The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 15, 1920, Image 4

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    1 MPW ' WW"
Diamonds are diffent. The uneducated eye cannot detect
a flaw or the stone may be improperly cut or "off color."
Come in and let us show you perfect diamonds.
' TU - Jl I. -.11
i iic ciicmiuncis we sen you
ineyare, and tne miLt win be
Diamonds never lose their
Graduate Dentist
Oflice orcr tha McDonnld
State Bunk.
Mrs, Conglln loft Saturday for Chi
cago to visit hor son.
Qlcn Waltomnth has accepted a pos
ition at tho Hotel McCabo.
Mrs. Fre'd Thompson wont to Omalm
Friday to got medical ndvlcc.
Mrs. Roso Curtis loft "Sunday for
Denvor whore Bho will visit hor son.
Mrs. Omar Huff loft today, for Port
land wlioro she will spend, tho sum
mer, t
Try tho Roxall first, It pays. 14tf
Agnes Boutwoll, of Chicago, foraor-
Iy of this city, spent Saturday In town
wlh frlonds.
Harry A Blood, assistant trainmas
ter, has resumed his work nftor a two
wooks vacation.
Mrs. Charles Wymnn left Sunday
for Missouri Valley, Iowa, AVhcre sho
will visit hor son.
L. C. Carrol camo homo from Omaha
Saturday nftor spondlng tho week
transacting business.
Phil PJzer, of Lowollon, was trans
acting, buslnoss In tho city, Friday and
Went homo Saturday.
D;( Morrill, Dontlst, offlco over
.Wilcox Dopartmont Storo.
I Mrs. Harry B. Mltcholl roturned
from Omaha Saturday whoro sho had
. visited for two weeks.
; Keith Neville camo homo Saturday
from Denvor whoro ho had boon trans
acting business for a fow days.
0. ll. Walter mado an alrplano visit
to k Sterling, Colo., Saturday in tho
North Platto Aircraft Co. piano.
MIbs Janet McDonald Is oxnoctod
homo tomorrow from Now York Ctv 1
whoro sho had been visiting for three
wi8t, 111 Ul uiruu ,
Ytfmui uua ,i,.00 .1 ... j J county nnd tho scalps prosontod for
MlB,ilB'. iTf.''iPWmont of bounty, Tho bounty on
ths.thlng for that outing op auto trip.
uwuiva siuutJ.
Tho Storo Wido Salo of 20 OFF
. at5fho Leader Mor. Co. is fast draw
ings a close. Bo suro nnd attend it
t boforo tho closo.
Mr. and Mrs Avory Duval loft Sat
urday by auto for Estos Park, Donvor
and Colorado Springs, expecting to bo
absent about two wooks.
Wood Brothers all steel individual thrasher
complete with weigher and loader
, Power Hay Press, the money maker,
with self-feeder
These prices at North Platte and while
our present stocl lasts.
Hendy-Ogier Auto Co.
ill t . .. r . . ..
win DC lust .wnai we te vou
value and are a sign of prosper"
Miss Martha Shrivor clerk in tho
county .treasurers offlco, loft last
wcok for Gothenburg to spend hor
vacation wun nor parents.
Mrs. M. D. Brooks loft Knniliiv fnr
her homo in Los Angeles, nftor having
ueon called horo by tho death of hor
sisier Mrs. a. is. smith.
Coillltv J 11(1 CO Joo Mnhftffnv nf Ar
thur, spont Saturday in town. Ho re
ports Arthur countv folks nnar.nnhln
unu uini moro aro row calls for his
services as judge.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Holzmark. Vnll
known in North Platto, left Lexington
last week for California, whoro it is
hoped tho climate will prove boncflclal
to Mr, Holzmark's health.
0. S. Clinton returned Snturdnvfrnm
Omaha Whoro hn nnnnt. Hnvnrnl ilnva
attending tho rconvontlon nf ntntn on.
iU'"i-i inia. viiuriuy uixan aiBO nnonu
eu mo sossions or tlio convention.
savo tho oyes for tho future They -add
to your usoruinoss and onjoymont of
mo. uixon & Son, Byo Specialists.
J. C. Don and sovoral others rn
turned Friday, ovonjng from a bass
iisning inn to in ces in ciinsn ommtv
Thoy had good success, Mr. Den land
ing ono uiat woighod soven pounds.
Stcnm BalliH, Mnssngo and Electric
ireuiitienr ni ait: i:n ut niii. si. iin..n
b7. Mrs. Arthur Hush, it.
Losllo.JJaro arrived Friday cvonlng
uum iow roric uitv wnnrn lin Jim!
boon (ittendlng Columbia unlvorslty.
ii-iirouto homo no attended two orthrco
sessions of tho republican national
convention nt Chicago.
Less intorest was taken liv North
Platto people In tho republican nation
al convention at Chlcngo than in any
national convention over hold. No
uullotlna woro rocolvod nnd but fow
Inqulrlos woro made.
Hot WGathnr nnnnrnl tnv ti In, 11,.,.
Cool voilb dresses, wash skirts, dainty
SinOCkS nild mlddlnn. nlllr
Priced to stand comparison. Block's
iNortn i'iauo'8 Leading Ready to Wear
.AUr,ng "i? Prio from January 1st
x , . i , ' "ntlroa nn
coyotos had boon killed in nnwnnn
coyoto scalps is three dollars
Tho Old Lino Llfo Man,
Kch. Phono 11!18. Offlco Phono G12J
Wo havo boon havinc trood "com
woathor" for sovoral days past tho
luiuporaiuro nanging nround nlnoty to
nlnoty-flvo during tho mlddlo of tho
", m somo soctions or tho county
If In n 1 .1 ...1 i .
. ma pum timi. wneat noous rain.
.. ' " ..wuuo luiiti
..tin. tinainiiflft nnd vtsitihe friendSsin
Malrern, Iown, for a wook past.
Mux VonGoetz and WUURIlner re
turned Sunday, evening froin Chase
, county where they cauglit a nice
, string of baas, the largest of which
Iwalchod four pounds.
Wo will be able tp dollvor a few
moro Dodge touring and Cham ller
touring and speedster models before
tho Fourth if you will get ydlir order
in now. nOMIOH, Doalor.
"Bunk" Bodura, of Genoa, Neb., an
all-around ball player and a heavy
hlttor, has been engaged for- the 8w
on by the local team and Is cxpjjcleu
to arrive In time to uo in tho lfno-np
in tho gamo at Lexington noxt Sunday.
An Informal dancing and card patty
will be held tomorrrow evonlng at tlie
Country Club, and a largo attendance
of members and their ladles are ex
nnntmi.. The formal opening of the
County Club will bo hold Juno 20th
and-wUl(bo mnue an eiuuuitnu
' i. JL ''Whitehead, now located at
Culbertson, spent several iays .
town last week and in company with
t ui.i t Mm rltv schools, leit
by auto Friday for McCook. MipU
Llttol expects to soon movChls family
1 .1.1.. ,.lf V
VJ una vi.Tt
Dr. Howard Yost, BenUs xnincm
llmnn 1107. till
. .. . n nnultn twnrlnct
AlDCrt uinuil' ul '
.. . Lniniiotnnii tniron nv
W110 11VC8 on vu -
his fathor over forty, years ago, was In
town on uuBuicBB tjuunuu,. -
nrB mm pomintt along well and the
pastures In tlno. suape. vuav
nun! filn almrflv.
Try our 30c coffee. McMlcliacis
Ladles. Buy j'our bathing suit at an
iiina Htnrfi RneciallziiiK in
Ladles' Apparel oxculsivoly. Whoro
you. aro suro to find what you aro
looking for at tho price ypu can anoru
to pay at BLOCK'S or course.
Eilcar R. Baker, of "Washington, D
C arrived yesterday to visit at the
fnrrnii linmo. Mrs. Baker having
. . - .Jf t rrrt TllOw will
remain here about two weeks Mrs, inn. fnrmorlv Miss Ida Carroll.
Ulllvv. " ' J " - - J
rrt.n iniHni niimmor concert bv the
i,nni TJVldnv ovenlnc at
tra'cted a big throng of people who en
Joyed tho program, and gave vent to
11. -i- nu tln ninnrnllH n Tl -
plause. The band certainly did well,
nnii nrnmlsfis to do even better as the
season advances.
WB KNOW Expcrlonce and care are
essential to properly fit glasses tp
ttinnn ilnllnnto ovps of vours. TRY US
" ' . " -
uixon Ac son, nye spcciunsiB.
B. L. Rork arrived Wednesday, af
tnrnnnn trnvn 'MnrtVi Plnttn fjnnflrnl
Hospital where ho had bon trpaled.
m m I t I 1
ior n iow weens ior injuries recuiveu
In an auto accident near Ogallala. He
lu miili liTinrnvnil. lilit In nnmrJAllpfl
to uso crutches to got about. Gothen
burg Indopendo nt.
Ono of tho sneedv drivers In the nulo
races July 3d will be Morgan, of Lex
incton. who has had a now raelncr car
built and Is said to havo tho necessary
nervo to "step on her." It begins to
look as though King Rhlley will need
drlvo faster than ho ever did If ho is
to carry off tho big money this year.
Tho last of larcn cornorntlnnq wlin
are using Doclgo Brothers car exclus
lvoly Is Increasing dnlly, and today :
want to report tho followlnir now
nationally known firms added to the
usi. Ainorican iinuiator Co. witii nvpr
GOO cars, Fairbanks Morse & Co. Chaso
Candy Co., Iton Biscuit Co., Adams &
ivenoy jo. t
J. V. ROMIGH, Dealer!
Durlnir tho naat week f!hl"f AVInnlnw
has boen rounding up Weary Willies,
who pass inrougn town and making
them work on tho streets. This action
At A . m . , ' '
on mo part or tne cniei nas been ail
vertlsed east and west and tho nmlnr
ity of tho Willies tnrrv but a short
inne m town,.
ir. h. lj. Hrocx. DentiRt. y.nT
Diagnosis. RoynoldB Bide. Phone 148
From a Portland nanor it Is lnnrned
inai an auto in which Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Davis and two child rnn. fnrmor
North Platto pooplo were riding, was
sirucic ny a street car and Ileno Dnvls,
aged' thirteen, rocolvod lmd iiminoa
and possible lntornal injuries nnd was
Skirts mado to your order. L.iteRt
In stylo. Fit guaranteed. Ynu can
select any mnterlal you wish nnd wo
win mnico it up to your measuro at
J.UU SDCClftl. TlllH nffor la tnv fhia
Week Only so como in nt onco nnd get
a unio or numg. Tho Lender Mor. Co.
Tho local ball team POOH in T.n-rlnf.
ton noxt Sunday for a immo witii ihn
icam or mnt piaco. Having won sever
al gamOS tills season Mm T.r.Ylnrrtrvn
piayers aro quito chesty, oven going
so far as to say that thoy avIH bat
Todonhoft out of tho box. Evidently,
inoso JU)xlnKton bovs ilnn'f know
much about Tod's pitching.
V UH)!1( It's Somehow fnmlllnr vnt T
know thoro's no such nnlmnl Now,
i vo got it. it's tho drink that makes
such funny situations In A vnrv TTnn-
wood's most scrtenmlng farce Fulr
and Warmer now playing at tho SUN.
May Allison's tho star, too; and I
guoss I'll go around this nvnnlnir nnd
SCO it. Como alone with miv Tnnsdnv
and Wodnesday of this week.
Hot woathor annarol fnr Ihn indtna.
Cool vollo drosses, wash skirts, dainty
smocics nnu miiuiles, silk sweaters, etc.
Priced to stand comparison. Block's
North Platta's Loading Ready to Wear
Sho Had Never Mixed a Cocktail.
Novor. Nor tasted ono. And limn rnn
night Jack wont to tho lodgo nt least
no snui no did and Blnnny found
somebody olso's collnritlo. nnd lmt
soo tho whole play Fair and Wnrmor
ni uio aim Thontro Tuesday and Wed
nesday of this week. May Allison Is"
tho Star: and it's Avorv TTnnwnnd'n
At The
May Allison
Sisii Theatre, Tees, and Wed., June 1.546
A hysterically funny and wonderfully human play with complications, compromises,
a marvelous cocktail and a kick. Directed by Henry Otto, Maxwell Karger, Director
Grand Island 1, North Platto 9.
Grand Island was ilnfontofl on tim
local ball ground Sunday afternoon by
a score of nine to ono. the visitor mnir.
ng their ono score In the olghtth Inn-
,f , . uciiik un wiiu u
Pitched balh a Steal tn Ronnnil nml n
wild throw to third. North Plnttn
mado Its scores in the seventh and
llghth innlncs. IJn tn thn rovptiHi Inn.
" , , "
Inu neither team had Konrnd. lmt in tim
.. . . . '
seventh North Platto found the Island
Knf by' .errors pacecl
hoff struck out twenty men. .
Sllmlr Allpnnril.
Tho Flag Day exercises at tho
home Sunday afternoon were wrj
Hiimu. ttnZ,i . J .T -:,r ?,ry
tended. Selections Avcro rendered by1
Doucet's orchestra im,i rpn,iin.ra i,vi
Miss Kelley nnd Mildred Skinner,
selections by the Elks' quartette nnd
a short address by Senator Hoagland.
ir... xiuuBiauu.
base ball game and the golf links nrov- . . U XOn to s'?y thnt h,a sta"nJinB A 8,rl babv as born .this morning
ing stronger attractions for tho Elks J! Stnto a an oPotrist is very to Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Birge. The moth
and others who othcrwiso would at-1 ' er and dahghter are doing nicely and
quests or Jfofnry Club. """. oouy. mo idea or tho cam-
At the weeklv lunehn of ti1B vJsn is to arrouse the nubile mind
tary Club yesterday there were nros-
a . 1
federal court, R. C. Hoyt clerk of the'
court, U. S. District Attorney Allen
and U. S. Marshal J. C. Dahlman. Tho
program of the luncheon was in keep-1 ooar(1 01 tho state. In connection will
Ing with Ping Day, addresses along' be sll0wn 8 moving pictures, last-
tills lino hnlrnr mmln W TP T. AtU., ling two afternoons and two nvnnlncs
T. C. Patterson, Re.v. Mackintosh, Mr!""0 22 and 23-, Tho state board fur-
.mimn imu juugo woourougn. Tho
talks were intorsoerserl whh nnirinti,.
authems and Rotarlan songs.
. . '::o::
Thousands nf (Inline .n,.n.i
20 OFF on everything In the store
irom calicos and threads to coats,
BUltS and millinnrv nt Tim t,ih
' t' - .Vi UVtillC
Mer. Co.
Mrs. Julius Pizer was willnil tn Rnit
Lnko Sunday bv a telecrnm nnnnnnr.
ing tho death of hfir mother:''
A new lot of what's Infest In svii-tc
nnd waists hist.
Loader Mer. Co.
Arthur Hammond will rntnm ti,iJan(1. wiista J
week 'from Maino whem i, i,n
visiting relatives for tlin nnt civi
Plano For Sale.
H. P. Nelson Concert Grand Piano.
20 year gunranteo. Cheap. 310 West
8th Street. 43-3
For Sale or Trade
5 room Brick House on east 9th.
4 room Frame House on west 11th.
1 lot on west Cth. Snwnr. slilownllr
nnd wnter. Priced right.
Phono 922 W. 45-3
In ordor to sunnlv fnnilq to rovnr
nnDrovod loan annlleattons. thin na.
sociatlon will issuo a limited amount
of Its Paid Up Stock. This stock draws
dividends at tho rate of sfix per cent
por annum, from date of issuo until
paid off. Dividends paynblo March
1st and Soptombor lst.'Monoy invested
in this stock mnv lin wltliilrnwn nt nnv
timo upon thirty days notice.
3C-tf Sec'v.
ulnlA TOn 171(1 rt IVnnt. T Tn...
renco, docoasoa In the County Court of
Lincoln County, NeUraskn.
Tho Stnto of Nebrnskn, to all persons
IntArAfltAll In nnlrl 1?.tnl. Inln tintlnn
that the Adnilnlstratrl.x has nied n (lnnl
tlon nnd a petition for nnnl aettlotnont
nnd illucharRo ns euoh, which have boon
set for hcnrlntr before snlrt court on
July 9, 1020, nt 9 o'lock n..m. when you
a'Fair and rmbrI
Compliment, Secretary DIxo",
At fim rv,ti
tion of optometrists held In Omaha
1 nQt tt'flnlf Minn rlP.m
-v in, viiu?, iuuu, 01 una city.
was re-elected' secretary and treasur-
ur, a position ho held last year. Tho
rnnmnilnn ,.... t.- i 1 . .
tominfi mi nt. "
vet held, ami ihn rtoWntDO
In j.,
" "u bamioooiuu mm mo success was
.iim t o-., t- ,.. .
ucvicuu) uuun jn urrajiKinc
the program, .-securing the speakers
from New Yorkl Cleveland and other
and mousing enthusiasm
. among tho members, of whom the
- . l.'". . . . .
m.H ouveim jiunnrea,. as an evidence
0I,uie,r PPWJP fttlon of Secretary Dfx-
0" 8 Wr,k' the convcn gave him a
Prse of ono hundred dollars.. Tt is
. 1 , 1
p,i4t-", A T
. i-.uucationni Lnmpnlgn.
dlsea w n nrf " B.V0roai
Z ftL l' l.JJ Bm"L ?ns,8t,ngt,of
IX.t f Yi, ,. litornture 0 th
effect 0f theso diseases generally on
'v, l . bU.y vm
to tho daneer and ravages of tho dis-
!f.rntn lliil. 1 . . . .
Th,a work ;yl11 bo under tho man- Pitcher Wanted Good wages; a
aSment of tho local social hygiene, a job between ball games .nd
Comm,tteo al(,e(i by tll Public health ,manent .position to the ono v)ic
" ". leumw wnno
1,10 local expense is paid bv tho Chnm -
ber of Commerce, tho Rotary, Club and
1110 ,Yeimr association. Theso pic-
hiroa will i, tiA
w v. i uuuiv i
..... D .t.j tmu lively iiuuil in
u.. , . " . .
uio tuiiumuiuv ib urirna 10 tnir nil.
vantagoof this opportunity of instruct VntU1lOft0urIsls ar0 growIS in num"
tlon. ""iber but. garage men say not as many
" " , "Por Snlo.
I have a 20-3G" J. I. Case Threshing
machine ,for sale. It is nearly new.
uu is icmiy 10 go 10 ino IlOld. VOU
can pull lt witfi-a Fordsbri.
II. G. Lifidofctgfel, Ilershey, Neb. tf
A now lot of what's latest in skirts
and waists lust rprnivmi nt Tim
roaHcr Mor- Cc
I have the Money
on hand to close
loans promptly.
Real Estate Mortgages
Bought and Sold
Loan Broker
Building & Loan Building
Notlco of Petition.
EatatO No. 17 fi.r. nf TWnnwl ivniln.
deceased in tho County Court of Lin-
.uiu uuiuy, iNourasKa.
Tho Stato of Nohrnnkn Tn nil
sons interested in said Estato tako
notico that a potitlon has boen filed
fOr tho PrObatO Of nn Instrnmnnt
porting to bo tho last will and Tosta
ment of said deceased and for appolnt-
uiuin oi ueorge ixiyjor as Executor of
Bald Estato, which has been set for
henrintr heroin on .Tniw 9 inon n
o clock a. m. r
-A gentle pony suitable for
Call on or phone Simon
Recleaned Millet, $1.3p per bushel.
Ralph Saul, Motor Route B, North
Platto. 45.2
The meetings of the Christian Aid
society havo been nosfooon.-d fr.r- Hii
Mr. and Mrs. Will Friend, of Grand
Island, camo up Sunday to visit
friends and witness tho ball game.
onagen win leave toi
Moosohart. 111., to attend t
"onal convention of the Moose.
T. M. Cohagen will leave tomorrow
the na-
u' u' 18 ieeunB 80me wlmt chesty.
t jiost wonderful house drosses on
sale "t 12.45, $3.95 and $4.85. Tho kind
,ou'n Puy t see them at The Leader
, a . i . , . ,
j A fJaucllter WHS hnrn Vfistordn tn
,r ,, n. . . , " 7, , '
Mr" and Mrs: R'chi Ugal. the fourth
aPPearanco of the stork to the, home
"if. til 1 CI nnilnlfl
deliver tho goods as a pitcher,. AVlro
or write Clyde Taylor, Mgr.. Overton.
visit our dress goods counter, select
your material for a skirt and we will
'mnkn it i,n i i,no ct,.'i .i
ship for S3.00 Special. Your order
must bo mlaced this wook nt Tiio t onH
1 uu v'eu mis veeK at lho Load-
. lt luer. uo.
as last year. As tho season advances
the number will multiply and tho sea
son will probably closo with a record
equaling that of 1919.
Vlnff nil r ilrnaa tmnAa nYA.
your mstterlal for a skirt and wo will
maite it up in best stylo and workman
ship for $3.00 Special. Your order
must bo placed this week at Tho Lead
er Mer. Co.
With a score of arrests during the
Past tWO Weeks fnr nntn annnlln..
other infractions of the traffic ordin
ance, it would seem that drivers
should soon loam that th n niitlinvtttnn
mean to enforce tho law.
. Aftor reaching Donvor
Fand Peters families decided to visit
uio leuowstono Park Instead of going
uireci 10 uamornia nnd they are now
headed for tho nark in tiioir m.
Blankenburg boys continued on their
way to Los Ancoles OVnr tlin Dnlill,n
"Word rocolved in town n fnu- fin we
ncro nnnounnml tim innti. i
uvul,u JU muor-
nla of James Gamble, for many years
a rosidont of Whittler precinct. Mr
Gamble moved from Lincoln county, to
Idaho sovoral years ago, but on ac
count of falling health had gone to
Storage Batteries
Midway Motor Co.
Dated Juno E, 1920.
VM. II. C. woonmrnRT
u. mm L-uiiium inu naillG.
funniest farce.
'J8-W Cnnnt