The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 16, 1920, Image 8

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a.lttr,e Wonder That Comedian Could
Not Look on Buns With Any
Degree of Affection.
"I never cnt buns," the comedian
said sadly. "tluv remind mo of a lior
xlblc experience I lintl once."
Tlio listeners iliow near, thrilled by
the tenseness of his tones.
"I wan on n hlp In mldocenn," went
on the comedian dniinnlteiilly. "Her
cargo was solf-mlslng Hour anil cur
rants, nnil a touring theatrical party.
-Suddenly, In the dead of night, we ran
Into an lechers.
"There were no bonis, so things look
ed very desperate for us. The huge
-waves dashed over the sides and down
die bnti'hwnys,
"Then we heard a curious noise. Tho
-water had sot to the self-raising Hour
nnd presently It begun to ooze up In
large blobs, like buns, with the cur
rants mixed up In It.
Modern Painters, Who rhe.ttselves
Have Looked on DeaLn, Depict
Slaughter as It Really Is.
For the first time In history wnr 1b
pulnted as It Is. The varnish, the
glory has been taken off. It stands
out In nil Its sodden horror. The
opening of the Salon des Artistes
Friincnls, filled for the most part with
canvases of men who have been In the
trenches, hIiow an astonishing ab
sence of buttle scenes.
Most of the painters have sought In
spiration elsewhere. Those who have i
found It In the war have rendered
only the dull misery of I""" llt tno
They show no clnsh "of armies,
these painters who have beT-ii through
the war, no flourish of trumpets, not
even fragments of general lights. Hut
war as It is. A soldier, limping toward
the lines, exhausted, despairing, hold-
I . . ,.( l. I.....,11,,i...,tilnf
f I., ,.f ,1n,l.., ( lllC IIP I" III llllllllll II linil.i.,i...vM
. ' , r ti.x J",,,, Imked I dark as a clot of blood is what ono
: ' "i ' , t nf tlw, sees. The face Is distorted with suf-
1 II IllUOt
I got on top of one of the
"hlggcst and tloated away from the
sinking ship.
"nut. idas I the ocean thereabouts
ferlnir. and the uniform Is of that In
deserllmble color which conies only
from continual Exposure to the ele-
. ..... .,..., ...1 1 . 1 I -
fit f ai,nH mill il.ev seemed to nients. unrry paims a mmm-u
like my bun. Anyway, they nibbled gulde.1 towards a n"0'- ,i,.,wt',!!i
and nibbled at It. and dally It grew
less, until I had hardly room to hang
on. I got washed itfhore Just when
there were only two bites of bun left
for them,
"liver since then," he ended, with a
sigh, "I haven't been aide to look nt i
a bun without shivering."
and rouzargues show water-llootieu
If governments In the future wish
more pleasant and cheerful war
scenes they will hnve to call on art
ists who stayed away from the front.
Those who served were too close to
death to paint anything but the truth.
(Copyright. 1920. Wtrn Newpapr Union.) j
"Of all my troubles, this makes me !
feel saddest," sighed Dale Wilton, and
therein the soul of u true man spoke.
He held In his hand a letter In neat
feminine handwriting, the text of which
showe'd thought. Intelligence and char
acter. It was signed Allele Mercer, of
whom he had never heard before.
"Whoever the young lady Is, she
writes like a true woman." commented
Mercer. "Poor Brill! He must have
gone through dark days, Indeed, with
a family of six motherless children, Ill
ness and poverty."
The closest friend of his youth, Mor
ton Brill, had married, and had gone
west fifteen years before the present
time. They had corresponded, and
then the business cares of each had
Intervened. At the end of ten years
Wilton received a letter from Hrlll tell
ing of business struggle, tho death of
his wife and his own hnlf blindness
and poverty with six little ones to care
for. Ho asked Wilton to loan him a
few hundred dollars. It was readily
sent. From Hint time Wilton hnd not
heard n word from him until the letter
signed Allele Mercer nrrlved.
It enme at a time when by a strange
ly coincidental freak of fate Wilton
hnd been forced to face ruin. Within
a few short months he went through
tho experience of losing hnlf his cnpl-
..General Hospital..
One Hall Block North ol Postoflice.
Phone 58
A modern institution for the
scientific treatment of medical,
surgical and confinement cases.
Completely equipped X-Rny
and diagnostic laboratories
Geo. D. Deut. M. D. V. Luca. M. D.
J.B. RedfieO.D. J. S. SIMMS. M.D.
Over Ilirschfcld's
Offlco Phone 333 Res. Phone 1020
The Platte Valley
719 West Fifth Street,
Open lo tho Medical Profession
for tho (rcntnicnt of Medical, Stir
gleal, and Obstetrical enscs.
Modern, largo nnd airy. Pleasant
rooms -at the most reasonable
Best of care given to nil. Jlcgls'
fercd Nurses only employed.
Phono 110.
I have the Money
on hand to close
loans promptly.
Real Estate Mortgages
Bought and Sold
Loan Broker
Building & Loan Building
", G, 7 Building & Lonn Building.
Office Phone 70. Res. Phone 1242
t.l , I. ...... It... nittltnffvl fiMlnfl f Ikf n
. . . , . . ..aMW n. till tlll.MIKll llli limn ... ... .
. ULUL I II I II M IIU U V HT 1 . . . ... . . .......
:KMnA I ITTI F ARfnJT EARTH JU01 nLruniiun ui mwiuiii trusted partner, creditors iorceu iiqui
tel. .. www . .....
(Dwellers cm This Globe Have Shown
No Curiosity Concerning Possible
Wonders of Its Interior.
The earth's crust is compared to
ihe skin of an apple hy the writer "f
a leading article In the Scientific
American Monthly. Our knowledge of
the globe on which we live, he says,
Is not even Hltln deep; for an apple
as large as the earth would have a
skin twenty miles thick; and no one
has heen much more than a mile In
to the crust, or has bored into It with
tools more than a mile and a half. It
Is rather humiliating to think that
we know more about' the sun, ninety
millions of miles away, than wo do
.of the solid earth under our feet. We
girl striker of the present dny, with
bobbed hair, nor even the employer
who complains of the fashion. A writ
er In "Hlackwood" has discovered that
In the time of .Tame I, this fashion
was uffected by women who donned
the doublet and hose, which aroused
the Iro of an unknown author, who In
1020 lampooned the women of the day
for so dressing, and Instead of keeping
to "tho modest attire of the comely
hood, cowl or coif and handsome dress
and klrchlfs" betook themselves to the
think nothing of dispatching exploring "cloudy, rulllanly, brond-brlninied lint
.expeditions to unknown regions thou- and wanton feathers." Nor was this
,.. ..wnv iiiw nliout n all. The extravagance of her continue,
(little expedition to points only a few wAli tho "Preach doublet" which took
miles distant vertically downward? , the place of a "cancelled straight
Such explorations have been proposed, gown" was not In the author's eye the
although the boldest explorer has not dendllest offense; Incredible though It
dared to suggest going further than seems, she would "out and cut her
irwj.i. tulles a trip that would take 1 hair to the despicable fashion of the
Ihlra on the surface of the earth' only
Ifrom ono end of Manhattan Islund
to the other.
Pructlce Limited to
Surfer j and Kntlium Tlierni)
72P City National linn. Huf IdlitK .
Omaha, ,cliru..
datlon. When the storm wns over Dale in- i,uufn cuuuT OP LIN
Wtltnn found himself free of debt, but K'OLN COUNTY, NEBRASKA.
with less than three hundred dollurs Itl t'e matter of the Estate of Niels
to begin life nil-over again. When the Hansen, Deceased.
Inttnr niiiif. It ndded to his nlreadv T,1 state of Nebraska: to all per
nor. d.orosinn nnd dlscoucncettient. i KH119 interested In sah( estate, both
even the newest and most up-to-date The deepest chords of his being were n-uuoru ami noirs.
Mttrred with Infinite nltv. hut ho was ' -ergen r, jergenson Having tiled
helpless to proffer the 'aid which lic",s Petition under oatn in this court
felt was Incumbent unon him as a stating that Niels Hanson, died in-
sncred duty. testate on or about' the 14th day of
Ml A.IMn M...,.- tvrnlK lil-lnflv. Ju"0' 1898' at tllO date of his
clearlv. sensibly. She did not explain ,leath he wns resident and Inhabi
trn it wn ti.nt uh.. hnd lii.pmii,. nme. .t"111 t County of Lincoln and
tlcnlly the gunnllan of the children ot 3? ,f N-braaka; that at tho date
Morton Hrlll. but such seemed to be "i" "uul" , 18 lu,uwfr,01 uie
Room 1 and 'I Belton Building
North Platte, Nabrask-
Fads of the Present Day Had Their
Counterpart In the Fashions
of Years Ago.
Nothing Is new under the sun, not
Plisylclan and Surgeon.
Special Attention Given to Snrgon
and Obstretrlcs.
Office: Building & Loan Building
Phones: Office 130, Residence 116
Storage Batteries
Midway Motor Co.
Legal Xollce.
(iruduutu Veterinarian
Horace G. Beckner; C. Hastings
Reld; Thomas L. Thomas; Pharaoh
H. Hill; William S. Christy: Edward
V. Ragland; and Section 15, Town
ship 15, Range 29, Lincoln County,
.'Nebraska, and all persons claiming
Ex-Government Vetprlnnrlnn nnH kt
assistant deputy State Veterinarian an' Interest of any kind in said real
the fact
North West Quarter of tho North East
Success Throuah Optimism.
.At one tlmo while building tho Pana
ma canal there were eight thousand
men engaged In the Culebra cut alone.
Hvcry night as much soil slid Into tho
out as could be taken out during the
day. But thero was not a sign of dla
couragement the men enjoyed the
light. Colonel Goothuls walked
through the cut, one morning Just after
am extensive slide. The foreman had
Steen on the Job since midnight.
"Well, how Is everything this morn
inir. Mr. llogan?" asked (loethals.
"Fine, Colonel, tine. It burled that
tcam shovel over there and tipped
over two batteries of drills and cov-
orcd all the-tracks through the cut
but one, but everything's line, sir.
We're dlggln'," 11. H. Monro In Tho
Youth of a Nation.
Hereford Bulls for Sale.
Fiftoon head of registered Hereford
Hulls from one to two yoars old. Ad--drese
J. S. Koch. HorBhoy. Nob. 48-8
Puritan." So the bobbed hair comes
as a reminiscence of the modern innld-
cn'B forebears In the Covenanters'
Selling Shoes Under Difficulties.
Dean B. Stover, southern salesmnn
for a Brockton shoe concent, got an
order under dltllcultles while out on
his last trip. He made a North Car
olina town and hired a taxi to take
him to n township 15 miles away to
which few trains ran. Arriving on
the outskirts of his destination lie
found that the heavy Hoods hnd
washed away the only bridge. Mr.
Stover decided the only thing to do
was to turn bnck until the taxi driver
suggested that there might be a bont
somewhere around. Mr. Stover hunt
ed along the lmnlcs until he found a
tint bottomed skiff nnd he rowed
neross. He Interviewed his customer,
paddled him hack to the other shore,
requisitioned n small wharf and Inld
his samples out on the roadside. And
he made the sale. Brockton Enterprise.
"I write to you." her letter ran. "be- JQ""ter vand, tt'r N;r,!:h E.ast Q?r!,or
.,...., m imii "' the North West Quarter nnd tho
n. n Z 2 t . , u.rVJi.. n South the North West Quarter
asked me to do so. I am striving to Township 10. Range
keep his little group together until I ' , ' ... ... . r.,
have your counsel as to what Is besti,', ' ,..7 ,
iiiui iiiu pumiuiiui ib iiu; iMcauui
owners of said premises having pur
chased the same by mesne convey
ances from the heir of said deceased;
that said deceased left as his sole
nnd only heir at law his father Jens
Hansen; said petitioner praying that
a decree of said coutt may be render
ed determining the date of tho death
of said deceased, the right of succes
sion to said above described real es
tate, who are the heirs of said de
ceased, their degree of kinship and
tho right of descent of the real prop
erty of which the said deceased died
and enter his decree accordingly; It
Is therefore ordered that a hearing
be had on said petition at the county
courtroom in tho city of North Platte,
Lincoln County. Nebraska, on the Gth
day of August. 1920. at the hour of
ono o'clock p. m.
Dated this 28th day of June. 1920.
J13-3w County Judge.
Hospital 815 South Tine Street.
Hospital Phone Black 633
House Phone Black 633
SDecial Attention Given to
.McDonald Rank Building
Office Phone S3 Residence 38
D Morrill, Dontlst, office over
Wilcox Dopartmont Store.
Financial Statement, July I, 1920.
Balanco on hand ? 1730.89
I'Voni'freo high school tuitions 1401.50
Vrom other tuitions 727.l t
From Book Sales & Damages ' , 42.33
From Manual Arts 160.08
From Household Arts . 170.08
From Teachers' Lunchos 134.50
From Normal Training 1090.00
From Incidentals 490.03
From County Treasurer 63500.00
From Unroturned Warrants 8762.65
aMale Touchers I 7719.40
Female Teachers 41067.52
Janitors . - 5364.82
Secretary, Truant Officer & Census : 895.00
Taxi-books & Pupils' Supplies. 4146.15
Telephone rent & toll 162.10
Incidentals j , 772.63
Fuel 4728.28
Light. Power & Gas ...... 425,24
Printing & Advertising ...... . 160.55
.Water rent .............. . 281.77
IiiHurnnco - .. 1979.00
Ropalra 1011.83
Furniture & Furnishings , 1170.35
.ltcal Estate -. 4250.00
.Janitors' Supplies 779.90
Reference Bookc . 105.00
Household Arts 988.53
"Manual Arts ... 705.04
'Interest on Registered Warrants . ............ 196.90
'Balanco on Hand , 1311.83
to do. He has left nothing and the fu
ture of his little ones Is a distressing
problem." '
Somehow the situation of the six
little Brill children Interested Wilton
because he pitied them and felt a cer
tain responsibility he could not evade.
When a few days later he reached
Appleton It wns to find Miss Mercer
and the little ones occupying a poor,
cheap cottage, sparsely furnished but
neatly kept.
At once Allele Mercer nttrncted hluj.
She was a young woman of about
twenty-two, mature and sedate' In her
ways, but presenting a certain beauty
of fare that was prepossessing. When
Wilton learned her history he fully un
derstood how the life of an orphan
and Inter a sense of duty In behalf of
the Brill children had bent her mind
to a serious, practical phase of life.
She had come to Appleton from a little
village with no business experience,
hnd been unable to find n position and
was quite at the verge of destitution
when she learned that four of the little
Brill children were down with the
measles and the father was looking for
n nurse.
She came to stay, and when the dark,
struggling days of Illness nnd poverty
came for the family remnlned loyally
to share their troubles. The bright,
happy children, with no true realiza
tion of their forlorn condition, nt once
took to Wilton as to a second father.
"The city Is no place for them," he
told Miss Mercer, "nor for me. either.
I have been thinking of a single re
source I hnve. It will take me a day
or two to explore Its value or other
wise." and he tendered her some money
for family expenses until his return.
"Oil. I nm nble to provide for our
necessities." said Allele. "You see, 1
devote the evenings to some garment
work for a store near here." and Wil
ton understood why this peerless self
sacrificing woman looked thin and pale
nnd wearied most of the time.
The resource he had nlluded to was
the ono piece of property Wilton hnd
ever owned. It was the spot where he
wns born. The old home hnd long since
gone to decny, but n bam In a fair
Rtate of preservation hntl been made
hnbltnblo by n man and his wife who
hnd leased It and n two-nere plat of
ground, raising strawberries. Eneh yent
they hnd pnld a nominal rent until the
past one,
I'hyslcian, Obstctrictan
Surtreon, X-Ray
Calls Promptly Answered Night or Day interest of any kind, character or des
estate or any part thereof, will hereby
take notice thatR.N. Bruer, plaintiff In
an action wherein the said R. N. Bruer
is plaintiff and you and each of you
'aro defendants, has filed his petition
In the district court of Lincoln Coun
ty, Nebraska, the object and prayer
of which is to quiet plaintiff's title to
Section 15. Township 15, Rango 29,
Lincoln County, Nebraska, against you
and each of you and to have It de
creed by tho court that you
.....J nnnl, . ' 1 . ri . .1 nil
Ullll UUll Ul JUU 4111U till
persons claiming any Interest of
any kind In said real estate or any
part thereof have no right, title or
Phone Office C12 Residence 076
Offlco Phone 340 Res. Phone 1237
O&teopaUiIo Physician
Belton Bldg. North Platte, Neb
Phone for Appointments
Gamble with Springer.
No. 1, 220 North Locust, Phone 203.
No. 2, 11C East B Street, Phone 49C.
No. , C21 Enst Fourth, Phono 971.
No. -1, S24 West Third, Phone No. 7.-..
crlptlon in and to said real estate
Your are further notified that unless
you answer said petition by the 9th
day of August, 1920, judgment by de
fault will ge taken against you forever
excluding you from any claim of any
kind in and to said real estate.
By Halllgan, Beatty & Halllgan,
J29-J23 His Attorneys.
We want these.
Big Price for Cast Iron.
Estate No. 1765 of Bernrd Miller,
In tho Cdunty Count of Lincoln
Tho stato of Nebraska, ss. Credi- 1No market tor hones at present.
tors of said estate will take notice that
tho time limited for presentation and
lllng of claims against said estate is
Vovember 6, 1920, nnd for settlement
Df said estate is July 2, 1921. that I
will sit at the county court room In
said county on August 6, 1920, at 9
o'clock a. m. and on November 6, 1920,
at 9 o'clock a. in., to receive, examine.
hear, allow or adlust all claims and
objections duly filed.
J6-4 County Judge.
Licensed Embamert
Undertakers and Funeral Directors
Day phone 41
Night phone Black 688
Estate No. 1716 of Christina Cohaffon,
ctcoocu, iii mo i,ouniy court or L.ln
coin county. Nebraska.
The State of Nebraska, to nil persons
Interested in said estate take notice
that the administrator has filed a final
iitcouiiL anu roport or his admlnlstra
Notice Is hereby frlven that by vir
tue of an order Issued to me by the
District Court In nnd for Lincoln Coun
ty, Nebraskn, in nn notion therein
pending wherein John Arthur Slinnis,
Is plaintiff, Gertrude Slmms, Elsie
Scdnlle Boyle, nee Slmmit, John Boyle
her husband, Sarah Inez Wilson neo
Slmms, Charles Wilson her husband,
Leslie D. Slmms. sintrle. Elmer Cleve
land Slmms, sintrle, Charles Herbert
Slmms, a minor, Joe Wright Slmms, a
minor, Harry lizra Slmms, a minor,
Junnla Clara Slmms, a minor, are de
fendants, I will on the 19th day of July,
1920, at tho hour of 2 o'clock P. M. of
said day at tho east front dopr of the
Court House In tho City of North
Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, sell
at auction to tho highest bidder for
cash, the following described real es
tate, situate in the County or Lincoln
and State of Nebraska, to-wit:- South
hair of southwest quarter (Si or
SWVi). Northeast quarter of the South
west quarter (NEs of SHry), South
west quarter of the Southeast quarter
(SW'i or sb s). or Section twenty-
eight (2S), Townnnip eleven (11).
Konge Thirty (30); the North half of
the Southeast quarter (N of SEU),
the South half of tho Northeast quar
ter (S of NE14 of Section twenty,
eight (28), Township eleven (11),
Hartgc Thirty '(3(1), nnd the Northeast
quarter (NEU of Section Thirty-two
(32). TownKiup eleven (11). iianpe
Thirty (30).
Dated this 14th day or June. 1920.
JIG-Bw O. E. ELDEIt, Referee.
T.i l,n. TMtfn- nf Mm Watotn nf Inula "v-v-uu"t Ol IMS I
... .., .......v. ... v. U0Il nna ,)eUtlon for flnnl oottiement
Armstrong, Deceased
anil discharge as such, which have
"ecu set tor nearing tieroro said court
on July 16th, 1920. nt 9 oclock n. m.,
when you may appear and .contest the
m a tut run r nrrra AimoTnovf! rr". I same.
ASlc. m,",u",u"U Dated Juno 14. 1920.
You nro hereby notified that on
Juno 29. 1920. William A. ArmstonB
and Georgo T. Sldwell as Executors
of said Estato, filed in said Court,
their final account and application
WM. H. C.
County Judge.
ISstate No. 1710 of Frank L. Law
rence, deceased In the County Court of
ii. i .i. i I Lincoln l onntv. ipirnHirn
It was located two miles from a bus-1,, l"" ""Vb.". . fc J" ' "v T The State of Nebraska, to all per
ik io buiu r-anuu, iu-nu. interested in said Estato take n
ftlt..iv mil.,, uilinpn Mm atpnu'hari-r t-,ilan IbolOUglng
l., ,......., ..... j..,..., . n,,nt MEM.
Paid, for Equlpmont
'Balance on Hand
.. 888.27
tlon Eight (8) In Township Fourteen
(14). North of Rango Fifty-fivo (55),
West Gth P. M. In Kimball County,
Nebraska, and that said final account
Notice of Petition.
a nntlnn
ft (Mint ihn Una AI...1 n ni
hnd found a ready market for his . , ... account and report of hor .i.iminitrn-
fnilt. but he hnd been unable to ae- 0CT T v A n tl0? petition for final setUement
cure nickers nnd hud tlven ill) the busl- Fourteon lUh North of Thlr nn.l charge ns such, which have been
curt pkki r.s unu iiiiu 1.IM ii iii nit nusi ftMl n . T ii set for hearlnir beforn until onurt on
nPM- ... Um.ntv V1,rnbn nnd All nt thn l???! ?? O.lo.ol a.m. When you
"And what with the two of us. Mlssi y inmeur anu contest tno same
Mnrnor nnil m.v to work nnd mnnn iNofth-WOSt Quarter (NW4) Of See- Dated Juno 12. 1920.
and six little pickers ready nt hand,
and a cheap horse and. wagon," solilo
quized Wilton, "why can wo not make
a comfortable living and gradually nc
qulro the dignity of n modest little
"Why not. Indeed?" Allele Mercer re
peated later. Just as the hedges be
gan to sprout they took possession of
their roomy habitation. Through May
the little ones rollicked and throve,
nnd with the berry season came real
workers. When It was over the money
returns encouraged nnd established
penuancntly the pleasing Industry.
Amid the golden glories of autumn
tide Adele nnd Dnlo became one. and
their hnppy destiny nnd that of the six
(SEAL) County Judge. 49-3w County Judge
' In tho County Court of Lincoln coun
ty, Nebraska.
In the Matter of the Estate of Anna
Margaretha Meyer, Decoased.
To the heirs nnd all persons inter
ested In an Id estate:
You are hereby notified that on Juno
9th, 1920, Edward R. Goodman, as exec
utor of said estate, filed In the County
Court of 'Lincoln county, Nebraska, httt
account and application lor the distri
bution of said estate, and that said ac
count nnd application for distribution
will be heard on the 6th day of July
1920, at nlno o'clock a. m. in the county
court room in the court bouse In tho
City of North Platte, In said county,
and you are hereby cited to appear at
said time and place and show cause. If
any there be, why said account should
not be approved and allowed and said
ate distributed.
Dated at North Platte, Nebraska,
.Tune 9, 1920.
J1E-4 (SEAL) County Judge.
In the County Court of Lincoln Coun
ty, Nebraska.
In the Matter of the Estate of Mln
nlo Cornet, Deceased.
To the Heirs and all persons Inter
ested In said Estate:
You nro heroby notified that on June
10, 1920, E. R. Goodman, as executor of
said estate, filed In the County Court
of Lincoln county, Nebraska, his ac
count nnd application for the distribu
tion of said estate, and the assignment
of the rea estate thereof, towlt: All
T?anm Vn 1 71 K t T T,
o..1lrnlr.n mr Mm noaln-nmn,,f nt , .u unujomj, uuumi,
saw real estaio will be heart lIM CUrt f Un
this Court In tho County Court room v'u"u " Tv , , m
. .... r, .1 i m... .x... The Stato of Nebraska. To all oor
m wo wmiuuu.niMi Y y 2. ? . ons Interested In said Es ate take not- of LotB Plve G nn1 SI 6 of Block
Platte, County of Lincoln. Stato of ons nierosieu in saiu ustato tano not- pvo (E) of 0nmble.s Addlt0n to tno
" . . . . Ifrtn liof o nnf lirtn linn lmntt 1 1 -! . m v . .
Nobraska. on tuo 24tu nay or July, v " a u,-un vmage 01 neraney, Lincoln oounty.
1920. at 9 o'clock a. m.. and you aro Probate of an Instrument purport- I,a0'nnwnthbRet heird a be?S?e thin
hereby cited to appear at said tlmo to bo the last will and testament Slton the leth of Jul'mo? at
nnd place and show causo If any oro ' Josoph J. Bowkor, doceased, and for nine o'clock a. m In the county court
bo. why said final account and ap- U.o appointment of Annie C. Kramp .as Kh'fr-acou'St
plication for the assignment of said Executrix of said Estato, which has nre hereby cited to appear at said time
real estato, should not bo allowed, beon sot for hearing heroin on July 23, and P"ce, nd
Dated at North Platte, Nobraska, 1920, at 9 o'clock a. m. 0?&y $ tfff "JfSS .?ld estato
Tnna 9A 10a Dated Juno 2G. 1920. distributed and nsalsrned.
W . 1 , TnA.l Xfna.A. ri.A r.i 1 .
Wm. II. C. WOOPIIURST, WM. H. C. WOODHUIIST, i0 iso wm H r wonn?fmano
J164 (SEAL.) County Judge.
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