The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 18, 1920, Image 8

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Women Picket the Reoublican Convention
How America Is Aiding Stricken Poland
W protest acjahist the conimue6 6i$tVaitchiscmcut of women
for which the jRcpnblican party is now responsible.
illie J?epnbican party 6cfcatc6 ratification hi Delaware
&lRepubikan parish Mocking ratification in Vermont;
iiic Republican parh( s blockinlvmtificattou in (Toimecticu
When the tiblicait party stop blocking suttrag
Tin.' Woman s national party decided to picket the Itepulilicun convention In Chicago, mid thin uhovvs one of
Hie banners tlielr pleketH carried to the Coliseum. The women holding It nro Miss Alice I'aul and Mrs. Abby Scott
British and Arabs Keep Order in Jerusalem
Mounted Kngllsli and Arabian troops mingling with a crowd In Jerusuleni during the holy week festivities
(o keep order. Thu observance of Christian, Jewish and Turkish religious holidays nt the same time has been n con
stant source of friction In Palestine.
Debs Gets Notification in Prison
For tin) first lime In history a candidate for president of thu United
States has been tendered the nomination and has accepted It while a prisoner
In the penitentiary, The unique event occurred nt the Atlanta federal prison,
when Kugene V. Debs, serving tlio second year of a ten-year sentence for
violating the espionage law, formally was notified of his nomination for the
presidency of the Socialist party. Debs Is hero shown greeting Seymour Sted
nmn, his running mttte.
Loyal to the Flag in Hawaii Schools
Experts of the olllce of cereal In
vestlgntlons, department of ngrlcul
ture, limiting testa of different vart
etles of oats in order to determine
their susceptibility and resistance to
the destructive smut disease. Thej
wor'.: on the government experimental
farm nt Arlington, Va.
I The schools of Hawaii aro modeled largely after those In the states,
llorii arc seen a number of pupils pledging alleglanro to the llag.
Children or Urodnu, lolnnd. learning gardening under the supervision 01 workers ut the American Joint distribu
tion committee. A thousand children are enred for here dal ly while their mothers are ut work.
Disabled Soldiers Have an Athletic Carnival
f 1 iMUwtM
A monster athletic carnival In which wounded soldiers, nurses and members of the detachment participated, was
given at tlio U. S. A. general hospital No. 41, Fox Hills. Staten Island. N. Y. This photograph shows the prize win
ners In the decorated wheel chair contest. ,
Cattle Show in Ruins of Ypres
Scene during thu cattle show held In the market square of war-wrecked
Ypres, Belgium. Visitors from nil parts of Hclglum nttended this show. It
was organized by tlio provincial council of western Flanders In honor of the
visit of the duke of Portland and members of the allied agricultural relief com
mittee. Camel Meat Is Put on Sale in Paris
Archbishop Khoren of Krlvan, capi
tal of Armenia, who has come to the
United States to present to President
Wilson a hierarchical letter from thif
Catholic Armenians, expressing tlio
gratitude of thu Armenian people foi
the great wdrk which tlio American'
people have done through the Neat
Kast relief.
Shamrock IV, on tlio ways nt tlio
Jacobs shipyards, City Island, N. VN
where It has been overhauled. This
photograph shows the pecullur slmpa
of thu hull of the cup challenger.
Thu zoo In Paris was tumble' longer to feed many ot Its animals, and the
camels were sold to a butcher, who slaughtered them und offered the meat to
his customers as a substitute for beef.
Among the art posters on thu pre
vention of tuberculosis sliown In Now
York by the Art Alliance of America
Is this one, mado by Florence Uup
precht of tbo Buswlck, high school.
It was selected by prominent Judgea
as thu best of the 500 exhibited.