tit, to 'A THIRTY-SIXTH YL1AK. NORTH PLATO;. NEU.. MAY 7, 1920. No. 34 'iririr'r 100 APPLICANTS 1'OR CITY SCHOOL SUPKIUNTRNDKNT. Mrs. Harry Cramer, Bocrotary or the board of education, Informs int'that she has on file nbout one hnntlretl applications for suporlntondent of the city schools, made vncant by tho de cision of Supt. Tout not to re-apply. These applicants are scattered all over the countryrtono living as far north as Canada, anothor ns far south as Florida. This can be taken as evi dence that North Platte Is a muchly ndverised town, and is know through out the entire nail on. The board will hold a meeting with in tho next fow days and sift out applicants who may, appear not to possess tho necessary qualifications and then from Hie remainder make a solection. It 'Is probable that in order to secure a superintendent that meets tho requirement a. higher salary must be paid than was given Supt. Tout. ::o:: Funeral services for Ruby, Ollle Radar, the four year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Rader, wore hold from the Lutheran church at three o'clock yesterday. Rev. Koch of ficiating. This is the second child of Mr. and Mrs. Rader have lost within tho week, funeral sorvices of the seven year old daughter Ruth, having been held at tho Lutheran church on Tues day. Both girls were victims of pneumonia following tho measles. Tho North Platte base ball team will play the first game of the season at Julesburg Sunday. The opening game on the home diamond will bo played with Gothenburg on Sunday. May lGth. Games have been scheduled with Kearney on May, 23rd, and Jules burg on May 30th. Sterling has asked for two games wh'ich will probably be played some time in June. Mrs. Carrie McGovorn was granted a dl vorce yesterday from her husband Andy D. McGovern. W. J. O'Connor went to Sdotts Bluff yesterday to attend tho organization of the Rotary Club. Our stock of silver is most complete. DIXON, the Jeweler. LOCAL AA'l) PERSONAL j The J. F. F. Club will meat this afternoon at the home of Mn. Rd Rob-' bauson. ! Mrs, L. L. Wornert roturned Wed-1 nesdny to her home In Ktwrnoy. nftor 1 a short visit at the Kd Hobhauson 1 home. Miss Viola Carlson returned yester-, tlay from Holdrege whore hc had been visiting relatives for tho past two weeks. Dixon & Son, Sight Specialists. II. L. Ponnlngton, of the Loypoldt Ponnlngton Co., has taken a sixty-day lay off In order to attend to porsonal business. Mr. and Mrs. James Burston are ex pected to arrive tomorrow from Do trolt for a visit with tholr niece, Mrs. M. McFarland. j Mrs. Fred Sawyer, who had been 'spending a fow days at tho Ed Reb i hauson homo, returned Wednesday to her home In Columbus. ! Tho Catholic Oris' Club will be hos Itess at a public card party at tho K. ,C. hall on Friday, May 14th. Lunch j will be served and an admission feo of fifty cents will bo charged. See our assortment of diamond and ' platinum jewelry. DIXON, tho Quality Jeweler. I The homes of J. Q. Wilcox and A. T. 1 Yost wore quarantined this week for small-pox. At the Wilcox homo a son as tho victim and at tho Yost resldenco Master Bobby has a light attack of tho disease following a case of whooping cough. We can save you money on a geor gette blouse. Do not miss this oppor tunity. Buy a blouse during this sale. E. T. TRAMP & SONS. An audience that packed the hall at St. Patrick's school attended tho ro 'J'tal given Wednesday evening by Miss Ottensteln's pupils, and were pleased with the splendid manner In which the program numbors were ren dered, A feature of the ovenlng wero I costume danceq given by Miss Mor row's pupils. Hrnlicmmi Crow Killed. P- K. 0'" i;lerlujn tlfolr Husbands. Glenn Crow, brakeman Tor Conduo- A mdt eujoyablewening was spent tor Garrison, was crushed to death at !last ulMkt at the homo of Mr. iind Mrs. Uerlng y&atorday foronoon when J Yorlt-"STnnian, thu" occasion bolng the caught between an engine and a car. i "Potwrty Party" given by the young Crow h .parents live at Northport and , laoies or tue Chapter, assisted by the remains wore taken to that place, j noifto ot tho older (numbers. A nScely Ho was well known .'n railroad circles , prepared dlnnor was served at seven in tlUs city. ' o'clock, followed by an ovenlng ot LOCAL AM) 1.M211SOXAL Mrs. W. II. Manger will bo bostons at the (uuoting of the Indian On id Club this nftornoon. poolal amusements. : o: : Public Library Noles. A 1 It sxi alt Hi a 1 11tta ti a jiIabau! nn i week during April, the monthly rJlSK 7... i,.Uo i hr home in Scott Bluffs. M'ss MrrV of out S00 books. . Mrs. Luclon Smith, of Llmon. Col., has been spending this week wth her mother Mrs. Frank Hoxle. For RentFour furnished and lmth. 609 W. 9th St. HKSIDKNTS OK WKST Flt'Tll ' WANT PAYING DISTRICT,- The donations of books by Mrs. Ralph Chnmborltt'.n and Mrs. Fenwlck wero In constant demand by tho young people. A donation of thirty books of ilctlon by modern writers was also received this week row. who has been a teacher In the city schools for tho past two years suffored 'from an attack of tho flu in Mftrch, .from which sho lias not re covered. C. F. Koch has taken her class work for the remainder of the term, x Mrs. Webb Hughos was hostess -at Tho library board will hold Its rogu- tho mrtetlng of tho Aolrcimt club Wed- Inr meotfng Monday. May 10th. ! nesdny afternoon. Cards were the Much Interest. was shown In tho May ontertalnng foaturo, tho prizes going May Baskot exhibit hold at tho library to Mrsf- Sand. HowOs and Mrs. Ed by tho pupils of the Jefferson nnd.'Weeks.j Washington schools. IIousls dresses and nnrons made of ::o:: Itlie but material and n'ndo no in the' i' mi.,, n , t t .1 Hn ...t.f.1. t tf it.,.. - i' i i i. iiiu uuvi ui ijuufiu una nmuii u. v.'uoai mviuh, way noi nnvo uie proper Itomlgh had drlvon from Detroit ar- j dross to woar nt home? E. T. Tramp & ; rived last evening. Six of tho cars Sons. reached here, one was loft at Cozad J Eiiri namsoy went lo Lexington and three at Gothenburg. Mr. Romlgh (Wednesday to drive homo his car lw.mi thr-;o others who are driving which he had beon obliged to leave uirougn tour unanuiors renencu umn- there for A petition is bolng circulated by M. J, Forbes for tho croattou of a pacing district on west Fifth stroot extend ing from Vino stroot to Washington ' avenue n. distance of twclvo blocks. :Tlie petition so far has been signed by rooms h M'.g majority of proporty owners, 'only three or four having, so far as 1 tltn ftalil linn lxitmi niMtfiit r rrl itniliirv Mr. and iMrs. J. T. Stuart went to ,,. ., V, Lincoln this morning to visit tholr son o',, " vi ......u- Frank and family for a few days. . n,i,in., r vn,,nu wnt Harry Duberry Is enjoying a visit muko another attempt to securo tho fron( his brother WMl, whose homo Is creation of a district In tlmt torrltory. q In Callfc ;i!a and who Is enrouto enst. 1 Wo understand residents of enst; Fifth stroot will also mako a move to- ward securing a paving district. Paving In North. Platto must come soonor or lator, why unnecessary do- . lay? o: When in North Platto stop at the Now Hotel Palace and Cafo. You will ' bo treated woll. GStf snnio tVmn nn nronimf no, last evening nnu vim arrive noro the bad condition of the roads. Of Of Albeit E. Sclnnolzer and Miss Pearl Basil, both of Fronttor county, were granted a marriage license Wednes day. D. B. McNoel, tho woll known ranch man, lining northwest of t6wn, lott yostorday for Denver to transact bus iness for a fow days. Corporal Frank Wolls, of the local recruiting station loft last night for St. Edwards, Neb., to spend tho week end With the homo folks. To whom aro you going to sell youi Hay and Grain? Tho Harrington Men cantllo Co. will offer tho highest prices. 04t( All Lady Mncaboos aro requested to bo present at tho K. C. hall tomorrow afternoon to mnko arrangements for will bo nurchnsod Save from ?1.00 to $5.00 by buying a, Joseph Morsch tho lot nt the corner of blouse now. E. T, Tramp & Sons. Third arid Garfield for $1,G00 and ox- Just a fow more days or sale onta to erect thereon this summer n blouses, our entire stock of blouses modow bungalow. 1. is m rtt o ft . i nio inciuueu. i. iivmp nous. A- Bf.Lcet of Omaha, a member of tho stnto convention which Memorial siii vlcss in honor of those , tho Adair-Lee Rubber Co., spont yes- hold hero on May 2Gth. who made tho supremo sacrifice while torday In town looking after the The non-partisan state convonfEon in the services of their country will . branch ntoro in this city. nt Grand Island 'Tuesday nominated bo held at tho Ft. McPherson Ceme- The Henderson Fashion Form Cor- A. G. Wrny, of York, for governor, (tory. located south of Maxwell, set in all this season's models and wo Robert Mousel, of Cambridge, for (Monday, May 31st. Former service absolutely guaranteo satisfaction. E. lidutonnnt-govornor, and F. L. Bollen, men are urgontly requested to bo prcs-:t. TRAMP & SONS. of Way.nA Vor attornoy-onoral. The Willing AVorkera' Class of tho Frionds of Bollen say ho will not nc Prosbytorian Sunday school will hold ccrnt the nomination as ho is not aup an cxchanKO at M'alonov's store Satur- Porting non-partisan principles. day. For Snip. Matched team of greys 4 and t7 years old. Phono 1104w. 29-tf AT THE 1UN THEATRE. FRIDAY "Burnt Wings" STARRING Frank Mayo ALSO 2-reel comedy Switches and Sweeties. KEIT Monday and Tuesday. ROBERT WARWICK IN "TOLD IN THE HILLS" A world famous novel of the pioneers' west made into a picture you"ll long remember. Scouts. Indians, soldiers, all the wonderous romance of the west. One of tho biggest tf out door pictures ever made. cnt in uniform. The May equity term of district court will convene in sesj'on noxt Mon day. This is not a jury term. It Is probablo the docketed cases will oc cupy the time of the court for two weoks. ' Cards announcing the coming wed ding of Victor Hallignn and Miss Ii:ouso Ottensteln wero issued Wed nesday. Tho ceremony, will occur Mny 19th rt the chapel of St. Patrick's chvif h and a reception will be hold at the Ottomitaln home from 8:30 to 10:30. ' Tho Pioneer Camp Fire Girls wont on a hike to tho Cody ranch early Saturday morning, accompanied by j Frank Barber, who substituted for Miss Whelnlev. With Mr. harbor's Ln.Mn.inn n f pn WHO 1lll1t '1 ,1 fl 51 UHnfllp roast enjoyed. At a meeting of tho Pioneer Girls Tuesday Ellen Erlckson was made a member and Edna Barber nlncte,! Scout Girl. The Girls will I clean the board of education room in the Franklin building, for which work they will receive $5.00. ,1 i ::o:: To Ihe Public I doalro to stato to tlw public that I am no longer Interested in tho Leadocj Morcantllo Co., as officer, director or stockholder, having recolved full pay- ball by tho ladies auxlllnry to the U. I mont for tho stock 1 ,lc,d hi said com S. W. V.. was woll attended and an 'puny. enjoyable time resulted. Music was J .,JH PIZER. furnished by tho high school orchos-1 oi?ro ' tra Miss Morrow's class gavo.a Mayi -T ri)1 . PllpnAltllri, ,, ,,',. L. C. Carroll went to Scotts Bluff y.estorda1 to attend tho Institution of the Rotary Club. v Tho baskot social fven Friday ovoning of last week at tho firemen's dance rBfd readings vcro given by sov oral glWs, Tho baskets wero well ! laden "with eatables. ::o:: Lcnse for Snle. Good grazing section, well fenced, threo wires. Good woll and wind mill, 14 miles north of No. Platte. Price $225.00 till April 1st, 1921. 3H-2 J. A. JACKSON. Motor Rt B. We have infrmantion that the story has been circulated that you Can Not buy a Fordson Tractor without the plow and ma chinery that are manufactured and tested thoroughly tor it. This is without any foundation. 1 The Fordson Tractor only will cost you at North Platte $895.00 filled with oil, kerosene and greases. Should you at any time want Farm Machinery, we carry the following lines which have been thoroughly tested and guaranteed to work after the FORDSON. The following different Implements will cost you at North Platte, Nebraska, 14 foot two bottom Oliver Plow $150.00 7 foot Tandem Disk Harrow 140.00 20 foot Spike Tooth Harrow 55.00 2-row Power Lift Lister 190.00 50 foot 3-ply Power Belt 38.00 Ansko Grain Drill with press attachment 210.00 Thrasher Wood Bros, indivinual, with weigher and loader 1210.00 FORD TON TRUCK with GRAIN BODY AND CAB 925.00 And with pneumatic tlroo Hermoline Tractor Oil and Worm Oil in 15 to 30 gal lon drums at 90 and 60 cents per gallon. The highest quality of oil on the market. ments, bicycles and rosllver mirrors. Give mo a trial.. All work guaranteed. Tho North Platto Ropntr Shop. Rit ner Hotol Bldg. 113 W. Cth St. J. A. TOOPS, Prop. 34-0 :o:: House mid Lot For Sale. 400 block on East Cth stroot. vyil tnko Ford car In trade. Inquire t Julius Monenson. North Platte, tf. ' ' SATURDAY 'A Dollar for a Dollar STARRING' , Frank Keenan ALSO 2-reel comedy.' MONDAY "When a Man. Rfdes Alone" STARRING William Russell ALSO Elmo the Fearless. J GrHcKii Suits or vr "U o rien&y-ug A. ho. Phone 34 Ford and Fordaon Sales and Service mm anon DO YOU WANT TO BE One of the Best Appearing Young Men in the Class? OF COURSE YOU DO. Your parents and relatives expect it, too. YOUR OPPORTUNITY Is right here now. The finest and largest assortment of Graduation Suits ever our pleasure to show. They are those fashionable-correct UPPENHEIMER CLOTHES Tailored especially for young men who think well, Choose well and dress well. The HISC HFELD North Platte's Foremost Clothiers FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN.