The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 28, 1920, Image 7

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,i It la officially announced that trains
No, 11 rind 0. li will bo restored to
Wn, m , i 0, 11 and No. 14 Will bo restored to
Wanted W&BllllieS nnllnri fnr.ntiA , . .
,,,, . " . r service nexi aunuay. irain no. ii
uoiivercd, 40-4 wlll rcach horo nbou o.30 n tho
Mr. and Mrs Jack Husband will go nfternogn and No. 14 about 3:00 p. m.
wb-n?d l.,tmr0Jrow for a fow! Parties taking package Saturday
weeks to visit with Manila. y nlght from Slh0r Clgnr storo by
t when lu North Platte atop at uio mistake, please return same to Sllvor
New Hotel Pnlaco and Cafe. Von Front and rocelvo reward. E. C. I10S-'
truaioil won.
41 t ...
Why DID Smith
Bryant Washburn will toll you at the
Crystal- tonight
Albort Shcnk and Sanford Johnson.
Export Lawn Mowers. Olvo us a iob.
Phone 1121. - l
Is work by order" of your flnanceo a
"labor of love?" Answer Leavo It to
Mo Keith tonight.
Tho Canipflro Olrlsvlll hold n salo
of cakes, plos and cookies In Moloney's
window Saturday.
Will - Quado, tho Staploton banker,
was tho guest of his brother-in-law C.
It. Mbroy, Wednosday.
There wlll bo no seryicos at tho
Presbyterian church Sunday as Rov.
Curry la out of tho city.
For Sales Seven room house with
bath; twolots, located nt 1203 nortli
Locust. Inquire at the premises. 39-4
Judge Woodhurst united In marriafiO
Christ Logas and Pearl Kilmer, both
of North Platto, Tuesday.
Miss Amy Folk, of Brady, Is spend
ing tho week end visiting with her
cousin, Mrs. Frank Olcott
. Strain Baths, Jlnssngo and Electric
Treatment, nt .'112 East Cth, St. Phone
S97. Mrs. Arthur Hush. tf.
Mrs. C. R; Moroy will return today
from Hastings whero sho has boon
visiting relatives for several weeks.
Miss Irene Hubbard Is expected to
arrlvo tomorrow from Denver to spend
Decoration Day with tho home folks.
Lcavo Homo?i Mlsg Marx Francis McCullouuh is
visiting at tho M. McCulIough homo
this week. Miss McCulIough Is
nursoj-nt' tho St. Joseph hospital at
Omahwtand is spending hor vacation
Clinton & Son, Graduate Opticians,
sco them for Service. tf
A union mooting of tho B. of L. E.
nnd'tho D. of L. F. and E. was hold at
tho labor tomplo yostorday foronoon
to discuss certain phases of tho work
ing schedulo and to oxplnln somo of
tho provisions. i
J. C. Don and iparty roturn6d tho
early part or the week from Rat lako
whore they had splendid success . In
fishing for bass, each Ilshorman catch
ing the lawful limit. A tub full of tho
fish woro brought homo.
J. V. Romlgh reports tho sale of a
Chandlor Speedster to R. V Cnlder,
and Dodge touring cars to H. F. Cady
of tho Great Western Sugar Co. at
Horshoy, H. W. Bird and a Dodgo
winter car to Dr E. W. Fetter.
Try tho Roxall first, It pays. Mtr
Wearing Apparel for Men of tho bet
tpr sort Suits Straw Hats Palm
Beach Sufts Shoes Union Suits
Caps Gloves Shirts for Dress and
Work Trunks--Grlps Suitcases ,btc.
20 per cent -Discount. SAMUHfiSON,
Outfitter to Good Drossors. 0-2
R. E. Stono, arrested on charge of
cashing a spurious chock at the
Edward-Reynolds storo, plcnded guilty
r aite
Shows at Night 7:30-9:00, Matinee Tuesday at 2:30
Tuesday. However, as he was wair
bor of Commerce will bo held at tho t(d at Lincoln for passing six or soyen
Lutheran church basement this overt- bnd checks, ho Was" taken to that city
jng to recclvo his Just Uesorts.
ForSnle-ow Ford car In first-! A Ford car driven by, Dorsey Ley-
clnsk condition: Only run 700 miles; wns struck y another car Wed
equipped with set-starter. Prlco $G65
Ed Mason, Wellfleet. 38-4
with her daughter .Mrs. keonara Keu
nesday on ono of tho country roads
and rather T)adly damaged but Mr.
Leypoldt escaped, Injury. Tho collls-
For Sale 2 lots on West Fifth St.,
other driver to uso his clutch.
Wearing Apparel for Men of the bet
ter sort Suits Straw HatdPalm
Beach Suits Shoes Union Suits-
0,CkJT 0if..ia,nciT for. Dress and
Work "Crunks Grlpstiltcases etc.
20 per cent Discount.? SAMUELSON,
Outfitter to Good Dressers. 40-2
Manager Baker, of tho Midway Motor
Co., reports the theft of the company b
Dbrt commercial car which Was ptolen
from In front of his residence Wednes
day night. The theft wad reported to
the aauthorities who after after a
short hunt found the car in the west
part of the city deserted and with an
empty gasoline tank.
Coming to the Keith Thoatro next
Wednesday and 1hursday is a now
Wm. S. Hart picture John Petticoats.
Hart lawmaking Just three. pictures this
year tuidthfs Is tho firs"l''ono and in
many ways It is-tho most unusual pic
ture in whiqh J3 hUs over appeared.
'Waists that formerly sold at Block's
for $7.50 can now bo bought for $3.98.
That's sticking the knifo Into prices.
R. D. Blrgo developed, a light attack
of small-pox Sunday night and tho
following morning the residence was
quarantined, Mrs. Blrgo and son going
to tho Gllmnn residence.- As tho dis
caso is npt causing any particular
suffering ho Is devoting his enforced
home-staying to making garden.
For Sale Lumber Yard, Hardware
and General Merchandise Storo in now,
Hvo promising town in tho rain belt
section of Colorado. Business runs
about $10,000 a month. No compotl
and gas. Inqure 180G West Third 01M
Phone 717W. 37-4 i
Mrs. Frank Debauonflend and chtl-'
dren leave today for Nelson, 'Nebr.,
wher6 they , will visit friends for a
Tho 20 nml more discount Store.
"WIilo Snle only for a short time. So
attend this snle now nt The Lender
Mercantile Company.
For Sftlo-Rhodo Island Sotting
Eggs. $L00 for 15 oggs, and $G.00 a
hundred. Inquire Mrs. Fred Nelson
2 miles -west of town. Phone 783f22. tf.
" License to wed was granted by Judge
JWoodlmraUyesdjvjt to Milton. Erunii
of Kp'arnoia and "glorenco 'Ogg, of
Broadwater. ' (J
To'Sjvhom, aro you-golng'to soil yout
Hay andkGraltt7.,Th8 Harrington Mor.
AH Critics Agree, its the Greatest Human Drama
Yet Produced.
It's riot the old Threadbare, Shopworn Photo- Play, ; ,
' " :;' " "it's Different. ' "
Special Music Score Vocal Soloist.
1 oantilo,'Co. will' offer the highest
prices, ,t . C4lt
A civil service examination' will be
held at tho postofflco In this city Juno
12th for "tho position of messenger.
The annual pay is ?480.
For SaleOno GG-foot lot In 1200
block on wet Third street, south front
sewor, gas, water and sidewalk. Phone
873W. " 39-2
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Woodgate re
turned from Omaha Friday where they
went to cJnsult a specialist In regard
3odgate's health.
alo Parlor set, sanitary
firlor table, two art squares,
ipestry curtains nnd a chlN
Inqulro at 40G
'All Seats 55 Cents. Adults 50c, Children 25c.
War Tax Included.
to Mrs
set bf
' street.
ho Wil
tlon In, lumber or hardware. Twejity
fivo miles from Denver In Irrigated
east Sixth and dairy section. International lino
40-3 of Implements. Bulck automobllo
bd Rogers who had been em- agency for Douglas county. Llvo town
In Salt Lake City, passed In live community,. Good clean stock
to Omaha yesterday where which will Invoice about $35,000. Write
accept a position with the ror Information. Arthur Marvoney,,
KurwughB Adding Machine Co.
7G0 Clarkson St., Denver Colo.
1 i
! i:
For Decoration Day Be Patriotic
ars and Stripes Beverage
Take a Case with You to the Picnic.
K you want it for that Day get your order in Early.
Office over the Union State Bank
We solicit your Real Estate AUCTION SALES no
no matter where is it located. To give the best of service
is our aim. Watch our results. Our experience and ac
quaintance is wide and we appreciate your sales of any
kind. Call on us and let us explain our methods and terms
to you.
E. A. OLSON, Manager. North Platte, Neb.
Greenhouse Dninngcd?
Tho greenhouses of both C. J. Pass
and tho North Platto Floral Co. wero
damaged by tho severe hailstorm Mon
ilnv n Itrht. hundreds of the root lights
(being broken out, which moan's con
siderable loss as glass prices aro very
I high. The North Platto Floral Co.
places Its loss at fifteen hundred
I dollars, tho greater part of this being
duo to tho distinction oi tuousanus oi
plants In outside cold frames and beds.
! :o: :
.AVcnrlng Apparel for tho Boy.
Stilts Shoos Caps Hats Whists
Shirts Tennis Shoes COVERALLS,
etc 20 per cent Discount.
Outflttor to Good Dressers. 402
Barber Shops to CHoso srondny.
All union barber shops In the city
will bo closed nertt Monday, wliich will
bo observed as Memorial Dayv
Girl Wanted.
Tho Tribune needs tho Bervlcos of a
young lndy to tako the position form
erly, filled by Miss Frator. This re
quires knowledge of book-keeping and
ability to gather and write local news
items. Applicants "should apply In
person at Tho Tribune office.
tVsfif child you had a hunch that hu-
gar was good for you and tho longer
you lived tho stronger Iho hunch.
Sugar Is man's greatest energlzer and
Whlstlo is liquid sugar energy. Dot
tles only. Straw It. JUST WHISTLE
iast Fourth Street Wlll Bo Paved.
Yostorday tho time expired to fllo a
remonstrance against paving East
Fourth Street, A remonstrance wat
filed, signed by quite a group of prop
erty owners, but It did not rocelvo tho
signatures of a majority of tho prop
erty, ownors. Tho law provides that
aftor n paving district has been creat
ed by an ordlnanco 20 days time shall
bo allowed for tho filing of a remon
strance. In order to slop tho paving
tho remonstranco must bo signed by
a majority of tho property owners.
Those opposed to tho paving worked
very hard, but they lack quite a num
ber of securing a majority to sign tho
romonstranco, thoroforo this street
will bo ipaved,
Tho othor paving districts which
have boon created which aro West
Fourth Street, West Fifth Street and
East Fifth Street havo not yot ronch
od tho sanio stngo an East Fourth St..
but thoso who aro Interested in rav
ing East Fourth Stroot sny that tjioy
aro willing to havo their procedure
delayed so that all of tho districts may
bo ndvortiscd at tho samo timo and
all tho work put In at tho ono timo.
Bnrgain In' UHPd Fords.
1 Ford Touring 1017 $107.00.
1 Ford Touring 1017 $210.00.
1 Ford Touring 1018 $4C0.00.
This car with winter top Jn good con
dltlon HosBoora nnd othor accossorlon.
Aviator Bullock and Davis mado a
trip to Madrid In their iplano tho early
part of tho week. On tho return trip
tho sixty-threo miles wns covorod In
forty-one ' minutes.
I Chns. Smith has sold his farm tlireo
mllos enst of town tho former Per
klnty place to Win. Roborsts CT Low
ellcnrand wlll soli his porsonal prop
erty next Wednosday.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Reynolds and
Uttlo daughter Margaret wlll leave
Sunday for Laramie to make their
homo upon tho claim upon which Mr.
Reynolds recently filed,
i Tlj, Nlcafigeo group of Camptlro Girls
.wlirieavo on Juno 12tli for Croto,
iwhoro they will enjoy a woek nt camp.-
Thoy, will bo accompanied by their
guardian, Mrs. M. E. Crosby.
Thnt $9.75 waist that you ndmlrea
at BLOCK'S can now be purchnsed
for $5.98.
An expert interior decorator from
tho Grand Rapids Show Caso Cc. at
Grand Rapids, Mlch.f arrived today to
plan the furnishings for tho E. T.
Tramp & Sons' stores In tho building
recently purchased of W. C. Reynolds.
Tho Amorlcan Legion Danco "given
at tho K. C. hall Tuesday was well
attended, tho lloor being crowded to
capacity. Stamp's and Doucetls or
chestras furnished oxcollent music
artd all who attended report a good
Wearing Apparel for Men of tho bet
Beach Suits Shoes Union Suits
tor sort Suits Straw Hats Ilm
Caps Gloves Shirts for Dross and
Work Trunks Grips Suitcases etc
20 por cent Discount. SAMUELSON.
Outflttor to Good Drossors. 40-2
Harry Llndsoy, son of Mr. and Mrs,
C. J. Llndsoy, of this city, attempted to
ond lfo this week by swallowing pois
on In n Donvor hotel. Llndsoy, who
wns an ox-sorvlco man, ro-onllstod
somo timo ago and was sent to Ft.
Logan. Ho will recovor. His paronts
say ho has boon despondent for sovor
al months past.
Block has about 200 dresses in taf
fota, tricollotto, goorgotto, silk cropo
and foulards that ho Is offering at a
discount of from 20 to S3 per cent.
You can't got bucIi good drossos so
cheap nnywhoro olso.
Old J 1. C. L. Hit Hard by The Lend
er Mercuntllo Co. who for a Nhort time
only havo Innuggurnled a utoro wide
sale of 20 or more discount on every
article In tho storo. There will ho no
money spoilt advertising this. The
poople who haro attended tho sale
will do'thls.
Miss Edna MoKIbbon loft yostorday
for hor homo at Gonova ' whoro sho
will spond a couplo of weeks vlsltl'
hor parents boforo loavlng for Cali
fornia to spond a yoar. Alias MoKIb
bon who has taught In tho city schools
during tho past two years, was ro
olocted to hor position but roslgnud to
nccopt ti position in tho s'choola of
California for tho coming year.
Wednesday morning at half past
seven o'clock Miss Rosa Kopt, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Kopf, who
Hvo north of town, bocumo tho brldo
of Albert Mushany, Rov. Fr. McDald
performing thp cerG'mony lu the
chapel of St Patrick's school. Tho
brldo, who was attended by MIsb
Frnnces Lamplugh, was gowned In a
blue traveling suit, woro a largo plc
t'uro hat and carried brldos roses and
sweet peas. Tho mnld woro a tailored
suit with black hat. Tho groom wns
attended by, Albort Kopf, brother of
tho brldo. A wedding bronkfnst was
served at tho Union Pacific ,dlnlng
hall and Mr. nnd Mrs. Mushany loft
on No. 19 for a trip In tho west. Upon
their return thoy will bo at homo ona
farm south of Horshoy. Tho brldo Is
a Lincoln county product and for n
timo was employed in tho Rush Mor
cnnttlo Btoro and is well nnd favorably
knbwn. Tho groom cahio horo from
Glltnor about a year ago.
Trained ftnd Equipped for Examining
Eyes and FitUng Glasses. No Drugs
Used. Hnrry Dixon & Son,
U Baptist Church.
, Noxt Sunday is tho InBt day wo
, spend In our church boforo tho Union
I revival. Thoro Bhould bo a full. house.
both morning and ovonlng.
Sunday school nt 10 a. m. Morning
worship tat 11 o'clock, subject of tho
Bonnon: Abundnnt Llfo."' B. Y."P.
U. at 7 p. m. Evening sormon topic:
"Tho Iilslgnlflcnnt In Llfo Building."
: :os:
Dlvlno Service Episcopal Church.
Holy. Communion at 8 a. m.
Sundny sohool and hlblo class 9:4f
n. m. Morning prayer and sormon 11
n. in. Evening prayor nnd riormon ,7: 30
p. m. Sunday school North ,SIdo Chapel
3 p. m.
Christian Science service Sunday .11
a. m. Wednesday evening meetings
every wook at 8:00. A cordial Invi
tation is extended to all to attend
thoso services. Building & Loan build
ing, room 25.
Wanted: A clerical position by
young woman, with high school educa
tion. Also experienced iln clerklhg and
bookkooplng. Can furnish referoncos.
Address XX this office 39-2
LP wm a
May we give you the book which helped thousands
to get their phonograph in the cabinet of their ideal?
IN the fascinating pages of "Edison and
Music" you will learn the characteristics
of the exquisite styles developed by the Old
Masters in England, France and Italy.
Seventeen beautiful plates illutitenjte the
New Edison's cabinets, each of which is a .
direct adaptation from someiistoric furni
ture treasure. ' .
, No one should buy a phonograph without
getting this book. It's free.