The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 04, 1920, Image 8
1 11 A I, BAUU, Editor and Publisher SUBSCRIPTION HATES ; Ono Vciir by Mull, In lulvunce. .$1.76 Ojio Vcar by Currier, In advance, $2,01) Entered at the- North Platte, Nebraska Postoiflco us Second :ius8 Mattor. TUESDAY, .MAY il It, 11120. TEACHERS ENTERTAIN SUPT. AND MRS. WILSON TOUT. Thursday ovonlng at six o'clock the North Platte toa6hors ontortalnod Supt, and Mr. Tout at banquet In tho homo economies rooms of the Junior high school building. Preceding the Imn ,puot they, all gathored iln the auditor ium and played guinea. This good time was tormlnatcd In a grand march led by Mr. RoynoldB and Mien Morrow. Immedlatoly following thl8 tho ban quet was ' sorvod down sta'.rs. Thin room was a bower of apple blossoms Intricately entortwlned overhoad and In baskets on the tablo. Japaitese lantorns and cnndlos cant a soft glow ! over It nil. Here tho banqueters wore 1 .. sorvod a throo course dinner. It was enlivened by quotation read Ify each of the toachors, which appropriately applied to thoso present. After tho banquet a general good fooling of fellowship was promoted by a numbor of favorite songs, and Miss Morrow gave a toast which truly ex pressed ' the appreciation of tho toachors for Supt. Tout. In response I to tho toast the kindly attitude of Mr. Tout and his wlfo was more than o?. prossod. ' Tho evening was concluded with "Until We Moot AguS n." Miss Floreneo Antonides acted as (oast mistress. Miss Edna Uorhaus, the supervisor , of Home Economics, deserves more than an ordinary amount of praise for her part In tli's banquet. J NkfimiT Mlfiikliiili1ii'M tn Mi'il. Tho stockholdorH In the Sklnnur Packing Company and other Sklnnor Corporations became somewhat alarm - od of tho turn of event with thoso companies nnd liavo hold a number of mtttlng:i to 'tMo what stoos should bo takon by stockholders. At ono of thoso meotlnga they (5miloyed Atty. Wm. E. Shuman, of North Platte, to go to Omaha and make auUnvestlgatlon of these corporations. After the Investi gation was mado, ho wont to Suther land last Friday and made a roport, wldcli indlcatod Bob Howe of Omaha and also tho Sklnnor Brothers woro rather rcckloss fn using tho monoys which tho stockholders had paid for tho stock. The stockholders at Suther land felt It was advlaablo. to call a gonoral meeting of nil stockholders In the Skinner Companion of Keith and Ltncoln counties and tho somo will bo hold In North Plutto on May. 10th, at 1 p. m., ut tho firemen's hull at 202 wost Front stroot, .;o.: Camping out. Do you remomber the liacoii and coffee of camping days glorious days of childhood. Scouts and Camp Flro Girls demand tho same prlyi'IcBOB. Are you willing to help provide - them? Financial Campaign May' 17th to 19th. Budget .$5,000.00. ::o:: WILL PAY YOU TO SKK K. A. OLSON. I fopresent for Iilncoln county one of tho strongest Insurance companies In tho way of hall insurance Soo me about tho nmount I can insuro por aero and thp low rato. A company that, has In tho past 23 years paid all fossos as thoy camo, big or little. Yours for business, E. A. Olson, phone 323; ovonlng 1130. JJJANO IN STOnAflF, FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. Wo havo loft In storage In North Plntto a fine standard mado pfano. In ordor to soil Immodlntoly, without fur ther dojny, a big discount In price will bo glvon. Terms arranged with rpsponnlblo party If doslrod. Write at onco to THE DENVUR MUSIC COMPANY, 30-8 Denver, Colo. DR. L. J. KUAUSE. DENTIST McDonald Bank BIdy. Phono 37. Dr. J. S. Twinem, Medicine and Surgery. Twinem Building, East Fifth Street, NORTH PLATTE, NEB. Offlt'o Phone 18JL Residence Phone '2S!I. HeHiiltnl Phone lit). J? -o North Platte Light & IIYllNTS IN NORTH PLATTE TlllRTY-FIVE YfiAHSW fiKroni The Trlbuno May 2 "The annual May Party of tho, Tilt! Yl. 15. wan hffiu at the Lloyd ska aWfitt r unu rink with 130 couples On th Hoor 200 spectators In the galllry. Music whs furnished by the Twenty-first Regiment band, then stationed at Sid ney. Ike Watts, now of Corning In., wis thrown from a horse and had Us face Imdly cut and his body bruised. The Jackson and the Ormsby grocery stores were burglarized but tho only articles taken pan a cady of tobacco from each place. The population of Ogalalla at this time was 700 and it was one of th best towns In the wont part of the state. The I Unman House served a mid iight supper to sevonty-flve couplos has been sick for some time was takon who attended the May Party. In those jto Idaho SpringB, Col., Saturday whorp days the restaurants and hotels sorvpd I ho will remain until he Is abe to re midnlght suppers when all night nuine his practice. ' dancos wore hold. i Tho Wallace Coiu'iioicmI Club met Two hundred girls bound for Utah last week and determined to keop the to become wives of Mormons pt'sMri roads lending into the village In good through on a wpeflal train. jshape. decided to have a Fourth of E. S. Wiggins sold bis Interest In tho Conway & Wiggins hardware store to U.w.. I. ..til, Scott Keith. An offer of twelve hundred dollars was mado for tho lot north of whore tho Ideal bakery now stands, but the ownor, Qus Meyer, asked $1300. That lot, If now vacant would sell for ten times that sum. The city schools had a holiday May 1st and toachors and pupMs held a I'lcnlc on tho banks of the North Plittc rivor near me raiiroan linage. T. J. Foley advertised that his double storo was lighted by five incan doscont electric lights, and that his business wus established in 1809. o::- Picture Prices go up but this has not: stopped tho Sun Theatre from present ing North Platte with one of tho big gost plcturos of the season. "Tho Vlr !n of SUimboul" played by Prlscllla Dean. Throo days commencing to-day. This picturo opened In Lincoln last month to ono of tho largost crowds In history of tho town. Two shows In tho aftomoon and two nt night. School chlldron can see a full show nftor R 00 "0,irs -::o: I'AIUIKU A XT) LAltOHKK! ! ATTKNTIOX Here Is your opportunity to help your llimnolnl and living conditions to a rust extent. A mass meet lug Is call ed for 8:(H) it. m. at the If. P. Hall. Wednesday evenlnir. llnv 5th. A verr Inrge saving In your general expenses can lie effected If you ho desire. It Mill be explained to you thoroughly on this evening and we urge you to come and partlq'pnte In this meeting. FAlt.MKItS- AM) LAItOUKltS' 32-2 COJUriTTUK For Sale. A second hand fi-foot windmill, pump, 23-bnrroll supply tank and 30 loot 2-lnch plpo. J. H. Van Cleave, 3-2 ::o:: For Sale. Flvn room h(mnn. mis. wntnr. ntnn trie lights, U'.co sliado and fruit trees, chlckon houso and garage. Located 1 1 - . NORTH PLATTE REALTY AUCTION COMPANY AT NORTH PLATTE, NEB. Office over the Union State Bank We solicit your Real Estate AUCTION SALES no no matter where Is it located. To give the best of service is our aim. Watoh our results. Our experience and ac quaintance is wide and we appreciate your sales of any kind. Call dn us and let us explain our methods and terms to you. E. A. OLSON, Manager. INCORPORATED 1887. Mutual Building and Loan Association, Of North Platte, Nebraska. RESOURCES OVER 01 MILLION DOLLARS. The Association has unlimited funds at its command to assist in tho building or purchase of homes for the people of North Platte. If you are interested, the' oflicersjof this Assoeiatjon will render every assistance and show you how easy it is to acquire your own home. T. C. PATTERSON, BESSIE F. SALISBURY, President, Secretai'y. eserve a ooover We expect very shortly o..r r xt Hoover -, "pmer, cricred last summer. The col Is so trorvg 1hcy muelly all leserved In advance of arrival. We recommend your prompt con: J;ratk n to avoid a wait later thnt inny prove e -.asperating at house-clerv time. The Hoover Is the largest telling electr.c cleaner In the world ix IT BEATS AS IT SWEEPS AS IT CLEANS Dmmonvations daily in our ma'n i'n niilevou are tnOtted LINCOLN COUNTY EVENTS' l AND ifftffrAX JltiNtriON. Sdltor Sage, of the Maxwoll Tolei t. Is spending tbls week In Gili no county, Colorado, Icokmr tho real estate situation. There will be five graduates from the , IJmdy school tfils J'ftar. They tiro:' Anna J. Harris, Lola Phllllpg, Gladys j Swanucutt, Hurdd Daft ahtT James ( MoOullough. i Hen Harding has boon returned , to : Wallace as station agent lor the B. , & M. - I While skinning a steer on the Kent i & Burke ranch at Maxweot last week ' Eugono Thompson run a hutfft into .the calf of his leg, Thn wound became Infected and he was taken to North Platte for treatment. Dr. C. E. Konnon, of Maxwoll', who July celebration, resolved to have a clean - up day and will extend tho Oma- lin nvniiKulniklnta n Imnrlv ttnnlnliirt iitl. ha excursionists a hearty woclomo up- ion their arrival there May 25th. ; Chas. Dillon, of Wallace, has boen 'taken to Omaha for treatment and will submit to un operation If nocosBary. llerbert Walters has sold his confec tionery store at Sutherland to Dave Woods and V. A. Norton, tho luttcr late Of Callaway. J. I. Smith, of North Platte, was a Herjjhoy visitor Saturday. Mr. Smith is president1 of the Suburban ditch and as that company Is" contemplating orectlng a new headgate at tho head of the ditch he was horo looking after their ;ntorostB. Frank Palmor, of Sullcr,aml wlI1 lnBtan tne headgate. and work will bo commenced lmmed lately. Times. Mrs. Ed Coker and Miss Julia Burk lund entortalnod ninety-seven guests at tho home of tho former ono day last week complimentary to Mrs. Edward Mansfield, a recent bnide. Editor Dunn, of tho Sutherland Courier, advocates holding church In tho afternoon, lie llkos to go to church If tho time set for the service does not Intorfero with Sunday morning sleep. The $1.00 a ton bonus given to last year's beet growers distributed be tween $35,000 o.i $40,000 to the grow ers oi mo iiorsney section, ice winn fall, we should say. ::o:. . .1. K. SKHASTIAX, Tho Old Line Life Man, lies. Phone 1138. Office Phone 012,1 THHHi: GOOD LINCOLN COUNTY FARMS- FOR SALlJ. Separate quarters on south table. 5, 8 and 9 mVles respectively from Sutherland. All lay good, fine Boll, on goodroads, closo to schools In well Sottled neighborhood. Each of these quarters aro nearly all plow land, partially cropped to wintor wheat In splendid condition, which will go to buyor. No bulldlngs.Ooo( terms. For lownor's prico and terms call on Geo. Caso, 601 So. Dowey, phono 879. 33tf 1 1 ' 1 ""' North Platte, Neb. tins wee .ause a 6 n We also demonstrate in the loma and offer convenient terms PoWer Co. NORTH PLATTE At 'It ..General oosjrif One Hall Block North ol Postoftice. . I'lione S8 A modern institution for the ciiritiflc .tnatnu"it of medical, jurtfioul Mini eonlinemetit case.. . Completely equipped X'-Kuy Hnd diagnostic laboTHtori Staff: Geo. .8. Dent. M. D. V. Lacas. ftl D. J. B. iWficld. M. D. J. S. SIMMS, H.D. BR. HAROLD FEXNEK Osteopnth Over HIiHchfcld's Office Phono 333 Res. Phono 1020 ROBERT A. PHILLIPS Plumbing nnd Heating Contractor. I am prepared to do all kinds of Plumbing and heating. All materials and work guaranteed. Estimates j l"tu"u"' b'vu"- hliop and Jte-iJilence hast (itli St. Plume Rod 1,'iS HIDES, FURS AND JUNK. CAST IRON AND "BONES. We want these. Big Price for Cast Iron. Dry Bones $10 to $12 ton L. LIPSHlfZ.' Coming to North Platte United Doctors' Specialist Will bo at the .McOARH 1IQTKL Monday, May 10th. ONE RAY ONLY hours 10 A. jr. to 8 r. ji. REMARKABLE SUCCESS OF THESE TALENTED PHYSICIANS IN TREATMENT OF CHRONIC DISEASES. EXAMINATION TION and CONSULTA FREE. The dlngostlclan of the United Doc tors, licensed by tho state of Nebraska. for tho treatment of chronic diseases of men, women and jqhildren, offer to all who call on this visit, Consultation, examination and advice free. Thoy have a system and method of treat mcnts thnt are sure and certain In their results. Theso doctors ure experts In the treatmont of chronic diseases of tho blood, liver, stomach, intestines, heart. kidneys or bladder, rheumatism, scia tlca, dropsy, leg ulcers, weak Jungs, and thoso afflicted with long standing deep seated, chronic diseases, thnt havo baffled the skill of other physi cians, should not fall to call. According to their system no more operation for appendicitis, gall stones, goiter, piles, etc, as all cases accepted will be treated without operation or hypodermic Injectiion, If you havo kidney or bladder troublos brinu a A ounce bottlo of your urine for chemical analysis and microscopic examination. Worn-out and run-down men and women, no matter what your aliment may be, no mutter what you havo been told, or tho exporience you havo had with othor physicians, settlo it forover in your mind. If your caso is incur ublo thoy will tell you so. Consult tliem upon tills visit. It costs you nothing for examination. Roniembor. this free offer Is for this visit only. Mnrrfed ladies must como with their husbands nnd minors with tholr paronts. Notice to Creditors. x Estato No. 174S of Mary, Hansen, do ceased In the County Court of Lincoln County, Nouraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska, ss: Creditors of snid estate will take notlco that the time limited for presentation and filing of claims against snid hstato is Sep tombor 4, 1920, nnd for settlement of said Estato Is April 30, 1921:. that will sit at tho county court room In said county on Juno 4, 1920, nt 10 o'clock a. m., nnd on Soptombor 1920, nt 10 o'clock a. in., to recolve oxnmlno, hoar, allow, pr adjust all claims and objections duly, filed. Wm. H. C.AVOODIIURST. M4-J1 County Judge Notice to Creditors. Estato No. 1750 of Mary Nori'is, do ceasod In tho County Court of Lincoln County. Nobrnska. Tho State of Nebraska, ss: Creditors of said ostato will take notlco that th timo limited for presentation and filing of clii'ma agnlhit said ustato is ber tombor 4th 1920, and for settlement of said Estato Is April .!0th 1921: thnt will sit at tho county court room In said county, on Juno 4th 1920. nt o'olock a. m., end on Septembor 4th 19HQ. at 9 o'clock a. in., to rocolvo, oxamlnt. hoar, allow, or ndjust all olnUna and objections duly fllart. Win. II. 0. WOOnilURST, M4-JI County Judge DiCFRBBFIELl) LMiytfijlifn, 0).stetrictnu Siinreoii. A-Jiny 1 i I . . . . -. . 1. t VI.. I. A 1 1 . . Julius l roiiipiiiijiiitmuitu iiiKiiv ur iruj Phone Offlci 012 Residence C7C ALBERT A. LAM-., Dentist dooms I mid t Knltcn HutiOlM North Piaiiu ehruai. SAXON Embodies for the first time in motor cor building the scientific princplu of Duplex Engineering. Dailey Motor Car Co. LINCOLN, NEB. We tarry a complete line of repair parts. IX THE COUNTY COURT OF LIN- COLN COUNTY, NEBRASKA. In tho Mattor of tho Determination of Heirship In tho Estato of Arthur F. Laytou, Deceased. NOTICE. NOTICE TO ALL PERSONS INTER ESTED IN THE ESTATE OF ARTHUR F. LAYTON, DECEASED, BOTH HEIRS AND CREDITORS THEREOF: Vnil wt 1 1 I o L-j- i rf lrn flint rr it 23 , (, A 192Q E fflN ,,, .,,'? r , V- kI(1-., i. ' Ti... n iwm aim uuitb iY. vjiviiuiit llilll uuiiii v. iHutton filed their petition in tho coun- ty ourt of Lincoln County, Nebraska ; alleging that Arthur F. Layton died intestate on tho 171i day of April, 1899, and that at the time of his death he was a resident of Lincoln County, NV braska; and that at that time ho own ed one-half of an undivided two-thirds linterest in tho Northwest quarter (NWVi) of Section Twenty-one (21) Township Twenty-threo (23) Range Fifty-six (50), West of tho (5th Prln clpal Morldan, in Scotts Bluff County, Nebraska; and alleging that they, the said Ray E. Glfford and Lula K. GIf ford are the present owners of- the East seventy-five (75) acres of said above described land, and that John G. Hutton is the present ownor of tho West eighty-five (85) acres of said described land; and that ho petition or application has over been filed for the appointment of an administrator of said estate,, either by, his heirs or by any, person or porsons claiming to be the creditors of said deceased. And tho prayer of said petition is that the court shall fix a time for hear Ing of said petition nnd make an order as'to tho time and place of hearing the same, and that upon the hearing of snid petition, it shall bo determined that more than two years havo elapsed since the time of tho death of said deceased, and that he died intestate on April 17, 1899, seized of an estate of inheritance ?n this State; and that o application has been mado In th State of Nebraska, for the appoint ment of an administrator of the estate of said deceased; and that he left ns his solo and only heirs, his mother HernHie Layton, and his brother Loin B. Layton, each of whom wore entitled to a ono-half Interest In his estate and thnt all debts of said Arthur F Layton have been fully paid; an(i thnt 11 creditors of said estate, and claims against It be and are forever barred You are notified that the said pen tlon has been set for hearing on th 5th day of May. 1920. at in o'c'i M in tho office of tho Coitntv Jud in end for Lincoln County Nnbr.i3kn nt Nrth Tin.e Nelipk. Wm. H. C. WOOIWTIUST. np 2-3 County Judge. NOTICE. To Elsie S. Hoy. Harry A. Hoy Doris Hoy, his wife; Ruborta B. Von Goctz and Victor Von Goetz. her liusb- Gootz and Victor Von Goetz, her hus band; Alta B, Eastman and Charles H. Eastman her husband; William A. Hoy: and Loreta I. Hoy a minor and Elslo S Hoy, mother and natural guardian of Loreta I. Hoy, a minor and all othor porsons Intorested in the estato of Frank P. Hoy, deceased. You and each of you, aro hereby notified that there was; filed on March 2Gth, 1920, in tho district Court In and for Lincoln County, Nebraska, by A E. Jared, executor of tho estato of Frank P. Hoy, deceased, n certain petition, tho object and prayer of which aro that an order bo Issued by the District Court of Lincoln County, Neb raska, authorizing A. E Jarod, executor of tho estate of Frank P. Hoy, deceased, to oxocuto his certain good and sufficient deed of conveyance conveying to ono i.estor ii. Joy tne feo slmplo tltle-to the cast half (E) of tho North wost quarter (NWVi) and tho cast half (E) of tho South west quarter i&wyi) oi section and tho east half (E) of tho south wost quarter isw'A) anu lots d ami all in section IS, all in Township North of Rango 20 Wost of tho Cth P. M . , Lincoln County .Nobra-k, upon I10 P'.m2?ti UhL Z II . Joy, of tho sum of $2800.00 with Intnrnat Htnrnnn nt Mm rntn nf f nor ceiit from March 1st. 1920 boinfi balanco duo In accordance with the! Commencing at tho NE corner of provisions and terms of a certain con- section 20, township, 14 north, rango 30 tract of sale executed by the said west and running thence north o.i line Frank P. Ho.y during his life time botwecn See's 10 nnd 17 said township and In accordance with tho prayer of and rango CO chs. to tho SW corner of said petition, said mattor has been set NW14 of NWVi of Section 10 said for hearing by order of tho District township nnd rnngo to connect with Court, of Lincoln County, Nebraska, oxtenslon of Road No. 107, this road to for May 14, 1920, at tho offlco of H. M. bo GO foot wldo, and to bo an oxtenslon Grimes, Judge of tho District Court. of Ron(1 n0. 77, i,n8 reported In favor of Lincoln County, Nebraska, at tho of tno 8arao Court houso In the city of North Platto Anyono ,mvlng objoctlong therot and show cause why tho prayer of said OBtablUlnnent of tho above road must petition shourd not bo granted as fll same on or before twelve o'clock pray(Kj oon of tho-2Sth day of Juno 1920. A. E. JARED, 1 Dated at tho County Clerk's offlco In Uxooutor of tho estnto of Frank North Platto. Nobrsaka, this 10th day P, Hoy, docoasodt of April 1920. By Boelor, Crosby & Basking. 1 y A. Sv ALLEN, His Attorneys. M30 M7 A27-4 County Clerk ARM' LOANS 4 I have the Money " on hand to close loans promptly. Real Edtate Mortgages Bought and Sold T. C. PATTERSON Loan Broker Building & Loan Building DOCTOIl C. A. SELBY Physician and Surgeon Office over lloxnll Drug Stote Olflce- Phone 371. Houso 10G8 GEO..B. DENT, I'hsylclnn and Surgeon. Special Attention Given to Surgery and Obstrotrlcs. Office: Building & Loan Building Phones: Office 130, Residence 116 JOHN S. SIMMS. M. 1). Snecial Attention Given to Surtrery McDonald Rank Building Office Phone S3 Residence 38 Ollice phone 241. Kes. phone 217 L. C . DROST, Osteopathic Pliyslclnn. North Plnttfe, Nebraska. Knights of Columbus Building. Office Phono 340 Res. Phono 1237 DR. SHAFFER, . Osteopathic Physician Helton Bldg. North Platte, Neb Phono for Appointments:. DUS. STATES & STATES Chiropractors r, !, 7 Building & Loan Building. Office Phone 70. Res. Phono 1242 DOCTOR I. T. QUH1LEY Practice Limited in Surfrwry and Itudium Tlierapj 723 City National llntib Itnlldlng. OnnUia, rtelitttNkf Gamble with Springer. THE CHAIN SYSTEM No. 1, 220 North Locust, Phone 20a. No. 2, 110 East B Street, PHone 490. No. 3, (J21 Eust Fourth, Phono 971. No. 4, 821 West Third, Phono No. 7fi. AUTO LIVERY. Romigh Garage. Phono 811 Day Call. Phono 1270 Com. niorcinl Hotel Night Cn'l. Taxi Service. DEBBYBEBRY Si FORBES. ' Licensed Embamors Undertakers and Funeral Dlroctora Day phono 11 Night phone Black 588 Notice of. Final Report. Estato No. 1702 of Mary A. Simants, deceased in tho County. Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. Tho State of Nebraska, to all persons interested In said Estato take notlco thnt the Admistrator has illcd a ilnal account and report o his administra tion and a petition for final settlomont and discharge as such, which has been set for hearing before said court on May 14, 19.20, at 9 o'clock a. :n when you may appear and contest tho same. Dated April 17. 1920. WM. H. C. WOODIIURST, A20-3wk County Judge. Legal Notice. J. Bockwith is hereby notified that as the Omaha Van and Storaco Co.. will soli at 2 o'clock p. m., on May 13th, on lot 7, block 2, Penlston's Addition to the city of North Platte, the following goods left In storage by him, and upon which there Is duo as storairo costs the sum of $82.00. tOKethor with accruing costs towit; sofa, 4 bed rails, tool box, a rockers. 2 chairs, crate of class. crato marble, bundle of bod slate, 2 4 bod ends. 2 bed sniincs. stovo nnd a 10 dresser. 31-2 pmaha Van & Sorngo Co. Extension Road No. 77. To whom it may concern: i Tho special commissioner appointed tho to locnto a public road ns follows: Y7