:: Spring Fever Spring fever as It Is commonly known Is not n fever In tlio sense tlint there Is temperature. It Is In reality just a polite nnmc for the Inssitudo which steal over the out-of-tone body In the llrst wnrm days of Spring. There Is drowslnoss nnd hick of on irgy. hot Hushes and headache. The condition Is duo to under-elimlnatlon by the bowels and kidneys. In other words, the poisonous wastes or bowels TO THK SINDAY SCHOOLS OK LINCOLN COUNTY t 1 All Sunday, schools of Lincoln coiin 'ty are requested to send largo delega tions to North I'latto June 15th for I veiling scrVico. ' The CARAVAN consisting of dolo gates to the State Sund.n School Con vention to bo held at Scotts Bluff, nnd traveling by auto, will stop at North Platte over night. The union services of the churches nf ttw cltv lmvn vnrv klmllv nvtiinitnil an Invitation to the CAHAVAN of dole- ho choir leadership of Mr. W'lck- KAYilUtN HKYIVAL .MKKTINOS A It K (JKOWIXO IN INTKHKST. The llnybuin-A'ieklnii .1 'evangelistic i campaign Is progressing with a steadiness that promises to grow Into h live Interest. Jamos Hnyburn js an evangelist of constant success. He has learned the secrot of successful re ligious campaigns. His devoted life and indefatigable labor will most cer tainly win here. Another feature of the meetings is and kidneys are not being thrown off fast enough. Thoso who suffer from constipation are the first to feel the fever of Spring. There Is nothing that invigorates the functions of the body like adjust ing. There is no tonic that will equal it, and no tonic that should evor be considered in Its stead, for the adjust ing tonic, Is simply n release of the power inside the body. You don't need a tonic, you need freedom from nerve pressure. Spring fever is a real nnd not a fanciful disease, and Is neither mild nor harmless. NO CHARGE Consultation Is without a charge or obligation. Drs. States & States, The P. S. C. Chiropractors. Building and Loan Building North Platte Nebraska. CHIROPRACTIC CORRECTS DISEASES ATHE FOLLOWING HEAD EVES EARS NOSC - THROAT ARMS HEART LUNGS LIVER STOMACH PANCREAS SPLEEN KIDNEYS BOWELS APPENDIX (bladder LOWER LIMBS Column Spinal LOWER PINCHED NERVES, IMPOSSIBLE TO FURNISH PROPER IMPULSES (LIFE AND health) TO THEIR ORGANS AND TI55UE5 gates to take charge of the big moot ing for u part of the evening In the large trbernaclo which we will expect will number 2000 or more on that oc casion. The Chamber of Commorce Is ex pecting to welcome our visitors, the Mayor will give a friendly greeting, and all of North Platte will be out with their enthusiasm extending their wishes to the big CARAVAN on their Journey to the "Magic City." whore the convention will meet the ISth and I I'ssion to and Including the- 20th. ( The officers of the stato association 'will be In the CARAVAN as well as ' sv me of the International officers. I Do not fall to bo nrosont If von want land. He Is a line soloist as well as lender. The choir, bosldos leading the congregational singing. Is learning some beautlfufl anthems from the "Chorus Choir Selections" of 12. 0. lixcoll. The book used in the con gregational singing Is "Songs of tho Croat Salvation" by W. M. Runyan and U. 11. Towner. This is a book of many new songs that are rapidly be coming popular. Mr. Rayburn Is not afraid to speak the truth. Ho strikes straight from tho shoulder in n forceful undemon strative manner that makes people think. He has an interesting way of putting tJie old truths of tho Gospel In new ways. Motfes. for instance, chose :: FIFTH AXXUAL Ogallala Round Ogallala, Nebraska. The Home of (he IJouml-Uns $3000.00 in Prizes Ami Many Trophies Tommy Douglas The Cotrhoy Clovyi will ho one of many hig features Under Sole Management of "THE KEITH COUNTY COMMUNITY CLUH ndnv school workers whd nro dolim things. IJy request of the Lincoln County Sunday School Association. J. H. EDMISTBN. President. MARY ELDER. Secretary. ::o:: Discuss Svtimmlug Pool. Members of the Welfare Associated and the Park Hoard held a meeting Tuesdny evening and discussed the swimming pool proposition. Hermitv Welch, who had made an examination nnd study of the proposed pool at tho city park mado a report in which ho stated that owing to the contour of tho park ground the bottom of the pro posed pool could not be drained, and as 8tngnp.nl water would location of a to net n vislnu nf Knnilnv nnlionl mwl to herd sheep for forty vears and then nuiu Koais uuenning israen ror tlie next forty years. He could have chosen royalty with its luxury nnd power ajid perhaps made a mummy nt which people would now gaze In the Hrltlsh Museum. Hut he choso God's way and fifteen hundred yvnru later met with Christ on the mountain. How much better off was he then than Pharoah? He honors the name of Christ mak ing evident again and aain that Christ alone hns power to forglvo sins. He is the only legal tenure In heaven. Where there is no Christ thoro Is heathenism. Nolo for Instance tho difference between thla country and that country across the Rio Grande result the,111" difference between tho Pilgrim pool nt that point wns .fathers and the Turks. Tlds dlft'er ; ence Is Christ. Tho chaos of Russia abnndoned. Mr. Welch had, however, also pre-,to-dav Is the result of a dead ecclesl pared a sketch of the city sand pit nstlclsm with ihT Christ. It Is thin splii" north of the Country Club grounds which ho thought might be used not only ns a swimming pool, but also for boating awl for sknting in tho winter. This pit s t.bout the sue of two city. oiocks. couin oe easily drained, and by tho purchase of additional land for beach purposes might bo convert ul In to a city bathing: nnd boatine resort huh pi i win oo mvesi'g.uoM inorougii- ior nun. lion t send ror mm on your )v as to its possibilities and if ."ojind j death bed. It Is easy to be pious when rAnti.i ...tn ... . . ... luiiHiuiu uiu euy win e nsKoci to do- prcacners and doctors and nurses i.re claro it k possessions. of Christ's missionaries that has pion eered civilization among cannibals. It wm: not Singer sowing machine Fales lnnn nor any other kind ol Hainan that become tho martyrs. It was Missionaries. Mr. Rayburn teaches emphatically that wo want a religion to live by. Denth bed repentance has no appeal K.rt of h- city's park : :o: :- Come on Boys Let's Go Scratch J if em. around. It Is tho real thing to live Christ out on the railroad and hear tho reproaches of men. Mr. Rayburn has no use for the exemplary, limited Ideas of Christ that are taught now in so many pulpits. lie believes in a Christ Mint Woman Dies on Train.. Mrs. Win. Grace, seventy-live years Insipid of age and resident of Vermillion. S. D., died on train No. 19 Wodnordnv morn ing a short distance east of tills city. nns tlie same power today as when' the The body was taken to the Uerrvberrv ' church was founded. We have heard & Korbes undertaking rooms, prepared 11 K00(1 dal since the war of a new or burial and taken back to .'(i-mlUlo" gospel Mr a new age. This Is not true yesterday. Mrs. Grace, accompanied Tho age Is not new. Men have their by her husband, was ?nrout t) Oil- same old sins as they did in Christ's ifornln. jtimo. Christ never chnnges. We need ,. , . ... . ::o:; - the same Christ today ns always. mini iinru rropeny owners .Meet. Mr. Rnyburn does not fail to give tho j miinuer oi property owners or tlto devil his due. This thing many minis- iui mei mesiiuy evening aim tel's fall to (10. Tho devil peddles all iuppuiiiieu a commiuo to piace a vni-, kinds of lies about us. Ho likes to uiuion on an property in tnnt ward. . ,naj(0 back-sliders think that Christ una cuii.iiiui.ue is composed oi w. j. ,i01l't love you any more. He nevers Hendy. W. V. Hoagland. W. T. Wilcox, fafiH to sielnior Christ. Rut the Bible 1. N. Buchanan. J. K. Ottenstoln. Will snys "Christ loves them unto the end". Waltomnth and W. L. Richard'.. Money, to Mr. Rayburn, Is not tho ..O.. I'lilef mill In lffn. Un fnlil nf lilu linv- !1CoSA"1!U!1'1 fiend that died In Hot Springs Phono 1088. STENSVAD POULTRY CO 11M war A Long Pull and a Strong Pull Power for the long, hard pull steady, dependable power at the draw-bar or at the pulley that's what you want from your tractor. It is largely a matter of proper lubrication. Only oil of right body and right quality can seal in every ounce of power, kill friction and reduce wear. Our Tractor Oils are exactly right in every particular. They don't break down or congeal under extreme temperatures. They keep compression tight prevent overheating minimize wear. Season to season they keep your tractor out of the re pair shop and on the job pulling strong. Our experts have made a study of the tractor lubricating problem. They have found STANOLIND TRACTOR OIL best suited to a majority of tractors, Polar ine Extra Heavy, Polarine Heavy and Polarine being recommended for quite a number. For the proper oil to use in your tractor consult your Stanolind dealer or write us. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Nebraska) Omaha WnmiihiiHiiiniiiiiiiiiiinTTllf A poor. Ho had wealth in oil, property nnd was president of a largo bank. He i could have written his check for $100 000 ns easily as the evangelist could have written one for five dollars. He had wealth but he died poor. Ho knew not tho Christ. Again ho believes in a doctrine that knows whnt It means. Doctrine ho tells us Is Just teaching. We all have some sort of a doctrine. But many havo such a. weak doctrine regarding Christ tlint they couldn't recognize teaching that denies the divinity of Christ. Wo must must give a reason for tho faith that is within us. Too many, are led by every wind of doc trine and every spiritual sleight- of- hnud performance. God Is not at fault because we aro Indifferent and sinners. Ho Is ready at all times to forglvo and come Into the christian's life. He falls to como In because we don't want him. We do the things we want to. We havo time for pleasure, for shows, for clubs, but no time for Christ. Teachers go be fore their classes unprepared because they want to do something elo ami mnke the excuse of no time. We havo time for tho things we want to do oven hero in North Platte. A feature of Mr. Rayburn's meetings Is the afternoon BIblo classes. Thoso meet at 2:30 and aro not over an hour in length. Tho BIblo Is studied do votlonitlly and with a view of tenchlng a constructive understanding of Christ's groat program. It Is not a critical or literary study of God's word but a vital, spiritual and doctrinal study of a life giving revolntion of God. : :o: : I'cdei'ul Court Convenes .Monday, liogiiinlng Monday a term of federal court will be held in this city, Judge WoodroiiKh. of Omaha, presiding, Several court officors will also be pre side. A Jury of fifty has boon drawn among whom aro tho following Nmth Platto men: W. W. Blrgo. C. J. Bowun, .1. M. Calhoun, Win. Illto, M. C. Letli, John E. Nelson, V. W. Rinckor and Ai'iMii Sensil. ::o:: J1ITUAL IMJIUHXn & LOAN ASSOCIATION PAID-UP STOCK. In order to supply funds to cover approved loan applications, this as sociation will Issuo a limited amount of Its Paid Up Stock. This stock draws dividends at tho into of rfix por cont per annum, from dato of Issuo until paid off. Dlvidonds payablo March 1st mid Soptombor 1st. Money lnvoalod in this stock mny ho withdrawn nt any timo upon thirty days notice. BBSSIB V. SALISBURY. 30-tf Sco'y. So Simple Can 3 W (Ml Western Electric POWER & LIGHT EVERY feature has been perfected not a single one over looker. Running this Western Electric Power and Light outfit is as simple a3 can be. Touching the starting lever sets it running a child can do it. With the battery charged you have continuous electric service night and day. You should know more about this plant it's aale; ifs simple; it's economical. How abcut your place? North Platte Plumbing & Heating Co. 10S E.6th Street. NORTH PLATTE REALTY AUCTION COMPANY AT NORTH PLATTE, NEB. Office over the Union Stato Bunk We solicit your Real Estate AUCTION SALES no no matter where Is it located. To give the best of service is our aim. Watch our results. Our experience and ac quaintance is wide and we appreciate your sales of any kind. Call on us and let us explain our methods and terms to you. E. A. OLSON, Manager. North Platte, Neb. INCORPORATED 1887. Mutual Building and Loan Association, Of North Platte, Nebraska. RESOURCES OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS. The Association hns unlimited funds at its command to assist in the building or purchase of homes for the people of North Pintle. If you are interested, the officers of this Association will render every assistance and show you how easy it is to acquire your own home. T. C. PATTERSON, BESSIE F. SALISBURY, President. Secretary. Chinese Adopt United States Idea. There aro about lfiO Chinese women and KlrlH In New York oily, u few of thorn students, hut most of them wives, mothers and daughters of merchants and other business men. These wom en will some day carry bad; to Chi na western Ideas and methods, and es pecially the practices of American women. They nro lnterestln them selves In everything that American women do. "We are ImnliiK to lenrn of the best elements In American wom anhood," says one of their leaders, "and nt tho same tlmo to retnln our Ideals of Chinese civilization." This Ih' n Chinese branch of tho Y. W. ,C. A. that will train women In citizen ship, American customs, organized rec reation, physical exercise and all the usual linos of activity. The Colonel's Lady's Maid. A young llylng olllcer met u pretti er! or Informally t Coney Island mo afternoon. She was dressed aw iilly swell, and when they separated :ho gave him a very fashionable New fork address; so the next time ho vns In town ho wired her to meet him it tho HItz for dinner. Sho turned up, looking smarter than ivor nnd after dinner they did a then er. A brother olllcer gat In a box, iiid tho young airman waved to him, mt got a rather quizzical response. "What nils Topper?" ho thought, Jid nt tho end of tho act his ques Ion was nnswered. "Hollo, thoro!" Topper snld, com ok up lo him In tho lobby. "I don't Jlnd your taking out my wlfo's maid, Id man, but I wish lo goodness you'd sk hor to vcn.r hor own frocks," NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) One Hall Block North ot Posloftice. Phone 58 A modern institution for the scientific treatment of medical, surgical and confinement c&sei. Completwly equipped X-Ray and diagnostic laboratories. Staff: Geo. B. Dent. M. D. V. Lucas, M. D. J. B. Redficld. M. D. J. S. SIMMS, M.D. .Notice of rclltlon. Katato No. 17G5 of llernard Mlllor, deceased In tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska, To all per sons interested In said Estate talco notice that a petition has been Hied for tho probato of an Instrument pur porting to bo tho last will and Tostn mont of said deconaed and for appolnt inont of Gcorgo Taylor as Executor of said KBtnto, which has boon sot for hearing horoln on July 2, 1920, nt ! o'clock a. m, Ontod Juno i, 1920. W.M. II. 0. AVOODIIUUST, J8-w County Judgor