.V NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC ! RESERVED SEATS -FOR THE- BIG AUTO .(RACES GO ON SALE SATURDAY, JUNE 19th. AT THE -s Rexail Drug. Store -SemMiBeeklg 3rtbune. AHA h HAHK, Editor and Publisher SUBSCRIPTION HATES: l)n tear by Mull, In ndvunco. .$1,75 One Vcur by Corrlor, in udranco, $9.00 'iitorod at tlio North Platte, Nebraska Postofllco ua Second Class Matter. i'JlIDAY, JUNK 18th, 1020. Jingo Irrigation District. A Washington special to tho World Jlorald Bays: Flvo hundred thousand acres of land hotweon North Platte ' -and- Konrnoy, NohraHka, will become lart of u mammoth Irrigated qoctlon At a auri'oy being urged by John Noff , o Lexington, in approved by tho gov ernment and llndB favor at congrea tslonnl Jinnda,' ho that appropriation Prayer Jleotlng Schedule. Chairman, P. It. Stevens, Tel. 1275 WAItD I. Superintendent Mrs. N. 13. Louden. Tel. 1053J. Assist. Supt. Mrs. W. Cummlngs, Tel. 1298. SECTION A. South of tracks td 4th, hotweon Dowoy and Poplar. SECTION B. South of tracks to 4th, hotweon Poplar and Taft. SECTION C. South of tracks to 1st, betweon Taft and city limits. SECTION D, East of Dewey, to Poplar hotweon 4th and B. SECTION E. East of Poplar to Taft, botwoen 4th and 11. SECTION P. All east of Dowoy ho tweon A and E. SECTION O. All eaat of Dowoy, bo twoen E and south limits. WAHD II. Superintendent Mrs. M'. E. Scott, Tol. 303W. Assist. Supt. Mrs. J. II. VanCleavo, Tol. 1211W. SECTION A Prom Dowoy to Willow 'uotweon ani and a Mr &ei wlSoiui tho Chambers ' BBOHON B. Prom Dewey to Willow f 7 One of these of Commorc o 'North IMa tte and botwco A anA " & s- Addition. lfuI""8t'? fa,? h,nf 1)00,1 tho writing KeanS nnnd a' SlJ 'Stan za- BTOTION O. II. & S. Addition and fth? Ster wl"th thS'' IZSXTrS between Willow and 1 w h t he reel Smntlon Borvlco nn 0ak fro' 3,(1 to A- ? , UmJ prcachers and folks, wlthti, ifiihiffiiZ SECTIONED. Between Willow and t$ "'&T wcy win Do forthcoming hOOii. .Somo Idea of tho magultudo.of the, project may bo gained when It Is known that tlio total of nil lands In lr-i I t ... n .. , t ' xiBiioiu projects wosi oi urmgoport is Oak from 3rd to A SECTION i E. From Willow to Oak between A nnd south limits. , WARD III. Supcrlntomltnt, Mrs. A. J. Crawford, Tel. 712. Assist. Supt. about 04,000 acres. Tho great benoOts MrH- M- E- Crosby, Tol. 9GGW. -resulting to that section would bo SECTION A, West of Dowoy to W11- greatly miHtlpllod, It Is assorted, In ,mv "otweon tracks and 3rd street. Ithe territory Tietwoen North Platte SECTION B. West of WUloW to Oak and Konrno'y. ''0twca tracks and 3rd. Irrigation, pojocts that exist . ho- SECTION C. Wesf of Oak to Wnehlng twoon thoso cities now nro compara-' t" ltwoon tracks and 2nd,, tlvely small nnd aro dependont upon SECTION D West of Washington to purchase of water from tho 'Pathflnd- Madison betweon tracks and 1st or dnm, near Whnlon, Wyo. There Is SECTION E. All west of Madison bo 4in Immonso loa of water by ovnpora-1 twocn tracks nnd 1st. lion In this long carriage. Water users WAItD IV. Suporlntondont, Mrs. P. lUlfl propectlve water usors oast of Powers, Tol. 2G3J. Assist. Supt. JJofrfh Platte want to avoid thlB. JIrs. Lelnlngor, Tol. 1153W. . Tills can bo dono only by construct- SPPTION A. North of tracks oast of lrig a vast storago rcsorvolr closer to Locust. 1jtt projoct. It Is this and othor feat- SECTION B. North of tracks between irros tho practicability of which could Locust ond Maplo. IftjQ determined by a survey. Plonotr. SECTION C. North tracks and west Till; TABKltiNACLK MKlTTIJfUS. The union tabornaclo meetings are growing with increasing interest and Tuogdny evening saw the largest dpowd of the campaign. A fdoiure of this sorvloe was tho visit of tlTo auto (faravnn of thlrty-llvo people onroute to Scotts Bluff for the Sunday School Aneoclntlou. Another feature of tho campaign is the singing of Mr. Wick land whoso tolo work Is aplondld. Hie chorus singing alone Is worth coming to the tabornaclo to hear. Mr. Hayburn has in Ills broad ex perience, becomo nn expert dlngno tlclan of the mnnv ills that retard and kill the progress of Christianity. Ho does not have to be told your faults and sins to hit them. After all In one's nood of God we nro all sn much alike nnd yet so different. These likenesses and the differences are both familiar to tho ovangollst. Ills earnostncs.s. simplicity nnd foarlossnoss arc wlnn Ing nnd gripping tho community. Tho cottago prayer meetings are hold In over twenty homes at ten overy morning except Saturday. A number of thorn aro roportlng 100f; prayer meetings which means that overy one prosont offers prayer. Wednesday evening Mr. Rayburn spoko on tho subject of the "Paraly tic." Thls unforunato, malignantly (IIhoii wnil mill linlnlnuu fn11ntit ....... ,. -- - I l" 'J .TilO 1 L stored by u miracle. Ills case of phy sical healing through the assistance of his frlonds and the power of Jesus compared In three particular ways with Christ's prosont day miracles In healing paralytic souls. In tho first place this poor man felt his utter helplessness requiring from tho Lord a mlraclo that has lived re peatedly In such mlrnculmiH li on 1 1 n a of charactor as Ilnrry Monroo and Mr. tiuuioy uui tins man could not help hlmsolf at all. Sinners nro tho same way. Thoy would never In a thousand years ask for a tabernacle meeting or somo form of campaign for tho heal ing of thoir souls upon tholr own In itiative. Their frlonds, Christian friends, must do this for them. That Is always tho case. It Is tho prayor mooting crowd upon which God must depond for his work. In tho next place thoro were certain forbidding clrcumstnnces from With out that mado It Imposslblo ffir the paralytic to help hlmsolf. So In the case of slnnors. Sdmo will combine against thoso mootlngs. It wns the crowd around Christ that kept so many from following him. So the crowd today, has tho same Influence. Tho knockers, and tho snoerers, nud. tho fault finders aro with us. Much of this comes from church members too. This Is an ago of fads. Pads- aro in everything. But of many kinds of fads Journalism has had Its share in m m m - - - , ..... Wr" - k J kf- lr.. ..k i:o:: L3I... ......... . P If . ' Tlmon nn..n mnnilt.nM ...If I ... . -ft t .-llllllUim1 VI IMIS. 1 m.ow I'.ii.iui iiiuuillla will l)U IIUIU Tho nHBessorft' schodulos returned to " Tuesday. Wednesday, Thursday and 'tho county assossor show a rather Friday, mornings .from 10 to 10:30 Terming docruoso in the numbor of o'clock and nil Interested In tho klng- Tiogs In Lincoln county ns well as n rto,' rogardless of rollglous affiliations decrease In tho numbor of cattlo. It 1h nro "vgod to attend. Tho placo of probable that tho same percentage of nionthiK and tho loader will change ilooroase will bo found In practically end day. Tho sections w;lll remain un- vcry county In NohntSkn. changed. Tho prlco of ctvttlo and hogs, and oh- ' , f . ,':"''- pcclally tho lnttor, whop compared l llh HAltUAlX COUXTElt With tho prlco of corn, has discouraged rft " innnors and thoy have roducod tholr 503 South Pino Stroot Ono otory, Urda ami. will not Incronso until prices 'amo, flvo room houso In porfoct con- pliGr- illtlon. Strictly modorn. Basomont VOTII'!' Iil7'i.0;i77i,r,nv a,, W,atUr m'00f SmuU C0!U shetl- Pr,CO V&ku rMlB. J.i?M' F ."O-OO- $1,000.00 down, balanco on i w t i i 4iiiu iikjw ur, 018 North -LincoUi Avonuo Plvo room, one story, fruino dwolllng. AH IN TIIR (MTV tlV XOHTH PLATTII, MUtlt. To ll,o owners of tho record title 7 Pr ico S2 OoSo Of all property adjacent to or nbutt- B 0 tni5 upon the streets hereinafter doa ,,CJV ' t0Tl "' , v Urlbed and all Tinrunnu Intn thero n: ,nvo Coal house 12.x Small paymont isortii liincolu Avonuo Framo therein: ,"Vo room, ono story residence. Good YOU and oaoh of you are hereby COIltHtlon. All modern except boat, notified 'that tho Mayor and City Coal ouso 12x12. Prico $2,700.00 OounaU of tho City of North Platto, Small paymont down, oasv torms. Hd under date of Juno 1, 1080 pass G13 North Shorhlan Avenue Ono Jiml approve a certain ordlnanco form- story, throo room dwelling. Strictly ing nnd CroatlnC navlll? llUtrlflt Mum. tnannnn irn . . . hoi- C of tho City of Nor h pn o tr sn. oai- oaUo him into the church and tell n Lincoln County, Nobrn.kn. ami that T!?M V month w,th 8 P0r C0,U !ot ,of 1,0 l0lt (l "Aleop Lincoln County, Nobraska. and that intorost, imu luuumiiu niiuuiH. luniuiiiiiir tii .... ... hloned and out-of-date. They put 05 ui iiiu mame on tno preachers. But the fault Is with themsel VOS. Tltnv would rather have n cnnil Ihnn nnd spend their Sundays being entertain ed. . ' Another fad of today places a gulf betweon tho church anil tho laborlnir man. Thoro never was n greater un truth. Thore Is no moro gulf between uio moqring mnu and the church than between tho church nnd doctors, or clerks or nn othor Tho fact of tho difference Is betweon minion nature and God, between in clination and a qulckcnod christian Con8Cl0IlCO. Tills SO nnllfrl fnil fa n pleco of moonshlno. , The Presbytor- lans tnought they would solve the labor quostlon nnd built a labor tomplo in Philadelphia. Thoy failed. It wa,s a fad. Wo are tired of so many BWlvol-chalr exports and drlvos and experiments nnd j to preaching the old-fashioned gospel. i.oib or cnurcues and preachers are ecclesiastical refrigerators where they, ico uio pcopio to Keep them all week. If llO WQrO UohlE back Intn Mm nnntm. nto ho would choose a church made up of working and salaried people and uoi a cnurcn or wealth. Tm T.miw Homo Journal mndo an 'Investigation somo years ago regarding the wol coma given pooplo In churchoB. This was a fad. But many people In churches do wear a "lrpop off the grass" attitude and keep people from making their acquaintance. This Is orton indlfforence rather than cold noss. Acnlll tills unfortunntn nnrnlvlln jwas carrlel by four frjondg who let .1.1... tin..... 41. ... u mi . in uwiiii imu n i voi. iiiey reniizeii ms uuer noipio88iio88. Lota of poopl don't care what becomes of nthr . poor unfortunate child prostitute wns soiu io l orii the other day. Many, don' care. What n fnnt tn ennw that i Jesus only can pooplo bo saved Not by mud baths and massages but by Jesus alone can soul paralysis be nenioil. A man dlos. IIo had nevor Kono to church in nil his life and WOUld UOt KQ if Hvinir. IIIh frlonda grab the bIx hundlos of IiIb coffin and Dependable Through Thick and Thin Above everything else you want dependability built into the grain binder you buy. You want your binder to go into your grain fields, no matter what the conditions may be, and cut the grain with the least possible loss of time and' grain. We are selling the John Deere Grain Binder 'because we know it will give you that dependable binder service which makes it a profitable investment. From the bottom up it's a better-built grain "binder. Bigger and stronger roller-bearing wheels; heavier one-piece main frame widely lapped and hot-riveted together; strong, rigid platform; three packers instead of two, assuring better bundles in all kinds of grain these are just a few of the features that make" it the better binder. Another feature you will appreciate on thi3 binder is the easily-operated bundle carrier. No effort to hold it in receiving position or to dump it. Because the teeth rise out of the stubble the instant you start to return the carrier, it's exceptionally easy to bring it back to receiving position. And it's no trick to keep this carrier always in easy-working order simple adjustments are provided to accomplish this. Because the teeth drop the instant the carrier is dumped, the bundles are not scat tered. The Quick Turn Tongue Truck adds much to the effective work of the John Deere. The wheels turn faster than the pole, making clean, square corners possible. Because the truck axle is flexibly mounted, both wheels hold to the ground no matter how rough the fields may be. This keeps the binder running straight, and takes off the side draft from the horses. Throughout the John Deere, you will find just the kind of construction that you expect in a good grain binder. We believe it will cut moref, acres of grain at less cost per acre than any other machine on the market that's what you are interested in. Come in and see this binder. It won't take long to show it to you. When you get it in the field you will be just as enthusiastic about it as we are. You can't make a better binder investment THE LEYPOLDT-PENNINGTON CO. LOCAL AGENTS COJDHSSlOXKltS' rJtOCEKDIXCIS. intersections thereof, within tho limits of tho City are comprised within said J1"' niLVlni' illulrlnl ..... ,1)11111. PrlCO room, one story frame roildonce. J it Mty, nt the 'MS Soi oar'. "it South - Walnut Street. Fri with Raid ono story, six room dwelling, in goM nil-.. i 1 ... ' . . . . n:,vin ,iiuviof ...,., . ,"Ulll. Price $2,400.00. $500 . . . . la li IliHliiMAA I1P ... ... I. n . Aii mat portion or Dth straal of bald ir inui wun e pnr c i lfy, coiumonclnK on the llryan Avenue. In said City tei'IOCtion of Eth ntrnnt ' 7 - ...wv " HI VH . , ...v...v , T unw iHvinni ft tj ti li inil Will'' Httld Dth street to tho ISnst lino of Pino lv nimlern with full bnsembnt. Prle stroot; whore tho same intorsecta said , $5K0n,00. Will consider vncant lots nwi.n, ,or Fo,"fl or Do,1:e cor l" Prt trade, llnloss objoctlons nro fllod as re- n rSmS A rooont "larrlnVonf Intoro.t In i '1. 17 ,,ul),11cnt'Il "f thlslnnivoralt circles was that of Miss notice tho Mayor and City Council .ina Henderson of Omaha to CM. shall proceed to construct such .pav-jTTarrl of North Platte, son of Mrs. O. Dated (his 10th day of Juno, 1920. A. v. HTiimTZ. Mayor. (5h.AU) O. H. BLDBn. U18t3V M. Ifnrrls of that cltv. Mr. HutIs nUan'if' HnstlnRo nojiono and Mr. IlarrlR thn slnto milvoslty. Afto,r n wo(mint irui 'o ios. Anueiw "r. vjn W TV tit . A V W I . . City Clerk. .Mrfl. Hnrrls will bo at homo In Lincoln 111 Jobub." What lion nro tnhl nt fun- orals as thoy proach thorn Into heav- on I At such a funeral somo one will say. and in tho nrosonco nf olilliii'mi too, "Woll I huoss If ypu'llve as well as no you will ue all right." Such Only in Joeus can one tlud the Ufa nun i ui Hiuuiy us 8contin acis 4: is, "for neither Is there any other namo undor hoavon, that la given among mon, whoroln wo must bo saved." wig iiAitfl.iix in mail OUADK PIANO. Wo havo stored In a publlo waro Iioubo at Korth Platto a high grulo piano which will bo sold at a substan tial discount If taken at onco. If ln torostod wrlto Tlio DENVER MUSIC COMPANY, Donvor, Colorado. 40-8 Mrrs. A. E. Woods and dauphtor, of Brady, spent Wednosday'in this city. Juno 14, 100. Board met pursuant to adjournment, present Hermlnghausen, Koch and Springer and tho following business was transacted: W. D. Waldo, hauling gravel, $152. Albert Ballard, hauling dirt. $48.00. George SIdwoll, work on drag. $30. John Anthony, work on tractor, $30. John Ketchum, road w'prk, $48.00. H. P. Nichols, hauling grnvol, $3G.OO. George. Frazler, hauling gravel, $8. Androw Lewis, hauling gravel, $8.00. C. C. Drake, hauling gravel, $48.00. Alvln Baker, road work $90.00. J. II. Kornoruff, road work, $48. Louis Grady, hauling gravel, .$80. H. Hamlin, hauling gravel, $4S. i Sawyer, work on raods, $48. Abort Stelnhauson, work on roads, $90.00. , Chas. Johnson, hauling gravel, $32. Standard OH Co., oil, $16.80. Pete Roth, road work, $4.00. Gus Latimer, road work, $3. Frank Dark, road work, $3. J. A. Bewick, road work, $6.00. John McICennoy, road work, $9.00 Georgo Griffith, road work, $39.00. Sundry persons, servico state case, $14.70. Antisoptlc Products Co., $12.00. Sundry porsons, serving state cases, $73.00. Leon Fobs, rond work, $7.00. Wm. Smith, dragging, $36.10. -Sundry persons, surveying, $8.50. II. C. Colin and others, road work, $329.40. J. D. Pottse, oil for tractor, $7.50. C. L. Grant, surveying, $142.50. Star Bottling Works, mdse, $3.25. Leo Tolllln, dragging, $30.G0. Ilawley, Tolllon. voad work, $G0.QQ. Leo Tollllon, road work. $56.25. Murphy & Murphy, auto hire, $9.90. Nelson & Sullivan, oil $9.50. J. R. Rttner, road work, $200.00. Standard Oil Co., oil, $262.58. Carson Furnish, road work, $14.00. G. E. Thompson, road work, $35. Walter Remus, road work, $12.50. G. A. Sohrecongost, road work. $20. Wm. Remus, road work, $35.00. Omaha Printing Co., supplies, $40.63. Sundry porsons, road work, Dlst. 33, $166.00. Davis Auto"Co., repairs, $10.45. Alfred Remus, road work, $35. Sundry persons, road work, Dlst 2G $24.S5. George Jenkins, road work, $24,00. D. E. Jolllff. road work. $6.00. Horace Fitch, road work, $6.00. Edgar Hannah, road work, $4.00. W. T. Elliott, bridge work, $130.00. Floyd Burton, road work. $22.75. Henry Konlgor, road work, $18.80. ChRg. Burton, road work, $14.00. Dorryborry. sLForbes, mdse, $4.00. W. S. Hashing dragging. $2G,10. W. H. C, Woodhurst, wltnoss feos, $57.50. Frator Drug Co., mdso, $6.60. A. P. Kelly, ipubllshing, $233.90. Standard Oil Co., oil, $199.61. J. D. Adams, road work, $39,6J Unlvorslty Pub. Co., supplies, .'$14,90 Standard Oil Co., oil, $299.23. ' Honry Wilier, road work, $69.50. Burroughs Adding Machine Co., re pairs, $42.30. National Rollnlng Co., oil, $18,90. Foster Lumber Co., lumber, $379.15. H. P. Nelson & Co., drags, $32.58. 'Omaha SchoorSupply Co., supplies, $37.97. J Remington Typewriter Co., supplies. $14.00. ' ' Wm. Smith, road work, $99.40. J. N. Keeney, blacksmith work, $38.10. Road potltlon "signed by, M. R. Ras musson and others" coming up before tho board for final action, the board being of the opinion that said road Is for tho public good, allows said road as petitioned. The board is also of the opinion that Roads No. 97 and 98 should bo closed and thereby declare the same' vacated and closed to public travel. ' ' ' Wheroujion the board adjourns to Juno 15th. For nle or Trade C room Brick .House on east 9th. 4 room Frame Houso on west 11th. 1 lot on west) 6th. Sower, sidewalk and water. Priced right. Phono 922W.., 45-3 New Party Is Now Launched. I New' York June 15. The executive committee of the committee of forty- eight announced tonight that forma tion of a new pary on. a. platform "of government ownership of transporta tion - and national resources is over whelmingly favored In replies receiv ed to Its questionnaires from every state. Taxation of idle land, labor's effort to share In the management of Indus try and tho complete restoration of free speech, press and assembly were ether planks endorsed, It was stated. "Among those favored for the pres idential and vice presidential candi dates for tho new party, a statement said "are Senator Robert M. LaFol lette, Governor Lynn Frazler, Gover nor Frank P. Walsh and Chief Jus tice Walter Clark of North Carolina." Progressives "of all shades of opin ions from both the old parties," will attend the convention In Chicago, July 10, according to reports received from fortyelght state organizations of tho committee. -:io:: 20 bars laundry soap for $1.00 at McMlchael's Grocery. 42-8 BKOW2PS ItANCH 1,550 ACJUifS. Crop shown in this photograph was raised on this land. All of the land is.as good as the land that Is shown in this photograph. 90 of land is level, balance is slightly roll ing. All of tho land is well sodded to buffalo and gramma grass. Soli is a rich dark loam; plenty of good watev at 30 feet; not one foot of waste land; little Improvements. Ranch is located In Kiowa County, Colorado, and is only three miles' from town and railroad. This ranch has never before been offered for sale. Terms of sale: 10 -discount for all casjit; half of oil rights reserved; entire tract will bo sold In pne body for $29 per acre; smaller tracts for $30 per acre. . H. L. BROWN AND RELATIVES, Owners. 2120 Grand Arc., PUEBLO, COLORADO.