for Sidney to visit tho for
mer's mother Mrs. Chac. Howard, for
a couple of weeks.
Miss Elizabeth Cunningham, a for
mer teacher In tho local schools now
teaching in California, vls visiting in
tho city this week.
Tho Old Lino Life Man,
lies. Phone 1188. Office Phono C12J
Mr. W. R. Malonoy, who recently,
'lerwent an operation In tho St.
Joseph's hospital was takon 111 with
the small pox last week.
Saturday Judgo Woodhurst Issued
p. marrlago llconso to Robert E. Do
Uloro, of North Platte, and Miss Mar
garet Ingram, of Kansas City.
Lost. Strayed or" Stolon Thirteon
hoad of calves, about six months old.
Reward for Information. Thomas E.
Doollttle, North Platte, Nob. 552
For Sale Two burner Florence
Automatic WIckloss Oil Stovo used
only a short time, Hoosler Kitchen
Cablnot, baby's high chair. Phono
Miss Mario Rudnt has been elected
to teach school in -Dawson County
noxt year at a largo Increase in salary
ovor that received during the past
"Mrs. E. Johnson, daughtor Mnrgarot
and Nina Rttsmusscn loft yesterday for
Kansas City to visit Everett Johnson
who is employed In that city with tho
P. F. E. Co.
I. A. Gilbert with Ms. Gilbert and
sister loft Monday for Estes
Park and other Colorado points. They
will travel by auto and expect to be
gone for several weeks.
Tho Aciroma Club, their families
(and friends spent last Sunday at Mr.
rTillfnril'H frrnvo Tho .lnv wna annut
In bathing and fishing with a big pic
nic dinner nt noon. Everyone had a
good time.
The music for tho Friday night
dances at tho K. C. Hall Is being fur
nished by a now organization called
tho Jolly Joy Jnzzors. At their first
appearance last Friday night they
made a hit with the dancers.
Having completed ono of tho four
houses which I am building In the
000 block on east Fourth street, I
offer it for sale or rent. Inquiro of
L. D. McFarland, 17000 block east,
Fourth. 4Gtf
W. W. Wykoff and W.L. KIrkpat-1
rick, of York, enrouto to tho mountains
stopped hero Saturday to seo the. I
editor. Mr. Wykoff is Secretary of tho j
Board of Education at York and Mr. I
Klrkpatrick is a leading attorney. ,
visit our establishment. Inspect
our facilities. Convince yoursolft of
our ability. Watch us examining
eyes, grinding lenses, making glasses,
etc., beforo Intrusting your valuablo
oyes to our care. Dixon & Son, Sight
The Mid-year session of thoNebraa-
ka Commercial organization Secretaries
will bo held at Camp Sholdon, on Aug.
3rd and 4th. H. J. Moran, of this city.
Is secretary and also appear on tho
program fo a paper on "Problems of
tho Secretary."
TO THE PARENT Wo liavo examined
tho oyes of children for many years.
Wo know from oxporionce that much
spectaclo woarlng nnd oyo trouhlo In
Inter years, can bo proventcd If tho
oyes aro proporly cared for during
school Hfo. Your best interests aro
ours. Dixon & Son, Sight Specialists.
Mrs. P. J. Gllman has tho original
of tho first teachor's contract mado In
North Platte. It Is dated Doc. 18.18G8.
By Its terms Bho was to teach a throo
months term for ono hundred dollars
a month. Tho contract was carried
out In full. Tho contract Is signed by
C. P. Hall, Director and L. II. Bakor.
VmiClcuKS Shawl.
At 9 o'clock Friday evening, July
ICtli, at tho bono of Mr. and Mrs. J.
II. VanCleavee, 702 W. A Street, oc
curred tho marrlago of thoir daughter,
Lcota Ruth, to Clarence E. Shawl, P.
It. Stevens, pastor of tho Christian
Church, officiating. Tho houso waa
decorated with llowors and tho double
ring coremony was performed bencatli
an nrch of white and green, In tho
presonco of about fifty guosts.
Claudo Wilson acted as best man
and Mrs. Grace Banks, sister of the
bride, was matron of honor. Margaret
VanClenvo was (lower girl and little
Ned Banks carried tho rings in a
pink rose. Just proceeding tho coro
inony Mrs. Ira LoMastors sang "I
Lovo You Truly," accompanied by
Mrs. Frank Johnson, who also playv
ed tho wedding march.
Tho bride was gowned In white
crepe do chlno and carried a shower
boquet of white BWeot peaB and roses.
Tho groom wore tho conventional
black. Tho matron of honor wore a
dress of pink organdy nnd carrlod a
shower boquet of plnl: sweet peas and
Tho brido has lived horo. rtlnco
childhood, having attonded tho local
High School and spont ono year In
Cotner College. Tho groom Is In tho
omploy of tho Union Pacific. Ho was
ono of tho first nlno mon to go from
Platto lo servo his country In tho
World War, and spent over a year In
Franco In actlvo sorvlco, serving In
tho St. Mlhlol drlvo and tho battles of
tho Argonno. Ho was In tho first lino
trenches when tho nrmlstlco wnB sign
ed. Both of thoso young pooplo aro
mombors of tho Christian Church.
After n month's trip to Colorado
and tho coast thoy will return to
' Platto to servo his country in
tho World War, and Bpont ovor a year
in Franco in active sorvlco, sowing
In tho St. Mlhlol drlvo and tho battles
of tho Argono. Ho was In tho first
lino tronchos whon tho nrmlstlco was
signed. Both of thoso young pooplo
aro mombors of tho Christian Church.
Hereford Hulls" for Sale.
Fiftcon head of registered Horoford
Bulls from ono to two yoars old. Ad
dross J. S, Koch, Ilcrshoy. Nob. ' 48-8
For Sale Stacker and Swoop, near
ly new. A, Woodcock. 535
to Do
Clothes Through
Whereas, it costs dollars, to send a handful of clothes
to the laundry these days and a washwoman gets more
than a college professor
Therefore, Be It Resolved
That you will do as thousands of other intelligent
Solve tho Laundry and Lahor problems at one stroke
with the
Laundry Queen
Electric Washer
It Is at onco tho best, tho most comploto and lowost priced lilgh
grado oloctrlc washor mado.
It washes, wrings, rinses and blues tho clothes all by electricity
and without a tnp of real work.
Como In and lot us show you.
North Platte Light & Power Co.