The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 16, 1920, Image 1
jMtnt-Meeltlj Qfrtfame. THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTL,' N'Eb.. Jl.LY 16, 19:20. No. 54 Swimming Pool and Lake in Sight. I'AllK 0A1M) AT WOHK. Fhe Acre Tract on North Side Tudor Consideration. PlaiiB are being nindo to trnnsform the dirt pit just north of Twelfth Streot into a swimming benc.;i nnd boating place. In company with M. J. Forbes, who is enthusiastic about the matter, the editor vislfod the pro posd site yostonlay. It is an onions piece of ground about a block wido extending from Vino Street nlnuut to ! "Willow just north of Twelfth Street.! This land was bought by the city,; some years ago nnd used to supply tirt for the city tredts. Excavations have been made on the we3t side 10 a depth of six to ten feet and to Irregu lar depths over most of the lot. Street Commissioner Salisbury says that they have taken most of the dirt that can be used from this piece and so the City Council has transferred the tract to the Park Board for its use. It la j proposed to take water from the.' Suburban ditch on the west, bring U : down a lateral along Twefth Streot ; and empty it in tlio lake. tWhen ho lake is full the check can bo shut or i ,the spillway opened. This is to bo ocated at the Northeast corner of the lake and the fall from the take to the ! river is sufficient to allow every drop ' of water in the lake to bo when desired. Tho Board has had a number of plans under consideration but some of them at least have been rejected because of sanitation. There Is some standing water in this hok now and something should bo done In any event to drain it. At tho east , side is plenty of room for a bath house and auto park. There has boon i very littlo opposition to the plan of i securing swimming grounds for the city but the delay haa been on account of the difficuties, which have been met. The present plan seems to overcome most of the objections. The lake will be about Ave acres In extent and It will furnish a limited number of canoes end row boats with n pood pHce for sport. Half 1 e t young, i.eorle of tho city should be able to skate on this lake at one time when the water freezes at the right -depth. The Park Board, composed of F. R. Elliott, Chairman, and Messers. Bare and Thoelecko have been assured that the cost of tho project will not be over Ave thousand dollars. Unless difficulties which nro not now ap parent, should come up, the 'ako should be ready for skating with the coming of cold weather. ::o:: Base Ball Tcnm Home. The base-ball team returned home Wednesday from their trip to Scotts Bluff and Sidney and reported a fine I trip. The flrst day at Sidney tho j "Umpire" won tho game by a score of 4-3. But the second day Totten-1 hoff made two runs and Clausman of i Sidney made 1, thus making a score J of 2-1. j FIIIST METIIOIHST CHUHCIL Preaching at 11 a. m. Subject "Keep inc the Sabbath." 8 p. m subject "The Three R's of Eternal Life." Epworth Leaeiio at 7 o'clock, Miss Pearl Mc- Connoll, leader. Sunday school 9:45. 3 p. m. Baptism services at the Bnntist church. Reception of now members at morning and evening ser vices. mm At the Crystal tonight will be tho last showing of Elsie Ferguson in, "Counterfeit." And all wo need tell J you Is that Miss Ferguson is a society woman in the employ of the secret service in search of counterfeiters. The scenes aro laid at Newport and I beautiful gowns characterize tho pro-, duction. With It will bo shown a1 Century animal comedy featuring the dog Brownie. Crystal, Saturday and Monday. WM. S. HART in "The Money Corral" A mighty good picture of Hart and hia "gat" and an eagle eye that can direct a bullet to points the average eye couldn't see. Special comedy each night. Keith, Monday and Tuesday. BRYANT WASHBURN IN "TOO MUCH JOHNSON" The merriest comedy of the season. He changed his name to Johnson to get away from his wife and mother-in-luw. Did he succeed? Just come and see. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mis Ethel Boldt hits accopted a position in Dr. Fanner's office. Dixon & Son grind their own lenses. V. V. HoaglRiid alid family expect to leave the first of the week for Estes Park. Mrs. Geo. Zentmoyer and chlldron will lenve for Donvor tho flist of tho week. Mrs. Geo. Wilson, who has been visiting in California returned homo today. Rhlley Wnrron loft Wednesday for Grand Island to attend a Snfety First meeting. L. C. McGrnw came home from Sid ney Wednosday whoro he transacted business. Miss Celeste Crawford, who has been visiting friends at Fairfield re turned today. Mrs. C. J. Pass and baby left Wed nesday for Lebanon, Ky to spend several weeks. Mrs. Louise Flguart, of Kearney, camo Wednesday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rnnnio. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Haist and son havo moved to Hershey where they will make their home. Sister Madelva, enroute from Ogden to Notre Dame, stopped off Thursday to visit with friends. Dr. C. C. Copeland, of Beaver City, and son Harold came Wednesday to visit at the Will Weisgerber homo. Slenographer "WaliU'd I'crmnncut position, good salary. Inquire at the office of Houglniitl nnd Hoagiand. Will Weisgerber and family, Louise Weigerber and Dr. C. C. Copeland will leave today for Yellowstone National Park. Jesse Edwards and daughter Fran cis left yesterday for St. Louis to visit for a week. Mrs. Edwards left last week. A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. J. Brooks Tuesday evening. Mrs. Brooks was formerly Miss Lillian Eaton. Mrs. A. C. Aldrich returned Wednes day from Sidney and Scotts Bluff where she attended the .baseball games. Louise Weisgerber, of Missoula, Montana, has been visiting at the home of her brother Will Weisgerber for the past week. A Chandler "Dispatch" speedster is my ideal of a road car. Come in some da-y and' try one,' but to your sat isfaction. J. V. ROMIGH Dealer. Lola Scott, of Denver, who hns been visiting friends In town for the past few days, went to Omaha Wednesday night to visit friends and relatives there. Frank Hogabome, an old settler of the Gandy region, was a North Platte visitor Thursday. He reports crops as looking fine where tho hail has not been. Marriage liccnso was issued yester day by Judge Woodhurst to John T. Kolloy, age 47, of Gandy. and Mrs. Maggie Griffin, age 3S, of Gandy. Merle R. Inskeop was sentenced by Judge Grimes in District Court Tues day to not less than one year nor more than seven years in tho State Penitentiary for bigamy. Charming nnd more captivnting than ever is Anita Stewart In "The Fighting Shepherdess'' hero Tuesday A story of life and love in tho great West where romance and drama aro born. At Tho SUN. Mrs. W. S. Dolson, formerly of this city, who filed suit for divorce from W. S. Dolson several weeks ago thru her attorney has withdrawn tho peti tion and will return to North Plntte in the near future to make her homo Even as tho daughter of Roslo O'Grady does Anita Steward In "The Fighting Shepherdess" lift herself from menial labors In a questionable roadhouse to a place In the hearts of her fellow citizens. At The Sun on Thursday. r Local Post Office Head Appointed. L. C. STHHilS (U'.TS W.AC II. Washington Selects Oierens 3Inu for IMir Job. Washington dispatches to state newspapers announce tho appointment of L. C. Sturgis as Postmaster at North Plntte. The examination under the Civil Service was conducted somo months ago and tho candidates who mndo application for the placo have boon anxiously waiting for Washing ton to mako up Its mind. Postal de partment officials havo interviewed business men nnd in every way those who had the responsibility triod to select the best man. From the standpoint of service Mr. Sturgis is woll qualified. Ho was Deputy Post master bore for many yonrs. Whon tho war camo, ho volunteered and was sent to France where he held re sponsible positions in tho mail ser vice. His appointment will give great satisfaction to his many friends and acquaintances. CONCERT THE GHA3EBGR OP at Court House Pari Fridny, July ICth EARL ST A 31 March AMERICAN CAVALRY 1 l-Sousa Sextet from LUCIA Donlzette Overture ROYAL PAGEANT . . Barnard Intermezzo DARDANELLA Black Selection from MACUSHLA Ball Serenade D'AMOUR von Blon Wlaltz ALPINE SUNSET , King March NEW COLONIAL .: R. B. Ball (Cut this out and LOCAL AND PERSONAL j Mrs. R. C. Langford will entertain ' the members of the base ball team this I evening at a 6 o'clock dinner. YOUR PHYSICIAN will tell you that ' many hoadach03 aro best provented bv j wearing glasses. He Is too busy to gHvo glass fitting proper attention, ' consequently sends you to somo ci.e I whom he knows to be competent rtnd ellable. Ask him about us. Di.vcn '& Son, Sight Specialists. Wo are giving considerable prom inence to the program for "he band : concert on Friday night. This is the I one big attempt of the city to give tho ! neonle entertainment at public ex pense. These concerts aro appreciat ed by thousands of people and the money paid for tho support of the series Is money well spent. Suspected of murder, In love with a man from another world and condemn ed by her own sex is Kate Prentice. jYet the little community learned to love hor just as tho sheep she tended. I Anita Stewart In "The Fighting Shep- , herdess-" hero Tuesday at the Sun. I Mrs. George Scharmann and daugh ters. Elizabeth and Helen, returned Monday from Omaha where the latter was operated upon for appendicitis. Miss Helen had beon employed in tho U. P. headquarters at Omaha for somo time when she was taken 111. She will remain at homo for a few .weeks rest before returning to Onia ha 1 W. J. I Annual July 1 Clearance Sale! Starts Tuesday, July 1 3th Ends Tuesday, July 20th We offer all om- over-stock, also odds and ends on Summer and Seasonable Merchandise at prices below manufacturer's cost. WE HANDLE PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS Hi Sunday Base Bull. North Platte wll oroaa bats for the eecoid t me this season at the Fair Orouw wth the faat Grant olub. The locaH met and defeated them three week of 3-: good i,o at Grant by the close score ii. d the fans wlshina to i? a ii so will no" doubt aet llitlr worth this Sunday afternoon at 3 o ock n. m. Gra has a pitcher that has Ditched two n hit no run games this season and tl Locals were only able to net off him in the gme at Grant, has only beon defoated twice r and have been up against t clubs. Como out nnd see the their Gra this some North 'latte team Jake them Into camp Unnnilns In l'ords, Ford Ford .Coupe with starter. $00.00 :&cer. $275.00. XDY-OGIER AUTO CO Mrs l. S. Simms and children and 1 - trnn,1.o.. ivllt Irmvn :o: Miss this w Irk for a vnontion in Cherokeo tiuiuu ... . w.. . w Park. Joo . A ,l.ttn lino linnll Vnr V pU" at his lome at 623 So. Cottonwood, Is invjn. iiu new reporte . ; to bo homing m o wi. no mat nai cnungu up iu i nmw v. curacy of ---, utn ui'j im press. them ThlrV"' curves Bround upon KOillg tl WtOOll by kjl . COJOTIRCE BAND at 8 o.cleck. P, Direqtor. take it with you.) HOMES FOR SALE. NO INCREASE IN TAX VALUES. On termB just like rent. Get your homo troubles In the oiear now before winter comes and find you looking for a house. We offer the following prop ertles on exceptionally easy tonus and Inasmuch as properties Me going to be hard to get this full, It would bo well to settle the matter now. Prices are steady and will not go down so long ns the demand is so great. 13 room houso .two story, strictly modern. 1008 West 4th St. $2500 down and balance $75 per month on con tract. Room for throo families. The upstairs will rent for $70 por month. Price $10,000. Two. five room, new modern houses in H. & S. Addition. Price $G200 each. $150 cash down, balance on contract like rent. I Three, four room houses, west 2nd i street, 2000 block, just completed. $500 ! down on oncli. balance like rent. Prices 1 $2300 and $2400. One three room house and one four 1 room house off of West Cth Street, south of upper yard office, just com pleted. Price $2400 and $2200. Small payment down, balanco like rent. We rognrd all of tho above proper ties as special bargains on tho tortus offered and would like to show them to you by appointment. Phono or soo the HOLLMAN & SEBASTIAN AGENCY. 51-2 ::o:! Dr. Morrill, Dontist, office over Wilcox Department Store. O'CONNOR To Suborlbers. Semi-Weekly Trlhune is twn The dollars a yecr. navnnia m a.ivnn.u. ! !' w Vr1,',rl!ni a-e in arrears "d 'M'J11 lie necessary to make out statements nnd send them out to all who have not paid their subscription to date. When we go onto a cash basis wo are running this jwper-a finance us a business man should run t and no one can Justly complalu of business mtliodn being applied to a m wspapfcr. Our offi-.. u nm... ..,.... J . : ... " "I'U" .HJIIl i ou a. in. 10 U I). iu. Mn 1 fi, i,.i. is not convenient to call. TRIBUNK PUBLISHING CO. by WILSON TOUT. LOCAL AND PERSONAL V... . .. ,L Imu.18 Know we on't holler dW T 1,10 10011811 shepherdess did frimW.a w merely advising our 1 Hot to mlaa "Tl,.. j vim.viv...,,. - ........ ..r; hciiliilt. T.,i. with Anita Stewart bo .The SUf '"-"'"""'ar mid ThursdV at . . 11 ."i t. . upon tne VN Lk.NSES dopeIds drat tho glass Vcwi q7" , ,mui , " our 0W11 w S" "d polish Dixon ft S0Ml tordaw of tho , i u.?08" Mrs. II. M. Porkh f?f ,"ir oor. week at Ft. WorthV. 10 nr5 .f o lowed an lllnes if , , 111 ,(.H rnmloo from n fnlA8001""! lHOIlths was broken and Mrs. Y?)ch hcr, P helpless. ji,ls rondered "Tim Mihtnolfn Knlinn Nobrnska Cltv. NobrnsknX ,uo llll"L. In touch with all persons S?1 to sot sex who are npporciablyrfy n8o or ed In school or business bv "cnnP" defective sight of any degree119 actor, who aro willing andV'iar' profit by export Instruction Y ' thods designed to overcome or no" such dibLbillty, and win are mew11 morally and physically suitable membership, for a limited time, It social institution, instruct'.on, ooarvvithough tho laundry and medical attendauchoderato. are absolutely free. 20 Per Cent DisW On all Spaulding Bathing Suits, cind Water Wings. 9 Gummere-Dent Drug Co. 5 - 10 & 25c County Visited by Sain and Hail. DAJlAfiK HE A VY i. SQ3l?M'l,ACR Sou-rnl Parts of the County Suffer Sohut Loss-. Destructive hall storms viattwl tin wnl sections of Lincoln County Sffl Tuesday aftW1,oon according to re ports which' lmvo been received from niors visttfnir tho olty. One storm ox tondot 'from nbout .n "V" IT est df Hershey through Hershey tb li9;Southwest. It took in tho O'Fal Iflht boet fields and practically a. dnrnni ,Sm0, traC,s- Considerable, damage was don0 by hat! to sheds and barns in nnd nonr n..oi. a ; u" l"" sueus or the Farmer's ; umber Co. at Horshey was poo o" of? ho supports and somo window glass In nearby houses was broken. LoS-, :tf''l y farmers livin TiiHiiq m "nr th0 AlfrC(l Loth and Si?., iMo?on8011 ,,Ince9' T"o Jntter a 088 ot 200 acres of wheat ' ! hn win i ncros of pom. In one place barn ovor"n now 24x00 foot Jlfl,l,r, 8l0.rm appeared In tho mH1 lmrt of th0 Cou"ty- It went within sovon mlli nt tw.. ... :' .1 1 .jJl III1U CI1- uumruycii many fields of small Brain. Somo of tho Into com will ro-' - plnces is a total loss. Near Brady tho hall was qulto so- Hnilif 10 nUt? t0,lr,8t co&ratulatcd himself on having n solid loatlior top car for ho roportod having seen so?, era! cars with the tops In shrods from . tho hnll. Box Eldor Canyon is reported to ' havo had a sovoro rainfall, one man estimating that fnnr inri, ion uuruig tno Btorm. Th rnlpfnl lp this city was but .13 but tho humidity has been high tlnco temporaturo has beon - ::o:: ry tue nexau first. It pays 14tf Caps, Shoei STORE x