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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1920)
V i r TIIIRTY-SIXTH YEAR. NORTH PLAlTE, NKli., JU.Y 20, 1920. No. 55 . ' ' " 1 V jiinti-IIEeeMg 1 mi, J New Buildings For City Schools. CONSTltUl'TION UMlElt WAY. llourd of Education Decides on Cottage Schools. Throe now cottage schools nro und er construction In this city to rolicvo the crowded condition of the- achools. Under the laws as they now stand it would be Impossible to build perma nent structures this year. School bonds cannot draw more than live per LOCAL ,UfJ l'EHSOtfAL Three Girls Drowned. TIUtEE LIVES LOST. "Wo havo what you want. Gummorg Dent Drug Co. Dr. Redflold is t;tatlng John Martin, of Gothenburg for an Injured foot at tho Gonoral Hospital. Kathorlno Ann Brandt, of Kansas City, iB visiting at tho A. It. Cumihings home this week. , ,, Philip Plohr, of Bridgeport, is being treated for a fractured lei; at tho Gonoral Hospital. Ti,roo young women of this vicinity Born to Mr. and Mrs. H. W. ShaW, wore drowned In the sand pits uoar tho of Broddwator, an eight pound clrl. south end of tho brido over the South Mrs. Shell Is a patient at tho Gonoral Platto Itlver, late Monday afternoon. Hospital. - They wore Miss Lllu Mason, 13 year Mrs. E. S. Davis, of this city, has a old duughtor of J. E. Mason of Grace- remarkable millet. It was hatched innu nna Aliases uona ana uorinn un LOCAL AXD I'EltSONAL Triple- Drowning of Tli'rcc Young Women In the Sand Pits. J. S. Davit 1ms purchased a garage nt PoXton. Wanted -Compotont girl for gonoral housoworK; Bhond 132, Walter Qood, of Dos Moinos, Iowa, Is visiting frfonds in tho city this week. Socks for tho kiddles In nil sizes r ml colors. B.-T. TBAMP & SON'S. Ralph Aldon came homo Sunday from Chicago whoro practices denls try. Mrs. Itoj' Cochran ontortatnod oIht 't dinner at tho Country Club Friday ovsnlng. Joo Hlrschfold ontertalncd n uum- ber of friends nt a picnic near Mnx- To Do .Married. ' it?' TTN A J. f Miss Ireno Hubbard, of Donvor. is fife 8iftl3arillIftHl Ipuctodhoro next wool: and on Aug- " IUUUI Is Too Small present and no other way is known by which the money for iv permanent school building can bo raised except by bonding. To prevent tho uso of hascmonts during tho coming year It was decided to build threo cottages to be used as Bchool rooms until per manent building could bo erected. Then tho cottage schools can bo sold , t(0n and refreshments will bo served. for homes. Each Is 24x30 with a u foot colling. The windows and doors havo been so arranged that by putting In the partitions the building will be well arranged for household purposes. The Interior finish Is beaver board on heavy backing with all cracks batten ed. All windows are to bo screened and the buildings aro to be electric lighted. They will be heated hy special hot air school stoves with ventilation attach ment. Two of these buildings will be placed on tho Washington School grounds and one on tho. Lincoln School block. 1 The location was selected on i.c count of sanitation and sewer connec tions. It Is planned to have these buildings, under tho supervision of the of the ward schools on I'Tinny ovonmg n reception wtts glvon for Mr. nnd Mrs. Jack Dill who ere roeontly marrlod. , Mrs. Will Wntlctnath entertained at . . , . - . ruxnai-Kaoie puuei. n wus muiviiuu ...... ..... q , , cent and cannot bo sold below par. . r 1fl' , . b laying dokgol, ago 12 and 15. daughters of F. won tnturua. Such bonds cannot be disposed of at . . .. .. , W. LIndokugol llvingjust south of Her- A roal monoy saving salo on all irnv VonrHifv wns nt tho Gouoral 8hoy- Tho 'onB ladles nccompnm hinds or Womon's Wonr now on nt Tho Hosp taT Sum ay' "suffering0 fS a J the Mason fain- Lender Mor. Co. broken arm which he received while "Jf Bono toho,,;1,vor,to Ae- Con' V. Hoagland and family started rrnnkinir n ear dieting accounts of tho details aro cur- for n two-wooks vacation nt Estcs Signet Chaptor O. E. S. will hold Its V , ?' i, , , r, i " . . """""' regular meeting on Thursday evening co,d , (fc nothlng lnckln to draw tliom into its depths. Tho at tention iof Mr. nnd Mrs. Scott Reynolds rtti iUn Tinrrrntn afiiinrn nt Wtlcn ...1. i.Hi.t.. n Department Store you will find some wny to tll0 clty wag attractcd by tho a, !"n?.,0" S"tura for hor ,1,,,,So splendid values In val laees at thr-e crC8 0f tho othor members of tho Miosi aire, i axton V aro. yards for ten cents; also a lot of heavy party and thoy renched thu sceno nt A roal money snylng salo on all laco insertions at llvo cents a yard. tjl0 samo time that Mrs. Max Wostfall, kinds of Womon's Wonr now on at Tho Also several odd lots of embrodlery. wlio Hvos nt tho south end of the Loader Mor, Co. R. S. Correll, who has been until bridge, arrived. Mr. Roynolds rescued Miss Comfort Conwny left this lately tho solo representative of tho Miss Laurel Mason, who was lnson- morning for Donvor whero she vlll Adalr-Leo Rubber Co. at Omaha, lias slblo but still lloatlng and, she was visit Xrlends for two weeks been appointed Manager of thoorth rushed to tho hopltal whoro she Is p. c. Plolstlcker, Jim Kcefo and R. Platto branch of tho Adair-Lieo nuouor recovering, word was immediately sent n. Beatty motored to Paxton Saturday Co. succeeding S. J. Walters. Mr. to the city and aid was rushed to the on i0gal business. New York house of tho General Tlrp , coldness of tho water it was necessary ! S?; . u"; and Rubber Co. to drag tho pit and when the bodies "LSnrP Til Wn Thomas Griffin and wife have begun were recovered thoy were beyond ua"B'1"1 Alr' U 0J(l "nzon; , , scvoral weeks of evangelistic services help. Thoy wore taken to the Derry-I The ory finest quality of lislo hose n this city under tho auspices of tho berry & Forbes Undertaking rooms. I Ia("n1n .cor,ors "xc,)tJ,ng black Gospel Mission. Tho sorvlces are hold No arrangements havo been made for I J,J'l 'tuoy mst ,9c B- T TRAMP & lira tent on the north sfdo of Tenth funeral at tho time of going to press. jto: (MtnoatoiMioro next wool: and on Aug ut 12th wll bo marrlod til St, Patrick's ahurch to Mr. Bort Logau, or San Antonio, Toxu8. Miss Hubbard Is tho duughtor of Mr. nitd Mr. William Hub bard of this city and was u formor resident her,o. Rotary Hub .1Ieetl"g. Keith Neville nddrosscd the Rotary Club ut Ub regular woekly dlnnor yostorday. Ho told of tho play of political forcos at tho Son Frnnolsco convention and gnvo graphic descrip tions of tho men who tok part. It was not partisan politics but an In teresting analysis of tho Convention. Elks Hold Picnic Tho Elks of this city hold a picnic at tho Stato Farm Monday ovoning. A largo numbor of cars took tho mom bors to- tho farm In timo for tho sup per In the grove nnd tho evening was spent In races, gamos and a haso ball game. Those present nro enthusiastic about the goad time tlley had f Wo havo wlth-out n doubt tho vory best assortment of blouses over shown Voiles, Organdies. Pongoos, Trlco lettos Georgottcs and Taffetas. All go nt snlo nrlces. E. T. TRAMP & SONS ...Sun Theatre... THURSDAY Prlnrlnnls the same block and probably uso tnc street just west oi Liocusi. iur. urn same janitor. Before another year fin is known as tho '"Irish Evangelist a bond Issue should bo possible and ; from KUlnrnoy, Ireland." He was a one or two permanent buildings erec- gumblor in tho west for years but was ted. ' converted nnd is now preaching. T ::o:: Griffin is a cornet player and slngor. Prirlnv ninl Sninrdnv Snoclal at Services every evening. Rev. Griffin Gamble with Springer's four stores has spont several years as a prison , One dollars broom for 55c. evangelist. Curd of 'I'lmnks. Wo wish to thank our many friends for their beautiful lloral offerings and othor kindnesses. Annie Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. August Johnson and family. crystal theatre Thursday and Friday ETHEL CLAYTON IN "More Deadly Than the Male" A woman can start more excitement than a troop o tigers. Huh? . You don't believe it? Well, you come and see-. Killed in Auto Accident. I The body of Will Gorkins was brot i to tho Maloney Undertaking rooms In . this city yestorday from Maywood. Mr, . Gorkins was killed in an automobile accident Sunday. He started 'from his home to go to Maywood and later was found dead under the car. Ho Is a father of Mrs. Will Lannln, of this city. Keith Theatre Wednesday - Thursday TOM MOORE IN DUD Taken To Pcnltcntlar. Merle Inskeep was taken to tho state penitentiary Sunday by Doputy Claudo Delany and Is to bogm a sen tenco of not more than seven years and not loss than one year. Ho plead guilty hero in both tho dls- trnct nnd county court on the chargo of bigamy. His second wlo Is Mrs Fern Wilson InBkeop. Tho G. I.. A. will hold Its rogulnr meeting and initiation on Friday even ing of this week. Come and See tho Ladles Now Art Turfilng Needlo now being demon .Jstrated by Miss Ruth Jmkson at Tho Licauer wcr. uo. Prom the Saturday Evening Post story Woman's trickery vs. Man's daring in a fight for a for- .YST AJL tune m 1 MMft3--a---Mi Sooner or Later You will ultimately buy a car. The man who is careful in selecting the dealer will never regret, his purchase. Our strong institution, management and mechanical equipment offer you every op portunity for complete automobile satisfac tion. We welcome customers, old and new. DODGE imOTHEJt. CHANDLER MOTOR CARS. . V. ROMIGH, Phone '844. 6th & Locust. A Dodge Brothers touring car is a fine present for your family. and Tomorrow THE LADIES' FAVORITE EUGENE O'BRIEN IN The Figurehead In which twoi great American sports aro emphasized Golf and Polities and tho star turns doftly from one to tho other and is successful In both. ScnUctt comedy tonight "Treating 'em Rough" SONS., Tho Episcopal Guild will, hold a salo cf fancy work and baked goods nt tho Dorryberry & Forbes, storb Saturday, July 24th. Rev. Koch loft Sunday for Olilo. whoro -ho will Join his wlfo and from there ho will go to Minneapolis to l8lt for soveral weeks. Ho showed tho common people his heart and tho grafters his fist. Yes, ho did. Tonight at tho Crystal Eugene1 Q'Oricn In "Tho Figurehead." Mrs , Jcsslo Morunt and daiiRlitor Mabello, of Lamone, Iowa, cumo Sat urday to visit tho former's parents Mr and Mrs. Joo Richards. Still preparing to move and con tlnuing to rcduco our stock. Special prices on everything. E. T. TRAMP & SONS. Men lovo danger. Is that why wo men attract them? Soo "More Deadly Than tho Malo" at tho Crystal Thurs day and Friday for tho answer. Hurt. Roode,) business managor of tho Gayles orchostra, camo yestorday to visit friends in the city and will play with tho orchostra this evening, From golf champion to Mayor. Could he mako tho grado? Political bosses said ho couldn't his girl B.ttd ho could. What do you say? Come to the CrystfiLtonlght and sec. Tho Ladies Aid Society of the Pros byterian church "'111 moot In tho church parlors Tnuroday afternoon being ontertalncd by Mosdamcs Jeter Pratt and Saunders Tho Hall Gamo Sunday was vory in teresting until tho sixth inning when Captain Holliday knocked a homo run nnd from then on it was pickings. Tho scoro was 14 to 2 A telegram received hero this morn lng by Frank Diddle, a bollormakor In tho local shops, says that his broth or Ernest Blddlo was drownod at Cheyenne yestorday. Thoro wore no further particulars. Tho Masonic Temple Cruft at thel annual mooting Friday night elected tho following officers: Harry Dixon president, Charles Hendy vlco prcsl dont, M, J. Forbes custodian, W. II McDonald treasurer, H. CT. Brock sec rotary. A real removal salo at E. T. TRAMP & SONS Local railroad men hnvo been ad vised that tho Railway Labor Board will hand down Its decision in tho wags case at 11:30 a. m. today. Dis patches say that tho nowspapor an nouncements arq prematuro and that tho award will bo wired 'out as soon as known. No word had como nt the hour of going to prcss WILLIAM RUSSELL IN "This Hero Stuff" A corking fine comedy-drama in five acts If yu want to sec how welcomes can wear out a man even a hie trapping soldier like this Capt. November Jones, U. S. A. Come and see Dynamical! Whimsical! .'Comical r. The story of the modest man why doos his best not to be a lero but can t help himseii. Also MUTT 8c JEFF COMEDY, HOW. MEMBERS ME E DEB. E(jiilpiiH)iit. nnd Housing Is Adequate hut Too Ftow FJghtcrs. V' North Platto Is In nood of Volunte6r), , Flromon. Tho prosont forco numbers" ' eight men. Wo nro ontitlod to tliroo compnnioa of twonty-fivo mon each. ; Alllanco hus over fifty members of hor Volunteer Department. A recent flro ' wns founght horo with only four mon. Tho Department has two paid mon. Frod Anderson Is on duty during tho y1' day and Joo Basklns nt night, The.ff" people havo provided a substantial building with ndoquato housing for tho flro fighting apparatus. In thtfe building nro slooping quartors for several mcmbors of tho department, a roadlng room, shower bath and tollot rooms nnd tho big Flronlan's ' ' Hall. Why do wo not havo all threo coiipantos full to tho limit with a waiting list Uko thoy havo at Fre mont? A numbor of reasons havo boon offered but nono scorn ndoquato. Tho matter was discussed at a rocont meeting of tho Directors of tho Chnm bor of Commerco with somo of tho City Council but it was ro forrod back to tho Department with tho request that somo doflnito sug gestions bo offorcd to tho Council. Prosldont John Bruck, of tho Flro De partment, called a .mooting of tho flromon to answer tho request of tho Chnmbor of Commerce Directors and a report Is oxpectod In tho noar fu turo. No criticism Is offorcd ns to tho, efficiency of tho flro fighters but more of them nro noeded. Fifty men should bo enrolled In tho voluntoor flro forco ' in tho near future and It Is tho plan of tho Directors of tho Chambor of Commorco nnd tho City Counc1 to do ovorythlng possible to get thorn. At prosont tho torm of a voluntoor flro-. man Is fivo years without pny and at tho end of tho term tho fireman Is ox ompled from poll tax for llfo in this ntaio. John Southall is Sccrotary of tho. popartment and Amiol Trnub Is Cl1 For Snlo Fordson Tractor complete with holt pulley nnd , Oliver plow. All In first clnss fWdltlon.. . FRED L. SPURRIER,....: J15-tf i - It. F. D. No. 1. ;:o::' A roal monoy saving Balo oq- all kinds of Womon's AVoar now on at Tho Leader Mor. Co. Auto clothing for .Women nnd chll- uron nt Wilcox Dopnrtmont Store. A FEW LEFT. Spaldings All-Wool Bathing Suits, Bathing Caps and Shoes at 20 Per cent Discount tsKmasaisaxaani The greatest woman's book In years. It has thrilled countless thousands with Its story of the tireless, remorse less, Implacable struggle of Kate Prentice, beautiful daugh ter of Jezebel, whose mothering is confined to running the bar in her roadhouse. Tho big, open range, desperate, hard riding, merciless cattleman who recognize no sex in their efforts to drive Kate and her Hock from their domain. They seek her life, her good name and bar her way to love but she fights alone, and wins her battle with man's weapons, but not in man's way. AT THE SUN, TWO DAYS Commencing Tuesday. July 20th. MATINEE 2 P. M. AND 3:45. Gummere-Dent Drug Company. i il