The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 18, 1920, Image 9

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Get this
Free Book
that guides you
to the cabinets
which make your
house a
cultured home
"Edison and Music" givss
the chief characteristics of the
most important period furniture
'styles. It tells how Mr. Ediso..
came to make every New
Editon a Period cabinet. It illus
trates the 17 beautiful designs.
just stop in for your copy, and
ask about the Budget Plan of
Among the 1 7 Edison Period phono
graphs, you'll find cabinets with the
home-loving ideals of England's tra
ditional culture;
cabinets with the elegance of"
France's most luxurious davs.
cabinets with the esthetic refine
ment of Italy's inspired furniture art;
all adapted direct from the original
historic masterpieces bv Mr Edison's
all full of the culture and meaninj
you want your home to exprrsi
Harry Dixon
(Copyright, 1920. Western Newspaper Union.)
It wits tug tiny In the city nml n
young girl whose nttlro while nent
mid well fitting showed signs of mend
ing nml woitr, stood nt the cornet' of
two busy streets, n curdlionrtl In one
linnd, 11 white enrnutlnii In the other.
She wns forlornly snd its to fnce mid
eyes, staring vngnely nt 11 smiling,
pleasant lndy who wns one of the tntj-
gcrs. The lntter hnd noted her de
pressed nmnner nml on some inten
five impulse of kind henrtedncss hud
approached her with motherly inter
est mid hnd snld :
"You must went the Inslguln of the
tiny, denr. I know you nre one of us
In sentiment."
And then the true lndy unobtrusive
ly placing llower nml rnrd into the
ghi's linnds. mingled with the crowd
seeking renl subscribers.
The tenrs cmne Into the eyes of Ver-
dn Lund. Amid her loneliness n bo
ning net of consideration meant much,
but It emphnslzod the drenrlness nml
destitution that faced her. Out of
work, n stranger In n strange city, she
had been compelled thnt morning to
give up the chenp little room she oc
cupied. She wns faint and weak.
'Help the good cnusel" hnlled a
brisk, cheery voice, nml the nbstrnctcd
Verdn felt tag and llower drnwn from
her clnsp nml a bank note substituted.
Ilcwlldoredly she looked tip to note
n smiling, genial young man. For n
moment ho seemed quite magnetized
by her sorrowful, but soulful eyes.
They transmitted to her a strange Im- j enme Into my
repast, the first food of which Verdn
had pnrtuken for 11 iilght mid a day.
"It wns Mr. Latham who left you
here." the woman told her. "a true
klndhenrlod gentlcmnn. If there ever
wns one. He was very anxious and In
terested. . lie seemed to surmise that
Von were In trouble. He hns telephoned
twice about you nml wishes you to re
main here until business hours nre
"I 11111 Mr. Lutham's sister," Inter
rupted nn Intruding voice, and it well
dressed lndy uppeaied Just beyond the
edge of the screen. "Is this the young
lady my brother told me about? He
telephoned me nml If I can be of any
service to you let me be your friend."
She was mim-ind mid hnd 11 fondly
of two little children,' mid when the
matron hnd taken her aside ami talked
with her In low tones Mrs. Wurnir
I tvturnod to the side of Verdn.
I "You poor friendless dove!" she
murmured, kissing her. "We nre go
ing to mend some of the Injustice of
life that hns fullen to your lot. My
nuto Is below and when you nre strong
enough to ncconipniiy me we will soon
hnve you under n roof where you
must welcome a lout:, perfect text."
Verdn Lund retired that night the
guest of a true smiled woman with
plenty of spare for thoe she could
help, nml glnd to bestow It. She did
not mention her brother until several
dnys inter, and by that time her little
ones had learned to Idolize the stran
ger whose gratitude and Joy mode her
love the whole world.
Very unobtrusively llrynn Lntlinm
cmne to the houe nt Inst, lie did
not olirtude himself upon 'Verdn, but
he could not conceal an Interest her
every time he met the gin nee of the
pleading eyes that had thrilled him
from the first.
"It wns just n month ago that you
life," he told Verdn
Henry's father wns a golf onthust
ast: therefore Henry knew all about
the game. One time he wns asked:
"Henry, why Is It thnt men that piny
golf alwnys yell 'fore Instend of 'look
out or some such thing?'
Henry thought for a second before
nn Inspiration came from .looking at
his young sister, who was diligently
getting her arithmetic.
"You see," he replied, "it takes too
long to yell 'toot-toot,' and that sounds
so much like 'two-two' that they just
add them together and yell 'four.'"
presslve thrill.
"I won't forget that lovely face In n
hurry," he spoke to n compnnlon.
"Oh. wnlt! wait!" cried Verdn.
"You have made a mistake," but tho
surging crowd hnd swallowed up the
two men.
Almost stupidly she stood gnzlng nt
the dollar note. There wns wafted
from a near restaurant n tnntnllzlng
whiff of food. She turned towards It
nlmost fiercely. Then she ran awny
from the temptation. She pushed aside
the jostling multitude, staring ahead
to try and discover some tagger to
whom -she could deliver the dollar. She
bnttled her way even more strenuous
ly. Ahead she made out the young
mnn who had given her the money.
FInnlly slie nenred him. She put out
n band to halt him. He wns nlrlly
sweeping his lips with the sweet
Oil. please!" panted Verdn, extend
ing the bank note. "I nm not n tng
ger. I hnd no right to take It."
There she wavered, there a sudden
film cmne across her vision. Sno
swnyed weakly. ItryMn Lnthnm
cnuglit her in Ids arms ns conscious
ness deserted her.
"Do not move, denr," spoke n gen
tle womanly voice many hours Inter
nnd Verdn stared Virguely about her.
She lny upon a couch In the rest room
of an ofllce building. A screen wns
set across n corner of tho apartment
nnd the matron stood regarding her
with a smile. "Will you not toll mo
something about yourself?" she nsked.
And Verdn told her all of her pover
ty, of the llower and tag and of her
temptntlon to assuage her hunger.
The matron wound n sympathizing
nrm nbout her. There were tears of
tenderness and pity in her eyes. She
went nwoy mid returned with a server
containing n dainty, but strengthening
when they were alone together one
evening. "See how 1 cherish the mem
ory," lie added, and he drew out n lit
tle blank hook and within It lay thu
tag nnd the faded carnation.
And when their wedding came
about. It wns two of the HHIe War
ner children who scattered the same
remindful flower In the path of bride
and groom.
Gods of Ancient Rome.
"Going to Church In Ancient Home"
wns the title of a lecture delivered In
Philadelphia In Houston hall by Dr.
George D. Hadzslts, who showed a
number of views of temples dedicated
to Jupiter. Minerva, Mercury and other
gods. The number of gods became so
numerous In Home toward the Inst,
said the lecturer, thnt the people had
to refer to a catalogue. There was
one for sowing, one for planting, reap
im' hhulimr hoiiscclcnnlm: and. In
fact, for every trivial detail of life,
Ultual and ceremony choked true de
votlon, lie said, and the sacrifices
prayed over by tlie priests were made
with or without the presence or any
one else. Congregational devotion waB
alien to the spirit of ancient Home.
The Ford Coupe lias an especial appeal for real estate folks because
of its splendid up-to-date appointments. A comfortable and depend
able motor car every day of the year shine, rain, mud or snow.
Equipped with electric self-starting and lighting system and demount
able rims with 3-inch tires all around it, brings its owner all those
established dependable Ford merits in economy in operation and
upkeep, with assured long service. Not alone for professional and
business men who drive much, but as the family car for women,
the Ford Coupe meets every expectation. The demand for them
increases daily so we solicit immediate orders to make reasonably
prompt delivery. Will you not make our shop your repair place?
Genuine Ford parts and skilled mechanics.
Touring $650. Roadster $625. Sedan $975.
Truck $610. v. o. n. kactohy.
aunoivmoM rA ir
Death of Goethe.
When the spirit of Johmin von
Goethe passed away, March 22. 1833,
all Europe t",J 0,t of ,lu -'vent and
nondered on his last words: "Let tin
Iilght Knter." He was venerable with
litre nnd honors. wise, many-sided
mind, nnd the Krentest poet of Ger
many. March said of him that what
he lived was more beautiful than what
he wrote; and his life, mold all Its
weakness and all its sorrows, presents
a picture of certain grandeur of soul
which cannot be contemplated unmoved.
Spread of Sleeping Sickness Threatens
Entire World, According to Scien
tists of Prominence.
Sleeping sickness, called encephalitis
lethnrglea by the doctors, seems now
to have became a domestic evil, says
thu Medical 'Hccord (New York), In
quoting a study of this formerly rare
disease by Doctor Lhermltte In a
French medical Jotirnnl.
It appears that the disease Is epi
demic all over the world and that It
manifests Itself In many forms, the
only symptom possessed by all In com
mon being that o deep and prolonged
In true encephalitis lethnrglea there
are four cardinal symptoms ocular
paralyses, hypersomnia, fever and the
general state. The ocular paralyses
may be absent at thu outbreak of tho
disease, but once present they no
characteristic. So, too, Is the type of
hypersomnia. It Is a nnrcolepsy, but
the subject does not arousu quickly,
ns In the condition which commonly
goes by tho name and In which the
seizures may he only momentary. How
ever, the permanent sleep may be pre
ceded by narcoleptic crises.
Doctor Lhermltte notes hypertension
of the muscles and a state suggesting
catalepsy. Tremors are often mani
fest; tho temperature. goes to 101 de
grees F. lie says a Wasserniann test
and examination of the spinal fluid
should always be made.
Hl& Closing Schedule.
She was at the back of the church
ind she was getting restless and anx
ious to leave. Itnby was restless, so
mother beckoned the usher to her.
"Is the sermon nearly finished?" she
"No. Another halMiour yet," re
plied the usher. "He's only on his
lastly.' "
"Will It take him that long to say
his 'lastly'?" she asked anxiously.
"No, mum ! There's 'one more word
and I'm done,' and the 'llnnlly,' and
the 'in conclusion' to come yet."
Selling Experlonco Not Ncccssnry.
Ono of World's largest Qroqora,
(capital over $1,000,000.00) wnnts am
bitious men In your locality to soU
direct to consumer nationally known
brands of nn oxtonslvo lino of gro
ceries, paints, roofings, lubricating
oils, stock foods, etc. No capital re
quired. Wrlto today. Stato ago and
occupation. John Sexton & Co., 352
W. Illinois St., Chicago, 111.
To whom arc you going to soil your
Hay nnd Grain? Tho Harrington Mor
cantllo Co. will offer tho highest
prices. 64tt
..General Hospital..
One Hall Block North ol Posloflice.
Phone 58
A modern institution for thu
niontific treatment of medical,
mrgical and conf.nement cases.
CompUtQly equipped X-Ray
and diagnostic laboratories.
Geo. B. Dent. M. D. V. Lucas, M. D.
J. B. Redficld. M. D. J. S. SIMMS, M.D.
Wo want these.
Big Price for Cast Iron.
No market for hones at present.
Licensed Embamers
Undertakers and Funeral Directors
Day phono 41
Night phono Black &S8
Ear ache Is common among children
and is the usual accompaniment of a
hard cold. There Is a most intimate
relation between
the nose and head
acute catarrh, cr
jiassages there is
draining into tho
Earache therefore, takes ita origin
from cold, and adjusting that releases
the normal llow of nervous vigor into
tho organs that purify tho body of the
clogging wastes that causo cold, is tho
first step. Adjusting is also most ef
fective in reaching tho pain in tho car
tho air passages of
and tho ears. When
cold, stops thoso aii
apt to bo a discharge
ear, and the result is
Consultation Is without a charge or
Drs. States & States,
The P. S. C. Chiropractors.
Building nnd Loan Building
North riatte Nebraska.
1 v-"1-"
.J- ABM5
' i nwrn
Spinal -Jaoltfma LIMBS
London's Famous Billingsgate Forced
to Succumb to the Inexorable
March of Time.
nillliiL'sirnte, London's old-time fish
market, Is about to move. The course
of time and the modern diliiculties of
transport nre responsible for the plan
to remove to another site more easy
of access, and In which spnee will
not always be at a premium.
liitllngsgatL' was the most Importnnt
quay on the Thames In late haxon
times, and fish, among other things,
were landed there. By tho time of
EdvMird I the market was fully estab
lished, and the king, who was a con
firmed food controller, fixed a tariff
of maximum prices. Tills list Included
one dozen best soles, fl cents ; best mul
let, '1 cents; best haddock, -1 cents;
best Thames or Severn lamprey, 8
cents; gallon of oysters, -1 cents, and
best porpoise, 12 to 10 cents. The
Iicm fresh salmon, after Easter, were
to be sold at four for $1.25. That was
In ilio days when the Thames was full
of Milmon, and one could cntch lloun
dei and flatfish on a lino dropped
over London bridge. Tho water Is still
salty during high tide, but tho sea fish
do not come up any further than
Griivesend, which Is 20 miles lower
Lots For Sale.
Commencing June 7th, I will offer for sale, lota
in the 1300, 1400, 1500 and 1600 block on West
Second, Third, Fourth,Fifth and Sixth Streets.
liThis is not a new platt but are highly'desirable
lots in the North Platte Town Lot Company's Addi
tion that have been withheld from sale for some time
Many have made their selections in advance, so
if interested, prompt action on your part is imperative.
Phone 821J.
505 y2 Dewey St.
The Diamond Trade.
Considerable activity has prevailed
In the diamond trade In British (Jul-
ami within the last few months, and
prl ees have advanced to a high level
heretofore unknown, states Consul
Mci'unn In bis formal report. Hxpedl
tlons are being dispatched to tho dla
moiid fields In the Interior by those
interested In the business In George
town. It Is currently repotted that
the English market Is eager to absorb
any quantity of stones, largo or small,
but that they are being bought not
only for English but also for American
markets regardless of ptosont oxcep
tlonally high prices.
Mutual Building and Loan
Of North Platte, Nebraska.
The Association has unlimited funds at its command1 to
assist in the building or purchase of homes for the people of
North Platte. If you are interested, the officers of this
Association will render every assistance and show you how
easy it is to acquire your own home.
President. Secretary.
Office over the Union State Dunk
no matter where is it located. To give tho best of service
is our aim. Watch our results. Our experience nnd ac
quaintance is wide and we appreciate your sales of any
kind. Call on us and let us explain our methods and terms
to you.
E. A. OLSON, Manager.
North Platte, Neb.