The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 18, 1920, Image 4

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Save $15 on an Electric
Washing Machine.
North Platte Light & Power Co.
People of the FIJI Islands Have No
Use Whatever for the Motto
"Do It Now."
In Hie FIJI inland physical nctlv.
Ity Is synonymous with henrtlcssness,
nil things being done slowly. Hvery
thing there Is "iniiltin," Hint Is, no
innttcr whnt Is wanted, or whom It Is
win ted from, "wait n lilt" Is tin proc
ess. There Is no use of rushing any
body, Is the Ishinders Idea.
When the Fijian works, however, he
Is as Indifferent to hlg as lo little
Insks. The Indian, small mid wiry,
who seems too delicate for any,
and Is slopped by none, acts as u re
Itiforcement In (he soulh sea labor
market, Including the FIJI Islands. La
bor Is borne unevenly, the while man
looking on and commanding, while the
Indian slinks about mid slaves.
All the business and labor of the
Inlands has passed Into the hands of
die Indian, who Is tailor, Jeweler, gro
tor and gardener, Sidney Credible
writes In Harper's .Magazine. The
Indian works the plantations and
die factories, and Is gradually buying
3P land, .Meanwhile the Fijian Idles,
happy If he can add u shilling, an old
rest, or n torn pair of trousers to his
IlooniB 1 .u 2 Helton Building
North Platte, Nsbrasks,
So Simple yburBog
Cm Operate It
Western Electric
EVERY feature has been perfected not a single one over
looked. Running this Western Electric Power and Light
outfit is ns simple as can be. Touching the starting lever
sets it running a child can do it With the battery
charged you have continuous electric service night and day.
You should know more about this plant it's sate; it's s
simple; it's economical.
How about your place?
North Platte Plumbing & Heating Co.
10S E.Gth Street.
Chinaman of Low Origin Said to Be
Real Power In the 8ovlet
While rlckshn coolies nnd ten house
gossips tell ench other that bolshevlsm
mentis three ncres nnd n cow all round,
nnd even the sober middle clnss Chi
nese think there may be some remedy
In It for militarism, It Is interesting
to learn from Berlin that the most
powerful man In soviet Russia today
Is n Chinese or Confucian burlat
named Ipak Yen, who was formerly
n barber's nsslstant In Hlngovest
chensk, and was nearly bunged ns n
spy during the Uiisso-Jnimnose war.
For several months Ipak has had
working quarters In the Kremlin, and
hns n palace In Moscow, whore he
keeps up great stnte and parades his
four Christian wives on Sunday In
glided carriages. The orthodox com
munists bitterly criticize Ipak and his
ways, and accuse him of having ac
cumulated :i,ri(K) million rubles (10
million dollars) In six months.
Ipak owes Ids power, says the Ba
botchl Colos, to his Industry, Inslnu
ntlng ways, cunning, and nblllty to
keep on good terms with different par
ties. Ho Is on flrstrate terms with Lenlne,
who calls him "My Celestlnl," nnd
tnkes no Important step without con
sulting him.
The communist lender Jalcovlef Intc
ly declared, "Wo havo a ne.v Hasputln,
who hypnotizes our new czar."
Clinton & Son, Graduate Optlclnns,
soo thorn for Sorvlco. tf
Committee of Prominent Citi
zens of Omaha Take Stops
to Render Aid
Appeal to All Loyal Nebraskans
"to Do Their Share
In recognition of the crying need for '
belli to the children of (icriiiany nnd
Austria, suffering from the horrible re- ,
suits of protruded starvation, which
s6 far has iccelved but little consider
ation from abroad, a committee under ;
the leadership of Governor Alfred K.
Smith of New York, has Issued an
urgent appeal to the charitably In
clined for contributions for the relief
of tlie.-e starving children.
This committee, being comprised of
some sixty Americans of national rep
utation, such as: Hon. Alfred 12. !
.Smith, fiowmor of New York .State, 1
Honorary t'lialrman; Hon. George I!.,
MeClellnn ; Hon. Morgan .!. O'Brien, i
Vlce-Chnlrman ; Most Itev. Patrick .1.
Hayes, I. I)., Archbishop of New York;
Bt. Bev. Charles .Sunnier ffiirch, 1. D
Bishop of New York ; Itev. .Joseph Sil
verman, D. I).; James Spcyer, '2'M
Pine Street, New York City, Treasurer,
hns called upon Nebraska to do her
share to alleviate the bitter suffering
of these starving children. Never be
fore has such an appeal been made as
now. Wluit father or mother could
hear their cry and not respond gener
ously? Open your purse and let your
heart be your guide In this most
worthy cause, livery cent collected
will purchase food and be distributed
free of charge by the "Society of
Friends" of Philadelphia, under the dl- i
rectlon of Mr. Herbert Hoover.
Mr. Herbert Hoover has arranged
for the feeding of the children of OJer
mnny nnd Austria by usking the
American Friends Service Committee
(Quakers) to direct the American re
lief activities under the following ar
rangement :
The American Friends Service Com
mittee agrees to hear its own expenses
both In America and (loriunny, nnd to
furnish the necessary workers.
Mr. Herbert Hoover agrees that his
organization will act us purchasing
agent for all supplies and transport
all food, clothing and relief suitplics
from point of origin in the United
States to point of distribution free of
This means Hint every dollar con
tributed to this cause In America rep
resents one dollar's worth of food "de
livered" and that not one. cent will be
deducted for expenses.
The Great Need.
It would take ninny jinges to relate
tbo Innumerable reports of starvation
received from Hie Quaker relief work
ers. To mention but a few of them In
these columns must sulllce:
"Many of the Infiints born 'n the last
year have never tasted milk, either
human or animal." Paris Correspond
ent of Manchester Ouardlnn, May 15,
quoting responsible Englishman Just
back from Berlin.
"The almost complete lack of nour
ishing food has resulted In n jirevn
lence of rickets so great that .!. per
cent of the children will always be
dwarfs, and many thousands will never
bo able to walk." Manchester Ouard
lnn. "Berlin. Seventy per cent of expec
tnnt mothers are horribly undernour
ished. 30 per cent of the
German women die In confinement."
Dally Hxpress Correspondent, Berlin,
May fit li.
Hon. lid P. Smith, Mnyor of Omaha,
who has very kindly Interested him
self' on bohnlf of the little sufferers,
hns received personal communications
from such members of the committee
ns Henry W. Tnft, Llndley M. Garri
son, Hon. Morgan J. O'Brien, F. A.
Vnndorllp and Joseph Silverman, D. D.,
urging generous donations for the re
lief of the unprecedented distress pre
vnlltng in these countries.
Mr. Garrison writes In pnrt:
My Dear Mr. Mayor:
I have no hesitation In assuring your
Honor that any funds entrusted to the
Committee Just referred to will bo do
voted to the purpose for which they
nr collected, nnniely, the relief of
German children.
I take pleasure in comumnlcutlng
thts to you, because I hope that It will
result In those charitably Inclined help
ing the helpless and Innocent children,
whatever their views may be of tho
conduct of the adults and the rulers
of the country In question.
Sincerely, I.udley M. Garrison.
The Nebraska Committee, consisting
of tho following well known men:
Mayor lCd. P. Smith, Howard Bnldrlge,
Frank Boyd, ltnndall Ilrown, George
JJrnndels, li. Buckingham, Ward Bur
gess, T. O. Byrne, Isaac Carpenter,
O. .1. Classen, F. W. Clarke, II. S.
Clarke, Jr., O. T. Kaufman, Jny D.
Foster, Jos. Hiiyden, Itev. Kdwln II.
Jonks, Dr. F. A. Jonas, Mrs. Geo. A.
Joslyu, Hon. Jno. I.. Kennedy, Mrs. li
Vv Nash, Chns. Plckons. Bishop li. V.
Shayler, I. Slbbersen, Judge W. V.
Slabuugh, Judge Jno. J. Sullivan, Rob
ert Trimble, N. 11. Updike, has organ
ized for a drive to take place on Juno
8, 0 nnd 10, to raise Nebraska's quota
of $75,000.
Checks or money should be sent to
H. 8. Clarke, Jr., Treasurer, Pres. Corn
Kxchnngo National Bank, Omaha,
Neb., who will remit nil funds to the
Treasurer of tho American Fricudi
Barvlce Committee.
for Highest
Supply in Lower California, It Is As
serted, Is Beyond Possibility
of Exhaustion.
On Cnrmen Islnnd, In the Gulf of
Loreto, Lower California, are the great
est salt beds In the world, being two
and n half miles wide. The salt Is of
natural formation and lies In super
posed strata 07 Inches In thickness nnd
with n strata of water between each
of salt. Although excavations' of 11
feet have been made without failure
of salt, the extreme depth of stratifica
tion is unknown. The surface alone
is worked and as the salt from this Is
carried away, the water from the lower
strata rises to the surface, and, after
coming in contnet with the nir and sun
shine, within a fortnight fills the old
strata with new salt. The salt Is dug
out practically jiuro nnd by means of
n diminutive railroad Is delivered on
shipboard at a cost of but 25 cents a
ton. The Jesuit missionaries offered
to entirely support all the California
missions In return for a perpetual
grant to them of Carmen Island, but
the king of Spain refused to consider
the proposition. It has been said that
If all the lleets of Europe gathered
there to load salt they never could ex
haust It, not only on account of the
great size of the deposits, but prin
cipally because the salt is reproduced
as soon .as taken out.
Paderewskl's Handshake.
It Is stnted that after the signing
of the Austrian peace treaty In Pnrls,
Pnderewskl, who represented Poland,
shook hands with the other allied plen
ipotentiaries, using both bunds for the
operation. The celebrated pianist was
not always so free with his magical
hands. Some years ago. while shaking
hands with n friend, his lingers came
Into contnet with the lighted end of a
cigar, nnd for n day or two he was
unable to play. Thereupon ho heavily
Insured each of his flngors, nnd to re
duco the chances of such n happening
again he made It a rigid rule not to
shako hands with anyone.
Possible Quality at Lowest Possible Price
YES SIR, you'll find Spurs were built for
top'notch popularity. Blended in a new
way from American and Oriental tobaccos,
to bring out that good tobacco taste. You'll
thoroughly enjoy it
Crimped, not pasted, making a slowerrburn'
ing, easier'drawing cigarette. Satiny imported
paper. In a smart brown and silver package,
threefold, to preserve Spur's taste and fra'
grance. Spur Cigarettes were made and priced
to be the public choice. Try Spur.
Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co.
'20 f
Qlpny Who Lost Gold Coin Buttons
In Fight a Fair Representative
of His Place.
According to several different organ
izations now actively engaged hi the
work of transforming the nllen popu
lation Into real Americans, the melt
ing pot works slowly nnd sometimes
merely scorches rather than trans
forms Its niaterial, remarks the New
York Evening Sun. Tt has been point
ed out many times Hint tho first step
of the process seems to be to rob the
foreigner of nil his romance nnd plc
tnresqueness nnd leave him a rather
untidy, awkward figure In a strange
Occasionally there are found per
sonalities too strong to be dismayed
women uunlly, but once In a while a
man whose soul Is above derby hats
and suspenders. Such n one Is com
pelled to forsake much of his gorgeous
ness of apparel, but the spirit finds Its
way to lllgbt with the best material
at hand.
The latest example Is that of n gipsy
who nsserted after a modern Ameri
can street fight with somo of his trlbo
the other day that gold coin buttons
of Ids clothes were missing after tho
Not often do we see n rlvpl of Solo
mon arrayed as was this ftlyisy, bu,t
thero aro somo to lend a touch of cojor
to nn othcrwlso drab and mercenary
exlstenco slnco ni Henry used to lead
his minstrel pnrade In similar attire.
In tho south of Europe tho women
have the fashion of wearing their
dowry' woven In chains of coins in
their hair. In northern Europe nnd In
America somo of them wear tho for
tunes of their fathers or husbands In
slmllnr fashion In the way of Jewels,
but men seoui more eonservntlve.
Sad Memories.
Looking back at a long nnd event
ful career in which we have suid n.nny
foolish things, the words wo regret
most are thoe we uttered one day
back In HU!l when we said: "No, 1
don't believe I'll take any today."
Home Sector.
The New
Twinem Hospital
For the Treatment of
Medical, Surgical and
Obstetrical Cases.
719 West Fifth Street.
Phone. 110.
Practice Limited to
Surgery and Badlum Thcrupj
7P City .National Bank Building.
Omaha, Nebraska.
W. T. PltrrCHAHl),
Graduate Veterinarian
Ex-Governmont Veterinarian and ox
assistant deputy State Veterinarian
Hospital 815 South Vino Street.
Hospital Phone Black 633
House Phone Black G33
Gamble with Springer.
No. 1, 220 North Locust, riiono 20:i.
,No. 2, 11C East B Street, Hiono 19ft.
io. , C21 East ronrth, 1'hono 071.
No. J, 621 west Third, l'Jiono No. 7,1.