The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 01, 1920, Image 5

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    LOCAL AM) PEltSO.XAL i Aimt lalf nn Inch of rnln fell'sun-
dy night, tho storm extending nbout
"Rlllv" Vnlann toft S.Hir,!o,.
Beatrice to visit relatives for a few
days. Muslin Underwear Ono-Flfth OFF
nt Wilcox Department Store.
Oss Ruth Hubbard, of Denver, ar
rived Saturday for a short visit with
her parents.,
Ilr. Howard Yost, Dentist, Twlnem
Ituildlni:. Hume 3U7. 77tf
Mrs. J. P. Hildebrand and Mrs.
Clyde Cook loft the latter part of last
eek for a visit with relatives In Vic
tor, la.
Mrs. W. II. Monger, who had been
visiting her son Horton and family for
several days, loft Saturday morning
for Portland.
P. W. Sltton, who had been spend
ing several days In town visiting rela
tives and friends, returned to Rawlins
yesterday. ;
The Twentieth Century Club will
hold the annual jollification banquet I
at the Union Pacific dining hall next
Tuesday evening. I
The Thotn Oama Theta will hold ni
dancing party at the K. C. hall this f
The public is cor-
evenlng, Juno 1st
many invited. j
That girl can be made happy for all '
time to come with a wrist wnlch. Soo!
Dixon s large stock of watches that
are guaranteed to keep good time.
A civil service examination will be
held In this city June 25th to fill the
positions of rural mall carrier at
Brady, Ingham and Wallace.
For Sale Seven room house with
bath; two lots, located at 1203 north
Locust. Inquire at the premises. 39-4
Mrs. John Gray and infant son left
last evening for Akron, Ohio, to make
their home, Mr. Gray, having preceded
them to that city several weeks ago.
'Store Wide Sale of 20 discount nnd
more nt The Leader 3Ier. Co.
Mrs. Louis Kelly left tho latter part
of last week for Salina. Kans., to
spend a week and will be accompanied
home by her sister Miss Regis Rauch,
who has been attending school there.
Called for and
Box 2S5.
Mrs. John Grant left Sunday morn
ing for a visit with friends and rela
tives in Iowa, Michigan and New York
expecting to be nbsent until about
the first of September.
D. Morrill. Dentist, office over
WHoox Department Store.
Joseph Gibson, of Wallace, who
transacted business in town Saturday
said wheat in that section Is looking
especially, fine and that nearly all
corn planting is finished.
For Sale Parlor set sanitary, couch,
parlor table, two art squares, set of
tapestry curtains and a chiffonier. In
quire at C04 east Sixth street. 41-3
Some fellow minus the fear of God
or man entered the garage of County
Clerk Allen Friday night and drove off
his Oldsmobile Six. The theft was re
ported to Sheriff Salisbury who at once
set tho telephone wires to working.
Those that come early will get their
pick of the stock at One-Fifth OFF.
There will bo no additional goods put
in stock while tho Salo lasts at Wil
cox Department Store.
Mrs. Brandenburg and three daugh
ters Miss Frances, Mrs. Dowler and
Mrs. Banks, all of Lpxington, were
guests of Mrs. Clias. Mutchlo for sov
eral days last week. Mrs. J. Ilorron
and Miss Nellie Atkinson, also of Lex
ington, were guests of Mrs. Mutchlo.
The Adamson Brothers have install
ed an Ideal Lawn Mower Grinder es
pecially built for grinding lawn mow
ers perfectly. Let us ond for your
mower. Phone 311W. 41-2
Cecil Voorhels, who was taken to
Kearney, last week to answer the
charge of passing worthless checks,
made settlement with the morchnnts
who cashed the checks, and tho prose
cution was dropped,
Wearing Apparel for Men of the bet
ter sort Suits Straw Hats -Palm
Beach Suits Shoos Union Suits
Caps Gloves Shirts for Dress and
Work Trunks Grips Suitcases etc.
20 per cent Discount. SAMUBLSON,
Outfitter to Good Dressers. 0-2
. Old IL (. L. Hit Hard by The Lead
er Mercantile Co. who for a short time
only hine Inaugurated a store wide
sale of 20 or more discount on every
article In the store. There will lie no
money spent advertising this. The
people who have attended the sale
will do (his.
Nearly one hundred members of tho
Chamber of Commerco woro prosent
at tho get-together dinner served by
tho Lutheran ladies in tho church
basemont Friday ovening. After tho
excellent meal a round-table session
was held, a dozen or moro airing their
views on as many different subjects.
..Steam Baths, Massage and Electric
Treatment nt !!12 F.nst (ith, St. Phone
S!)7. Mrs. Arthur Rush. If.
E. T. Tramp and son Herbert and
Will Ritner arrived homo Friday night
from Rat Lako whore they spent sev
eral days fishing for bass. They wero
very successful, catching about the
logal limit each day and bringing homo
a nice lot, soveral of which were much
enjoyed by, Tho Tribune editor nnd his
house, 5 rooms, bath and closets, on
car line and paved street. 1 lot. Price
53.000.001 Will soil or trado for small
place, 10 to 25 acres Improved. C.
NELSON, 1115 N. 25th St., Lincoln,
Nobr. 41-3
a dozen mild south. Followed by the
sunshine of yesterday,, vogotatlon is
now growing very rapidly.
Tho remains of a Mr. Jackson who
had died In Idaho wort? recolved here
yestordny and today wero takon for
burial to Welllleet, where he rosldod
prior to going to Idaho.
Woarlng Appnrel for Men of the bet
ter sort Suits Straw Hats Palm
Beach Suits Shoos Union Suits ,
Caps Glovos Shirts for Dress andj
Work Trunks Grips Sultcnsos etc.
20 per cent Discount. SAMUELbON,
Outfitter to Good Dressers. 40-2
Come, laugh and forgot your troub-!
les. See "Bringing Up Father" com-
ing to life from Geo. McManus car- I
toons. This Is a picture, not cartoons. '
Jlmmlo Ray, with a wonderful make'
up, plays the part of "Jiggs
Society.1' The most beautiful girl In
California plays the daughter and ;
Maggie you will say "I have seen her
before." Now don't forget to be nt
the SUN Thentrc Tuesday and Wed
nesday. 40-2
. VXt
h.j. nocne nas ueon visiting uiands
In town for a few days after an;
absence of eighteen years.' .Mr. Hochtf
during the loiter period hns been em
ployed nt the United States arsenal nt
Rock Island, 111. Last winter ho con
tracted the flu. which affected his
bronchial tubes, and ho is onrouto to
Colorado and Arizona with the hope
that a change of climate may prove
beneficial. Mr. Roche was Tor many
years a machinist in the local shops.
and also filled the office of city clork
for several terms.
Try the Rexall pays. 14tt
Tho pupils of "st. Patrick's school
gave an enjoynblo and well attended
entertainment at tho school hall Fri
day evening, which was ropcated with
a change in program last"evenlng.
Piano and vocal numbers wero given
each evening with one act comedies by
tho boys Friday evening and similar
plays by the girls last ovening. The
excellent presentation of the numbers
reflected creditably upon the teachers.
Wanted: A clerical position by
young woman, with high school educa
tion. Also experienced .in clerking and
bookkeeping. Can furnish references.
Address XX this office. 39-3
His Comment
"As long as there are hlg footed,
braying hobbledehoys, neither boys
nor men, and ns long as the fool
killer neglects his duty," commented
old Fostus Pester, ns be gazed upon n
mess of youthful and binwhawlng joy
riders. "Just that long there will be
that kind of booby business cut up. I
was once exactly that sort of a lout
myself; substitute a buggy and a
clumsy horse for that motor car. and
look hack a few dozen years Into the
dim past nnd you have me, conceit,
blather, total disregard for the rights
and privileges of others, nnd all. Boys
nlwnys were and always will be the
same at thai nge. And Just ns the
oliler persons of my day fervently
hoped I would break my worthless
nook by my own foolishness, I now
hope tboc yaw-hawing Idiots will
break theirs. But tlipy won't; I didn't
mine." Kansas City Star.
North Platte 1, Lexington 1.
In tho gnme of ball Sunday after
noon at tho city park North Platto de
feated Lexington by a score of four
to one. Tho locals scored twice In the
second Inning through errors, onco in
tho fourth nnd onco in tho eighth.
Lexington secured its only run in tho
olghth, and up to that Inning did not
have n man reach second bnsc. North
Platto found tho Lexington pitchor for
sovon hits, while Lexington" secured
but ono lilt off Tottonhoff. Tho latter
fanned fifteen men, whllo ton North
Platte men struck out.
The game wns well played and moro
Interesting than tho Julcsburg gnmo
the Sunday before As tho season ad
vances tho batting of the. North Platto
players, which has boon their weakest
point, is improving.
Bargains In Used Fords.
1 Ford Touring 1917 UG7.00.
1 Ford Touring 1917 $210.00.
1 Ford Touring 1918 $450.00.
This car with winter top In good con.
dltlon Hosseers and other accessories.
Frank' Trncv nnd l Fred-"Elliott nro
among--tho, old-flm " Union Pacific
omployccs who -will' go to 6innha to at
tend tho annual convention of tho
pensioned employes association which
will bo held Thursday.
Divine Sen lee Episcopal Church.
Holy. Communion at 8 u. m.
Sunday school and bible class 9:45
a. m. Moi k ng prayer and sermon 11
a. Evening prayer and sermon 7:30
p. m Sunday school North Side Chapel
3 p. in.
li.m. ... i : . ... i"
i. . ..muj are jamas.
ono by ono, was demonstrated yoster-
Mrs. Louise Potors, formerly, of this :- by the small number of viternni
city, hns sold her rooming honso at vi the civil war who took pnftlii the
Grand Islnnd nnd mny decldo to nc- i memorial exorcises. At one time S.
company U. O. Wolngand nnd his fain- A. Douglas Post, Grand Army of tho
lly on their auto trip to California. ' Republic, of this city, numbt-red 125
For Rent Nlcoly furnished rooms members, and could mustor sufficient
In modern homo for ono or two. 40S to mako a nlco showing in Momorlnl
West 3rd St. Phono 122W.
Day parades; now thoso left aro so
The Pluhtii irrmln ovorclHua of Hi,. fw " ro so disabled by ne thort
county schools hold nt tho Franklin n,rw Mwrcaly, onough to perform tho
auditorium Saturday afternoon wore rltn"Ho ovlc at the cemetery. Ono
well attended and tho program as pub- ' ' lo'lvo b.ut. they H,,nU
lished Friday, was well carried out. ovcr bo romomborod nnd the memory
Diplomns woro given to 182 pupils. of Ul cnu",! ror which thoy fought can
The parents of a nuinbor or the nunlla "PV01' e effaced.
attended tho oxorclsos.
Voile nnd Cotton Dresses One-Fifth I
OFF at Wilcox Doparlment Storo.
W. L. Cnry, of Omaha, was a visitor
In town Sunday, leaving for tho east
yesterday. Mr. Gary, who la with he
Omaha Structural Steel "Co., says his
company has not been tnklng on nny
new bridge or paving contracts ns too
long a wait Is necessary to got cash
from bond sales Tho stringency In
tho money mnrket. has mnde county
nnd municipal bonds a drug on the
Selling Experience Not Necessary.
Ono of World's largest Qrooors,
itdijJlfjril oyoKliOOO.OOOlOO) wants am
bitious mjjfn irjfyour locality to soil
dlrccl. to consumer nationally known
. brands of nn extensive lino of gro-
cefloB, paints, roofl'ngs, lubricating
oils, stock foods, etc. No capital ro
! quired. Wrlto today. Stato age and
occupation. John Sexton &. Co., 352
W. Illinois St., Chicago, 111.
1 ::o::
Wanted A lonu on now garago
( building. On main street In town.
Value- $12,000, want $6,000 to oomploto.
Wo give first mortgage. Address Box
(547, Chnppoll, Nob. 39-3
Observance of Moinorlal Day yester
day was limited to a general suspen
sion of business nnd the Borvlco to the
soldier dend at tho cemetery. Hun
dreds visited tho lattor nnd plncod
flowers on tho graves of departed sol
diers and relatives gone before. Prac
tically all business houses wero closed
during tho day. Many North Plntte
people attended the services nt the
national cemetery.
Will be operated daily on the following schedule:
Effective May 31
Leave North Platte (Westbound) (M. T. 2:15 P.M.
Arrive DENVER 0:36 P. M.'
Effective June J
Leave North Platte (Eastbonnd) (C. T.) 4:35 P.M.
Arrive OMAHA 11:15.; CHICAGO 3:00 P. M.
L. C. JONES, Agent, Union Pacific It. R.
Natural Question.
A Ind of 15 was driving along a
country road, taking a load of calves
to market, when he. chanced to meet
a company of young folks who wore
evidently out for a pleasure excur
sion. The young men of tho pnrty,
thinking to amuse themselves and
the coinpnny nK the boy's expense,
began to Imitate the bleating of the
But their merriment was of short
duration, for, without a moment's hesi
tation, ns the vehicles were passing,
the country lad called out to bis would
be tormentors :
"Oh, I knew whnt you wero be-.
fore 1" Harper's Magazine.
How He Felt.
"Where are yon going?" the dentist
asked of a man starting to leave the
waiting room. "I'v.e been waiting
bore forty-live minutes for you to pull
a tooth for me." "Well, I'm ready
for you now. Step In the operating
room. " "I'm not ready for you now,
doe. When I llrst came In here I was
chock-full of doughboy courage, but
every second some of It oozed away,
and now I guess I must feel nbout the
same way a German In a dugout felt
Just nfter he had shouted ivameradl'
and wasn't certain whether the answer
would be a hand grenade or an order
to march to the rear."
As Usual,
the dlsrusslon
In con-
"There Is a bill up tiuosterinlnnte
the burberry bush, which Is said to
disseminate black riist."
"The barberry bush, eh? 1 suppose
they'll proceed fo beat around It."'
Louisville Courier-Journal.
1 Two story, strictly modem, C rooms,
good as now: will soil nt a bargain
Icountor-prlco If sold boforo June 1st.
'Located at 1210 Wost 4th St. Lot us
'show you first. Phono tho II. & S.
AGENCY or T. V. Austin, Ownor. 393
I represent for Lincoln county one
of tho strongest insuranco companlos
In tho way of hall Insuranco. Soo me
about the amount I can insure per
aero and tho low rate. -A company
that hns In tho past 23 years paid all
losses as they came, big or llttlo.
Yours for buslnesq. F. V Olson, phon
321; rvrnlng U30
Sqparate quarters on south table.
G, 8 and 9 ntflen rospoctlvoly from
(Sutherland. All lay good, lino soil, on
good roads, close to schools In well
settled neighborhood. Each of these
quarters are nearly all plow land,
partially oroppod to winter wheat In
'splendid condition, which will go to
i buyer. No buildings. Good terms. For
owner's price and terms call on Geo
c , -o 001 Fo. Dewey phone 879. "?3tt
LN I lift
jblrll 1 EiU IIFliG
ffi We are going to put our Entire Stock on sale
One-Fifth off of our Regular Prices.
jH Market conditions do not justify this except as to Ready-to-Wear S
and Millinery, but the investment in a stock of goods the size we jj
cjjj carry has increased beyond the amount that we feel we should
ifj keep invested, and to make a quick reduction we are offering you
jfj this chance to supply your needs with new up-to-date merchan- jj
jfj dise at less than the wholesale price. Our regular prices are as j
tpj low, and in many instances lower, than replacement values today j
as we have not followed the market but are selling merchandise at fig- jfjj
yj ures at fair profits over purchase prices from contracts made months ago. Epj
We have been holding sales on our Ladies' Coats, Suits and Silk E
E Dresses at reductions of from one-fifth to one-third off. We are going jfj
jjjj to let these sale prices stand on these lines and take one-fifth off of them which will
Sjjj make the cheapest Coats, Suits or Dresses you ever bought.
3 This sale will only continue for a short time and the time for you to get busy is now. 82
Hi Wl 1ST T7 TET. 4
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