The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 22, 1920, Image 7

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Backache Slowing You Up?
.uArieLyu,dn,88in8 alon8 with a dull,
throbbing backache? Feel loine morn
ings, tired all day; suffer torturing
twinge at every move? Often tho kid
neys are to blame. A cold, strain or
overwork congests the kidneys; poisons
accumulate and mysterious aches and
pains result. You may have headaches
and dizzy spells, too, with perhaps
bladder irregularity. Uw Doan't Kid
ney Fills. They have helped thou
sands. Atk your neighbor!
A Nebraska Case
Clms. Vanbertr,
stationary engi
neer, 1115 Sixth
81- Aurora, Nebr.,
says; "I mot with
an accident about
a year ago and
when I recovered
I noticed that my
kidneys were dis
ordered. I suf
fered from pain
across my back
both iln v nnil
t I v, . .1 ....
ney secretions were highly colored. I
used Doan's Kidney Pills, and they re
moved the soreness and aching In my
back and regulated my kidneys."
Gat Doan's at Any Store, 60c a Dot
Name "Bayer" on Genuine
J lit
"Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" Is genu
I no Aspirin proved safe by ullllloni
I imd prescribed by physicians for ovei
1 twenty years. Accept only nn unbroker
! "Bayer package" which contnlns prope;
directions to relieve Headache, Tooth
i ache, Earache, Neuralgia. Hbeunlntlsin
I Colds nnd I'n In. Hnndy tin boxes of 12
j tablets cost few cents. Druggists also
sell larger "Dnyer packages." Aspirin
I Is trade murk Bayer Manufacture Mon-
oncetlcachlester of Sallcyllcncld. Adv.
Kill All Flies!
I1d anywbtrv, DAISY FLY KILLED attrftett nf
klUft all flies. Neat clean, ornamental. conTenlent and
kenrap. lmuiiiki'
rmi. Had a of metal.
resn't idLII or tin over:
r will not aoll or Intur
rajiythlnff. Cniranttctl.
at your dealer or
ft DT Ciriitrt3,prepaia,
jMtjKo, 1W L0 tLAID AVI
l iiinl Hi I mi'
i An.. Brooklyn, it. V.
naiores i-oior ana
Beauty to Gray and Faded Hair
iOo. and tl.oo at drwnrUti.
nicoChnn. Vt ki. l'Uhoru. K.T.I
louMa, ta, ttopa all Palo, niurai comfort to th
t. makct walking ear. 16c or mall or at Droi
KUta. UUcoxCtumlcai Works, f utoooeue, N. T. '
PMTPNTQ Watson B. Oolemnn,
I M I Kill I A I'atent lwrer.Waahlncujn,
" , mJ D.O. Adtlcoand book tree!
Bates rouonable. IIlRheit references. Uestserrlces.
Its Identity.
"Rip Humble Is n heel heel hoe!
wagl" chuckled old Ulley Her.zhiew of
Petunia. "He told me ho was golnn
to Kny See for n surgical operation
nnyhow, he guessed likely he'd hnvo
his pocket book removed."
"We do not see anything especlnllj
waggish to that statement." returned
the a - editor1 of the Weekly Pnlln
dltim. "Knowing Ulpley as wo do,
and hnvlng been In Kansas City sev
ernl times, ourself, we consider It a
plain and plausible presentation of n
perfectly probable possibility." Kan
sas City Star.
Quickest Way.
"How do you think this high cost
of living can be suspended?" "The only
way I know of Is to bang the profiteers."
Ugly, Unsightly Pimples
Are Signals of Bad Blood
Give Heed to the Warning.
Pimples on the faco and other
parts of tho body are warnings
from Nature that your blood Is
sluggish and impoverished. Some
times they foretell eczema, boils,
blisters, scaly eruptions and other
ekin disorders that burn like
flames of fire.
They mean that your blood needs
S. S. S. to, cleanse it of these ac
oumulations that cause unlimited
trouble. This remedy is the great
est vegetable blood purifier known,
and contains no minerals or chem;
icals to injure tho most delicate
Get a bottlo of S. S. S. today,
and get rid of those unsightly and
disfiguring pimples, and other skin
irritations. If you wish special
medical advice, you can obtain it
without charge by writing to Med
ical Director, 105 Swift Labora
tory, Atlanta, Ga.
Old Gentleman Had Particular Use
for That Peculiarly Atrocious
Looking Beetle.
On the counter of the Christmas
bazaar stood all tho usual horrors
tvhlch an unscrupulous world Insists on
giving the poor kiddles an "toys."
There were animals, birds and Insects
which resembled nothing save the
creatures of a particularly fierce night
mare. The customer steadied himself by a
chnjr, and after n careful selection,
picked up one specially terrible beetle.
"I'll take that," ho told the assistant,
"How much Is It?"
"Half a dollar I" replied tho girl.
"Is It for your little boy?"
"No, 1 want to tako It to a dinner
party I have to attend."
"Whatever for?" exclaimed tho girl,
surprised out of her carefully acquired
"Well, I'm going to stand It n front
of me on the table when the drinks
are going round und when I see two
beetles well, It's time to go honiol"
Meant What She Said.
- Mabel How can you bo ho Insin
cere? You told Mr. Borelelgh that
you were sorry you were out when he
Marie Oh, no, my dear, I said I was
porry he called when I was our. X'ou
see, he's likely to cull some time when
I am In. Boston Transcript.
Wife Quite Ready to Abandon Style
If Her Hubby Would Only Do
His Part.
She was one of those dress women
who always wear the latest thing
whether It suited her or not.
One day her hat touched her nose;
next week It r6sted on the bnck of her
neck. Her Inst frock barely covered
her shoe tops, her new one huddled
round her ankles. Oh, she wns alwuys
Her husband was no passive ieslst
er. Regularly he raise.' his voice In
protest at each craving after fashion.
But the one thing that really annoyed
him wns when she suddenly .craped
her hair straight back from her fore
head on top and trained It down like
window curtains on each side of her
"Look here'" he said, In exaspera
tion. "Can't I Induce you to stop
wearing your hair bver your ears?"
"Certainly!" she ."eplled, with n
charming smile. "Buy me diamond
Open Bribery.
Jnne had Just commenced school,
nnd the teacher asked her a question
ill numbers which she was unnblo to
answer. She walked up to the teach
er and snld In a low voice: "If you
won't a!jk me that I'll give you some
of my animal crackers."
A Coffee-like
in flavor and appearance
but Postum is different be
cause it contains no health
disturbing drug.
A saver in many ways.
Tteres a Reason
Made by Postum. Cereal Co.
Bottle Creek.MicK.
Doesn't hurt a bit! Sore corns
lift richt off with fincers.
Magic I
Costs few cents! Drop n Uttlo
Freezono on that touchy corn, instant
ly Unit corn stops hurting, then you
lift It right out with the fingers.
"Why wnlt? Your druggist sells n
tiny bottlo of Frcczonc for a few cents,
sulllcient to rid your feet of every hard
corn, soft corn, or corn between tho
toes, nnd cnlluses, without soreness or
Irritation. Freezono Is tho much
tnlked of discovery of the Cincinnati
genius. Adv.
WIS AHK not apt to think of beach
or bathing suits as becoming gar
ments In fact, they are considered
the acid test for gopd looks. But they
have been progressing for several
years In the direction of becoming
ness. The suits Intended only for
beach wear, having graduated from
the bizarre and showy types, have ar
rived at the place where they are real
ly attractive. But "attractive" Ib too
mild a term to apply to some of this
year's beach or bathing suits they
deserve to be called beautiful and they
possess that quality In stylo which
women describe as stunning. After a
world of experimenting, along comes
u genius nnd shows Just how superb
and glorl(led a bathing suit niny be. As
a witness to Its possibilities for beau
ty, there Is an example shown In the
This suit nppears to be made of taf
feta, although satin might be used for
It. Blue or gray piped with a con
trasting color, or a brighter color
piped with black, make combinations
wltli sufficient life In them. It con
sists of a pair of full knlckcrbocken.
built out at the sides to simulate a
short skirt and shaped Into bands that
lit closely over the knees and button
at the sides, where the round buttons
are shown, covered with satin llko thu
pipings In color.
A kimono bodice with a surplice
front. Is extended below the wnlstllnc
and prettily decorated with sprays of
daisies, one near tho bottom nnd n
single blossom at the bust line. At
each side of tho front, pieces are set
on to form tho glrdlo which fastens
at the back. Another pretty toucii
nppears In tho sleeves which are split
up a Uttlo way on the under side und
laced with narrow ribbons tbnt tie In
a bow. A bat of rubberized silk, cloth
sandals and silk hoso are as faultless
as the suit they complete. So ar
rayed a pretty woman might innko
comparisons with any other dress,
odious to the other dress.
6 Bell-ans
Hot water
Sure Relief
If you aro troubled with palna or
aches; feci tired; havo headache,
indigestion, insomnia; painful pass
age of urine, you will find relief io
Th world's standard ratnedy for kidney,
llvar, bladder and uric acid troubles and
National Remsdy of Holland sine 1690.
Thraa aim, all druggist. Guaranteed.
Uok for th. nam Gold Md1 n rry boat
nd ftocspt no imiUllon
Prayed for Cure
Finds it After 10 Years
Food Would Sour and Boil
Teeth Like Chalk
Ginghams for Little Girls
Triumphal Arch of Titus, at Rome,
and the Colosseum, Are Splendid
In Their Ruin.
The Triumphal Arch of Titus In
Home, was built In 70 A. D. to com
memorate the defeat of the Jews, nnd
wns dedicated to tho Kmpcror Titus
after his death. It Is ndorned with fine
sculptures In relief. On the frieze out
side Is a sacrificial procession und on
the Inner side Titus Is seen crowned
by Victory In a quadriga driven by.
Itomu. On nnother part of the arch Is
a triumphal procession of Jews, tho
Table of Show Bread, and tho seven-
branched candlestick. In the center
of tho vaulting the consecrated emper
or Is seen being carried to heaven by
nn eagle.
In 1882 the arch was a set of ruins,
nnd some of the medieval additions
were removed and It was partly recon
structed. The colosseum, with seats
for 50,000 spectators, originally called
the 'Flavian amphitheater, was coin-.
pleted by Titus In tho year 60 A. D.,
and derives Its later name, prohnhly,
from a colosmil slatue of Nero. Tho
coloHscum Is now alt In ruins.
Safe as a Bank.
In examination In bankruptcy pro
ceedings Mrs. Helen Hunt, widow, of
Lee Bankroad, Birmingham, England,
snld she did not keep a banking ac
"Where did you keep your money?"
"In n safe place outside the houso,
with a faithful friend."
"Tho dog," said Mrs. Hunt. "I used
to put tho money In n cash-box under
the kennel, und nobody dared go near
tho kennel.''
"Nenrly 1.000 ($15,000) under n
dog's kennel?"
"Yeo," said Mrs. nunt. She did not
I, think a bank wns safer.
Gently 8arcaitlc.
At half past eleven Mr. Stono ro-
tlred. In a fow minutes tho telephone
rang, and ho hurried downstairs to find
that there was no ono on tho lino. IIo
had Just snuggled Into his warm bed
when tho telephone rang again, nnd
ho answered It a second time.
It proved to bo it man who wished
to Interest him In a new automobile,
When tho converfatlon was ended, the
caller said. "I hopo I have not Incon
venienced you?"
"Not at all," said Mr. Stone. "I was
sitting right In front of tho telephone
thinking that some ono might call mu
up." Youth's Companion.
Mr. Herbert M. Gcaener writes from his
home in Berlin, N.'IL:
I had toinnch trouble over ten years;
kept getting worse. I tried everything foj
relief but it came back worse than ever.
Last fall I got awfully bad; could only cat
light loaf bread and tea. In January I got
so bad that what I would eat would sour
and boil; my teeth would bo like chalk.
I suffered terribly. 1 prayed every day fo
something to cure me. One day I read
about EATONIO and told my wife to got
me a box at the drug store as I was goinn
to work at 4 p. m. I took one-third of it
and began to feel relief; when it was
three-fourths gone, I felt fine and when it
was used up I had no pains. Wife got me
another box but I have felt the pain but
twice. I used five tablets out of tho new
box and I have no more stomach trouble.
Now I write to tell you how thankful I
am that I heard of EATONIC. I feel llko
a new man; I cat what I like, drink plenty
of water, and it never hurts me at all.
No Soap Better
For Your Skin-
Than Cuticura
Seep 25c, Ointment 25 end 50c, Talcum 25c
Publicity and Practice.
"flow did you lay tho foundation for
your colossal fortuno?" asked tho
young man. ,
"I worked all day and studlqd nil
night," replied Mr. Dnstln Stnx. "I
attended church regularly and nvoidoil
nil bad liabltH "
"Is this the way you would advlao
me to proceed?"
'Why er I didn't know you want
ed the Information for your personal
ukc. That's different, c-f coutm I
thought aa Interview for n mag
azine article."
WHEN designers of children i
clothes began making up little
dresses of checked gingham, In clu-t
ful colors, and using organdy for col.
lnrs, cuffs und sashes, and In otlici
deconttlvo features, they hit upon Hi
most successful Idea of the preFin'
season. These little models hav
proved so universally pleasing and
pretty that new designs come out In
tho shops with ench new dlsplny of
children's clothes. The combination
has been borrowed for older people,
wltluthti best rtsults wd now there '
no age limit for organdy-trimmed
checked glnghutn. It has a rival In
plain cbnmbray, or other plain drrwn
cottons, In dainty colors, with which
orgundy Is used In tho snme way.
Both organdy and plain cbnmbray help
to make dresses of plaid gingham in
teresting. An example of both the.checked arid
plaid ginghams, made up with acces
sories of white organdy, appears In
tho Illustration above. Thoy are sim
ple and easy to make and suited to
little maids from six or seven '
twelve or thirteen years. The checked
gingham Is cut In ono piece nnd plait
ed In at tho walatllno. A frill of or-
inndy, with narrow, hemstitched hem,
Inches the neck nnd three-iuurter
ength sleeves and both are bound
vlth a narrow, bias, fold of the glng-
mm. There are patch pockets of or
gandy with frill across tho top and n
'finding of gingham. An organdy snsh
's placed under the panel of gingham
nt the front of the wnlst. Tho panel
'h cut on the bios of the material and
pointed at the bottom nnd there are
small, flat pearl buttons at ench sldo
of It.
In the plaid glnghnm dress a plait
ed uklrt Is Joined to nn underbodlce.
Tho wnlst has bias fronts extended be
low tho wals'tllne and bound with or
gandy, and It fastens with three large
pearl buttons. Long sleeves nre tin-
usunl In this year's dresses, hut they
appear In this Utile model, with or-
gnrtdy cuffs. The neck Is finished with
a collar that Is plain like tho cuffs.
Few Bricks Came From England.
Tho late George Alfred Townsend
established beyond controversy that,
while there may have been n fow Iso
lated Instances of cargoes of bricks
from England, not ono colonlnl houso
In fifty, for which such claim Is made,
Included English bricks In Its compo
sition. From a letter In tho Baltimore
Mount. McKlnloy Sinking
Mount McKlnloy, the. Oregon moun
tain, Is sinking with tho weight of
ages. Within tho last 8 veral yenra,
when tho peak shrugged Its rocky
shoulders In earthquakes, tho loftiest
mountain In North Amorcn has sub
sided at lenst 500 feet from Itn original
altitude of 150,400 feet. Such was tho
assertion of Herschel C. I'arker, geolo
gist and mining engineer, who first
scnlcd Mount McKlnloy In 1012.
Still Useful.
Mrs. A. hnd Just finished cutting her
five-year-old daughter's har and wan
preparing to throw away tho clipping
when tho youngster asked, "Mother,
what nre you going to do with tho hulr
you cut oft my head?"
"Why, throw It away, of lourst,
answered Mrs. A., a trifle Impatiently.
"Why, what made you 'ask?"
"Oh, I thought inaybo you wonhl
snvo It to patch father's with," return
ed the youngster. "It needs It bad
The over-the-sklrt blouse continues
In fnvor.
hat Unusual Flavor
Wholesome, Rich, Delightful
that comes from blending malt
ed barley with whole wheat is
(distinctive of
fiiis food is ready cooked, eco
nomical, easily digested and
very nourishing.
Sold by grocers
i""""'N" iiiiMiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiMniMiiMHimnniiiiiiimiiiiiiHiuiriiiinimmTmmrTTTiii iiniiimiiiirnm&