PWH At the I'innarle of Hope, Desire. Achievement lies Success which comes to him only who courts it. The foundation of Business Success is the Bank Account. Have you laid the foundation? We are interested in your Success UNION STATE BANK OF NORTH PLATTE, NEB. THE GO-BETWEEN h By ALVAH J. GARTH (Copyright. 1920. Western Newspaper Union.) "You arc surely my friend, Tresh nm," projected Willie Hurton. "Xot so much us I was," seriously replied Hugh Troshnm. "1 don't like the bright, flippant way in which you treat what you call your 'tiff with n young lady for whom I have the high est admiration and respect." "Surely you aren't hit yourself In that direction I" railed Burton deri sively. "We won't discuss that, replied Treshnm with dignity. "You and I have known one another for a good ninny years and I am a passably loyal fellow, but the autocratic and Indiffer ent wny In which you treat the wound ing of a trustful, sensitive heart hurts me." "Oh ! fix it tip for me, anibnssndoP royal !" spoke Hurton nlrily. "Of course, I broke an engagement to take Vera to an entertainment nntl did some lllrtlng with others under the provoking hufliness of the little scold er, but thnt is no reason why she won't make a move townrds a reconciliation. Honest, I'm sorry, and I think a lot of her. Tell her so, smooth It over. She's got n cool $50,000 In her own right, Is pretty as a picture and I'll marry her tomorrow If she's ngreea-ble." IPlIlSi The ability of your tractor to deliver unremitting, full powered service to make pos sible bigger crops with less labor in short, to give you results that count depends, to a large extent, upon proper lubrication. Our Tractor Oils will keep your tractor running strongly and smoothly through out the year. Our Tractor Oils are not affected by high engine heats. They maintain, under all con ditions, exactly the right body to seal in compression, kill IHllHHIMKraiyilsillllMH lOlQMI I I I M il I 1 I I I i I 1 1 i I I I j I I I I I I f E I I Hugh Tresham was something more than annoyed. He did not at all like the mission upon which he was being sent. I "You are straining my sense of pro priety and Justice, Hurton," ho ob served. "You are asking nn extraor dinary duty of me, but I will hope that If I break the Ice and open the war for you to effect n reconciliation, you will prize the treasure amongl womankind ns she deserves to bo." "Yvp, I'll turn over a new leaf," de clared Hurton. "Of course. I'm not going to report to her In tears or any of that rot, but If Vera will let by gones be bygones with nothing more said, I am willing to bo reasonably meek and humble." There was the trace of sneering au dacity and egotism In tones of the un worthy lover and Treshnm went his way with compressed lips and a pained nnd thoughtful face. Hurton, the son of one of the most Influential residents of Hnyvllle, had been known to Tresham. just establishing u mod erate law practice, for a long time. The lntter owed many favors to Bur ton and until the pnst year had held him In high regard. Ho had been pained and disappointed nt a great change In him, however, but was too loyal to tell others so. It was a hard task ho had assumed. There was a basis to the Insinuation on the part of Hurton thnt Tresham thought more than ordinary of the belle or Itayvlllo society. From the first time that Treshnm met Vera Drlscoll he had reallz.ed that he had come across the only wonjnn ho could ever love. Results Count on the Farm friction and lessen wear. They are the best insurance against the motor troubles which keep tractors from becoming really profitable investments. Our experts have made a study of the tractor lubricating prob lem. They have found STANOLIND TRACTOR OIL best suited to a majority of trac tors, Polarine Extra Heavy, Polarine Heavy and Polarine being recommended for quite a number. For the proper oil to use in your tractor consult your Stanolind dealer or write us. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Nebraska) Omaha Tresham reached the Drlscoll homo to find Vera seated In n garden ham mock. She greeted him grnclously. but her brow furrowed, those chnrinlni? lips lost their smile nnd there was no encouragement In her eyes as Tresh- j nm clearly and nt once divulged the J motive of his cull. Ho said all he had i promised Hurton to say. The dark expressive eyes flashed with something like scorn. "Ho you not think that the peniten tial appeal of Mr. Hurton should have, come from his own lips direct?" she nskeil. "I have fulfilled a mission to a friend," responded Tresham simply. "May I hear a reply message to him?" "I will think over what Mr. Hurton hns said," was Vent's reply. Then the fair face cleared and she became the entertaining hostess com-' plete with a man she respected and esteemed. Tresham sighed drearily as he left her presence. Its charm en hanced In his estimation the gulf of wealth between them, while emphasiz ing his convictions of the unworthl ness of Willis Hurton more decisively thnn before. A week went by. Burton fumed and then sulked when he found thnt Mlsa Drlscoll was not nt nil eager to take him back Into her good graces. Then mysteriously It became known that the uncle of Vera, who operated a large manufacturing enterprise, had failed, and It was said that all of Vent's fortune had been lost In the crash. It was Just after then thnt Burton received a note from Vera, asking him to call. He did not reply nnd she wns glad for reasons of her own. It seemed thnt a penniless bride wns not the fancy of this very worldly nnd selfish young man. Nobody looked down upon Miss Drls coll when she readjusted her life In accordance with a changed financial condition. She was a general favorite and preserved her wonted cheerful ness nnd exerted her helpful Influence ns before. Willis Burton mnrrled Into a newly rich family and flaunted the dazzle of money bags like the cad he was. Hugh Troshnm set studiously, serious ly nt work to console Miss Drlscoll. But ho did not proceed far In that direction, for very quickly and very clearly Vera Indicated thnt she needed no consolation as to her lost lover. In fact, she began to evidence nn Inter est In the nffalrs of the young Inwyer and n plensure in his companionship thnt caused both to bless the money rilsnster that had led to love and Its choicest blessing. Varieties of Potatoes, tine potato may be big enougn to provide n meal for a good-sized fam ily. People In Virginia like them that wny, In northern markets, however, the demand Is for potntoes of a mod est size. In Europe potntoes are grown of different kinds for different purposes. Certain varieties are raised for cooking and others for stnreh mnklng and distilling. Over there they have a so-called "stock potato," which Is not used for human food at all. It Is very lnrge and coarse of tex ture. The yield to the acre Is twice the ordinary, and the tubers, being ex ceedingly rich In stnrc'i. are great al cohol producers. ill III 1 1 II ccoscGoooeccoccocooocoog h CLEANING h UP 8 6 By MVRA E. MAJOR btsoooccccooocccooccooccoi (Copyright, 1920, Wentorn Newspaper Union.) Then were six boarders at the home of Mrs. Luolln Goodwin and Uiey were a congenial and pretty well satis fied sextette. There was a Mr. Enid (ray and his young wife, the two Misses Wnrd, spinsters, Gordon Llslo and Millie Forrester. The young man last named was an Industrial engineer. the young lady nn assistant bookkeep er, and with them principally the story has to do. The Grays had Just started out In iimi-rle-l life, Gordon Lisle was ;tt the time working on a salary and Miss Forrester was it beginner In her then existing position. She and the Grays were content to occupy rooms on the third floor, while 1-lsle had an apart ment In the half attic. The Misses Ward, having an Income from a small estate, were able to pay for more pre tentious quarters on the floor below, but these grades of means did not af fect the regard with which Mrs. Good win considered them. All were wel come to the double parlor on the tlrst floor, and many pleasant concert eve nings they pnssed, Mrs. Goodwin the delighted high priestess of so much harmony and comfort, Millie nt the piano, Llslo accompanying her with his violin, the spinsters always called upon for an old time duet and the Grays In an ecstasy of enjoyment sen timentally holding hands. It was when there was a break In this perfect circle that Millie grew sad and thoughtful nnd the others lost their former home Interest. The young man had told his friends enough to Indicate that he had lingered In the clly to contest a lawsuit which In volved a large amount due him from an engineering corporation. The ease went against him and he was a very much disappointed man. ".Somehow I lost nil the Important papers In the mutter," he told Millie sorrowfully the evening tlley parted. "I have got to go back to hard work, penniless and defrauded. It Is a dis appointment to have you go out of my life, Miss Forrester," he ttddetl with deep feeling, "for your company has been a pleasure and an inspiration to me. I have nskeil iny sister, Mrs. Hartley, to Invite you to her home, for she will miss you, too, and It will be a solace to me to realize that you two are sometimes thinking of me." "I shall never forget you," answered Millie with truth and emotion, and she broke down In tears after his de parture. Once a week after that on Invitation Millie was an evening guest of Llsle's sister. They became true friends and more so than ever when on one occa sion Mrs. Hartley told Millie that she was the only girl Gordon had ever loved and Millie, overcome, confessed that he had won the affection she had never before revealed. In heart to heart sympathy those two read the frequent letters the brother wrote to his sister and they sent back messages of hope and cheer. Mrs, Goodwin, the kindly landlady, took her tlrst vacation In twenty years and by a mere coincidence exactly at the time that Millie was apportioned hers. A helpful Impulse came to the latter after she had decided that she would remain in t lie city during the two weeks spell of leisure. Mrs. Goodwin had been kind and motherly toward her and Millie set at work to repay all her friendly consideration. The portly landlady did her best, but nmld her multitudinous duties she neg lected cleaning house that spring. The vncant room that Lisle had occu pied had not found another tenant. In n systematic way Millie started to have a grand surprise for Mrs. Goodwin when she returned. Mrs. Gray gave her what assistance she could nnd the cleaning up program was good practice for the bride of a year and gave Millie a new Insight as lo household work. Somehow It saddened, yet engrossed her to work In the room that Llslo had occupied. It hail not been touch mi since his departure and he had left some framed pictures on the wall, there was an old straw hat In a closet anil In wastebasket pencil sketches of bridge and conduit work that ho had mapped out. On a window ledge MU lle enme upon a faded rose bud. She wondered If it was one she had worn In her hair and gave to lilni one evening. Millie did not evade u thorough ren ovation of the neglected room. There was a wardrobe chest of drawers set In n niche and all of those shu dis lodged and scrubbed and mado sweet and clean. As she was setting one back In the place her eyes fell upon n crushed package of papers wedged In behind a lining board and the bot tom of the- wardrobe. She drew It forth. Ten minutes later, hurriedly iressed and all In a Mutter, Mllllo has t. 'led from the house to seek the sis ier of the man she loved. "Thexp must be tho missing papers . ur brother so often told mo about," spoko Mllllo breathlessly. "Oh 1 if so, (in hey not mean something to him?" nn. I Mrs. Hartley uttered a glad cry as sin looked them over. "oh, Millie!" she cried Joyously, 'lb -, are the precious documents, In deed : Wo must wire Gordon at once. You glorious girl ! You have restored his f' rtune and" she paused and be stowal upon Millie an Interrogative glance. "Yes." replied Mllllo frankly and fervently, "and love, true and lusting, m It was his long ugo." FARM LOANS I have the Money on hand to close loans promptly. Real Estate Mortgages Bought and Sold T. C. PATTERSON Loan Broker Building & Loan Building KS35 ELECTRIC SERVICE PREST-O-LITE Storage Batteries Midway Motor Co. DOCTOlt C. A. SELBY Physlclnn and SargooH Office OTcr Koxnll Drug Stole Offlco Phono 371. House 1008 GEO. D, DKNT,. I'liRjIdan and Surgeon. Speclnl Attention Ghon to Snrjrerj and Obstretrlcs. Offlco: Building & Loan Building Phonos: Offlco 130, Residence 116 DR. HEDFIEL1) Physician. Obstctrictan Surgeon. X-Hny Culls Promptly Answered Night or Duj Phono Office G12 Residence (170 Offlco Phono 340 Res. Phono 1237 DR. SHAFFER, Osteopathic riiyglclnu Ue'ton Bldz. North Platte. Nob Phono for Appointment! XOTIUU OK VISM, HKPOIIT. Estnte Nn. 17in nf t t renco, (loconsed In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nobraska. mo nmio or iNoornBicn, to nil porsonB IntnrpStml 111 anf.l TCafnfn ... i... thnt tho Administratrix linti nietl n nnnl account nnd rnnnpt nt Imi. n ,1 .v. I n I Mn flou nnd a petition for1 llnnl sottlomont nnd dlschargo ns such, which hnvo hoon nui iui nciniiK uoioro sain court on Jlllv 0. msn nf n nMnMr n ... .... may npponr nnd contest tho' (mine. wmtMi ,i line j.', i;izo, WM. 11. C. WOODIIimST, JVOTICn OI' FI.VAIj iihpoiit. Estnte Nn. 170ft nt ah.... ir c. M . Deceased. Ill tlin fmtlltv rrtnrf nt T t.,nnl.. --- ---- -" " 44,iiv.uiii utili ty. Nohrnskn. Tho Htato of Nohrnskn: To all persona Interested In snld Iistnte, take notice thnt tho ndmlnlstrntor hns niod a final llCCOlint nnd rrmnrt nf I, la ... 1, .. I. .1. ...... , w. ...n i.fiiniiiini.1 il- tlon nnd n petition for nnnl aottfomont nnd dlschnrKo ns such, which hnvo hoon uuiumtf notoro sniu court on July Oth, 1920, nt 9 o'clock n. m., when von mny npponr nnd contest tho same. .'men uuno if, ivzu. war. H. C. WOODHUHST. Iln-3 County .JtidKo. NOTIUI3 OK 1'IXAIi HIU'OUT Kstnto No. 1CS8 of Mary Durkiih, Deconsed. ' 111 tlin Pnnnlv rn 11,., nf T I . . . ........ --- ---- . IIIIIUUIII ITUUIl- ty, Nohrnskn. 'i no Htnto or Nohrnskn: To nil nor- HOIIH Intnrnfltml In unt.i ... ...... ...,.l ---- n j.niimj, unit! notion (tint Hi., n .1 ... It. I ..I i.n , .1 .. i. ' Mii- . ,,.. . " "in nil nil IJl HUH IIICU a llnnl account of her ndmlnlstrntlon 1'i.iiiiuii iur nnni soitlomout nnd uintimriio us alien, nnn petition for do- ternilmitlnn nf IiaIi..!,!,, n...i .n.n... , . . . nitqi 111MI lllnirilfll- tlon, w-hlch hnvo heon sot for henrliiK ...w.o nun vuiiri oil Jlliy 'Jin, ID'O, nt 10 oclock n. in., when you may appear 11 tWI rtntilno, , 1 . .. ......... ... vuMiuni inu nuiiie. Dated Juno 8th, 1920. ,,r , WMl c- WOODIIUnST, Ilr,-:' County JudKo. xotici: oi' iti:i i:iti:i:s ham:. Notice Is hereby given thnt by vir tue of nn order Issued to mo by tho DlHtrlct Court in nnd for Lincoln Conn ty, Nobrnskn, In mi action theroln pending wherein John Arthur SIiiuiih, Is plaintiff. (Jpftriido Hlnims, Elslo Kednllo Moyle, nee Slminn, John Moylo her husband, Sarah Inez Wilson neo Slinnis, ClmrlOH Wilson ber husband, Leslie D. SlmniH, single, Elmer Cleve land SIiiuiih, single, Charles Herbert Slmins, n minor. Joe Wright Slinms, a minor, Harry Ezra Hlnims, a minor, .lunula Clnrn Slinms, n minor, nro de fendants, I will on the 19th dny of July, 1920, nt the hour or 2 o'clock P. M. or snld dny at the east rront door or tho Court House in the City or North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, soil at auction to tho highest bidder for cash, the following doscrlbed real es tate, situate In the County of Lincoln and Htato of NebraskA, to-wlt:- South half or SouthwoHt nunrter (SV4 of SW'4). Northeast uuartor or tho South, west quarter (NEVi or 8WU ), South west quarter of the Southenst (luartor (SW'4 of SEU). or Section twonty elgbt C.S), Tounnnlp eleven (11). Mango Thirty (30); tho North hnir or the Southenst (unrter (NV4 or SEU), the South half of the Northeast quar ter (Sifc of NE'4 nf Section twenty, eight f2S), Township elovon (11), Ilnnge Thirty (30), and tho Northeast quarter (NE'4 or Section Thirty-two (32). Township eleven (11), Itantfo Thirty (30). Dated this lllh day or June, 1920. Jir.-r.w n. E. ELDEM, Moforeo. 'otlco of Petllloiu Kstato No. 17CR of Uornanl Mtllor, ileceaHcd In the County Court of Lin coln County, Nobraska. Tho State of Nebraska, To all per Hons interested in said Estnto tako notlco that a petition hns been filed for tho probato of an Instrument pur portitiK to bo tho last will and Testa tnent of said deceased and for appoint ment of George Taylor us Executor of wild Estnte, which baa boon sot for hoarlfiK boroln on July 2, 1920, nt !) o'clock a. m. Dated Juno 5, 1920. wm. ir. c. wooDimnsT. J8-w County Judgo. 1KS. STATES & STATES Chiroprnctors f, (!, 7 lliillillng Jc Loan-Building. Offlco Phone 70. Itcs. Phono 1243 I)W. HAKOLD FENNEIt Osteonnth Over Hlrschfcld'a Offlco Phono 333 Res. Phone 1020 , notici:. I Notice Is hprptiy given given thnt tho I assessor lit nnd for the Ulrdwood Irri gation District, Lincoln cdunty, Ne braska, 1ms completed the assessment ' for shUI district nnd hns dellverod the same to tho socretary. The Iioard of i Directors Is hereby called to moot nt , tho ollleo of tho secretary on tho SEVl iof Section 36, Township 1C, Mango 32 (west, Tuesday, July fit It, 1920; to net ns ja Hoard of Equalization and to honr objections to tho assessment. Tho said board to remain lit' session ns long ns necessary not to oxccoit ten days during which tlnto nil objec tions to the assessment nnd valuation will bo hcnril nnd determined. Dated this 7th tiny of .Juno, 1920. .115-2 MAItY f. McNEEL, Sec'y. Notice of Additional I, nnd Jo lie Includ ed In lllrilttood Irrigation District. Notice Is herohy irlvcn to ench nnd overy owner of lnnd In the Hlrdwood Irrigation District thnt on tho 12th dny of Jnnunry. 1920. Cntherlno Movie filed at tho offlco of said district a petition prnyniK' titnt tae iiouiidnries or snld district ho chmiKed so as to Include tho rounwliiK doHcrlliod lnnd, to-wlt: Part of NU of KKi of NE eon- sIsUiih: of llftoeit acred: pnrt of NV4 of NWIi of NIOtt consisting or fifteen ncros; pnrt of N of NH of NWU consisting oi urteen ncros: pnrt or N'.fc of NWU of NWU consisting of llftoea nores, nuikliiK n totnl of sixty ncros of Section it, Township II, ltnitKO 32 west of tho fith 1'. jr. In Lincoln county, Ne hrnska, which are contiguous to tho Hlrdwood Irrigation District, nnd which constitute one trnct of lnnd, snld potl tlon prnj-H thnt tho nforosnld hinds h Included In llio dlNtrlot nnd lie Itrlgn ted from tho canal nnd tho wntor ap propriation of snld district tho snnio nsi lands now embraced within tho bound aries of said district. All persons Interested in snld peti tion will npponr nt this offlco on Tuesday. July fith, 1920, nnd show cntiso In writing why prayer of said peti tioner may not bo granted. Dated this Kith day or June. 1920. TKi-3 MAltY C. McNKEIj, Sec'y. XOTM'I'J OK IlKAUIXn. Ill tho County Court of Lincoln Coun ty, Nohrnskn. In tho Matter of tho Estate of Min nie Cornet, Deceased. To tho Holm and nil persons Inter ested In snld Estate: You nro horoliy notified that on Juno 10, 1920, 10. It. (loodman, ns oxooutor of said estnto, filed In tho County Court of Lincoln county. Nobrnskn, his ac count and application for the distribu tion of snld ostnte, nnd tho assignment of tho real estnto thereof, towlt: All of Lots Klvo (fi) nnd Hlx (fi) of Block V yo (C) of Gamble's Addition to tho v lllago of Horshoy, Lincoln county, Nohrnskn, nnd thnt snld nccount nnd nppllcntlon will bo hoard boforo thiR court on tho Oth dny of July, 1920, nt nlno oclock n.,m In tho county court room In the court house In tho city of North Plntte. In snld county, nnd you nro hereby cited to npponr nt snld tlmo nnd plnce nnd show cause, If any there be, why snld nccount should not bo ap proved and allowed and snld estate distributed nnd assigned. Dntod North Plntte. Nohrnskn. Juno 10. 1920. WM. H. C. WOODHUitHT. .1154 (SEAL.) County Judge. xotick or ni:.viti.:. In tho County Court of Lincoln coun ty, Nebraska. In tho Matter of tho Estate of Anna Mnrgarothn Meyer, Decensed. To tho holrs and nil persons Inter ested In snld estnto: .1,iVo,"n.nnroJV,rcl,, ,10t,fIed thnt on Juno 9th, 1920, Edwnrd It. Ooodmnn, ns expe utor of snld ostnto, filed In tho County ( ourt of Lincoln county, Nobrnskn. his account nnd application for the distri bution of snld estnte, nnd thnt snld nc co.l.'.nt. implication for distribution will be heard on the nth dny of July, 1920. nt nine o'clock a. in. In tho county court room In the court house In tho Cltv of North Plntte, In said county, Illld VOIl urn lmrnliv nltn.1 In ............ Ntlid tlmo nnd tllnpn nml ulwii.' it .. ........ ...... ....,, nitinu, ,i any thoro be, why 'said account should um mi limn iivcn nnu allowed nnd snld "ito iiistriiiutcd. Dnted nt North llntto Vr.i,f..irr. tuno 9. 1920. (SEAL) WM. H. C. WOODTItmST. (SEAL) County Judge. OHDEIt OI ItCAUIM.'. In tho County Court of i.inrnl li eniiti. ty, Nebraska. In tlio Matter of the Estate of Mary U. McICalght, Docensod. To all poisons Interested in tho Es tate of Mary E. McKnluht. Into of r.ln. coin county, Nebraska. t ou nnci oncn or you nro horoby no tified that Carl R Wilson Iiiin fllml Mm duly verified potltlsn in tho county court or Lincoln county, Nobraska. al leging mat Aiary is. McKnlght died In testate on or about tho 21st day of March. A. D. 1899. seized In ton h 111 til it or tho rollowlng described promises situated in tho county or Frontier and state or Nobraska, to-wlt: Lot num- noriKi eignt (S), in HlOck numbered fourteen (14). Ill tho vlllaire of fiirHH according to tho recorded plat thoroor. nfiiviiiK nor surviving nor nusband, Hobort A. McKnlght, and tho rollowlog named children mid no other Issue or descendants, to-wlt: William S. McKnlght. a son. over twenty-ono years or ago; Sidney Mc Knlght, a son, over twenty-ono yenrs or ngo; Anna McKnlght. a dnusrhter over twenty-ono yenrs of ugo; Hobert iinrrison iwcKiugut, a son, under four teen yours of ngo: Chnrles McKnlglit, a son, undor fourteen yonrH of nir: CInronco McKnlght, a son, undor four teen years or ago; Claudlo McKnlght, a son, under rourtocn yonrs or ngo. iimi sniu petitioner, unri v. 1'Jleon, Ik tho ownor or snld promises In foe simple, having dorlvcd title thorotb liy mi lci cuuvoyiiuces irom ine noirs or said doconsed, nnd by mosno convey ance rrom Marsha V. Elson and hus band, D. D. Elson; that moro than two yeara luivo olapsod Blnco tho death of snld decensed nnd no nppllcntlon linn been made In tho state or Nobraska for the appointment of nn ndmlnlstrntor either by her holrs or by porsonB claim ing to bo creditors of snld deceased: that Hnld deceased resided In tho coun ty or Lincoln mid Htato or Nohrnskn, at the tlmo or hor decoaso and died tlioro ln; by reason whoreor Jurisdiction to .idminlHter hor estnto appertains to the county court or snld Lincoln county. Snld petitioner prnys this court for a dotcrmlnntlnii of the tlmo of tho dentil of tho decedent. Mnry E. McKnlght, a determination or the holrn or snld Mary E. McKnlglit. tho degrco or kin ship and the tight or tho real property belonging to tho snld Mnry E. Mc Knlght, deceased, nnd for nil othor nnd proper rollof. It Is therefore ordered that said pe tition be beard and determined by thin court nt tho county court room In tho cltv of North Platto, county of Lin coln, nnd state of Nobraska, on tho 13th day or July. A. D. 1920, at 2 oclock P M.. which tlmo nnd plnco nro fixed by this court for the homing thereon. It Is further ordorod that tills no tlce shnll bo nubllshed In tho North Platto Soiiil-Weokly Tribune, a legal Homl-weokly newsnnpor In said county for threo nuccossivo wocUh prior to said hearing. Dated tills 10th day of Juno. A.D.1920 CSEAL ) WM. II. C. WriODIIUHHT. Jl 5-3 County Judge