The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 18, 1920, Image 10

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(CoiiyMittit, 11)20. Western Newapuiier I mm.
The girl looked about the old-fash-Jonod
room with the French windows
ho ImkI udinlred ns a rhllil, opening
-out on wide verandas. Then she went
o tin; lano and sorted over the inn
sSlc. The .solids of a by-gone day,
which she had expected to find, had
(given way surprisingly to new and rol
licking ballads. So Aunt Emollne nlso
lind taeniae modernized In her lute
lor music. Snllle tossed her lint on
n chair :ind placed her traveling bag
beneath it, and begun to play the one
sentimental piece nlio could Mud. It
was something about "Oh I I'm lonely,"
nnd "Oh, I'm blue." and carried a
touching appeal. Hut as Snllle for
the second time reached the chorus
nnd was walling softly, "Oh I I'm so
lone-ly," a masculine voice nearby em
phatlcally remarked :
"So am I."
And ns Sallle, undecided whether to
stop or to proceed, uniintlelng with her
song, finished "Oh! I'm blu-eV' the
young man again exclaimed:
"Thnt'8 me, too. I've been sitting
out there," he went on, as she turned
on the stool, "wanting to curse every
thing In this dull tovvn from the baud
stand to the pump, when your musical
voice expressed my feelings for me."
".My singing." Snlllo demurely re
plied, "litis never before been likened
to cursing. Hut If It helped to relieve
.you Will you tell me," she broke
off abruptly, "where my Aunt Kmc
llne Is?"
"I'm afraid." the young man sadly
nnswered, "that I cannot oblige. I
wish that I might know your Aunt
"Hut If you don't know her," per
sisted the girl, "then why are you
"Pardon 'me," the young man-sam,
"1 have been wondering that very
thing about you."
, .Sallle turned from til m coldly.
"I came to visit my Aunt Kinollno,"
alio replied, "but she seems not to be
at home, while you ?"
"I am very much at homo," the man
jdcnsnntly Interrupted.
Sallle stooped to pick up her bag.
She would go In search of Aunt Kme
llne. "Who nro you?" the girl asked.
"I am James Oliver Lodge," be nn
swered, "and I hope the name duly Im
(presse you. Some people call me
Mini.' "
"Tell you what," he suggested Im
pulsively, "I'll get out the Car and we
-will go nnd look for Aunt Kmellne to
rgether. We'll try the shopping dls
1rkl llrst Just one short block.
3Irlng your valise," he advised.
"Certainly not," Sallle nnswered
'I am going to stay right on In this
ViT'ii i i'iV i .
"Nothing wo,.ld give .no greater.
ensure," Jim snld cheerfully.
kju are luuuyi nuiiie excimmeu.
"Why should you be so pleased about
ur - I
"It Is rather soon ; I fear to tell
.- ..I c i . 1 1 . i . . i i
you," he answered with a menu
lanco, and tho girl sighed In exasper
ation. Sallle Ignored this levity. She felt
4hnt she had Joked enough.
Under pretense of reading, she took
tiook from the table, and the young
imin obediently passed out through a
Vronch window to the veranda. On
tho tly-lcaf of the hook, Sallle rend on
Inscription, "To Jiiiuoh Oliver Lodge,
from Dnd."
The girl's pretty brows wrinkled In
perplexity. This young man whom she
hud dismissed professed no kuowl
edge of Aunt Kmellne, yet here upon
"her" tublo was "his" hook from dad.
"Come here," she called peremptor
ily, and the young man came.
"You don't know Aunt Kmellne," she
nccuFod, "yet hero Is your book, upon
licr table."
"It Is not her fable," James Lodge
retorted; It's mine my tnblc, my
house, my everything."
"Your home," Sallle murmured, "nnd
you lot mo walk In and play your
jilnno, and "
"I didn't let you," Jim denied. "You
came In yourself. When I heard the
piano, I followed from tho garden.
When you asked for your Aunt Kme
llne, and I offered to take you out and
try to locate her, you drove me," ho
ended tragically, "from my home."
"I arrived at tho station this after
noon, and asked to bo taken to the
Orton place," Sallle carefully ex
plained, "and tho town driver brought
me here, nnd left mo at tho door. I
remember tho house from childhood
visits. When no ono answered to my
irlng, 1 came In to wait for my aunt,
df this Is your homo, then whore's
.Aunt Kmellno?"
"At her bungalow, no doubt." the
young man answered briskly. "1 will
take you there. If you bail mentioned
the numo Orton, I should have known
tit once. Had has bought the old Or
ton homestead but If wo live hew for
ages It will always be 'Orton plnco' to
the natives."
As he stood, Salllo's bag In his hand,
;iames Oliver Lodge looked down Into
.her faco with laughing eyes.
"You oxprossod a determination not
long since," he reminded her, "to stay
right on In this house. I told you
then that nothing would give mo
groator pleasure. However, wo will
take that subject up Inter. Praise bo!
I happen to ho a favorite with Miss
And Salllo, mull!ns at his daring,
blushed us she Mill .--I.
ii - I!! t
The girl seated on the top step of I
tin- porch looked down Into the trou- I
bled lace of a young man Jut below.
'T.nrnie." she asked Impulsively,
"what's all this I hear about your at
tachment for a certain l.ucla Holmes?"
Harnett Willis turned sharply.
"Who has been talking to you about
tliatV" he said. "I never saw such a
town. A visitor can't be in It twenty
four hours without learning the se
crets of one's heart."
"So It is a heart secret?" the girl
laughed. "Well, tin to my Informant,
she Is no other than your mother's old
helper. Hannah, It seems, considered
It her duty to 'warn mo.'
Haruie muttered an exclamation.
"I am being frank with you, friend,"
the girl snld airily, "In order Hint 1
may In turn get at the truth."
"Well you've got at It," the man
succinctly replied.
"l.ucla Holmes has always been
the only girl for me. A fellow doesn't
speak of those things to every one, j
but yon and I. Patricia, have gotten to
he good chums In a few days. When
mother told mo that the daughter of
her old friend was coming to visit us,
I'll confess that I did not look forward
to the event with enthusiasm. All that
tins changed.
"Wo understand each other like
well, like two fellows. Heretofore
mother's women guests have been the
bane of my existence, forced to pilot
them about here and there when I'd
rather be "
"Piloting Lucia," the girl inter
rupted. Harnle laughed.
"Exactly," ne said. ''You see moth
er has a stubborn dislike to Lucia,
which Is most unjust.
"I suppose," Pntrlcln remarked spec
ulatively, "that I'm tho latest attrac
tive renmle on trial. I wish you had
told me this before. Harnle. I did
think that your mother was very gra
cious In Insisting upon us calling each
other by our first names. And" tho
girl's laugh broke forth. "It Is a situ
ation. There's my own mother pnek
Ing me off here with tho same object
In view. There happens to be a dis
approved young man by the name of
Hill back home who has an attach
ment for jne. 1 have shown no evi
dence of being displeased, so I nlso
am switched off to friend Harnle."
Tho two sat staring Into ench oth
er's eyes.
"Whnt's the matter with Hill?"
Harnle asked at last abruptly.
"Absolutely nothing," the girl em
phatically replied.
"What appears to be your Lucia's
glaring fault?"
".Mother says," Harnle nnswered -Im
patiently, "that Ltlela Is no house-
keeper. Lucia, It seems, also Is too
e, ,.
. . '
he broke off,
It was on the following evening
thnt Mrs. Willis, discussing the Inter
esting subject of their son, snld to
Harnle's father.
"Ilo has been with Patricia every
moment of the day. Scnrcoly could
he spare 'the girl long enough to let
her change her frocks."
"Tho scheme then," thnt man re
simndod, "Is working promisingly, and
tho fair Lucia neglected."
"Lucia was hero this afternoon,"
tho mother ndmltted. "Harnle and
Patricia drove her over. Hut she did
seem out of it, beside our sprightly
"'Sprightly' hardly expresses Miss
Patricia's vivacity," tho elder WIUIb
drily replied. "She described herself
to mo this morning ns 'a snappy
"Mn'ntn," asked Ilnunah entering
tho room nt this moment, "am I sup
posed to go upstairs after my kitchen
work Is done to do up that strange
drl's room?"
"I will go up directly," Mrs. Willis
said, but Harnle's car came tearing up
, to the door nt this moment nnd,
whistling an accompaniment to Har
' nle's hummed air, the guest burst Into
the family living room.
"Wo'vo had the greatest time evert"
she announced. "Also we have called
upon tho perfect Lucia. Does that girl
over do or say anything wrong?"
Mrs. Willis bridled.
"Lucia Is merely un ordlnnry self
respecting girl," she said.
"Come on. Pnt," ordered Harney's
peremptory voice, and tho two passed
from the room.
"You don't think," tho mother asked
the father pleadingly, "that Harnle
really can enre for that dreadful
girl. I limy ns well admit It, she Is
dreadful 1 And I'd rather, oh, n hun
dred, times, hnto him oven marry
In n shadowy corner ot tho porch
tho "dreadful girl" gavo a'trlumpbnut
"It has been nn awful ordeal, Har
rile frlond," sho said, "and I'm not
suro that I shall ever get away from
that slang, while my conscience con
tlnually reproves me for tho reflection
on my mother's training. Hut wo have
won, Hnrnlo. I saw It In your moth
er's face. She Is willing to submit to
the 'los?p evil,' You may have your
"No, thanks," she Interrupted his
gratitude. "I, too, had an Interest In
the game. When my own mother
lenrns of your betrothal to Lucia,
when tho desirable Harnett Willis Is
no longer free, why then Hill may foe
h lesser evil, too."
1920. Iy MeCljre Nwiitipr Myti'limt 1
It was unusually silent at the Merrl
well breakfast table that sunny morn
ing. Jimmy, Sr., neglected the golden
brown pancakes and gave his undivid
ed attention to the morning paper.
Mother Morrlwell sat motionless, her
eyes fixed on Jimmy, Sr.'s face, while
Jimmy, Jr., dabbled unheeded In his
"What Is the matter with you this
morning, Jim?" asked his wife. "You
haven't eaten n thing; Anything
wrong with the breakfast?"
"No! yes I Everything is wrong!"
snapped her husband. Jim never had
spoken to his wife In thnt tone be
fore. "Jim! Whnt on earth are you talk
ing nbout?"
Standing beside her chair, his face
white, his hands shaking, he pointed
an accusing finger at her.
"You're the reason ! How can I get
anywhere In this world when, Instead
helping, you deliberately hinder?"
Nan snt very still, her eyes big with
wonder. He went on
"Hero I am, a young man. with n.
reasonable amount of brains, trying to
get along In my work, to make a suc
cess of myself, nnd how can I whun
my wife Insists on wearing house
nprons from morning till night? Oth
er men's wives wear trim, stylish
clothes, nnd look nice, but you . . ."
He broke off nid paced the floor.
He went Into the hall and strug
gled Into his overcoat, and then came
"You know nbout that proposition
If I got that chance It will mean il sub
stantial raise, but I can't do It alone.
A nice wife, you are!"
All that morning, Nnn wns (pilot,
trying to think of some way to ap
pease her husband. Lunch time near,
sho prepared some wnflle hatter. Then
the hell rang, and to her astonishment
her husband ami a stout, elderly man
Mood at the door.
"This Is Mr. Charleson, Nnn. Mr.
Chnrloson, meet my wife." Mr.
Charleson was president of Jim's com
pany, and It was he who would deter
mine who would get the Knlrvlew con
tract. She led them Into the cheery
living room, where Jimmy, Jr.. snt on
tho floor In tho sun, playing.
"Mr. Charleson and I were over to
Fnlrvlew, nnd as It was lunch time,
wo thought we'd come here." Jim
avoided his wife's eyes, but ,Nun rose
to the occasion.
"I am sure I am very glad to hnvo
you, Mr. Charleson. If you will ex
cuse me, I'll get lunch."
When they entered the dining room,
Jim shot her a look of reproach as he
viewed the table, but Mr. Charleson
was very jovial, and soon he and Nan
were chatting like old friends. To
Jim's disgust, tho topics were baby
and cooking.
"May I have more salad, Mrs. Morrl
well?" asked tho visitor, "it's n long
time since I've tasted anything so
Ho ronched for another wnflle.
"I remember when I was a hoy.
down In Louisiana, every Wednesday
was 'walllo day,' and how I used to
look forward to It. Wo nto them by
the dozens."
Fur dessert, there wore big, sugary
doughnuts that Nan had made that
morning. Mr. Chnrloson lenned back
and smiled nt Nan.
"You're a line cook, Mrs. Morrlwell,
nnd I'm going to send my wife over to
see j on nnd yet your recipe for dough
When they had gone, Nun dropped
wearily Into a chair and cried. Jim
my, Jr., toddled over to her nnd she
caught him In her linns.
"Oh, baby, I'm afraid we've queered
everything. Jim was so angry."
An hour earlier than usual, Jim
burst In, recklessly slamming the door,
caught his wife and swung her clear
off the floor, covering her face with
"Oh, Nannie, girl, you did It! I've
got It I" And he twirled her around
"About ten o'clock Mr. Chnrloson
called mo Into his ofllce and said he
wns going to Fnlrvlew, nnd wanted
'mo to go along. Well, we went, nnd
ho discussed the whole thing with me,
nnd I took notes. About twelve o'clock
he said :
" 'You live near here, don't you, Mor
rlwell?' "I snld 'Yes, nnd then Invited him
to lunch. What else could I do? He
accepted, and I poium! nnd prayed
you'd have something In tho house.
Well, after wo left the liouse ho was
rather quiet for a while, and then ho
said :
"'Morrlwell, you're a very lucky
man; do you know It?'
"I asked why.
" 'Your wife Is a girl In n thousand.
She's got the right Idea. I only wish
my own wife were nioro like her. I
wanted to see your home, Jim. I
wanted to pop In unexpectedly, whero
there could he no possible chnnco of
preparation, nnd just get a glimpse of
your home life. I did, nnd 1 tell you
you're a wise man.
" 'Your wife knows how to cook. Sho
doesn't feed you on French pastry llko
so ninny women would. And by tho
way, you can start on that Fnlrvlew
contract next week. Have your esti
mates ready by Mondny.'"
Jim's voice quivered nnd ho burled
his head on Nun's lap.
"Oh, Nannie, girl, you'll forgive mo,
won't you 7"
And Nan, her heart pounding hap
plly, said onlj "OhJhnJ"
Special Attention Given to
McDonald Hank Hulldlng
Office Phone 83. Residence. 38
.To Whom It May Concern:
I The Special Hoail Commissioner ap
pointed to view and report upon the
I practicability of the vacation of that
'portion of the public road In the North
Iwest quarter of the Northeast quarter
of Section thlrtv-one. In Township
I fourteen North of Kantce thirty West of i
I tho Sixth Principal Meridlnn, described j
'as follows: From the tnfoi"octlon of the 1
I center lino of the south main track oft
the Fnlon Pacific Hnllrond company, as
nnw located, constructed, matntatnod
and operated, with tho east line of s.ild
Section thirty- ono, measure noithwes
terly along said center line of aln
track a distance of seventeen hundled
Ilfty-slx and seven-tenths feet to a
point, thence northeasterly, nt rlht
anKles to said center line of main triw-k,
a distance of one hundred feet to tho
point of boKlnnlriK. said point of begin
ning being In tho northerly rt?!it of
wnv line of said llallroad Company and
also being In the westerly lino of that
cortaln north nnd south county road,
which said county road Is doscrlbml us
u strip of land sixty-six feet In width
and approximately ninety- four rods In
length in that certain quit-claim deed
dated July 19th, 1910, from Louisa M.
Codv and husband to Lincoln County,
Nebraska, reconieu m tno recoras ot
'ago i'j; '
tlinnrn northerly ;iIonir said Westerly
line of that certain north and south
county road and at right angles to said
center line of main track a dlstnnce of
slxtv-slx feet to a point; thence nerth-
westerly, parallel with and one hund-
westerly, parallel with and one hund-
red sixty-six feet distant northeasterly
at rlRht angles, from said center line of
main track a distance of four hundred
twenty-throe and tlvo tenths feet to a ,
point; thence westerly, aloni? a straight
line a OIHtnnce OI two nunureu Sixty-
four and eight tenths feet to a point
which is in sain nortnerjy rism oi way " uoiwiuumo. nlnintlff herein
line and six hundred eighty feet dls-1 Tho obiect and prayer ot plaintiff's, t,,,. , ,i,n,'ir,,, i,a ,0nf i,
tnnt northwesterly from the point of ' HHnn , tn mlif tltln In nlntnHff In Tllat 1,1 addltlon to the relicE here
bcKlnnlng when measured alonp said Petition is to quiet Utlo hi plaintiffs ,ln tof0re prayed for, plaintiff further
northerly rlBht of way lino and ono and to Lot 8, Block 15, Original Tn'n 'prays that the defenilant, Will Outtrlm,
from '"sal.l center "Vn"f Tii n ' track5" ' 1Wlllace' NrnBka. and o cut off ;bo also adjudged ond decreed to have
when me'asure"' right aUleihereto; nntl fforol'cr tiUo or ,n"lno Hen or interest in and to the
thence southeasterly, alonp said north-'terest r sslUl defendants or any or , Northeast Quarter of Section 29,
ly riKht of way line, parallel with and .them to said action in satd real estate. .Townqhln ir. Ttnnn-n i w vtrtno nt
one hundred feet distant northeasterly Plaintiff asks to have a mortgage 'ono certoin mortgage"' exJutod by
at right anRlcB, from said center lino of I ii,, ., f,, ,.,i ,i certain montage txccuieu oy
main track a distance of six hundred cancelled upon the records executed Joim E. Ghrlst to said Outtrlm for the
elKhty feet to the point of beginning, by Maria L. Green and husband, which sum or $575,00 on July loth, 1912, and
Nation- hlS rePrt faVr f 8Ucll:wa9lcdof record August 21st, 1889 In recorded in the Mortgage Records of
And the said Special Hond Oommls- nok 11 of MrtSases, Pago 7 Mortgage Li:ncoin Coiuity, Nebraska, In Book 41,
sloner nppolnted to view and report Records of Lincoln County, Nebraska. at Pago 307.
upon the practicability of establishing,
In lieu of the public road petitioned to
bo vacated as above described, a public
road In the Northwest quarter of the
Northeast quarter of said Section thirty-one,
has filed his report In favor of
the establishment of a public road de
scribed as follows: Beginning at a
point on the west line of Itoad No. 336
In the NWU NI2'4 of Section 31, T. 14,
of a point in the center "line of IhoUn-
ion Pacific Original Main Track, meas
ured nt a right angle, which said point
is 1756.9 feot westerly from the east
line of said Section 31. measured on the
center line of said track, running thence
northwesterly parallel with said rail
road 365.5 feet, thence southwesterly
329 feet to connect aaln with center
line of Hond No. 21. The foregoing
notes describe the center line of pro
posed road.
All objections to such vacation and
establishment, or claims for damages,
must be filed In the County Clerk's of
fice of Lincoln county, Nebraska, on or
before noon of the 7th day of August,
A. D. 1920, or such road will be vaca
ted and established without reference
Witness my hand nnd .official seal this
4 tli day of June, A. D. 1920.
County Clerk.
Notice For Publication.
Notice is hereby, given that at the
regular annual meeting of tho stock
holders of the "Lincoln County Agri
cultural Society" held at Its office in
North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebras
ka, under date of January 10, 1920, a
resolution was duly offored and adop
ted, amending the Articles of Incorpor
ation by the increasing of the author
ized capital stock to $10,000.00 in
shares of $50.00 each.
j4-4w H. J. MORAN. Secretary.
Notice ot' Formation of Paving District
A umber 4 at tho City of
North Plntte, Nebraska.
I'o tho owners of the record title of
all property adjacent to or abutting
upon tho streets hereinafter described
and to all persons Interested therein.
You and each of you aro hereby
notified that tho Mayor and Council of
tho city of North Platte, Nebraska, did
under date of May 18th, 1920, pass and
approve a certain ordinance forming
and creating paving district Number 4
in the city of North Platte, Lincoln
County Nebraska, and the following
streets including tho intersections
thereof within tho limits of said city
aro comprised within snld paving dis
trict to-wlt: Al that portion of Fifth
Street of said city commencing on tho
oast line of Vino street In said city nt
the intersection of Vino and Fifth
Streots thonco west along said P'lfth
Street to tho east line of Adams Street
n said city ns it intersects said Fifth
Unless objections aro Aled thereto ns
equlred by statuto within twenty days
from tho first publication of this
notice the Mayor and Council shall
roceed to construct such paving.
Dated this 2nd day of Juno 1920.
14-3w (SEAL) City Clerk.
N'otlco of Formation of Paving District
Number 5 of the City of
North Plntte, Nebraska.
To the owners of tho record title of
all property ndjacont to or abutting
upon tho streots hereinafter described
and to all persons Interested thoroin.
You and each of you nre horoby
notified thnt tho Mayor and Council of.
tho city of North Platto. Nebraska did
under dato ot May 18th, 1920, pass and
approve a certain ordlnanco forming
and creating paving district Number G
In tho city of North Platte, Lincoln
County Nohrnska, and tho following
streots including tho Intersections
thereof within tho limits of said city
aro comprised within said paving dis
tricts to-wlt: All that portion of 4th
streot of said city commencing at west
lino of Locust street, thonco west along
said 4th street of said
city to the east lino of Oak street nt tho
Intersection with said 4th stroot.
Unless objections aro filed thoreto
ns roqutrod by statuto within twenty
days from the first publication of this
notlco tho Mayor and Council sunn
proceed to construct such paving.
Datod this 2nd day of Juno, 1920.
i4-3w (SEAL) City Clerk.
Dr. J. S. Twinem,
Medicine and Surgery.
Twinem ltulliling,
Mast Fifth Street,
Office Phone 18!.
Residence Phone 2S3.
Hospital Phone 110.
Office phone 241. Kes. phone 217
L. C . DROS T,
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, Nebrasku.
Knights of Columbus Building
Legal Notice.
II. H. Overheck; Augustus Campl;
P. L. Harper: Lot 8, Block 15, Original
Town of Wallace Llncolr count NV
,i,rfisvn. nn,t all nersons claiming nnv
. . . ... , . . . " . .
""J " omu ito. uoiutu
'or any part thereof tako notice that on
the 2lst, dny, of May
I , n ,;., ,
iana u- 1'erreu IK
tho district court c
1920, E. B. Spencer
fled their petition In
tho district court of Lincoln County,
Nebraska, against you nnd each of you,
. nimlnnt T tnrnln T nnd Pnmninv n
al8a agaitnsi Lincoln i.anu company, a
corporation, In an action wherein the1
said E. B. Spencer and E. R. Ferrell I
nr nlninHffa mil vnn nnd nidi nf vnn
aro PlalntlfTs and you and each of jou
Also to havo a mortgage cancelled of
record in tho register of deeds office of
Lincoln County, Nebraska, under date
of November 1st, 1890 and recorded In
Book 11, of mortgages, Page 179 there
Plaintiffs allege that said mortgages
have been wholly paid; that the same
!are y Statut f "mita-
Hons of tho State of Nehraska.
plaintiff has been Jn tho open, notor
ious, exclusive, continuous, adverso
possession of said land for more than
ten years before the bringing of this
action and that the defendants and
each of them to this action have no
right, title, claim or demand of any
description in and to said real estate
and plaintiff asks to have his title
quieted thereto and for such other andjsingle, to Will Outtrlm for $600.00 on
further relief as may be just and equit
You are further notified that unless
you answer said pettition on or before
the 5th day of July, 1920, judgment
o taken against you by default.
By Halllgan, Beatty & HalUgan,
m25-jl8. Their Attorneys.
Notice To Non.Kesidcnt Defendant.
James N. Goff, defendant, will tako
notice that on tho 11th day ot Feb
ruary 1920, Margaret Goff, plaintiff,
therein filed her petition in tho Dis
trict Court of Lincoln County, Nebras
ka, against tho said James N. Goff, tho
defendant therein, tho object and pray
er of which aro to obtain a divorce
from the said defendant on tho grounds
of non-support, and willfull desertion
for more than two years Immediately
proceeding the filing of her petition.
You are required to answer said
petition on or before July 5th, 1920, or
judgment will taken as prayed.
4-w By John Grant her Attorney.
Reva Plgg; Alice H. Smith; A. H.
Smith; U. S. Livo Stock Co.; Addle E.
Kendall; Dr. B. J. Kay Medicine Co.;
J. Watson Ramsey; M. E. Thompson;
UMAUUO KJ. UIIUUIV) JL 11 1 1 1' lIUlUjUU, . ' -
Frank Willo; Joo Eckrosh; Paul H. ' was plaintiff and said defendant.
Glllam; Will Outtrim; Clara Outtrlm; Frank Willo and others were de
Austin S. Ghrlst; John E. Ghrlst; fondants and whorqln summons was
Eunlco A. Ghrlst; C. E. Marquis, Glair
Dickson; J. Sidney Smiith; W. W. Bean
& Son; S. A. Browster; M. J. O'Con-
nell; Dr. B. J. Kay Medical Company
of St. Albans, Vermont; and tho
Northeast Quarter and tho Southwest
Quarter and the West Half of the
Southeast Quarter and tho Southeast
Quarter of tho Southeast Quarter of
Section 29, Township 16, North Range
32, West of tho Gth P. M. In Lincoln
County, Nebraska, and nil of Section
21, Township 16, North Range 32, West
of tho 6th P. M Lincoln County, Ne
braska, and tho South One-Half of tho
Southeast Quarter of the Southeast
Quarter of Section 19, Township 1G,
North Range 32, West of tho Gth P. M.
in Lincoln County, Nebraska, and all
porsons claiming any interest of any;
kind In snld real estate or any part
thereof, tako nottco that on the 10th
day of May, 1920. Anna V. Motcalf
plantiff horetn filed her petition in tho
district court of Lincoln Co inty, No
braska, the object and prayer of which
is to quiet tltlo 'in tho plaintiff herein
Anna V. Metcalf, to tho Northeast
Quarter and the Southwest Quarter
and tho West Half of tho Southeast
Quarter and tho Southeast Quarter of
tho Southeast Quarter of Section 29,
and all of Section 21, and tho South
Half of tho Southeast Quarter of the
Southeast Quarter ot Section 19, all in
Township 10, North Range 32, West of
tho 6th P. M'. 'In Lincoln County, Ne
braska, against each and all of tho
defendants heroin and ngalnst all por-
j sons claiming
any Interest of any
kind in said real estate or any
part thereof and excluding each and
all ot said defendants from any right,
title. Interest, Hen, claim or demand
In and to said lands nnd plaintiff prnys
that tho dofondant, U. S. Llvo Stock
Co., bo adjudged and decreed to havo
no right, title, claim, Hen or Interest
In or to five certain mortgages on
parts of nbovo described land, all exo-
cuted on April tho 27th, 1912, and all
: executed by Will Oultrim and Clara C.
'Outtrtini, his wife, to U. S. Live Stock
Co. as follows:
I Ono for ?500.00 upon the Northeast
Quarter of Section 29, Township 1G,
;ltnnge 32 In Lincoln County,
I Nebraska, and recorded In the office
of the county clerk of h ncoln County.
I in Book 12 of Mortgages at Page 303.
One for $500.00 upon tho Southeast
Quarter of the Southeast Quarter nml
the West Half of tho Southeast Quar
ter of Section 29 and tho South Half
of tho Southeast Quarter of tho South
east Quarter of Section 19 all In Town
ship 1G, Range 32 In Lincoln County,
Nebraska, and recorded In the Mort
gage Records of Lincoln County '.n
Book 42, Page 305.
One for $1,000.00 upon tho East Half
of Section 21, Township 1G, Range 32
In Lincoln County, Nebraska, and re
corded In the Mortgage Records of
Lincoln County, In Book 42 of Mort
gages at Page 311.
One for $500.00 upon the Southwest
Quarter of Section 29, Townslilp 10.
Rnngo 32 In Lincoln County and re
corded In Mortgage Records of Lin
coln County In Book 42 of Mortgages
at Pago 309.
Ono for $1,000.00 upon the West Half
of Section 21. Township 16, Range 32
in Lincoln County, Nebraska, and re
corded In tho Mortgage Records of
Ii'ncoln County, Nebraska, In Book 42
of Mortgages, Page 307.
And plaintiff prays that said U. S.
Live Stock Co. bo adiudged and de
creed to havo no right, Hen or inter
est In said mortgages for the reason
that said defendant, U. S. Live Stock
Co., for a valuable consideration sold,
iiauwnira uuuu aim au
l()f ga,d real egtat Mortgageg t0 tll0
assigned and transferred each and all
And also that said defendant, Will
.Outtnlm, bo adjudged and decreed to
lave no Hen or Interest in and to the
Northwest Quarter of Section 21,
Township 1G, Range 32, in Lincoln
County, Nebraska, by reason of a cer
tain mortgage executed by Austin S.
Ghrlst, single, to said defendant, Will
Outrim, for $G00.00 dated August 13th,
1912, and recorded in the Mortgage
Records in Book 40 of Mortgages, at
Pago 300.
And that said defendant, Will Outt
rlm, be adjudged and decreed to have
no Hen or interest in and to the South
west Quarter of Section 21, Township
1G, Range 32, in Ilincoln County, Ne
braska, by rirtue of a certain mort
gage executed by Austin S. Ghriist,
August 13th, 1912, and recorded in the
Mortgage Records of Lincoln County,
Nebraska, in Book 40, at Page 299. for
the reason that each and all of said
three last described mortgages were
duly and legally foreclosed and barred
in an action instituted In the district
court of Lincoln county, Nebraska,
wherein Anna V. Metoalf was plain
tiff and Will Outrim and others were
tiff and Will Outturn and others were
defendants and wherein said Will
Outtrlm was duly and legally served
with summons.
That in addition to the relief here
tofore prayed against him that the de
fendant, Frank Wille, be also adjudged
and decreed to have no Hen, right or
interest in and to the Northeast Quar
ter of Secttion 29, Township 16, Range
32, in Lincoln County, Nebraska, by
deason of a mortgage executed by
John E. Ghrlst to Will Outtrlm on the
15th dny of Juy, 1912, for the sum of
$575.00, duly recorded In tho mortgage
records of Lincoln County, Nebraska,
In Book 41, at Page 307, which said
mortgage was by said Will Outtrlm
assigned to C. E. Marquis and by said
C. E. Marquis to tho defendant, Frank
Wille, for tho reason that said mort
gage was duly and legally, barred and
foreclosed In an action Instituted Sn
the district court of Lincoln County,
Nebraska, wherein Anna V. Metcalf
duly and legally served on the defend
ant. Frank Wille.
That In addition to the relief here
tofore prayed against him, tho defend
ant, C. E. Marquts, bo adjudged to
havo no right, title, lien or interest
in and to the Northeast Quarter of
Section 29, Township 1G. Range 32,
in Lincoln County, Nebraska, by reas
on of a cortaln mortgage executed by
John E. Ghrlst to Will Outtrlm for the
sum of $575.00 on July 15th. 1912, and
duly recorded in Book 41 of the Mort
gage Records of Lincoln County, Ne Page 307, and by said Will
Outulm duly assigned and transferred
to the defendant, C. E. Marquis, for the
reason that tho said C. E. Marquis has
sold, assigned and transferred nil of
his right, title and interest In and to
said mortgage to tho defendant, Frank
And plaintiff further prays that her
tdtlo in and to all of said above des
cribed land bo quieted as against each
and nil of tho defendants herein and
ngalnst said Northeast Quarter and
the Southwest Quarter and the West
Half of tho Southeast Quarter and the
Southeast Quarter of the Southeast
Quarter of Section 29. and all of Sec
tion 21, and tho South One-Half of the
Southeast Quarter of the Southeast
Quaror of Section 19, all In Township
16, North. Rnngo 32. West of the 6th
P. M. In Lincoln County, Nebraska,
and all persons claiming any Interest
of any kind in said real estato or any
part thereof and that said defendants
and each and all of them bo decreed
to have no right, tltlo or lien In
and to said promises or nny part
thereof nnd for genornl equitable
You nro required to answor said
potitjon on or beforo the 2Sth day of
Juno, 1920.
Dated May 10, 1920.
By Halllgan, Beatty & HalUgan, Her