The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 15, 1920, Image 3

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6 Bell-ans
Hot water
Sure Relief
A Fair Stock.
"Do you keep nil the popular maga
zines?" "No, sir, Nobody could keep 'em
U. I keep, however, about 3,000
Lift off Corns!
Doesn't hurt a bit and Freozone
costs only a few cents.
With your Angers I You can lift oft
any hard xorn, soft corn, or corn be
tween thcitoes, and the hard skin cal
luses from bottom of feet.
A tiny bottle of "Krcezone" costs
little at nny drug store; apply a few
drops upon the corn or callous. In
stnntly It stops hurting, then shortly
you lift that bothersome com or cal
lous right off, root and all, without
one bit of pain or soreness, Truly 1
No humbug I Adv.
Easily Explained.
Mistress How did you como to
have such a blackened character?
Maid That's where the last lady 1
lived with split the Ink over It
Cutlcurn Soap for the Complexion.
Nothing belter than Cutlcura Soap
dally and Ointment now and then as,
needed to make the complexion clear,
scalp clean and hands soft and white.
Add to this, the, fascinating, fragrant
Cutlcura Talcum and you have the
Cutlcura Toilet Trio. Adv.
The Theatrical Game.
Son Fa i her, my new revue Is going
to be produced. There's a fortune In
Father Whose?
Name "Bayer" on Genuine
"Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" Is genu
ine Aspirin proved safe by millions
and prescribed by physicians for over
twenty years. Accept oiil.v an unbroket
"Bayer package" which contains propel
directions to relieve Headache. Tooth
ache, Enrnche, Neurnlgia. Bheumatlsm
Colds and I'aln. Handy tin boxes of 12
tablets cost few cents. Druggists also
sell larger "Bnyer packages." Aspirin
Is trade mark Bayer Manufacture Mnn
oaceticacldester of Sallcyllcacid. Adv.
"How do you like your new filit?"
"We have no room to complain."
Kansas City Star.
Florida Woman in Critical Condition
Fiom Dropsy, But Doan's
Brought Recovery
"Dropsy brought me right down to
the shadow of the grave, says Mrs.
Ida B. Atwell. 004 William St., Key
West, Fla. "For fifteen years I was a
hopeless wreck, struggling between life
pains were so se
vere in my back
I creamed in ag
ony. My head
ached so severely
I thought my
skull was being
crushed. Black
specks floated be
fore my eye and
I had to grasp the
bed to keep from
"The kidney se
cretions burned
Mn. Atwtll
and scalded and 1
could nass onlv a few drons at a time
My body bloated. The pressure of so
mach water on my chest almost smoth
ered me. My feet also swelled and large
sacs of water hung beneath my eyes.
My skin had a shiny, white appearance
and anywhere I pressed a dent would
remain for hours. I became a nervous
"A friend told me about Doan't
Kidney Pills and oh! I felt so happy
when I found they were helpinp me.
Continued use of Doan's completely
cured me." Sworn to before me.
ARTHUR GOMEZ. Notary Public
Get Doan's at Any Store, 60c Dox
rail V
Annual Loss From Cabbage Pest
Conservatively Estimated
at $1,300,000.
Arsenate of Lead and Paris Green Are
Preferable to Other Poisons
Number of Sprayings Depends
on Conditions.
(Prepared by the United States Depart
ment ot Agriculture.)
Arscnlcals are being genornlly used
to control the cabbage worm. There
are now few Instances of the total de
struction of crops of cabbages as was
formerly often tho case. Neverthe
less, a conservative estimate would
place tho present unnual loss from tills
pest to cubbage alum. not Including
cauliflower and other related crops
of the entire 1
or one-tenth the value
"H'ha cabbngo worm Is not difficult
to control,' and It should he borne In
mind thnt most other cabbage posts,
more often present than riot, will be
controlled by the same methods.
Poisons Preferred.
Repeated experiments hnvo shown
that arsenate of lend nnd parts green
are preferable to other arsenlculs In
common use. If pnrls green Is used,
It may bo applied either wet or dry,
preferably, however, as a spray, at the
rate of one pound to CO gallons of wa
ter. The plants should be free from
Insect attack when they are set out
and should lie sprayed a few days later
to make sure thnt tho poison reaches
the young caterpillars before they have
burrowed far Into the heads. Other
applications should follow as Inspec
tion of plants shows thut they are nec
essary. These applications of arscnlcals can
be made with absolute safety even af
ter the lieads are formed, ns the" poison
disappears from plants almost com
pletely within two to three weeks af
ter application, and even earlier In
event of repeated or lienvy rainfall.
Increased Cost
Scarcity of paris green has Increased
tho cost. Arsenate of lead has been
rapidly superseding paris green nnd
other arsenlrnls ns an inRoctio'd" nnd
The Sort of uarden8 Which Have Been
Planted In Thousands of Communi
ties This Year.,
has not Increased proportionately In
price. For many reasons It is pre
ferable. It serves the same purpose as paris
green nnd Is applied In the same mnn
ner. It Is sold both In paste and In
dry powder form. Two pounds of dry
arsenate to 50 gallons of water or
bordeaux mixture will make a solu
tion of Hufllclont strength to destroy
cabbage worms nnd similar Insects.
The paste form must be tised at double
strength, four pounds to 50 gallons of
The number of sprayings depends on
local and sensonnl conditions. Some
times a single spraying will suffice, but
usually two or three are necessary.
The adhesiveness of the sprny mate
rial Is promoted by the addition of
nbout the same amount by weight of
resin tlsii oil soap as of tho arsenical
Divide Roots Into Pieces of Two or
Three Eyes Each and Start
Entirely New Patch.
After rhubnrb has been" planted
four or live years the stalks become so
thick that they are too small to sell
well. It Is then best to dig up tho
rootH and divide Into pieces of two
or three eyes ouch; which Is enough
for one hill, and start a new pnteh,
Another good way Is to dig up all tho
hill but n little corner which Is left
undisturbed, then (111 the hole from
which the roots were taken with well
rotted munure and cover that with
earth. The piece of root left In the
ground wll mnke a surprising growth
the same season.
Spraying Muet Be Done at Right
Time and In Proper Manner for
Nice Clean Fruit.
fit who does not sprny his fruit
crop for Insects and disease has no
right to expect nice clean fruit In
the autumn. Spraying at tho right
time and In the right wny Is splen
did cron Insurance.
Lack of Proper Treatment Is
Cause of Much Loss.
Farmer Should Take Steps to Glvo
Trees Sufficient Light and Soli
Moisture for Them to Thrlva
and Become Profitable.
Lack of proper thinning and cutting
Is a common, cause of woodlands be
ing unprofitable, according to n recent
bulletin entitled, "Making Woodland!!
Profitable In the Southern States," Is
sued by tho United States department
of agriculture. Nature usually over
crowds trees In n given spuce, says
this publication, nnd so steps should
bo taken to give them sufficient light
and soil moisture to thrive nnd become
By properly controlling the number
of trees on a tract It Is possible to In
crease their rate of grqwth nnd cventu
ally their size. Kxcept for the produc
tion of cordwood, a few large trees on
a given area are usually more desira
ble than many small ones. If possible,
valuable kinds, of wood should be
grown lu preference to common woods
which bring lower prices. Woodlnnds
Farm Woodland Marked for Conserv.
atlve Thinning.
In this country, ns a rule, contain
many crooked, forked and diseased
trees which should bo replaced by
straight, sound ones. Soon after n
cutting troes show nn Increased growth
and the whole woodland rapidly In
creases In value by the elimination of
Inferior trees.
With nn nctlve market for cordwood
and for fence posts, poles nnd lumber,
there Is every Inducement to clear out
tho inferior trees diseased, dying,
crooked anu less valuable kinds. Illgli'
cutting also includes the removal of
large, sound trees whose growth I
slow because they are nnrlng or hnvp
reached maturity. The cutting should
lie done only at a time of favorable
market conditions or when building or
other timber Is needed on the fnrm.
Copies of this bulletin may be had by
addressing the United states depart
ment of agriculture, Washington, D. C.
Next to Seed Treatment Rotation Is
Best Way to Destroy Wilt and
Rot Spores.
With the possible exception of seea
treatment, there Is no form practice,
which, from the plant disease point of
vlew( gives greater returns on the in
vestment than crop rotation, Is the
assertion of Prof. .7. O. I.ench of tho
Colorado Agricultural college. There
are a great many plant diseases such
as wilts and root rots for which no
specific remedy is known and which
can be held In check only by the com
bined prnctlces of seed -selection, seed
treatment, and crop rotation. These
discuses become worse and worse each
year the crop Is grown In the same
soil, and ench one taking their annual
toll accounts for considerable loss to
the farmer.
A system of crop rotation entails nl.
most no expense other than n llttla
forethought nnd planning. The re
turns In dlsenso-free crops pay for
tills trouble many times over, iwt to
spenk of tho added gain in soil fer
Successful Farmers Have Learned
That Huge Receptacle Is Big
Asset on Any Farm.
Information gathered by the Penn
sylvania department of agriculture
sliows approximately 20 per cent, or
4.1,057 farmers In the state with silos,
while the number u yenr ago was es
timated at 32.000. Wide awake and
successful farmers have learned thnt
a silo, when properly used is a val
uable asset on any farm. As farm
conditions Improve, the number of silos
naturally Increases.
Apples Should Be Allowed at Least 30
Feet Each Plums Do Not Re
quire as Much.
Standard apple trees should be nl
lowed ut least 30 feet of space each
way; plums 20 feet; currants, goose
berries nnd grapes from ten to 12 feet;
red raspberries should be allowed tp
grow only In hedgerow not over nix
Inches wide nnd rows ton to 12 feet
apart; strawberries sot In rows fou?
feet nDnrt-nnd two feet apart In row.
Valerie Hennlng of Mississippi Is Pay.
Ing Her Way Through College on
Profits From Flock.
"I nm a poultry club member, nnd
my records show thnt this yenr the net
profits from my chickens were $520.35.''
This Is the report of Vnlerlo Hennlng
of, Panola county, Mississippi, who nl
sixteen holds the championship of bet
stnto In poultry-club work. She, wltb
six other .Mississippi girls nnd twe
chaperons, recently tlslted Washing
ton. The live-day trip was a prize of
fered by Mississippi hankers nnd bust
ncss men to the girl In each dlstrlc
of the state who made tho largest prof
It In her club work.
Miss Hennlng has been n mcmbet
for two yenrs of one of the poultrj
Prlze-Wlnners of Mississippi Girls
Clubs Witnessing Demonstration It
Use of Egg Tester at Beltsvllle Gov
ernment Farm.
clubs supervised by the United Stntet
department of agriculture and the statf
To obtnln her stnrt In club work she
borrowed $13,50 from n local bank
With this money a pen of Harrec"
Plymouth Hocks, consisting of foui
liens and one cockerel, was bought
The profits from her chickens lasi
yenr, her first l:i poultry work, wen
$374, and her flock for 1015) consisted
of two cockerels nnd nineteen hens. 11
the use of trap nests and leg bunds th
record ns a layer of eah hen had beer,
observed, and only tho good egg pro
ducers were "iept. From .Innuary 1
to October 10 the 10 biddies laid 2.84t
eggs. Miss Hennlng sells nearly nil tlx
eggs for hatching purposes; hut the
birds she rnises, aside from the culls,
bring from $15 to $26 n pen.
The money tilts club girl has madf
through her poultry work Is being used
to iny her way through 'nn agricultural
high school.
On Most Farms Size of Flock Coult
Well Be Increased Range Is
Very Important.
The average farmer might find l
desirable to Increase thq size of tin
Hock of hens. While most farmer!
have little time to devote to poultrj
raising, yet their families may attent
to the fowls nnd see thnt they are wel
cared for and protected.
The usual "advice" to poultry rnlsen
to begin with a few hens Is sound. Bin
on most farms tho women ami girli
have had tho responsibility of the Hoc!
for years and most of them could wel
nfford to Increase the number of lay
Ing hens.
Mango Is very Importnnt for poultry
Hut range alone is not enough. Tin
fowls must have feed and shelter whet
they need them.
When one Is nbout to Increase tin
number of hens It Is well to see thai
those kept are worth keeping. Pool
hens are not an asset; they nro gen
erally n liability.
Cull out weak or slow-growing
ICggs being tnken to market should
be protected from tho sun's rnys.
If the hen house Is damp. It Is safe
to sny fewer eggs will bo laid.
Infertile eggs will wlthstnnd market
Ing conditions much better than fertile
A chicken enn stand nny amount of
cold, hut very little moisture, when
Hnpld growth nnd no bowel trouble
nre essential In developing profitable
Hocks of chicks.
Make hens tnko exercise by feeding
their grnln In litter, where they will
have to scratch for It.
Begin marketing the cockerels as
soon as they weigh 1. pounds or at
tain n marketable weight.
Brim nnd charcoal aro two valuable
feeds for young chicks. They can bo
placed ' In hoppers before tho chicks
at all times.
Why Exclusive Agencies
Cost More to Operate
A roofing dealer who has an exclusive
agency has no competition on his pri
vate brand.- As a result he can charge
a large profit if you'll buy.
In addition, he is usually a long distance
from his little manufacturer and must
invest more money to keep his stock up.
Now look at the Certain-teed way. Any
responsible dealer can sell Certain-teed.
Each dealer carries a small represen
tative stock. If he needs more he orders
from a nearby Certain-teed warehouse
or jobber. It usually takes only a day
or two to get it.
The result is small investment, small
storage cost, light insurance, and no
slow-moving articles.
Certain-teed Saves You Money
That's why Certain-teed dealers operate
at less expense. And it's also why
Certain-teed saves you money because
they can afford to sell at close margins
and there are enough of them to insure
you a fair deal.
Noyv let's see what you get when you
buy Certain-tecd Roofing.
It's roofing that has never been known
to wear out on the roof. It is guaran
teed for 5, 10 or 15 years, according to
i weight. ,It is weather-proof, fire
retarding and spark-proof.
There is nothing else you want from
roofing. And since you get this highest
quality roofing at a saving, it's the
logical buy.
Any responsible dealer can get Certain
teed for you quickly from a nearby
Certain-teed warehouse or jobber. He
gets it when he wants it and he gets
what he wants. He can afford to sell
you at a fair price.
k - Certain-teed Products Corporation
General Offices, St. Louis
Offices and Warehouses In Principal Cities
Certain teed
Beware of the dealer who tells you he
has Certain-teed, but tries to sell you
a private brand. He probably wants
a bigger profit.
Rheumatism Back on the Job
No Let-Un In Its Torture.
If you are afflicted with Rheu
matism, why waste timo with lini
ments, lotions and other local ap
plications that never did euro
Rheumatism, and never will?
Do not try to rub tho pain away,
for you will novor succeed. Try
tho Bcnsiblo plan of finding the
cause of the pain. Remove tho
cause, and there can bo no pain.
You will never bo rid of Rheu
matism until you clcanso your
nAlQV CI V If 1 1 I CnrLACED anywiieub
uruo i i ui imlllii
vrruent, cuaap. Lasi
an I
aeaaan. Mari or
metal, can't spill or
uporrri Will noi sou
or Injure anything.
Cluarantotd effective.
BwM . by dilr, or
6 by EXl'MM,
prepad. 11.25.
DAHOLD UOUEUS, IN De Kalb A TO- Brooklyn. N. T.
Acid Stomach-
Makes the Body Sour
Nine Out of Ten People
Suffer From It
( It sends its harmful acids and gases all
over the body, Instead of health and
strength. Day and night this ceaseless dam
ago goes on. No matter how strong, its
victim capnot long withstand the health
destroying effects of an acid stomach.
Good news for millions of sufferers.
Chemists have found a sure remedy oue
that takes the acid up and1 carries it out
of tho body; of course, when the cause is
removed, the sufferer gets well.
Bloating, indigestion, sour, ncid, gsy
stomach miseries all removed. This is
proven by over half n million ailing folks
who havo taken EATONIC with wonder
ful benefits. It can be obtained from an;
druggist, who will cheerfully refund its
trilling cost if not entirely satisfactory.
Everyone should enjoy its benefits. Fre
quently the first tablet gives relief.
Its Old-time Fury
blood of tho germo that causa tho
disease, b. b. IS. hns no equal ns
a blood purifier, scores of sufferers
aay that it has cleansed their blood
of Rheumatism, and removed all
traco of tho disease from their
Get a bottle of S. S. S. at your
drug storo and get on tho right
treatment to-dny. If you want
special medical advice, address
Medical Director, 102 Swift Labo
ratory, Atlanta, Ga.
Spohn's Distemper Compound
will knock It In very short time. At tho first sign ot a cough
or cold In your horse, give a few doses of "SPOHN'H." It will
net on the glands, eliminate the disease germ and proveit furth
er destruction of body by disease, "SPOHN'H" has been the
standard romedy for DI8TBMPHH, INFLUENZA, PINK BTB,
CATA1UIHAL FI3V1SH COUGHS and COLDS for a quarter ot
century. 00 cents and $1 15 per bottle at ill drug stores.
A Determined Speller.
"I understand you gnvo your young-
est baby a mighty queer nninu,"
"Yes," said tho veteran printer. "I
suppose a great many people will think
It strange culling a girl 'Biblo Jen-kins.'-"
"What, made you do such a thing?"
"I don't llku tho wny folks have
gotten Into of using smnll typo Indis
criminately. I mado up my mind I
would see to It thut there will be at
least a few occasions when Biblo will
liuvo to bo spelled with n capital B."
Now Is the Time to Get Rid of
Theto Utlr Spots.
There's no longer the stlehtest need of
feellne ashamed of your freokles, as Otblne
double streneth Is guaranteed to remove
there homely spots.
Simply get an ounce of Othlno double
strength from your druggist, and apply
little of It night and morning and you
should soon see thnt even the worst freckles
have begun to disappear, while tho lighter
ones have vanished entirely. It Is seldom
that more than one ounce Is needed to com.
pletely clear the skin and gain a beautiful
clear complexion.
lie sure to Rsk for the double strength
Othlne, as this Is sold under guarantee of
money back If It falls to remove freckles.
For Mrs. Benhnm's Benefit
Mrs. Heiihuin What did the doctor
tell you?
ISenham Ho said that I would hnva
appendicitis If I didn't stop irritating
my side by constantly putting my bund
In my pocket for money.
.. t
"Hero Is this would-be critic talk
ing nbout a water color In oil. Did
you ever hear of a water color which,
could bo In oil?" ' ,
"Bure. Sea blue."
mrnti rn rotiirmv MMoviobr rt,.nr.