The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 01, 1920, Image 8

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    ScmtJ33crhlu (firibunc.
IU. , HAKE, Editor mid l'lihllMicr
On i' Venr by Mall, In iidritucc. .Lift
One Vcrir by Carrier, Iti adrancA, 2.(I0
Hnterod at tho North Platto, Nebraska
Poatoillce mm Second Class Matter,
Tuesday, juni: ist, ii2i.
(From Tho Tribune of May 30, 18S5.)
Thirty-Jlvo yours ago tho town wan
full of gambler, and Marshal Ikikor
declared that "gamblers mutt shako
North I'lutto mud from their root and
Kit. Ho arrostod four who were lined
three dollars each and given twenty
four liourw to leave town.
Th Lloyd skating rink closed on ac
count of poor business.
' Cattle Hound Up No. 10 Htnrtod
working woHt from Brady and continu
ed through to the mouth of tho Blrd
wood whoro It mot Hound Up No. 9
which had boon working tho Dismal
river country.
The Hoform Club was organized
with J. S. Hoagland us fpresldont. This
uporatlng with the W. C. T. U. and
holp put King Booae Into an onrly
J. P. Crano of Lodgo Polo and Miss
Elmn Bnkor of North Platte wore mar
ried by Rev. Vessels.
Win. Novlllo had gono to Washing
ton to hurry up his appointment as
roceiver of tho Unllod States land of
fice. Word had boon recolved that Mr.
iih1 Mrs. Alex Stuart had arrived safe
ly in Scotland, whoro they, had gono
to visit relatives.
Oonl. Sifpt. Smith, Asst. Supt. Doiiol
nnd P. J. 5)Ichols, of tho Union Pacific,
woro In town and decided to movo the
freight houso ono block west, a loca
tion It occupied unMl a few years ago.
Mrs. Rosa Drau, wife of Frederick
Urau, died at tho ago of forty-olght
Millard Hoslor was appointed night
po'V-mnn nnd during his tona of of
fice had some roal exciting times.
The Wild West Show was exhibiting
In Chicago dally nnd drawing 10.000
peoplo to each performance. Hack
Taylor, ono of tho loading rldors. had
been tnkon sick nnd was In a hospltnl.
It was announced that passenger
rntnK"on tho Union Pacific would bo
fhw cents n mile oast of tho 101st
morMlnn. and four routs wont of that
point. '
Wearing Apparel for the Boy.
faults Shoos Caps Hats Waists
Shirts Tennis Shoes COVERALLS,
inc. zu por cont Discount.
Outfitter to Good Dressers. 40:
, "n:;
ine sutnoriund ball team, whlcSh
was recently organizod with A, IJ.
nites as manager, was dofcuted Sun
day before last by a scoro of five to
iwo oy tno Tryou toam.
Allt..t..4r. 4 ...
""""" 'MiiuuuK aumorianu aro
warned that tho speed limit In that
tdwn'is twolvo mllos nnd six miles
over crossings and turning corhors,
nnd that arrests will follow violations.
Miss Golda Pockham, who has been
unending tno stato un vorsltv. win r
turn to her homo' In Brady this wook,
lllu '""or part or the month will
leave on a tour of Europe
Tho combined deposits In tho two
banks nt Brady as por last statement
was $645,934.09.
John; Bryan says that on account of
the linllstorm In tho Nichols vlclwtty
Monday night ho estimates tliab it will
bo necessary to replant about 100
acres of boots.
Mr. 'and Mrs. J. B. mutt. 0f Hor
"hov. loft last wook for Idaho Falls,
Idnho, whore they will mako their
futuro homo.
Tho two bonks of Wnlacp show de
posits abrogating near a half million
A bronco busting and stoor riding
attraction will be stagod ut Wallace
noxt Sunday. ,
B. B. Spoucor has sold his roaldenco
In Waltec to IsRao Stratton for a
cornidoratlon of $5,000. Mr. Stratton
will occupy tho property noxt fall,
Wearing Apparel for Hie Boy.
Suits. Shoos Caips Hats Waists
Shlrtn Tonnls Shoos COVERALL'S,
oto.T-20 por cont Discount.
St.. lit x . . 1
vuuiuor 10 uoou Dressors. 408
1 ho question of tho heavy lncreasoa
In tnxos that is being so freoly, dis
cussed at North Platto thoao days has
canned many in this soctlon to "won
der just whoro wo aro at." .From tho
local assessor wo loam that on irrigat
ed lands tho county nssossor has based
tho taxos from $0.00 to $60. This is
noi unreasonable. In Hershoy tho
uwiob win uo some uttlo hlghor than
formorly, but not enough to causo kxv
alarm. Horshoy Times.
Salesman Wanted.
minieu experienced gout's fur-
niBuings man ror department store In
oastorn Colorado. Reforonces, salary.
iiini. loner. Auuress XXX
Hitythorne LoiiseH Ranch..
Walt Hnythorno closod u lego on
Saturday. May 15th, of the homojRanch
west of Arthur to Chas. Rorgluna who
took Immodlato possession. Tho Hay-
thornes havo How leasod thoir ontlro
land possessions In both Arthur nnd
Kolth Countios and will during mid
summer go to tho Jackson Holo tor
ritory of Wyoming whoro Harry Hay
thorno has a ranch on, Green River.
Walt and family TH spond some tlmo
with Harry tnoro, onjoylng a woll de
served rocrcatlon from years of ranch
uro im mo . Resorvo. Arthur Entor-
prlso. ' fT
In order to supply funds to cover
approved loan applications, this as
sociation will issuo a limited amount
of its Paid Up Stock. This stock draws
dividends at the rato of k$x por cont
por annum, from date of issue until
paid off. Dividends payablo March j
1st and Soptombcr 1st. Monoy Invested :
In this stock may be withdrawn at any ,
time upon thirty days notice. j
86-tf Soc'y.
Por Sale Lumber Yard, Hardware
and Gonoral Mdrol.andlso Storo in now,
live promising town in the rain belt
section of Colorado. Bunlnoss runs
about $10,000 a month. No competi
tion In lumber or hardware. Twenty
five mllos from Denver in Irrigated
and dairy section. International line
of implomonts. Bulck automobilo
agency for Dniglns county. Live town
In live community, Good clonn stock
which will Invoice about $35,000. -Wrlta
for Information. Arthur Marvonoy,
700 Clarkson St., Denver Colo. 39-3
I repair Purnlturo, musical Instru
ments, Jdcyclos and rosilvor mirrors.
(live mo a trial. All work guaranteed.
Tho North Platto Repair Shop. Rtt
nor Hotel Bids. 113 W. fith St. J-
A. TOOPS, Prop. Hi-fi
To whom aro you going to sell voui
Hay and Grain? The Harrington Mer
cantile Co. will offer the hlcheM
prices. 64tt
The New
Xwineei Hospital
For the Treatment of
Medical, Surgical and
Obstetrical Cases.
719 West Fifth Street.
Phone 110.
Storage Batteries
Midway Motor Co.
itu'iT)." 1 sum I Mflltgu Building
. North Platto, Nabraska.
McDonald1 Bank Bldy,
Phone rf7.
Vllilnn til Pollllltll.
Estate No. 1702 of Hazel Ireno
jii,i1a r
Flebbo, Deceased
In tho County Court o Lincoln coun
ty, Nebraska.
Tho Stato of Nebraska: To all per
sons interested in said Estnto tako
notice that n petition has been tiled for
tho appointment of Oscar T. Flobbo as
administrator of said estate, which has
boen set for herein on Juno IS, 1920, nt
9 o'clock a. m.
Datod May 24th, 1920.
County Judgo.
Notice to Creditors.
Estate No. 1748 of Mary Hansen, de
ceased In tho County Court of Lincoln
County, Nobraska.
Tho Stato of Nobraska, ss: Creditors
of said ostato will tako notice thut tho
tlmo limited for presentation and tiling
ot claims against snid Estato Is Sep
tember 4, 1920, and for settlement of
said Estato Is April 30, 1921; that I
will sit at tho county court room In
said county on Juno 4, 1920, nt 10
o'clock n. in., and on September I
1920, at 10 o'clock a. m., to receive
examine, hear, allow, or adjust all
claims and objections duly filed.
M4-J1 County Juds-
Notice of Fllnal Report.
Estato No. 1697 ot John Ry,lnnd"r,
In the County Court of Lincoln coun
ty, Nebraska.
Tho Stato ot Nobraska: To all per
sons lntorostod In said ostato tako no
tice that tho administrator haB filed a
ilnal account and report ot his admin
istration and a petition for final sot
tlomoiit nnd discharge us such admin
istrator, which havo boon sot for hear
ing botoro said court on Juno 18, 1920,
at 9 o'clock jj. m., when you may ap
poar and coiuost tho samo.
Datod May 24th, 1920.
ui2C-3 County Judgo.
..General HosfiitaL.
On? Hull Black North oi Festirftire.
Phnoc 58
A modern li.-tHutlifi for. Ill;
ei rititl treatment of m-illeM,
iiirtficrtl tind eontlm.'miit ce.
Completely qtti(ifil X - Itn y
nnd dtHKnuttio lbintnn
(ieo. B. Dtnt, M. 1). V. Laras, . U.
J. B. Redficld. M. D. J. S. SIMMS. M.D.
riiyslcinii. Obstetrician
Surueon. X-Iluy
Calls i'romptljr Ansnered Mirlit or Dnj
I'hniie OiTicc lilS Residence (S7G
11 ii m lil n and Healing Cuutruclor.
I am prepared to do all Hinds oi
plumbing and heating. All materials
and work guaranteed. Estimates
cheerfully given.
Shop and Residence 1I103 Fnsi Glli Si.
I'lione Red ioS
Young Bros. & Co.; Daniel C.
Young; Ebon Young and P. S. Young,
partners in. business in St. Louis,
Missouri, under the firm name of
Young Bros. & Co.; T. B. Weber &
Co.; John Dowd and E. M. Dowd;
Mary K. Nichols; Lot 1, Block 116 of
tho Original Plat of tho City of North
Platto, Lincoln County, Nebraska; and
all persons claiming any interest of
any Id ml In said real ostato or any
part thereof, defendants, will take
notice that on tho 5th day of May, 1920,
Julius Plzcr, plaintiff herein, filed his
petition in the district court of Lin
coln County, Nebraska, against said
defendants, tho object and prayor of
which Is ot quiet titlo In the plantlff
herein, Julius Plzer, to Lot 1, Block
116, of tho Original Plat of the City
of North Platto, Lincoln County, Ne
braska, against each and all of said
defendants and against all persons
claiming any Interest of any kind In
sn'd real estate or any part thorcof
aiuLto exclude each and nil of said de-
fondants from any right, titlo, inter
est, lieu or claim lu and to suld lot
and lands.
And pln.'ntiff prays in said action
that one certain mortgage executed
by C. M. Mllleer on tho 16th day, of
May, 1871 for ?53G.86 to tho defendants
herein", Young Bros. & Co., nnd record
ed In Book "A," Page 57 of tho Mort
gage Records of Lincoln County, Ne
braska, on said Lot 1, Block 116,
North Platte, Nebraska, be decreed
and adjudged to bo paid and satisfied
and cancelled upon tho records of
Lincoln County, Nebraska.
And plaintiff further prays that a
certain mortgage executed by A. J.
Jl'ller nnd C. M. Miller on said Lot
1. Block 116, North Platto, Nebraska.
dntor May 20th, 1871, running to
Daniel C. Young, Ebon Young nnd P,
S. Young, partners in business In St,
Louts, Missouri, tinder the firm name
of Young Bro3. & Co. for the sum. pf
$530.86 and recorded In Book ','A."
Pago 59 of the Records of Lincoln
County, Nobrnskn, bo adjudged and do
creed to bo paid and satisfied and
that snl'd mortgngo bo cancolled upon
tl" records of Lincoln County,, Ne
braska. And plantlff further prays that a
cortain mortgage oxecutcd by A. J
Miller and C. M. Miller on snid Lot 1
Block 110. of North Platto. Nobraska
on tho 30th day of May 1871, for tho
' of, ?9-2 nl ,rl,nn'n?, ta le'
fendants, T. B. Wobor & Co. nnd re
corded In Book "A," Pago 61 of the
Mortgage Rooords of Lincoln County,
Nebraska, bo adjudged nnd decreed to
bo paid and sntlsflod in full and said
mortgngo bo cancelled upon tho roc -
lima ui liiiicuiu wiumy, i-xonrasKn.
And plaintiff further prays that a
cortain mortgago executed by A. J.
Miller and C. M. Mlllor on said Lot
1. Block-110, of North Platto Nebrns -
ka, dated August 22nd, 1874. for tho
sum of $050.00 runiUnc tn John Dowd
n.nd E. M. Dowd nnd recorded In Book
"A." Pago 253 of tho Mortgago Records
of Lincoln County,. Nobraska, bo ad
judged and decreed to bo paid and
satisfied and said mortgago cancollod
upon tho records of Lincoln County,
And plantlff furthor prays thnt a
certain mortgngo executed by A. J.
Miller and C M. Miller on tho 6th day
of April, 1877, on snid Lot 1, Block
116, North Platto, Nebraska, for tho
sum of $2,000.00 running to tho dofon-
dnnt, Mary K. Nichols and rocordod
n Book "A, Pago 544 of tho Mortgago
Records of Lincoln County, Nobrnskn,
bo adjudged to bo paid and satisfied in
full nnd cancelled upon the rocords of
Lincoln County, Nebraska.
And plaintiff furthor prays that his
titlo In nnd to said Lot 1. Block 116,
bo quieted as agi'nst each and all of
safii nortgagos and ngalnst Lot 1,
Block 116 of tho Original Pint of tho
City of North Platto. Lincoln
County. Nobraska, and all por
sons claiming any lntorost of nny kind
in said roal ostato or any part thereof,
and that thoy bo decreed to havo no
right, titlo and lntorost In and to said
promises or any part thereof and for
gonoral equltablo rollof.
You aro required to answer said pe
tition on or beforo tho 21st day of
Juno 1920.
Dated May 5th. 1920.
JULIUS PIZER. Plaintiff, "
By Hnlllgan. Beatty & Halllgnn. Ills
Attorneys. Mll-4wk.
I have the Money
on hand to close
loans promptly.
Real Estate Mortgages
Bought and Sold
! Loan Broker
I Building & Loan Building
I i
riiyslchm nnd Surgeon
Office oTcr llexall lUug Stoie
Oltlce I'Uotie 371
House 1068
I'hsylclnn and Surgeon.
Spoclal Attention Given to Surgery
and Obstrotrlciv.
OfHce: Building & Loan Building
Phones: Office 130, Residence 115
Special Attention Given to
McDonald Bank RuUdimr
Office I'iioue SS Residence j$i;islnSle' to i" Outtrim for $600.00 on
'August 13th, 1912, and recorded in the
' Mortgage Records of Lincoln County,
Office phone "Mi. Una. phone 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, Nebraska.
Knights of Columbus Building.
Office Phone 340 Res. Phone 1237
Osteopathic l'lij'Hlcian
Belton Bldg. North Platte. Net
Phono for Appolntmentt
Romigh Garage.
l'hone 811 Bay Call. Phono 1270 Com.
nierclal Hotel Night CnU.
r . c .
laxi Service.
nn'vii iMirir! Allen h. Smith: A. H.
Smith; U. S. Live Stock Co.; Addle E. Wlllc, for the reason that said mort
Kendall; Dr. B. J. Kay Medicine Co.; sago was duly and legally barred and
J. Watson Ramsey; M. E. Thompson;
James S. Gilbert; Phillip Dletzgen;
Frank Wlllo: Joe Eckrosh: Paul H.
Gillam; Will Outtrim; Clara Outtrim;
AustlnS. Ghrist; John E. Ghrist;
Eunico A. Ghrist; C. E. Marquis, Clair .lenuants and wherejln summons was
Dickson; J. Sidney Smiith; W. W. Bean duly and legally served on the defend
& Son; S. A. Browstor; M. J. O'Con- nt. Frank WHIe.
noli; Dr. B. J. Kay Medical Company! That in addition to tho relief here
of St. Albans, Vermont; nnd tho toforo prayed against him, the defend
Northoast Quarter and tho Southwest a"t C. E. Marqui's, be adjudged to
Quarter and the West Half of the have no right, title, lien or interest
Southeast Quarter and tho Southeast
Quarter of tho Southeast Quarter of
Section 29, Township 16, North Range " Lincoln County, Nebraska, bv reas
32, West of tho 6th P. M. in Lincoln of a certain mortgage executed by
County, Nobraska, and all of Soctlon ! John E. Ghrist to Will Outtrim for the
21, Township 16, North Rango 32, West sum of $575.00 on July 15th. 1912. and
of tho 6th P. M.. Lincoln County, No- duly recorded in Book 41 of the Mort
brnska. and tho South One-Half of the gage Records of Lincoln County. Ne
Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Pago 307. and by said Will
Quarter of Section 19, Township 16. Outw'm duly assigned and transferred
North Range 32, West of tho 6th P. M. to the defendant, C. E. Marquis, for the
In Lincoln County, Nebraska, and all reason that the said C. E. Marquis has
porsona claiming any interest of any sold, assigned and transferred all of
kind lu said real estato or any part his right, title and interest In and to
thereof, take notice that on tho 10th said mortgage to the defendant, Frank
day of Mhj", 1920, Anna V. Metcalf Wlllo.
plantlff herctn filed her petition in the , And plaintiff further prays that her
district court of Lincoln County, No- t, tlo in and to all of said above de3
braska, tin? object and prayer of which ,crlbed land be quieted as against each
la to qulot title Un tho plaintiff horeln and all of the defendants herein and
Anna V. Metcalf, to tho Northeast against said Northeast Quarter and
Quarter and tho Southwost Quartor the Southwest Quarter and the West
and tho West Half of tho Southeast Half of tho Southeast Quarter and the
Quartor and tho Southeast Quarter of Southeast Quarter of the Southeast
tho Southeast Quartor of Section 29, Quarter of Section 29, and all of Sec
and all of Section 21, and tho South tion-21, and tho South One-Half of the
Half of tho Southeast Quartor of the I Southeast Quarter of the Southeast
Southeast Quartor of Section 19, all in Quaror of Section 19, all In Township
Township 10, North Range 32, West of ,10. North, Range 32. West of the 6th
the Gth P. M. 'in Lincoln Conntv. No-iP. M. In Lincoln Count v. Whrnokn
hraska, against each nnd all of the
uoroniinnts heroin and against all por-,or any kind In said real estate or any
sons claiming any interest of any part thereof and that said defendants
kind in said real ostato or any and each and all of them bo decreed
(part thereof nnd excluding oach and'to havo no right, title or lien In
'all of sa d defendants from any right, land to said premises or any part
title, Interest, lien, claim or demand
in and to said lands and plaintiff prays
that tho dofendant, U. S. Livo Stock
Co., bo adjudged and decreed to have
no right, titlo, claim, lion or interest
in or to five certain mortgnges on
parts of above described land, all exo
cutod on April tho 27th, 1912, nnd all
oxecutod by Will Outtrim and Clara C.
Outtrilm, his wlfo, to U. S. Livo Stock
Co. as follows:
Ono for $500.00 upon tho Northeast
Quartor of Section 29, Township 16,
Rnngo 32 In Lincoln County,
Nobraska, and recorded In tho office
of tho county clork of IJ'.ncoln County.
In Book 42 of Mortgages at Pago 303.
Ono for $500.00 upon tho Southeast
Quartor of tho Southeast Quarter rnd
tho West Hnlf of tho Southeast Quar
tor of Soctlon 29 and tho South Half
of the Southeast Quartor ot tho South
east Quartor of Section 19 all In Town
ship 16. Rango 32 In Lincoln County,
Nobrnskn, and recorded In tho Mort
gago Records of Lincoln County '.n
Book 42, Pago 305.
Ono for $1,000.00 upon tho East Half
of Soctlon 21, Township 16, Range 32
in Lincoln County, Nobrnskn, and re
corded In tho Mortgago Rocords of
Lincoln County,, jn Book 42 of Mort
gnges at PngtT3i4.
Ono for $500.00 upon tho Southwest
Qunrter of Section 29. Townsh'p 16.
Rango 32 In Lincoln County nnd re
corded in Mortgago Rocords of Lin
coln Countv In Book 42 of Mortgages
at PagQ 309.
One for $1.000,Q0 upon tho West Half
of Section 21, Township 16, Rnngo 32
In Lincoln County, Nebrnska, and re
cord j lu the Mortgage Records of
ncoln County, Nebraska, in Book 42
,oi Mortgages, Page 307.
! And plaintiff prays that said U. S. '
Live Stock Co. be adjudged and de-!
creod to have no right, lien or inter
est in sfttd mortgages for the reason
that sa.'d dofendant, U. S. Lire Stock
Co., for a valuable consideration sold,
assigned and transferred oach and all
of said roal estate Mortgage to the
plaintiff herein.
That lu addition to the relief here
tofore prayed for, plaintiff further
prays that the defendant, Will Outtrlm,
be also adjudged and decreed to hare
no lien or interest in and to th
(Northeast ( Quarter of Section 20,
Township 111, Range 32, by virtue of
one certain . mortgage executed by
John E. Ghrist to said Outtrim for the
sum, of $575.00 on July 15th, 1912, and
recorded in the Mortgage Records of
Lincoln County, Nebraska, In Book 41,
at Page 307.
And also that said defendant. Will
Outtn'm, bo adjudged and decreed to
jhave no Hen or interest in and to the
Northwost Quarter of Section 21,
Township 1G, Range 32. in Lincoln
County. Nebraska, by reason of a cer
tain mortgage executed by Austin S.
Ghrist, single, to sala defendant, Will
Outrimfor $600.00 dated August 13th,
1912, ud recorded In tho Mortgage
Records in Book 40 of Mortgages, at
Pago 300.
And that said defendant, Will Outt
rlm, bo adjudged and decreed to have
no lien or Interest in and to the South
jwest Quarter of Section 21. Township
,16, Jtange 32, In IJ'.ncoln County. Ne
braska, by t'irtue of a certain mort
gage executed by Austin S. Ghf'st,
j Nobraska, in Book 40, at Page 299, for
the reason that each and all of said
! three last described mortgages were
duly and legally foreclosed and bnrret
In an action instituted In the district
i court of Lincoln county. Nebraska.
wherein Anna V. Metaalf was plain
tiff and WHI Outrim and others were
tiff and Will Outturn and others wore
defendants and wherein said Will
Outtrim was duly and legally served
with summons.
That In addition to the relief here
tofore prayed against him that the de-
ifendant, Frank Wllle. be also adjudged
and decreed td have no lien, right or
interest In and to the Northeast Quar
ter of Secaion 29, Township 16, Range
32, in Lincoln County. Nobraska. by
doason of n lnnrttrniro ovoontnrl liv
John E. Ghrist to Will Outtrim on the
'"-i ndnny, ,f Juy' 1?1r1for1 tl,e sum of
,$5,5.00, duly recorded in the mortgage
'records of Lincoln County, Nebraska.
in Book 41, at Page 307, which said
mortgage was by said Will Outtrim
assigned to C. E. Marquis and by said
!c. E. Marquis to the defendant. Frank
roreciosed m an action instituted fn
tll district court of Lincoln County,
iseurasKa, wherein Anna V. Metcalf
;vs plaintiff and said defendant.
ranic iuo am others were de-
n ana to the Northeast Quarter of
Section 29, Township 16, Range 32.
nnd all persons clatming'nny Interest
i thereof and for general equitable
relief. . -
j You are required to answer said
petition on or before the 2Sth dav of
Juno, 1920.
! Dated May 10, 1920.
By Hnlllgan. Beatty & Halligan. Her
Attorneys. ml4ill
Notice to Creditors.
Estate No. 1750 of Mary Norris. de-
coasod In tho County Court of Lincoln
County, Nobraska.
Tho State of Nebraska. '"editors
of said estato will take not-cc hat the
time limited for presentation and filing
of clnims against said Estato is Sep
tember 4th 1920. and for settlement of
said Estato is April 30th 1921; that I
will sit at the county court room In
said county, on Juno 4th 1920, nt 9
o'clock a. m and on September 4th
1920, at 9 o'clock a. m., to receive,
examine, hear, allow, or adjust all
claims nnd objections duly filed.
M4-J1 County Judgo.
Wo want these.
Big Price for Cast Iron.
Dry Bones $10 to 12 ton
Dr. J S. Twinem,
Medicine and Surgery.
. Twinem Building,
East Fifth Street,
Office l'hone ISiJ.
Residence Phono 2S!J.
Hosnltnl Phone 110.
immhih t. r. (jUKUiEr
Practice Limited to
5rew and Ktutlum Thisruu
7S" l!lt? Nntionnl limits MulMlng.
.linutio. SuliruMlit.
Y. T. I'JtrrcilAKD.
Itraduate Veterinarian
Ex-Governmont Veterinarian and ex
assistant deputy State Veterinarian
Hospital ;il.1 South Vine Street
Hospital Phone Black 033
House Phone Black 633
Gamble with Springer.
No. 1, 2-20 North Locust, Phone 203.
No. 2, llti East B Street, I'lione 496.
No. ii, B21 East Fourth, Phone 971.
No. 1, $21 Vst Third, Phone No. 75.
North Platte, .scu., April 29, 1&20,
At a special the stocic
holders of the Wllcx Department Store
held at their place of business lu the
City, of North Platte on the date afore
said, all stock being represented, the
following business was had and done.
J. Q. Vilcox moved that Article IV
of the Articles of Incorporation of the
Wilcox Department Store as amended
March 29th, 1920, be amended to read
as follows:
Article IV: -Tho amount of the auth
orized' capital stock of the corporation
is $100,000.00 divided into shares of
$100.00 each, $60,000.00 of which stock
shall be common stock and fully paid
up when issued and $40,000.00 of
which said stock shall be preferred
stock, which said preferred stock
shall be sold at not less than par, at
any time after the adoption of this
amendment when so ordeioJ by tlie
board of directors. Said preferred
stock shall draw eight per cent cumu
lative, annual dividends, payable an
nually, prior to declaring or paying
any dividends on the common stock of
the corporation, and on the dissolu
tion of the corporation said stock
shall be paid In full. The preferred
stock shall have equal voting power
with common stock but shall not par
ticipate in profits beyond its fixed
preferred cumulated annual dividend
of eight per cent. And the directors
of the corporation shall have the op
tion to retire part or all of said pre
ferred stock at any time after ten
years from the issuance thereof at
$105.00 per share and accumulated
dividends. Fully paid up shares of
stock for the amount of stock fully
paid shall be issued and not otherwlsg
and which said shares so fully paid
up shall be non-assessable.
That Article 4 of said Articles of In
corporation of the Wilcox Department
I Store, as amended March 29th, 1920,
as now existing be annulled, repealed,
cancelled and set aside:
Said motion was seconded by R. F.
Cotterell and was submitted to a vote
of the stock holders by the president
and there were cast for safd amend
ment 300 votes and against sa'd
amendment No vote. Whereupon the
'president declared said amendment
duly carried nnd Article IV as hereto
fore existing repealed, cancelled, an
nulled and set aside.
State of Nebraska; Lincoln county, ss:
We. whoso names are hereto "sub
scribed as officers of the Wilcox De
partment Store, certify that on the
29th day of April. 1920, at a special
stock holders meeting of said corpor
ation, the foregoing amendments t
the Articles of Incorporation of t"ie
Wilcox Department Store as shown h
the records of said corporation wai
J. Q. WILCOX. President.
M14-4w Attest: R. F. Cotterell, Sec'v.
Estate No. 1752 of Henry B. Plant,
deceased in tho County Court of Llu
coln County, Nebraska.
. The Stato of Nebraska, ss: Creditors
ot said estato will tako notice that the
time limited for presentation and fil
ing of claims against said Estate is
oopiemuer is. iy-u, anu ror tne set
tlement of said Estate Is May 13, 1921;
that I will sit at the county court room
In said county on June 18, 1920, at 9
o'clock a. m., nnd on Soptembor IS,
1920, at 9 o'clock a. m.. to receive, ex
amine hear, allow or adjust all claims
and objections duly filed.
M18-4wk County Judge.
Notice to Creditors.
Estato No. 1751 of David .Tnnoa 1o.
ceased in tho County Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska.
Tho Stato of Nebraska, ss: Creditors
of said estate will tako notice that the
time limited for presentation and fil
ing ot claims against said Estato is
September 11, 1920, and for sottlemout
of said Estato Is April 30, 1921; that
I will sit at tho county court room In
said county, on Juno 11, 1920, nt 9
o'clock a, m., nnd on Soptoraber 11.
1920. nt 9 o'clock a. in., to receive,
oxnmlno, hear, allow, or adjust nil
claims and objections duly filed.
Mll-4wks County Judge.