The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 21, 1920, Image 11

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wnos wno
Depew's Middle
no says that In the great battles of the world tho parties In the fight hnvo
usually been the only dhes Immediately interested. In a prlzo fight there nro
but two participants, but In some strikes, such ns these affecting transporta
tion, there 1 no ringside. Everybody Is a participant.
He says that tho 80 per cent which suffers most is at present unorganized.
"What we need is n union of thnt majority, a union of tho mlddlo class con
sumer, whether he be n consumer of food or transportation.
Our 600,000 School Teachers
Representative Scott Ferris of
Oklahoma, read into tho Congressional
Record many Interesting facts concern
ing our schools, pupils nnd teachers.
He said that America's scholastic pop
ulation Is 20,853.510; America's school
teachers number C0O.0O0. Tho toal
amount Invested In school property Is
$1,083,508,818. 'The total amount ex
pended annually for school main
tenance Is S730,07S,0S0. Tho average
amount expended per child per annum
for schooling Is $30.02. Tho National
, Education association asserts that
there are 38,000 schools closing on nc
count of Inability to secure teachers;
they further assert that there are 05,
000 Inefficient teachers in the United
A recent report issued by tho Na
tional Education association discloses
that of the 000,000 school teachers
engaged In teaching America's youth,
300.000 of them have had no pilnm.
xr.tion beyond the eighth grade; 100,000 more of them had less than two years
training beyond tho elementary grades. Five million out of n total of twenty
million of the school children are being taught by teachers who have not eves
proceeded beyond the eighth grade.
The nverage salary for tho 000,000 school teachers throughout the' United
Stntes is but $085 a year.
It means a deterioration of the schools; It means Inferior schools; It la
n rellectlon upon our school system; It ought to bo corrected.
New Senate Minority Leader
o Democratic harmony and will accord with ray Individual plans which will
not permit me during the remainder of tho yenr, to undertnke such continuous
servlco in tho senate as I have hud during tho past twelve months."
Senator Hitchcock's friends explained tho presidential campaign would
tnke the senntor away from Washington at frequent Intervals.
Caillaux Punished by France
Joseph Cnlllnux, former premier
of France, has been In tho world's eye
for n long time. Is this the end of
him? Anyway, In the Neullly hospital,
Calllnux listened to tho rending of the
(Sentence of tho sei-nto which, sitting
ns n high court of Justice, nnd con
vlcted him of "commerce and corre
spondence with tho enemy."
Three years' imprisonment, flvo
years forced resldcnco In o. tewn to
he selected by the minister of the
interior, nnd ten yenrs' loss of pollt
Icnl rights, tho latter clnuso enrry
ing with it Inability to voto or hold
office, wns the sentence Imposed.
The document wns rend by n court
officer sent to the hospital for the
purpose, after It hnd been proraul
gntod before the senate by Leon Bour
geois, the presiding officer.
Tho prisoner mnde no comment
nfter tho official mnde known tho
contents of the document, but his
fnce showed deep sndness.
Tho question when M. Cnlllnux Is to bo freed requires Intricate figuring.
Tho prisoner wns In Jnll for twenty-seven months nnd this time, mWed to the
period he has been In the hospital, according to his partisans, constitutes tbr
(Service of the full term of Imprisonment Imposed by the senate
Class Union
Clinuncoy M. Depcw lins been In
tho public oj'o for half a century. Ho
has been railroad magnate, political
lender nnd United States senator
among other things, nnd ho Is now
ono of tho world's famous nftor-dlnner
speakers. But his latest chilm to
fnmo Is his proposal of tho formation
of a "Middle Class Union." Ho will
nor nccede to tho requests mado In
scores of letters that ho organize the
union, but his reason for declining Is
not doubt hs to tho practicability or
effectiveness of such an organization.
Ho Is satisfied that it Is feasible.
"It is a mighty big Job," ho said tho
other day .In his office as chairman of
tho New York Central, and I'm not
going to undertake it on my eighty
sixth birthday, because i think It might
impose hurdles on my efforts nnd am
bitions to reach a hundred which I
couldn't Jump and I am not riding for
a falU"
Senator W. Underwood of Ala
bama, Is tho new sennto minority
lender. He was unopposed In the
conference of senate Democrats, Sen
ator Hitchcock of Nebraska acting
leader since the death of tho lato
Senator Martin of Virginia having
withdrawn from the fight.
Mr. Hitchcock, however, Is rank
ing Dembqrnt on tho foreign relntlous
committee, nnd will continue to lend
the democrats In nil mntters concer
ing foreign affairs, Including the pend
ing peace resolution nnd further ' de
velopment with the treaty of Ver
sailles. The wlthdrnwnl of the Nebraska
senator broko the deadlock which de
veloped at tho party conference Janu
ary 15.
"I now deslro to terminate this
deadlock," wrote Senator Hitchcock,
"and thereby withdraw my namo
from the contest. This will conduco
rpHB two very nttractlvo afternoon
A frocks which present rival claims
to admiration In tho picture above,
employ tho two most favored silk fab
rics, georgette and taffetn, nnd each
makes the most of this ndvnntngcous
stnrt. In splto of the dlspnrlty In
these materials the two frocks havo
several features In common; both aro
mado with a tunic, both achieve tho
widened hip lines which fashion en
courages, nnd both show tho bodlco
extended over tho waistline nt tho
front, forming a straight-line, girdle
less effect. These aro all Important
stylo features, and each of these
frocks Is distinctive enough to answer
for somewhnt more formal dress than
tho averago afternoon frock Is equal
Taking noto of tho smnll Items that
go to make up the success of tho
georgette frock, It appears thnt tho
straight underskirt has no hem, but Is
finished with n plcot edge. Its tunic
Is long nnd full, drnped nnd shortened
nt tho sides nnd embellished with
handsome embroidery in silk nt tho
front nnd bnck. There nro three-quar
The Etiquette
OF ALL things that must bo ac
complished according to set cus
toms a wedding requires tho closest
following of accepted rules. In order
that tho celebration of tho ceremony
nnd nil the Incldentlnl events mny
move smoothly and successfully, mi
nute attention must ho given to nil the
detnils of prepnrntlon for the occasion,
from tho assembling of the wedding
party to the departure of tho bridal
pair on their honeymoon. Leaving
out thonntter of the troussenu which
is a sepnrnte nffhlr--thero are many
other things thnt must bo considered
and adjusted.
To begin at tho beginning there
aro tho Invitations. At least three
weeks and even a month beforo the
day of the ceremony, these are to be
sent out to lists of names which In
clude those furnished by tho groom
whose mother or sister assists In mak
ing up his list. Tho bride's parents
furnish tho Invitations nnd announce
ments nnd tho Intter nre to be mnlled
Immediately nfter tho wedding to
friends who have not been Invited to
attend the ceremony. No nenr rela
tive or close friends are to bo over
looked, even though they live too far
away to come conveniently. The wed-,
ding Invitations nnd nnnouncements
nro to b6 engraved on henvy white
pnper, In script or shnded Romnn
letters, nnd cards to tho reception
nnd "nt homo" enrds enclosed. If the
wedding is to tnke plnco out of town,
train cards nro also necessnry nnd If
in a lnrge city enrds for admission to
tho church may bo required.
"At homo" cards are enclosed with
nnnouncements. If n limited number
of people nro to bo asked to the re
ception, the card to the reception will
bo left out of Invitations to others.
Tho invitations aro enclosed In two
envelopes, tho inner ono benrlng the
nnmo of tho recipient without nny
nddress nnd without first nnmes, ex
cept when they nro necessary to
distinguish between members of tho
same family. The outer envelopo enr
rleH tho nnmo nnd homo nddress of the
recipient and tho nnmes of the street
and stnto nro Bpelled out. Invitations
nro Issued In tho nnme of tho brldo's
parents, If only ono of them Is living,
in the namo of that one, or if tho
brldo Is an orphan, In tho name of a
senior relative. A widow without a
near relntlvo to nnnounco her mar
riage Issues n Joint announcement
with tho groom. Upon receipt of a
wedding Invitation nnd enrd to tho
reception, nn ncknowledgment Is
mndo Immediately, written In formal
Besides furnishing tho Inventions
tho pnrents of the brldo nssumo nil
other expense!! the decorntlon of the
ter-length sleeves having a narrow
bnnd of embroidery at tho bottom,
and, lest wo overlook tho original
management of tho bodlco nt tho
front, embroidery emphasizes It nnd
calls attention to tho narrow collar.
Four small, silk-covered balls fall
from tho ends of tho unnecessary but
pretty pretenso In collars.
In tho taffetn frock tho tunic be
comes nn npron drapery nt tho
front nnd bnck, edged with n flounco
of tho silk thnt Joins tho draperies
and widens the hips nt tho snmo time.
This flounco has three nnrrow cord
Ings nlong Its edgo nnd is set on to
the drapery with a cord, Insuring It
considerable flnre. This -frock hns nn
underbodico cut with short kimono
sleeves and these sleoves aro corded
near tho edge. Below tho cords nar
row tabs mnde of folds of tnffetn
carry a narrow ribbon run through
them as a finish. The round neck is
finished In similar fnshlon. Sleeves
ns short as these nro infrequent in
Amerlcnn frocks, but there Is plenty
of nuthority for them in French lm
of Weddings
church, tho fees to tho sexton, tho
awning nt tho church door, the music,
tho expenses of the reception, furnish
ing motors for tho brldo nnd her nt
tendnnts. If the brldo is nn orphnn
with no close relntives nnd is mnrrled
under tho chnperonago of a married
friend, she assumes these expenses
herself. The bride decides upon tho
gowning of her attendants, her maid
or matron of honor, mnlds and flower
girl deferring absolutely to her in this
matter. On tho day beforo tho wed
ding tho bride entertains her attend
ants nt luncheon nnd presents ench
with n souvenir. Sho selects her nt
tendnnts from nmong her own nnd
tho groom's relntives, Including In tho
cortege close friends ns well.
A few days beforo tho wedding the,
bridal procession Is rehearsed, with
every member of tho bridal party
present and with tho music to be
played at tho wedding. On the duy ol
tho wedding motors are sent for the
maids and the mnld of honor, who ns
scmble nt tho homo of the brldo where
they rccelvo their bouquets. At tho
ceremony tho mnlds nro to stnnd In
tho positions decided upon nnd lenvo
tho church In pairs or each ith nn
usher. The maid of honor will hold
tho bride's bouquet or prayer book,
which tho bride hands to her, nt tho
proper time, returning them ri if tho end
of tho rlto "of plighting trpths. At
tho end of tho ceremony thef mnld of
honor mny throw bnck the fnco veil,
If one Is worn by tho bride nnd see
thnt the train falls gracefully. When
tho bridesmaids leave tho church
ench In compnny with nn usher then
tho mnld of honor Is escorted by tho
best mnn. But If tho mnlds go out
two by two, the attendant of honor
precedes them nlono. In this ense
tho best mnn goes out by tho vestry
door and goes from there to tho place
of the reception. Tho motor which
brought him nnd tho groom to tho
church takes tho bride and groom
nwny from It.
A good mnny duties fnll to tho lot
of the best man, who Is chosen by tho
groom, who also selects tho ushers.
TIjcbo usually Include several reln
tives or friends of tho bride. Just be
foro the wedding tho groom gives n
fnrewell bnchelor dinner to his host
mnn nnd ushers nnd presents each
with a souvenir, usunlly n senrf pin or
other bit of Jowelry. Ho nlso mny In
struct his best man to see that the
crnvnts he may choose for tho ushers
nnd best mnn nro delivered nt their
house's tho day before tho wedding.
is mom
Hordes of tiny tollers aro working
In our servlco night nnd dny to keep
tho world wholcRomo nnd nil tho races
of beings supplied with Ufa stuff.
For nny other mcnl except break
fast snlads nro n welcomo purt of nny
Vegetable Sal
ad. Chop( four
Inrgo cucumbers,
ono smnll onion
nnd two tnble
spoonfuls of pnrs
ley, mix well, with
mnyonnulso nnd
stuff tomntoes with tho mixture thus
Brunswick Salad. To ono nnd one
half cupfuls of finely cut celery udd
ono cupful of shredded cabbago nnd
ono cupful of nut ments. Moisten with
Boiled Dressing. Bent Into tho yolks
of seven eggs four tnblespoonfuls of
ollvo oil, then add ono-hnlf cupful of
melted butter, tho Julco of ono lemon,
threo tcnspoonfuls of snlt. ono-hnlf
cupful of vlncgnr, ono tnblespoonful
of sugnr mixed with ono-hnlf teaspoon
ful of mustnrd. Cook nil together un
til mixture coats tho spoon.
Potato Salad. Sllco all' of the
following ingredients thin : Three small
tticumbcrs, three stalks of celery, ten
small boiled potatoes, four hnrd cooked
eggs. Arrange In layers, sprinkling
ench layer with minced onion. I'our
over tho nbovo boiled dressing nnd
let stnnd to season.
Pineapple Salad. Mix plncnpplo,
diced, with equnl pnrts of diced col
cry nnd hnlf the quantity of blnnchcd
nnd shredded nlmonds. Servo In nests
of head lettuce with mnyonnnlso dress
ing served In tho shell of n smnll pine
npple, garnished with perfect lenves
tnken from tho top.
Cheese Balls Tnko Noufchntel or
any crenm cheese, ndd crenm, chopped
chives nnd blanched nlmonds with n
little chopped pepper. Mnko Into
smnll bnlls, nrrnngo on lcttuco nnd
Rcrvo with boiled dressing or mnyon
nnlse. Berkshire Salad. Mix two cupfuls
of cold rlced potntoes with ono cupful
of peach ments cut In nits,, Mnrlnato
with French dressing nnd servo In n
mound of wntercrcss nnd gnmlsh with
hnlvcs of peenns
Servo overlnpplng slices of tomnto
nnd cucumber, sprinkled with chopped
onion. Servo with French dressing.
If you can't Ret to bo uncommon
through going Btrnlght you'll never
get to do It through being crooked.
SIONS. Tnlto n filet of beef, trim It neatly
nnd lay In a deep dlBh with an onion
cut In slices, two bny
leaves, n sprig of parsley,
whole pepper nnd tmlt,
nnd ollvo oil to bnsto it
well. Let- tho filet lio in
this mnrinndo for six
hours, turning occasional
ly, then roast In n hot
oven ; let It bo rnther un-
dordonc. Servo surround
ed by mnenroni cooked ns follows:
Put into n saucepan n hnlf-cupful of
tomnto puree, threo tnblcvoonfuls of
butter and two or threo tahlespoonfuls
of tho raent gravy; season well with
popper nnd snlt to tnste. Bring to
tho boiling point nnd simmer for n
few minutes, then ndd. a llttlo at rt
time, somo previously-cooked maca
roni. Toss nil gently nnd mix In nt
tho Inst, threo tenspoonfuls of Par
mesan cheese.'
Spinach With Cream. Wash threo
pounds of spinach and put It In n largo
saucepan; cook over tho lient, stirring
occasionally 12 minutes, then put
through n flno sieve, snvlng nil tho
liquor; add four tahlespoonfuls of but
ter nnd pepper nnd salt to tnste ; cook
slowly for 15 minutes, then ndd threo
tnblespoonfuls of crenm ; mix we'll nnd
pllo In tho center of a dish with fried
croutons surrounding tho spinach.
Poppy Seed Wafers. Take two cup-
fuls of milk, two eggs, three tahle
spoonfuls of ollvo oil, three-fourths of
n cup of sugnr, ono-fourth of n pound
of poppy seeds, two tenspoonfuls of
baking powder, n little salt and Hour
to roll out. Roll very thin, cut with nil
cooky cutter and bako in a hot oven.
Creme de Marrons. Take half n
pound of largo chestnuts, cut u cross
on ench, nnd boll, them In plenty of
wnter till tho outer urid inner skins
can bo easily removed. Then pound
therm In a mortar, and pass through
n flno sieve Into a dish, adding a faw
drops of milk to soften the mixture.
Next, bent the yolks of threo eggs with
one-half cupful of crenm and tho samo
of milk; sweeten with one-qunrter of
a cupful of sugnr, udd a few drops
of vnnllla and strain the mixture Into
n double holler. Stir tho mixture over
tho firo until It thickens, then ndd n
little less thnn hnlf nn ounco of gel
atin, which hns been soaked In n llttlo
cold wnter nnd dissolved over tho heat.
Tour this custard grndunlly onto tho
chestnut puree, mixing well, then pour
into a hollow mold. When ready to
servo unmold and fill the center with
n hnlf-cupfnl of whipped cream col
ored with a hit of pink sugnr.
Coconut Soup. Put the meat of hnlf
n coconut from which tho brown skin
lias been carefully peeled through a
meat chopper two or threo times until
flno nnd smooth. Cook gently one hour
In ono qunrt of white stocki' Thicken
with ono tablospoonful of rlco flour.
Add one tablospoonful oft lemon Juice,
ono tnblespoonful of soy, ono quarter
of n cupful of sour orange Juice, u
speck of cnyenno nnd nutmeg, with
snlt to tnste. Boll ten minutes, Soft
boiled rlco mny be used In plnce of
tho rlco flour. Put It through n flno
If this wliolo world followed you
Followed to tho letter
Would It bo n nobler world,.
All docelt nnd falsehood hurled
From It altogether!
Malice, BolflRhnofls and lusC
Unnlshcd from beneath the cryat
Covering hearts from view?
Tell mo, If It followed you
Would tho world be botter7
Hero Is n fruit soup thnt sonwono
who Is fond of such soups mny deslro
to try:
Prune Soup.
Wnsh nnd sonlt
one pound of
prunes In threo
pints of cold wn
ter overnight. In
tho morning hent
slowly nnd ndd
ono lemon sliced very thin, nnd ono
stick of "cinnamon; cook below tho
simmering point until tho prunes nro
tender but unbroken. Add Wnter If
needed, ns there should bo three pints
when done; add threo tnblcspaGnfuls
of sngo, n pinch of salt and sufficient
sugar to sweeten. Cook until tho sngo
is transparent. Remove tho clunnmun,
ndd two-thirds of n cupful of oruugo
Juice, rehent nnd servo at once.
Quick Coffeo Cake. Sift together
one pint of flour, one-third of a cupful
of sugnr, threo tcnspoonfuls of baking
powder, hnlf n tenspoonful epeh of
snlt nnd cinnamon. Mix to a soft
dough with half a cupful of mltf
stirred Into a benten egg. Add four
tablospoonfuls of softened butter.
Spread tho mixture In n shnlldw pnn
and sprinkle with sugar nnd elnnn
mon. Add raisins If desired. Bako In
n modernto oven nnd servo" with cof
fee. Creamed Liver. Tnko MVb liver
left from a previous mcalchop it. and
ndd to a crenm snucc. Arrange thin
slices of tonsted brend wlthji slice
of cooked Imcon on ench,; pour over
tho crenmed liver nnd Bcrve.
Baked Squabs. Cut flvo squabs Into
four pieces each nnd flntton lightly by
pounding. Put tho livers to cook In n
llttlo snlted wnter. Senson ench piece
of squab with suit nnd pepper. Lino
n baking dish with chopped Minmv
sprinkle with chopped chives, place n
lnyer of squabs, then n layer of hard
cooked eggs, n sprinkling of ham
chives and another lnyer of squnbs.
Crush tho llvcra, mix with ono table
spoonful each of flour and butter, ndtl
h pint of chicken or veal stock nnd
pour over tho squnbs. Cover with oiled
pnper nnd bako ono hour.
Who bonra' another's burden will find
from dayjlo day
Ills own Is always lightened or lifted
qulto away.
If ever pnlns slfould bo tnken to
servo dulntlly and, garnish dishes np-
proprlately, it Is
when serving nn.
invalid, Sm a 1 1
portions of fooil
of tho right tem
perature on our
prettiest chin
served with" the'
cook's best skill
will mnko tho food nppotlzlng. ' '
Beef-Tea Jelly. Cover with cold wn
ter one-third of a box of gelatin; let
stand ono hour then pour over two
cupfuls of boiling beef tea, "season to
tuwto and set nsldq to cool in smnll
cups. Servo with toasted crackers.
Calf's-Foot Broth. Cut up two
calf's feet and put them Into n sauce
pan with two quarts of water, n car
rot, i few pieces of celery or leaves,
salt and mace to season. Simmer for
three hours slowly until half of tho
liquor Is cooked awny; strain and add.
more seasoning If needed,
Barley Water. Tako four tnblo
spoonfulH of penrl barley, well washed
add threo cupfuls of water, boll for
25 minutes; Hweeten nnd flavor to
Oatmeal Gruel. Tako four table
spoonfuls of ontmeal mlxc.d with half
n cupful of water, cold. Put n pint of
water in n saucepan with a pinch ot
salt. When boiling stir In tho ontmeal p
boll slowly for 20 minutes, strain andl
Egg Gruel. Beat tho, whites of
threo eggs to a stiff froth, then add!,
ono cupful of fresh barley gruel ; al
low It to stand over tho heat without
boiling, then add such seasoning us de
sired. Turn into n mold andl servo
cold with crenm. ,
Chicken Puree. Tnko the whlto
meat from tho breast of q chicken
which has been roasted; ndd a tnble
spoonful of brend crumbs. Pound tho
bread and mcnt, mixing with a llttlo
broth to moisten to tho consistency of
cream, senson to tnste, heat and servo
In small bouillon cups.
Blanc-Mange. Add threo table
spoonfuls of gelatin to n quart of new
milk; boll until all Is dissolved, then
pour In a cupful of cream; add sugar
and flnvorlng to taste, nutmeg or lem
on If desired, pour Into a mold and set
on lco to cool.
Nuts and chopped fruit stirred Jnto
fondant, with colored layers of
different (lnvors packed together In
small buttered tins, mny bo cut In
slices, making a most attractive nnd
delicious nougnt.