The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 04, 1920, Image 7

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I y
Bottled Manpower
Coughs and colds are weakening.
Get rid of them as quickly as you
can. Catarrh in any form gaps the
vitality. Fight it and tight it hard.
There is a remedy to help you do it
a. medicine of forty-Devon years'
established morlt. Try It.
f cr Catarrh aid Calarriial CMiNHais
It purifies the blood, regulates the
digestion, nlds elimination, tones
up the nerve centers and carries
health to all the mucous linings.
For the relief of those pains In
tomach and bowels, belching, sour
stomach, rheumatism, pains In the
back, aides and loins, PE-RU-NA. la
PE-RU-NA restores
to healthy action the
vital organs which
are so Intimately re
lated to the strength'
and vigor of the na
tion. There are fourteen
ounces of health giv
ing punch and pep
In every bottle. PE
RU -NA is a good
medicine to have in
the house, ready-to-take
for emergencies.
It Is a good remedy
to use any time.
The Army of
2s Grewinaj Smaller Every Day
are responsible. Not
only relieve constipa
tion, but correct
biliousness, tick
headache, in
digestion, sal
Sow skin
4hey never
tfall renewal
of regular habits follow. Purely
Small Pill Small Dose Small Price
great nerve and blood tonic for
Aaenia, Rhetuaatlsn, Nervousness,
Sleeplessness and Female Weakness.
(beilas anjl stir slasilirs
Incredible Feat.
"I see where somebody has invented
a safety pocket for men."
"Aw, don't bo telling fairy tafea to a
married man."
Now I the Tims to Get Rid of
These Ugly Spot.
There's no longer the slightest need ot
feeling ashamed of your freckles, as Othlne
double strength Is guaranteed to remove
these homely spots.
Simply get an ounce of Othlne double
strength from your druggist and apply a
little of It night and morning and you
should soon see that oven the worst freckles
have begun to disappear, while the lighter
ones have vanished entirely. It Is seldom
that more than one ounce Is needed to com.
pletely clear the skin and gain a beautiful,
clear complexion.
Bs sure to ask for the double strength
Othlne, as this Is sold under guarantee of
money back It It falls to remove freckles.
-Self-esteem never lets up until it
renrlies tlif .lumping off plnce.
For true blue, use Red Cross Ball
Blue. Snowy-white clothes will be
sure to result Try It and you will al
ways use it. All good grocers have it
Married people are like shoes If ex
actly alike they are not n Kiting pair.
Suffered for Years
Miserable From Kidney Trouble
Doan's Made Mr. Harnett
Strong and Well.
"I suffered untold agony with my
kidneys for yeara," says John Burnett,
30 Virginia Place, Buffalo, N. Y.
"Sometimes I felt that I, would burn
up with fever, but every now and then
would have a severe cnill. Often my
clothes were wring
ing wet with per
spiration. The kid
ney secretions were
unnatural in color
and odor and
burned terribly. At
night my shoes
were so tight on
my feet that I
e o u 1 d hardly get
them off and my
hand swelled so I
couldn't hold a tea
cup. My backl Oh,
how it achedl I
Mr. Bunttt
walked with two canes and was all
bent over like an aged man. When the
terrible pains shot through my kidneys
my knees would give way, and many
times I had to be lifted to my feet by
people on the street. I didn't care
whether I lived or died I was so mis
erable. I finally used Doan's Kidney
Pills and they cured me of all kidney
trouble. Doan's made me strong and
Btoorn to before me,
A. A. WILCOX, Com. of Deeds.
Get Daaa's at Aay Store. 60 c a Bsz
Girls! Girls!!
Save Your Hair
With Cuticura
Sm 25c, Oathaeat 25 sad 50c, Talcum 25c
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 17-1920.
4 BpbllsI
Choice in Adoption Runs tb Young Girl Infants
WASHINGTON. The census bursau Is publishing vital stntlstlcs for 1020
as fast as they can be compiled, but the enumerators will never catch
up with the population. Ilcports
decrcaso lu the number of babies
which had been abandoned by their parents during the year.
The desire of mothers who cannot support their babies to assure a good
home for them rather than trust to the comparative uncertainty of an Insti
tution, has been evidenced through several Instances of babies being "auction
ed off," In some cases even before birth. People ndopting babies genernlly
want them extremely young. Girls appear to have a slightly better chance
than boys of obtaining parents.
New York reported 22,C00 births this year, compared with 21,105 last year.
Foster parents usually prefer girl babies one year of age or under. Other
iltles reported as follows:
Atlanta GG0 and 400. Adoptions Increased. Preference girls.
Cleveland 3,270 and 3,0."0. Very few adoptions, but always more appli
cations than children. ,
Milwaukee 1,744 and 1,801. No special preference on sex, but apparent
prejudice against "red heads."
St. Paul, Minn. 003 and 721. Adoptions doubled. Preference "blond
boya of two years."
St. Louis 2,483 and 2,121. Boys have slight ndvantago In adoptions.
San Francisco 1,543 and 1,372. Adoptions Increased. Baby boys under
year have the call.
Swiss Afraid They Are to Be "Cosmopolitanized"
FOREIGN advices state that Switzerland Is today putting up the grentcst
fight of her life to save herself from being "cosmopolitanized." Never
since the day that William Tell shot the tipple off his son's head have the
Swiss faced a situation In which they
felt that their national and individual
existence was so threatened as now,
nnd that from a danger that no peo-
pie, no nation, no race nas ever yet
For even New York, with Its hun
dreds of thousands of various nation
alities, still remains essentially Amer
ican. But Switzerland Is convinced she
can hope for no such luck, If she per
mits herself to be swamped with the
waves of people that are now pouring over her bprders. '
While Switzerland Is still attracting hundreds and thousands of political
refugees who for one reason or another are persona non grata In the now
states, and even tho old ones, that are growing out of tho peace conference
adjustment, yet by for the principal number now seeking to oozo Into Switzer
land are men of great wealth, usually war profiteers, who ore seeking to es
cape the burden of taxation awaiting them 11' they continue their citizenship
In any one of the countries that went to war and now has a war Indebtedness
to pay off.
In a small country like Switzerland, however, this situation Is dangerous.
The Swiss see clearly that all of this vast wealth now coming into the coun
try eventually will be Invested in Swiss Industries. That means all the finan
cial, Industrial and econoniic life of the country will soon bo In the hnnds of
foreigners. ' ,
Then front private control to public control Is but a step. The naturali
sation laws of Switzerland at the present time are very loose und easy.
As a consequence the Swiss are now putting up u vallnjit fight to save
themselves from this "cosmopolltanlzatlon" largely through the revision of
their naturalization laws and their regulations permitting foreigners to reside
In their country.
Peace Treaty Amenities Between Two Secretaries
THE greeting which George II. Sanderson, secretary of the senate, received
at the White House executive ofllces when he delivered the peace treaty
there, could hardly be called cordial. Mr. Sanderson inquired politely for
Mr. Tumulty, tho president's secretary,
peared and ushered him Into the pres
ence of Mr. Tumulty. The greeting scarcely exceeded a curt nod.
"I have with me,' said Mr, Sanderson, "the treaty of peace which the
senate has directed me to return to the president. Here It Is."
"All right," sod Mr. Tumulty gnifily, "put it down."
Mr. Sanderson deposited It on Mr. Tumulty's desk.
"And this accompanies It," Mr.
Tumulty a copy of the senate's resolution formally notifying tho president
that the treaty had been rejected.
"I should like a receipt," said Mr. Sanderwn. Mr. Tumulty signed his
name to a scrap of paper which read as follows:
"Receipt Is acknowledged of the treaty of peace with Germany signed at
Versailles on June.US, 1019. Time 11:45 o. in."
The two secretaries bowed Httflly
turned to tho senate.
One of the first persons he met
Borah of Idaho, leader of the "irreconcllables."
Mr. Sanderson showed him tho receipt und the senator's face beamed.
Are These Boundary Farmers Suckers or Badgers?
FARMERS living along the western end of the northern boundary of this
state believe, they live In Illinois, but really Inhabit Wisconsin, while over
toward Lake Michigan some Illinois
Wisconsin authorities In good faith.
This situation was explained to the
inlscellaneous subjects committee pf
(he Illinois constitutional convention
at Springfield, by Elam L. Clarke, del
egate from Waukegan.
Through errors made by survey
ors In 1831, ho said, the boundury ob
served since by Wisconsin and Illinois
Is 3,200 feet north of where It legally
should be at the Mississippi river and
2,000 feet too far south at Lake Mich
igan. This would throw a part of the
The legal boundary, the ono fixed
from Luko Michigan tb the Mississippi
Ah It does not coincide with the lino
half a mile dt each end, the two crossing about tho center, Mr. Clarke Is ask
Ing that the situation be taken care of by tho new constitution.
from cities throughout the country
how a general Increase In births dur
ing tho first two months of this year
compared with the corresponding pe
riod of last year. This Increase wn?
practically uniform In all sections.
Milwaukee and Seattle were tho only
places to report n decrease.
Adoptions generally show even a
greater ratio of Increase than births.
Many cities reported a commensurate
( I
and was Informed that he was busy.
Mr. Sanderson took a seat and
waited. After Mr. Tumulty got
through giving the newspaper men
"the Inside" of the president's mind,
he leisurely devoted himself to other
tasks more important than the recep
tion of the senate's representative.
Mr. Sanderson cooled his heels in
Mr. Tumulty's outer office for un hour
and a quarter. Then an. nttendant ap
Sanderson continued, placing before Mr,
and Mr. Sanderson and his receipt re
as ho entered the capltol was Senator
citizens arc paying their homo tnxes to
city of Belolt, Wis., Into Illinois,
In the present constitution, is a line
at latitude 42 degrees and 80 minutes
observed, by the two states by almost
m . . i . ,av l - w
1 il. i- tax? 1 1 .-
Another Royal Suggestion
From the New Royal Cook Book
the doughboy happy
during the war and no won
der. There is nothing more
wholesome and delightful
than doughnuts or crullers
rightly made. Their rich,
golden color and appetizing
aroma will create an appe
tite quicker than anything
else in the world.
Here are the famous dough
nut and cruller recipes
from the New Royal Cook
1 tablespoons shortening
H cup iur&r
H cup milk
1 teaspoon nutmeg
1 teaspoon salt
5 cups flour
4 teaspoons Royal Baking
Cream shortening; add sugar
and well-bcaton egg; aUr in
milk; add nutmeg, salt, flour and
baking powder which have been
alfted together and enough ad
dltlonal flour to make dough stiff
enough to nil- Roll out on
floured board to about M Inch
thick; cut out. Fit in deep fat
hot enough to brown a ploca of
bread in 60 seconds. Drain on
unglazcd paper and sprinkle
with powdered sugar.
Afternoon Tea Doughnuts
6 tablespoons sugar
4 teaspoon salt
teaspoon grated nutmeg
"Bake with Royal and
English clergymen are forming a
tradu union to got better pay and
working conditions.
Cuticura Soothes Itchlnn Resin
On retiring cent!? rub' snots of (Inn.
draff and itching with Cuticura Oint
ment. Next moraine shamnoo with
Cuticura Soap and hot water. Mako
them your every-day toilet preparations
ana Dave a clear skin and soft, white
hands. Adv.
We've All Heard That.
"Have you ever heard any table rap
"No, but I've hoard a lot of knock
ing when a pleced-up supper was be
ing served."
Otherwise Content
"Dot hushan' ob yours," one colored
wash lady observed to another, over
tho dividing back fence, "he shore do
seem a right contented man."
"He would be," tho other responded,
"'Ceptln' for only two things which
troubles Jilm. He has to quit catln'
to sleep, an' he has to quit slcep'n' to
Free Tin Boxes.
There are countless uses for tin
Most dealers In cigarettes have on
hand boxes of this kind, eleven Inches
long, six Inches wide nnd four Inches
deep, which are thrown away. Some
dealers are glad to accommodate per
sons who desire these tin receptacles
nnd will give them uwny without cost.
The following are some very good
ways In which tho tin boxes can bo
utilized :
Lunch boxes when out cumplng or
Ashing, as they will hold n good sup
ply of lunch. .
Covered with a white ennmcl. nnd
used as a enke-hnx or brend-box.
Keeping food away from rats, mice
nnd other pests.
Painted nnd used as a ilower box.
Thrift Mngazine.
Health and Economy?
Rule Your Table Cup
when you make your meal-time
Instant Postum
Its rich coffee-like flavor satisfies
and its freedom from any harm
ful ingredient, ouch as the coffee
drug caffeine, makes it a better
drink for young and old.
There has been no raise in price
arid the high quality of Postum
is always -maintained.
' Battle Creek, Mick!
Abmoiutmiy Purm
Specialist Has Been Detailed to
Bring to This Country Enemy of
Horticultural Pest
Tho Japnncso beetle Is going to have
Its old enemies on Its trail In this
country. The United States depart
ment of ngrlculturo has sent a man to
Japan to find those enemies and send
them across the ocenn. They will
then he established In tho sections of
New Jersey where tho bcotlo hns
gained a foothold, and they are ex
pected to aid greatly In the control of
tho pest.
The agent employed in , Japan Is
familiar with Japanese conditions and
Is a specialist In this kind of work. It
Is expected that the tnsk will require
his sojourn In Japan for two or threo
years. While something Is known of
tho parasites of tho Japanese .beetle
a great deal Is still to be learned only
under Held conditions whero tho
beetle lives with all tho enemies that
prey upon It. The beetle reached this
country with Importations of green
house plants, nnd thus far apparently
has been comparatively freo from mo
lestations by natural enemies.
Embraced Opportunity.
They skated together, but little they
said, for they'd Just been made known
to each other. But he wished as
across tho bright siirfnco they sped
that through life they might thus go
A crash! They were through I
"Oh, how awkward I" cried she.
"'Tlsn't deep, but has uny ouo Been
"Never mind. Let me tell you I love
you," said he, "slnco the Ice Is now
broken between us." Houston Post.
It's difficult to understand why mmo
men eat brain food.
Vou will waste ammunition unless
you have an aim In life.
a Reason
1 tablespoons shortening
8 tablespoons milk
1 cups flour
I teaspoons floral Baking
Beat eggs until vary light; add
sugar, salt, nutmeg and melted
shortening; add milk, and flour
and baking powder which hava
been sifted together mix well.
Drop br teaspoons Into deep
hot fat and fry until brown.
Drain well on unglased paper
and sprinkle llrhtly with pow
dered sugar.
4 tablespoons shortening
1 cup sugar
J eggs
J cups flour
1 teaspoon cinnamon
H teaspoon salt
I teaspoons noyal Baking
H cup milk
Cream shortening; add sugar
gradually and beaten eggs; sift
together flour, cinnamon, salt
and baking powder; add one.
half and mix well; add milk and
remainder of dry Ingredients to
make soft dough. Roll out on
floured board to about inch
thick and cut Into strips about
4 Inches long and inch wide:
roll In hands and twtst each
atrip and bring ends together.
Fry In deep hot fat Drain and
roll In powdered sugar.
New noyal Cook Book con
taining those and scores of
other delightful roclpes.
Write for It TODAY.
US Fallon Btratt
Nw York CM?
he Sure
The Right Course.
"I am all up In tho air aboth sending
this, letter."
"Then why not forward It by tht)
(lying mall?"
"Diamond Dyes" Freshen Up Old,
Discarded Garments.
Don't worry about perfect results.
Uso "Diamond Dyes," guaranteed to
give n new, rich, fadeless color to any
fabric, whether It bo wool, silk, linen,
cotton or mixed goods,-dres8es,
blouses, stockings, skirts, children's
coats, feathers everything I
Direction Book in package tells how
to diamond dye over any color. To
match any material, have dealer show,
you "Diamond Dye" Color Card. Adr.
An egotist Is n man who Insists on
talking about himself when you would
like to bo inlklng about yourself.
Kidney, liver, bladder and uric add
troubles) are most dangerous be
cause of their insidious attacks.
Heed the first warning they giv
that they need attention by taking
Tb world's standard remedy (or thssa
disorders, will often ward off thtse dis
aasa and strengthen ths body against
further attacks. Three sizes, all druggists.
Look for 0a nun Cold Medal on arenr boa
ad sceept bo IcUtatica
Acid Stomach
Makes the Body Sour
Nine Out of Ten People
Suffer From It
It sends its harmful acids and gases all
over tho body, instead of health and
strength. Day and night this ceaseless dam
age goes on. No matter how strong, its
victim cannot long withstand the health
destroying effects of sn acid stomach.
Good news for millions of sufferers.
Chemists have found a sure remedy ono
that takes the scid up and carries it out
of the body; of course, when the cause is
removed, the sufferer gets well.
Bloating, indigestion, sour, acid, gassy
stomach miseries all removed. This is
proven by over half a million ailing folks
who have taken EATONIO with wonder
ful benefits. It can be obtained from any
druggist, who will cheerfully refund its
trifling cost if not entirely satisfactory.
Everyone should enjoy its benefits. , Fre
quently the first tablet gives relief.
40,000 Young Men. Women U'uiited) lifetime
govt, positions. Hy. mall clerks, letter car.
rlars, listing, llllnir, dept. clerks, eta Course
$10. O'llrlen Hchool, 219 S. Denrborn.Chlcago.
100 it, t'lirm on Fine lllgliwuy, 4 ml. from
n. It 3b a. undor ow. Clay loam soil,
UldRs. worth 13.000. J2.500 personal prop'ty,
19,000, Ilrunh-McWIIIIsms Co., Antlgo. Wis.
I own Improved Farms, Chickasaw, Adjoin
Ins Cos. Direct from owners. 1176 to fits a.
A lets Wtd. Ilellly rtrns.. New Hampton, la.
BotM to AJIN1IH UAYUJ, Karl Worts, Tssa.