Worth THIRTY-SIXTII 15EAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., JULY 2, 1920. No. 50 mi L1XK OF VAHCH JULY 3rd Will be from corner 4th ami Dowov streets north to Front, west to Locust, the postofflco recolvetl u ralso In snl nortli to 8th, oast to Dowcy, north to nry. Tho postnmstor'fl salary Is ad 9th, west to Locust, south to Srddis- ivanccd to $2,900, the doputy gets u Poslofflco Employes Got Rnlse. TOMORROW WILL HE A lU(i Effcctlvo yostorday evory omploye of j DAY IX NORTH PLATTE. The nation's natnl day will be cele brated In North Platto tomorrow, and band. Band. Mayor and Council. O. A. R. Sons of Veterans. American Legion. Form on Dewey in ordor named. Camp Fire Girls. Drum Corps. Fire Department. Bicycle parade. Form on East 3rd In ordor named Baby buggies. R. R. men. Society Floats. . Form on West 3rd. Business Floats form north or 3ril. same agoa. Farmers' floats, Locust Bouth of 3rd. i , ralso, Mrs. Lillian Qleason, . it Is probable that tho city will bo to say that under thoso conditions all the employes woro In a smiling snood yosterday. ' ;;o: ordor filnrlc. mnnlvnn . nn nrirntmn nf called upon to entertain the largest ?1G0, making her salary 1,800 and all "umbor of peoplft In Its history. For clerks 'and carriers aro advanced $200, "o ontertalnmont of tho ospocted making thoir pay $1,400, It Is noedloss l18UO,a n 11,11 Pribram oi amune- UlCUkS HUB Ml'UU IIIUIJUIUII, lUO Ulfe foature of which will of course be tho afternoon auto races. Those, however, will not constitute all the nmuse- 'iM.i. sini.iw.i i. niiitt,,.. .mcut.Tor tho day s orocram will start Fred Elliott, consus' enumerator for ,a 9:30 aml thcro wlu be something tho North Plntto school district, has 'llolnS ttU tho t,n, unt,l midnight completed his work and has found our. 2404 children of school age; Of thino ' Tho flrst event of tho day wlu bo 121G aro boys and 1188 are girls. jtho Parade, which Is scheduled to There are 670 boys between tho ngea 8tart from Th,r(1 nn(1 Dowey streets at nn Locust of seven and flftnim nnd fif.O clrla the ""U Pa8t n,no o'clock. In this parade LOCAL AS1) l'EKSOXAL Mr. and Mrs. Ashloy Potors loft yes terday for Denver to spaiid a couple of wooks. KINO KIIILKV HEADS LIST ia m.l 1 NAT I ON RA V K. The elimination contosts prepara tory to the biff nuto mean tnninrrnw ifternoon woro hold on tho track yes- ' Mrs Einlly Coatos and noico Xovoltn tenlfty afternoon boforo a big crowd wU1 8 to Omaha tomorrow evening of spectators. Eso.li driver wns sent to v,,,t fiends over tho wook ond. Dno around tho half mllo track. The Or. Shaffer is homo from his trip time made was as follows, the number whom lie spent four wooks in ro- procodlng tho name Indicating tho search work nt tho Chicago Collogo of number the drlvor will hold In tho Osteopathy. racoj: . 1. x King Rhlloy. 32 2-G seconds. 2. , J. O. Morgan, 34 seconds. 3. 'jj G. A. Drake, 34 3-5 seconds. 4. A. Preltatior, 35 seconds 5. til. S. Roller, 35 1-5 seconds. , C.i Davis Auto Co., 35 1-5 seconds. 7. ' G. J. Schrador, 35 2-5 seconds. 8. Harry Brndoncamp, 30 seconds. Tho above eight drivers will com- KEITH TONIGHT Buck Jones $ IN ' "Forbidden Trails' Guy Popejoy suffored a bad wound yostordRj- whon a knife with which ho cutting beaver board sllppod and peno . . .i i. , . . .. . tiuiuu ins rigiu ieg 10 mo uono. i Quite a number of flshormon will the loading rolo. leave Sunday morning for Chnso couiv ty whoro thoy will flsh for basR Among those going will bo A. S. Al A thrilling story of tho west vlUi Buck Jones, cowboy,' soldlor, actor i'tf :o::- will bo two bands, City and Chamber !, ", T, "b", , 7 , , 0 ' 10111 uoolo'' w" Iutnor nu1 . of Commerce officials, tho American FI0! Llh,.T '"l10,,1 iif '. ' Arlhur aml Heibort rW- Bhootlng, Ho was full of load but had enough strength left to shoot back Just onco Ion, A. B. Hoagland, Jim Hart, J. C. 1 . , t Den, Tom Cooley, Will Rltnor and ,nml ouco Was enougU whon Bnt Camp PIro Aiiouncomcnl. Loglon, Spanish War Veterans and G. Tho Camp Fire Council feels that !A. R., Camp Fire Girls, decorated thoro aro many girls In town who I floats and autos, farm floats, lire de would llko to bo Camp. Fire Girls and .partmont, road and shop mon and have not had girl Interested M. E. Crosby. become a Camp ::o:: - ihlclo liberal prizes aro offered Tabcrnncle for Rest Room. Followlng-tho parade thero will bo Private decorated autoes, Dewey 30Uth of 3rd. Cadet Band, cornor 3rd and Dewey. COMMITTEE. Lightning 'Kills Cnttlc. During tho Btorm early Thursday morning W. W. Hunter had flvo head of cattle killed by lightning which were along a wlro fence. Ho had his cattle Insured with Bratt, Goodman & Buckley and his loss was paid within tabernaclo has generously donated the later the races will be held there. tho throe heats of tho North Platto OXpoct to return Monday night. , .i v , ; S Ti . , LENSES THE BESIV-Plcnso boar 1 of tho North Pin tto Special will bo ... ,,,, M ,.. ,,, .. S.,, I i tho contestants In tho Chamber of it: ,,7 f. . n. u, .l COMEDY "Go West Young Man' the opportunity. Any school chlldron. There promises to1. ,t ., ,(. , V f ,' stnko our roputatlon on inferior Ion. may telephono to Mrs. bo an unusually large number of ,",... ,..... 808- Nolthor can you afford to wear She will help you to business and Kdgo floats and decorated " , ,.,":" " J ' tllu'- DIXN & SON, Sight, Spec- KMlMZgMsWMlB the big loving cup offerod as'a trophy i by tjio Chombor of Commerce. W. E. Shumnn, who Is a street, pav Ing olithuslast, In autolng through The committee In chargo of the 'exorcises at tho court house park, and ' V, 1 ", , . , lrncrs Nebraska, Kansns and Missouri, iound . ' in flirt nlltttf nnilnti rn nrt wn a ' jtwolve hours from time thoy weroluso of tho building for a rest room killed. tomorrow. All vlsjtors In tho city aro ::o:: Invited to use tho tnbernaclo as a Two Almost Now Fords Chcnp. piaco to rest. 1920 Ford Coupe, llko now and Avlth i ::o:: extra tire and complete equipment, at BATHING SUITS! less than new stripped Ford roadster A wonderful asortmont to choose $700. i from In all sizes, fast colors and priced 1920 Ford Touring absolutely now, very reasonably at BLOCKS'. driven less than 25 miles you can get i ,nT,7"?!: 1 , , , immediate delivery and save come' M,rs- p- w- Bincker returned Wed money ncsday evening from Cheyenne, where 4 other Ford Tourings cheap. 8ne haa been visiting friends for en J. V. ROMIGH Garago. !dnys- s:o:: I Mrs. Geo. Stewart, of Hinman nro- Tho lodge meeting of the Ladies clnct, left this morning for Sioux City, Commencing at 12 o'clock and con tinuing until 1:30 bomb salutes will bo glvon nt the, fair grounds, and at ono o'clock sharp the North Platto Aerial Company will put on Its air plane stunts at tho fair grounds. These will consist of tail spins, loop P01' Sp?. a) Raco 9. Oscar Swanson, 3G 4-5 seconds. 10. N. E. Bullock, 39 1-5 seconds. 11 H. L. Smith, 39 2-5 seconds 12. Bort Ankorman, 39 3-5 seconds. , .;.,, 7,"n 7i,i X I fi , J tv The above four drivers will bo the !i".,f " ! h drivers In tho two heats of the Lincoln that tho nvorago town of 3,000 to 5,000 possessed about four timed as much paving ns North Platto. Manhattan, Kan., a town not much moro than miles of paved roads. I nm closing out nil trimmed hats t-.i i.i i. i ni romnrKaniv reduced nricos diirinc . ... . ! UlUL'll CUIIlll 11(11. 1 f?lli:il 11H1I1 VIHII!I- - " the loop, paracnute urops anu otner Juiy. 0no lot will bo $1.50, another acts of daring. today His failure to arrlvo vostor- ioro will bo $10.00 and $15 Then will come tho big auto races, 1 . l11,."" fT.T hats for S5.00. Also $25.00 hats for (which promise to be the best North ' ."'s, X, ?12.50. Villa Whlttaker,' Block's Store, Te7..n8thrnSnCLn,l ..onrort but ho ls M t0 elltr' 111 Lin- Second Floor. At 7:30 there will bo a band conceit Mrs. W. W.AV! nt il-irt nnnvt lirtltan tintlf nf nfirllt tllfiVA 1 v V 1 I at tho court house park, at oight thoro ...111 1. irn1ln nf tllrt nrnnn nf fY, Vornor of CiVvM nn.i T n .Wl11 be tllrC ll0ats ot ton mllOS 'each, arena at the corner of Sixth and Lo- .... , . ..... on ' Tho Chamber of Commerce Spoclal Auxiliary of the B. of R. T. will be- , where sho was called by word that'"'"" ' .i f.. Z J il with a purso of $1,500 with a 40-30-20- morelU hospital In CI,," i ; Z ,,;vnV.n f V 7 10 division of the money. The Lincoln t . rl, County Special will bo two heats, first cornor of Front and Dowoy and also ... .ann ,.a cln at four o'clock this afternoon in- a brother had entered stead of three as usual. that city was not expocted to live Now Is The Time! Hundreds have already taken advantage of my short stay hero, this is our 7th season in North Platte and my 9th week here this season with only a short time longer to stay. JULY 3rd, 4th S 5ffi For tho accommodation of tho many visitors hero to tho auto races our sample room at the Palace Hotel will bo open from 9 a. m. to 10 p. m. on the above date. If you aro one of thoso who delayed ordering until now you bottjeri get) b(usy and do so at once and you will suffer no disappointment in tho fall. Order Now and Save 25 Per Cent Place your order now for your summer and fall suits, underwear, sweaters, blankets, etc., An advance in our prices Is duo Shortly. All orders sent In now will bo filled at the present price even though the merchandise Is not to be delivered many months after the advance hi price becomes effective. Order Now Pay Later All orders are dellvoredto you at any time between now and next Xmas. You give us tile date jvhen you wish the merchandise shipped and you pay on delivery. War Tax is included in our prices. All our goods arc Union Made.. These are the Reasons for Our Success at tho K. C. hall. The flmworks display will be held l0"?. St??. """ i the B. & M. right-of-way on South ,"nd a G0-25'1C Per cent cllvl8,on of on Dewey 9:30. street and will commence nt -::o::- 1. LOW COST WE MANUFACTURE FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN. MEN'S SUITS Summer and fall and the MEN, By selling our goods direct from our mills to you we olimlnnato tho profits styies. made by the wholesalers, jobbers und UNDERWEAR-Cotton wool' retailers. Then again the goods aro silk mixture for all seasons of made in Utah whore tho wool Is grown year. In abundance. SWEATER COATS and JERSEYS For School, sport and work In many 2. MADE TO FIT styles, knits and shades. 0 . . OVERCOATS Puro wool with fur Suits, underwear, sweaters, flannel coors shirts, mackinaws and all other of onr FLANNEL SHIRTS-Pure wool and manufactured garments are made to guaranteed against shrinkage. your individual measure and a perfect fit Is guaranteed. MACKINAWS All styles, pure wool. LEATHER VESTS & SHEEP SKIN COATS. 3. MANY STYLES AND SHADES BLANKETS Wool nap and pule All garments for ladles! men and wooL 20 grades. , , . . , HOSIERY' Silk and wool for evory children are mado of all wool, In many mfember of Ul0 famIly- SLIPOVERS For ladies, latest styles and shades. styles and all colors. 4. GOODS WITH A REPUTATION The Utah woolen goods have been sold direct to the customer for the past 30 years In children all wool, all colors1. RAINCOATS Snappy Styles. 25 grades. ft v SCARFS A combination of any col- 15 different states. Ask ori puro wooi mtl(0 wit pockets and vour neichbor or any railroad man bolts. , . rn, ,.,, .,i vnu ,nr TAM O'SIIANTERS Puro wool, all about them. They will toll you moro coJorg about tho quality and wear of our UNDERSKIRTS For Ladles and goods than wo can toll you here. girls. Call Hotel Palace Phone 46 NORTH PLATTE ACROSS FROM THE U. P. DEPOT. Leave a call for mo (Phono 40) with tho hotol clerk and I'll bring a full display of samples to your house in my car, at any time or place. Pleas leavafull directions with the clerk. 'Btlll better, come over to tho hotel in porson and bring your happy family alone with you. I'll bo thero any time In tho day from 9 a. m. to 9:30 u. ml You owe it toyourself to soo real merchandise and save all tho money you can. D. A. FREEDMAN, Agent For the Logan Knitting Factory, Logan, Utah. HEMK3IBER Our goods are not sold In th stores but only through agents. TABERNACLE ANNOUNCEMENTS. tho monoy. -::o:: School Children Attention! All BChool chlldron nro urged to be The subject this evening consists of .on hnml Promptly at 9:30 tomorrow tie most pathetic word" in tho English imornlng at tho court houso lawn to i..o if ic ,,nn,,n,n,i i"Q in tho parade All children In the language. It Is unannounced. ... . . . n. Saturday tho tabernacle will be openl'""""'" " ::o:: all day to tho public for a rest room Saturday evening music by tho chil dren's booster choir. Patriotic tongs followed by sermon. Sunday. 10:30 Mr. Rayuurn preaches on "The Church." Afternoon, meetings to be announced. 7:45 p. m. Preaching. The last of the five ser mons on "Life after Death." 9:30 a. m. Sunday schools In tho dif ferent churches. ::o:: Special Prlco Sale. 1920 New Ford touring at a sav ng, run less than 25 miles. 1918 Dodge touring guiaranteed. 1917 Dodge touring guaranteed. 1918 Ford touring. 1919 Ford touring Detroit winter op. 1916 Ford tourUng good knock bout car. 1918 Dodge roadster wlro wheels. All used cars guaranteed. J. V. -ROMIGH Dealer. , - .;o:: Res. J. E. SEBASTIAN, ' The Old Line Life Man, Phone 11.18. Office Phone (S12.T At the Sun Theatre ALL DAY SATURDAY. "Man's Desire" Lewis S. Stone And All Star Cast. Ficturesque Outdoors, Great Snow Scenes, A Big Lumber Camp in Operation Tenso and gripping lit its them0, this dnunu of tlie Northwest lumber country presets th forceful Lcwls S. Stone, tho noted star of the stage and pictures In u masterful por trayal It Is the story of two men and a girl, ono man a big brute in mind and body who lived In primitive fash ion, tho other a product of civilization and cities who won tho frightened girl o' the woods. hlto has returned from Donvcr whoro sho accompanied Miss Dora Poulas whcMvont thoro to enter a hospital for treatment for blood tumor. An operation was porformcd on ono of her arms and hands and Bhe Is get ting along nicely. Sho will bo kept at tho hospital for two or three weeks. KEITH SATURDAY George Walsh IN "The Manhattan Knight" How an adventurer becamo a victim of his own Inoxporlpnco and is relieved of jowels worth a fortune. Two part comedy i "Go West Young Man" Mrs. Graham Dudor, of Ottawa, III., formerly Miss Nellie Blrkonshnw, has been visiting friends In town this week. Mrs. Duder will leave about tho middle of the month on a visit to England. I have still got a rofrlgcrator, Now Home Sewing Machine, some dressors, rocking chairs, davenport and two encylopedlas that I would like to dispose of. J. G. Mcllvaln. 115 West 3rd Street. No cars will bo allowed to bo park-1 od on Dewey street from Third to Front street until after the forenoon parade tomorrow. Tho tax collections at tho county treasurer's office last month were $10,000 greator than In June, 1919. Mrs. Harry Dixon left last evening for Omaha to spend a month with her daughter Mrs. Conlln Mr. and Mrs. Clark LoDioyt, of Mul len, came today to visit at tho w. H. LoDioyt homo for a vcek. Lucille Llndonmeyor camo Thurs day to visit Miss Celestia Crawford ver tho Fourth. ::o:: For Sale. Good wagon box. Walking plow. Walking cultlvntor and scrapper. L. D. McFarland. 1702 East 4th St. BASE BALL! i i 3 GOTHENBURG vs. NORTH PLATTE Sunday and Monday, Julyj4th and 5th 3:00 O'CLOCK Comedy Father 's Close Shave Jiggs and Maggie AT 'THE SUN THEATRE. FRIDAY "CAPTAIN SWIFT" STARRING' Earl Williams Also "The Fly Cop," with Larry Semon SATURDAY "MAN'S DESIRE" STARRING Lewis S. Stone Also "Fathers Close Shave' starring Maggie and Jiggs MONDAY ''Diana of the Green Van." STARRING Alma Rubens Also "Elmo the Fearless" MATINEE at 2:00 P.M. Crystal Saturday and Monday Douglas Fairbanks -IN- " He Comes Up Smiling." NEW COMEDY EACH DAY Keith Monday and Tuesday ENID BENNETT 1 IN 9 "What Every Woman Learns Is marriage the great disillusiodment? Is it a disappointment always? Does every bride discover that her husband is not what she imagined him? Oh, no! But see some of the things that women must learn. Our Great Stock Reduction Sale ends SATURDAY NIGHT Only Two Days Left Get in on time. This is your chance to save. Edwards-Reynolds Co.