The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 25, 1920, Image 9

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Nct Contents IB fluid Draohrol
in- 1
Simuniinuicioou uj -wu"
For Infants and Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
""'"i um in
neither Opltim,Morphtoenor
Mineral NoTKAncoTic J
Always .
Bears the Jq
Signature Jkt
I Ul jtf Aft
13 For
Thirty Years
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
One Missionary to Eskimos Made Use
of Sealskins and Another Em
ployed Only Snow.
One of the queerest churches ever
known was built by a missionary on
Blncklead Island, in Cumberland
sound. Finding tnnt the Eskimos had
,no place In which 'they could meet
for religious services, the missionary
started to build a church of the skins
of seals, no wood being available. The
skins were sewn together and stretch
ed over "girders" of whalebone, empty
provision tins serving as seats.
The cold at one time became so
severe that for many days the Eski
mos' of Blacklead Island were unable
to procure food for themselves or for
their animals. One night dogs made
their way to the strange church edi
fice and began consuming It, with the
result that when morning came there
was not a skin left, the whalebone
ribs alone- remaining to show that
there had ever been u church.
Another missionary In charge of the
spiritual welfare of the Eskimo tribe,
built his church entirely of snow.
Seat, pulpit, altar and, Interior equip
ment, was made of snow, and In the
matter of warmth ho stone-built
church could beat It.
Bill's Capacity.
Prison Superintendent Rnttlgan was
talking nt Sing Sing about the ca
pacity for stroug drink possessed by
"Two convicts were talking one
day," he said, "and the first re
marked :
'"Yes, Bill done that carpenterln'
Job for 'em In return for what beer
4ie duunb while he was at' work.'
'"I see,' said the second convict
'Ordinary union rate wasn't good
enough for Bill, eh?"
The Limit
"Is Gubbler a generous chap?"
"Generous? W by, he'd share his
last half-pint with a friend 1" Home
Boy Scout's Explanation Somewhat
Disconcerting In That It Im
plied So Much.
The Boy Scouts were telling their
scoutmaster of some of the good turns
they had done during the last week.
IIo was having this done for the benefit
of one of the city school teachers who
was visiting the meeting. One of the
little scouts said, "I helped an old lady
across the street"
The next little scout looked ut the
visiting teacher, who happened to be
his teacher, and who.nlso was In the
early thirties. "I brought ray teacher
a pitcher of well water when she was
not feeling well," he told the scout
The teacher smiled, "Why didn't you
say you helped another old lady?" she
The retort that came back staggered
her. The little scout said sweetly, "A
scout Is courteous." Indianapolis
Keeping Up With H. C. O. L.
Bert asked his grandpa for a job and
was told he could throw down hay for
tho horses. For this chore he had al
ways received a nickel ; but ns the
candy bar he was In the habit of buy
ing had advanced in price, he coolly
Informed his grandparent that ho
would have to have a raise in wages.
"How, much?" asked grandpa,
"Oh." replied the little laborer,
"enough to keep up with the high cost
of candy."
The Reason.
"I will never marry Kate now.
There Is an insuperable bar to our
"Good gracious, Jack I What is it?"
"She won't have me."
No man bver 50 should marry a
woman who Isn't n good nurse.
How to be genial and 'do it natu
rally ay, there's the rub.
Coffee Often,
Disturbs Digestion
and frequently causes, ner
vousness and sleeplessness.
If coffee annoys you in any
wayt try
This favorite drink enjoys
growing popularity because of
its pleasing flavor and its su
periority to coffee in health
fulness. Sold by Grocers in two sizes 25c 1 5c
No raise in price
Battle Creek. Michigan
Farmer Can Make Much Improvement
by Dragging Highway In Front
of His Property.
Every farmer should feel his de
pendence upon good roads. Whether
or not onojllves on a public highway
he should take an Interest In tho
nearest one to his farm or the road
ho must use to mnrkct hislfarm. op
chard and garden products
There are many times when a any s
work can be spared on the rond. Aft
er heavy rains the rond may heed cer-
tnln repnlrs or Improvements when
the overseer is not rendy to call out
the hands. Why not Individual farm
ers donate u duy's work on tho rond
nt such time?
By keeping a road drag and drag
glng the rood along one's land nftci
heavy rains the road may be grentlj
The Above Is a Cut of Seager Wheel
er's Plank Drag. It Is of the Typ
for Good Road Maintenance. Th
Cut Shows Fully the Method ol
improved. It is an easy matter ti
have an agreement so each farmei
will drag the road In front of hli
farm. This would maintain the road
till the regular hands could be called
out at stated Intervals or till tho com
mlssloner could make the nncessarj
The time has come when we must
consider the roads an asset, , India
pensable to the well-being of tin
farmer and his family. This being
true, Is It not every man's duty to do
nil he can to keep tho roads In good
condition? The lndivldunl ns well nt
the county Is responsible.
Millions to Be Spent In Improving
Public Highways and Transporta
tion Facilities.
The year 1020 promises to develop n
revolution In Amerlcn's two great
' problems highways and transporta
tton. ,
All over the country great Interest
Is being manifested In better roads
and Improved transportation faclll
The coming of the pneumatic-tired
motortruck has given an Impetus to
the movement for a national highway
system that Is sweeping everything
before it. ,
State after state has passed, with
out noticeable opposition, approprla
tlons for millions of dollars to build
and Improve main market and Inter
county highways.
What these activities portend can be
visualized In some measure when It is
said that of the 2,000,000 miles of
roads In this country only 200,000 miles
are Improved.
Motor transports work nt highest ef
ficiency on good roads, although the
pneumatic truck tire Is rendering con
splcuous service in transporting
heavy loads over swamp ground and
the sandy soli of fruit groves.
I! You Need a Medicine
You Should Have the Best
IIrvc you ever itotined to reason why
It it that so many products that are ex
tensively advertised, all at once drop out
of sight and are soon forgotten? The
reason la plain the articlo did not fulfill
Ibe promises of the manufacturer. I his
applies more particularly to a medicine.
A medicinal preparation that has real
curative value almost sells itself, as like
an endless chain system the remedy Is
recommended! by those who have been
benenteu, to'those who are in need ot it.
A prominent druggist says "Tnko for
example Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, a
preparation I have sold for many years
and never hesitate to recommend, for in
almost every case it shows excellent re
sults, as many of my customers testify.
No other kidney remedy has so Urge a
According to sworn statements and
verified testimony of thousands who have
used the preparation, the success of ut,
Kilmer's Swamp-Root is due to the fact,
o many people claim, that It fulfills al
most every wish in overcoming kidney,
liver and bladder ailments: corrects uri
nary troubles and neutralizes the urio
acid which causes rheumatism.
You mav receive a samnle bottle of
Bwamp.Root by Parcels Post. Address
Dr. Kilmer & Co., Dinchamton, N. Y.,
and enclose ten cents; also mention this
paper. Large and medium size bottles
tor sale at all drug stores. Adv.
For Age Computation.
To compute tho ago and birth month
of iv person ask tho person to think of
his age, multiply by 10, add 25, multi
ply by 10, add the number of the
month in which ho was born, subtract
250. Tho first two numerals will bo
the person's ago and the last two tho
month In which he was born.
Introduced by "Bayer" to Physician In 1900
You want genuine Aspirin the I Neuralgia, Lumbago, ftheuinatlsH,
Aspirin prescribed by physicians Neuritis and for Pain generally
Shave With Cutlcura Soap
And double your razor efficiency s
well as promote skin purity, skin com
fort and skin health. No mug, no
slimy soap, no germs, no waste, no
Irritation even when shnved twice
dally. One soap for all uses shaving,
bathing and shampooing. Adv.
It Seems So.
She "Do you think girls that dance
aro all" right?" Ho "They must be,
for the "girls who don't are all lef t."
Proof of tho pudding Is In the first
bltcr-lf It's bread pudding.
for nineteen years. The nam
"Bayer" means the true, world
famous Aspirin, proved safa by
millions of people.
Each unbroken package of
"Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" eon
Always say "Bayer" when buy
ing Aspirin. Then look for the
safety "Bayer Cross" On the pack
age and on the tablets.
Handy tin boxes of twelve tab
tains proper directions for Colds,. Dut few nU- Dru
Headache, Toothache, Earache, gtU lw "U larger packages.
Aiplrin It tn3 mark of Dtycr Manufsctur Monoscctlcaddtiter ef SslUylicMM
New Test for Dyes.
Tho fading effect of light hns been
standardized and is made use of In a
now invention for tho testing of col
oring mado use of In textiles, wall
paper and similar materials. A power
ful lamp Is mado uso of with specially
designed electrodes consuming about
2,800 watts. Provision Is mado for
testing about -10 samples at one tlmo
and ns the samples aro being exposed
a portion of each Is shielded for the
purpose of comparison after Uie test
Barring blrth'lays, the society wom
an tries to he up to date.
If a gown becomes a woman sho be
comes anxious to show It off.
Not So Suro About Her.
"I saw your wife this morning, old
chap," remarked Jlmson. "Sho didn't
look very fit"
"Sho Isn't; she's mourning the loss
of n diamond necklace," said Blenklns
"Why don't you ndvcrtlse a bfg
money reward and no questions
"Well, I could mnnngo the cash all
right, but I doubt my wife's ability; to
fulfill tho rest of that contract," :
Whatever a derby hut does. It
never lops down over tho, ear. -
Few "good-bys" are adequate tcf the
sentiment of the occasion. y
Welcome Relief From the
Tortures of Rheumatism
Can Come Only From tho
Proper Treatment. .
Many forms of rheumatism aro
caused by millions of tiny gonna
that infest the blood; nnd until tho
blood is absolutely freed of these
germs, there is no real relief in
-The most satisfactory remedy
for rheumatism is S. S. S. bo-
causo it is one of the most thor
ough blood purifiers known tq med-
ical science. rniB une oicr rcmeuy
cleanses the blood of impurities,
and acts as an antidote to the gem
of rheumatism.
S. S. S. is sold by druggists
everywhere. For valuable litera
ture and advice address Chief Med
ical Adviser, 107 Swif t Laboratory,
Atlanta, Ga.
BSjpijjjlj S
I RAND old "Bull" Durham. He belongs in this . 1
I JJ country's Hall of Fame. Can you think of a more I
Farmstead Buildings on Improved
Highways Found In Better Shape
and Fences Kept Up.
Have you ever compared, the farm
stead on an improved highway with
ono on a dlrtrond? Why in the for
mer nro the buildings in so much bet
ter shape, the fences up and In a state
of repulr, the Holds spick and spnn,
tho house grounds well kept nnd
hedges trimmed; while In the latter
the bulldlngs'are unpalnted? Strange
ns It may seem, the difference Is
caused by the road.
Each Community Should Select Type
That Can Be Built and Main
talned at Lowest Cost.
There are various types of roads
that last, and each community should
choose the type that can be built and
mtiintalned at the least expense. Kor
some communities It may be gravel,
for others concrete, for others sand
clay roods. But in every community
there should be good roads every daj
In tho year.
GRAND old "Bull" Durham. He belongs in this
country's Hall of Fame. Can you think of a more
familiar figure? For over half a century Bull has
been part of the landscape; the tobacco he represent
has made millions and millions of friends.
You can roll fifty-thrifty cigarettes from one bag. '
ull Durham
U llSljIlimmL rlnSnUC UraSHk With paper you
n th beStt 'u11"