LOCAL AND PEKSONAL WILSON TOl'T, Kdllor mid I'uhllslicr. E19W. Hoy wjiwtn work on farm. Ono SUnSCItlL'UION' IMtMK: Year, !n mlvmicc .. $2.00 1 iror '- 220W. Phone 54-2 I Forwent Furnished Room. Fhone. 524W. Irrigatioii Meeting At Lexington. Snl Outdoor toilet. FIkmi Entered at tho North Platto, Nebraska j, w. O'Connor, of Koamey, sp'onf Poetofflco as Socoud Class Matter. ycHterdy In town vloitlng frlondg. "i rTTT-. ... V . ---- Mrgi jv aicOruw has rstilgned hor 1 'l'ltl !)A t .TIM l(!(li, 1020. position at tho Whlttakor, Millinery, geca ',' ! s. i). HalHton and son, of 'Cozitd, ft lakes somath!nK basldes hot nlr woro In the city Wcdnomlay on busi- to run n city this size. The city gov "L88' ornmont must havo a policy and ron y work toward carrying out tho which havo been outlined. We month Mrs. Harry Porter and children left yesterday for Portland to spond n vlX OjtftAMZATIO.N J&'FECTKD. If(iros('iilallvi's .of t'ontnuTclal ( luhs Hold ("oniercncf. nra not justified in opposing the' plane until wo know about them. Why not attond tho meeting of the City Council and get Informed? Could nn honest citizen do better than to spend ail arenlng once a month at the meet ing of the City Council? We know one fellow who will bo there as often as possible ::o;: ' Mrs. L. Phillips, of Hastings, Is visiting at the Hob iieatty lionia thin week. Harold Sponcor andNIchalosMcCabo returned Wednesday from a trip to Denver. TIelon Koontz loft todny for Doug Ins, Wyo,, to spond two weeks visit ing frlonds. "The vestry or tsi Kplscopal church Ruth Koontz loft yesterday for met, this morning and votod Rev. silver Creole to visit for two weeks Madklntosh, the pastor, n ?C a month with frlonds. raise in salary." Local news Item, i Gladys Pipe, of Cheyenno, came Go to It gontlcmon. Don't ho afraid yesterday to visit at tho Cough home of gottlng tho. salnrlcs of toacliors and tQr tl week. preachers too high. The church or L()gt or stoionDayton bicycle. Re- sohool committee which raises the t 520 w ThIn, st .,,, rccclV(S salarlos of toacliors or preachers la to' . i .i -... ii. .. i, row urn. have to make a personal campaign or offor tholr roslgnatlona before tho sal Mrs. Vernon Mann returned from OmaW whore sho had boon for sev- arios nre boosted but this should not , oral weeks be necessary. Wo certainly commend this net of tho Episcopal vostry and bono to hear of othor churches doing 11fo?nmo where their preacher Is not) won paid :o:: Airs, Kr A. Moorehouse loft yester day for Kearney to spend the week end visiting friends. ' For Sale Milk cow and calf Born Bteol rango also 5 room stucco houso with two lots. Phono 717W. Lylo Shelver left yestoi'dny for Evanston, Wyo., where he has nc- Tlio appointment of Mr. Sturgls as Postmaster horo Is tho cause of gener al enHtifnnf Inn in 1ln nrimTniltlH V. 'nil- Inc tbn vacancy Actlnir Post Master copied a position as swltcjiman. Tuqker has dono well with tho forco I Morol Flotclier, of Dickens, who nt hand but ho has not hart tho lolp has boon visiting friends left yester to carry on the work ns It should bo day for Omaha to spond n week, dono. Ho has mado application fori c. O. Dedmoro and wife will leave additional carriers and tho application next week for-JolIet, 111., to purchase has boon approved by certain depart- a car which they will drive homo, mcnt officials. Now Mr. Sturgls, wo. rMr 0mnr trilft nni1 (in,1Ei,tnr enmn homo yesterday from Portland whore they visited for a couplo of weeks. Fay Yearsley now has charge of will look to you to push this matter as rapidly as posalblo and got Incrcnscd postal facilities for North Platte. Wo want two city deliveries a day and w!rt " , ' Z. '' n, believe tho additional train service " 7 11R Fat n qt will warrant It. Additional routen Number 2, located at 11G East D St. should be established and wo are back I Mrs. Chaa. J. Pass and daughter of you In nny a,ttmnpt you may mako otl for Kcntuck Wednesday. They to get thnso things for North Platto. vihu rumuvua iur Homo umu. ""U . yob, even John Robinson's circus finds use for tho h&.Xdv Dodco Com merclal car, which Is making frlonds Dealer. daughter Gone, of Ontnrla, Canada, arc spending , FIRST PltKSIIYTKKIAN CHUKGII. vll a .In. sorvlct subject "Ho Went Into tho Mountain to Pray." 8 p. m. , everywhere. J. V. ROM1GH Dcr "S""iL&?r,l Mrs. Sarah Campbell and dauf will IJU till wi iw til ii 1 iw i ii niv .1 1. rnt.n All. , TT-.wlnir ,.,111 at 7 pfor' young ople! rLdJ52.,!lB,U,,B hr Mr8" ' Sunday school at, 10 a. in. " :o:: . ior aaio iiuick six rivo passun gor touring In good condition, with lM'HKLlUlimY ; Wrants to Show you Furnlturo Ranges Stoves Reds Springs MattrossoH . Cots Pods Pillows Dishes Tinware Hardwaro Tents of nil Kinds. Camp Outfits You need tho goods I (SOTTA havo tho Money. Lots Go To GiM 104 E. Front. FIHSTLlJTliKliAN CHURCH. Morning sorvlco 8! 110 o'clock sor mon by tho pastor on "A Great Need Woll Supplied." Special music. Sunday School at 0:4(5. REV. C. F. KOCH, Pastor. f?Vv llargaliiH In Fords. Ford Coupo with starter, $.100.00. tf-Ford Rn'cor. $275.00. HENDY-OGIER AUTO CO. J. 15. SKnASTIAN, - Ariio Old Lino Life Jhin, j ItW. Phono 11S. Offlco l'liono 012.1 1 oxtra equipment. Bargain for cash. iWlll trade for Liberty Bonds. Phono 813. 50tf I During tho rout of this month -and ' all through tho month of August tho Public Library will bo closed all day Sunday Instead of open In tho nfter noon as heretofore. Mrs. Goo. Whlto and son Connor rcturncn to Sutherland yesterday after spending u couplo of woeks In tho city during which tho lattor un derwent an opoiatlon for tonstllltcH and adnold Thoro was no prohibition that reach- od tho dlsroputablo tavorn In which Kato Prontlco worked. Tho calls from this girl's soul dldno't reach tho Antl Saloon League It waa only when a gruff, two listed ho-man called for a showdown that retribution reached tho sheep-hands. Seo Anthv Stowart as Kato Prontlco in "Tho Fighting Shop herdess" horo threo days commencing Tuesday nt Tho SUN. FRIDAY and SATURDAY July 16 - 17. Special Fruit for canning handled In enr lots, trult jars. 1 Doz. Gallon Jars 1 Doz. Quart Muson JarH 1 Doz. Jur Rubbers ' ? 20 Bars Laundry Soap 5 Bars Koko Palm Toilet Soap 1 Bar P. & G. Soap 1 lb. Coffee, wholo berry, per lb. 1 lb. guaranteed ground coffee 1 pkg. Fly Powder Matches, per box , Bacon, per lb. Picnic Hams, per lb. Lard, 3, C or 10 lb. palls, per lb. 3 cans oil sardines lb. Jlorso Shoo Tobacco lb; Star Tobacco Gallon Peaches Gallon Apricots Gallon Black Berries Gallon Tomatoes Cans Peas Gallon Prepared MuBtard JuBt received three car loads of -$1 3 1 1 1 Gallon Gratod Plnoapplo 3 Cans Corn : " 3 "Cans Tomatoes ' 1 Can String Beans r . 0,. Can Wax Beans 1 jikg. Drlod Currants i Pkg. Dried Sweet Corn 1 Largo pkg. Rolled Oats I 48 lb. sack Cow Brand or David Harum Flour , 3 2Mbuso Traps ; , Mi'.1 .$1.00 worth of sugar nt 17c per lb If your order amount to $5.00 or ovor. McflfichaePs Grocery. PHONE 441 18 .98 .10 .00 .25 .09 .30 .45 .10 .05 .35 .25 .25 .25 .85 .So .93 .93 .45 .80 .42 .15 .40 .42 .42 .18 .18 .32 .10 .28 ,G5 .05 About two hundred representative farmors and business men from the surrounding counties mot with the Lexington Commercial Club Monday with Congressman KInknId and Sena' tor Iloagland as guests of honor. The object of the gathering was to discuss tho subject of Irrigation and drainage, In tho lowor part of the North Platte River Valley. .Judge KInknId gave an address In which he said that the deficit of the govornment this year was so large that mnny worthy pro jects were crowded out of an appro priation. Ho had Investigated and found that.there was only a very small sum of money nvallable for mnklng a survey of this part of tho valley. He had assisted J. M. Ncff, of Lexington, to get nssuranco from tho Reclamation Sorvlco that If part of tho expense could he raised hero the trained men of tho Sorvlco would be sent here to carry on tho Investigation and part of tjie expense would bo cnrrled by the Federal govornment. Thoy estimated that this district should raise $20,000 as our share of the oxponse. They proposed to raise $10,000 In Dawson County nnd $5.000. In Buffalo County and have tho survey mado for those counties. Scnrtor Iloagland protested that thoy could not carry out their project wlhout the consent and co operation of Lincoln County and the conforonco accepted his suggestion nnd asked us to raise $5,000 and come In with them. An Association was formed with an Executive Committee composed of one representative from each community in these Counties. J. H. Mornn, Sec retary of tho North Platto Chamber of Commorce. was named as the rep resentative from this city. When the survey has been made and tho cost determined, we will be In a position to secure what federal and stnto old wo are entitled to got and then raise tho balance by bonds, taxation or other legal methods. Experts from the United State De partment of Agrlculturo havo stated that wo havo cvOn belter soil for agri cultural purposes than has tho Scotts Bluff country and thnt with tho nrop- or drainage tho alkali will disappear and with Irrigation when needed we can mako this whole valley as fertile as nny place in tho country. ::o:: Scales For Tho Schools. Tho Twentieth Century Club hns re ceived and will present to the City schools, five standard scales for re cording tho height and weight of the Luxo Weightless Bath Scales, Thoy Luxe Weightless Bath Scales. They are of solid construction, enameled In grey and tastefully trimmed. Thoy register a maximum of 350 pounds nnd tho measuring rod will record height up to six feet six Inches. It Is a scientific fact that loss of weight on the part of a child Is a sure sign of troublo and the determination of a child's weight at certain stated periods Is desirable in all cases. Each build ing is to have ono machine. They nro so constructed thnt tho children can weigh themselves. ::o:: Tpachers' Exaniiiialloii. Tho next teachers' examination will lo hold In North Platto on Saturday, uly 31st. This Is tho last exnmlna- t'on before school begins. ::o::-t For Snlc. Modorn eight room houso. only 5 years old. Samo as now. This is a bargain for some one. Will sell on easy terms. Call at tho house or see mo. A. E. BELL, 401 So. Ash St, Phone 578. 40-tf Saturday Special AT THE STYLE SHOP Our entire stock of summer silk gloves in all tho best colors and com binations. Regular $1.50 (wo do not carry silk gloves under $1.50 per pair) up to $2.50 your choice Saturday $1.00 Pair In our display window Friday nnd Saturday. sl& D 3 IS F And Still The Crowds Come To This ummer Every low Shoe in the house must go at any price. Priced oiwear hm $3.0S to $7.95. NOTICE! We have a few pair of childrens low cuts left that are selling at greatly re duced prices. SHOE MARKET AVPC Vmt JL JL (IVCV nu cnnre JL JL nuEV nw ciinrcc UML.I Ull JIIULJ. Don't Forget "T HE S U ' Has Matinees Each Day Except Sunday nt 2:00 p. m. and 4:00 p. 111. Coolest PInco In Town. 52-4 For Sale Stacker nnd Sweep, near ly now. A. Woodcock. 53-5 Keith, Saturday, Edyth Sterling IN "The One Way Trail" ClirJstfo Comedy He Married His Wife. Ask to hear 2& MEW EDISON Tht rhont truth with a Still" tohich backs thix challenge- (reprinted from t:n adocrtiteincnt by lite Eduon Laboratories). 'We are informed that the represent, tivca of talhr.c-machine manufacture have elated, that they are able to dia tingm.h between a singers voice, or in Mrumentahrt s performance. nd the New Edwon s Re-creation of such voice or perlormance. "We hereby invite re.ponaible represent, tivej.. of any reputable talking-macl.ine manufacturer, to hsten t. such a compari. son, in the p, esence of judges of their own the th.nlc they are listenintf to the artist and when to the New Edison. I he test will be made witb n Official Laboratory Model, taken from stock, auch a. can be bought in any Edison dealer". Store. (SlmcJi THnMn a mic-wi . FV II AJi It V DIXON. Airenl. INCORPORATED 1887. Ugl Mutual Building and Loan Association, Of North Platte, Nebraska. RESOURCES OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS. The Association has unlimited funds at its command to assist in the building or purchase of homes for the 'people of North Platte. If you are interested, the officers of this Association will render every assistance and show you how easy it is to acquire your own, home. T. C. PATTERSON, BESSIE F. SALISBURY, President. Secretary. Something Must Be Done The agricultural problem vitally concerns every citizen of this coun try. Legislation favorable to the farmers must be enacted. Funds for agricultural development must be provided. The farmers as the food producers of this nation are entitled to our entire co-operation. The Platte Valley State Bank enlists its whole-hearted support in every effort which gives the farmer the as sistance and the square deal which he deserves. The Platte Valley State Bank NORTH PLATTE, NEB. r3 Nothing to Do But Feed Clo thes Through Whereas, it costs dollars to send a handful of clothes to the laundry these days and a washwoman gets more than a college professor Therefore, Be it Resolved That you will do as thousands of other intelligent women Solve the Laundry and Labor problems at one stroke---with the Laundry Queen Electric Washer It Is at onco tho best, tho most complete grado electric washer made. It washes, wrings, rlnsos and blues the clothes all and without a tap of real work. Come In and let us show you. and lowest priced blgh- by electricity North Platte Light & Power Co. - f V I m Is M M fy itf-iP 'Ml' 4 - ? i km ' I- T9l 1 ii.