if) : Jtt' Earth rtlnme. W 'Vjii r Till RTY-SIXT1I Y;EAK. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., MAY 18, 1920. No. 37 w-' ht f 15 MJH CUNT IZVCJIKASE AMPLE SAYS HOARD Tho articlo by Koltli Xovtllo in Fri day's Tribune relative to the enormoua increase in assessment of property for the purpose of taxation created the biggest wave of excitement thaC has happened in North Platto for months. Practically overybody expected a raiso in valuation of from fifteen to thirty, per cent over the 1D1G valuation, but when figures wero presented showing an increase ranging from soventy-llvo to over two hundred por cent, peoplo were staggered. Yesterday Tho Tribune editor asked Commissioners Hermiughausen, Koch and Springer what increase was, in ther opinion, necessary In order to cover tho increased cost of transact ing the business of tho county, and they with one accord said an increaso of fifteen por cent throughout the county over the 1916 valuation would be ample; that such an Increase would give them the funds needed. County Treasurer Souder was asked what he considered a fair as well as a neces sary Increase, and he replied not to exceed twenty per cent. A fifteen per cent increase will also be ample to create funds needed for school dis tricts and for the conduct of business of the city of North Platte and the villages of the county. Now, if county officials are certain that a fifteen per cent increaso will cover the expense of conducting the county affairs, will some one rfse and ox,plaln why property values in North Platte are being increased from seventy-five to 200 per cent and farm lands increased fifty per cent and in some cases more? The state levy has been increased two mills this year from thirteen and a fraction mills to fifteen and a frac tion .and this will create with a fif teen iper cent increase in valuation, all the funds needed for state pur poses. As Mr. Neville plainly pointed out, tho valuation assessors are plac ing upon Lincoln county property will force us to pay an unjust 'proportion of state taxes because the assessments made by the Lincoln county assessors will not be lowered by the state board of equalization. Tho county commissioners cannot lower the assessments, they can only equalize, therefore no redress can be expected of them in. this par ticular instance when all : property Js kited sky hlKh. So far as we can see the only solution is -to. hold public meetings "hi the county and petition County Assessor Allen to reduce the baVs of valuation. It might be well to hold meetings in each of the four wards of the city and each ward appoint a committee to pet in conjunc tion with the other wards, and to take such steps as deemed best and nere?-sary. SCOUT AM) CAMl'FIlti: CAMPAIGN STARTS TODAY. The campaign to raise fivo thousand dollars for tho Boy Scouts and Camp fire Girls Movement in North Platte will start today. The city has been divided Into districts and canvassers appointed for oach district, and it is the intention that wUhin tho next ten days every house In tho city shall bo solicited. If the occupnnt Is not found at homo today, a future call will bo mnde, and these calls repented until tlie occupant Is found at home. The Tribune considers this move ment an important and most deserving one; one that should appeal not only to parents who have boys and girls, but to thoso who do not have but have a suffWent quantity of the milk of human kindness to desire to help out tho boys and girls of North Platte by surrounding them with more pleasant and helpful environment. ::o:: Union Pacific Needs Men. District Foreman McGraw, of tho Union Pacific, reported Uils morning that ho Is short of men in practically all departments, and suggested that The Tribune rustle him tho needed help, henco this notice. If you nro out of work apply to Mr. McGraw. ::or- Swedish Mission. We will have our regular services next Friday evening, May 21st, at 7:30 p. m. at the Peoplo's Mission church as usual. All welcome. LOCAL AND PtiltSOKAL LOCAL 1'OSTOFFICE SHAKING , llllST.Cl.ASS JtANK. : :o: Our Entire Stock at 20 per cent tils? count at The Leader Mer. Co. MUTUAL BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION PAID-UP STOCK In order to supply funds to cover approved loan applications, this as sociation will issue a limited amount of its Paid Up Stock. This stock draws dividends at tho rate of sfix per cent per annum, from date of issue until paid off. Dividends payable March 1st and September 1st. Money Invested 'n this stock may be withdrawn at any time upon thirty days notice. BESSIE F. SALISBURY, 36-tf Sec'y. Strawberry Plants. Grow your own strawberries. Now is the time to set them out. Good Senator Dunlay plants $1.50 per hun dred, postage paid. Clark S. Pine, York, Neb. .36-2 Crystal, , , Thursday & Friday. Choosing A, Wife"" proving that mall order methods' are precarious when selecting ti wife. This man wrote to the wrong woman and like Barkus she was "willln'." Friday's Comedy Light Hearts and Leaking Pipes. Complete Satisfaction The reputation of the manufacturer is a afe guide as to the quality of a car, but the integrity of the local dealer is a vital factor in the satisfac tion it gives you. The reputation of the makers of both Dodge and Chandler cars needs no iner tribute than the acceptance of these cars by! the public. And our relations with owners in North Platte is convin cing evidence that they consider our cars not only a safe, but a satisfying investment ' Backed by this organization, the most dis criminating purchaser can buy with confidence Come in and see us. DODGE BROTHERS CHANDLER MOTOR CARS. J. V. ROMIGH Phono 814. (tt It and Locust St. Mrs. B. B. Bnkor Is expected home today froln a visit in Kansas Citj. Keith Novlllo wont to Omalrn last night to transact buslnoes for a few-days. C. M. Austin, Jeweler. 37-3 Mr and Mrs. Max Honsolt returned yesterday morning from n visit In Denver. Silver always makes a lasting gUt. DIXON, tho Jeweler. Mrs. V. J. Stuart will loavo about June 1st for a visit with relatives in California. A Big Ben will get you there on time. DIXON, the Jeweler. Field Agent Bryan, of tho Anierlcnn Beot Sugar Co., received another con signment of beet tondcrs last night. Spring Millinery at pricos that will surprise you at Wilcox Department Store. Win, Halst returned Sundav from Excolslor Springs, Mo whoro he had spent several weeks. Our Entire Stock at 20 per cent dis count at Tho Leador Mer. Co. Mrs. C. F. Sponcer will return to day from Excels'or Springs, where she spent two weeks. Mrs. Ray Lannln will entertain the Belnvonue Club at her homo at 322 west Tenth on Friday afternoon. For Sale Monarch G-holc steel range in first class condition. Inquire at 904 west Sixth. 37-2 Little Gene Fetter, who was taken to Omaha Saturday and there operated upon for appendicitis, is reported to be doing nlcoly. Don't forget tho Jltnoy Dance at tho Masonic Hall Thursday, May 20th. John Nelson and wife loavo Friday for Red Cliff, Col. where ho vll work for a mining company. Tho change is made for the benefit of Mrs. Nelson's health. Tho largest line of Fancy Voiles in town at Wilcox Dapartment Store. The dance given last evening by tho Schubert Jazz Orchestra at the K Cv hall was largely attended and tho dan cers say the orchestra Is Immense. The final dance will be given this ovenelng. For Rent Two unfurnished rooms at -109. East Ninth, known as the Mo- gensen house. Inquire at the premi ses. 37-2 Mrs. Geo. Frator returned yesterday fromv,Scottsbluff where she had been snendlng the week end with friends. Mrs. Frater was a delegate to- the Wo man's club convention held at Chadron this weok, but owing to tho recent storm, was unable to get through. About seventy of the delegates were tied up at Alliance until Thursday afternoon. Our Entire Sloek of Merchandise at 20 per cent deduction from our actual prices means u Me snrluir to you iiov. Mhlle our stock Is full and com plete. Nothing reserved nt The Lend er -uercnntllo Company's Store. Sargeanttdiinson, In charge of the local armyrecVuiting station, reports but three,, enlistments so far this month. This number, however, equals the enlistments at Allfance, Grand Is land and a number of recruiting of fices. Enlistments are always light at this season of the year. For Sale 2 lots on West Fifth St.. block 12, lots 8 and 9, sewer, lights and gas. Inquire 1806 West Third or Phone 717W. 37-4 ::o:: Some Iluyl Six room strictly modern one-story home at 909 west Third. An ideal home at the figure. Lot. CGxl32. Gas stove and range goes with iplnce. Price 57,500. Get busy If you want It. THE HOLLMAN & SEBASTIAN AGENCY. PIANO IN STORAGE FOR SALE AT A RARGAIN. Wo have left In storage in North Platto a fine standard made pr'ano. In order to sell Immediately, without fur ther delay,, a big discount in price will be given. Terms arranged w(th responsible party If desired. Write at once to THE DENVER MUSIC COMPANY, 30-8 Denver, Colo. ::o!: Jack Service. Will stand a Jack for service at tho former Watts place, two miles west of North Platte. 36-4 Bert Phelps. -.1 Notjoe recelvod yostorday nt tho local postorrico stated that tho salary of thepo8tmaster had beon raised $100 per yojrir, making the pay orthnt por tion SE.S00 por year. This increased rato Is bnsod on tho iucrensed ro-coipts-of the office, which for tho past year totaled In round numbers $3G,0C0. W.heu tho recolpts Increaso $4,000 por year inoro nnd roach a total of $40, 000, tho North Platto postofflco will beconio an offlco of the first-class. At tho present rato of Increase tho en trance of tho office into tho flrst-clnss rank is not far off. No inkling of who will bo appointed postmaster to fill tho vacancy has been so far received. -::o:: . New Hoy Scout Hooks. ' -Librarian Miss Murphy announces the receipt of tho following books at the public library; ! AUshellor Guns of Europo. Barbour Fortunes of War. Burton Boy Scouts of Bob's Hill I Drysdale Beach Patrol, j Young Reporter. Eaton Boy Scouts In Dimn Swamp. Boy Scouts of tho Wildcat Patrol. ; Grlnnol Jack The Young Trapper. Masefleld -Jim Davis. Seton Animal Heroes. ' Sabln On Tho Plains With Custer. ' Schultz Rising Wolf. ' Stevenson Kidnapped. Treasure Island. :o:: We are cooperating with the United Stntcs Government In doing our part tv bring down the high prices. Until further notice we offer our entire stock nt n reduction nnd n snvlng of 20 per cent off nil regular prices. This Grent. Reduction menus tlint we lire taking our valued customers Into co. operation with us to effect n great purp?' The Lender Mercantile Co, Ticket exchange for senior clas play, Kdjth Theatre Wednesday, beff n nlng ai 2 o'clock. Men's Su'ts made to your measuro from cloth that Is right In stock nt Wilco Department Store. At the convention of Federated Wo men's Clubs of tho Sixth District of Nebraska., held at Chadron last week, Mrs. Geo. Fra ter was elected District president for the ensuing year. For Sale 5 room stucco houso, fino lawn, Eajit trees. Price Is right if sold by Juno7 15. Inquire 180G West Third. Phone 717W. 37-4 The Westminster Guild of tho Pres byterian Sunday school will bo enter tained tomorrow evening at tho home of Mrs. M. N. Johnston, the hostesses being Mrs. Julius Forstedt and Mrs. Win. Sieboldt. Special Sale of Ladies' Spring Suits and Coats at Wilcox Department Store. Geo. J. Karr, of Salt Lake City, was awarded a complete wireless set and a chock for one hundred dollars, the first prlzo in tho wireless contest conducted in Salt Lako and sovon other cities. Karr, who is but seven teen years old, built hs wireless out fit himself and has shown such marked ability along this line that he has held a government permit for the past year. He Is a nephew of Mrs. M. H. GUfoyl. For Sale. Nine room modern houso, nicely ar- ranged for two family apartment house. Cash terms. 520 Soutli Chest nut street. Phono 1140 J. 37-2 j notice I Please call 955J after this date at i7:30 p. m. or after about garbage, 37-2 Garbage Collector. For'siile. One and one-half lots opposlto City Park on East Fourth Street. Will con sider a car on same. Phono 471J. 362 WILL PAY YOU TO'SEK E. A. OLSON. Tho .smaller Chandler the new light six Clove land on display nt our show rooms. A Likable, Lovable, Laughable Liar is Earle Williams -IN "The Fortune Hunter" This Is a Vltagraph suporfoaturo from tho famous stage play of tho samo namo that convulsed tho country a fow yoars ago. It Is packed full of heart interost and laughs. Sun Theatre j Thursday and Friday I represent for Lincoln county one of the strongest Insurance companies In the way of hail insurance. See me about tho amount I can insure per acre and tho low rate. A company that has In tho past 23 years paid all losses as thoy camo, big or little. Yours for business, E. A. Olson, phono 323: evening 1130. DR. 0. H. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist GSlie over th McDonald State Bunk. Take t'nse Under Advisement. In tho district court yostordny af ternoon tho divorce case of Mrs. Mln nlo Bnnta against Joioph A. Bnnta was heard and tho case tnkon undor nd vlsomont by Judgo Grlmos. The ovl donco showed that Ilanta had spanked his wife with n leather strap; and there wt. submitted by the defendant letters written, by men to Mrs. Bnnta thus showing that both tho plaintiff and the dofendan wore at fault. Allow us to adjust your glasses. It only takosi a minute nnd costs nothing. Dixon and Son, Sight Specialists. Don't forget tho Jltnoy Dnnco at tho Mapon'c Hull Thursday, May 20th. Here Is One Example. About a year ago Harry Hayos, of tho Union Pnclilo car department, purohnsed the house nt 117 South Wil low for $2.G60, and last year paid $18.32 taxes on tho property. This year the nssoesor placed a valuo of $3,600 on tho property and at that val uation, his taxes this year-will bo $105, an increaso of nearly GOO per cent. I Harry thinks this lis crowding' tlM mourners. .'"T m ::oi; , I Tho Christian aid socloty will meet (Thursday afternoon with Mrs. J. J, -; Crawford, 415 west Third strooL Mrs. E. R. Mills will be tho chairman of ' tho committee -zzzsr ZI-... '' Crystal, Tonight and Tomorrow. EUGENE O'BRIEN in George Barr NcCutcheon's "A pool and His Money" A dangerous combination hut they are Special tonight Sennen comedy- soon separated. ' East Lynne with Variations. n Keith, Wednesday and Thursday. William Farimm America's own crowned king of the drama -pr THE ORPHAN" j A love story of the desert plains with the dash 1 I and spirit of the great outdoors. li mm FREE Guessing Contest At Moloney's Store. May 21st and 22nd, 1920. A 75.00 Patne, 25 Pathe Records ana! m live Red Rooster given away. Free to the Three Best Gussers! RULES OF CONTEST On member of each family may guess. Your guess must be made at the store and filed with the clerk in charge of the contest and yoQ get a receipt, Employees of W. R. Maloneu are barred. How many grains of corn will "Pat'' eat at one feeding when he is hungry? 1st Prize $75.00 Pathe 2nd Prize 25 Pathe Records 3rd Prize "Pat" Prizes will be awarded by disinterested judges, Everybody come in and try. This costs you nothing and you might win. W. R. MALONEY CO. FURNITURE AND HARDWARE. At the Sue Two Days Commencing Tuesday "LOMBARDI, LTD." The Famous Broadway Comedy Succeos, in which BERT LYTELL does the Best Work of His Brilliant Career. -EIGHT PRETTY GIRLS IN THE CAST Including Alice Lake, Juonita Hansen, Thea Talbot, (a perfect 36.) This as a Stage; Play holds a record for Attendance in New York, Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia! San Francisco and Los Angeles.