The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 01, 1920, Image 1

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No. 41"'
M I A I A A .
David Htmtur I'nsses Away.
A telegram received In town yoa-
AILAHLI.. tordny announced the death of David
llostdeiices nt Auction.
PJtOTOSEH VALUATIONS: TUB four propertied offorod for snle
, Saturday by North Phut Realty Auc-
Lund owners of West IUnman pro-
. . . : .
. miso tiumuui m Kicvvim. nnn uo. wpro nil sniii. run l'inttn vni- "k " -"-".
Genl. Manager Joffers, of the Union mons came Sunday and followed an at- Property owners met at tne court ioy Bank building was sold to Fred 10,180 or 11,0 110101 HCPU0 m , oinot oro norouy cnuou 10 meoi ni uio
passed (through yesterday tack of pneumonia. The funeral will 110U30 Saturday ana by tlieir presence ,Frye J6r $2,300; the Mrs. HhsiuUsbou. ownorsiup or tno rurnisiungs dhsboii -uauor hciiooi nous Tiiursany, evening
a trip to Cheyenne. Mr. Joffersbe hold at Lone Beach todnv. As the nnu vigorous tains protested tlie pro-1 property at 412 east Sixth street wan Irom 1110 linml51 ot L u- womgnnn tojuno an, at oigut wciocit, tor me purs
tlmt If cars urn jn-nllnliln tim ,,.,. r 1,1- nr. posau increase or property vaiuos for , ,,.,-i,n-ori uv t i. nniri.n., fn . u. u. Hnrkon and . a. t'lionoy, ooiuiposo or discussing tno valuation ot
Union Pacillc will do a wonderful bus- dmrd north of Sutherland, Mr. Hunter taxation purposes. Tho question was !200. ti,0 sevou room hoU8e nml 0iroo of whom have boon oniployed ns olorks
Iness this summer, but It was question-; Was ono of Uio most widely known Ucussed by a number of thoso pres- ncro8 ot groUnd was sold to O. II. nt tho hotol nml both ot whom ,luvo
able if cars could be secured. The residents of tho county, which prior to ont somo of wll0,u woro somewhat jThoelecke; and tho rosidonco at 1221 liml oxperienco In Uio hotel businoss
cnntaloupo crop of Imperial Valley, this going-to California had been his bittor- Following the discussion a West Ninth was sold to Andre P. Oster- both here and olsowhore. Tlvoy aro
California, which will soon bo ready li,,,,,,,, r, h.iw,. mnva mora w commltteo was appointed who will
for shipment Is estimated at twelve ( ieflVes a wife and ono daughter, the confer with like committees appointed
thousand cars, and Mr. Jeffors doubt- i lnttcr living nt Sutherland and who froin t,ie other wards. Tho 'general
ed if G.000 refrigerator cars would be L.m, i,nr linnhnnii lmii lmon oiinmnned feeling of the meeting was that if the
available for theso shipments. Thous- 'in T ., nn, uv m Hunter'n Illness railroad valuations wore raised but
nnnnn.t I Z . J . nlr.ll. rnl on...... I .. Tl..n,.1..
and arrived before ho passed away. "-'" "iv.u
::o:: county should not bo raised in a
Tho rain of Sunday night fifty-five greater percentage,
ono hundredths of an Inch was fol-' , Protest meetings will bo held In the
lowed last night by a fall of thlrty-atx Third and Fourth wards this week
hundredths. A little hall accompanied and committees appointed. These com
ands of carloads of lumber, canned
and dried fruits nnd other commodities
are stored at Pacific coast points
awaiting cars, and the car situation,
owing to the disturbed railroad labor
conditions in the east, is not improving
very rapidly. The Union Pacific Is
one of tho few big roads of the country
that is "open from end to end" tlmt
Is moving freight uninterruptedly
lVrnrlnir Annnrel for thi Itnr.
Suits Shoes Caps Hats Waists !
Shirts Tennis Shoes COVERALLS, ;
etc. 20 per cont Discount. I
Outfitter to Good Dressers. 402 1
. .:o;: I
A twelve foot addition has been con-1
structcd to tho heating plant stack of
Neville's Dewey street block, making
it loom up llKe a four story building.
''Union & Son. Graduate Optlolnna
Miem for Service. f
Price ot Innocence"
Some strange standards of value. A
story of woman's sacrifice and man's
tho rain last night. The temporatuve nilttoes from the four wards will thou
this morning Is low, ait indication that meet and decide upon a line of action,
the fall of hail elsewhere was heavier. Generally speaking property owneis
Store Wide Sale of 20 discount nnd do obJect to a fifteen or twenty per
..t mi,, t . Ar r cent increase realising that tho coun-
ty, must have moro rovenue. but do
Sidney defeated Julesburg yesterday object to raising valuations varying
by a scoro ot seven to two. rvortn .from fifty to two hundred per cent.
Pkme men wno attended tne game say
Sidney has a big lcaguo team, tho bat
tery alono costing a thousand dollars
a month. Fussell was sick and could
not pitch for Julesburg.
Fred Barraclough returned this
morning from a visit with Joe Todd
at Parsons, ICans. Joe, who is a for
mer North Platto boy, is a gang boas
In tho machine shops at Parsorts, and
has beeil located there for fourteen
Tho Birthday Club, which formerly
existed, held a reunion yesterday af
ttornoon at tho homo of Mrs, F. AV.
Rlncker, at which Mrs. F. E. Buuard,
n former member, was the giiest of
Tho Christian Aid Society wil) meet
Thursday afternoon with Mrs.- F. A.
Starr, 821 E. 5th St., Each one coming
Is requested to bring a fork, spoon
and a cup. Mrs. Murdock Is chairman
of tho committee.
John E. Nelson spent yesterday in
Holdrege where Memorial Day was ob
served with appropriate s exercises
many of tho service men ot that
ccunty attending in uniform.
Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Curry, returned
this morning from a visit in Omaha,
where they had gone Wednesday of
last week.
nr(i frir i r.nn tuorougn-going young business men.
Thtf properties1 sold well, nn.l tho tho chango of ownership tho
attondanco at the sales was large. It McCnbp will loso none of Ita populnr-
l tho Intention of the above comnnnv ity
to hold futuro sales of resldenco prop
erties, believing that both town prop-
ert;and farms can be sold as success
fully oy auction u not moro so
than Uy private sale.
Mr. Welngand nnd fnmlly will leave
next Tuesday on un nuto trip to
California, whoro Mr. W. goes with a
view of looking up a locution. If con
ditions satisfy him ho may dccldo to
locate, If not he may concludo to re
turn. The sale of tho leaso and furniture
of tho hotel was mado several months
tho stipulation that the
Of Importance to You.
It you want to sell your city prop
orty, farm or ranch It will bo to youri
Interest to see tho manager of the trnnsfor bo mado Juno first nnd nt that
NORTH PLATTE REALT AUCTION jt,ino (l imrtInl wmollt of the contract
C0, v E. A.OLSON. wn9mnao.
::o:: l Ir cjionoy jiaH i)een lvlth tho Mc-
LtH Hi A 1 riSKMh A Ij Cnbo since it first opened with tho ox
land for tnxnblo purposus. All laud
ownors of tho product are urged to
bo prosont nt this meeting.
Taxpayers nicotinic.
There will ho a mooting of tho tax
payers of tho Fourth ward this even;
lng nt S:15 at tho Lincoln school
building. Signed:
Old II. C. L. Hit Hnrd by Tlie Lead
or Mercantile Co. who for a short tlmo'
only have liftiugurnted a sloro wldo
snle of 20 or moro discount on every
nrticlo In tlie store. There will be no
money spent advertising tills. The
people who tuvrc attended tho sale
will do this.
Judgo Grimes was in Lexington
To attain distinction yet retain comfort,
is no simple problem in shoemaking.
Such is the accomplishment of the ex
quisite instep tie. The lines show French
origination. The lengthened vamp as
sures slender, graceful roominess. Comes
in black and brown suede and black kid.
Here's a rich looking Oxford. You'll
feel like a new man when you step into
a pair of these cool spring Oxfords.
They'll make you teel springy all over.
Comfort and satisfaction assured.
Rev. Henry Ives, of, Stdnw, was a
v'sltor in town yesterday.
Miss Clara Sorenson left at noon
yesterday for Lincoln where she will
spend the week with friends.
Mrs. D. M. Leypoldt of this city and
Mrs. L. E. Jones, of Hershey, left Sat
urday to visit friends in Belvldero,
The 20 u ml more discount Store
Wide Sale only for a short time. So
attend tills sale now nt Tlie Leader
Mercantile Company.
Swedish Mission Kindly remember
our regular service Friday evening,
June 4th, at 7:30, at the People's Mis
sion Church. All welcome.
Tho Theta Gama Theta will hold a
dancing party at the K. C. hall this
evening, June 1st. The ipubllc Is cor
dially invited.
The auto tourists are now passing
through In liberal numbers both east
and west and the cars driven range
from the humble Ford to the Pullmans
of the highway. It is expected that
tourist travel will be even heavier tins
year than last.
Wearing Apparel for the Roy.
Suits Shoes Caps Hats Waists
Shirts Tennis Shoes COVERALLS
etc. 20 j)er cent Discount.
' - SAMUELSON, - ' ;
Outfitter to Good Dressers. 402
The. car of W. T. Aldon was stolen
Thursday night but found the follow
ing day a short distance from the
Alden home. Running out of gasolino
me iniei nan aoanuoneu tne car: k
I The Old Line Life 3Ian,
Res. Plume 1138, Office Phone (J12.I
Dr. C. E. McReynolds, eye, ear and
throat specialist, of New York City,
arrived in town the lntter part of last
week and will open an office. He lo
cates in North Platte at the sugges
tion of Dr. GIfford. of Omaha.
Bill Hart running a petticoat pari sr.
Did you ever? Well, see John Petti
coats at the Keith, Wednesday and
An exhibition of work of the domes
tic science 'and manual arts depart
ments of the schools was held at tho
Franklin Auditorium Friday which wns
pronounced very creditable. Models
of dresses and waists, and other needle
work was shown by tho girls' class and
a buffet, cedar chest, china cablnot and
other articles by the manual art class.
During a dense fog at 5:30 Sunday
morning passenger train No. 13, Thos.
Burney engineer, collided with tho
rear end of a frieght train at Gibbon,
smashing the caboose and two or three
other cars and derailing tho engine
but not seriously Injuring anyone.
The frieght was backing down the
main line to enter a switch to allow
No. 13 to pass, and tho flagman failed
to flag tho passenger In time to avoid
the crash.
Mrs. Ira L. Bare will entertain tho
iuiub mitHiuiuu luuuj. Cnf0 Mn Hnrkcn hng ,)0on cml,Ioyed
Mlw Mary Whelpley. ono of tho city ns day clerk for a ypnr or moro past.
coptlon of a few months that ho wns Thursday and whllo .thoro sentenced1
assistant mnnagor ot tho Hotel Palace, Win. Andorson to nn lndotorminato
sontonco m tno ponuoiuinry on mo
chnrgo of forging a. $25 check and
tenohtrs, left this morning for her
home in Fremont.
Store Wide Sale of 20 discount and
more -ul The Leader 3fer. Co.
Mrs. Edgar L. Dunkin nnd children
of Omaha, aro guesLs of her parents
Mr. nnd Mrs. John Kennedy.
Mr, and Mrs. J. E. Weeks, who had
boen visiting their sons Ed and Rob,
returned to Grand Island today.
The Camp-fire Council will meet at
the home of Miss Sy.bll Gantt, 209
Locust, Wednesday evening.
Lost Pair of glasses on west Gth
street Sunday. Reward. Lnndgrnf
Barber Shop.
Wm. Robb, of Lexington, ono of
Dawson county's largest holders of
farm land, transacted business In
town yesterday.
The. Theta Gama Theta will hold a
dancing party at tho IC C. hall this
evening, Juno 1st. Tho ipubllc Is cor
dially Invited.
Mr. and Mrs. George Harvey and son
of Denver former North Platto resid
ents, spent Sunday and yesterday in
town with friends.
Miss Ida Ottensteln had the
novelty of, an airplane ride Saturday
and" vjoytho trip of about, fifteen
mlniltos duration.
Mrs. John B. Edwards and children,
who have been visiting In Columbus,
Ohio, for several weeks, are expected
to arrive home Thursday.
The two months old daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Lowory died yesterday
morning of whooping cough. Tho
body will bo taken today to Tryon for
: to: :
Wearing Appnrol for Mon of tho hot
ter sort Suits Straw Hats Palm
Beach Suits Shoes Union Suits
Caps Gloves Shirts for Dross and
Work Trunks Grips Suitcases otc.
20 por cent Discount. SAMUELSON,
Outfitter to Good Dressers. 40-2
Tho rains of tho past forty-olght
hours havo again raised tho water
level nnd basements aro filled with
water. This wator problem Is becom
ing moro serious each year and ap
parently must sooner or lntor bo solved.
Tlie 20 and more discount Store ;
passing It on Otto WoidernndorB of
Gothenburg. Andorson wns nrrestcd
in this city and hold until tho Dawson"
county sheriff enmo for him.
A largo number of North Platte
pooplo drove to tho national comotery
yesterday and woro present nt tho av
tornoon oxorclBOS, which included ad
dresses by Judgo Grlmosf E, E. Carr ,
nnd R. L. Cochran. Tho attendance
at tho oxerclsos wns vory, lnrgo, hun
dreds of cars being parked on tho
outsldo of tho enclosure. "4-
Sitk Underwear Ono-Flfth OFF at
Wilcox Dopnrtmont Store.
Mrs. Joseph Moonoy visited frlenda
Wide Snle onlv for n short, time. So In town Kiinilnv wlillo onrnntn tn her
attend tills sale now nt The Leader homo in Donvor from a visit in the
Mercantile Company.
s- Keith Wednesday and Thursday
In a play that is humorous as weH a3 0
i human. But. Gosh! how he longed for the 8
r I boys back home. W
Nebraska has Never Erected a Memorial to Her Sons Who
j Fought in All the Wars.
A Picture of Kentucky
Here is the story of a raco of rugged
men who dwell In the backwoods, in
the "sticks" far from the law.
It Is a thrilling rovolntlon of the fued
rule, love and sacrifice that lias no
Harry T. Morey
"The Birth ot a Soul"
Edited by Mr. and Mrs. George
Randolph Chester
small Nebraska keep
fhe Time
of the S
las Come for the Patriotic People
tale to Pay this Lasting Tribute to
our Fallen Heroes
The NKKKASKA WAR MEMOWAL ASSOCIATION lias planned a magnificent
memorial building to be erected on the university campus at Jincoln. It will cost $1,
100,000. It will be paid for by the contributions of the patriotic men and women of Ne
braska. Each county will pay its due proportion.
The Memorial Hall will bo tho big feature of tho groat odlflco. Upon Its marblo walls will be en
gravod the names of all Nebraska soldiers and sailors.
The 'Museum will afford a safo place for all war trophies, relics, battle-flags, Insignia, etc., etc.
The Assembly Hall will afford a meeting placo for all patriotic societies, composod of men and wo
i ien who woro the uniform or who did war work.
The Stadium will appeal to tho young mon and womon who delight In athotics out-door sports.
Tho Gymnasium will bo fully equipped with ovory facility for conserving the physical woll-being of
tho veterans.
Tho Memorial building will provldo headquartors for all associations of veterans of all wars.
It Mill be a splendid tribute to tlie valor and
heroism of Nebraska Soldiers nnd
Every man and woman in Nebraska wants to have a part in this tribute.
mi I
ifi Got in touch with your local committee. Contribute liberally through your local
ypj bank.
Tuesday and Wednesday