The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 13, 1920, Image 7

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AScrious Feminine Illness Remedied
By Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Casco. W:s.-"Af tor the blrthof each
of my children I had displacement and
was bo wonic i
couldn't do anything
I found a book
about Lydia E. Pink
h a m'8 Vegetable
Compound so
thought I would try
it, and after taking
it I Boon felt bet
ter. That was fif
teen years ago and
I have felt well over
sinco except that I
had a Blnrht attack
of the trouble Bome timo ago and took
Bomo more of your Compound and was
eoon all right again. I always recom
mend your medicine and you may pub
lish my testimonial for the benefit of
other women.'" Mra. Jules Bero, Jr.,
It. 1, Box D9, Casco, Wis.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound, made from nativo roots and herbs,
contains no narcotic or harmful drugs,
nnd today holds the record of boing tho
most successful remedy for female ills
in this country, and thousands of vol
untary testimonials prove this fact.
If you have tho slightest doubt that
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetablo Com
pound will help you, write to Lydia E.
Pinkham Medicine Co. (confidential)
Lynn, Mass., for advice. Your letter
will bo opened, read and answered by a
woman, and held in strict confidence.
Stock Raising in
ii m profitable a grain growing.
Successes as wonderful as those from
growing wheat, oats, barley, and flax
have been made in railing Horses,
Cattle, Sheep and Hogs. Bright,
aunny climate, nutritious grasses,
good water, enormous fodder crops
these spell success to the farmer and
tock raiser. And remember, you can
buy on easy terms
Farm Land at
$65 to 30 an Acre
land equal to that which throutfli
many years has yielded from 20 tu 45
buHhcl of wheat to the acre grazing
land convenient to good grain farms at
proportionately low prices. These lands
have every rural convenience; good
schools, churches, roads, telephones,
etc., close to llvo towns and good mar
kets. If you want to pet back to the farm, or
to farm on a larger scale than is pos
sible under your present conditions.
Investigate nrhnt Western Canada hna
to offer you.
For Illustrated literature with mop and
particulars regarding reduced railway
Yates, location of land, etc., apply to
Sept. of Immigration. Ottawa, Can., or
Boom 4, Bee Bldg., Omahi, NeB.
Cnnarttnn novprninnt Agent.
Italian "City . Crime."
The only town In the world which
can boast of possessing more criminals
than Inw-nhldtng' folk Is the Italian
city of Artena, which Is known as the
City of Crime. For several hundred
years nearly every criminal who Inn
escaped prison or done time In Italy
has emigrated to Ajtenn, and today
practically every Inhabitant of the
place is a criminal or the child of a
Success results largely from the sum
of little tilings well done.
Baby's Clothes
will be white aS the driven snow
when laundered if you use
Red Cross Ball Blue
It never streaks or spots the
clothes, nor does it injure the
most delicate fabric
All good grocers sell it; 5 cents
a package.
Prayed for Cure
Finds it After 10 Years
Food Would Sour and Boil
Teeth Like Chalk
"National Department of Public Works"
WASHINGTON. The work of the
National Public Works Depart
ment association In behalf of the
.Tonos-Ilonvls bill In emigres Is cre
ating a nation-wide stir. The associa
tion Is composed of 1!!."i.000 engineers,
architects, contractors and other or
ganizers. The bill proposes to estab
lish the department of public works
In place of tile department of the In
terior, which has been made the catch
all of miscellaneous domestic activi
ties. It would throw out of the de
partment what does not properly be
long to It and collect In it the govern
ment activities that have to do with
engineering, construction and public
works functions.
At present these functions are per
formed by o!) separate and distinct
agencies In nine out of the ten de
partments, wl U'h In many cases do ex
actly the same kind of work and are
not correlated and co-ordinated except
through congress, in addition to tho
three constitutional branches of gov
ernment there lias grown up a fourth
government by bureaus, hoards nnd
In the regrouping of functions
among the departments the Interior
department would transfer the patent
olllce to the department of commerce ;
the bureau of pensions to the treasury
department: the bureau of education
to the department of labor the l-'roed-man's
hospital to the public health
service, and so tin.
into the new department of public
works would be taken the supervising
architect's olllce from the treasury de
partment ; the corps of engineers, riv
ers and harbors, from the war depart
ment: the coast nnd geodetic survey
from the department of commerce; tho
bureaus of good roads and of forest
service from the agricultural depart
ment, and so on.
Of course every department except
perhaps the Interior will light the bill
to the last ditch.
Tries to Give Away Piatt National Park
DLATT National park In Oklahoma
Mr. Herbert M. Gessner writes from hit
home in Berlin, N. H.:
I had stomach trouble over ten years;
kept getting worse. I tried everything for
relief but it came back worse than ever.
Last fall I got awfully bad; could only cat
light loaf bread and tea. In January I got
o bad that what I would'eat would sour
and boil: my teeth would be like chalk.
I suffered terribly. I prayed every day for
something to cure me. One day I read
about EATONIO nnd told my wife to got
me a box at the drug store as 1 was going
to work at 4 p. m. I took one-third of it
nnd began to feel relief; when it was
three-fourths gone. I felt line and when It
was used up I had no pains. Wife got me
another box but I have felt the pain but
twice. I used fivo tablets out of the new
box and I have no more stomach trouble.
Now I write to tell you how thankful I
am that I heard of UATONIC. I feel like
new man; I eat what I like, drink plenty
f water, and it neyer hurts me at all.
tains but 848 acres. It has sulphur
and bromide springs of medical value.
Last year It attracted about M.OOO vis
itors, most of them from the adjacent
city of Sulphur. So Piatt Is hardly
up to the standard of the national
parks. It Is slated to be reduced to
national monument.
In 101H Piatt got an appropriation
of $17,000, which has gradually been
decreased to $0,000 for fiscal year
11)20. While the national park items
in the sundry civil bill were being con
sidered In the house just before ad
journment, Ilarreld of Oklahoma of
fered an amendment Increasing the
appropriation from $0,000 to ?!),000.
Ilarreld did his best to prove that
It was a wonder as a beauty spot, as
well as a health resort, but his' main
argument was that the park was In a
deplorable condition nnd that as long
as it remained a natural park It was
the duty of the federal government to
keep It up In decent shape. McKeown
of Oklahoma backed up his colleague
and argued that the Increase should
be $.-.000.
Then Good of Iowa, chairman of the
appropriations committee, offered a
substitute amendment which provided
for a transfer of the park to the state
of Oklahoma and. In case of the failure
or refusal tif Oklahoma to accept tho
park, for the sale of the park either
by sealetl proposals or by public auc.
tion, the proceeds to go to the treas
Mann of Illinois made a point of
order, holding that the Good amend
ment was legislation. Good replied
that It was legislation under the IIol-
man rule and to the surprise of every
one read from the act creating the
park a section providing that tiro fed
oral government was not committed
to the expenditure of money on the
park, as It was the Intention to convey
the park to whatever state should be
formed out of the then Indian terri
Mann's point of order was sustained
and Harreld's amendment was passed.
So Piatt National park gets a stay of
sentence and an increased appropriation.
Fields of Honor in France for U. S. Dead
SEOKICTAKY of War linker has an
nounced plans for' the establish
ment In France of three American
fields of honor In which will be group
ed tho bodies of Americans who gave
their lves overseas In the world war.
A war memorials council Is created.
This council will be an advisory com
mission in all matters pertaining to the
care of the dead, the marking of the
graves and the beautitlcatlon of these
"American Flelt's of Honor." These
fields of honor will be planted with
memorial trees and approached by
memorial drives.
Members of the war memorials coun
cil will be representatives of the fol
lowing organizations: National Kino
Arts Commission, tho American In
stitute of Architects, the American
Forestry Association, the seven alllli
ated welfare organizations, the Amor
lean Legion, the navy department, tho
(inarterniaster's corps (cometerlal divi
sion), the war plans division of the
general staff, representatives from the
families of soldier dead.
The war department will neither
propose nor oppose tho bringing of
military dead from overseas to Amer
ica, but will place all available In
formation at the disposal of the rela
tives concerned, and will abide by
their decision. Points In the plans In
clude these:
That Komagnc, IJelleau and Sures
nes be the permanent American Ileitis
of honor In France.
That those bodies not requested to
lie returned be concentrated In tho
three locations named herein.
That headstones and markers bo
rigorously uniform and erected by the
government and that In the making of
permanent plots there be no segrega
tion Into distinctive locations on the
basis of rank.
Ranere nnd Ersklne Originated In
United States and Arc Now In
Nursery Trade.
Kre!h hnme-grown raspberries all
.summer long and until frost coined In
the fall I Thnt is the delightful pros
pect which the United States depart
ment of agriculture holds out to the
gardener, who will plant one or more
of the autumn-fruiting varieties of
raspberry plants which It recommends.
The department points out that Kit-
rnpenn gardeners have grown nutnini-
fruliiiig varieties for many years, and
some of them are of higher quality. It
Is particularly Important that the
American gardener secure varieties
that will survive In tills country, since
In ninny sections our climate Is too se
vere for the Kuropeuu varieties.
Two stood autunin-frultlng varieties,
the Itnnere (St. Kealsl and Krsklne
(Ih-sk'ne Park) have originated In the
United States and are now in the
nursery trade. The llanere was found
near Ilamniontoii. N. J., and was
grown by the hundreds of acres on the
sandy soils of southern New Jersey be
fore being Introduced Into the trade,
it Is the principal commercial rasp
berry of New Jersey, and seems des
tined to become the. lending sorj, nlong
the Atlantic coast states as far south
as southern Georgia. The variety may
be found fruiting freely throughout the
fall months In tlanta, Ga.. nnd even
farther south where other varieties do
not succeed.
In the cooler parts of the northern
states, the Itnnere produces fruit of
too small size and too poor dessert
quality to be oi great value. How
ever, the berries borne on the young
shoots in the "autumn are larger In
size and better In quality than those
of early summer, and If pruned after
the English system, where all tho old
canes are cut out In late autumn or
early spring. It should be desirable In
many northern gardens.
The Ersklne raspberry, which was
found a resident of Lee, Mass., In a
patch of the Marlboro, bears larger
fruit than the llanere. The fruit Is
also of better quality, and If it proves
ns hardy and bears as well throughout
the northern states as It has under the
care of the one who discovered it. It
should be especially desirable. The
Ersklne seems to lie n hybrid between
the Anicrlcnn nnd European red rasp
berries, and should be tried wherever
the Cuthbert and Marlboro succeed.
Among the varieties of autumn
fruiting raspberries grown In England
are Alexandra, Hello de Fontenay,
Hallshanf Mervllle de Kongo, Novom-
her Abundance, October Kcd, October
Yellow, Semper Fidelia, Surprise d'Au
tomnc, and Yellow Four Seasons. Only
two of these sorts, the Hello do Fon
tenay and the Hoilshani, are In the
nursery trade In this country.
Two other European fall-fruiting
sorts, which may perhaps bo found In
England, are In the nursery trade In
thfs country, the La France, and the
Si CJ.
Recess Appointments of President Wilson
FAILl'KE of congress to act on near
ly 200 executive appointments be
fore adjournment, combined with a
number of vacancies now existing, or
expected to occur soon In government
al departments and the diplomatic
service, Is expectetl to lead to a num
ber of recess appointments by Presi
dent Wilson. While tho larger portion
of the uuconllrmed nominations are
postmasters of the lower grades, ap
pointments to a number of Important
oillces were not acted on by the
The president began the work of
making these recess appointments
promptly. The tlrst to be made were
those of Henry" Jones Ford of New
Jersey, Mark W. Potter of New York
and James Duncan of Massachusetts,
to be members, of the Interstate com
merce commission. The appointees to
the Interstate commerce commission
were nominated before adjournment,
but the senate failed to act on
them. When they take olllce all
vacancies on the commission will have
been tilled, Including the two new
places created by the transportation
act, which Increased the membership
from nine to eleven.
Marston Taylor Dogert of New York
and Samuel W. McCull of Massacliu-
Ncmc "Bayer" on Genuine
"Huyor Tablets- of Aspirin" Is genu
ine Aspirin proved safe by millions
and prescribed by physicians for over
twenty years. Accept only an unbroken
"Hayer package" which contains proper
directions to relieve Headnche, Tooth
ache, Earache, Neuralgia, Kheumatlsin.
Colds and Pain. Handy tin boxes of 12
tablets cost few cents. Druggists also
sell larger "Hayer packages." Aspirin
Is trade mark Hayer Manufacture Mon
oacetlcacldester of Sallcyllcacld. Adv.
Grandpa Could See for Hlmsel. '
Grandpa had a birthday and daddy
gave Junior a box of cigars to give
grandpa, saying, "What are you going
to say when, you give this to grand
pa, Junior?"
Junior replied, "Happy birthday,
"V..u II I f. .!,.. 1 .,. ,tf
Junior looked reprovingly at his fath
er and wild, "Oh, no. daddy, I niiisn't
ay that. He's supposed to open it
nnd then hu'll see there's many of
A solf-mnde man and a tailor-made
can can Doth learn something lrom
each other.
setts, were named members of
United States tariff commission.
Among the nominations not acted
upon by the senate were those of
Henry Morganthnu, to be ambassador
to Mexico, John Skelton Williams, to
be comptroller of the currency, and
Martin L. Glllen, to he n member of
the shipping board.
The new merchant marine bill sign
ed by tho president Just before con
gress, adjourned, creates a now bIiIih
ping board of seven members. Ap
pointments to the new bonrd proba
bly will bo made by the president be
fore congress reassembles in Decem
ber. Diplomatic posts now vacant include
those of ministers to Bulgaria, Fin
laud, Greece and Honduras,
Cluster of Autumn-Fruiting Raspberry.
Souvenir de Desire Hruneau. The La
France has been grown In gardeiis In
Connecticut for many years without
a name.
The experience of American fruit
growers of the enstern United States
for the last hundred years has been
that no variety of raspberry Intro
duced from Europe succeeds In enst
ern United States as a commercial
sort. Introductions of European varl
etles have been made repeatedly, but
none of them have yet succeeded under
tho rigorous eastern climate. Those
who try these autumn-fruiting Euro
penn varieties, therefore, should not ex
wet them to be of value, except In
the home garden. There, however,
some of the hardier of these varieties
may prove desirable. By removing
most of the old canes and cutting
those that remain to within one or
two feet of tho ground In late autumn
or early spring a considerable quantity
of fine-quality raspberries may be se
cured. The berries borne on the canes
which are cut back will come after the
season of the common sorts, and should
last until the new shoots begin to
European varieties are more likely
to succeed In tho mild, humid sections
of Oregon and Wnslilngton where the
climate more nearly resembles that of
parts of Europo than does that of. the
eastern states. Those Interested In
this group of raspberries probably will
want to trv the European sort.
Sure ':
i Relief
"I feci It my duty to wrlto you a lottor
of thanks for your wonderful I'ctcrson's
Ointment. I hntl n running soro on my
loft lei; for one yenr. I befmn to una
l'otorson'a Ointment throo weeks ago and
now It Is henled." "A. C. Qllbrnth, "03
Heed St., Krlo, Pa.
For years t have been selling through
drtiKulHts a InrKe box of PKTICltPON'H
OINTMBNT for GO cents. The hoallng
power In this ointment Is marvelous,
lieioma noes in n few days. Old fores
hoiil ui lllto magic: piles thnt othor reme
dies do not Mem to oven relievo nro
Rpeedlly conquered. Pimples nnd nasty
blackheads disappear In a weolc and tin
distress of chaHng goes In a fow minutes.
Mall orders filled. Peterson Ointment Co.,
Inc., Buffalo. N. T.
UAlOl rLI MLLlII ATTnACTS and kills
all. n.ita. Nrat,
There are not mnify men that fash-
Ion can control after their fiftieth mile
vrrUcnt, cheap, Laita
all ituon. MkI-! of
inftnl, can't iplll or
tipovrrt Hill not tail
lr Inr anvlKlmr.
Ontrantveil rlfrttlva.
Sol J. by lflfH. or
t by rxnusa, tIJE.
IIAIiOLO &OMEU3, 1C0 Do Ualb A TO.. Urooklrn. U. Y.
Girls! Girls!!
Clear Your Skin
With Cuticura
Soap 25c. Ointment ZS and SOe, Talcnm25c
I IlLUlVLLu ". ! Or. C.H.ry
- 2IIB HUB t.l
C. at78MKhltanAvami.ChUa
The Itching and Sting
of Biazmg, Fiery Eczema
Seems Like the Sinn Is on Fire.
There is a harnssinp discomfort
caused by Eczema that becomes
n torture. Tho itching: is almost,
unbearable, and tho skin seems
on flro with the burning: irri
tation. A euro from local applica
tions of salves and ointments is im
possible, because such treatment
can only allay tho pain temporar
ily. Tho diseaso can only bo
reached by going deep down to its
Tho sourco of Eczema is in tho
blood, tho disease bcinp caused by ,
nn infection which breaks out
through tho skin. That is why tho
most satisfactory treatment for all
so-called skin diseases is S. S. S.,
for this remedy so thoroughly
elennscs tho blood that no impuri
ties can remain. Get n bottle to
day, nnd you will sco results fronv
tho right treatment. Writo for
advice. Address Medical Director,
110 Swift Laboratory. Atlanta. Ga.
Don't Buy Private
Brand Roofing
When you buy an unknown private
brand of roofing you give the dealer, if
he is unscrupulous, a chance to double
cross you.
In the first place, how do you know
what quality of roofing you are buying?
He may say that it is first-grade, be
cause even an expert cannot tell the
grade by just looking at it. Our third
grade roofing looks as good as any.
The chances are that you will get a me
dium or poor grade of roofing and pay
a first-grade price for it. At least, an
unscrupulous dealer with an unknown
private brand of roofing can woi'c that
on you if he wants to.
Don't Pay a Long Profit
In the second place, how much profit is
the dealer taking on your transaction?
There is nothing to stop his taking a
good, long one if you'll buy. That's
why some dealers would rather sell pri
vate brands than Certain-teed.
Any responsible dealer can sell Certain
teed if he plays the game squarely. He
gets a fair profit, but he cannot stretch
it because so many dealers handle it and
everybody knows the price.
Of course, you know what to expect
from Certain-teed. It is highest qual
ity, guaranteed for 5, 10 or 15 years, ac
cording to weight, and completely
shelters your property. That's a real buy.
Any reliable dealer can get Certain
teed for you quickly from a nearby
Certain-teed warehouse or jobber. He
gets it when he wants it and he gets
what he wants. He can afford to sell
you at a fair price.
Certain-teed Products Corporation
General Offices, St. Louis
Offlm and WrkouM in Principal CUIm
Certain-teed If
aOSMsaMaaBiaaasHrapMaMBcWM awwejrjjil i IM ril
Beware of the dealer who tells you he
has Certain' teed, but tries to sell you
a private brand. He probably wants
a bigger profit