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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1920)
ieb! jg Jjg J OlQEi FLAT OFFE IRON from June 1st to 16th we will crqelit you SLoo on any old iron turned in to us on the purchase of a new ELECTRIC IRON. Don't forget the Date, the 17th will be too late. North Platte Light & Power Co. ' Announcement.'1 I Twentieth Century Club Banquet. : OwIiir to the present water condit-1 The annual banquet of the Twentieth ions In the Duldlng and Loan Building Century, Club which concludes the and at the same time on account of '. club year will be held at the Union : the scarcity of, rooms in the city for' Pacific dining room this evening at1 offico purpaHOB I have boon obliged to 1 seven o'clock. move my office to my residence tit !) ' The annual address or the president,. wost 5th at. Mrs. Fratcr, a recitation by Miss Allele With reference to plans and specif- LeDIoyt, a reading by Mrs. Tiley and Ications for contemplations that you a playlet will constitute the evening's 1 may have In mind for any buiding con- nroKram which will follow toa3ts b:- UK. 0. !!. CkESSLSK. (iiaduste Dentist ' IB?- over the MclJnnuUI Stfile bui'i.. mis: Stages States Chiropractors .. (i, 7 Ilulldlng k Loan Iluilding. Office Phone 70. Res. Phouel'J4a structlon, please call or prone MM for appointments. VICTOR F. BECK. Architect. ::o:: I'll 111 fo Library Note". Tlie annual roport of the librarian for the year ending Juno 1st, 1920, shows an increuse of 5030 in the cir culation of books. During the year -938 new books were added to the library: 200 of which wore donated by patrons living In North Platte. Since the- clewing of xchool the juv enile department Is crowded every afternoon. Earl Colborn, a small lnrt from the grade schools, has a mlnature' aero plane on exhibit. " The books on "What and How To Make Things," are In constant de mand. An article read now and then from the magazine Systom will, be worth whllo to the busy Business' Man. Will You'Trndcl 502 So. Walnut, C room house abso lutely modern. Excellent condition. Will accept vacant lot or Dodge or Ford auto In part trade. 4-02 II. & S. AGENCY. LOCAL AX J) t'KKSONAL Mrs. W. J. Stuart loaves Thursday some of the members with Miss Annie Kramnli as toastmlstress. Tins nanuuei is opatMio u.e uuuuv. fop CnnfornIn. whoro sho wm visit and tickets at $1 each may, be secured Bruco am, wl gtuart f(Jp ,,n lnde3nlte period, j The Rexall handles the goods. 14tl Will Morris returned to Cheyenne last evening aftor having visited rela tives and friends in town 'for several days. Fred Spurrier returned Sunday Dlt. HAltOLD Osteopath (her Ifirschfdd's Office Phone 333 Res. Phone 1020 from Mrs. Sidney Baker, Mrs. Davis and Mrs. I. L. Stobblns. Men's Furnishings One-Fifth oFF at Wilcox Department Store. Woarlng Apparel for Men of the bet- Boach Suits Shoes Union Suits- tr sort Suits Straw Hats rann Caps Gloves Shirts for Dress and night fom California where lie spent a Work Trunks Grips Suitcases etc. icouple of weeks. Ho has puchased a 20 per cent Discount. SAMUELSON. farm near Stockton and will move Outflttor to Good Dressers. 40-2 thereto In the near future. DEBBIDERBI & FOUlifc. Licensed Embanier Undertakers and Funeral Utruuuta i!iv phone 41 Night phone Black uSS . ...... 1 rirrTMlir -T w"lf O 1 . . . K,V AISJ) uuuiiix lii'iiTiJ. airs, cims. Tigiio ami children re- turned Friday, from Chicago whore Miss Marie Stuart returned Sunday they had been visiting for a couple of evening from her visit in Long Beach, weeks. Cal- I For Rent Furnished 4-room apart- Store Wile Sale of 20 discount nml ment from Juno 1st to Aug. 1st. In n more at The Lender Jlcr. Co. good location. Phono 1105. 39tf Miss Ruth Patterson camo up from! Mrs. J. J. Sullivan and daughter Omaha yostorday morning to visit rol- Mary, of Omaha, are guests of relatives ntivos. land friends In town having arrived Jl T.I m t.. ,.... I T otlfnllnr. 111,1. SUlUltty, lerday to spend tho week on Insurance .business. ; Dressmaking done reasonably. Mm. Vflelse. 700 South Willow. 39-4 JL " Miss Gertrude Baker left Sunday for Dojivor whero sho will spond the sum niof with rolatlvcs. Mrs. C. L. Patterson and daughter Helen, of Donvor, spent Sunday In town whllo enrouto to Omaha to visit reatlves. , Mrs. C. W. Raskins left yostorday morning for Wllllamsport, Pcnn., whor film will vMt ro'iiilves f)r a month or two. Crystal Tonight and Tomorrow EUGENE O'BRIEN In "A Fool and His Money" s You know the combination. Miss Annie Kiiunpli returned Sun- more discount Store for at short time. So at The Leader Try tho Rexall first, it pays. 14tC ( Mr nnd Mrs Hurry B'ooU and child- day from Lincoln whoro sho attended i:rejS wont to Coumbus yesterday to p. meeting of Child's Welfare Commlss- ;llt for a day or two. ion Saturday. t-i Ihoes Ono-Flftli OFF of regular The 211 and prices at Wilcox Deportment Store. .Wide Sale only C. T. Whclan Went to Omaha yosttr- ,"!-ntl this sale now dny on business connoptod vwlth his . -Ht rcnnUle Loninimy. .brjdgo and road contracts. , Ladies how would you Hko to buy 'li. u n n- v.nntfiJ'our now togs of Bill Hart? Come ninunnwis. Revriolds Dldir. Phono 148 -' !' " modiste. Keith, Wed , nosday and Thursday. TJnv. T.nnirmril nml Hon I.i'Htnr went. mtr.ilnali.inr vnstmdav to witness the Tho Wilcox Department Store Is of- Aiiesburc-Sldnov ball itnnio. 'orlng One-Fifth OFF of regular prices Special tonight Seimett comedy- "THE LITTLE WIDOW" SHALL NEBRASKA KEEP K ER PROMISE? Llncolii atiu Omaha Drives lio.;in June 1 STATE-WIDB DR1VK BEGINS JUNE G Harold Langtord was a npeotator at . tho Sidney-Juesburg ball gamo play-1 ed at tho lattor placo yostorday. Mrs. L. E. HiiMtlugs, who had been visiting In Chicago for uoveral woolen, returned homo Saturday night. Shirt Waists One-fifth OFF at Wil cox Department Storo. ?Mls8 Tilford. a Junior hluh school eachor, Is u. vlctliii of s'mall-'pox and on their ontlro stock. Mr. and Mrs. II. A. McMlchael nnd Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Koontz woro among thoso who visited tho cadets In camp i at Gothenburg Sunday. "Wm. Whltlock, of Ft. Collins, visited friends In town yesterday while en routo to Omaha to attond tho nnnual meeting of Union Pacific uonsloncrs. J. G. Beelor loft tho latter part of last week for Washington, D. C, to is duaranuiieu nt mo i-uiver nospiiui. tho VMtQ Vftl0 (lrainng0 cas0 Tho Thota Gama Thota will hold ahoforo tho United States supreme dancing party nt tho K. C. hall this; court. evonlng, Juno 1st. Tho public Is cor dlully Invited. When In North Platte Btop at the . New Hotel Palaco and Cafe. You will ! treated well. C8tt . Mrs. Frank Dontlor and daughter Miss Irma came down from Donvor Sunday to tpfi.c. town. Memorial Day in For Sale Rliodo Island Sotting Eggs. $1.00 for 15 eggs, and $0.00 n hundred. Innulro Mrs. Fred Nelson 2 miles west of town. Phono 783f22. tf. P. P. Moddax, ownor of tho Duck brand ranch of Keystone, has leased tho ranch to R. S. Smith of St. Paul, Neb. Mr. Moddax and family will move to this city. 1 INCORPORATED .1887. Mutual Building and Loan Association, Of Nprth Platte, Nebraskn. RESOURCES OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS. The Association litis unlimited funds at its command to assist in llie building or purchase of homes for the people of North Platte. If you are interested, the oflTicers of this Association will render every assistance nnd show you how easy it is to acquire your own homo. T. C. PATTERSON, BESSIE F. SALISBURY, President. Secretary. NORTH PLATTE REALTY AUCTION COMPANY AT NORTH PLATTE, NEB. Offico over tho Union State Bank Wo solicit your Real Estate AUCTION SALES no no matter whero 1b it located. To glvo tho best of service fs our aim. Watch our results. Our exporienco and ac quaintance is wido and wo appreciate your sales of any lclnd. Call on us and lot us explain our methods and terms to you. E. A. OLSON, Manager. North PIntto, Neb. KEARNEY, N EBRASKA OPENED - - - SATURDAY, MAY 22, FOK ALL SUMMER Featuring R AGGIE. RUBIN'S JAZZ BAND Dancing Every Afternoon and Evening THE BIG $25,000 ROLLER COASTER IS THE FINEST WEST OF CHICAGA "LET 'ER BUCK" Championship Frontier Contests At the New 3300,000.00 Midway Amusement Park, Kearney, Nebraska Worlds THREE BIG EVENINGS Spacious Dance Halls, Mountain Coaster, Bathing Hcuch, Chicken Dinner Inn, Sum mer Cottages, Auto Camping Grounds, Cow Hoy Orchestra. THREE BIG AFTERNOONS Bronco Busting, BullUoggmg, Wild Horse Race, Lady Bronco Riding and Cow Bow Band. Big Parade Each Day at Ioon, Enormous Prizes. Special Coaches on Every East Bound Train June 3, 4, 5. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, June 3rd, 4th and 5th. Notice of H(urli)g on Final Account uiiil Hi-nrliig on JL'vtltlon for 1M (rlbution of Kstnte. In the County Court of Lincoln coun ty, Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of C. A. Carpenter, Deceased. State of Nebraska, Lincoln To all persons Interested In the Es tate of C. A. Carpenter, Deceased. You are hereby notified that on the 20th day of May. 1020, P. R. Ilalllgan, administrator with will annexed, of the estate of C. A. Carpenter, de ceased, filed In said court his final ac count as administrator, and his peti tion, the object and prayer of which aro that a decreo of distribution may be made of tho residue of said es tate, now in his possession, to the par ties entitled by lpv to receive same. Aii'd that said final accoun1 nn.l petition for distribution will be heard on the lGth day of June, 1920, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. at tho county court room in the city of Norh Platte, in said county. You are hereby cited to appear at the time and place above designated, and show cause, if such exist, why salid account should not be allowed. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that said P. R. Hallgan, administrator with will annexed, givo notice to all persons interested in said estate, by causing a copy of this order to be pub lished In the Semii-Weekly Tribune, a newspaper printed and published in said county, for three successive weeks prior to the date set for said hearing. Dated this 20th day of May, 1920 WILLIAM II. C. WOODHURST, 3-w County Judge. j Notice of Final Report. Estate No. 1648, of Mary. Evarts, deceased In the county court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. : The State of Nebraska, to all per sons interested Vin said Estate take notice that the Administrator has filed a final account and report of his ad ministration and a -petition for final settlement and dischargo as such, which have been set for hearing before said court on Juno 18, 1920, at 9 o'clock a. m., when you may, appear and con test the same. Dated May lSth, 1920. WM. II. C. WOODHURST, 3-w County Judge. Legal Notice. II. II. Overbeck; Augustus CampI; P. L. Harper! Lot 8, Block 15, Original Town of Wallace Lhicoli ooiui:;. Ne braska, and all persons claiming any interest of any kind in said real estate or any part thereof take notice that on tho 21st, day, of May 1920, E. B. Spencer and E. R. Ferrell fied their petition in the district court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, against you and ench of you, also agaiinst Lincoln Land Company, a corporation, in nn action wherein the said E. B. Spencer and E. R. Ferrell are plaintiffs and you and each of you aro defendants. Tho object and prayer of plulntiff's petition is to quiet title in plaintiffs ,in and to Lot S, Block 15, Original Town of Wallace, Nebraska, and to cut off and forever bar any, right, title or In terest of said defendants or any of them to said action in safd real estate. Plaintiff asks to have a mortgage cancelled upon the records executed by Maria L. Green and husband, which was filed of record August 21st. 1SS9 In Book 11 of Mortgages, Page 7 Mortgage Records of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Also to havo a mortgago cancelled of record in tho register of deeds office of Lincoln County, Nebraska, under date of November 1st, 1890 and recorded in Book 11, of mortgages, Pa'go 179 there of. Plaintiffs allege that said mortgages have been wholly paid; that the same aro barred by the Statutes of Limita tions of the State of Nebraska. That plaintiff has been in tho open, notor ious, exclusive, continuous, adverse possession of said land for moro than ten years before tho bringing of this action and that tho defendants and each of them to this action have no light, title, claim or demand of any .description in and to said real estato and plaintiff asks to havo his title quieted thereto and for such other and further relief as may bo just and equit able. You aro further notified that unless you answer said poWtlon on or before the 5th day of July, 1920. judgment ' bo taken against yoif by default. E. B. SPENCER & E. R. FERRELL. By Ilalllgan. Boatty & Ilalllgan. m25-J18. Their Attorneys. 1 Notlco To Noii.ltcsltlcnt Defendant, i James N. Goff, defendant, will take .notice that on tho 11th day of Feb ruary 1920, Margaret Goff, plaintiff, therein filed her petition dn tho Dis trict Court of Lincoln County, Nebras ka, against tho said James N. Golf, tl defendant therein, tho object and pro per of which tuco to obtain a dlvor from tho said dofendant on the groun of non-support, and wlllfull desortlc i (for moro than two years immediate'. proceeding tho filing of her petition. You'aro required to answer sai'1 petition on or before July 6tli, 1920, rr judgment will taken aa prayed. MARGARET GOFF, 4-w By John Grant her Attorney