The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 28, 1920, Image 1

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iNo. , 40
Graduation exercises of tho North
Platto High sohool woro hold Wednes
day evening at tho Franklin auditor
ium, which had hecn profusely decor
ated with tho high sohool and tho 1020
cltisB colors. Tho ' nudlencg. present
filled thes seating capacity of tho" floor
wmi a uucrai oveniow in tno enwery.
J. il. Mbfoonald has boon transact
ing buelnMs In Omaha this week.
$ltt P. J. Wurtollo has been serl
TUat tho property owners of North a&VVRn3uVL . . n,,
John a KvanB who was sorlouSiy iuui0..Bm uruunau ovoi Fo)Igva llall Momiiiy mornlng at nlno
ill last wdok iB steadily, improving. proposed lncreaso in valuation for j0,ulJftc.
On Monday. Memorial Day, there tt1",, 1 Wiloox Diriment Store will
admittance to P. O. , boxes, tho' tmn,oe of discussing valuations
Mr. ntiil Mr. W. r nnvnnlils. who ........r . . I li T. Tramn and son Horburt will
As Miss Fritz played a procosslonal have been spondlng this week in Oma- nuttlmr Into crooratlon tho tironosed fflturn t0(lay from fishing excursion
the thirty-four graduates In cap anu im. aro oxnectcd homo tonlKht. ,.i,,tt ,,ii, .i,i i,at ts Hat Lako.
own entered from the i east door and Frank McQovem returned yestorday confiscation 6f property,. Keith No
us they marched to tho stngo woio from Norroilti whoro ho attonded tho vlllo wns elected chairman of tho
louuiy nppmuueu. as iney iook posi- Btnto conv0ntlon of the Knlchts of innotlnir nfid San Soudor secretary
Tlio program for Mtmorinl Day at
tho Ft. Mcl'horson national comotory
will be In charge of the ox-servlco men
of tho late war, and they, havo arrang
ed the following 'program:
it 10 c'olock n. m. sharp tlio trum
10:30 A. M. Drill' bv nx-KrtrvIco nillg April mil, to W1UCU PHO Wfl8 a
men, Mnxwoll Post American Higlon. tlelogato. Tho Registrar reported tho
The subject waB discussed by many ut
Mrs. P. O. London, fomorlv clerk for thoso proscnt and County Assessor
the Sunday morning previous rk & Sandall, later with tho Bake- Allen, who Is held responsible for thp
me aunuay morning previous. Bakery has accented a position proposod increase, vm3 "burned to a
1BJ flhJa Sth Uie Ttush" MeSSlk ICo.P 1 crlsPp by the aeakers. Upon motfon
Hon on the stago Rov. Koch Invoked a 'columbus
(iivino messing on mo ciass, 10 wiiom
ho hod delivered tho baccaulcrate
Bocuc, a member of tho class, Theo
doro Payno, vice-president of the"
class, appeared as tho salutatorlan,
who used as a subject for his address
"The Cholco of a Profession." Tho
Oolesto Chorus Club rendered a se
lection, Ruth Hogsqtt gave the class
history, Mario Schwalger tho plass
prophecy and Miss Caryl Dorryberry
appeared in a doublo-numbored solo.
Tho valedictory was s delivered by
Chestor Cummlng, wjiosd subject was
Miss Elsie WaltcmcUh, of this city,
a commtttco of seven was appointed
u ........ .7.. .. I .. 1 1 . I. ,rnl..n
was chosen sponsor for Battery A i ocu"lu uuui , 8, ., ; f , "T
which won first place in tho annuM "bn of .all proper In the wtard. and
competitive drill at tho University of l? aPpcur oforo 1 10 co.u y con,m'
Ncbraska last week. s,0cr8 a"d Prot,:st n" "creased val-
. . uatlon of moro than fifteen per cent.
Mrs. Thos. Green and daughter 'nm, nocesBttry cavry t,0 muUcr
Kathryn wont to Grand Island Tues- jnto court 4
day where they, will visit tho former's j A mocie 0f property owners of the
mother, Mrd. Deerlng, untiUIr. Green Socoml ar(, wI11 bo hold nt tn0 court
returns from Excelsior Springs. l0US0 tomorrow evening to discuss
"TtnmlrrfnMnn." ATlaa Sunll nnntt AT . ... .
. v., , , , ' . or uayton, unio, ner rormer nome, :fo
1110 ciass ot iu uenvore . mo uiumni whoro sho wIll vlglt wlth reiatives :
mliliinnn unlnr C-rtT f f na 11 At ctlltl. ... - - 1
auuR, uomb """. vann menas. wnilo oast sho win at-
Ject, followed by a mixed quartette tona tho Diamond Jublloo of Wittcn
selectlon by members of the class. berg Coilogo her aima mater.
Supt. Tout, In presenting tho class . . 7 . , . .
to tlio board of education, said the Fr,onda n town iavc r?,cc,vxerd,com:
class had as good a record as any mencement cards from the National
class that had over graduated, ana Cathedral School for Girls afWash
thelr excess credits have never been nBton, D. C, from which MIsb Eliza
surpassed. Tho diplomas wore prc.,heth Beecher, daughter of Bishop
seated bv Mrs. Harrv Cramer, socrc- Boechor, graduates next week.
tarv of the board of education, wuo wearing Appuroi ior men 01 uio oei,- Hpiinni mrlilhlUnn illil nnt nrrlvo vii
prefaced tho. presentation with appro- ter sort .Suits Straw Hats Palm uut certain parts of the exhibit will
prlato remarks. Beach Suits Shoes Union Suits bo placed in the Franklin auditorium
The program closed with a quar- Caps Gloves Shirts for Dress and for inspection on Friday. Many pieces
tette by Mrs. Shrlver, Mrs. Hatch, Work Trunks Grips Suitcase's etc. 0j pialn an(J fancy sowing, mechanical
Mrs. Graves and Miss. Trovillo and a 20 per cent Discount. SAMUELSON, 1 drawings and blue prints, cabinet Rev. Shenk. Outfitter to Good Dressers. 40-2 maklng and bonch work 0XlUblta, zo-
Thoso who received diplomas wore: Mrs. W. H. McDonald and daughter ology specimens and possibly some
Herbert . Turplo, Adelaide Shilling, Janet and Miss Carrie Belton have other lines will bo displayed. Tho ex
Lestor Langford, Irven Walter, Ches- beeh spending this week in Omaha, hiblt will be opon from nbon uatll ten
ter Cummlng, Fay Mason, Emma Miss Janet leaves Omaha today, fori o'clock In the evening. Because of
uoguo. Tneouoro rayne, Kima bpun- PoughkeepsIe, N. Y., to attend tho .the County graduation exercises which
HAY 2S(h nt 7 P. M.
Como nnd Tell 11s Wlint
Y'011 Would Havo Us Do
, For tlio BeUorment of
School.' Exhibition.
Tho paper used for mounting, tho
ter, Minnie Calhoun, Florence Gougli, commencement exercises at Vassar
Helen Bonner, Francos Dolph, Mag-, college, and will also visit Miss Nan
dalona Rudat, Ruth Hogsott, Lona lno Iddlngs fn Now York City. Mrs.
Polph, Frank Guthrie, Betty Turple, McDonald and Miss Bolton will return
Dewey McGrew, Helen Krbehlor. Co- homo tonight.
cHa Bairn, Grace Breternitz, May i3Vory 8uIt and cmi , k , ,
Browning, Gladys- Markfee, Helen ,ninIn nt mnnwa .vnt
Swanson. Alberta Burton, Jack Norrls. tho prlc0 deduct oneth,rdi and pajr
Uwo,. ""i A..W.C.U, i.Mu Ul0 remaining two-thirds and the gar
Brown, Llla Halllgan, Velma Myers, ment ,B ur8j
Margaret Flttman, Mario Schwalger. n ft.,, . x
.; Como, laugh and forget your troub-
To Second Vard Tax Payers. les- Seo "Bringing Up 'Father", com-
A meeting Is hereby called at. the nS t0'"0 ,fro,n Geo- McManus car-
district courtroom in" the" courrhoiise I?,0', B ls-a.'picturo; not cartoons?
at 8:30 o'clock on Saturday, May 29th, 'Jlmmio Ray, With a wonderful' make
for the purpose of la general confer- "P- ,'P,ay,s Jhe Par- ot n
enco in regard to present .plans of S?'etv, The most beautiful girl. In
vaiuat ona anu levyine: 01 laxes lor rr"""" Utt6uw w
1920, and for tho purpose of ascertain
ing why oiir valuations are being rals-1
ed so enormously.
Signed: J. H. VanCleave, B. A.
Wilson, Fred Lou, S. R. Dorryberry,
E. R. Plumer, J. G. Beeler, J. J. Hal
llgan, G. A. Holtslttnder, J. E. Koontz,
William Lyman, Harry A. Shlnn.
Old H. C. L. Hit Hard by Tho Lend
or Mercantile Co. who for a Hhort time
only havo inauggnratcd a store wide
sale of 20 or more discount on every
article In the store. There will he 110
money spent advertising this. The
people who have attended tho sale
will do this.
Maggie you will say "I have seen her
oeioro. Now don t forgot to be at
tho SUN Theatre Tuesday and Wed
nesday. 40-2
Miss Annie Kramph entertained n
dozen ladles at aduncheon Wednesday
at tno uasis, tho junction being in
honor of Mrs. Babcock, of Hastings,
who spent two days in town in tho
Interests of the formation of a league
of women voters. The purpose of the
league Is to train for citizenship and
tO educato womnn nnlit.tan.11v. nnrl nV
secure and enforce national and state
legislation of Importanco to women.
Tho guests were invited to consider
the organization of a league In North
For Saturday, May 29th, wo will
sell a limited amount of flour at $3.50
v w-i v r-r jr r rriTlf,i V it Dor "8-lb. sack, and will sell a num
BV rj i tl l JlHKjzT1 l !er of other articles at cut prices
that It will pay, you to learn. If your
' ptirchaso amounts to S5.00 or over we
1 will sell you $1.00 worth of sugar at
17 cents a pound. To tho boys and
girls under 15 yoars of ago who enter
I my store between nine and ton o'clock
Saturday with an order for groceries,
matters not how small tho order, will
receive a packago of candy and a bal?
loon sqawker free. McMICHAELS
will be held on Saturday Jn this room
the exhibition will bo removed during
Saturday foronoon. Railroad men,
business men, professional men and
all others interested in what tho boys
and girls aro "doing, aro Invited to go
in and see this exhibition. It is free.
Housowlvos. business women and
society belles aro urged to como at
any time and look over tho work done
by the students Remoiubor One day
only and it is free. I?riday, May 28tlu.
:0'.:-i .
Tho, Jv p.. Cj.Clu'bVHeld a hard thnft
party .at the home of Mrs. J; -G, Burton
last evening at iuibscs uaco
and Mabel Brown, Miss Reynolds and
Miss Miller were the guests of honor.
These young ladles havo been eiployr
od ns teachers in tho city, Bchools and
leave for home within a few days. Tho
evening was pleasantly spent in games
Interspersed with music and at the
conclusion refreshments wore served.
::o: .
First Lutheran Church.
Morning worship, eleven o'clock,
subject The Parent, tho Child and
tho Church. Confirmation and rocop-
tion of members. Evening worship,
eight o'clock,, subject Marriage and
Divorce. Sunday school at 9:45.
REV. C. F. KOCH, Pastor.
Wearing Apparel for tho Hoy.
Suits Shoos Caps Hats Waists
Shirts Tennis Shoes COVERALLS,
eta 20 pilr cent Discount.
Outfitter to Good Dressers. 402
and Style at prlcos you can afford.
Dixon & Son, Optometrists.
Two furnished rooms for rent. Ap
ply ni 103 west Second stroot.
Mrs. Henry Jacobs, of Donvor, has
boon, spending this weok lu town na
tho guest ot hor parents Mr. and Mrs.
J. T. Stuart.
Jij'R. Carroll spent several day in
Norfolk this week attending tho state
convention of the Knights of Colum
bus.. Tho Wilcox Dapartmcnt Storo will
bo .closed all'day next Monday Mem
orial Day.
"TeiV Boguo Is expected to arrivo
next Week from Lincoln, whero ho has
boon; attending tho stato university,
nnd wjll take a position In tho Itexall
drug store. Ted took tho stato phar
macy examination at tho May meeting"!
of the board and passed so that he re
urns" home a roglatored pharmacist.
Having accomplished results desired
and fullfillcd all requlromonts, Our
Very Successful and Satisfactory Salo
Will close Saturday ulght, May 29th.
'Our prices will bo so reconstructed
from this dato that a common lovol
Will of been reached and a reduction
of prices attained so far as Is possible
with tho higher standards and bettor
quality merchandise offered by 'us.
H, I. Block says ho had had many
prlce-roductlon salos, but none havo
apparently boon so much appreciated
as tho one now ln progress. In theso
days of high prices a reduction ot
twonty per cent on all merchandise,
and a cut ot one-third on spring suits
and coats, It is not surprising that
pooplo appreciato tho reductions Mr.
Block is offering. Ho reports a heavy
patronage since the salo Btartcd.
11:00 A M. Decorating BoldiorV
graves by school ohlldron.
2:00 P. M.
Music "America bv the choir, au-
dlonco to Join
Llnoago Books. 40 In number, nbw In
tho library.
Tho following offlcors woro elected .
for tho coining year: Rogont, Mrs.
Daisy Illnman; First vlco rogont, Mrs.
Kolth Ncvillo; Second vice rogont,
Mrs. Carrlo Baker: secretary, Mrs.
Reading of Lincoln'" Gettysburg nd- Pranklln Koch; treasuror, Mrs. Allccn
dress" by James Rosso. 1 Cochran, rogistrar, Mrs. L,utio Starr;
Song By girls ot Ft. McPhorson msionnn, aru. iuuio uuvhuiub; ciihiii
public school. .lain, Mrs. iiniily Piumor.
Address E. E. Carr, JCorth Platto. iowowmg 10cm cnairmon 01
Music Red, Wlilto ami Bulo by ist&to committees woro appointed:"
UTiisorvuuun 01 uisiono spins, iuih.
Annlo F. Churchy patriotic education
Ladies' Quartette
, .
Recitation Mrs. L. R, Pryor, Max-
Music Vocal BOloclIoiu
Addross Lt. Olson, Wallace. ,
Music "Star Slpanglod ' Bamior".
Saluto Ex-sorvlco mon.v North
Taps Vomon Kuhns, Maxwell.
i:o:: J
Mrs. Sherman, who had been a guest
at tho homo of Mrs. S. B. Parr and
Mrs. Annlo Church for ten (lays, will
return to Omaha today. 1
7 r?r m a -t
William Russell
"Leave it to Me"
In which a young millionare
decides to be a detective,
and he does detect some
things, but he almost lost
sight of what he was after.
Special 2 Reel Comedy
: :o:
Will You Trade!
502 So. Walnut, G room houso abso
lutely modern. Excellent- condition.
Will accopt vacant lot or Dodge or
Ford auto in part trade.
4-02 II. & S. AGENCY.
Methodist Church Announcements.
Sunday sorvlces: Preaching 11 a.
m. Subject: Lord, Increase Our Faitlu
Preaching 8:00 a m. Subject: Tho
Othor Nino. Sunday Bchool at 9:45
a. m. Epworth Lcaguo 7:00 p. m
proceeded by social half hour. '
In order to supply funds to cover
approved loan applications, this as
sociation will issuo a limited amount
of its Paid Up Stock. This stock draws
dividends at tho rato of stx per cent
per annum, from dato of issuo until
paid off. Dividends payable March
1st and September 1st. Money Invested
in this stock may bo withdrawn at any
tlmo upon thirty days notice.
3C-tf Scc'y.
Crystal Saturday and Monday.
The man who never fakes in a
real western picture
The story of a bold westener-who stopped
the great stampede
Special Saturday-Century Comedy,
Monday-Sennett Comedy, "THE LITTLE WIDOW-"
e iriners
Edith Roberts;
2 Reel Big "V" Comedy
"The Path She Chose
Anne Cornwall
Two Reel. Comedy
"The Soul of Broadway"
Mde. Surratt
I). A. jr. Elect Officers.
Tho members of Sioux Lookout
Chaptor, I). A. R., mofnt tho liomo ot
Mrs. Jy Church Parr Tuesday ovon
Ing with Mrs. Church and Mrs. Plum
er as assisting hostosos. Tho rogont,
Mra Qiimoa, gnvo an interesting re
port of the Continental Congross hold
In Washington, D. C, tho woek begin-
npil prevention of desecration of' tho
Hag, Mrs. Josoplilno Zook; rc6on
structlon nnd Americanization, Mrs.
Mary, e Grimes; Fort McPhorson
llowora, Mrs. Alloon Cochran; D. A.
R. magasslno, Mra. T. L. Patterson;
niomborshlp commlttoo: Mosdamcs
IIoxlo, Porrit, Duko; year book com
mittee Mesdamos Hondy, Solby,
Moroy; muslo committee, Misses
Janet McDonald and Dorothy Hln-man.
It will pay you to come in
and see some of our rebuilt
Dodge Cars, including touring
cars, roadster and one winter
top model.
These cars are all sold un
der our guarantee as to me
chanical condition, nnd ymi
can be just as sure of your
' purchase as if you Inughun
new Dodge from ui.
Some real values,. -aul? to fee
J. V. ROmGU, baahr.
n :m -
A Picture of Kentucky
Hero Is tho story of a race of rugged
men who dwoll In tho backwoods, In
tho "sticks", far from tho law.
It Is a thrilling revelation of tho fued
jrulo, lovo and sacrlflco that lias no
Harry T. Morey
Hhe Birth of a Soul"
Edited by Mr. and Mrs'. George
Randolph Chester
Tufsday and Wednesday
Our Picnic Sale Prices.
Friday and Saturday, May 28th and 29th
1 Gallon Can Peaches..: , .90
1 Gallon Can Apricots .90 . . $
I Large No. 3 Can Pork and Beans. .18 V-,
1 Medium, No. 2 Can Pork and Beans .12' '
3 Large-Cans Tomatoes -53 J
1 5 Lb. Can Peanut Butter tfr -w -M35dv
6 and 7 Lb. Hams per lb .25
Choice Beef Roast, per- lb ,jl .20 v.'
Home Rendered Lard, per lb , .' .25-
(At All FOUR atoros,) -
3 Pkgs. EC Corn Flakes f .25
2 Pkg. Grape Nuts .35
5 Pktr. Matches : s.' . .25
2 Pkgs.' Dunham's Cocoanut L . ,25,;
3 Cans Potted Meat ' , ",.25t
2V2 lbs. Best Navy Beans J" -- j.5
a 10 lb. Box Fancy Dry Peaches :Ji u2:85'. v
6 PlcK. . Tooth nicks -i; -v- X- j. . 2 5'
1 lb. Horse Shoo TooSrrp!.J3S5
1 45c plcg. Soda Crackers i .35 ' :,
1 $1.25 Can Calumet Baking Powder 'r 1.00-
2 Large Cans Mustard Sardines , ! .25-
1 45c Gless Dried Beef ,3;8
1 1 lb. Can Breakfast Cocoa :. .25 .
1 Can Old Dutch Cleanser . ,10
4 Bars Pearl White Soap .27
100 Bars Pearl White Soap G.50.
3 Bars Palm Olive Toilet Soap ,25
3 Bars Victor Peerless Toilet So'ap .25
1 24 lb. Sack G. & S. Flour ' l;75
1 98 lb. Sack LC Flour 1 7.00
We will close at 12 SHARP Monday, May 31st", to go
to our Picnic, so please shop early. . i(
A Home for Your Car.
For more than a year 1 have limited our bus
iness to the exclusive sales and after service on, '
the two good cars I sell Tho results have been
all that we expected and moro, a bettor business
relation with our customers and easier sales, and
a better and quicker service to our owners.
I sincerely appreciato the support wo have
bad, and our every effort will be to improve every
angle of business relation with our old customers
and with such new buyers as may buy our cars,
and have use for our service.
Don't you know that popular support of the
right thing has built up many largo businesses,
and. you will help yourself and your city by en
couraging any merchant who shows that his
ideals are stability, honesty and after service.
If you desire good cars, f established reputa
tion, of stable price and constant service, wo
would be pleased to talk with you about our two '
car lines.
Dodge Brothers. S
Chandler Motor Cars.
J. V Romigh
"lie sure your car has a pormnnoiil home In North I'laltc!