NORTH PTjATTR f RATT-WFF.KT V TTWVnVF, LIFE WAS A MISERY TO HER Says this Woman Until Re lieved by Lydia E.Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Carrollton, Ky.-"I suffered almost two years with female weakness. I could not walk any distance, ride or take any excrciso at all without resting. If I swent the floor or did any kind of work it would bring my sickness on. 1 was weak and lane luid, had no energy, ana me was a misery I to mo. I waft under the caro of a good iDhvsician for sev eral months and tried other remedies. I had read of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound and decided to try it. After taking twelve bottles I found myself much Improved and I took six more. I have never had any mora trouble in that respect since. I have done all kinds of work and at present am an attendant at a citato Hospital and am feeling fine. I have recom mended your Vegetable Compound to dozens of my friends and shall always recommend it." Lillian Tharp, 824 S. 6th St., Carrollton, Ky. If you have any Bymptom about which you would like to know write to tho Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., for helpful advico given free of charge. mmm IIIIIF. .iTJWi$7S. Liver and Bowels Right- -Always Feel Fine There's one right way to opeedlly tone up uie liver ana keep uie bowels regular. ITTLE SVER PILLS Carter's Little Liver Pills never will testify 2 that there is nothing so lood for bil iousness, indigestion, headache or sal low, pimply okin. Purely vegetable. Small Pill Small Dose Small Price DR. CARTER'S IRON PILLS, Nature's great nerve and blood tonic for Anemia, Rheumatism, Nervousness, Sleeplessness and Female Weakness. Senilis nasi tear slanittarf yantCt let Cutkura B Your Beauty Doctor Sop 25c, Ointment 25 and 50c, Talcum 25c. Depends on How You Look at It. Weary William Uee whiz! Ol wolld must be going crazy. Dere's an article In (lis paper what says u man traveled 4.000 mllos to take baths. ALLEN'S FOOTEASE DOES IT. When vour bIioch Hindi or vour corns and bunions actio get Allen's FootEase, the antiseptic powder to be shaken into shoes and sprinkled In the foot-bath. It will take the sting out of corns and bunions and pive instant reller to Tired. Acning, Swollen, Tender feet Sold evorvwhere. Don't accept any substitute. Adv. Mnny a man has wealth untold to the tax collector. A Physical Vreck From Kidney Trouble, But DOAN'S Made Her Well. "Kidney trouble made a complete wreck of me," says Mrs. Wm. Harvey, 021 N. Eighth St., Grants Pass, Ore. "I was so despondent and miserable it seemed 1 had nothing left to live for. Death would have been a welcome re lief. For six months I was In bed and never expected to leave it alive. I was too weak to move without the uelp of my nurse and so nervous I isci earned when she touched me. My back and head hurt like a throbbing tooth" ache. 1 had awful dirzy spells, my eye h i gn t failed, my hands and feet felt dead. I was tmiu- racked all over. The kidney secretions looked like thick, black codec and burned terribly. They almost stopped passing and then my feet bloated like bags of water. I was frantic with pain, and thought I would lose my reason. "I had lost all faith in medicine and tried Doan's Kidney Pills only be cause a dear friend asked me. Right from the start I began to feel better. Doan s cured me. fitoorn to before me. A. IT. PARS0N8. Notary Public. Cet Doan'a at Any Store. 60c a Dox Tfe A TbT 9 KID NET AJr V Jta P ILLS FOSTER. M1U3URN CO.. BUFFALO, N. Y. tin. Hirvey E2E Alter you eat always use ATONIC KFOR YOUR STOMACH S SAKp one or two tablets eat Kke candy. Instantly relieves Heart burn, Bloated Ga6sy leeling. Stops indigestion, food souring, repeating, headacheand the many miseries caused by Acid-Stomach EATONIC is the best remedy , it takes the harmful acids and gases right out of tho body and, of course, you get well. Tens of thousands wonderfully benefited. Guaranteed to satisfy or money refunded by your own drug gist. Coat a trifle. Please try it I JDEUGKES The Female of the Species Is Thriftier WASHINGTON According to a statement by Mrs. II. C. Kleln sorter, In charge of tho women's de partment of the Continental and Com mercial bank of Chlcngo, the evolution of woman from a clinging vine to a financial giantess Is progressing rap- Idly, and within a few genemtlona woman will take her stand with tho men financiers. Hank deposits, according to reports, show women proportionately are sav ing more money thnn men. In the Inst four years tho number of depositors as well as the amount of savings has doubled, they show. "Twice as ninny women nro snvlng money today as before tho wnr," snld Miss Nina Y. Carter, In charge of tho woman's department of u Chicago bunk.. "This Is caused by tho fact that there are more women who have had occasion to bundle money slnco tho wnr; that there arc more women who have gone Into business, nnd that more have been thrown on their own re sources," she snld. Five years ago tho number of worn an depositors at her bank, nccordlng to Miss Carter, totaled 215 with $300, 000 In savings. Today there nro 1,700 with a total deposit of $1,000,000. Springfield, III., banks' books show three out of every four now depositors are women. Ono St. Louis bank reported Its number of women depositors hnd In creased 33 1-3 per cent, another 7 per cent, another 20 per cent, and another 25 per cent. "They deposit more than half of tho total savings In Denver banks, nnd 75 per cent In any bnnk lino are wom en," snld II. L. Morgan of the Inter national Trust company, Denver. "It simply means the husbands are giving their wives their wages." Opposition to Klamath Lake Reclamation A BILL In congress Introduced by linker of. California and providing for the drainage of the Klamath Lake region In California and Oregon with a view to soldier settlement has stirred up a three-sided controversy. The ag ricultural department experts say these lake bottoms and 'marshes would become simply alkali flats, unlit for cultivation. The former KInmnth was cut off from Its water supply and largely dried up last summer. Tbe agricultural department soli experts say the drled-out land Is too alkali for fanning purposes. The govern ment reclamation service undertook to drain a largo area hero several years ago and abandoned the project as Im practicable nftcr an expenditure of ?283,225. The United States biologi cal survey says that forage for live stock In the mnrshy lauds is all t hat the region will yield. In the current number of the nat ural history magazine, Dr. K. W. Nel son, chief of the biological survey, presents arguments for the preserva tion of the region as one of the most notable migratory bird preserves In the United Stntes. Containing a grent area of swampy land with a shallow-water lake In the middle, the KInmnth Lake reservation forms an Ideal home for myriads of migratory wild fowl, such ns ducks, . Uf geese, grebes nnd pelicans, during the nesting senson and the spring and fall migrations. Dr. Nelson charges the land pro moters of the vicinity of Klamath lake with endeavoring to secure the abolition of the reservation In prlvnte Interests, and dcclnres that such pro tected spots are becoming so few that now the destruction of each one be ciimes Irreparable. This Is especially true of such a large and notable nren as Khututtli lake. And the whole situation appears to him more critical In view of tho fact that Malheur lake, lying In the desert country of southeastern Oregon nnd believed to be the grentest breeding place for wild fowl In the United States, Is also menaced with annihila tion at the hands of the drain ago en thuslnsts. "Save the birds," Is his plea. Whole Colorado Basin One Imperial Valley Tllli formation of a plan for the development of the entire basin jf the Colorado river at a cost of more Jinn $100,000,000 wns the principal luslness of the recent annual conven tion of the League of the Southwest, beld ut Los Angeles. The governors f eight southwestern stntes Call tornln, Arizona,' New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Oklahoma and Texas participated, together with the beads 3f city and county governments In these stntes and representatives of civic, patriotic, educational. Industrial and commercial organizations. There Is a bill (II. H. 12537) ponding In congress which provides for an ex amination and report on the condition nnd possible Irrigation of the Impe rial valley In California. Tho Imperial valley Is an example Lift offCorns! Doesn't hurt a bit and Freoiono costs only a few cents. With your fingers I You can lift off any hard corn, soft corn, or corn be tween the toes, nnd the hard skin cal luses from bottom of feet. A tiny bottle of "Freczone" costs little at nny drug store; npply a few drops upon the corn or callous. In stantly It stops hurting, then shortly you lift Hint bothersome corn or cnl- lous rlcht off. root mid nil. without ono bit of pnln or soreness. Truly I ' No humbug I Adv. 1 WOMEN! DYE RIGHT! SAY "DIAMOND DYES" Don't Spoil or Streak Material in a Poor Dye Each package of "Diamond Dyes" contains directions so simple that any woman can diamond-dye a new, rich, fadeless color Into worn, shabby gar ments, draperies, coverings, whether wool, silk, linen, cottou or mixed goods. Buy "Diamond Dyes" no other kind then perfect results are guaran teed even If you hnvo never dyed be fore. Druggist hns ro'or card. Tho Proper Place. "Where In your desk shall I put these articles on the dove of pencot" 'Tut them In somo pigeon hole." If love were really blind age would hnvo fewer terrors for tho fnlr sox. A Needless Remark. "Hns your wlfo a voice?" , "She never gnve mo tho slightest reason to bellovo tho contrary." J Too many working men make a spe cialty of working others. The mantle of charity Is soou worn threadbare by a hypocrite. Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications as tlioy cannot reacn the diseased nortlon of tho car Thoro Is only ono way to euro Catarrhal Deafness, onu tnai ib ny a constitutional rumuuj HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE acts through the Blood on tho Mucous Surface ot tho System. Catarrhal Deafness Is caused by an Inflamed condition ot the mucous linlnir of tho Eustachian Tube. When this tube Is Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imported hearing, anil when It Ib entirely closed, Deafness Is the result. Unless the Inflammation can be re duced and this tube restored to Its nor tnal condition, hearing- may oe aestroyeti forever, Many canes of Deafness nro caused bv Catarrh, which Is an Inflamed condition of tho Mucous Surfaces. ONE HUNDRED DOL.L.AHH ror any case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot be cured by HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE. All DruBKlstf I6c. Circulars rree. F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, Ohio. of what the lnnds of the Colorado ba sin can do under Irrigation. The to tal production of tho valley oven now under Irrigation exceeded In value $50.. 000,000 In 1918. The population In 1910 wns. In round numbers, 13,000, and In 1910 exceeded 00,000. The vnlue of the production In 1010 was .S.r).000.000, and In 1019. exceeded $no, 000,000. These results tell their own story and magnify the dreams of those who 18 yenrs ago conceived this won derful Improvement nnd the reclama tion of nn arid waste which todny em braces wonderful fnrms, benutlful mod ern cities, nnd a happy, nggresslve, progressive, energetic, prosperous peo pie who enjoy n production of farm products not only unsurpassed but tin equaled anywhere. Tho cost of tho project Is not pro hibitive, It Is stnted. Its threefold benellts of added acres In cultivation, electric energy nnd freedom from Hood menace are worth mnny times moro than the cost, the experts estimate. There are several hundred thousand acres of government land which could bo used for soldier settlement. At present the water for Irrigation flows through Mexican soil a condl Hon of constant danger In view of tho strained relations. Senate Favors Greater Crater Lake Park GREATER Crater Lake National park Is likely soon to bo n reali ty. The bill (S.2707) has been pnssed by tbe senate. It Is now before tho piddle lnnds committee of the house. If there Is opposition to the measure, It has given no sign. Crater Lake National park now contnlns 249 square miles In the shape of a rectangle, about 18 by 14 miles. Tho addition contnlns 145 square miles, practically all of which lies to the north. In innking the circuit of Crnter lake over tbe wonderful Rim Road, completed last season, the visitor catches many views of this Diamond lnke region to the north nnd sees that nature Intended It to .be n part of the park. The still more compre hensive views from Sun Notch nnd ('rater peak, reached only by trails, confirm this proposition. Diamond lake Is a feature of the addition. It lies at an elcvntlon of !", J00 feet, Is about !" by .'1 miles. Is comparatively shallow, affords good bathing and Is an Ideal camping ground. Mount Thlelsen (9,178) rises to the oast of the lake and Mount Hnlley (8,:fi0) to the west. In the northeast corner of the addition l Ilowlock mountuln (8,851). Tbe scen ery Is attractive nnd the fishing good. The area to be added Is propdrly part of tin tiark nnil will mill erenHv to Its symmetrical development. A road connecting Diamond lnko with tho Rl road around Crater luko Is a natur development. The enlargement needed because of tho big game, will now frequently strays beyond boundaries. The enlargement will also give the park a north entrance, which Is need ei. wnii tno development by tl state and county authorities of tl road from a point south of Crosce on the central Oregon highway, en of the Cascades, a hew entrance I Crater Lake National park would I developed. This would be very us fill to the people of Oregon, and pa ticuinriy to tourists coming to park via the Dalles nnd IlewJ. in al Is cli the the te nt tho 4 niW Few women realize how beautiful other women really are. 8 h WESTERN CANADA. Is ns profitable as grain crowing. Successes as wonderful as those- from growing wheat, oats, barley, and flax have been made la raising norsst, came, unep ana nog, uncut, sunny climate, nutrit ious grasses. Rood water, enormous fodder crops these spell success to tho farmer and stock raiser And remember, you can buy on oasy terms , Farm Land at $15 to 530 An Acre ' land equal to that which through many years has yielded from 20 to 45 buthtts or wmii to ino noro grazing tana convenient to Rooa trrain larms at nronortlonatcl v low Drices. i nese lands havo every rural convenience: irood schools, churches, roads, tele phones, etc., close to live towns and Rood markets. ?. If you want to Ret back to the farm, or to farm on a larger scalo than Is possible under your present conditions, Invostl- caia wnat wasiern canaoa naa to oiror you, For (lluitrated literature with maps and particular retarding reduced railway rates, location ot laud, etc., apply to Department ot 1m migra tion, Ottawa, Canada, or I W. V. DENNETT, Room 4, Bee Building, OMAHA, NEB. Canadian Government A Rent vUBBsMnSBKWlailHhV. J Guaranteed bv I N C O R f O K ATEO '"DULL" Durham cigarettes; you roll them yourself from genuine "Bull" Durham tobacco; fifty from one bag. No machine can .even duplicate your "own" rolled from genuine "Bull" Durham tobacco. Good old reliable "Bull". Always genuine; since 1865 he's been everyone's friend. genuine: t sj lHI jjsl j Slk aisft iiliJ j 1 TOBACCO