The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 18, 1920, Image 8

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    Mit-l$ccklu Sributte.
UtA 1 BAKE, Editor nnd Publisher
Ono tear by Mull, In udiancu. .$1 . 7ft
Ono Voir lr Cnrrlor, In advance, $2. 00
Kutcrcd at the North Platte, Nebraskn
PoBtofllce as Second Class Matter.
TUESDAY, 31 AY ISili, 1020.
Editor of Tribuno: Govornpr No
vlllo'8 nrUolo in regard to taxation,
Indlcntos that If present plans are
carried out, wo aro going to bo ro
qulred to pay nlniont as much In taxes
as wo fornforly would lmvo paid for
ront of our homes. North Platte has
boom backward enough n public Im
provement, without having thU dls
couragomont. Besides there Is no oc
casion for any such amount of money
being collected In taxes. A roason
abls Increase 1s no doubt required,
but a 35 per cont Increase aa Gover
nor Ncvlllo says, ought to cover this
nood. Why should tho former taxes
bo multiplied by three?
Now Govornor Novlllo and the und
orsignod and others who watch theae
matters will protect their rights by
(Condensed from County Kchanges.)
F. C. UonnoIIy, of Horshey, was call
ed to Moxico, Mo., Thursday by tha
death of n brothor.
T. L. Green left the latter part of last
wook for Excolsior Springs, Mo., to
spond two or three weeks,
The Junior-Senior banquet of the
Brady schools was held last Friday
ovoning, tho baccalaureate sermon
was dolivorod at the Methodist church
by lie v. C. F. Koch, of North Platte,
tho class play will be given this
evening, and tho commoncomcnt ex
orcise will be hold next Friday evon
lng with an nddross by Dr. Shroves of
tho Koarnoy Normal.
Tho farm house of C. J. Hlndor
brand, near Horshey, was struck by
lightning Monday of last wook and
north sldo of the house wus riddled.
Fire started but was extinguished. The
damngo is ostlnJated at $1,000.
Hoss Coker and Miss Emma Palmor,
of Sutherland, woro marked at that
placo Tuesday of last weolc The
bride was attoudod by Miss Helen
Trogo and tho groom by his brother
Tho Union Pacific has a largo gang
of Mexicans working on the tracks at
A movomont Is on foot, to create a
free library at Sutherland and tho
basoment of tho Christian, churoh has
beon offered for tluat purp'ose, Dona-
objcctlng to tho assessment, boforo
tho board of equalization and by ap
pealing to tho courts if necessary, but uons or books aro Invited,
hundreds of others will first complain Itolatlvcs to tho number of thirty
only when they find thnlr taxes aro three gathered nt tho E. B. Leypoldt
very groat. Then It is too lato. If homo at Horshey last Wednesday
iporhaps tho grcator number of proper- ovoning to colobrate E. B.'s thlrty
ty ownors should becomo nrousod, second birth anniversary,
look Into tho question and make com- Tho Sutherland and Tryon ball
plaints, tho board of equalization teams v!U try conclusions nt Tryon
Avould have to bo In sosslon for many next Sunday.
weeks to adjust tho nssossmonts. John Boyle, of Horshey, shipped a
Would It not bo wlso to call a goner- car of spring wheat to Omaha last
ol meeting of proporty ownors to Un
vostlgato conditions and to take unit
ed action, rather than to leavo each
individual to fight out tho battle
week for which ho received $2.90 po
I minimi,
..General Hospital-.
One Hall Block North ol Postoftice.
Phone 58
A modern institution for th
nclfeiitiflc treatment of medical,
surgical and confinement casd.
Completely equipped X-Ry
and diagnostic iRhomuiri. '
Staff: . :
Geo. B. Dent, M. D. V. Lacas. M. 0.
J. B. RedSeld. M. D. J. S. SIMMS. M.D."
Physician, Ohstetrlctnn
Snrceon. X-Rny
Culls Promptly Answered Night or Buy
Phone Office C12 Residence 070
Plumbing nnd Heating Contractor.
I am prepared to do all kinds of
plumbing and heating. All niatorlalB
and work guaranteed. Estimates
cheerfully given.
Shop nnd Residence 130!J East th St.
Phone lied 45S
The New
Twinein Hospital
For the Treatment o!
Medical, Surgical and
Obstetrical Cases.
719 West Fiftli Street.
Phone 110.
Kooruf 1 itiji i nelini, tuiil'lln
McDonald Bank Bldy.
Phone 7.
North Platte, Neb., April 29, 1920.
Certainly tho present High nricos "iwr"""".."
whlclr como out of an unusual condi- " L Z " .T
Won. and which all agree must end 1$ "KVi f. of b8,n.e3.8 ,u. tho
some day, aro not a fair basis for tho fi' t .17 . ,
ninM t BUd. all stock being represented, the
vdiutiLjuii ui ijiuiiuiiy lur ui.Miuuii 1 f,,i. ,..i.. , , - r , , -
nn ...,!. hi, uuhib uuoinuaa wus nau anu none,
. II.-UIKI Ull Ul T n VM. .,,., 41... A Tr
or, county doalrcs to iplaco values Soof;A r"11,
'""'i'" iiuiii uvuiim uitui own Monies
r making improvomentH.
on of tho
Department Storo as amended
March 29th, 1920, be amended to read
as follows:
Articlo IV: -Tho amouut of tho auth
orized capital stock of tho corporation
is fiuu.uuu.uu divided
into shares of
$100.00 each, $130,000.00 of which stock
(From Tho Tribuno of May 1G,.1885.) Bl1' bo common stock and fully paid
Invltntons had beon lsuod for the up when issued and $40,000.00 of
marriage of W. C. Roynolds and Miss whioh said stock shall bo preferred !i,rn Ifn mrnlnnt rnch nnd all of said
t.u t. T . 1 I ...t.l.l. ,. . . . . , ... , O -
inuuuu iucuonuiu. Dwul.iv, wuiuii sum nrorerreU StOCk Mofonilnnta nnrl nim ns . all nnrsons
Vounc Bros. & Co.: Daniel C.
Young; Ebon Young and P. S. Young,
partners In business In St. Louis,
Missouri, under the firm name of
Young Bros. & Co.; T. B. Weber &
Co.; John Dowd and E. M. Dowd;
Mary, K. Nichols; Lot 1, Block 11C of
tho Original Plat of tho City of North
Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska; and
all persons claiming any Interest of
any k'.ild In said real estala or any
part thereof, defendants, will take
notice that on tho 5th day of May, 1920,
Julius Plzor, plaintiff herein, filed his
notltlon In the district court of Lin
coln County, Nebraska, against said
defendants, the object and prayer of
which is ot quiet title In the plantltf
herein, Julius Plzer, to Lot 1, Block
116, of tho Original Plat of tho City
of North Platte, Lincoln County, Ne-
We'want these.
Big Price for Cast Iron.
Dry Bones $10 to 312 ton
Anu piamtitr runner prays mat a
certain mortgage executed .by A. J.
Jlller and C. M. Miller on said Lqt
1. Block 110, North Platte. 'Nehraskai
dater Mav 20th, 1S71. running to
Daniel C. Young, Eben Young and Ps
Stock running at large in town had a'"1'1 sold at not less than par. at Vinimimr n.nv in.nmst nf .mv kind in
uiuiiuBuu nowiy pianieu trees aim a ""J mtur mo. adoption or tnis $& real estate or any part thereof
Huiiiuor 01 resiuenis actea as tnougn uiiiuuumuiu wneu so oruoreu by the and to exclude each and all of said de
thoy were real mad. board of directors. Said prorerred fendants from any right, title, inter-
A Second ward young lady informod stck shall draw eight per cont cumu- est, lien or claim in and to said lot
Tho Tribuno that a fortune awaited latlvo, annual dividends, payable an- and lands.
tho genius who would invent a process mtatly, prior to declaring or paying And plantlff prays In said aotion
by which banged hair could be mado dividends on the common stock of that one certain mortgage executed
to retain Its shupo during damp the corporation, and on tho dissolu- by C. M. Mllleer on the 10th day, of
weather. tjon of tho conporation said stock May, 1871 for SC3G.S6 to tho defendants
Tho drug firm of Lo Flls & Stroitz shall be paid in full. The preferred jherein, Young Bros. & Co., and rscord
wn8 dissolved, A. F. Stroitz continu- stock shall have equal voting pciwer ed in Book "A," Page 57 of the Mort
fng tho business. Tho Tribuno said: with common stock but shall not par- gage Records of Lincoln County. Ne
Mr, Stroitz is a graduato of tho ticipato in profits boyond Its fixed ' braska, on said Lot 1, Block 110.
Philadelphia college of plmrmarcy and Proforred cumulnted annual dividend North Platte, Nebraska, bo decreed
Is a skilled and careful apothocary." of. eight por cent. And tho directors and adjudged to bo paid and satisfied
Tho firm of Cash & Iddlngs, who of tho corporation shall have tho op- jand cancelled upon the records of
upuruieu me siocicyarus. n meat nuir- "O" to retire part or all of said pro- iLlncoln County, Nebraska
net anu icascu nay innu, atssolvod, Mr. ioitou stocic at any time after ton
llid'1.nK continiring tho buHlness. yours from tho issuunce thereof at
Cqlfiix Encampment, No. 23 was in- $105.00 per share and accumulated
stltuted by, Grand Scribe Cllno and dividends. Fully paid, up shares of
Grand Treasurer McCIay. of Lincoln, stock lor tho amount of stock fully
Thoro woro over twonty chnrtor mom- Paid shall bo Issued and not otlun-wisn
bors. Among tho first officers woro ad which said shares so fully paid S. Young, partners In business in St
jf.,a. iioagiantl and O. A. Kockon. up shall bo non-assessable. I Louts, Missouri, under tho firm namo
i'6o X J""S 2fith' 1884, to Mily 15, Tllat Art,ol 4 of sa'd Articles of in- (of Young: t?ros. & Co. for the sum of
18SG, filings bn pro-omptlonH, homo- conporation of tho Wilcox Department S53G.8G and recorded In Book "A."
atoads nuj timbor claims nt tho U. g Store, as amonded March 29th, 1920, ;Page 59 of the Records of Lincoln
rTool off,co ,n Norl1' 1lntt0 numbered as now existing bo annulled, repealed, I County. Nebraska, be adjudged and do-7,-8,
and the total feos and commis- cancelled and sot asldo: ! creed to bo paid and satisfied and
sions woro ?9fi,G02.30. Judgo Grimes Said motion was seconded by R. p. Ittiat sal'd mortgage be cancelled upon
w"s register at that ti'mo. Cottorell nnd was submitted to a vote 11,0 records of Lincoln County. No-
Miss Arta Cody ontortnlnod nt pro- of tho stocic holders by the president .braska.
gresslvo ouchro. Tho Indies prosont and there were cast for sirfd amond-1 nd plantiff furthor prays that p.
woro Mrs. Van Camp nnd Misses Taft. "t 300 votes and against said : certain mortgage oxecuted by A. J.
Cash, Bolton, McNnmana, Annie and amendment No iMIUer ond C. M. Miller on said Lot 1.
Mattio Glbbs, Vanco, Bretomltz nnd President declared said amendment .Block 11G. of North Platte. Nebraska,
jim.u. inu men woro luuings, Haw- uuiy, carried and Articlo IV as hereto- ou 1110 lutl1 day i lay 1871, for the
iiiH, iMiicneii, mcuonald, Sanderson, fore existing repealed, cancelled, niv
ounton, Dwyor, Brady, Dowd and milled and sot asldo.
', i ,,. . State of Nebraska; Lincoln county, ss:
i.?U$?T? 4wh? had boon o'blttg Wo. whoso names nro heroto sub
mo HU WOSt SllOW at Now Orlonim scriluxl ns nIVI
dlirlnir flm nvnndtln., i..i i , ,v . r. ... ,."',V'A r.l.t in., i.. ..n i
,.,..v.u.., hum uiu3f(i anu i'jiiuuni oiuro. cortiiv tnat on the v" uiu mil uuu mu
'OR lor Chicago. 9th day of April, 1920, at a special ior'sago be cancolled upon the rec-
Tho Prosbytorri n ladles hold a sod- stock holders meeting of said corpor-lor,lB of Lincoln County, Nebraska,
nblo nt tho Unitarian hall and nottcd atlon, the foregoing amendments to Al,(i Plaintiff furthor prays that a
ono hundred and fifty dollars. This tho Artlclos of Incorporation of tho'certa,n niortgago oxecuted by A. J.
reminds us that nt oue Prosbyternln Wllcov Department Store as slinu-n iv iMll,or nnd C. M. Miller on said Lot
social wnoro tarts filled with Jelly tho records ot Bald corporation was i1, B,ock 116 of North pla"o Nebras
wcro sorvod, Bill McDonald and Baro adopted. ka. dated August 22nd, 1874, for the
finoaked into tho nantrv. lonk rr t n unt rnv Isum of SG50.00 runil'nir tn .Tnlm rnwA
joll on oach tart, placod a gun wad In M14-4w Attest: R. F. Cottorell cwv and E- M Dowd and recorded in Book
Extension Rond No. 77
To whom it may concern:
The special commissioner appointed'
to locate a public road aa follows:
Commencing at the NB corner of
section 20, township 14 north, range 30
west mil running thencu north oa line
between See's 10 aud 17 said township
and range 60 chs. to the SW corner of
NWVi of NW,i of Section 16 said
township and range to connect with
extension of Road No. 107, this road to
be 66 feet wide, and to be an extension
of Road No. 77, has reported in favor
of the same.
Anyone having objections thereto,
or claims for damages by reason of the
establishment of the above road must
file same on or before twelve o'clock
noon of the 28th day of June 1920.
Dated at the County Clerk's office In
North Platte, Nebrsaka, this 16th day
of April 1920.
I have the Money
on hand to close
loans promptly.
Real Estate Mortgages
Bought and Sold
Loan Brokor
Building & Loan Building
Physician and Surgeoa
Office over Rexall Drug Stoie
Office Phone 371. House 10G8 rrn...c1,itl 1fi qo
I'hgyiclan and Surgeon.
Special Attention Given to Surgorj
and Obstretrlcs.
Office: Building & Loan Building
Phones: Office 130, Residence 115
Special Attention Given to
in Lincoln Cottnty, N&rWkn, and TroV
jiorded in the, MorfgflglReoifrdBjqf
h ncom County, ftebrnska, in Ugok. il
at toovtgngas, Page 307. -0 '
And plaintiff prays tlfat saldJU.'S.
Lire 9tdck Co. be aditt(Ig6d anil de
creed to havo no right. Hen or inter
est In said mortgages Tor tho roason
that so.d defendant, U. S. Live Stock
Co., for a valuable consideration sold,
assigned and transferred each and all
of said real estato Mortgagos to tho
plaintiff heroin.
That in addition to the relief here
tofore prayod for, plaintiff furthor
prayshat tho defendant, Will Outtrlm,
be also adjudgod and decreed to have
no Hen or interest in and to tho
Northeast Quarter of Section 29,
Township 1G, Range 32, by virtue of
one certain mortgage executed by
John E. Gliriet to said Outtrlm for the
sum of $575.00 on July 15th, 1912, and
recorded in tho Mortgage Records of
IJ.'ncoln. County, Nebraska, in Book 41,
at Page 307.
And also that said defendant, Will
Outtrrfm, bo adjudged and decreed to
havo no lion or Interest in and to tho
Northwest Quarter of Section 21,
in Lincoln
County, Nebraska, by reason of a cer
tain mortgage executed by Austin's.
Ghrlst, single, to said defendant, Will
Outrim, for $600.00 dated August 13th,
1912, and recorded in the Mortgage
Records in Book 40 of Mortgages, at
Page 300.
And that said defendant, Will Outt
rlm, be adjudged and decreed to have
no lien or interest in and to tho South
west Quarter of Section 21, Township
1G, Range 32, in Ifncoln County, Ne
braska, by virtue of a certain mort
gage executed by Austin S. GhtUst,
McDonald Bank Uuildliie
Office Phone 8 Residence 3S to win uuttrim for 9000.00 on
August 13th, 1912, nnd recorded in the
Mortgage Records of Lincoln County,
Nebraska, In Book 40, at Page 299. for
the reason that each and all of said
Ofiice phone 24 j.. KfS. ohune 21 "J
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte. Nebraafcb
Knights of Columbus Building
three last described mortgages were
duly and legally foreclosed and barred
in an action instituted in the district
court of Lincoln county, Nebraska,
wherein Anna V. Metoalf was plain
tiff and Will Outrim and others were
tiff and Will Outturn and others woro
defendants and wherein said Will
Outtrlm was duly and legally served
with summons.
That in addition to the relief here
tofore prayed against him that the de
fendant, Frank Wille, be also adjudged
and decreed to have no lien, right or
interest In and to the Northeast Quar
ter of Seclilon 29, Township 16, Range
32, In Lincoln County, Nebraska, by
dcason of a mortgage executed by
John E. Ghrlst to Will Outtrim on the
Phone 844 Day Call. Phone 1270 Com. 15th day of Juy. 1912, for the sum of
Office Phone 340 Res. Phone 1237
Osteopathic Physician
Beltou Bids. North Platte, Not
Phone for Appointmentt
Romigh Garage.
mcrclal Hotel Night CaU.
Taxi Service.
Reva Plgg; Alice H. Smith; A. H.
Smith: U. S. Live' Stock Co.; Addle E.
Kendall; Dr. B. J. Kay Medicine Co.;
J. Watson Ramsey; M. E. Thompson;
James S. Gilbert; Phillip Dietzgen;
Frank Wille; Joe Eckrosh; Paul H.
Glllam; Will Outtrlm; Clara Outtrlm;
$575.00, duly recorded In the mortgage
records of Lincoln County, Nebraska,
in Book 41, at Pago 307, which said
mortgage was by said Will Outtrlm
assigned to C. E. Marquis and by said
C. E. Marquis to the defendant. Frank
Wille, for the reason that said mort
gage was duly and legally, barred and
foreclosed in an action Instituted fn
tho district court of Lincoln County,
Nebraska, wherein Anna V. Metcalf
was plaintiff and said defendant.
muni a niifiat n in ATntrniia oioi,. rani: wille ami others were de
Dickson; J. Sidney Smiith; W. W. Bean f,dants1 and wherrj u suraraeni was
nell; Dr. B. J. Kay Medical Company
County C'Qrk. Noi.teuat Quarter and the Southwest tofre prayed against him, the defend-
. " rt r t f ' IT T T f t .
Quarter aud the West Half of the """" - a' "ariu,s, oe aajuuged to
duly and legally seryed on the. defend
ant, Krank Wille.
That In addition to the relief hero-
Southeast Quarter and the Southeast have Jo right, title, lien or Interest
in and to the Northeast Quarter of
Section 29, Township 10, North Range SectJon 29. Township 16. Range 32.
i 32, West of tho 6th P. M. In Lincoln In Lincoln County, Nebraska, by reas-
tho center hole and reitlnnoii i
Thoy had lots of fun watching people
mm iiuo mo gun waus.
Markot, which had ononod n vnnv i,n.
foro in ordor that citizens might gat
uui-tij muai, wont uroKo.
EsUito No. 1752 of Henry B. Plant. ! imlcud nml .lorromi tn
Tho Citizens' Co-OneraU'vo Moat de?ea5ed n Ul..Cou.1,tv Court t Ll"- satisfied and said mortgage cancelled
A ... - Pfim I -milirir n - . -
vUuav;, iwuimru, unon tno rocorua or Linrnin nmin v
Tho State of Nebraska, ss: Creditors Nehraiikiv.
ot said estato will take nottco tnat tho And nlnnHff fnrfii
"u utvnu, 1. a. 1 . i. . I' VilUkV It
JUrai Yates w m i,n.i -o,.t. uiiiiu tjimiuu ur iiresouiaiion anil 111- certain mortctico nronnioii hv a t
tod and rofltted tho CaUornta Houso 1xs claims against said Estato is ! Miller and C. M. Miller on the 6th day
offorod to bojird and room guosts at l'pl1)e,r xf I,920' n.ntl fr tlie set- of April. 1877, on said Lot 1. Block
tho rato of $5.25 por week tlomont of said Estato Is May 13, 1921; ,116, North Platte, Nobraska. for the
Two lorn colls had boo
tho Lincoln rnnntv
od in a log bulUVnu on Front Hit-not ?'ock ? m' aml on Soptombor 18.
-. . iiii.rfi r . II n'ALui. n. ! . .
;;o;j "v - viiviv 11. in., iu receive, ox-
A committoo nnnolnlod to mnif n k'ninq, hoar, allow or adjust all c 'tns
To the owners of record title of all County, Nebraska, aud all of Section n of a certain mortgage executed by
property adjacent to or upon 21, Township 16, North Range 32, West John E- Ghrlst to Will Outtrim for the
the streets hereinafter described and 0f the 6th P. M Lincoln County, Ne- sum of ?C75.00 on July 15th. 1912, and
all persons Interested therein. , braska, and the South OneHalf of the "ul' recorded in Book 41 of the Mort-
You and each of you are hereby not-' SQu'tlfeast Quarter, Of the Sufiast sage Records of Lincoln County. Ne
ltted that tho Mayor and Council of Quarter of Section 19, Tow"nhip 16. Page 307, and by said Will
the city of North Platte did under North Range 32, West of the 6th P. M. Ul,t''in uuiy assigned and transferred
date of April 20, 1920 pass and ap- n Lincoln County, Nebraska, and all lu uie ueienaant, u. j. Marquis, for tho
prove a certain ordinance forming persons claiming anv Interest of any reason that the said C. E. Marquis has
and creating paving district number kind In said real estate or any par? sold assigned and transferred all of
3 of the city of North Platte, Lincoln thereof, take notice that on the 10th n,s right, title and interest in nnd to
County, Nebraska, and that the fol-'day of May, 1920, Anna V. Metcalf sn,d mortgage to tho defendant, Frank
lowing streets including the ntersec- plantiff here) n filed her petition in the " lue-
tions thereof within the limits of said district court of Lincoln County, Ne- And plaintiff further prays that her
city are comprised Within said paving braska, the object and prayer of which '''tle in and to all of said above dos
distrlct to-wit: All that portion of is to quiet title lin tho plaintiff herein crlbed land be quieted as against each
Fourth Street of said City,, common- Anna V. Metcalf, to the Northeast and all of the defendants herein and
clng at tho intersection of Fourth Quartor and the Southwest Quarter against said Northeast Quarter and
Street and Bryan Avenue iu Rtverdalo und tho V est Half of the Southeast the Southwest Quarter and the West
Addition to said City, thenco west Quarter and tho Southeast Quarter of Half of the Southeast Quarter and the
along said Fourth Street to and In- the Southeast Quarter of Section 29, Southeast Quarter of the Southeast
eluding Pino Street of said City, and all of Section 21, and the South Quarter of Section 29, and all of Sec
thenco north along said Ptne Street Half of the Southeast Quarter of the tloi 21. and the South One-Half of the
tn the south line of Sixth Street of Quartor of Section 19. all in Southeast Quarter of the Southeast
Nobraska, bo adjudged and decreed to said City, ns It Intersects said Pino Township 16, North Range 32, West of Quarer of Section 19. all in Township
Street of said city. tne utu i'. M. 'in Lincoln uounty, Ne- iU- "iw. west 01 uie in
Unless objectfons are nied thereto braska, against each and all of the p- M- !n Lincoln County, Nebraska,
as required by Statute-vvlthln twonty defendants heroin and against all por- nnd all persons claiming any interest
days from the first publication of tills sons claiming any interest of any 1,1 "y Kl 111 8a'a reai estate or any
notice, the Mnyor and Council shall kind in said real estate or nny nart thereof and that said defendants
proceed to construct such paving. part thereof and excluding each and 01 mem ue aecreea
Dated this 4th day of May, 1920. all of said defendants from any right. t0 have no right, title or Hon In
A. F. STREITZ, Mayor, title, intorest, Hen, claim or demand aid to said premises or any part
O. E. ELDER, City Clork in and to said lands and plaintiff prays thereof and for general equltablo
M7-3wks (SEAL) that tho defendant, U. S. Live Stock reiioi.
Co., be adjudged and decreed. to have ou are required to answer said
Notice to Creditors. no right, title, claim, Hen or interest Petition on or before the 28th day of
Estato No. 1748 of Mary Hansen, do- in or to five certain mortgages on June, 1920.
ceased in. the County Court of Lincoln parts of above described land, all oxe- Dated May 10. 1920.
County, Nebraska. cuted on April the 27th, 1912, and all ANNA V. METCALF,
Tho State of Nebraska, ss: Creditors oxecuted by Will Outtrlm and Clara C. "aiugan, ueatty & HalUgan. Her
of said estate will take notice that the Outtnim, his wjfe, to U. S. Live Stock Attorneys. ml4jll
fendnnts, T. B. Weber & Co. and re
I corded in Book "A," Pago 61 of the
(Mortgage Records of Lincoln County,
"A." Pago 253 of tho Mortgage Records
or Lincoln County,. Nobraska, bo ad-
be paid and
Hurvev of comlltlnna nn.i mnim and objections duly filed
mondntlons for Mm nnv f a Wm. H. C. WOODHURf-
tcachors for Dawnnn nniinfv -,,n- M18-4W1C County Jud
mend for bogf nnors a minimum of $90
por montn: exporiencod tonchors a
fn Book "A," Pago 514 of tho Mortgage
Records of Lincoln County. Nebraska,
bo adjudgod to bo paid nnd satisfied in
full and cancellod upon tho rocords of
Lincoln County, Nebraska.
And plaintiff furthor prays that his
tltlo In and to said Lot 1, Block 116.
bo quletod as agts'nst each and all of
srij nortvrngo and agnliiRt Lot 1.
time limited for presentation and filing Co. as follows:
of claims against said Estate Is Sep-1 One for $500.00 upon the Northeast
Estray Notice.
Taken up by the undersigned on his
Notice lo Creditors.
nrmllt r.1 mn f,. n. d. , ,or omiu iioi ot imvill JOIJOS,
for oach ;un.pMii; v;? ni -m.;:- S?Mwl ll.t C?unty Court of Wnc'n;n'ook 11C ot the Orklnnl Plat of the
to bo paid a bonm Tof ton noi- cant of LOintyi. , rn8K$ft; , lC!ty of North pl"u- Lincoln
.Ir8Palar. t tZX ,Ti?,ttSf
Fine PlnniH for Sale. t,mo United for prosontntlon and ill- jtn said, roal estato or any part thereof.
Cnblwiro. tomato, onullflowor and !"p . 0 .cia""8 aR5.unsl Baul 12stat0 winnrt that thoy bo docroed to have no
tomber 4. 1920, and for settlement of Quartor of Section 29, Township 16, , , miles southwest nf NnAi,
said Estate is April 30, 1921; that I Range 32 In Lincoln County. $X S TlhUarto 0th lS
will sit at the county court room In Nebraska, and recorded In the office "&y ""o yjj mare til ona
said county on June 4. 1920, at 10 of the county clork of IJ!nc-; County, yearling bay colt Ower can nTvl
o'clock a. m., and on September 1 in Book 12 of Mortgages at Page 303. Jame by proving property and navinc
1920. at 10 o'clock a. m., to receive. One for $500.00 upon tho Southeast ci,arEes properij anu paying
oxamine. near, nuow, or aujusi an quarter oi tno aouuieasi wuurier nun GEORGE LIES1?
the West Half of the Southeast Quar- 27-Gw Meadow View Farm
ter of Section 29 and the South Half ineauo view tarni
of the Southeast Quarter of the South
east Quarter of Section 19 all in Town- Notice of Sale.
ship 1G, Rango 32 In Lincoln County,'
"viw potatoes $i bundrad, bloom- SoPlnbor 11 l920- nnd for settlement
lnr nansles $1 a dozu. ptants and ?( satd Lstnto is April 30. 1921; that
Prions !.otnLrf 1 w"1 Hlt ai 1110 county court room m
iiornfrs RQo a dozn.
Orders filled nromntly.
s 2 Gntlianliurc Nb.
When In North Pl,nH tnn nt tb'
Vew TTnfl Palncf ond rnf Yn
bo troftloi wl!
sHitl countys on Juno 11, 1920, nt 9
o'clock a. m nnd on September 11,
19J0, at 9 o'olook a. in., to rocolve.
examine, hoar, allow, or adjust all
claims ami objections duly filed
County Judge.
claims and objections duly, (lied.
M4-J1 County Judge.
right, tltlo and intorost tn nnd to snl.i
premise or any part thoroof and for
general oquitablo rellof.
You are required to nnswer said ne-
tltion on or boforo th Slst day ol "'clock
v. .An. Ill AAA
Dated May KtU. 1980.
JULIUS PlfcBR, Plaintiff. v
B? HUiKn. BftAttjr ft IIlM.i HU
Attorneys Ml1-ivk.
olfro tn PreilHors.
mtatn No. 1750 of Marv Norrls. de- Nebraska, and recorded in tho Mort-' Notco is hereby given that by virtue
consed in the County Court of Lincoln gage Rocords of Lincoln County In ot nn order of W. H. C. Woodhurst,
(jotinty. NebrasKa. uook 1'age 3Ut. i... juufa.- ui ummiu county, Neo
The State of Nebraska, ss: Creditors ( One for $1,000.00 upon the East Half raska, I will offer at public auction
of said ostato will take notice that the of Section 21, Township 16, Rango 32 for cash all tho personal property of
tlmo limited for prosantntlon and fillug in Lincoln County, Nebraska, and ro- Rudolph Thnnol, deseased, on the 24th
of cUVms agalnil said Estate is Sop- corded in the Mortgage Records of day of May,, 1920, at one o'clock p. m.
tember 4th 1920. and for settlement of Lincoln County, in Book 42 of Mort- at tho farm house of the lato Rudolph
n.ld Estate is April 30th 1921; that I gagos at Page 311. Thnnol on the southwest quarter of
will lit at the county court room in One for $500.00 upon the Southwest section G, Twp. 1G, Range 27, Lincoln
laid county, on Juno 4tn luau, at u quarter or section va- lownstvp i. vumy, nuumtiw. inis property con-
a. in.
and on September 4th Range 32 In Lincoln County, and re- slgta of horses, hogs, farm machinery,
1830. at 8 o'clock a. m to receive, corded In Mortgage Records of Lin- ney, rye, ituy. hnrnoss, saddle and
examine, hear, allow, or adjust all coin Countr in Book 42 of Mortgngaa ffis ongino:
olaJina auid obJacUime duly filed. at Page 309. MARK SMITH.
Wm. H. C. WOODHURST. One for $1,000.00 upon the Wait Half . Adionlstrator Hstste of Rudolph
M4-J1 County Judsrc. of Section 21. Township 10. Rnnge 8! Thanol, DoceaBed.