THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. PLATFORM ON WHICH G. 0. P. MAKES STAND Party's Principles Enunciated by National Convention at Chicago. '.'UNPREPAREDNESS" CHARGED iPlank Covering the League of Nations l Considered In the Nature of a Compromise Strong Stand on Mexico. Hero Is the platform adopted by the Jtepubllcan national convention In ses sion at Chicago: The Itepublican party, assembled In representative national convention, ro amrms Its unyielding devotion to the Constitution of the United 8tates and to the guarantees of civil, political, and religious liberty therein contained. It will resist all attempts to overthrow the foundations of tho government or to weaken the force of its controlling principles and Ideals, whether these atempts be mado In tho form of In ternational policy or domestic agitation. For seven years the national govern ment has been controlled by the Dem ocratic party. During that period a war of unparalleled magnitude has Bhak en the foundations of civilization, deci mated tho population of Europe, and Heft In its train economic misery and suffering second only to war itself. Unpreparedness for War. The outstanding features of tho Dem ocratic administration have been com plete unpreparedness for war anu com plete unpreparedness for peace. Inexcusable failure to make timely preparation Is the chief Indictment against tho Democratic administration in tho conduct of tho war, Had not our associates protected us, both on land and sea. during the final twelve months of our participation, and furnished us to the very day of the armlstlco with munitions, planes, and artlllory, this fail ure would have been punished with disaster. It directly resulted In unnec essary losses to our gallant troops. In tho Imporllment of victory Itself, nnd In . Jin enormous waste of public funds llt erally poured Into the breach created liy gross neglect. Today It Is reflected in our hugo tux burden and in the high cost of living. Unpreparedness for Peace. Peace found the administration as un prepared for peace as war found It un prepared for war. Tho vital needs of the country demanded nn early and systematic return to a peace time basis. This called for vision, leadership and Intelligent planning. All three have been Jacking. While the country has been left to shift for Itself, the government has continued on a war time basis. The administration lias not demobilized the army of place holders. It continued a method of financing which was in defensible during the period of recon struction. It has used legislation passed to meet the emergency of war to con tinue Its arbitrary and inquisitorial con trol over the life of the people In time of peace, and to carry confusion Into industrial life. "Flounders Hopelessly." Under the despot's plea of necessity or superior wisdom, executive usurpation of legislation and Judicial functions still undermines our Institutions. Eighteen months after the nrmlstlce, with It? war time powers unabridged, its w-ir-tlmo departments undischarged. Its war-tlmo Army of place holders still mobilized, the administration continues to flounder help lessly. The demonstrated Incapacity of the Democratic party has destroyed public confidence, weakened tho authority of government, and produced a feeling of distrust and hesitation so universal as to increase enormously the difficulties of readjustment and to delay the return to normal conditions. Vever has our nation been confronted 'With graver problems. The peoplo are untitled to know in definite terms how the parties purpose solving these prob iems. To that end, tho Itepublican party declares its policies and program to bo as follows- Constitutional Government. We undertake to end executive au ' tocracy and to restore to tho peoplo the constitutional government. The policies herein declared will be carried out by tho federal nnd state governments, each acting within Its con stitutional powers. Congress and Reconstruction. Despite the unconstitutional and dicta torial course of tho president and tho partisan obstruction of tho Democratic congressional minority, the Itepublican majority has enacted a program of con rstructive legislation which. In great part, however, 1ms been nullified by tho 'vindic tive vetoes of the president. The Hepubllcnn congress hai met the problems presented by the administra tion unprepared for peaco. It has re pealed the greater part of tho vexatious war legislation, it has enacted a trans portation net, making possible the re habilitation of the railroad system of the country, tho operation of which tin nier tho present Democratic administra tion has been extravagant and wasteful in tho highest degree. The transporta tion net made provision for tho peace ful settlement of wago disputes, partial ly nullified, however, by tho president s felay In appointing the wage board cre ated bv tho act. This delay precipitated tho outlaw railroad strike. Wo stopped the flood of public treas ure recklessly poured Into the lap of an inept shipping board, and laid- the foundations for tho crentlon of a great merchant marine. Wo took from the incompetent Democratic administration the administration of the telegraph and telephone lines of tho country, and re turned them to private ownership. We reduced tho cost of postage nnd Increased the pay of the postal employees tho poorest paid of all public servants. We provided pensions for superannuated nnd retired civil servants, nnd for nn Inorcnss in pav for soldiers and sailors. Wo re organized them on a peace footing and provided for the-malntenanro of a pow erful and ofllclent naw Passed Suffrage Amendment. The Itepublican congress established by law a permanent women's burenu In the department of labor. We submitted to tho country the constitutional amend ment for woman's suffrage, and fur nished 29 of tho 23 legislatures which rat ified It to date. Legislation for tho relief of the con sumers of print paper, for the extension of the powers of tho government under tho food control act. for broadening the scope of tho war risk Insurance act. better provision for the dwindling num ber of aged veterans of the Civil war. and for the better support of the maimed and Injured of the great war. and for mnklng practical the vocational rehabilitation act that has been enacted uy the Republican congress. We passed an oil lenslng and water power bill to unlock for the public good tho great pent-up resources of tho coun try; we have sought to check the pro fligacy of the administration, to realize upon the nsscts of the government, and to husband the revenues derived from taxation. The 'Republicans In congress have boon responsible for cuts In the es timates for government expenditure or nearly 13.000.000,000 since the signing of tho armlstlco. We enacted n national executive budg et law; we strengthened the federal re serve act. to permit banks to lend need ed assistance to farmers; we authorized -financial corporations to develop export trade, and. flnnlly, amended tho rules of the senate and house, which will re form evils In procedure and guarantee more efficient and responsible govern ment. Agriculture. A large and contented body of farm proprietors Is tho backbone of the na tion. National greatness nnd economic Independence demand a population dis tributed between Industry and the farm, nnd sharing on equal terms the pros perity which Is vjholly dependent on the efforts of both. Neither can pros per at the expense of the other without Inviting joint disaster. The crux of tho present agricultural condition lies In price, labor, and credit. Tho Itepublican party believes that this condition can bo Improved and ug i!"Ultural production encouraged by the right to form co-operative associations for marketing their products subject to regulation by federal authority: tho sci entific study of agricultural prices, with a view to reducing tho frequency of ab normal lluctuatlons; tho authorization of associations for tho extension of per sonal credit; a national Inquiry on the co-ordlnatI" of rail, water, and motor transportation with adequate facilities for receiving, handling, and marketing food; the encouragement of our cxpor, trade, nnd the encouragement of the production and Importation of fertiliz ing material and of Its extenslvo use, Tho federal farm loan act should bo so administered as to facilitate tho ac quisition of farm land by those desir ing to become owners nnd proprietors, and thus minimize- the evils of farm tenantry. Industrial Relations. There are two different conceptions of the relations, of capital and labor. The one Is contractual, and emphasizes tho diversity of Interests of employer and employee. The other Is that co partnership In a common task. We rocognlzo the Justlcef collectlvo bargaining as a means of promoting good will, establishing closer and more harmonious relations between employ ers and employees, and realizing the true ends of Industrial Justice. The strike or the lockout, as a meanB of settling Industrial disputes. Inflicts such Iost nnd suffering on tho community as to Justify government Initiative to reduce Its frequency and limit Its con sequences. We deny the right to strike against the government; but the rights and In terests of all government employees must be safeguarded by Impartial laws and tribunals. Public Utilities. In public utilities wo favor the estab lishment of an Impartial tribunal to make an Investigation of the facts and to render n declson to the end that there may bo no organized Interruption of service necessary to the lives and health and welfare of tho people. The decisions of the tribunals should be mor ally but not legally binding, and an In formed public sentiment be relied on to secure their acceptance. Tho tribunals, however, should refuse to accept Juris diction except for the' purpose of In vestigation, as long as tho public service be Interrupted. For public utilities we favor the type of tribunal provided for In the transportation act of 19:X. In private Industries we do not advo cate the principle of compulsory arbi tration, but we favor Impartial com missions nnd better facilities for volun tary mediation, conciliation, and arbi tration, supplemented by that full pub licity which will enlist the Influence of an aroused public opinion. Tho govern ment should take the Initiative In Invit ing the establishment -of tribunals or commissions for tho purpose of voluntary arbitration and of Investigation of dis puted Issues. We demand tho exclusion from Inter state commerce of the products of con vict labor. National Economy. A Republican congress reduced tho estimates submitted by tho administra tis for the fiscal year 1920 almost three billion dollars, and tor the fiscal year 1921 over a billion and a quarter dollars. Ureat er economies could have been effected had It not been for the stubborn refusal nf tho Administration to co-operate with congress In an economy program. The universal demand for an exocutlve bud get Is a recognition of the Incontroverti ble fact that leauersnip anu sincere hb slstance on tho part of the executive department are essential to effective econ omy and constructive retrenchment. Ino overman act Invested tho presi dent of the United States with all the authority und power necessary to re store the federal government to a nor mal peaco basis and to reorganize, re ttunch, and demobilize. The dominant fact Is that elghtoen months after tho armlstlco the United States government is still on a wartime basis, and the ex penditure program of the executive re flects wartime extravagance rather than rigid peaco time economy. Failure to Retrench. ! As an example of the falluro to re trench which has characterized the pool-war policy of the administration, we cite the fact that, not including the war and navy departments, tho execu tive departments and other establish ments nt Washington actually record an increase subsequent to tlp armistice of 2,184 employees. The net decrease In pay roll costs contnlned in tho 1921 demands submitted by the administra tion Is only 1 per cent under that of 1020. Tho annual expenses of federal operation can bu reduced hundreds of millions of dollars without Impairing the efficiency of the public service. We pledge ourselves to a carofully planned readjustment to a pence-time basis and to a policy of rigid economy, to the hotter co-ordination of depart mental activities, to the elimination of unnecessary otttclals and employees, and to the raising of the standard of individual efficiency. An Executive Budget, We congratulate the Republican con gress on tbo enactment of a law pro viding for the establishment of an executive budget as a necessary In strument for a sound und business like administration of tho national finances, and we condemn tho veto of the president which defeated this great financial reform. Reorganization of Federal Depart ments and bureaus. We advocate a tl. .rough Investiga tion of the present organization of the federal departments And bureaus, with a view to securing consolidation, a more businesslike distribution of func tions, the elimination of duplication. delays, und overlapping of work, und the establishing uf an up to date and efficient administrative organization. War Powers of the President. Tho president clings tenaciously to his autocratic war-time powers. IIIh veto of the resolution declaring pouco and his refusal to sign tho bill repeal Ins war-time legislation, no longer necessary, evidence his determination not to restore to the nation and to the stntes tho form of government provided for by the Constitution. This usurpa tion Is Intolerable and deserves the severest condemnation. Taxation. The burden of tuxation Imposod upon tho American people Is staggering; but In presenting a true statomunt nf the situation we must face the fact that while the character of the taxes can and should be changed, an early reduc tion of the amount of revenue to be rained Is not to bo expected. The next Republlcnn administration will Inherit from Its Democratic predecessor a floating Indebtedness of over 3.000.000. 000. the prompt liquidation of which Is demanded by sound financial con siderations. Reduction In Tax. Moreover, the whole fiscal policy of the government must be deeply Influ enced by the necessity of meeting obli gations In excess of J1. 000. 000.000 which mature In 1923 Hut sound policy equally demnnds tho early accomplish ment of that real reduction of the tax burden which mav he achieved by sub stituting simple for complex tnx laws and procedure, prompt and certain de termination of tho tax liability for de lay and uncertainty, tnx laws which do not for tax lawn which do excessively mulct the consumer or needlessly repress enterprise and thrift. We odvooate tho Issuance of a sim plified form of Income return; author izing the treasury department to make changes in regulations effective only from the date of their approval: em powering tho commissioner ot Inter nal revenuo, with tho consent of the taxpayer, to make final and conclusive settlements at tax claims nnd assess ments, barring fraud, and the creation of a tax board consisting ot nt least threo representatives of the taxpaylng public and the bends of the principal divisions ot tho burenu ot Internal rove'nuo to act as a standing committee on tho simplification of forms, pro cedure and law, and to make recom mendations to the congress. Banking and Currency. The fact Is that tho war, to a great oxtont. wns financed by a policy of Inflation through certificate borrowing from tho banks, nnd bonds Issued ,nt artificial rates sustained by the low discount rates established by tho fed eral reserve board. Tho contlnunnce of this policy since tho armlstlco lays the administration open to sovoro criti cism. Almost up to tho prcsont time the practices of tho federal reservu board us to credit control havo been frankly dominated by tho convenience of the treasury. Tho results have been a greatly In creased war cost, a serious loss to tho millions of people who In good faith bought Liberty bonds nnd Victory notes nt par, nnd extensive post-war speculation, followed today by n re stricted credit for legitimate Industrial expansion. As a matter ot public pol icy wo urge all banks to give credit preference to essentlul industries. Tho federal reserve system should be free from political Influence, which Is quite as Important as Its independence of domination by financial combina tions, The High Cost of Living. The prime cause of tho "high cost of living" hns been, first and1 foremost, a 50 per cent depreciation In the pur chasing power of the dollar, due to u gross expansion ot our currency nnd crodlt. Reduced production, burden some taxation, swollen profits, und the Increased demand for goods arising from a fictitious but enlarged buying power havo been contributing causes to a greater or loss degree. Wo condemn the unsound fiscal poli cies of tho Democratic administration which havo brought these things to paBs, and their attempts to Impute the consequences to minor and secondary causes. Much of tho Injury wrought Is Irrepnrable. There Ik no short way out and wo decline to deceive the peo plo with vain promises or quack rem edies. Hut na the political party that throughout Us history has stood for honest money nnd sound finance, wo pledge ourselves to earnest and con sistent attack upon tho high coat nf living by vigorous avoldanco of further Inflation In our government borrowing, by courageous but Intelligent deflation of overexpanded credit and currency, by encouragement and heightened pro duction of goods and services, by pre vention of unreasonable profits, by ex ercise of public economy and stimula tion of private thrift, nnd by revision of war Imposed taxes unsuttcd to peace time economy, , Profiteering, We condemn the Democratic admin istration for failure impartially to on forco the antl-proflteerlng laws enacted by the Republican congress. ' Railroads. We are opposed to government own ership and operation or employee op eration of the railroads. In view of the conditions prevailing In this country, the experience of the Inst two years, and the conclusions which may fairly be drawn from nn observation of the transportation systems of other coun tries. It Is clear that ndeqii'U'O trans portation service both for tiro present nnd future cun bo furnished more cer tainly, economically, and efficiently through private ownership and opera tion under proper regulation nnd con trol. There should be no speculative profit In rendering the service of transporta tion, but In order to do Justice to tho capital nlready Invested In railway en terprises, to restore rnllway credit, to Induce future Investments nt a reason able rate, and to furnish enlarged facll. Itlcs to meet the requirements of tho constantly Increnslng development and llstrlliiitlnh. a Mir return unon nctunl value of tho railway proporty used In transportation should bo mode reason ably sure, and at the same time to pro vide, constant employment to those en gaged In trnnsnortntlon service, with fair hours nnd favorable working con ditions nt wages or compensation at lonnt pnunl tn thnqn nrevilllnir In slm- llar lines of Industry. Wo Indorse the trnnsnortntlon net nf 1920 onnetod bv the Republican congress ns a most con structive legislative achievement. Waterways. We declare It to be our policy to en courage and develop water transport" -tlon service nnd facilities" In connection with the commerce or the United Ftates. Requisition of Industry and Commerce. Wo nporovo In general tho existing federal legislation against monnpolv nnd combinations In restraint of trade. but since the known certainty of n law Is the safety of alt, wo advocate such amendment ns will provide American business men with better means of de termining In advance whether n pro nosed combination Is or Is not unlaw ful. The federal trade commission, un tier a Democratic administration. In not accomplished the purpose fir which It was ('rented Tins commission nroperlv orrranlzpd nnd Its duties efficient ly administered should nffo-d protec tion to tho public and legitimate business interests. International Trade and Tariff. The uncertain nnd unsettled condi tion ot Internntlnnnl lmlnnce. the ab normal economic and trade situation of the world, nnd the Impossibility of forecasting nfrur" tel.v ovon tlin Tien futnr. preclude tho formulation nf a definite program tn meet conditions n year hence. Rut the Republlcnn party reaffirms It belief In the protective prin ciple nnd pledges Itself to n revision of the tariff as oon ns conditions shall make It necespnry for tho preservation of the home market for American labor, ngrlculturo. and Industry. Merchant Marine. The national defense ond our foreign commence requlro n merchant marine t tho best tvno of modern ship flying the American flag and manned by American penmen, owned bv private capital, nnl operated bv private energy Wo Indorse the pound legislation re cently enacted by the Republlcnn con gress that will Insure the nromotlon nnd maintenance of the American mer chant marine. Wo favor tho application of tho work men's compensation acts to tho mer chant marine. Wo recommend that all ships engaged In coistwlse trade and all vcssl of tl American merchant mnrlne shnll pa" through the Pannmn canal without pav rnent of tolls. Immigration, The stnndard of living and tho stand ard of citizenship of n nntlon are Its mr- nrecloiig TVSBoftBlon, nnd the pres ervation and olevatlon of thoo standards li the firm dutv of our government. Tho Immigration policy nf tho Unit ed Stntes should bo Hiich as to Insun that the number nf foreigners In ft'" country nt any one time shall not ex coed Hint which can bo assimilated with reasonable rapidity, and tn favnr Imtnl grants whoso standard are similar t ours. ' The selective tests that nrn at present applied should bo improved by requiring a higher phvslrnl standard, a more com plete exclusion of mental dofootlvns ami criminals, and a more effective Inspec tion applied as near the snurco nf Immi gration as possible, ns well as tho port of entry. Justice to the foreigner and tn ourselves demands provision for the guidance, protection and better oconom''' distribution nf our alien population. To facilitate government supervision, nil al iens should bn required to roglBtor an nually until they become naturalized. The existing policy of the Unlte'i Slates for tho practical exclusion t Asiatic Immigrants Is sound, nnd should be maintained. Naturalization. There Is urgent need of Improvement In our naturalization law. No alien should become a citizen until he has be come genuinely American, nnd adequate tests for determining the alien's fitness for American citizenship should be pro vided fpr by law. Wo advocate, In addition, the Inde pendent naturalization of married worn c.i. An American woman should not lose her citizenship by mnrrlago to nn allin resident In the United States. Free Speech and Allen Agitation. We demand that every American citi zen shall enjoy tho ancient and consti tutional right of free speech, free press, nnd free assembly, nnd tho no less sacred right of tho qualified voter to bo represented by his duly chosen repre sentatives, but no man muy advoiate resistance to the law, and no man mny ndvocnto violent overthrow of tho gov ernment. Aliens within the Jurisdiction of the United Stntos are not entitled of right to liberty of agitation directed ugnlnst the government or American Institu tions. ' Kvery government hns the power to exclude and deport those nllons wlul constitute a real menace to Us peace ful existence. Hut In view ot tho large numbers of people nfTcctcd by tho Immi gration acts and In view of the vlp rolls malpractice of tho departments of jus tice and labor, nn adequate puollc heat ing before n competent ndmlnlstratlvo tribunal should be usaurod to all. Lynching. We urge congress to consider tho most effectlvo means to end lynching In this country, which continues to bo n terrible blot on our American clvlllzutlon. Law and Order. The equality of all Citizens under the law has always been a policy of the Ho publican party. Without obedience to law und maintenance ot order our Amer ican Institutions must perish. Our laws muat bo Impartially enforced and speedy justice should be secured. With regard to the sale and mnufue turo of Intoxicating beverages, the Re publican party will Btand for the tnfproe mont of tho constitution of the United States as It shall be declared by tho bu preme court, Public Roads and Highways. Wo favor liberal appropriations In co operation with the states for tho con struction of highways, which will bring about u reduction of transportation costs, bettor marketing of farm productB. Im provement In rural postal delivery, ub well ns meet tho needs of military do fOUBO. , ... In determining the proportion ot fed eial aid for road, construction among tho states tho sums lost In taxation to the respective Btates by tho sotting apart of largo portions of tholr area as forest res ervations, shall be considered -as u con trolling fuctor. Conservation. Conservation Ib a Republican policy. It begun with the pussngo ot tho reclama tion net signed by President Roosevelt. Tho recent passage of tho coal, oil, and phosphate leiiBlng bill by a Republican congress, and the enactment of the water power bill, fashioned In accordance with tho same principle, arc cotiBlstent land marks In the development ot tho conser vation of our national resources. We de nounce tho refusal of tho president to sign the water power bill passed after ten years of controversy. Tho Repub lican party has taken an especially hon orablo part In saving our national forests qnd In the effort to establish a national forest policy. Our most pressing conser vation question rotates to our forests. We nro using our forest resources fnster than they ore bolng renewed. Tho result Is to rnlse unduly tho cost of forest products to consumers and especially fanners, who uso more than hnlf the lumber pro duced In America, and In the end to ere. ate a timber famine. The federal gov ernment, tho stateB and prtvato Interests must unite In devising means to meet the menace. The Servjce Men. We hold In -Imperishable rcmcmbrnnco the valor and the patriotism of the sol diers and sailors of America who fought In the great war for human liberty, ami we pledge ourselves to discharge to tho fullest the obligations which a grateful nation Justly should fulfill. In nppropla ' tlon of the services rendered by Its de fenders on sen and on land. Republicans are not ungratorul. Throughout tholr history they have shown their gratitude toward the na tion's defenders on land and sea. Lib eral legislation for the enre of the dls abled and Infirm and tholr dependents hns ever markod Republican policy toward the soldier and snllor of all tho wars In which our country hns partici pated. The present congress has appro priated generously for the dlsnbled of the world war. Tho amounts nlreudy up nlli.d nnd authorized for the fiscal year 1920-21 for this purpose reached the stu pendous sum Of 1.1S0,8.I.K93. i PIS leglB- lotion Is significant of tho party'B pur pose In generously cnrlng for the maimed and disabled men of tho recent war. Civil Service. Wo renew our reneated declaration Hint tho civil service law shall be thoroughly and honestly enforced and extcnocti wi,..rnvnr nrnptlonhle. Tho recent nctlon of congress In cnnctlng a comprehensive civil service retirement law nno in wont ing out n comprehensive employment nnd wage policy that will guarantee equal ,.,i 1 1 nit trnntmnnt to tho nrtnv of gov ernment workers, and In centralizing tho ndminlotrntlnn of the new and prngres- nlun omnlnvmnnt nnllcv in. tho hnnds of the-civil service commission Ih worthy of all pramo. Postal Service. Wo onndomn the nreselit ndmlnlstra tlon for Its destruction of the elllrloney nf the postal service when controlled by tho government, nnd for Its fnlluro to properly componsato employees whose expert knowledge Ifl essential to tho proper conduct of the affairs of tho pos tal system. We commend the Republican congress for the enactment of legislation Inernnidnir the nav nf postal employee. who up to that tlmo were the poorest paid in toe government service. Woman Suffrage. Wo welcome women Into full participa tion In the affairs nf government and the activities of tho Republican party. AVe tirgo Republican governors whoso states have not yet octed upon the suffrage amendment to Immediately can special Koxnlnnn nf their legislatures for tho pur pose of ratifying said amendment, to the ond that nil of tho women of the nation of voting ugo mav participate In tho elec tion which Is so Important to tho welfare of our country. Social Progress. Tho supremo duty of tho nation Is the conservation of human resources inrnugn nn nnllehtoncd measure of social and In dustrial Justice. Although the federal luilsdlctlnn over snclnl problems Is lim ited, they Hffect the welfare and Interests ot tho nation ns a whole, we pledge too Uonubllcnn narty t" the solution of those problems through national and state leg iMlilt Ion In accordance with the best pro gressive thought of too country. Women In Industry. Wmnon Iibvo sneclnl problems of em nlovment which mnie neensnflry special studv. Wo commend congress for the permanent establishment of the women's bureau In the united states nnpni-tmen of labor to serve as n source nf Infnrmn Hon to the states and tn contfresM The principle of equal puv for equn service Hhnuld be npplled throughout all brunches of the federal government In which women ore employed. Wo demand federal legislation to llnl the hours of employment of women en gaged In Intonslve Industry, the produe of which enters into lntertnto rntnmerce The League of Nations. Wo favor n liberal and generous for elgn policy founded upon definite moral nnd political principles, elm motorized by cio-ir underHinnning or ami tirm miner once tn nur right, and unfailing ronpec for tho rights of others. Wo should nf ford full and adequate protection for tin life, llbertv nnd proporty, nnd nil Inter national rights of every American eltl zen. and should require a proper resnec for the American flag: but we should bo oqunlly careful to manifest a Just regard for the rights of other nations. A scru pulous observance of our International engagements, when lawfully usumed, Is essentls. to our own honor nnd self-respect nnd the respect of other notions. Subject to a due regard for International obligations, wa should leave our country rrce to develop its civilization along linos most conducive to tho welfare and hap piness of tho people, nnd to cast Its In fluence on the side ot Justice and right should occasion require. The Itepublican party stands for agree ment among the nations who prcservo the peaco of the world. We bellevo that such nn International association must be based upon International Justice nnd must provide methods which shnll mnln. tain the rule of public right by tho de velopment of law nnd the. decision of Im partial courts, nnd which Bhnll secure Instant nnd general Internntlnnnl confer ence whenever rcaeo shnll bo threatened, so mm me nations pledged to no anu in sist upon what Is Just nnd fair may exer cise their tnilueiico nnd power for the prevention of the wnr. Wo bellevo that all this con bo done without tho compro mise ot national Independence, without depriving the people of the United States in auvnnce or tno right to determine ror themselves what Is JubI nnd fair when the occasion arisen, nnd without Involv ing them ns participants, nnd not ua peacemakers In n multitude of quarrels, tho morlts of which they nro unable to Judge. Mexico. Tho Ineffective nnllcv nf " tho nroitent administration In Mexican matters has been largely responsible for tho con tinued loss of American lives In that country nnd upon our border; for tho enormous loss of American nnd for eign property, for the towering of American standards of morality and so cial relations with Mexicans, nnd for the bringing of American Ideals of Jus tlco und national honor nnd political In tegrity inio contempt ana ridicule in Mexico and throughout tho world. Written Protests Decried. The policy of wordy, futllo. written protests against tho acts of Mexican officials, explained the following day by me president Himself ns being meaning less nnd not Intended to be considered seriously or In force, has but added In degreo to that contempt, nnd hns earned ror us the sneers and Jeers of Mexican bandits, mid ndded Insult upon Insult ngnlnst our natlnnnl honor mid dignity. Wo should not recognize nny Mexi can government unless It be a responsi ble government willing nnd able to give Hiilllcletit guarantees that tho lives nnd rights of American citizens are respected nnd protected; that wrongs will bo promptly corrected and Just compensa tion will be mado tor Injury sustained. The Republican party pledges Itself to n consistent, firm nnd effective policy toward Mexico that shall enforce respect tor the American flag and that shall protect the rights of American cltlzons lawfully In Mexico to security of llfo and enjoyment of property In accord ance with established principles of Inter national law nnd our treaty rights, The Republican party Is tho sincero frlond of tho Mexican noopte. In Ita In sistence upon the maintenance of order for tho protection of American citizeiw within Us borders u great service will he rendered the Mexican peoplo thorn aelves. for the continuation of present conditions means disaster to their Intor- cHta and patriotic aspirations. Mandate kfor Armenia. Wo condemn President Wilson for ask ing congress to empower him to accept a mandate for Armenia. Wo commend tho Republican sonato for refusing tno nrimldiint'H ronllPMt tn nmilOWCr him to accept n mnndnto for Armenia. Tho acceptance pf such mandate would throw tho United Btntes Into the vcrv maet Rtrom of European quarrels. According to the cstlmute of tho Hnrbord comnils hlon organized by authority of President Wilson. Wo would be called upon to Bond E9.000 American boys to police Armenia nntl to expend J270.000.000 In tho first year und $750,000,000 in live years. ruis us- tlmato Is made upon tno oasis umi wu would havo only roving bands to fight, lint In r-.iu. nt HerlnU trouble With tllO Turks or with Russia, a forco exceed ing 200.0CO would be necassary. Dlsreoiixd of Life Claimed. Nn tnnm rlklnir Illustration can bo fr.,,,i nr iroldont WUhoii's disregard of the ilvos of American boys or of American Interests, w.. ,ii..,t,iv Hvmnnthlzo with the peo pie of Armenia and stand ready to help thorn In nil proper ways, but the Re publican party will oppose now and tioro after tho acceptance of a mandate for nny country In Kuropo or amiu. For Association of Nations. Tl,., lfnt.niiiirnn nnrtv Htnnds lor agree ment among the nations to preserve the peaco of the world. W'o bellevo that such an International association must be based upon International Justice and provldo methods which Bliall maintain the rule or puiuic tikih mu n ....... r I.,,,, ,, tin. itnrdaliin nf Irnimrtlal courtB, and which shall Bocuro Instant and general International conference when ever peace shnll bo threatened, bo that tile nations pieugou 10 ' :V T what Is Just and fair may exorcise theli Influence und power for the prevention of war, We bellevo that all this can bo done without tho compromise of national Indo pendence without depriving the people of tho United States In advance of tho right to determine for themselves what Is Just and fair when tho occasion arises and without Involving them ns partlc - pants and not ns poacejnaiuirn in mul titude or quarrels iiih inuum ui ""-" they are unable to Judgo. mi' .,,..,, mi iiv thn nrusldont . Mrla r,,lln,1 nltrnnllv tn llCCOinnllsll till H great purpose and contains stipulations not only inmioruuiu un i,.,i.v...... people but cortaln to produce the In justice, hostility nnd controversy nmong nations which it prnp"eu Praloes Senatoru' Actions. That covenant repudiated to a ,oKreo wholly unnecessary and unjustifiable tno l.nn.l.,,,irrml unlloV In fllVHT Of neOCO dO- rlarod by Washington and Jefferson and Monroe and pursued uy an aiubi h"" mlnlHtrators for mnro than a century, anil It Ignored tho universal sentlmont of America for generations past In favor of International law and arbitration and It rested tho hope of tho future upon more expedients nnd negotiations. The unfortunate Insistence of tho president upon having his own way without any change and without nny regard tn thn opinions of tho majority of tho senate, which shares with him tho treaty-making power, and tho pres ident's demand that tho treaty Hhould be ratified without any modification, created n Bltuntlon In which senators wero required to voto upon their con sciences and their oaths according tn their Judgment against tho treaty ns It was presented or submit to tho com mand nf a dictator In a matter where th nuthorlty ami responsibility under tho Constitution" wore theirs nnd not his. ti, oi.nntnro riorfnrmcd tholr duties fnlthfullT. Wo approve their conduct and honor their courngo nnd fidelity, and we pledge the coming Republican administration tn such agreement with the other nations of tho world ns shall mm.t llio full duties nf America to clv- lllzntlon sod humanity In nccordnnce with American lilcnis, ntm witnout sur ramiorliiir the right nf the Amerlcnn penpli- to exercise Its Judgment and Its power III mvor or jusiidh mm puuun. Will Reform Taxeo. Pointing to Its history und relying nn Its fundamental nrlnclnles. we de clare tho Republican party has tho gcniiiM. courage, and cnnsiruciive aim It v to cud executive usurpation and ro store constitutional government to ful fill our world obligations without sac rificing our national Independence: tn rnlse the untlonal standards of educa tion ond general welfare; to ro-ostah- llsh h poacotimo administration and to substitute economy and efficiency for extravagance nnd chaos, to restore and ninlniitln the iiatlnuat credit: to reform unequal and burdensome taxes; to free business from Hi'intrary anu unnecos sarv official control; to suppress disloy alty without denlnl of Justlco: to re peal the firrogsnt cluillongo of any clnss, and to maintain u government of all tho peoplo ns contrasted with gov ernment for some of the peoplo, and finally, to allay unrost. suspicion, nntl strife and to seourtt tho oo-oporatlon nnd nnltv nf all citizens In the solution of tho complex problems of tho day, to tho end that our country, happy and prosperous, proud of Its past, suro of Itself and of Its Institutions, muy look forward witn connuonco to tno luturo, FAMMLcl it 'AIITU bunion. THE SKEEP. "All." snld MntlioV Sliccp, "tho mnli mcr Is lioro nntl wo nro nut wliero (hero Is green grans nntl whore thoro nro nice inondows nnd where there nro cooling streams, ami where the sun shines." "My bountiful biiliy Laura Lntuh," she sitltl. "you must follow the lend er. Wo nlwnyx follow the lender. We're Rontle ami we're quiet. We're) nitlior timid, too. We don't think h Ki-ont tlonl for ourselves "They nay," Mother Sheep contin ued, "that when folks' cnunot sloop they mnku believe they nro seeing fheep, nnd that they are counting them lining through a gate. That Is because sheep follow 'each other, and if ono wore going through a gate the others would be going through, too, 'Oh, they get tired, you see, of) counting the sheep they can uinke be lieve that they seiH And so they go to sleep I "And you see what n help we nro to peoplo when we do such things, so that they can see us In their minds go lug through a gate one after the other. "You see, my Laura Lamb, If sheep should go different ways then people couldn't be helped toward sloop by "They Come and Pet Us." us, und It Is nice to think of helping people to sleep, for we're gentle, kind souls, nnd It Is nice to help. "So, Laura Lamb, you, too, always follow the loader. Don,'t go through one gate yourself and have, your cous ins going through another ami soma other cousins through the opening In the fence und the others perhnps go ing under tho fence. "We must nil go together, we sheep." Ami Laura Lamb bleated nnd said: "na-unu-ban-aaa, Mother Sheep! I will do as yon say. Kor I would not feel bravo enough to do any other way. I would not want to be n lender, nnd I nm glad to have a leader. I wouldn't want to go off on my own account. I would wiyit to keep around with tho others. I would bo nfrald to go hurry ing across tho road the way l'vo seen tho hens and tfiosters doing. "No, T euro more to do us the other sheep do, to enjoy the lovely summer time, to bleat and to baa and to talk ami to smile In n quiet, gentle way upon tho people who look at me. "I don't cure to shriek at them nnd talk to them as the turkeys will so often do. but I like to look nt them when they niV nice nntl quiet nnd when they smile nt me. "That's what I live to do when peo plo smile nt me," snld Laura Lnmb. "Yes," said Mother Sheep, "and re member, too. Hint the children of tho farmer who owns Ibis farm and nil of the nnlmals upon It, nro very kind to us. They come nntl pet ns nnd wo need not bo afraid of them. We can be very tamo and yon will become tamo as I nm tame with them. "'They como nnd pet us nnd kiss our bends and ears and we must bleat ami bau and tell them we love them, too. nnd that we think they're sp sweet to be gentlo with us, for they know that Is what wo like so much. "Hut nlways remember above all things, Laura Lnmb. "thnt we must follow tho leader, especially when tho lender has us follow him through a gate, for we must remember what n help that Is to peoplo when they can't sleep. They can think of us. nnd If they thought of us nil going In differ ent directions It would be so confusing they couldn't sleep, ns I told you be fore. "Remember that, dear Laura Lamb. Ah, my lovely lamb child, how I lovo you !" "Hlent. blent, b-l-e-a-t." said Laura Lamb. "I will do as you say about the following of our leader. Ah, thero come some of the farmer's children." "Yes, there they come, they lovo the sheep aii'd the lambs," said Mother Sheep. And as they came near thoy walked quietly nnd talked to the sheep nnd the lambs In soft, gentlo voices, and the lambs and the sheep followed them about and snld: "I!nu-lmii, b-l-o-a-t, we so love you, for you tire so good und kind to us, and our little lnmb hearts and our big sheep hearts are very grateful." And their eyes, too, told how much lliey loved the children, who never frightened them, but who loved them, ami who understood their gentle ways. Absent-minded Father. "Now perhaps you'll realize hbw naughty you were to-er-to-er let me hce, what am I spanking you fort" Boys' Life.