The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 18, 1920, Image 3

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Baby Specialists.
rJtHAP there are Physioians who speoializo on Infant ailments you know. All
Physicians understand Infant troubles : all Physioians treat them. It is hia
profession, his duty, to know human ills from the Stork to the Great Beyond.
But in serious cases ho oalls in the Specialist. Why? Ho knows as every
Mother knows, or ought to know, that Baby is just a baby, needing special treat
ment, special remedies.
Can a Mother bo less thoughtful ? Can a Mother try to relievo Baby with
a remedy that she would use for herself? Ask yourself; and answer honestly 1
Always remember that Baby is just a baby. And remembering this you
will remember that Fletcher's Castoria is made especially for Infants and
Children Cry For
fet Contents 15Pluid Drachma
Wfam LCOu6l-3 PUR OBNJ.
IEH AVcctablcrrcparntionforAs'
USVK sJmilaUnthcIbod by EctfuUv
PBWBB tlntjtiStonvutoafldDcwTUa
.,1,1, iMnfinw jrxn
Cheerfulness ana kcjuw-uu-i
neither Optam, Morphine n ,
Mineral. Not WAhcoth.
i h.lnful Remedy for
I Constipation MdDiArrboci
Ion rcvcriuii
Exact Copy of Wrapper
The False and the True.
Advertlslngby the use of large space, the expenditure of huge sum
of money have placed on the market, have put in your home, perhaps,
many articles that today have been discarded, as you will readily admit.
Do you recaU anything that haB more modestly appealed to tha
public than has Fletcher's Castoria: modest In all its claims, pleading
at aU times and truthfully for our babies ?
Jhe big aplurg, the misleading claims may win for a time, but
the honest truth-telling advert!- is like the old story of the tortoise
Uat beat the hare.
Mothers everywhere, and their daughters, now mothers, speak
frankly, glowingly, enthusiastically in praise of Fletcher's Castoria.
Speak of it lovingly as a friend that has brought comfort, cheer and
smiles to their little-one.
There are substitutes and imitations as there are for the diamond,
for anything of value. One might almost say that that which is not
copied has no value. So you have had the signature of Chas. H.
Fletcher and a copy of the genuine wrapper kept constantly before
you that you may guard agaiast the false and the untrue.
S7 Bears the Signature of Br
W m ml
H chicago mm
Save time and hard work by ucing E-Z
Stove Polish; absolutely dustless, smokeless,
odorless; gives a durable ebony-black shine.
Try a 10c box of E-Z Oil Shoe Polish. Afl
colors and white. It saves the leather and
prevents cracking. Don't risk cheap polish.
To open box just lift the latch.
Mrs. Mention Found Speedy Relief
After 18 Years' 8ufferlnfl.
"I had suffered from stomach trouble
for 18 years, and had spent hundre of
dollars doctorlntf. livery winter I was
bedfast most of the tlmo. I commenced
taking Milks Emulsion last fall, and be
fore I had taken six bottles my stomach
trouble disappeared and I have had no
return of It since. This Is the first win
ter In 18 years that I have not been bod
1 aIso Blvo Mllk Emulsion t0 tno
children for croup, with splendid re
uiuf MrA W a Mhon, Brazil, Ind.
Thousands of peoplo who have suffered
for years from stomach and 'bowel
troubles, as Mrs. Mershon did, have found
the same wonderful relief and lasting
benefit from Mls Emulsion.
Milks Emulsion Is a pleasant, nutritive
food and a corrective medicine. It re
stores healthy, natural bowel action, do
Ing away with all noed of pills and phys
Ics. It promotes appetite and quickly
puts tho digestive organs In shape to as
similate food. As a builder of flesh and
strength Milks Emulsion Is strongly rec
ommended to those, whom sickness has
weakened, and Is a powerful aid In re
sisting and repairing the effects of wast
ing diseases. Chronic stomach trouble
and constipation aro promptly rollovcd
usually In ono day.
This Is the only solid emulsion made,
and so palatable that It Is eaten with a
spoon like Ice cream.
No matter how severe your case, you
are urged to try Milks Emulsion under
this guaranteo Talto six bottles homo
with you, use It according to directions,
and If not satisfied with the results your
money will bo promptly refunded. Price
60c and $1.20 per bottle. The Milks Emul
sion Co., Terre Haute, Ind. Sold by drug-,
gists everywhere Adv.
Giving Proof.
"I think Mnudfi Is n woman of very
open disposition." "I notice It Is hard
to make her shut up."
Now I the Time to Get Rid of
The.o Usly Spots.
There's no longer the slightest need ol
fMllnff ashamed of your freckles, as Othlna
double strength Is guaranteed to remove
these homely spots.
Simply set an ounce of Othlne double
strength from your druggist, and apply a
little of It night and morning and you
should soon see that even the worst freckles
have begun to disappear, while the lighter
ones have vanished entirely. It Is seldom
that more than one ounce Is needed to com.
ptetely clear the skin and gain a beautiful
clear complexion.
Be sure to ask for the double strength
Othlne, as this Is sold under guarantee of
money back It It falls to remove freckles.
If you must look at people's faults
hut your eyes.
Bayer Company, who Introduced Atpl
( rln In 1300, give proper
Tho Bayer Company, who Intro
duced Aspirin, tell In their careful di
rections In each package of genuine
"Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" that to get
best results one or two glusses of wa
ter should be drank after taking tab
lets. "Dayer Tablets of Aspirin" to be
genuine must be marked with the
safety "Dayer Cross." Then you are
getting tho genuine, world-famous As
pirin, prescribed by physicians for
over eighteen years.
Each unbroken "Bnyer" package
contains proper directions for Colds,
Headache, Toothache, Earache, Neu
ralgia, Lumbngo. Ilheumatlsm, Neuri
tis, and I'aln generally.
Handy tin boxes of twelve tablets
cost but a few cents. Druggists uIbo
sell larger "Dayer" packages. Atplrln
Is the trade mark of Dayer Manufac
ture of Mnnoncetlcacldestcr of Sallcy
llcacld. Adv.
An Awful Calldown.
The Funny Editor What's wrong
with my column? I thought It hud
been pretty good.
Tho Managing Editor Good I Why,
It's tho laughing stock of Uio whole
For many years druggists have watched
with much interest the remarkable record
maintained by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root,
the great kidney, liver and bladder medi
cine. It is a physician's prescription.
Swamp-Root is a strengthening medi
cine. It helps the kidneys, liver and blad
der do the work nature Intended they
should do.
Swamp-Root has stood the test of years.
It is sold by all druggists on its merit
and it should help you. No other kidney
medicine has so many friends.
Be sure to get Swamp-Root and start
treatment at once.
However, if you wish first to test this
great preparation send ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., fori a
sample bottle. When writing be sure and
mention this paper. Adv.
Hope springs eternal. Every mar
ried man hopes to be able to do Just
as he pleases some day.
Two weak partners are seldom able
to make a business firm.
Yearly Cost to Owners of Cars It
Something Like $1,000,000,000
In Wear.
A great deal has been snld and writ
ten, In discussing the roads and road
building In the United Stntes, ubout
the wear and tear of automobiles on
the roads, but n brand-now clement
seeing to have been brought In by the
director of roads of the American
Automobile association, who suggests
consideration of tho wear nnd tear of
tho roads on automobiles. Automo
bile trnfllc now wears out something
like 40.000.000 tires n year, costing au
tomobile owners something like $1,
000,000.000; nnd on tho roads as thej
now are, It can be argued, from datn
already accumulated, that the tractive
resistance, otherwise wear and tour,
varies from 20 pounds or less on one
kind of. road to HOC pounds or more
on nnother. The consumption of gaso'
line nlso Is said to vary with the char
acter of tho road on which an auto
mobile Is traveling. The Idea Is sur
prising, but It seems not impossible
that a considerable part of tho cost of
building a national system of ronds
that would produce the least possible
wear and tear on automobiles would
be balanced by the decreased expense
for ttres.
Method Shown in Illustrations Is Time
and Labor Saver Wire Cuts
Through Material.
Asphalt is usually shipped in tin
bnrrels. The metal Is stripped off and
the nsphult rolled up to tho stopping
board; the wire shown, attached to
the winding drum, Is pnssed over and
nround the asplinlt to a piece of pipe
under and ahead of the stop board.
When tho drum Is turned It tightens
up on tho wire and causes It -to cut
through the asphalt. Kerosene J a
poured on the wire to make It pass
through the asphalt easily.
The barrel shape Is first cut in half,
then ench half Is cut Into quarter?
.A-L005 end of wire
failened to ppe
AstAslt witr tover tCuttina wire i 1 1
, SjillllL
Cutting Asphalt Taken From Barrel
With a Wire Drawn Through It With
a Windlass.
which a ninn can hnndlo easily.' In
warm weather asphalt is soft, there
fore it cannot be cut or broken with
an ax or other tool, hit this machine Is
a time nnd Inbor saver. George C.
Peck, In Popular Science Monthly.
Improved Highways Are Fundamental
ly Essential to Highest Advance
ment of Civilization.
Wo nre doing well In acquiring and
building roods nt present, and our
legislation Is to be commended for
starting this creditable work; but
when we find a travelablo road going
past every farm, through every vil
lage, town nnd city, then will It bo
time enough to cense talking "good
roads." They are fundamentally ea
sentlnl to the highest advancement of
our own civilization.
Good Roads Stimulate Farmers to Im
prove Appearance of Farms and
Buildings Thereon.
Along Improved roads there Is n vis
ible tendency for farmers to improve
tho appenranco of their homes and
their outbuildings. In fnct, the pres
ence of good ronds seems many times
to stimulate Intent self-respect Into
prnctlcnl expression. There Is no won
der that n bog of well-nlgli Impassu
hie mud before one's door should react
unfavorably upon the entire family.
All Share In Qood Roads.
Good ronds benefit more people
than any other public Institution.
Solnt nnd sinner, man and woman and
child, young nnd old, rich and poor
nil have n share In the benefits of
good roads.
Poor Roads Expensive.
Good ronds help In transports
farm products. The farmers of thli
nntlon nre nnnually losing $2SO,000,OOC
bemuse of their Inability to market
their produce at certain times of th
Insuperable Obstacle.
"I nm sorry to hour you have left
your husband. Couldn't you get on
with him?"
"Oh, yes, but the dog couldn't"
A Lady of Distinction.
Is recognized by the delicate fnsclnnt
log Influenco of the perfume alio usca
A bath with Cutlcura Soap und hot
water to thoroughly clennse tho pores,
followed by a dusting with Cutlcura
Talcum Powder usually means a clear,
sweet, healthy skin. Adv.
Many n man has been turned down
while waiting for something to turn
All work nnd no plagiarism Is apt
to make a dull sermon.
The Poor Thing.
Grnco (all excited) My dear, havo
you seen the lntest wrinkle?
Hello (looking In mirror) Where Is
It? I've Just hnd a ninssngo and the
masseuse snld sho left no wrinkles.
A Hard World.
"Did you ever feel tlmt tho world
wns against you?"
"Yes; I felt It this morning whci
I slipped on the sldewnlk." Dostos
The Sure Way to Test
Roofing is on the Roof
Some men think that they can tell good
roofing by smelling it. Figure it out
yourself. How is any man's nose going
to tell him how long roofing will last
and how much protection from storms,
snows and rains it will give.
And protection and lasting qualities
are what you pay money for.
The only sure way to test roofing is on
the roof.
That is where Certain-teed Roofing has
been tested by time tested for wear
tested for shelter all over the world.
Certain-teed Roofing has never been
known to wear out on the roof. It is
guaranteed for 5, 10 or 15 years, ac
cording to weight.
Private Brands and
Big Profits
Some dealers will try to sell you private
' brands of roofing, not because they are
as good or better than Certain-teed, but
because there is more dealer profit in
them. Those profits come out of you.
Dealers make a fair profit on Certain
teed, but they are limited to a fair profit
because so many dealers handle it and
everybody knows the price.
Don't take a gambler's chance on an
unknown brand. Buy for known value
at a price which is fair to everyone.
Any reliable dealer can get Certain-teed
for you quickly from a nearby Certain
teed warehouse or jobber. He gets it
when he wants it and he gets what he
wants. He can afford to sell you at a
fair price.
Certain-tecd Products Corporation
General Offices, St. Louis
OfTict and Warehouses In Principal CUUa
Beware of the dealer who tells you he
has Certain-teed, but tries to sell you ,
a private brand. He probably wants
a bigger profit.
Another Royal Suggestion
often eaten as a duty
rather than a joy. The suc
cess of the day may depend
upon the spirit of break
fast The Royal Education
al Department presents
some breakfast dishes that
will send the children to
school with a hip hip hur
rah and his majesty man
to his daily duties with the
"up and doing" feeling
which knows no discour
agement. Muffins
S cupi flour
S teaspoons Royal Daklng
1 tablespoon sugar
U teaspoon salt
1 cup milk
2 earn
1 tablespoon shortening
Sift together flour, baking
powder, sugar and salt; add
milk, well-beaten eggs and
melted shortening; mix well.
Grease muffin tins and put
two tablespoons of batter in
to each. Bake in hot oven 20
to 25 minutes.
Eggless Muffins
B cups flour
1 teaspoons Iloyal Baking
2 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon aalt
1 cup milk
3 tablespoon shortening
Mix and sift dry ingredients,
add milk and melted shorten-
Absolutely Purm
ing and beat until smooth.
Bake in greased muffin tins
in hot oven 20 to 25 minutes.
Corn Muffins
X cup corn meal
lty cupa flour
4 teaspoons Royal Baking
H teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons sugar
1 cup milk
3 tablospoons shortening
Sift together corn meal, flour,
baking powder, salt and su
gar; add milk, melted short
ening and well-beaten egg;
mix well. Grease muffin tins
and drop two tablespoons of
mixture into each. Bake about
35 minutes in hot oven.
3 cups flour
V4 teaspoon salt
i eggs
3 cupa milk.
Sift together flour and salt.
Make a well in flour, break
eggs into well, add milk and
stir until smooth. Pour into
hot greased gem pans and
bake 25 to 35 minutes in a
very hot oven. If taken out
of oven too soon they will
New Royal Cook Book con
taining scores of delightful,
economical reclpea, many oi
them tho most famous In
use today. Address
116 Fulton BtrMt
H.w Vork Oltj
"Bake with Royal and be Sure