II V 5 t 'i v- Wei, V.. 23 " 1 l ,1k m . , finnifs Heni-fil Association of tlio Maccabees To Have IUg Time At Western 1). strict Ruby To He Here .May 2."th, 1020. A very welcome visitor from Michi gan to the Stato of Nebraska is Miss Frances D. Partridge, Supremo Rec ord Keeper of the Woman's Benoflt Association, who will be the guest of W. B. A. mombXjrs at various points during the week of May 24th. Miss Partridge will hold large meet ings at North Platte and Omaha and all arrangements have been In charge of Mrs. Agnes Temple Boyer, State Commander. Miss Partridge is one of the few women of this country, whose talents have permitted her to branch out ns a oloneer In practical actuarial work for the largest fraternal grouping of women in the world. Her fitness for the Important position she now ' holds was the means of unanimously electing her to her office In 1911, which is the second highest within the gift of this. Woman's. Association to give. ' Mites Partridge Is a very interesting woman for, apart from her special work as an actuary, and her supervi sion of trust funds amounting to over Thirteen Million Dollars, her literary attainments nre unusual both as n writer and Hteratteun Miss Partridge will give nddressos at all the meetings arranged for her and her headquar ters wfill be the McCabo Hotel while in this city, May 24th and 25th.- School of Instructions at the Odd Follows Hall at 9:30 a. m. First and Second Degree Work will be given in the afternoon at 2:00 o'clock lin the Odd Fellows Hall, fol lowing which supper will be served at the M. B. church at G:00 o'clock by the ladles aid society of that church. Evening meeting at 8:00 o'clock for , ithpubHctat-tho.Pdd -Fallows Hall. Everybody invited. Goo.l speaking ann music. ::o:: r ,. i. . (jrcato Two Tavlng Districts. At the meeting of the city council Tuesday evening two new paving dis tricts were created. District No. 5 In cludes that portion of Fourth street from Locust west to Oak street, a dis tance of seven blocks, while District No. 4 covers west Fifth street from Vine street to Adams street, a distance of thirteen blocks. ::o:: For Snlc. Nino room modern house, nfcoly ar ranged for two family apartment house. Cash terms. 520 South Chest nut street. Phone 1140 J. 37-2 pixgH.& Sohf Sight Spctfaflsts. i - Mr& J. II. Bankoy, of JPnxtoif, eh tored1.hd TWirienf hospltafrWe'dri'osd'ny for an operation. ' Miss Hazel Simpson has resigned her position as Multiplex operator at tho Western Unlomoffice' . " Memorial Dny, M&jjf. 30t.fi, falling fet Sunday, tho following day. will be db served as"-tho legal-h81iUay. ' Head our Snlo Add olsowhoro in the paper. BLOCK'S. Mr. and Airs. Albort Muldoon, of O tfalatla are spending a fow days In town vlsltng friends and transacting business. Gene Egan, tho eleven yenr old girl, of Mr. and Mrs.. Harry Egan, under went an operation at tho Twinom hos- pltnl yesterday. Mossers. Den, Coulder and Singleton left Tuesday morning for Rat Lake, where they will spend several days fishing for bass. ' i Tho Millinery Sale In Miss Whit taker's Department at BLOCK'S is a Mrs. Claude Wilson went to Dincoln , tho last of the week where she will j spend several weeks visiting with , friends nnd relatives. I Mr. anu Mrs u u. Hay, or weuiieet, were In town Wednesday visiting with friends and looking after business mattery For Rent Good front sleeping room downstairs, has private entrance to bath. 1 blocks east of Ten-cent store. Call at 317 E. 4th or Phono 1295. 2t For real live bargains don't miss at tending the Big Mid-Season Clearance 'Salo starting tomorrow at Block's. I New uniforms for the North Platte I band have been ordered by tho Chnm- !ber of Commerce, these being a dona- i .tlon from the latter organization. The uniforms will bo the regulation blue. REAL SALE don't miss it. i For Sale Dining room table, new. Phone 558 W. 1 Tho evening services for next 'Sun-S day at the Episcopal church will be held at 7 p. m. instead of 7:30 p. m. on account of Memorial services at 8 p. m. at the Franklin auditorium. Read our Sale Add elsewhere in tho paper. BLOCK'S. Mrs. Jens Sommers, who accompani ed Mrs. E. W. Fetter and little Jean to Omaha last week, spent yesterday with her brother Dr. E. W. Fetter, while enroute to her homo in Maxwell. Dixon & Son, Sight Specialists. Our entire Stock of Merchandise at 120 per cent reduction from our actual prices-means n big saving to you now while our stock fs full and com plete. Nothing reserved-nt The Lend er Mercantile Company's $tore. Fcr real live barga'ns don't miss at tending tho Big Mid-Season Clearance Sale starting tomorrow.. at. Block's. Mrs. Keith Neville, of this city, was named by the democratic state con vention, held In Omaha this week, as ono of the democratic presidential electors. There are eight electors and the convention chose four women and four men. Suggestions for tho girl graduate in DIXON'S window. The commltteo appointed to make arrangements for a Fourth of July celebration In connection with tho big auto races have completed the general plans and promise the public one of ,1)10 biggest and best celebrations thO city has ever witnessed. , All Spring suits at One-Third OFF ' at BLOCK'S. I WE TEACH YOUR DOLLARS TO HAVE MORE CENTS 4 EXTRA SPECIAL. Ladies' Holeproof Silk Hose $1.65 $2.50 VALUE irscnTeia s Great Semi-Annual SI at i USsMIiMtilj SALE EXTRA SPECIAL lien's Fast Black 25c Hose Absolutely Fast Color fry- PER A C PAIR 3 Pairs SOc Such Prices as These Are a Natter of Astonishment to All. Values that Surpass Anything on Record Men and X0 Men's Spring and Summer Suits LOT NO. 1. LOT NO. 2. LOT NO. 3. LOT NO. I. LOT NO. 6. VALUES VALUES VALUES VALUES VALUES up to $:. ur to $o up to $55. up to $45. up to $:$8. $52.00 $42.00 j $37.00 $32.00 $27.00 "" : t Men's Summer Underwear at Greatly Reduced Prices. VA L MEN'S ATHLETIC MEN'S KIIJIJEI) MEN'S ATHLETIC MEN'S ItlUHEI) MEN'S GENUINE v'lWlL UNION SUITS UNION SUITS UNION SUITS UNION SUITS B V D Ir.derw AT IT VALUE $2.25 VALUE $1.75 VALUE $1.50 VALUE $l.()0 VALUE W $.79 $1,45 $1.19 $.95 MEN'S HAT SPECIALS MalloryHats and other high grade makes broken lines. (T T Q j Values dp to $7.50 JO03 Mens Cloth Hats, the season's smartest styles and colors $2.95 One lot Men's and Boys A" caps values up to $3.00 Su MEN'S SHOE SPECIALS Ralston and other high grade Shoes and Oxfords, all the latest shapes broken' lines but most AA sizes, values up to $10 j Men's Heavy Work Shoes, one lot oi broken lines, but most all sizes. Values up to $8.50 Men's Bicycle Shoes values up to $6.00 $4.90 $3.65 MEN'S SHIRTS Men's Railroad Shirts, plain blue also pin strip with two detachable collars, "Signal Brand" rtw Ai sizes 16 to 19, only Men's Work Shirts; genuine Amos keag Chambrey Shirts, good (Cn $1.50 values, all sizes; . . . 7)C Boys Sport Shirts i Values np to $1.50 4C LADIES' SILK HOSIERY SPECIALS LADY ANN AND MISS VICTORIA Ladies' Silk Hose Extra Heavy Pure Thread Silk BEST 34.00 VALUES SALE PRICE PAR ALL THE NEW SHADES African Brown Cordovan Beaver Battle Ship Field Mouse Navy Pearl Grey Black White Mail Orders Promptly and Carefully Filled THE HIRSCHFELD c North Platte's Foremost Clothiers FOJR MEN AND YOUNMEN Always Reliablo Always Reliable's Mail Orders Promptly?' and Carefully Filled T P Ladies' Coats, Suits aed Silk Dresses. THE backward season has left us with larger stocks than usual of Coats, Suits and Dresses. We have gathered them into differ-. ent groups at one price lor each group, and are offering them for a limited time only at prices you will not see again for along time to come. The excessive rains we have had this spring have ex tended over the most of this country and the shortness of the sea-' son is forcing merchants and manufacturers to take the loss on these lines. Our loss will be your gain, come and take your pick. ' SUITS AT $21.45, $33.50. $39.50, . . $49.50 COATS At $19.95, $24.45, $34.45' DRESSES AT $18.45, $24.45, $34.45, $48.45, $74.45 These prices when compared with percentage reductions will show greally in your favor. There are no jobbing house garments in this line, but are all from factories of the better class. Wilcox Department Store LOCAL AJSTD PERSONAL T. F. Ilealoy was in attendnnco ut the democratic Btate convention held in Omaha Tuesday and as a roward for ills faithfulness and loyalty to tho party was elected a member of tho stato central committee and as such will represent tho Twenty-flfth sena torial district. For rtent Largo sleeping roorii with 2 beds. Plume 1094. 1 Daughters of tho American Rovolu tjlon of Sioux Lookout Chapter will meet with Mrs. S. B. Parr, 509 W. 5th, St., May 24th, at 7:30. Tho report of tho national congress, election of of ficers and appointment of committees will bo mndo. A full attendance is desired. MRS. II. M. GRIMES, Regent. If you nro at all In need of a classy sv!t, coat, dress, skirt or blouse you can find what you aro looking w at a. Great Reduction In price at Blocks. Mid-Season Clearanco Sale, At tho meeting of tho Chamber of Commerco directors Tuesday ovcnlng a motion was made to appoint a com mltteo to confer with tho city council roIatvo to providing uniforms for tho police force. If the city finances will (stand this innovation, it would add much to tho appearance and dignity of tho officers. I Wo nro cooperating with tho United Slncj (Jovornni(!nt-iii doing our part fo bring down t''o high prices. Until , further notice wo offer our ciKIro ! stock at a reduction and u Having of ,20 per cent off nil regular prices. This itirent Induction menus (hut wo ur .lakliig our valued customers ,Ino co ipornllon with us to effect n great purpose. Tho Lender Mercnntllo Co. i ::o:: j First Vrcsbylerlan Church. I Tho Rov. Charles A. Payno, tho world travolor nnd locturor and uril jVoralty extension locturor who has boen on tho Chautauqua courses for , many years, will speak at tho Preaby- torflan church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, subject "Pnlostino and Tho Man of Gulllloo." Mr. Payno spent somo Umo in thnt country living among tho peasants and flshormon, so i ho could know tholr llvos and customs. I Mr. Pnyno is a man of wldo reputation i and Is Hpokon of both by proes nnd inon as a very interesting speaker. You ro cordially 'invited to hoar him Sun :day morning. ,' This church will unlto Sunday ovon Ing in tho Momorlal sorvicos nt tho Franklin auditorium. D. II. Hardin went to Boulder, Col., Wednesday night to visit his daughter who is taking treatment there. We extend to kind friends and neigh bors our sincere thanks for their gon- orous assistance ind loving sympathy. extended to us during tho illness nnd following the death of our darling daughter and for the beautiful floral tributos. MIL AND MRS. ALGOT ANDERSON. For Salo G room stucco house, fine lawn, fruit trees. Price is right if sold by 'Juno 15. Inquire 1800 West Third. Phone 717W. 37-4 AT THE SUN THEATRE. FRIDAY Fortune Hunter WITH Earle Williams. ALSO Also 2 Reel V Comedy SATURDAY Hoart in Pawn STARRING Sessue Hayawaka . ALSO Tug Boat Romeo two Reel Comedy MONDAY Where the West Begins STARRING' William Russell. ALSO Elmo the Fearless Crystal Saturday aud Monday William Hart IN Branding Broadway You Know the Rest SATURDAY Comedy-Light Hearts and Leaking Pipes. MONDAY ! Comedy-Hide and Seek Detectives ORDINANCE NO. 115. An ordinance providing for tho pav ing of cortaln streets within tho city of North PIntto, Nobraskn, and for tho creation of Paving District No. 4, of said city. Bo It ordained by tho Mayor and Council of tho City of North Platt,o, Nebraska: Sec. 1. That tho following streets in cluding tho intersection thereof, with in tho' limits of tlio City of North Pluttp, Nebraska, bo paved, to-wlt: All that nortlon of Fifth Street nfnnTfl City, commencing on tho oast lino of vino street in said City, at tho Inter section of Vino and Fifth strqots, thon west along said Fifth Streot to tho east lino of Adams streot in said City, as It intorsccts snld Fifth streot. Sec. 2. That all of tho streets and in tersections tliorof, us described In Section 1 of this ordlnanco shall bo, and constituto paving District No. 4, of tho City of North Platto, Nobraska, and said Paving District No. 4, of said City is heroby creatod. ..See. 3. That this ordlnanco Bhall bo in force and offect Trom and after its passngo, approval and publication, as roquirod by law. Passed and approved this 18th day of May, 1920. J A. F, STREITZ, Mayor. N (SEAL) 0. E. Eider, City Clerk,.