"V ,.Ar 1'.' ' Wiowood 1 JWve Good luck does not come to you; you must go AFTER it. When you LOOK prosperous you have a better opportun ity to BE prosperous; because you are "sized up" by the way you appear. t Then come in and buy some of our good jewelry with your spare money. " It will help you to appear well ariT will be a PAYING INVESTMENT. . ' C. S. CLINTON SIGN OF THE ma ltlXG. 'B LOCAL. AND PERSONAL Ernest IUncker went yesterday to Keystone on business. Clinton has the stock for the Juno Bride. MG-2 J. J. Halllgan went to Northport yesterday on legal business. W. T. Wilcox left yesterday for N'orthport on legal business. " Dr. Howard Yost, Dentist, Twlnom Building. Fliono 307. 77tf Ellen McGovern went to Ogalalla yesterday to attend the Round-Up. Walter Shilling and George Webber went to Ogalalla yesterday to attend tho Round-Up. J. li. SKHASTIAK, Tho Old Lino Life Man, lies. Phone 1138. Offlco Phone G12.1 Mrs. J. Tucker returned yesterday from Beatrice wheroshe "visited rela-" tives for three weeks. When In North Platte stop at the New Hotel Palace and Cafe. You will bo treated well. B8tf Miss Jano dishing, who has boon visiting at the G. A. Tarkln'gton home left for Portland, Oregon, yesterdny. A big shipment of trlcoletto blouses just arrived which are Included in our sale. E. T.JTRAMP & SONS. George Larkln resigned his position with tho Nebraska Telephone Com pany and left yesterday for Grand Is land. Mrs. M. Emerick, of Torrlngton, Wyo., left yesterday after visiting at the homo of her paronts Mr. arid Mrs. J. D. Cole. Tho Store Wide ' Sale of 20 OFF at Tho Leader Mor. Co. is fast draw ing to a close. Be aura and attend before the close. When she decided she was losing out In tho lottery of love she washed her face and won a husband. Seo Blllio Burko in "Wanted a Husband" at tho Keith Monday and Tuesday. Leota Hulton celebrated her four teenth birthday on the 14th of Juno by. enternlning a number of friends at her home. For Itnnt. Furnished 4-rnnm nnnrt mont from Juno 1st to Aug. 1st. In a good location. Phoriofll05. 39tf Miss Bonnie JanoMurphy, of Call fornla, is expected tho latter part of this week to visit at tho homo of her sister Mrs. C. V. Turplo. T.tflflnlf. wlm hn lioon nttonil- ing Creighton college Pin Omaha, re turned yesterday anuMvlll visit at the Dr. Dent homo during tho summer. Word was received, from Denver by friends of Mrs. Seth, Sherwood that she is suffering from- a paralytic stroke. She was a former resident here. Our sale has proven very success ful, duo to the fact Uiat we have had only first class merchandise at real sale prices. E. T. TRAMP & SONS. Henry Olson, auto mechanic, has leased shop room in the rear (of tho Van Cleave blacksmith shop, and be Ing provided with room for eight curs, is well prepared to do your car repair work. Skirts mado to your order, latest in stylo fit guaranteed. You can select any material you wish and we'll make it up to your measure at $3.00 Special. This offer is for this WEEK ONLY so come in at onco and get a date for fitting. Tho Leader Mor. Co. One disturbing feature at the week ly band concerts is tho practice of auto owners starting their engines during the rendition of a selection. This proves very, annoying to the audience as woll as to members of tho band and should bo discontinued. If you desire to leave tho park in your car, do so fro tweon the program numbers. Most wonderful house dresses on sale at $2.45, $3.95 and $4.85. Tho kind you'll buv to sco them at Tho Leader Mor. Co. The Final Word is "Theo." In each season there is one style that stands out above all others. "Theo" arrived a little late, but almost instantly won first place. There are several variations, but none prettier than the one we illustrate here. The "Theo" comes in black kid leather, black and brown suede with high or low heel. Also in the new baby French heel in Jjlack and brown kid leather. SHOE MARKET AVES YOU ONEY ON SHOES. William Wobfl? President of the American Woolen Co. was recently indicated on several counts for prof--' it'iering. A few days lalcr Illcases were-lhtwn oiu of court. This man controls the clothing siluatidn'of this country and does anyone beleive you can lower " . ... . . the price -of clothes as long as tha ' Chief. Profiteer of i ; the bunch is allowed to go unpunished?, k ,- : '' 'l' Every clothing merchant who expects to be in bus1 ' p . iiiess this Fall has already placed orders at an advan- " ceol twenty to thirty percent. This means that GOOD . CLOTHES will retail this Fall at $60.00 to $110.00 ; ' " for a Suit. Can you afford these prices? O Collegian Clothe 1920 DotIJ Aiilcr & Sons Company That's why we urge you to take advantage of our great STOCK REDACTION SAL while it lasts and buy the every best Clothes made at the remarkable price reductions of to One-Halt Off Regular Prices. One Fifth 1 rl .Our Shoe Stock is heavy and we offer choice of this fine;- r, assortment of &igh Grade Shoes for men at ONEtTHIRD OFF. This Sale means a Great Saving to You. Its human to save and we expect to see interest increase daily as long as this sale lasts. wards-Reynolds Co. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Prank Elliott spent Wednesday In "Wallaco on business. Charles Edwards, who hus boon 111 for some time, Is Improving. Mrs. A. W. Wlmberly left yesterday for Omaha to visit for a week. Mrs. Fred Tctro, of Brady, was visit ing friends In the city Wednesday. Tho Rexall handles tho goods. 14 tf Mr. and Mrs. Joyco spont yesterday in Ogalalla attending tho Round-Up. Mrs. Ed Ludsvlg, of Arlington, Is visiting Miss Esther Cohagon for a few days. Mrs. A. Cralglo left yesterday for Oakland, Calif., to spend a couplo of months. Tho largest assortment of hand painted china can bo found at Clin ton, Tho Jeweler. 4C-2 Mrs. G. M. Supnnchlck left yester day for Grand Island whero sho will visit relatives. Mrs. Holmer Gray nd Helen Gray loft yesterday for Ogalalla to attend tho Round-Up. Try our 30c coffeo. McMIchaol's Grocery. 42-8 Miss Janet McDonald, who had been visiting friends In Now York, returned homo yesterday. Mrs. W. E. Snollng, of Sau Diego, California, came Wednesday, ovonlng to visit Mrs. N. Kloln. Georgo Weir, a former North Platto boy, Is spending today In town whllo onrouto to western points. What Is homo without a clock? Clinton, tho Jowcler. 40-2 Mrs. J. C. Hopkins and Mrs. C. M, York loft yesterday for Central City to spond a couplo of weeks. Harold Durko wont to Donvor Wed nesday whoro ho has accepted a posi tion in a bank. Now lot of whnt's latost in skirts and waists lust recoivod nt THE LEADER MERCANTILE COMPANY. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bornauo and Mr. Mrs. R. M. Huntor loft yostorday for Bayard. Ncbr., to vlmt for a few days. Kami Concert Program. Tho North Platto Band undor di rection of Earl Stamp, will play tho following program, Friday, Juno 18th at 8 p. in., in tho court houso park. 'Press' March W. P. Chambers Mazurka Russo 'La Ozarlno L. Ganno 'Soronado' ...Moskowskl Overture 'Golden Drauon' - King Waltz 'Dluo Danubrt' Strauss Four Part Suite 'Atlantls'Safrnnek Maroho 'Mllltairo' rP. Schubert Selection Tho Red Widow-Gobcst March 'flJi R'ogtlmont' ,Losoy, Autolsts aro requested Co kindly refrain from starling tholr engines during tho rendition of any of tho concert numbers. CITIZENS "CtTKNTION' I Will you please co-oporato with tho chairman and the peoplo in your ro spectlvo wards in completing tho clean-up campaign. Many peoplo havo dono their work 100, but thcro ii ro many places that will not yet puss nspoctlon. Wo, as cltlzonss Hko a dean place with all tho surroundings neat In nppearanco, and to this end Juno 21st to Juno 30th each year has boon designated at tho ton weed days. I thoroforo ask your co-operation ti ml support and urge you as good citizens to cut all tho weeds In your alloy, Btroot and around vour promi ses. Tho survey committee will start its final work about July 9th and I mn sure you want your placo to pass a crodlblo Inspection and receive your card. It remain vours for a weodlosB and cloanlesH town. , Yours. . Country Club Dance. Tho first social functlpn at the Country Club was hold Wednesday evening when thirty-ono couples at tended tho dancing and card party. A few of tho attendants playod cardB, but to a big majority dancing appealed tho strongost. Tho party wns voted a very pleasant ovont. WARNING, I am tho only, authorized roprescu tatlvo in this vicinity for tho origi nal Logan Knitting Factory, of Lo gan, Utuli, manufacturers of the fa mous Utah mado-to.-jneanuro woolen and silk undorwear, sweaters, mack ImiwB, mon's suits, raincoats, flannol shirts, blankots, leather vests, ladles' scarfs, sllpovors, otc. This is my only stop hero, and I am taking orders for Immediate and fall dellvory..Tho goods aro paid for when delivered In tho fall. This Is my sovonth week in North Platto with only, a short time Iongor to stay. Hundreds havo already taken advnntago of my short stay hero. I am always at tho hotel ovonings from 0:30 to 9:30 and during tho day by appolntmont. Saturdays I nm at tho hotel tho wholo day to. accommodate the many fnrmors nnd out-of- town peoplo who como Into town to do their shopping. Try tho now way of buying your clothes direct from tho factory and aavo monoy nnd disappointments. D. A. FREEDMAN, Pnlaco Ilotol. Phono 40. Bargain In Used Fords. 1 Ford Touring M17 $107.00. 1 Ford Touring 1917 $210.00. 1. Ford Touring 1918 f 450.00. This car with winter top In good con dltlon Hosseers and other accessories. IIENDY-OQIER AUTO CO. AT THE , General Chairman. Thousands of dollars aro saved to the pooplo at tho Storo Wide Salo of 20 OFF everything In tho storo from' fallcos und Threads to Coats, Suits and Millinery at Tho Loader Mer. Co Skirts mado to vour ordor, latest In styles fit guaranteed. You can Bolect any matorlal vou wish and wo'Il mako It up to your moasuro at $3.00 Spoclal. This offer Is for this WEEK ONLY so como In nt onco and got n dato for fitting. Tho Loador Mor. Co. Try tho Roxall first, it. -pays. 14tf Mrs. C. W. Raskins, who Is visiting In Wllllumsport, Pn., wrltos that pota toos aro spiling thorn for $2.10 por buHhol. Now potntoos. tho only kind obtalnnblo, aro nolllng In tho locnl market for fifteen renin a pound. SUN THEATRE. TODAY ALICE JOYCE' In Dollars and the Woman Also 2 reel comedy, "The Parcel Post Husband" SATURDAY BILLIE RUSSELL. -In The Lion and the lamfc Also Big V Comedy MONDAY WILLIAM RUSSELL IN A Sporting Chance Also 11th Eyesode of Elmo Commencing Monday matinee will start ot 2 p. in. ench day except Saturday Jl:45 p. m, Two shows oftornoon and night.