The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 16, 1920, Image 6

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    4 .
Scene at Opening of Democratic Convention
Flashlight photograph taken when the Democratic national onvention whs called to order tti the Civic
iiiKllmrliini In San Krnnetseo. TIiIh building Is without qut'.stloii the most completely equipped structure for big
pulillc gatherings that ever housed political convention. The elaborate and tasty decorations which clothed
the Interior of the building are fairly well brought out In the photograph. One of the building's big features Is
the massive pipe organ shown In the background.
With the U. S. Navy at Vladivostok
The picture shows a view of Vladivostok harbor showing the United States buttlushtn New Orleans in the fore
ground, n Japanese battleship next, and u Chinese battleship in the rear. The insert shows Admiral A. S. Oleaves,
nTn mini film? Hui A inni'lnn n mi in I fiifn
Republican Nominees Confer
Senntor Warren O. Harding, Itcpubllcnn nominee for president, and Gov.
Calvin Coolldge, Itepubllcnn nominee for vice president, nt Senator Harding's
desk In the senate olllce building.
One of the First Submarines
Parade of U. S. Sailors at Colon, Canal Zone
Senator Warren G. Harding, Repub
lican presidential nominee, dictating
Ids first speech for a phonograph rec
ord. IIIh subject Is Americanism and
the record will be used In the campaign.
League of Nations in Session
Hlght to left Marnuls de Fa urn. Spain; Karon Monehleur. Belgium; Commander t'atalanl, Italy; Sir Krlf
Onimmond, secretary general ; Lord C'urzon. Great IhMtain; M. de Klourclau. France; Viscount Chimin, Japan; Slg,
ranlanianos. Greece; and standing behind. Doctor Nanson.
Londonderry in Throes of Civil War
General Mew of Londonderry, Ireland, the scene or recent rioting between the Unionists and Nationalists.
Now Making It Up to Her
Just to, show that the disturbance recentl enacted at the opening of In
show In London Is deeply regretted, the Hngllsh theater going public, is no
tendering to Laurettc Taylor many demonstrations of their approval. At
performance a week ago, she as presented with a beaut If nl wreath of flower
and the boys' band from one of the orphan homes near Loudon played for lioi
Crippled Children at Play
One of the first submarines ever built by John 1'. Holland, their Inventor,
of whom It Is said that he conceived the Idea of submarines as a menus- of
destroying the British navy. Holland was an ardent Fenian ami associate of
many Irish pntrlols who have gone down Into history. Lenders of the Hevolu
tlonary party In Ireland became Interested In Holland's Idea and commissioned
Mm to build n trlnl submarine. He built It well enough, but on Its trl nl spin
on Long Island Sound It was struck by u eoul barge and quickly sunk. Tho
discouraged Irfsli leaders gaVo up the Idea. Luter Hollniul built his first sue
cestui submarine. "The Holland." which was accepted by tho United States
government In 1807. "The Holluud" Is hero shown on her trial spin.
m -
Al Shurtle, Dayton bootblnclc, sixty
four yenrs old, who bns attended ev
ery Democratic rally since 18S8, and
was Governor Cox's mascot.
Several Irgndml crippled kiddles are being taught nt the St, Charles Home
for Crippled Children at Tort Jefferson, New York, and how to become useful
citizens In splt of their handicaps. The picture shows crippled boys playing
on tho carousel.
Mrs. Alfred o. l orbin of Oeamock,
Vn.. Is a real helpmeet for her bus.
band. She has just returned to Now
York on the S. S. Mnurotunlu after a
business tour in HoMund for her bus.
band, a member of the Wall street
linn of Leach & Co, When they were
married, each liked Mrs. Corbln's old
Virginia nam so well that thev de
elded to assume that, instead of the
husband's nanie. She carries two
dolls which she brought from Holland
for her daughter, aged nineteen. Their
names are "Lelda" and "Airy."
Sports and Public Morals.
There Is room for an Interestlnu
speculation as to whether tho Great
Rebellion of the seventeenth eenrurv
In England might not have been avert,
ed, had tho policy of the book of
sports prevailed, and all clnsses of
tho community met on the vlilnca
green, outside their father's hoiwo
Sunday nfternoon. In the deniocrntle
fellowship of cricket, nrchery, and
bowls. 1 can not fancy bols'hevlsm
propagated between Innings, nor sn
Dotage discussed npprovlngly after i
home run; can you? Living Church