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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1920)
N'OItTlI PLATTE SEMT-WRETCLY TRIBUNE PE-RU-NA and MANALIN Cured Me Mrs. E. M. Harris, R. R. No. 3, Ashland, Wis., sends a message of cheer to the pick: "After following your advlcn and uslnp Poruna and Manalin. I Trim cured of catarrh of the now, Jhront and nlomacli, from which i..Vad suffered for several jenra, when I commenced taklntr l'e runn, I could not make my bed without topping; to rest. Now I Catarrh of the .Nose, Throat and Stomach. do all my work and am In pood health. I recommend thin viilu nblo remedy to nil Buffering from any dlseaso of tho atomach," Pernnn Is Sold BrerrVTlier Liquid or Tablet Form The Right tn all cases of DISTEMPER, PINKEYE INFLUENZA, COLDS, ETC of all horses, brood mares, colts and stallions Is to "SPOHN THEM" on tho toneruo or in the feed with SPOHH'S DISTEMPER flOMPOUHD Olvo the remedy to all of them. It acts on the blood and glands. It routs tho disease by expelling the Germs, It wards oft tho trouble, no matter how they are "exposed." A few drops a day prevent those exposed from contract ing disease. Contains nothing injuri ous. Sold by druggists, harness deal ers or by the manufacturers, CO cents and 1.15 Por bottle. AGENTS WANTED, SPOHN MEDICAL COMPANY, GOSHEN, WD. MAKING MILK' DISEASE-FREE I Thriving Vermont Municipality Iff First Small City to Adopt Strict Regulations. Bnrre, VI., n thriving municipality of about lfi.OOO. Is the first small city In tho United States which requires dairymen furnishing It with milk to place their herds under federnl-stnto supervision for the eradication of tuberculosis. The result has been ac complished by close' and persistent co operation on tho part of tho mayor and other municipal authorities, tho United States department of agricul ture, the state commissioner of agri culture, the locnl veterinarian. Eradication of tuberculosis was he gun In u thoroughly systematic man ner. The regulations of the federal bureau of animal Industry and of tho ) state commissioner of agriculture woro , supplemented by a city ordinance. TUQ city provided at Its own expense a large barn, In which were assembled The more we i.eed advice tho less likely we lire to appreciate the kind we get FRECKLES Now l Hie Time to Get Rid of Theie Uity Spot. There's no longer the slightest need ot feeling ashamed of your freckles, as Othtne double strength is guaranteed to remove these homely spots. Simply get an ounce ot Othtne double strength from your druggist, and apply a little of it night and morning and you should soon see that even the worst freckles have begun to disappear, while the lighter ones have vanished entirely. It Is seldom that more than one ounce Is needed to com pletely clear the skin and gain a beautiful elear complexion. Be sure to ask for the double strength Othlne, bb this Is sold under guarantee ot money back If It falls to remove freckles. A Real Grievance 1 The railroad olllclnl invited tho stern citizen to communicate his troubles. "I want you to give orders," de manded the visitor, "that the engineer of tho express which passes through Elm Gr.ovo at 11 :55 bo restrained from blowing his whistle on Sunday morn ings." "Impossible I" exploded tho official. "What prompts you to make such n ridiculous request?" "Well, you see," explained the citi zen, in an undertone, "our pastor prenches until lie hears that whistle blow, and that confounded express was twenty minutes late last Sunday." New York Central Magazine. Baleful Remedy. "Well, no, there hain't no special news out my way," replied Gap John son of Rumpus llidge to tho Inquiry of tho able editor of the Fumllnvllle Torch of Liberty. "Come to think, though, Lafo Sagg got over n two months nttack of tho Influenzy by Hik ing a quart of bone-dry llckcr that some feller brought him one night." "Ah! That Is good," retorted the scribe. "Well, I d'know. You see, It don't pear like he's ever going to get over tho nttack of bono-dry licker." Kan sas City Star. Literal One. , "So you met Miss Daisy through n church fair ruflle." "Yes; quite a chance acquaintance." When you hoar a man praising his neighbors It's doughnuts to fudgo he wants to soil his borne. If a new soda fountain drink or a new chewing gum Is given a name that Is foolish enough It vlll queer It. Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There Is only one way to cure Catarrhal Deafness, and that Is by a constitutional remedy. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE acts through tho Blood on tho Mucous Surfaces of tho System. Catarrhal Deafness Is caused by an Inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when It Is entirely closed, Deafness Is the result. Unless the Inflammation can bo re duced and this tubo restored to Its nor mal condition, hearing may be destroyed forever. Many cases of Deafness are caused by Catarrh, which Is an Inflamed condition of the Mucous Surfaces. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for' any case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot be cured by HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE. All Druggists 75c. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Held to All Superstitions. When the first missionaries visited Marsovan, Turkey, tho old Armenian church members wero Christians In lit tle more thnn name. Tlieir beliefs wero a mixture of superstitions with a suggestion of a Christian origin. They feared tho evil eye, and woro charms to break Its power. They put branches of a thorny plant over their chimneys In tho form of n cross to rrevent witches from coming down and strangling their littio children. They visited the grnves of saints and offered prayers for relief from sick ness, tying a rag on n bush nearby with the hope of returning homo leav ing their disease tied to the holy spot Underpaid. "It doesn't seem quite fair." "What doesn't?" "This motion picture comedian gets $1,000 -n week and his dog, who does all the hard work and creates most of the lnughs gets only two or threo bones a day." Birmingham Age-IIer-ald. The Fly's Entry. A fly's leg made $-10 look like $140 on the bankbook of a St. Paul concern the other day. We've been swatting (lies with our bnnkbook since early June with precisely the reverse effect. Some folks are born to luck I Buffalo News. Answered. Patient "Do cucumbers really af fect all people?" Doctor' "No; only those who eat them." For Every Home A table drink that refreshes, but leaves no after-depression instant CHOk Postum a Much used nowadays instead of coffee as a breakfast beverage because of its similarity in flavor to coffee, but with entire absence of ill effect, since Postum contains no "caffeine." Instant Postum is made quickly in the cup, with economy as well as con venience. Sold by Grocers Everywhere Mad by POSTUM CEREAL CO., Inc. BATTLE CRBBK. MICH1QAN Tho Sort of Cow Condemned by Dairy Experts. nil small herds, scattered lots, and In dividual cows. The city also fur nished necessnry conveyances, and employed n man who devoted his time to notifying owners when to bring their cattle In for test, assigning them stalls as they came In, and keeping tho cnttlo moving out promptly after tests wero completed. Two hundred and sixteen herds, composed of 2,107 Individuals, wero tested, nnd 379 renctors 17.9 per cent of tho total were found. Those re acting to the test were promptly shipped out nnd slaughtered under federal Inspection. Among the larger cities whoso milk Is obtained entirely or chiefly from tuberculin-tested cattle tbnt have passed federal and state tests are Birmingham, Ala., and Washington, D. C. In addition, numerous others have ordinances requiring tho tuber culin test applied under locnl supervision. PROPER MANAGEMENT OF COW Ration Should Be of Such Kind That Animal Will Be In Good Flesh on Freshening. During tho dry period, tho cow should be given a good ration so thnt sho will be In good flesh when sho freshens. ThlK will Improve the qual ity as well as the quantity of tho milk. Just before freshening the grain ration should not be too heavy and should contain plenty of bran. Tho bowels should be kept well regulated. If necessnry, one to one and one-half pounds of Epsom salts mny bo used as n drench. Tho cow should have a pe riod of rest of four to six weeks in order to give tho best supply of milk during tho period of lnctatlon. GOOD COWS ARE ECONOMICAL Animals Provide Cheapest, Best and Most Wholesome Feed No Way of Doing Without Them. Tho first reason for having good milk cows on tho farm comes from tho fact thnt they provide tho cheapest, host and most wholesome food for tho family. Their value Is hard to esti mate when wo consider the amount saved on the bills. Their produce Is a superior substitute for many foods necessarily purchased at high prices. In fact, there Is no economic way of doing without plenty of good milk cows on the farm. COUGHING, WEAK AND RUN-DOWNAFTER FLU Regained flesh and strength quickly, and tells how. "I nearly died from 'flu' last October, and It left mo with n terrlblo cough. Tho doctor gave mo ono bottlo ot medicine after another, but It did mo no good. Went to Charlotto, N. C, and took treat tnent of a specialist without any perma nent benefit. "I saw Milks Emulsion advortlscd and started using It. It holpod mo right from tho start. I had no appotlto nnd my stomach was tn bad shape But 12 bottles have straightened me out entirely. I edt anything without distress, my cough Is gone, and I have gained back my strength and flesh." Emma Wlthore, Box CO, Bel mont, N. C. Dont' trifle with a weak, run-down con dition. It loaves you open to sorlous dis eases. Oct your strength back. Milks Emulsion costB nothing to try. j Milks Emulsion Is n pleasant, nutritive food and a correctlvo medicine. It re stores healthy, natural bowel action, do ing away with all need of pills and phys ics. It promotes appetite and quickly puts tho digestive organs In shapo to as slmllato food. As a builder of llcsh and strength Milks Emulsion Is strongly rec ommended to those whom sickness ' has weakonod, nnd Is n powerful nld In re sisting and repairing tho effects of wast ing diseases. Clironto stomach trouble and constipation tiro promptly relieved usually In ono day. This Is the only solid' emulsion made, and so palatable that It Is oaten with a spoon Uko Ico cream. No matter how sovoro your case, you aro urged to try Milks Emulsion under this guarantee Tako bIx bottlos homo with you, uso It according to directions, and It not satisfied with tho results your money will bo promptly refunded. Price OOo nnd l.?0 per bottle. Tho Milks Emul sion Co., Terro Haute, Ind. Sold by drug gists ovory where. Adv. Memorial to Norsemen. Nearly live centuries before Colum bus sailed to America, according to somo historians, a party of Norsemen landed on tho northeastern coast of tho continent, and a few years later established a colony. As a memorial to theso early explorers a rough stone tower has been erected at Auburndale, Mass., n town thnt Is believed to oc cupy tho same slto as the legendary settlement. Investigation lias failed to reveal- any traces of building ruins In tho vicinity, but has resulted In tho finding of several old stono walks, which aro thought to have been con structed by the inhabitants of tho an cient village IN BUYING ASPIRIN ALWAYS SAY "BAYER" Look for the name "Bayer" on tablets, then you need never ( worry. "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," can bo taken safely for Colds, Headache, Toothache, Euruche, Neurulglu, Lum bago, Hheumutism, Joint L'nlns, Neuri tis, and I'aln generally. Tp get quick relief follow carefully the safe and proper directions In each unbroken package of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin." This puckuge Is plainly stamped with tho safety "llayer Cross." Tho "Bayer Cross" means the gen uine, world-famous Aspirin prescribed by physicians for over eighteen years. Iiandy tin boxes of 12 tablets , cost but a few cents. Druggists also sell larger "Bayer" packages. Aspirin Is tho trado mark of Bayer Manufacture of Mononceticacldester of Salicylic acid. Adv. Price Mark. Willie, ago threo, while watching mnmmn giving his littio sister her morning bath, noticed a birth mark on sister's little neck and exclaimed r "Mamma, God forgot to tako off tho prlco mark." Anyone can make predictions, though fow can make them stay pre dieted. WOMEN! DON'T BUY POOR DYE! Say You Want "Diamond Dyes" No Other Kind! Don't Spoil or Streak Your Material Hach package of "Diamond Dyes" contains directions so simple that nny woman can dlamond-dyo a now, rich, fadeless color Into worn, shabby gar ments, draperies, coverings, whether wool, silk, llueu, cotton or mixed goods. Buy "Diamond Dyes" no other kind then perfect rcnults are guaran teed oven If you have never dyed be fore. Druggist has color card. The Birds. "Those birth tly over hero to feed. Their sleeping place Is many miles nwHy, but they return every night." "I see. Thoy commute." Loulsvlllo Courlor-Journal. SWAMP-ROOT FOR KIDNEY AILMENTS Thcro is only ono mediclno that really stands out pre-eminent as a medicine for curable ailments of tho kidneys, liver and bladder. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root stands the highest for tho reason thnt It has proven to bo just tho remedy needed in thousands upon thousands of distressing cases. Swamp-Hoot makes friends quickly be cause its mild and immediate effect is soon realized in most cases. It is a gentle, healing vegetable compound, Start treatment at once. Sold at all drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medi um and large. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Uinghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper. Adv. Excessive politeness seldom has anything In common with the truth. Long skirts never Indlcato that tho wearers have small feet. Club Amenities, "When our club met at Mrs. Waggrf she wanted to do all tho talking, I got up to say a few words, but sho Insisted that bIio had possession ot tho iloor." "What did you say7" "I told her anybody would know that from tho shop-worn carpet she had on It." Many a man will glvo another man n letter of recomniondntlon, though he wouldn't lend him n dollar. ALLEfi'S FOOT-EASE The Anllicptfc Pon der to Shake Into Your Shot! And sprlnklo In tho Foot Ihith. It taken tho sting out of Corns, Bunions, Misters and Callouses nnd gives rest and com fort to hot, tired, smart ing, swollon feet. Moro than 1.500,000 pounds of I'owder for tno l'cct woro uscu oy our Army and Navy during; tno war. Allen's ioot Kase, tho pow dor for tho feet. takes tho friction from tho shoe, fresh ens tho foot and makes walking a do light. Nothing rolloves tho pain ot tight or nntv fttirwia nrt nulrklv nr thnrniifrhlv. (iry it lo-uay. boki ovorywnere. Terrible Tortures From Itching Skin Diseases No Sure Relief Until the Cause Is Removed. When tho blood becomes in fested with millions of tiny dis caso germs that nttack tho skin, then tho fiery irritation nnd in tense itching will rcmnin with you until theso germs aro removed from tho blood. Genuino relief therefore, can only bo expected from n treatment that goes right to tho sent of tho trouble, nnd strikes at its cause. Such n rcmody is S. S. S.. tho ro liablo old blood purifier that killa tho germs of disease, and sends a new supply of rich red blood coursing through tho veins. S. S. S. has been used success fully in somo of tho worst cases of eczema nnd other skin disor ders. For vnlunblo litcrnturo writq to Medical Adviser, 108 Swift labo ratory, Atlanta, Go. Then J mwmm w iiiiiiiiiiiiii -tmm ore helping their husbands to nrosDcr ore clad they cncouraKed them to bo where they could make a home of their own save paying, rent and rcduco cost of living where they couia rcacn prosperity ana independence by buylne on easy urmtt Fertile Land at $15 to $30 an Aero land similar to that which through many years has yltlded from 20 to 45 bushels of whaat to th aer. Hundreds of farmers In Western Canada have raised crops in a single season worth moro than the wholo cost of their land. With such crops como prosperity, independence, good homes, and all the comforts and conveniences which make for happy living. Farm Gardens Poultry Dairying ore sources of income second only to grain Browing and stock raising. uwu umiair, kuuu iicikuuuib, uiurcuca, scnoois, rural leiepnone. etc., give you tno upponumucs 01 a newianu wnn mo con veniences of old settled districts. For illrutratad lltanturt, mapi, dracrlptlon of lira opportunities In Manitoba. Baiaatcrnwan, nnd Albert, reduced rallwaf ratal, etc., writ Department of Immigration. Ottawa. Can., or W. V. BENNETT Boom 4, Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Canadian Government Agent SILO HAS MANY ADVANTAGES I Owner Can Carry Maximum Number! of Cows and Supply Necessary j Succulent Feed. The farmer who has n silo can car-' ry n maximum number of cows and ' supply bis herd with a palatable, sue-1 culent fond of n unlfnrm nilflllftr tif nnif time during tho year, conditions favor able to a largo milk production. ml M tiff 5 M m l M "if s v DAIRY NOTES Use clenn bedding only. In selecting a sire nttentlon must bo paid to tho aveniKo typo of females in tho herd. ' The old country breeders were very ' wuruiui hi uio ipmnies selected to re plenish their herds. Improvement of tho herd comcn through tho sire. Therefore, mako sure you Bet a rlsht Bood one. A Bood-slzed bnrrel In a dnlry cow Indlcntes largo capacity for digestion. There should bo a good spring of rlba. .ALGOHOL-3 PER OENT. AtrAnnhlnTVrnnrAf londrAfl .-:... :...lll,rnH iwKodula- llnSUicStomacisnndlkMCisM: " . - Trr-rrreiTl i j j Thereby Promoting Di$csUofl' '-I QiccrfulncssandRcstContairfil '! ... r,iilnonnri incuner unium, rju -! 1 .-f.-P..I Dnrnoilvftir Ji .! n nrrhoea ijonsupouun'"- j IrcsulUnihreirom CcrrrAWCoMPi0al H MIDI Children Cry For Special Care of Baby. That Baby should have a bed of its own all are agreed. Yet it is moro reasonable for an infant to sleep with grown-ups than to use a man's medicine in an attempt to regulate the delicate organism of thac samj infant. Either practice is to be shunned. Neither would be tolerated by specialists in children's diseases. , Your Physician will tell you that Baby's medicine must be prepared with even greater care than Baby's food. A Baby's stomach when in good health is too often disarranged by improper food Could you for a moment, then, think of giving to your ailing child anything but a medicine especially prepared for Infants and Children ? Don't be deceived. Make a mental note of this: It is important, Mothers, that you should remember that to function well, the digestive organs of your Baby must receive special care.v No Baby is so abnormal that the desired results may be had from the use of medicines primarily prepared for grown-ups. MOTHERS SHOULD READ THE BOOKLET THAT IS AROUND EVERY BOTTLE OF FLETCHER'S CAST0RIA GENUINE CASTOR I A ALWAYS Bears tho Signature of Exact Copy of Wrapper. MlWsMlHWMW TH CENTAUR COMPANY, NIW YORK CITY.