NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA July Under the Auspices of the Lincoln County Agricultural Society. EIGHT BIG RACES! $5,000 IN PURSES! FIFTEEN DRIVERS HAVE ENTERED Including Rhiley, Brinker, Bullock, Breed, Schieder and Aukerman. C5W Daring Airoplane Stunts Will be given during the races. These will include looping the loop, picking a man out of an Automo bile while plane is moving sixty miles an hour, jumping from one plane to another while in the air and other daring feats. Big Celebration Forenoon and Night Under the Auspices of the Chamber of Commerce ! PRICES OF ADMISSION TO THE GROUNDS. Adults $1.10, children under twelve 55 cents, car parking space $1.10, grand stand All prices to include war tax. .10. LOCAL AM) riillSONAL Curds received In town this wcok nnnouiicod tlio inurrlugo of Clark Lo Dloyt (o Miss Catherine Schmidt. Tho wedding (iceured In Million, Nob., wherq'Mr. Lo Dloyt 1h engaged In business. Tht Roxall handles tho goods. 14 tf Th goi; tournuuiont tit tho Country Club,closed thlB wook, tho team cap taliuU by J. J. Halllgan dofoatlng E. V. Swborgor's tenm by a lend of twon-ty-oijht points. Sixty-two plnyorH part'clpated In tho tournament. Pirn. Clint). Wyninn roturned tho early part of the wcok from Missouri whero alio had boon visiting hor son for a couple of weeks. A messago received yesterday an nounced the safe arrival in California of tho Wolngand and Peters auto party. If your Unthlng Suit Is a "Bradley', you enn dopond on It. Sold only; nt Wilcox Department Store. Mr. nud Mrs. 0. II. Thoolocko und duughtor roturned "Wednesday from Oinnha whero Mr. Thoolocko submitted to nn operation for nosnl trouble Terrifying Goitre body to counternet poisons. portunt. therefore, that It bo kept In normal houlth ns a protection, us well ns the only moans of rotnlnlng benuly of neck and soldiers. Tho thyroid gland norvo linos spring from between Joints of tho splno in tho nock region. When tho allgnmont of Joints Is faulty, thoro Is norvo proBB sure. Chiropractic adjusting removes tho pressuro; and unturo rostoros houlth, nnd tho onlnrgcmont reduces to normal. NO CHARGE Consultntlon Is without n charge or obligation. Drs. States & States, Tho P. S. C. Chiropractors. v llulldlng and Loan Building North rinllo Ncbraskn. In thlB day of tho low nock gown what Is nioro tonifjing to n protty nnd scnsltlvp woninn tthn tho word or tho knowledge thnt a goitro Is dovuloplng or has developed. It Is a day of de spair. Goitro Is an onlargomont of tho thyroid gland. This gland Is suppose" to secrete a substniico required by tho It la lm- mitnnnnnimn CHIROPRACTIC CORRECTS 0I5EA5E3 ATHE FOLLOWING HEAD EVES CARS NOSE THROAT UrADT i iima LIVER STOMACH PANCREAS SPLEEN KIDNEV5 BOWELS appf Nniy (bladder LOWER Coluw LIMBS LOWER PINCHED NERVE5, IMPOSSIBLE TO FURNISH PROPER IMPULSES (LIFE AND HEALTH) IU I rlUK ORGANS AND TISSUES innnmrnTmrininininr LOCAL XXI) I'EJISONAL Mrs. Ilasmus'son, of Ilcrshoy, who has boon Visiting her sister Luclllo Martini left Wodnosdny morning for hor homo. Mrs. Wood Whito accompanied Sam nnd Dora Poulos to Denver Mondny whero tho lnttcr will take medical treatment. Mrs.'Clms. Weir and daughter Eliz aboth roturned to Grand Island Wed nesday aftor spending a wcok at the 1'. M. Sorenson homo. Mrs. Dlncou, of Columbus, visited hor brother John Grant this week wlillo onrouto to her homo In Colum bus from a visit In California. Sterna Ruths, Massage and Electric Treatment at !M2 Knst (fth, St. Phone 8!)7. Mrs. Arthur ICusIi. If. Roy Cochran attended tho stato con vention of U. P. O. Elks hold In A11I nnco tills week. Ho represented tho North Platto lodge ob a dolegato. Axel Johnson, a farmer living near O'Fnllon died Tuesday morning. Ho leaves a wife and two children. Tho remains woro taken to Stromsburg for burial. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Swodoll and family left yesterday for Iloldrogo' whero thoy will visit hoforo going to California whero thoy will ninko their homo In tho future I)r. L. J. KUAUSK, Ro"tlst. arc Donald Hank lliilldliih. Itoonis 2 & It. Phono 1)7. I2tt Clyde Frlsto, mall carrier In the business section, has taken a two weeks' vacation and will spend tho greater part of tho tlmo nt his fath er's ranch nt Dickens. Dr. E. W. Fottor hns leased tho Twlnom hospital on west Fifth street and In tho future will hnvo tho man ngomont of tho Institution. Dr. Twlnom mndo tho lenso In order thnt ho might tako a much needed rost. Christian Science sorvlco Sunday 11 a. m. Wednesday ovenlng meetings ovory wook at 8:00. A cordial Invi tation 1b oxtonded to nil to attend thoso sorrlcos. Building & Lonn build ing, room 25. Two special trains boarlng to San Francisco tho Pennsylvania delegation to tho democratic convention, passed through Wednesday foronoon. Many of tho dologatos woro acconipanlod by their ladlos. Among tho dologatos was M. J. Mclaughlin, of Wllkos barro, who thirty yoars ago mndo his homo In this city with Row Father O'Toolo. North Platte Man Weds Minden Girl The Minden Courier gave tho fol lowing account of tho wedding of Miss Watt, of Minden, to Elinor Stephens, teacher of mathemntlcs In tho North Plntto schools. Mr. and Mrs. Stephens arrived In this city tha early part of this week: Last Wednesday afternoon at three o'clock at tho commodious homo of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Watt was solem nized, In the prosenco of fifty relatives nnd friends, tho mnrrlago of Miss Gall, only dnughtor of Mr. and Mrs. Watt, to Mr. Elmer Stephens of Kcnr noy. After the singing of "I love You Dearly" by Misses Ruth Pnttlson and Wllln Wntt, tho Lohengrin Wedding March wns played by Miss EIslo Jano Dayton of Almn. To tho strains of tho march tho bridal party, attended by Miss Theo Stephens, sister of tho groom nnd hor flnnceo Mr. Leon Porter of Kearney nnd by Master Preston Tidvnll nnd littlo Miss Juno Portor na ring bonrers took their stand within a balcony which was almost hidden with snillax and tlowors where tho doublo ring coremony was preformed by Rev. I. C. Rankin pastor of tho United Presbyterian church. Tho biido wns benutlfully gowned In sheer organdio over charmouso and carried tho traditional brldnl bouquet. Aftor congratulations, an elegant two courso luncheon wns served. Lntor In tho afternoon, Mr. nnd Mrs. Stephen, nccompanlcd by friends, nutocd'to Kenrnoy to nsslst In tho mnrrlago of Miss Stophens nnd Mr. Porter which occurred tho same even ing. Mr. nnd Mrs. Stephens will visit friends In Iowa for a short time, nfter which thoy will go to North Plntto whom thoy aro In charge of n Roys' I Scout Camp for tho sunimor months. I In tho fall thoy both oxpdct to teach In tho Junior High nt North Plntto. Mrs. Stophons' homo has always boon In Konrnoy County and sho num bers hor friends by tho scoro; Mr. Stophons is a tonchor well known In Nebraska nnd his succonsful work among boys Is woll rocognlzod. A host of frlonds oxtond tholr host wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Stephens. Tho out of town guests were Mrs. Alice Stephens, mother of thej groom, Miss Theo Stephen, Mr. Leoii Porter and Mrs. Arvld Mellne, all 'of whom reside in Kearney,, Mr. nnd Mrs. Jns. Lawson nnd James Lawson, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. II. P. Treadwell and sons Howard and Kenneth of Dnvid City, Miss Emma Heliker of Holdrego, Miss Elsie Jano Dayton of Alma, Mls3 Minnie Rost of Axtell nnd Mr. R S. Stephen of Central City. ::o::- .Murringe Record. Christian J. Miller and Rhoda 13. Lewis, Palisade, married Tuesday by Judge Woodhurst. Pedro Hornandez and Cannon Mar tinez, both of this city, married Wed nesday by Father McDaid. W. R. Zickapooso and Mrs. Elsie Whlto, of McCook, married by Judge Woodhurst Wednesday. Fine Pluiits'Vor Sale. Cabbage, tomato, sweet potatoes, 75c per 100, postpaid. Mid-West Plant House, Kearney, Neb. Charley Rogue, spent Wednesday with Lis family and left for Omaha that night. Owing to tho unrest among railroad men Mr. Rogue Is kept constantly, on tho go attending meet ings at division terminals. Since the first of last September he has spent but sixteen days at home. Billlkin Shoes for Children at Wilcox Department Store. ::o:: - JUvlno Service Episcopal Church. Holy, Communion nt 8 a. m. Sunday school and blblo class 9:45 n. in. Morning prayor and sermon 11 a. m. Evening prayer and sermon 7:30 p. m. Sunday school North Side Chapel 3 p. m. : : o: : Wanted Girls for nurso training; $35 por month with board nnd room. Apply at General Hospital, City. 4Gtf For Snle. Modern eight room house, only 5 years old. Samo as new. This Is a bargain for some one. Will sell on easy terms. Call at the house or see me. A. E. DELL, 401 So. Ash St., Phono 578. ' 4C-tf ::o:: Harvest IIn"ds to be Tronted Well. A Kansas City dispatch says: Tho 1920 harvest field laborer will not only bo the highest paid, but also tho best fed, housed and "mothered" In history. Civic and church organizations throughout Oaklahoma , Kansas, Miss ouri and Nebraska are planning to be "fathers and mothers" to the soldiers of tho harvest army. Kansas wheat growers have sot the pace in fixing a minimum wage scale. Tho lowest figure to be paid will bo 70 cents an hour. It Is expected that a similar scale will bo adopted In tho three other states. Largo tents will bo erected, whero entertainment will bo provided, stationery supplied and but tons sown on liy tho "mothers". Lots For Sale. Commencing June 7th, I will offer for sale, lots in the 1300, 1400, 1500 and 1600 blocks on West Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Streets. This is not a new platt but are highly desirable lots in the Northj, Platte Town Lot Company's Addi tion that have been withheld from sale for some time past. Many have made their selections in advance, so if interested, prompt action on your part is imperative. MINER HINMAN. Phone 821J. 505 Dewey St.