The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 15, 1920, Image 7

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Nothing Helped Me Until I
Took Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegctablo Compound.
Wyandotte, Mich.-" For tho last
four years 1 have doctored off and on
without help. 1
have had pains
every month so bad
that I would nearly
double up. Some
times I could not
sweep a room with
out stopping to rest,
and everything I ato
upset my stomach.
Three years ago
I lost a child
land suffered so
Ibadlv Hint I was out
of my head at times. My bowels did
not move for days and I could not cat
without suffering. The doctor could not
help me and one day I told my husband
that I could not stand tho pain any
longer and sent him to the drug-storo
to get me a bottle of Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound and threw
the doctor's medicine away. After
taking three bottles of Vegetable Com
pound and using two bottles of Lydia E.
Pinkham's Sanative Wash I could do
my own housework. If it had not been
for your medicine I don't know where I
would be today and 1 am never without
a bottle of it in the house. You may
publish this if you like that it may help
some other woman." Mrs. MARY
Stender, 120 Orango St., Wyandotte,
Cuticura S'oap
The Healthy
viiajj Soap
Cntlcura Sop tharea wltbout mag, EftrywherS&c.
To Preserve
and keep all
household linen
spotlessly white
and in perfect
condition use
Red Cross
Ball Blue
in the laundry
every week.
Nothing: else will
take its pfcee and nothing else
is just as good. All grocers, 5 c
Nerve Wasn't What He Lost
As Benson walked along the busy
street he was stopped by a shabby In
dividual. "Excuse me, sir," said he,
"but I wonder If you could lend mo
a quarter?"
Benson wns startled nnd demnnded
to know why tho quarter was needed.
"Haven't you a job?" he demanded.
"No, sir," whined the slinbby Indl
vldual. "You see, I'm a slate roofer
by trade. But I can't work at It, be
cause I fell off a roof and lost my
"Oh, no. you didn't?" snld Benson,
as he walked on quickly. "Your nerve's
all right." Houston Post.
Thousands Have Kidney
Trouble and Never
Suspect It
Applicants for Insurance Often
Judging from reports- from druggist"
who are constantly in direct touch with
the public, there is one preparation that
has been Vfcrv successful in overcoming
these conditions. The mild and healing
influence of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root i
coon realized. It stands the highest for
its remarkable record of success.
An examining physician for one of the
nrorninent Life Insurance Companies, in
an interview on the subject, made the as
tonishing statement that one reason why
so many applicants tor insurance arc re
jected is because kidney trouble is co
common to the American people, and the
large majority of those -whose applica
tions are declined do not even suspect
that they have the disease. It is on sale
at all drug stores in bottles of two sizes,
medium and large.
However, if you wish first to test this
(treat preparation send ten cents to ir.
Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a
sample bottle. When writing be.Burc and
. i i -
mention mis paper. aut.
I wo Souls With but One Thought
Airs, illicitly Doesn't Sirs. Owens
look radiant? She must he thinking
if her new gown.
Mr. Illqhfly Yes, nnd do you !
servo how wretched her husband looks?
He Is evidently thinking of It, too.
St. Augustine Record.
Nfrfht and Mornlnd.
Have Strong, Healthy
Eyi. If they lire, itch,
Smart or Burn, if Sore.
X.rtffc Irritated, Inflamed or
YOUR LYt5 Granulated, use Murine
- . . r , - m
often. Sootnas, neireanea. oaic ior
Infant or Adult At all Druggists. Write for
Free Eye Book, nsnai lye jumtof w., wuaji
W. N. U., OMAHA NO. 23-1920.
ACCORDION plaits and slde-plult-Inus
iinnetir to ho occupying tlU)
thoughts of many designers this Fen-
son. They are shown In everything,
from capes to negligees. In the soft.
sheer materials, the thin, supple silks
and matins, they aro at their very
best, and In the heavier fabrics, used
for suits or skirts or capes, designers
have managed them cleverly. In
stripes and plaids, plaits change the
lines nnd predominating colors so that
manufacturers 'Of separate skirts ap
pear to be fascinated by theiii ; they
give so much opportunity for the ex
ercise of Ingenuity. It seems like
painting the lily and adorning the rose
to change or add anything to some of
the beautiful plaids nnd stripes that
nppear In silk nnd vool materials
hut It is done, and we have to con
cede that something of Interest Is.
added to the garment made In this
One of the skirts pictured here fea
tures stripes running Horizontally and
the material laid In moderately wide
side plaits. Odd nnd fanciful pockets,
without plaltings are set on at eacii
side. They aro something like saddle
bag pockets, with rounded llaps, and
they hang as If separate from the
skirt. Kour balls covered with the
material mnke an unusual .finish
across the bottom of them. The gir
dle Is Ingenious, too. Its ends nre split
at the front, forming two straps, tlw
toi straps fastening with n large but
ton while the lower ones cross an 1
are finished at the ends with hnlls
Accordion plaiting has been chosen by
the designer of the plaid silk skirt
and he has shown his Independence of
any other material In this model. It
sets close to the figure nnd this, with
Its girdle of silk with tint hanging ends
at tho front, somehow suggests an
Egyptian Inspiration. The sash endi
are folded over the belt, and gathered.
Into silk ornaments at the bottom.
New Departure in Smocks
ALL at once and with olio accord,
the creators of hinocks and
blouses seemed to have seized upon
trleolette ns a promising materia! for (
their purposes, whoever started It
uncovered an Iden that hns flourished
from tho beginning nnd hns led Into
several by-paths In apparel. Besides
smocks, close-fitting jackets, or bod
Ices, often sleeveless and extended at
the front Into girdles or sash ends,
have made their entry for' summer
wear. In gay and beautiful colors.
Trleolette nnd other weaves In the
same silk fiber, muko many of these;
they will be rivals of the silk sweater
Inter on and belong among the glori
fied sports clothes that are Intrenched
for u long stny nnd crowding tailored
modes for street wenrc
Trleolette in one of tho most popu
lar smocks Is shown here, with a fin
ish of silk fringe at tho tiottoin and
embellishment embroldeed of flower
sprays about the neck and down the
front opening. Oray Is a favorite col
or for smocks of this kind and gay
colors nppear In the flowers, but the
smocks are made In many colors, A
plain girdle, made of the material,
or n silk cord nnd tassel, matching the
smock in color, furnish the best man
ageinent of the waistline. The neck
nnd short front opening are bound
with plain satin and smnll round but
tons, covered with It, add a last touch
to a delightful piece of work.
A handsome georgette shiock, with.
nll'Over pattern In silk embroidery, Is
used for the dressier model shown Jn
the picture. It Is one of many In which
georgette, In a dark color, serves as
a background for rich embroidered
effects and these pretty garments aro
In high favor for formal afternoon and
dinner uress. Two colors In georgetto
are sometimes combined In them, viv
id shades of green proving particular
ly effective with the quieter colors. It
appears in smocks for evening wear,
along with turquoise nnd lighter col
ors, adorned with beads or with the
richest nnd most colorful embroideries.
Glove Lore.
Nothing looks worse than shabby
gloves, nnd. as they are expensive nr
tlcles In dress, they require n llttln
management. A good glove will, with
care, outlast three cheap ones. Do not
wear your best gloves at night. Tho
heat of the gas, etc., gives a moisture
to the hands that spoils the gloves; do
not wear them In very wet weather, as
carrying umbrellas and drops of ruin
spoil them.
Trlmmlna for Child's Frock.
Unique trimming for children's
frocks Is made from striped material.
The stripes are connected or divided
by a chain stitch of red worsted, A
band of this trimming can be used
round tle sleeves and down each side
of the frock, at back and front.
Unique Millinery Novelty.
An Interesting nnd unique millinery
novelty for recreation wear Is a largo
poke bonnet, mnde entirely of wool
crocheted "nnd wired and trimmed with
crocheted flowers of the same mate
Are Yoo Human?
A little baby, A little child. Don't they appeal to you ? Doesn't your
heart yearn to pick them up, to cuddlo them closo to you, to shield them
from all harm? suro it does elso you're not human. Being human you love
them. ' Their vory helplessness makes you reach out in all your strength to aid
them. In health there's no flower so beautiful. In illness there's no night so
black, , '
Save them then. Use every precaution. Tako no chance.
When sickness comes, as sickness will, remember its just a baby, just a
child and if tho Physician isn't at hand don't try some remedy that you may
have around the house for your ownvuse.
Fletcher's Castoria was made especially for babies' ills and you can uso
it with perfect safety as any doctor will toll you. Keep it in tho house.
Sjfct Contents ISPluid Draoh wj
r.TTiTn!ii.Y. i i In I iflii i -- -
ALGOHOL-U l lill uiin. j
Children Cry For
,-. , , . iw fimtauS
neither Opium.MorpMnenor
Karri Sfi
Constipation nnu ui..--j
Tac-SImilc Sijnoweoi
.... RnMPJUOT.
The ientau - j
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Do the People Knew?
Do you know why you are asked to call for Fletcker'o Castoria
when you want a child's remedy: why you must insist on Fletcher's?
For years wo have been explaining how the popularity of
Fletcher's Custorla has brought out innumerable imitations, sub
stitutes and counterfeits.
To protecf the babies : to shield the homes and in defense of
generations to come we appeal to the better judgment of purents to
insist on having Fletcher's Castoria when in need of a child's med
icine. And remember above all things that a child's medicine is
made for children a medlclno prepared for grown-upB is not inter
changeable. A baby's food for a baby. And a baby's medicine is
just as, essential for the baby.
The Castoria Recipe (it's on every wrapper) haB bfcen prepared by
the same hands in the same manner for so many years that the 8igna-i
ture of.Chas. H. Fletcher and perfection in the product are synonymous.
Bears the Signati
' 7 Bears the Signature of
Not a New Discovery.
(.eoiKe Ade, sealed In the library of
die Chirac Athletic eluli, looked up
from his mnuM.liic and said:
"It says hero Unit an Knullsh sci
entist has discovered luv to turn any
thliiK to cold."
Mr. Ade blew forth a smolio cloud
thought fully.
"Hut, then," he added, "our profit
eers discovered thnt several years
Early Humor.
"Professor DIpKs has no recreations
whatever, 1 hear."
"ion are very much mistaken."
"Ah! What does he do to rest his
mind after houra of arduous study In
his library?"
"Ho chuckles over the wheezes of
Babylonian column' conductors, writ
ten on tablets of clay." IJIimltiKhnra
Bird Neglect Is Short-Slghted.
The destruction ot the (iiail Is cost
Ins (he. wheat growers of the entire
United States $100,000,000 a year
chinch bUKs. Potato growers of the
United States are paylnu out $10,000,
000 u year for Paris green to protect
their potatoes from the potato ln.
The quail, natural enemy of the buj;,
has been almost exterminated.
Mighty Few Do.
"Why don't you Join a golf club7"
"Man, I don't know how to play
"That's no reason. Ninety percent
of the golf club members don't know'
how to play the same, either."
Tuberculosis in Cattle.
The bureau of animal Industry of
tho department of agriculture reports
that tuberculosis In cattle wns respon
sible for the condemnation of more
cattle, slaughtered under federal meai
Inspection last year, than, all other dis
eases combined. Information from the
bureau shows that nO,C47 carcasses of
cattle were condemned on pom-mnrtem
Inspection ami of that number Hi, 000
were tho result of tuberculosis. In ad
dition f3.0r2 parts of cnttle carcasses
were condemned for the snme cause.
The bureau points out that tubercu
losis In cnttle nnd hog cholera In
swine nre the two most serious con
tnglous diseases affecting meat nnl
mnls, anil there Is evidence that n
heavy loss occurs on farms In addition
to condemnations nt establishments
where government Inspection Ib maintained.
Embarrassing Moment.
The new minister was cnlllng.
Among other things he was lament
ing the prevalent use of profanity,
the habit growing even innoiij chil
dren. Tho small daughter of tho house,
stundlng by, said timidly, "Mister, I
don't swear, but I know nil the words."
Indianapolis Ne,wsi
Cause and Effect.
Two notices on a church bulletin
board In Manchester, England, ran
ns follows:
"A potato supper, will be held Sat
urday evening."
"Subject for Sunday morning: 'A
Night of Agony.' " Hpston Trail
Miss Alcott's Elms.
Among the 4res In historic Concord
nre the two old elms In front of the
I.oulsn May Alcott house, and the lit
tle grove of pines and spruces Just be
yond It. Under the shade of the elma
once lived the nuthor of "I.lttlo Wom
en" and among tho whispering pines
Ilnwthorne walked, thought and wrote,
or' conversed with Ids friend, Thoreau.
The elm nt the left of the door as tho
visitor nppronches the old house Is HI
feet In circumference, and the one at
the right Is 10. The trees have been
nominated for a place In the Hall oC
Fame for Trees holng compiled by tho
American Forestry association Of
Washington, D. C.
Nebraska Directory
MOORE "30"
"Look Coo S
t& '
Tha World' DlnBOJt LittU Automobllt
Good territory open to lire dealers.
2107 Farnam St., Onihn, Nab,
Distributors, NebraaVa and Western Iowa,
Exceptional opportunity athe present tlmo
for young women ovsr nineteen years of ago
who bavo had at least one year In high school
to take Nurses' Training In general hospital.
Our graduates are in great demand. Address
Supt. of Nurses, Lincoln Sanitarium
Lincoln, Nabrailca
contains the same uniform quality
of goodness that makes this table
beverage so popular. '
Make it strong or mild as you prefer
by varying the quantity used.
No wonder so many prefer it to coffee,
not alone on account of taste but because
of its abundant healthfulness. Truly-
"There's a Reason" Tor POSTUM
Made by Postum Cereal Ca
Battle Creek.. Michigan
Creamery and Cream
Station Supplies
Milk Bottles and Dairy Supplies; Use
vies ana umcxen uoopi
1309 Jonas SL 1001 F 4th t.
Scott-Omaha Tent & Awning Go.
15th and Howard, Omaha, U. S. A,
Masoolo Temple II I (Iff.
19th sod DougUi St., Omaha
Solar Baths
Write for booklet.
The Radium Hospital
34th nnd Famtm Street
For the treatment of
Cancer, Tumor, Goiter and
Precancerous Conditions
Tit Largeit Inetitutloa of lu Kind to the Wott&