The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 11, 1920, Image 1
1 ; i. THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., MAY 11, 1920. No. 35 lhc Itorth CLKAN-UP CAMrAIUX WILL j STAItT NEXT MONDAY. 1 Gonoral Chnlrman Sebastian, of the LOCAL AJI) PERSONAL Class Party. 1 You don't know what you missed If Burton arrlvod J'ou l'la not attond the class party at rith Mr. nti.t Mrs. .Tns i" c.t, ni.-i. .. ,.iu .).i. Liostor AowniJins last ruusuav ovcn- rf. f It ! . . . kj 1 1 1 Lll ll(l 11 U 111 UUUUlb 1UI V VlOtL . uiuuu-up roqucBu tluJlr niece. Mrs. M. McFarlnnd. . Ing. About twonty of the young mar-. rr ouno to announce mat uio campaign , 1IA . . riod folks of the Christian church will lutein ftinnflnv or nort wnnit. It. "uuuu'u LOCAL STOCKHOLDKltS DEMAND ' rnronl-Tenchcr Assorjntlon. INVESTIGATION BY STATU . j ; Program for the Qenoral Mooting of of About fifty stockholders SHInner Corporations, of Omaha, lo'olock at the Franklin auditorium: gatuereu m North Platte yesterday Music Bv tho Scliool Band. . n. . .im n. j. UUIII Llllilll. Illlll llllll MUCH 11 IIJ11V LIHlt! .' " asv tiitmwuit OI1UI L 0 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 il 1 I III LIllI 1 I ill m n urK was the intention to have started. this Jst 1,111 street, i none jooj. - visiting and learning a new spelling take action to protect their interests. I Jefferson School, Washington School campaign a month ago, but it was do-1 Mrs. Lau, of Sutherland, visited gamc that thoy did not realize that it iThese stockholders camo from Kolth, Lincoln School, Junior-Senior High, layod by reason of so much wet wcath- over Sunday with her mster, Mrs. Wm. wns almost lnldnlght until the hostess 'FrontU3r 8Iul Lincoln countiles. An The Work of tho Campllre Girls or. Since then many residents have Eshelman. served lunch and they had time to ! organization was formed with Qoorge Mrs. Koch. cleaned tho nlleys and tholr premises j Irene Ruby Laird was granted a peop at tho clock. But nover mind, Whtte-of Sutherland, as president, The Work of the Boy Scouts Mr. but there are sUll left a number of un- divorce from her husband Artliur J. come to the 'social tho first Tuesday in lJoln Murphy, of North Platte, nsjllolltnan. sightly back yards and vacant lots Laird in the district court yesterday. June. I secretary and James S. Shoup of Suth- A Business Man's View Mr. Bare, and to thoso the campaign committee , Mrs. Win. Taylor, who recently un- !:o" orland, as treasurer. A report was Tho Plans of the Council Mr. Cros- ... : ti. t t t n. ........ a pa x in., in... - - . . . by. As a Paront and a Teacher Mr. Tout, Closing Music by tho'"Mtn8trels." Cadet Minstrel. m. K' n IT Q rn.lnl. ...Ill atnirn n I O " - AilU A A 1 V, III!U10 ..... DMIhU 1 1. .. f-l ... T. . .. I . , 1 . . I . I . . .. - iiiu z iuuiiv-xuiiuiior iiBBUi-iiuiuus, , mlnmrol Hlinw noxt FVKlnv. lit 8 l. in.. will direct Us attention. This Is a der went an operation at tho Twinom Rev J H- Curry, wont to St. Paul, made by Atty. Wm. E. Shuman of his movement in which all thoso who are ! hospital, was able to return to her k' vcsterday to visit relatives for a investigation of the corporations and llnterested in a clean and pretty. town 'home Sunday. ow days. irosolutlons wore unanimously passed should heartily Join. I Thr ,,. Nnrth -, 1 Mrs. John States returned tlihT' reading as follows: Olio Tribune suggests that in can-1 , , .. ni,nilt thin snmmnr morning from a visit with Walter Sta-' BE IT RESOLVED, that the stock tho j Wednesday evening. May 12th, at eight at tho Frankllu auditorium. Tho pro gram wi ll consist of band numbers, dancing, singing and various other negro stunts. This will bo nn annual affair if the peoplo cooporate. Tho proceeds of tho show will go towards dofraylng camp expenses. Wo want tho ondets and band to go to camp, for this Ss a splendid opportunity for lett ing the peoplo In other towns know what is being done In North Platte. A big parade will bo hold this week, tho date will bo given out lator. so: . r f n, ,, . . . l& V MVftiih 11 Ul life uuwut into OUUUUUl " ... nction w Ui this clean-up movement , QURb um on,b 0UH Country Club tos and family In Denver, tint- tAd(inntd lin iitfnri r r n n f mnro r J . . holders of the Skinner Corporations, that residents bo urged to plant more aud 0(JR f'Q h b aU(1lrls. For Sale Four yearling cattle. Ad-,,f Lincoln, Keith and Frontier coun flowers. Twenty-flvo or fifty cents, . ' . ' .. ".... Arnaa itim,ira nt n V r.,rtnn tlca, fathered tOKether In a called invested In flower seeds and carefully ' mijio class which was callcd for last Gracelanj Addition, NoT Platte. ZB-i ?lec leU In North Platte, on May planted and well cared for would add "101 ciass 'cii was caiica tor last iiiiif T , 10, 1920, cal upon tho offlcla s of tho n. hundred ner cent to tho annearanco Friday ms postponed to meet noxt W. R. Maloney, W. J. 0 Connor and s Nebpa'k . 'mphI nriv :.o.. p.,r K-nii,ia r rni.,mi,a ninoi iniMniinn jStute, to conduct a tull and completo inomim miTUTi nnnim cjouvw i i no lnuiea Aid hociglv or me rrea- ...0" . , ... i .... . . Ono Incident which plays an enor mously Important part In the heroine's development Is a bona-flde ptf.ze-flght In which her pugilistic lover worsts tho French champion. This match, wtith Kid McCoy in the part of the White, inn-. PTmirn cni-vp Tho Ladles Aid Society, of the Fres- ui u.umuua t.uoo .mu.uuu... nsMrnHon nf m. i.ftt, iimi . IN THE "HONEY BEE." bytentan church will meet In the Wanted Man aud I wife for farm and " transactions of the Skinner Corpora- Cliurcu panors inursuay auernooil iuiiuh uik. a. H.riumur. 1 nns nf Dmalin. nnil tn hirnlgh t tilo Harry vannatter camo down from above stockholders organization a Bridgeport yesterday to make arrange, jreport of such investlgalton and par ments to move hs family to that tlcularly showlhg thoroln to what ex place. Ho has opened a barber shop tent funds of saM corporation have there and Is doing well. - ibeen mis-appropriated or wrongfull v Tho Community Chorus will meet .used, to whom paid, and upon what entertained by Mesdames Davidson and Moulton. In tho district court yesterday after noon Josephine Hughes was granted a divorce from her husband A. W. Hughes. A financial settlement was Frenchman, "Carpentler" and Nigel, made out of court and the defendant . this evening for rehearsal for the con- excuse, ahd what shares of said cor- made no resistance to the decree. icert which will be given Tuesday poration have been Issuod without Representatives of the Dickens De-evet'ng of next week. All members consideration or for Insufficient con Barrle as the American, "Blink Mor an," Is said to bo ono of tho most real Isti'c and exciting events of Its kind lyelopmont Club were in town yestor-are urged to be present this evening. Islderatlon. the numbers and amounts ever put on tho screen. It Is the "real thing," and It Is said three thousand spectators were present when It was filmed In Santa Barbara. See this at the SUN today and tomorrow. !:n:: , North 'Platte with a copulation , of i over 10.000 is raising $5,000 to send ! her boys and ei'rl3 to camp. Aron't ) we proud of old North Platte? Mr. and Mrs. Frank Garman, of ( Sutherland, were week end guests at , tho R. A. Garman home. d,ay conferring with the Chamber of The M. E. Aid Society will meet In thereof, to whom tho same wore Issued Commerce road committee relative to tho church narlors Thursdnv after- and "or what purpose, and In fact Improving road conditions between noon, May 13th, with Mrs. J. Tucker, showing in full all wrongful appropta- nd Mrs. "un lulu issuances ot siock. CRYSTAL Thursday and Friday . VIVIAN MARTIN North Platte and Dickens. The Catholic Girls Club will hold a card party at tho K. C. hall Friday evening. Tables will bo provided and guests may chose the game. Lunch will bo served. An Invitation is ex tended to the public. A nominal admis- nJnH fnn f ...Ill t. 1. 1 oiuu wl nil? v;em.o nin uc uuurgcu, ivrnmjin aiong me i:ne or good citizen- SOME BARGAIN iry iuo nexuu nrsi, it pays. J.4U m uiuuh. - j j(,ui Horn,, Tho fishermen who returned 'from i Rov- and Mrs. Mackintosh, Mrs. C. 1 On the market for a short tme only, at iaKe, wnicn is in tne soutli partis cuwaras, wrs. r. w uincner ana isie wst 4th. Two story strictly of Cherry county and 105 miles north Mrs. EdmUnd Dickey went to Kearney moderi'G room home good as now; lot of North Platto, say the sandhills are (this morning to attend the Episcopal .66x132, lawn and trees. This house strewn witti tno carcasses of cattle convocation wnicn win oe in session alone could not be erected within Mrs. Johnston. Mrs. Gettv nnd I - , 1 1 1 i 1 r , . .... Throckmorton on the entertaining iUtr 1110 w or Nebraska has committee. completed its .investigation anothor The Travel and Study Club was en- j"0,0,10' the stockholders will be tnrtained last eventnir Mlsa FInr- held-. &he was represented at tills ence Stnmn.. The feattirn f tlm nven- meeUnF lnore than 1600 shares o' ilng was an address by Miss Annie, muu,v m lI,0S0 corporations. jKramjih along the line of good cltlzen- IN "His Official Fiancee" which died of exposure during the April storms. One outfit lost four hundred head. For Sale 5 rooms and bath. Close In. Garage. Good Lawn; shade trees Coal house and chicken house. Phone 355 J. 34-2 Saturday night to transact business Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Fonda returned for a few days, and from there will for four days this weelc. 152,000 of what tho entire nronort wn Georgetta, crepe de chine, voile and .be bought for. Let us show you a real organdy blouses on sale for all this bargain and worth the money at $8,800. weeK. we can save you money on acc quicK. blouses. E. T. TRAMP & SONS. THE HOLLMAN & SEBASTIAN C. J. McNamara went to Llucoln i AGENCY, o:s For Sale. the latter part, of last week from a so to Kimball to.submlt eslmates for mneroom moaern nouse, nicely ar- wiu cover 1 BuMor iio iamuy apartment ! seven weeks' trho In tlfi ,Vesf:vvlfiltIne 'a paving contra'ct-. which . n. i i . - J.i l . . , .i..i. i . in Portland. .Seattle. Ban Francisco, me Business uisinci oi mat town. : house." Cash or terms. 620 South Chest' Los. Angeles and Salt Lake. The ; It Is expected that negotiations will,""1 3troet; Phone 1140J. captivating, dltterent comedy greater part of the time was spent with, be closed today for the purchase of drama. A pair of-lovers about "ieir, ?on k f 11 fp,ortla,nd; . Mr-I be 'ck wlllIams residence in the eoo , i ' . ,Fondais npt sure that ho visited, any .block on west Fourth , street by Joe as enthusiastic over each Other section that he liked better than "North jHlrschfleld for a consideration of Platte. $7,800. Come in and purchase a blouse, buy-! Blouses, the season's best models, ing made easy by our now rack ar-!all Included In this sale and our prices rangement. You can wait upon your ', are beyond comparison. Give us a self. E. T. TRAMP & SONS. look. E. T. TRAMP & SONS. 352 as they were over uncle's joke. How would you like to wake up "in the morning and hear tho Cardinal u.nging lust out side your tent? Down in Roberts pasture where the Boy Scouts and Campflre Girls are going to camp, the Cardinal, that beau t fnl red bird has been soon. 'H WMI WIMP 1 iii-l- - 111 III fvwuwi i mt i IW.I , I miirjT:iirYi c-ihiif j We have infirmantion that the story has been circulated that you Can Not buy a Fordson Tractor without the plow and ma chinery that are manufactured and tested thoroughly tor it. This is without any foundation. v The Fordson Tractor only will cost you at North Platte S895.00 filled with oil, kerosene and greases. Should you at any time want Farm Machinery, we carry the following lines which have been thoroughly tested and guaranteed to work after the FORDSON. The following different Implements will cost you at North Platte, Nebraska, 14 inch two bottom Oliver Plow $150.00 7 foot Tandem Disk Harrow 140.00 20 foot Spike Tooth Harrow . .-. 55.00 2-row Power Lift Lister 190.00 50 foot 3-ply Power Bell .' 38.00 Ansko Grain Drill with press attachment 210.00 Thrasher Wood Bros, indivinual, with weigher and, loader v 1210.00 FORD TONTRUCK with GRAIN BODY AND CAB " 925.00 And with pneumatic tlron Hermoline Tractor Oil anlHVorm Oil in 15 to 30 gal lon drums at 90 and 60 cent per gallon. The highest quality of oil on the market. WILL YOU c Make a Date with Yourself to BE., MY Theatre Today, and Tomorrow to soo Samuel Morwlh's famous novel, "The HONEY Bee f? Translated Into pictures, It's a knock out! ' ' WM. HAWLEY Mgr. of tho SUN 1 & aim ryiiu jjuuuiuuitu wi wo g I Hermoline Tractor Oil anlHVorm Oil in 15 to 30 gal- Ion drums at 90 and 60 cents per gallon. The highest B 1 quality of oil on the market. I Hendy-Qgier Auto . Co, I 1 Phono 34 " Ford and Fordson Sales and Service I AT THE M THEATRE. TUES. & WED. The HoneyBee starring MARGARITA SYLVA ALSO PATHE WEEKLY For Sale Household Furniture 61G East 6th Street. Phono 35GJ. 35-2 THURS. & FRI. "Lifting Shadoivs" tarring EMMY WEHLEN "Bumping Into Brondway" Hiirold Loyd Comedy ARE YOU MISSING OUT? 17 residence lots and 6 trackage lota are all there is left of TRUSTEE'S & RIVERDAL.E ADDITIONS. All these have sewers and graded streets and are high and dry. The residence lots have 5 ft. e'ement sidewalks and crossings. They are located in the 9th and 10th hlocks east of the First National Bank. Prices of Jots still for sale are indi cated on map below. Five per cent discount for cash. Easy terms. Liberty bonds accepted same as cash. For sale by WM. E. SHUMAN AVE. b JIMO (n q . $SSO (A ' 3 0 (b$SS0 0i AVE, in H 4 tSIS 03 $sso 0, Co H 'Ziissa a soo t to AViZ Think of washing all the winter things that have to be put away, without work on your part, without a bill from the laundry or cleaner. Think of washing all these things spot lessly clean, and so quickly that they will be on the line, in the warm, April sunshine, earlyvin the morning. ELECTRIC CLOTHES WASHER will do this for you. It can do it, because Blue Bird operates on the oscillating principle the correct one for washing machines. The water action is so strong that it cleans every thing per fectly without any other help. Therefore, the inside of the copper tub is absolutely smooth. Moreover, the all-steel winger which locks in three positionsfcarries the r.e laces as easily as heavy blankets. Free Demonstration See ior yourself why 60,000 women are en thusiastic BlueBird users. North Platte Light & Power 'Co. 4 .15 4