The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 18, 1920, Image 6

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Under the Auspices of the Lincoln County Agricultural Society.
000 IN PUR
Including Rhiley, Brinker, Bullock, Breed, Schieder and Aukerman.
Daring Airoplane Stunts
Will be given during the races. These will include looping the loop, picking a man out of an Automo
bile while plane is moving sixty miles an hour, jumping from one plane to. another while in the air
and other daring feats. ,7
Big Celebration Forenoon and Night Under the Auspices of the Chamber of Commerce !
rrd J - . .
Adults $1.10, children 'under twelve 55 cents, car parking space $1.10, grand stand $1.10.
All prices to include war tax.
? T7 r- rc-ra e
Graduate Dentist
Office over the McDonald
State Hunk.
nuu;quior northwest ctttoa.
jjUchor Tottonhoff wont to Pc
Wednesday to piny ball In a gnmo
twHfeu. Potter and Lodgo Polo.
h 3. Adnnia mid dnughtorlAndro loft
yesterday for Omahh to spend n couplo
of Weeks.
Mrs. C. P. Aldon, of Kimball, loft
Y,cdriosdny tiftor visiting at tlio liomu
qfAV. T. Aldon.
Romalno Throckmorton loft Wcdnoa
day evening for Clinton, In., to visit
tt.-W. Payno was called to Muscatine,
Iowa, Wednesday by the death of a
New lot of what's latest in skirts
and watsts lust recolved at THE
Joljii Dugnn and slator loft the early
part. of tlto week on a trip to Portland
nnu;quior northwest cltlos
gnmo bo-
..Steam Ruths. MiiHRiti'ft mul l!lHrli
Trenfiiienl at IS Kast (ith, St. Phono
607. Mrs. Arthur Rush. tf.
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Vroninn and chil
dren, havo boon visiting Mrs. Vromnn's
jiartmts In Grand Island this week.
Mrs. W. It. Malonoy and dnughtor
returned Wednesday from Grand Is
Iand' whoro thoy had boon visiting
friends for sovoral ilayjj.
Plbronco Static nnd Mrs,. E. Tltch
nor returned last ovonlng from Coluin
bus whoro thoy nttondod tho woddlng
ofMUs Gortrtido Horrod.
Ilwjssmaklng dono ronsonably. In
quiry nt 700 South Willow. 44-4
Mr."' mid Mrs. 0. II. Thoolccke nnd
daughter wont to Omnlm Ttiosday
whoro Mr. Thoolocko oxpocted to tako
medical treatment for n short tlmo.
Fny.Cyphor, who graduated from N.
P., High School this yoar will loavo
Sunday for Wyoming whoro Bho will
hold down a homoatend near Lnrn
mlo. Dr. L. J. KltAUSE, DoiUlsl. Mc
DonnM Hank Building. Itooms 2 & ft.
Phono P7. 42tf
Charles Palmor, who was nrrostod
on the charge of manufacturing homo
mado boozo, ploartod guilty to tho
chargo Tuosday and was fined $100
nnd costs.
Skirts niado to vour ordor, lntoat In
stylo fit guaranteed. You can soloct
n,ny matorlal you wish nnd wo'U mnko
it un to vour monatiro nt $3.00 Rnoolnl.
This offer Is for this WEEK ONLY
ho como In nt onco nnd got a dato for
fitting. Tho Lcndqr Mgr. Co.
! Mr. nnd Mrs. J. C. Ilollmnn are visit
ing rolntlvos In Tipton, Iowa.
Mrs. C. A. Lowell, of Chicago, who
had been visiting nt tho homo of Mrs.
Calllo Davidson left vestorday for hor
Mrs. Mnrgarot Dundy la confined to
tlio houso by a fractured ankle which
she sustained In n fnll tho early ipart
of tho week.
Harry S. Johnson wont to Omnlm
Wcdnosdny .wJiero ho will bo operated
on for appqnlcTtls. Ho was accom
panied by hlS'Avifo.
Tho High 5ho.ol band gavo a Bhort
concert nt 'tho tabornnclo Tuesday
ovonlng and tho program was enjoyed
by all who woro prosont.
For Sale Ono cow to bo freah soon,
ono sow and six iplgs 5 weeks old and
ono sow will havo pigs soon. Phono
919W or call at 1007 W. 8th St. 4G-2
Forty men are employed on con
struction at tho slto of tho artlllclal Ice
plnnt which tho Paclllo Fruit Express
Co. Is erecting nt tho west end of tho
Try tho Roxall first. It pays. 14tf
Promoter Solby announces a wrost-
,llng mntch nt the Firemen's hall next
Monday ovonlng botweon Holnlo Englo,
of Dubnuquo, nnd Chnrloy Miller,
champion of tho Dnkotas.
Visit our Dress Goods Counter,
soloct vour material for a Bklrt and
wo'U jnnko It up In best stylo nnd
workmanship for $3.00 Special Your
ordor must bo placed this WEEK at
Tho Lender Mor. Co.'s.
Dr. Morrill, Dontlat, offlco over
Wilcox Dopnrtmont Store.
Whllo I havo somo furnlturo which I
(Wish to dlsposo of,,! am not compcllod
to soil and do not proposo to virtually
give It away Go to a furntturo denier,
socuro his prlcos, then nil, If you
deslro. and lonm tho prlcos nt which I
nm offorlng nrtlcloB. J. (1. Mcllvnin.
11G woat Third stroot.
or permit nnyono olao to do so. If you
neod glnssos got tho host from Dixon
& Son, Eyo Specialists.
E. L, Stovons, teacher of mathema
tics In tho local schools, was married
at Mlndon Wcdnosday to Miss Gall
Wntts, of that town." Following tho
woddlng trip thoy will mnko this city
tholr homo, nnd during tho summer
will bo directors of tho camp for .boy
scouts and cnmpflro girls nenr Sioux
Lookout contingent on tho ostnbllBli
mont of tlio camp.
Rocloanod Millet, $1.35 por bushol.
Ralph Saul, Motor Route B, North
Platto. 45-2
Mm, Work nnd Mrs, Thomns, both of
whom llvo on south Walnut strdot.
woro knocked down Tuesday nftornori
at tho corner of Sixth and Dowoy by a
imr unvon oy a woman, uoth woro so
voroly bruised. Mrs. Work suffored
tho worst Injuries and wns taken to tho
(Gonoral Hoapltal for niqdlcal attention,;
I but was nblo to return homo tho snmo
I ovonlng.
Harry Cramer spent Wednesday In
Lexington on business.
I. P. Black loft Wednesday for Eur
eka, Cnl., to visit relatives.
Mrs. Sullivan, of Brady, wns tho
guest of Mrs. C. M. Trotter this week.
Dixon & Son grind their own lensos..
Joo PIzor wont to Pottor Wednesday
to play ball with Pottor In a game with
Lodgo Polo.
Mrs. A. Stennar left Wednesday for
Fresno, Cnl., whcro-sho-wtll spend tho
summer. ' , . t
Call and inspect our u't-glriss. It
will bo worth y'dur trouble. Clinton,
Tho Jowelor. -.f 115-2
Mrs. W. H. LoDIoyt loft Wcdnosdny
for Omaha to visit hor dnughtor Mrs.
W. A. O'Donnoll.
After you got tho license get tho
wedding ring atCllnton's, Tho Jcwol
er. 40-2
C. T. Whelnn loft Wednesday for
Sholton to look aftor matters pertain
ing to his bridgo contract.
Misses Eleanor Roberts nnd Eva
Mason loft Wednesday -for Goodrlclu
Colo., wliero thoy will visit friends.
John Burko and family returned to
Donvor Wednesday, In tholr car aftor
attending the funornl of tho lato Emtl
Special values in aprons and houso
dresBcs. Thoso garments selling for
less thnu you can buy tho material.
Mlssos draco nml Emma Brown, who
hail been tenchors in tlio Lincoln
school, loft Wcdnosdny for tho wost
nnd will teach In Oregon tho cDinlng
school year.
strained will seo bettor and much
moro comfortably If supplied with
glasses fitted by Dixon & Son, Sight
Mr,, and Mrs. Roy, Logan, of Fro
mont, camo yostorday. Mr. Logan is
a salosmaiv for tho Buick Auto Co., and
If a sultoblo location can bo found ho
will locnto horo permanently.
Mrs. Lcntio Dlmmlck rosigncd hor
position at tho Hub store Wednesday
and will leavo shortly for Colorado.
Mrs. Dlmmlck has boon connected with
tho Hub store for sovon years.
Chns. Hlrsch loft Wcdnosday, morn
ing for Eureka Springs, Ark., whoro
ho oxpects to remain for n month. Tho
wator thoro Is said to bo oxcoptlonally
good for kldnoy trouble
For Sale Extractod honey at 25
conts a pound In fifty pound cans. Ad
drosH II. J. Poll, Brady. Neb. . 41-4
Allco Grovor, agod slxtoon, was tnk
on to tho stato reformatory for women
at York Wcdnosday by Sheriff Salis
bury. In tho county court tho girl
ploadod guilty to prostitution and tho
victim of vonoronl dlsoaso. and hor
testimony was corroborated by public
health offlcor Mija Greer. Hor com-
miimoni to 1119 womoivs rorormntory
J A second meeting, of assessors and
tapayors or tho county wns held at tlio
court house Tuesday nfternoon at
which eighteen precincts were repre
sented. This meeting was called for
the purpose of effecting a county-wide
taxpayors' organization nnd to dis
cuss a basis of valuation for tho 1920
assessment, and to equalize valuations
lis botweon ndjoinlng precincts whore
land la of tho snmo character. Keith
Novlllo, who presided at tho former
meeting, was elected as permanent
chairman and S. M. Soudor secretary.
The purposes for which tho meeting
was called woro discussed by assess
ors and others present, and a number
of suggestions woro offered ns to tho
beat mnnner of securing a uniform
value of lnnd. It wns finally declared
tho aenso of the meeting that Secre
tary Soudor should group precincts
whoro tho land Is of about tho same
clmractor nnd nnmo n day upon which
tho nssossors and mombers of tho
committees of thoso grouped precincts
should moot to consider valuations.
jostnbllah a bnsls nnd oqunllze valua
tions whoro rhequalltles exiat. When
tlieso meotlngs hnvo boon hold nnd this
work performed, then tho work of the
dlffcront groups will bo presented to
tho board of equalization for Its con
sideration,. This action must bo takon
within tho next olghteon days as tho
board of equalization will bo fn ses
sion but that length of time.
.Thoro Is no question but ns a result
of tho work of theso nssessors and
committoos ench precinct will havo a
moro correct and lust valuation than
ovor boforo and 'that tho basis or val
uation as dotormlnod by tho commit
tees will hold good for a long term of
years,. Should it bo necessary in the
futuro to lncreaso valuations, all that
will bo necessary for tho county as
sessor to do will bo to ordor a co'unty
wldo increase of flvo, ten or whatever
por cont Is noeded and tho re-vnluatlon
of each Indlvldunl trnct of lnnd will
not bo necessary.
Tho committees selected or appoint
ed for tho various precincts nre n&
Antelope John K. Mlllor, John An
dorson. Btrdwood D. E, Mnrtin, A. L. Mc
Nool. Brady Wm. Boatty, Joo Dierlnger.
Buchnnant B. R. Morrill, IT. C. Car
penter. Cottonwood R. A. Bonuchamp, P. B.
Bloom, II. J. Poll.
Cox S. C. Bowmnn, C. P. Essloy.
Deor Crook I. N. Dompsoy, Howard
Dickons G. II. Jonklns, S. M. Moore.
East Hlnman Fred Payne.
Fox Crook Potor Jopson, Lymnn
Gnrdnor, J. IT. Kenpton.
Garflold D. P. Myors, Potor Mlllon.
Gasl In E. E. Atkinson, W, S. Pnr
Bon. John J. Glnapp.
Han Frank Purdy,. Honrv P. Han
Hlnman C. SI Trovillo, L. E. Jones,
Frank Strollberg, Geo. Stuart, J. C.
Wilson, Frault Zimmer, Frank Hatch.
Hnrrlsont Johnathan Peaso, F. H.
Eastburn, H. G. Bundy.
Hooker L. C. Marovish, J. IT. Shlll.
Jeffry A. W. Peterson, Wm. Brestel,
L. C. Craig.
Kom Robort Kunkel. A. Kunkal.
1 Lemon C. II. Watts, S. Hollenbeck.
j Maxwell J. Di Kolliher, T. Roberts.
1 Medicines Fred Amstuz. Jon Mlchaal
j Mlllor L. E. Ebright, Geo. McKaln,
,C. A. Rowley.
I Myrtle F. D. Tatman, J. H. Maro
I vlsh.
Nichols Robert Gettys, Evort Ware,
! John W. Fowler. .
j North Rosedale H. L. Gaunt, Fred
Johanfion, D. Mathers.
: Nowell F, W. Llndekugal, C. B.
j Runner.
Osgood P. L. Wngner, H. T. Wood
. gate, T. E. Dooilttle.
I Payno Harry G. Shaner, Henry
I Ilartman.
! Peckham W. M. Strickland, Fred
1 J. Tetro.'W. C. Cause;
Plant W. aiJHlte, Wm. Hnnse.
Rosodalo-Gfo. E. Payne, D. B. Mc
Neol, W. J. Cram.
Sellers W. W. Hunter, Hugh. Song-
Sprinsdalo A'.'c. Pickle, Chns. Night
SunshlneC. i Holm, Peter STnith,
Herman Mbyon.
Somersot M.t H. M'eDermott, Jas.
Owens. ''
Sutherland James Shoup, G. F.
Price, J. W. Cox.'
Tablo Walter Hunso, John W. Kil
mer, J. W. Catterson, C. S. Kilmer, ec.
Vrornqn R. A. McWlin, Nate Bratten
Walker Dan McNlckle, B. F. Teel.
Wallace C. W. Harris, Ed Forrell,
W. J. Cohn.
Well Andy Howard, Martin Jepsen.
Wliittier Will Lane, Chas. Meyers.
Willow Chas. Llston, Don Melton.
Secretary Souder will notify tlieso
committees as to which group of pre
cincts they belong.
larrlages by County Judge.
Juno 14th Hubert W. Butcher and
Dorothy M. Bennett, both of North
Juno 15th Maurice Hausher and
Ruth Ballard, both of North Platte.
June lGth Dawson O wings and Mrs.
Alma Kruse, both of Gothenburg.
Walter Miller recently left town
leaving an unnald bo.inl hill nf
ty-f'vo dollars' duo Mrs. Chris. Paul
son. TllO OfflCfirH nro ntlnitnllnn
loctte Mlllor.
For Sale Three Horses. Phono 523J
In the county court AVoilnoa.inv
Harry Krlck, of Brady, ipleaded guilty
iu upuiiimig an automoDiio without a
number nlato and wnn fliiod flvn fini
lars and costs.
In order to sunnlv fnnila t
approved loan atDHcafionB.
sociation will issue a Hmitnil nmnnnf
of Its Paid Up Stock. This stock draws
uivmonus at the rate of s5x per cent
por annum, from dato of ismn unn
paid off. Dividends payablo March
1st una oopiemner 1st. Money Invested
In this stock mav bo wlUni
tlmo upon thirty days notice.
3G-tf a'..
Wood Brothers all steel individual thrasher
complete with weigher and loader
Power Hay Press, the money maker,
with self-feeder
Theso prices at North Platte and while
our present stock lasts.
Hendy-Ogier Auto Co.
Phone 34