NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. Annual Fete of the Wellesley College Girls mSHINGTON SIDELIGHTS To Establish Redwoods National Park RJdEC mm Scone during the iiiiiiual Wclleslcy college ceremonies showing Miss Elizabeth Head of Dungor, Me., president of tlto freshmen class. crownel ns "Queen Elizabeth." Hit Price Peak, Dealers Think Refusal of Public to Meet Further Advances Credited With Turning Scale. DEPARTMENT STORES LEAD Clothing Stock Surplus, Especially In Women' Wear, Likely to Bring Reductions Silk Reductions Are to Be Permanent New York. The substantial reduc tions tlmt have been nmde recently In tlio prices of (ill commodities) by de partment and, otber stores throughout the country have led the buying pub lic to wonder whether or not thej reductions aro tho forerunners of con tinued reduction Jn the high prices thlit have prevailed since America entered the war. In an effort to uncertain the cnuso and probable extent of the down; wurd movement, tho New York Times has made Inquiries among representa tive merchants In the wholesale and retail lines as well as anions Hnuneinl leaders. Their replies seem to agree that a permanent reduction movement lias begun. In tho minds of mnny, however, there Is still much doubt ns .to the meaning of tho reductions that have been announced and mado by tho de partment stores and other commercial nouses, jwon those who are not yet renciy to say that a general fall In prices Is to bo expected arc unwilling to predict that present levolH will bo maintained, A majority of wholesale and retail dealers admit that prices uro too high nnd that n reaction must come beforo tho public will begin free buying. Surplua of Clothing. one plume of tho reductions made by department stores has been tho ef fort of middlemen to discover how tho plan Is worked. Dozens of wholesalo nnd retail dealerH confessed that they or their ngents had mado purchases nt department stores for comparison with their own prices and dualllies. Tho representative of a big London department store said be had bought from a department store certain ar ticles much cheaper than prices quoted ny inumifncturcrH. In tho wholesale clothing trade It Is generally ndmltted that there Is a sur plus of goods, liy some this surplus Is said to be duo to unseasonable weath or, and by others It Is admitted that the public has refused to pay existing prices. A number of representatives or tills group said reductions must be mado all along tho line, from the ifinnufacturors to tho retailor. With overstocks already on band, clothing dealers are said to bo canceling or dors, while the nulls aro eager for business nnd willing to offer price con cessions. It Is now predicted that fewer sales will be mnjlo during the coming season, If tho reports of early fall orders, booked by tho clothiers, may bo taken as a fair Indication, but BIDDIE GROWS SPURS Chicago Surgeon Produces He Hen With Knife. Transplanted Glands Cause Hen to Develop All Characteristics of Chanticleer. Chicago. Tho experiments of Dr. Victor D, I.osplnnsso of the North western university In tinkering with Uie sex of tho common hen and his demonstrations before medical expMa have uroused tho Interest of chicken growers. "It wns a slmplo enough operation," explained Doctor LcHplunsBo; "Just the transplanting of the Interstitial glands of a rooster to a hen. Dut the result was surprising and perhaps no ono wns more surprised than the lieu norsolf. Within a few weeks alio be gun to develop all the characteristics of n chanticleer. "Sho grew a comb und wnttles what Is lost In volume, the clothing trade hopes, will be made up in n con centration on higher class garments. s Silk Reductions to Stay. In the silk market it Is no secret that price reductions which have been mado are to bo permanent. Huge stocks of raw silks are held In this country by Japanese Interests and must bo released following the break In the Japanese market, tit substantial ly lower prices than were prevailing during midwinter when top prices were realjzed for raw materials. Mem bers of this trade do not hesitate to City Doubled Taxes on Profiteering Landlord A 100 per cent Increase In the assessed valuation of his prop erty wns tho penalty Imposed by tho Detroit city council on Ja cob Shcvltz, owner of n nlne fumlly apartment house, who was accused of Increasing their rents from 542 to 300 per month. Tells of With Cannibals Rice Party Has Encounter With Giant White Savages in South America. HOT AFRAID OF FIREARMS Professor Rice Says That In All His Experience In Tropical, Jungles He Never Saw Such Ferocious Looking Savages. New York. Tho exploring party beaded by Dr. Alexander Hamilton Rice, which clashed last February near tho banks of tho Orinoco with giant cannibals, returned hero from Para, With Doctor Rice caino Mrs. Rice, formerly Mrs. Georgo D. Wldener of I'hlhidclphlo, who accompanied , her husband on some of bis South Ameri can explorations; Chester II. Qber, geographer of the expedition; A. W. Swnnson, J. 15. Mason and Dr. G. K. Dyers. It wns while exploring an unnamed tributary of the Orinoco river that the party was attacked. The discharge of firearms failed to scare off tho sav ages, who v.oro described as large and llerce, and the explorers only escaped by thing Into them, killing either Saddle feathers nppoured next and finally n pair of spurs. She took to strutting pompously about the barn yard, lording It over tho other fowls. "Instead of cackling, our near rooster would essay a feeble kee-n-kee. A full-sized he-crow Is about the only thing that's lacking to complete her or, I might say, hisrooster hood." Tho he-hen Is now on a farm In the suburbs of Chicago, In further experiments with ani mals, Doctor Lesplnusso succeeded re- cently In producing "Sluineso Twin" dogs. Those didn't live long, hut wero perfect specimens. Qave His Revefence Long Ride. Lolmnon, Ky, After riding a mile on the pilot of tho engine which hnd smashed his automobile, Rev. Father W. J. Rowlott told tho engineer that ho thought ho never would hrlngNJils train to a stop. Father Rowlett was not even scratched. say that prices have been too high, nnd that the time has come for n re adjustment on an entirely new basis. A disposition to await developments has marked the cotton goods market. There has been only gradual easing oft In the prices if prlntcloths and sheetings which have a wide variety of uses when llnlshed. In the price" of sateens and other fabrics used bv the cl'ithlng trades the reductions have been more marked. Relief Ik expressed In the financial district that commodity prices will continue downward because It Is be lieved thnt wholesale prices reached their peak In February, and that with in a few weeks the reaction will take n stronger hold of the retail markets. Dream That Will Not Come True. Konceverte, W, Va. Miss Eiiinin Huff almost became the wife of Rort Treadway, but the Indications now are thnt she will never marry him. The license had been procured nnd the couple were on the way to a minister's when otllcers placed Treadway under arrest on the charge of murdering Charles Scott. Treadway has con fessed and accepteil a life term In the state penitentiary- A New Plutocrat Looms Up. Dluefleld, W. Vn. Before be left for tho army a Coeburn boy bought a barrel of whisky and burled It. Re cently bo was dlschnrgcd from service nnd today he Is $1,200 richer than he wns. Revenue olllcers would be In terested In learning bow and to whom he made the sale, i Fight two or three. The party then turned back. Not Previously Seen Since 1763. "The cannibals were almost white In color," Professor White said. "In all my years In the tropical Jungles I have never seen such ferocious look ing savages. Nearly all were armed with bows and arrows and carried spears and blowguns. They were more than six feet tall and I recog nized them as cannibals of the Gunrl bos tribe, a mountain legion consid ered the most ferocious of nil the sav ages In either Venezuela, Colombia, or Brazil." The professor declared he believed It was the first time these cannibals were met by white men since 17(Kl, when a Spanish expedition discovered them. Record Trip for White Woman. Mrs. Rice wns not with her husband on the occasion of the attack on tho pnrty. However, she traveled with the party as far as Esmernldn, Rrazll, penetrating further Into the Amu zqn wilderness thnn any other white woman, according to tho explorer. The Rio Negro and other outlets of tho Amazon were explored and chart ed, as well as the Casqulore cannl and the Upper Orinoco, Doctor Rice said. A number of specimens were brought bnck for the I'eabody museum at Hur vnrd. O Wants Cat Wet Nurses To Nurse Baby Foxes New York. A call for moth er cnts to nurse silver foxes wns received In New York from nn upstate fox farm owner. H. M. Dueon, president of the New York Fur Auction Sales corporation, to whom the nppcul for cats was sent, said the fox farmer was: willing to take all tho cats he could get. A moth er cat can yarn $2.r.0 for slx weoks' endeavor, ho snld. At end of six weeks, a litter of baby foxes becomes sulllclently mnture to take solffl food. Negro Girl Rich. Muskogee, Okla. The richest negro girl In the United States Is Snrnh Rector, clubfeet!, who lives near Huh kogee, Okla. Through oil found on tho supposedly worthless land sho own ed sho Is now worth a million und a half. TO JOIN WORLD'S CONGRESS Secretary Meredith Favors Accept ance of Invitation of Interna tional Association. Thnt the United States should ac cept the Invitation of foreign coun tries to Join the Permanent Interna tional Association of Road Con gresses Is the recominendntlon of the executive committee of the American Association of State Highway Olllclals to the secretary of agriculture. The committee, which held n twevdnys' con ference In Washington, D. C.. con sidered nt the suggestion of Sec retary Meredith, the Invitation to the United States which had been received through the state department from the American consul general nt Paris. Secretary Meredith concurred In the action of the high wny otllclnls and told them he would recommend to the state department thnt congress lie asked tri authorize acceptance. The highway officials ulsn recommended that the Internntlonnl association be Invited to the United States for Its next meeting. In advising the secretary of tho ac tion of the state highway olllclals, Thomas H. MucDonnld. chief of tho hireuu of public roads, who Is also n member of the executive committee. snld that the United States Is the only civilized nation not now n member of the International nnsoelatlon. He saw many advantages In the United States becoming a member, and be be lieved the other nations -In the as sociation would welcome nn Invita tion to meet in this country next year. The roads congress, he said, consti tuted an International tribunal for bringing together the best, experience Helping to Carry Forward Nation's Great Road Building Program. nnd results In highway construction nnd administration. Although meet ings hnve bee-n held euch year, none has been called since the European wnr begun. Before the war the con gress had met In Brussels. Paris and London. Secretary Meredith notified the high way olllclals that he would enlarge tho advisory committee of state highway officials, which consults with the department on federal policies In rond building. This committee, con sisting of six members, will now In clude the entire executive committee of tho American Association of State Highway Olllclals, Increasing Its mem bership to 12. The secretary said this step was taken so that the committee would more completely represent all pnrts of tho United States. Tho en larged membership will enable the ad visory committee to work out a classi fication of roods for the entire coun try, thereby providing n basis for a more orderly national program of road building. The executive committee Inspected n slgnnl device destined to prevent grade crossing disasters nnd accidents on dangerous curves. It met with the director of sales of the war depart ment with reference to obtaining equipment which Is seriously needed In rond building and which the states have been unable to secure. FORM GOOD ROADS COUNCIL Business and Clvio Organizations of St. Louis Start Campaign of Education. The newly formed federated roads council, comprising 28 business nnd civic organizations. Is starting n cam paign to educate the people within n rodlus of 100 miles of St. Louis of the benefits of road Improvement. POOR ROADS VERY EXPENSIVE Added Cost of Foodstuffs Placed at Half-Billion Dollars Yearly on Transportation. Country road haulage cost Is a big part of the cost of transportation. Ex ports put It ns.hlgh us u half-bllllon dollars a yenr on food. alone due to bad roads. That Is five dollars each fir every man. woman nnd child lu tho I'vlted States. WASHINGTON. The house bus passed the following resolution; "Resolved, That' the secretary of the Interior be, and Is hereby, directed to Investigate and report to the house of representatives as to the suitability, location, cost, If uny, and advisability of securing a tract or tracts of land In the state of California containing n stand of typical redwood trees of tho species 'Sequoia Sempervlrens' with n view that such land be set apart and dedicated as n national park for the benefit and enjoyment of the people of the United States nnd for the pur pose of preserving such trees from de htructlon and extinction, and also as to whether or not the whole or uny part of such lands or the purchase prlcj thereof would be donated to the Unit ed Stotos. and the probuble cost of maintaining such lands as a part of the national park system." U. S. Senators Human Beings After AH UNITED States senators members of the "most august legislative body" In the world as a rule take themselves mighty seriously. Yet they have been given nicknames, Just like small hoys, prize lighters and ball players. The Washington newspaper correspondents are responsible for most of these nicknames. It's easier, you see, to say "Quince" than to say "Joslah Qutntus Dobb of Mussylvn nln." Also, these correspondents In the senate press gallery have learned that senators aro only hnmnn beings after all. Some of these nicknames are rather clever: others nro decided ly forced. For example, the two lead ers In the treaty fight, Senator Hitch cock of Nebraska, and Senntor Lodge of Massachusetts, both have their nicknames. Senntor Hitchcock Is reg ularly nlluded to as "Hltchy-Koo." while the "Oohot" In bis opponent's name has resulted In "Cabbage." The Identity of some of the senators bearing picturesque sobriquets may not be revealed, for obvious reasons. For Instnnce, It would be impossible to tell the nnnie of the senntor who Is called "Pnlnnhis." because of his heavy style and podgy wit. Nor would It be wise to disclose Hie mime of the senator who Is termed "Sweetheart" on account of his dnpper manner, mincing way of speaking and genernl cunnlngness. It would never do to di vulge the individuality of "The JJoy Orator," or of "The Migratory Dlrd." The Old Capable of SENATOR Thomas of Colorado read Into n Record the other day, dur ing a discussion of pension matters, a letter from John W. Riley, eighty-two yenrs, u veteran of the Civil wnr, lu pnrt, ns follows: "Nowadays mere years are no sign of either physical or mental diminu tion. There Is living at the Dayton Military home n veteran who will be 100 years old next June Comrade W. E. Buync, of Darracks No. 7. He Is ns active In body and mind us any man half his age; Is coininnnder of Veteran Post, No. r, of the Grand Army of the Republic. Look nt 'Uncle Joe' Cannon, ex-spenker of tho house, over eighty-three, hale and hearty. "And lest we forget, Tltlnn wns Dewey's House to PURCHASED with pennies of school children nnd the contributions or patriotic citizens as n tribute to n hero, the house at 1747 Rhode Island avenue, given to Admiral George Dew ey lu JS!)9, has been sold out of the family and Is being converted Into a store. The permit for dismantling this gift of the people Is Issued to Mrs. Fran cis Pitney of New Jersey, wife of olui Dnllantyne Pitney, u relntlve of Supreme Court Justice Mnhlon II. Pit ney. Mrs. Pitney Is a daughter of Mrs. John R. Wllllnnm of Washington. The property wns transferred to her several weeks ago under deed by Mil dred McLean Dewey, widow of the ad mlinl, anil George O. Dewey, his son. This residence wns possibly the largest factor In dimming the halo of one of the most popular figures ever before the American public. Tho admiral wus more than a yenr reaching America nfter his exploit of May day, 1803. The American people Insisted upon doing some handsome lUtf T I'M ONLY j IF 1t3 fl YEARS 1 WJ When tho clerk read the resolution,, which came up on the unanimous con sent calendnr, tho following took, place: Mr. Walsh Mr. Speaker, reserving the right to object, I would like to nsk the gentleman If the secretary of tho Interior has exclusive Jurisdiction over forest reserves? Mr. Leu of California I think tho department of agriculture has exclu sive Jurisdiction over the forest re serves and the secretary of the inter ior hns jurisdiction over the parks. Mr. Walsh This would be treated differently from forest reserves If this trut was acquired? Mr. Lea of California Yes; so I un derstand. Mr. Walsh Is from Massachusetts, nnd New England Is alwnys active In nntlonnl park legislation. Dut the ex pected opposition didn't develop. Sequoia National park (to bo en larged and Its name changed to Roose velt) preserves tho "Sequoia glgan tla," or Dig Trees. The redwood Is Its first cousin nnd Is being extensive ly lumbered. The movement, to save J he redwood from extinction by estab lishing the Redwoods National park has resulted In the formation of a "Save the Redwoods League," witU nation-wide membership. THEREil KENTUCKY CAMBIFR. It would not be quite sporting, either, to tell who is called "The Kentucky Gambler." It Is disagreeable, but true that another senator Is known us. "Hog Eye." Senator Owen of Oklahoma Is re ferred to as "Oconostotn, ;" he Is pnrt Cherokee and this Is bis Indian name. Senator Simmons of North Carolina Is known ns "Fern," his given name being Fumlfold. "Meddle" McCor mlck of Illinois. "Cynrter" Glass of Vlrglnin the way he pronounces It hlmselfr "Doc" France of Maryland, who Is n physician, and "Atlas" Pora erene of Ohio, whose actual name Is Atlee, ennnotf object to those puns. Hlrnih Johnson of California is termed "HI-Ram." Vice President Marshall Is "the V. P." Senntor Reed Smoot of Utnh Is "Senator Smooth." Senator Asle I. Gronnn of North Da kota has a first name easily altered to "Ace." Senntor Knute Nelson of Minneso ta. "Splendid Old Viking," Is "King Cnnute." i Useful Achievements ninety-eight when he painted his fa mous 'Duttle of Lepanto, the most famous single picture In the world. 'Last Judgment' wns painted by Mich ael Angplo wlion eighty-nine. Toseph Jefferson portruyed Rip Viin Winkle jth ndded effectiveness nt seventy five. Whlttler and Bryant Issued new volumes at seventy-nine. Humboldt ,llnlshed the best work of his life, his Kosmos.' at ninety. Galileo was mak ing new discoveries ht seventy-three. "At seventy Commodore Vnuderbllt owned but 120 miles of railroad, and nt eighty-eight he owned 10,000 miles of railroad and had added to his for tune $100,000,000. Henry Watterson, who Is ono of the greatest among edi torial writers of the nation, at eighty three Is still In the harness. "This winter I nttended n post meet ing nt Pleasant Hill. O. Dan W. Wil liams Post. No. 301). Grand Army or tho Republic n llve-wlro post. There were 17 Grand Army men present, some of whom enme four or five miles. The average age of the 17 was eighty one years and nine months. This post meets once a month, nnd the average attendance Is 11. 'Tell me no moro thnt the old nre not cnpable of high and useful achievements.' " Be Turned Into Store and permanent service for him, und when It wns found that he was to wed Mrs. Mildred McLean Hazen the thought crystallized In a public sub scription to buy the home on Rhode Island nvenue. The deed to the bouse wus delivered to Admiral Dewey October 25, 1800, about two weeks hefore his wedding! Three weeks later there was a wave of protest when he transferred the house, to Mrs. Dewey. It was after wnrd transferred to the admiral's son George Dewey. Admiral Dewey die January 10, 1017. mm lf"TO. '