The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 04, 1920, Image 6

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Tell) how hi cough was conquered and
health restored.
"In November. 1916. 1 was working In
a coaluntne and tho doctors said the coal
rtunt had settled In my lunge. I couiani
lie down on my right aide, coughed so I
couldn't sleep and had constant pain In
my right lung and under my shoulder
blades. 1 coughed so hard the blood
would spurt out of my nose. Finally the
doctors had me change climate and live
outdoors, but didn't Improve.
"Then I came home and started on
Milks Emulsion. Thank Qod I did, aa
It did me a tot of good right from the
tart, loosening up the coal dust In my
right lung. In a few weeks my lungs
wero free. I could sleep like a baby, had
an excellent appetite and my cough left
me entirely. I gained back 30 pounds in
wotght and went back to work In the
mines completely restored to health."
a. II. Dunn, fith Ave. & No. 13th St., Terre
Haute, Ind.
, Thousands of victims of dust-llllcd air
devoIoD tho samo trouble that Mr uunn
had. Milks Emulsion costs nothing to
try. so why not nt limit try It?
Milks Emulsion Is a pleasant, nutritive
food and a corrective medicine. It re
stores healthy, natural bowel action, do
ing away with all need of pills and phys
ics. It promotes appetite and qulcKiy
puts tho dlgestlvo organs In sliapo to as
similate food. It helps build flesh and
strength, and Is a powerful aid In resist
ing nnd repairing the effects of wasting
This Is tho only solid emulsion made,
and so palatable that It Is eaten with a
spoon like lea cream.
No matter how severe your case you
are urged to try Milks Emulsion under
this guarantee Take six bottles home
with you, use It according to directions,
and If not satisfied with the results your
money will he promptly refunded. Price
60c und 11.20 per bottle. Tho Milks Emul
sion Co., Terre Haute, Ind. Sold by drug.
Ktsu everywhere. Adv.
Tho nverago "inn doesn't enro tq
pose ns ft Hero when nobody s looking.
Thounands of wonien have kidney and
bladder trouble and fievcr suspect it.
Womcns' complaints often prove to be
nothing else but kidney trouble, or the
result of kidney or bladder disease.
If tho kidneys are not in a healthy
condition, they may cause the other or
gans to become diseased.
I'ain in the back, houdache. Ions of am
bition, ncrvousneKs, are often times ayrup-
i.i i. . 1 1
Kims oi Kiancy irouoie.
Don't delay starting treatment. Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root, 'a physician's pre
scription, obtained nt any drug store, may
be just the remedy needed to overcoiM
sucu conditions.
Get a medium or large size bottle im
mediately from anv drug store.
However, if you with first to test this
great preparation send ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a
sample bottle. When writing be wire and
mention this paper, Adv.
You may know wuno men If you
know some people they know.
State of Ohio, City or Toledo, Lucas)
Krank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is
eenlor partner of the firm of V. J. Cheney
& Co., doing business In the City of To
ledo. County and Btato aforesaid, and that
aid firm will pay the sum of ONE HUN-
VHiau UU1.LAIIB for any case of Catarrh
that cannot be cured by the uso of
Sworn to before me and subscribed In
my presence, this etn day or December,
A. D. 188S.
(Seal) A. W. Oleason, Notary Public.
en Internally and acta through the Blood
on tne mucous mirracos or tho system.
F. J, Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio.
F. J. Cheney St Co., Toledo, Ohio.
Tho highest giving Implied sharing.
For Mothers and all
Married Women
Omaha, Nebr.i
"Dr. Pierce's Favor
ite Prescription was
D. snlendld tnnln nnrl
relieved, me of all
nauseating oondi
lions during expect
ancy. My baby was
stmnor nml himv In
every way. I surely
am ciaa to recom
mend Dr. Pierco'B
Favorite Proscrip
tion to thn nximtnnt
mother becauso I
perienco that It is good." MIU3. JODE
COOPER, 3310 Cobs fit.
For Women Who are Ner
vous, Weak, or Run-down
Omaha, Nobr.j "As a special tonlo I
have taken Dr. Picrco'a Favorito Prescrip
tion and found it to civo almost immediate
relief in cases of nervousness or a weakened
or run-down condition. I have taken this
meaictno since my earliest girlhood when-
and it has never failed me. I am very clad
to recommend tho 'Favorite PrescriDuon'
to women nnd young girls who need such a
tonio." MRS. MARY LA LONDE, 6301
a row au
Every woman who has reason to believe
that backacho. headache unnatural rutins.
low spirits, sleepless nights, irregularities o
a catarrhal condition is caused by a derange
ment of tho womanlv functions, owes it to
herself and donr ones to speedily ovrrcomo
tho trouble before a general breakdown
causes permanent prostration.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a
non-alcoholic remedy that anv nlllm? wo
man can safelv tako bocausa it is nrenrtred
from roots and herbs containing tonio prop
erties of the most pronounced character.
It is not a secret remedy because its ingro-
aicnu arc pnntca on wrapper.
Get Dr. Pierce's Favorite PrescriDtion
to-day, cither in liquid or tablet form or
eend Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo,
Si. X.i iuo tor largo trial pacicago.
CJvci tc and
comfort to feet
tint are tender
aud sore.
II shors olncta
orcorniand bun.
loin ache tbls
AntliciUtc. Ileal
Idb l'owdcr will
civc quick relief.
ftbakeltln your
Shots, Sprinkle It
In Hit I'out Iwlb.
Sold tvtrrwbcre.
"Windjammers" in Vanguard of
Fish Hunters Include Some
Famed Boats.
Many Alaska Canneries Plan to Re-
duce Their Pack This Year
and Others May Not'
Open at All,
Sonttlo Wnsh. - Big full-rigged
"windjammers,! Borne famous as
American clipper ships long ago, al
ready are spreading their sails and
lending for Alaska, tho vnngunrd of
dimmer salmon fleets which go north
Jvery year to work with tho scores of
Ash canneries that dot northern hnr
lors ami Inlets.
pozens of other craft, steamers, gas
oats, barges and tugs, nre going north
with tho sailing ships. Beforo winter
'.hey will all come plowing back with
;hls year's llsh cateh canned and
lacked nnd stored In their holds.
No record .salmon catch Is expected
'.Ills year, according to reports from
laska. Most of the southeastern
Maska canneries oxpect to reduce
'.heir pack this year from one-third
!o onc-hnlf normal nnd several will
lot operate at all. One cnuse for the
?ut Is the fact thnt all of last year's
pack lias not been sold. Low mnrkets
re given as another reason.
Short Catch Last Year.
Alnska's salmon output last year was
1,502,201 cases, the smallest since
1015. The high-water mark of Alnska's
million years camo In 1018, when, In
response to n war call for food, the
tanneries sent fl,Gfl7,fG0 cases out.
Most of the salmon arc packed In
loutlicnstern Alnska, n strip of terri
tory that Juts south between northern
British Columbia and the Pacific
)cean. Last year southeastern Alaska
Ssherlcs turned out 8.1 08,801. cases.
igalnst 775,rr7 from central Alaska
tnd 708,280 frpm nr western Alnska
joints. The cenfrnl Alaska plants ex
tend from Cape St. Ellas westward to
the Alaska peninsula. Tho far west-
srn plants nre on tho shores of Bristol
Miy nnd the Bering sea.
About i2i) salmon canneries were
jperated In Alaska last year by nearly
ilnoty companies. Several big con-
:erns operated more than one plant,
tho Alaska Packers' association lead-
ng with ten. Llbby. McNeill & 7,lbby
wero second with nine. Tho North
western Fisheries company operated
levon and tho Pacific American Fish
srles company four.
Many from Puget Sound.
Nearly all tho if oats of the fishing
Scots sail north from Puget Sound,
iltho ono of tho largest fleets, that of
tho Alaska Packers' association, makes
Its headquarters In Son Frnnclsco bay.
Tho Llbby. McNeill & Llbby and tho
$8$ 0mmm&m
A reuiiu'Kiiine puuuiguipu n u inuiuniuni mm tnpimiu raw, iumiih ,iiico
over the same courso nt Miami, Kin.
Wood of Nuw York, shown winning tho
sotting a now world record for Its type.
Sent to Death Chair
Jesse Walker, 10, who killed
Samuel Wolehoek In IiIh hUv
tlouory store nt 208 Wyckoff ave
nue, Brooklyn, when attempting
to roh the sloro, was arraigned
for senteneo hefore. Supreme
Court Justice Knwcett In Brook
lyn. Tho Justice, addressed the
prisoner for neveral minutes,
speaking of the gravity of the
erlmo. hut Walker shirted hi :
feet uneasily. Then he hurst I
out: ' i
"I'm not horo for n lecture. 1
am hero to ho Hentenced." ,
Tho Justice regarded the youth s
gravely for a moment and with- I
out further comment Heiiteneod
him to die In the electric chair 5
at Sing Sing. - ?
Death Is the pimfMime'iit forjiouse
breaking In SUni.
for North
Northwestern company honts winter
here, the Llbby. floats riding In the
fresh wnter of Lake Union. The l'n
clflc American company operates from
Belllnghnm. Portland, South Bend,
Hvcrett, Olymplo, Astoria, Anncortos
nnd other ports send their share of
fishing vessels north. I
Vivo or six thousand men are going I
north to spend tho summer working i
nt the 'fisheries. In the fnll tliey will'
come back with the boats and the ,
catch. For several weeks passenger
steamers running to Alaska have been '
currying cupnclty lists of cannery em-1
ployes. The Northwestern nnd the!
Anacortcs Fisheries company, both
suusid ariob or inn uootn k slier es
compnny, will use
1,000 men In the
north this year.
Experiments at Pottsvllle, Pa., Show
Products Closely Resembllna
Pottsvllle, Pa. Men's clothing
made out of cows' hnlr will soon rival
the wool taken from sheep, declare
agents of a pncklng company, who
hnve been experimenting with the
product here. The new cloth resembles
Cows ennnot bo clipped like sheep,
but the hnlr can be tnken from all
steers killed, which, It Is snld, would
make clothing for half the men In
Crush Strikes
Spain Uses Iron Hand, and Claps
Labor Leaders Into
Republic Is Long Way Off, Is Opln.
Ion of British Government Official
Who Has Been Making Study
of the Situation. '
London. Big business men of Spnln
nre backing their fnlth In the future
stability of Spain by spending their
money on big projects In their coun
try. England, it is stated, is apt to have
nationalization of mines and railroads
long before Spnln overthrows the mon
archy, and sets up a republic.
This is tho gist of what a British
government olllcial and business man
The boat Is tho Gar, Jr., owned by Gar
20-mllo ruco tor express cruisers and
Music Quells
Italian City Is the Scene of Extra
ordinary Incident.
Bohemian Lad Playing on Hotel
cony at Lucca Halts Mad
dened Throngs.
London. l.uccn was the scene of an
rctfcriM Unary Incident recently which
recalls the classic fahlo of Orpheus
with his lute, who charmed wild bettsts
with hlR mimic.
So says a Milan tlhspatch to the Dal
ly Telegraph, and goes on ; "Tho play
ing of a hoy vlollnlat suddenly halted
a moh In the streets of Lucen and the
Holers abandoned their violent pur
pose. The violinist Is Vosn i'rlkoda. a
Bohemian lad or elgliteon, who wan
dered to Venice fourteen months ngt
ami was at l.ucca (furlug the Socialist
agitation, A great crowd assembled.
lSnrlcu Mnlotesta, an anarchist lead
Musician Discovers Tune
Played By Submarines
London. The tune which the
deadly submarine played ns It
moved beneath the wnves wn
discovered by an admiralty of
ficial who was an export musi
cian. It has Just been revealed thnt
when the sen lords were seeking
means of detecting the approuch
of n suhmnrlne. Sir Richard
Paget, stripped to the waist was
lowered head down Into the
water. He came up humming the
exact noto made by the moving
From this smnll nnd strange
beginning sound detectors were
perfected which saved many lives
nnd resulted In the sinking of
many U-boats,
Railroad Solves Important Problem.
Bedford, Ind. Olllclals of the Mo
non railroad quickly solved the hous
ing problem for Jess Enochs, In charge
of a section gang at Snlem. Thehoust
occupied by Enorhs and his family had
been sold and there was not a vacant
one In town, so the rnllrond sent a
combination sleeping and dining enr,
which Enochs has transformed Into a
'five-room bungalow.
It Works.
LaOrnnge, Ky. The new siren burg
lar alarm at the People's bank, which
works nutoinntically with the opening
of any door or window of the Imnk,
is n success. Every nwle citizen stnrt
ed out ready for action at midnight
during the high wind, but found It
wns n false alarm.
at Inception
snld nftcr n month's trip through
"Reports of strikes and minors of
revolution In Spnln have been numer
Throw Leaders In Jail.
"Hut," said this olllcial, "far from
closing Its eyes to strikes, the gov
ernment seems to nnve a very sum
mary way with them. In fact, It bns
a way which would not be attempted
In Anglo-Saxon countries.
"The military promptly clnp the
leaders of tho strike Into Jail, nnd It
naturally dies down after that.
"The only trouble I saw In Madrid
was n lockout by the employers
agalnHt the employees In tho build
ing trades.
"It lasted In Spain for weeks nnd
weeks beforo It wns finally settled.
"I asked the Spaniards what would
happen If there were a big national
strike of railway men. ;
"The response was that most of
the rnllr'oaders were of military age;
thnt they would be promptly called
back to the colors; that they would
be enrolled In regiments of rullwny
engineers nnd put bnck to worfc on the
railways not as employees of the
roads, but ns soldiers of the nation.
Whether such a drastic program would
he carried out I do not know, but It
was discussed quite freely.
"Htislness men told me there was
r.ot ns much unrest In Spain as there
was In 'England, Frnnecnnd America.
"Spain Is suffering from the same
malady all civilized countries nre suf
fering from high cost of living nnd
a consequent Insistent demand made
by tho working clnss for much higher
wages. The same vicious circle Is
being gone through with In Spain.'
Sees Business Growth.
He said he; found business men In
Madrid, Spanish, English and French,
preparing to Invest their money In
very large Spanish projects, which
was tho best sign that no serious
trouble was looked for.
"In Spain," said he, "business men
have u cynical saying that the revo
lution Is always going to happen to
morrow, but that tomorrow nevei
"Of course, there Is dissatisfaction
In the Industrial cities, but 80 per
cent of tho people of' Spain do no'
llvo In tho cities, but nre peasant
farmers, loyal to church and king, nnd
for tho most purt Indifferent to poli
Riot in Lucca
or, mnde u harangue which excited hit
hearers to fury and, ready for any px
cesses, they started through tho main
street to tho public square.
"On the bnlcony of his hotel nent
the entrnnce to the square, the Bohe
mian boy was playing his violin to a
few admiring people below. Tho Hrsl
of tho moh ranched this- group, lis
tened to ' the violinist nnd remained
fascinated by his playing. All the
others Rtoppeil to listen ami as the
boy continued playing their fury mih-
sided, instead of smashing heads
they applauded him, mid half an hour
litter were all walking quietly to their
Hons as Government Aids.
Lexington. Ky. Five moonshine
stills were raided by officers working
here and In each Instance hogs feast
ing on mash gave the clews. No ar
rows were made, lookouts tiring slg-
- 1 nui shots to tip off the shiners.
If Your Back Hurts or Bladder
Bothers, Drink Lots of
When your kidneys hurt nnd your
back feels sore, don't get senred nnd
proceed to lond your stomach wltli n
lot of drugs that cxclto the kidneys
nnd Irritate tho entire urlnnry tract.
Keep your kidneys clean like you keep
your bowels clean, by flushing them
with a mild, harmless salts which re
moves the body's urinous waste nnd
stimulates them to their normal activ
ity. The function of the kidneys Is to
filter the blood. In 24 nours they
strain from It H00 grains of acid nnd
wnste, so we can readily understand
the vital Importance of keeping the
kidneys active.
Drink lots ofwater you can't drink
too much ; also get from any pharma
cist about four ounces of .Tad Salts;
take a tahlespoonful In n glnss of
wnter before breakfast each morning
for a few days and your kidneys will
act fine. This famous salts Is mnde
from the acid of grapes nnd lemon
Juice, combined ' with llthla, and has
been used for generations to clean
and stimulate clogged kidneys; nlsa to
neutralize the nclds In urine so It no
longer Is a source of Irritation, thus
ending bladder weakness.
.Tad Salts Is inexpensive; cannot In
jure; makes a delightful effervescent
llthln-wntcr drink which everyone
should take now nnd then to keep
their kidneys clean nnd nctlve. Try
this, also keep up the water drinking,
and no doubt you will wonder what
became of your kidney trouble and
hack ache. Adv.
No use grumbling; people won't net
to suit you. Ed. Howe.
Lift off CornsI
Doesn't hurt a bit and Freexono
costs only a few cents.
With your fingers I You can lift off
any bard corn, soft corn, or corn be
tween tho toes, nnd the hard skin cal
luses from bottom of feet.
A tiny bottle of "Freezone" cojts
little at any drug store ; apply a, few
drops upon tho corn or callous. In
stantly It stops hurting, then shortly
vou lift that bothersome corn or cal
lous right off, root and nlj, without
nno bit of pnln or soreness, Truly I
No humbug! Adv.
Eternity has no gray hairs. '
mn oent.
,M5.i-Ahrri hv nebula. I
neither Opiam.Mcuw-
Mineral, not tAw -
. -f-ft.irjfffnprivfor
- eMnntnreot
rv it
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
i8S2 mm 1
on s
How a hnldhcaded man does sneer
nt u womnn who dyes her hnlr I
Nebraska Directory
Highest Prices
for Cream
Ship direct ta manufacturer and eliminate the mid
dleman. Ship any day as we will sits you benefit
ol all raises In price while cream Is In transit. We
guarantee service and good satisfaction.
ALAMIT0 DAIRY C0.,0maha,Neb.
improved; good farming or investment.
$35 per acre, $1,500 cash. Balance easy
terms. Address, FRANK GASS, Owner,.
4005 North 25th Street, Omaha, Nebraska'
New Location: Southwest Cor
24th and Farnam
Omaha Crematory
Send for illustrated booklet
Address or call on
Forest Lawn Cemetery Assn..
720 Brandeis Theatre Omaha, Neb.
A specialist in each department
of dentistry
Makes Dentisfry Easy for You
704-714 City Nat'l Bank OMAHA
Tents, Stack Covers.
Camp Furniture '
1204 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.
Exceptional opportunity at the present
time for young women over nineteen
years of age who have had at 'least ono
year In high school to take Nuroea' Train
ins in general hospital. Our graduates'
are In great demand. Address
8apt. of Nunc. Lincoln Sanitarium.
Lincoln. Nebr-
Base Ball Goods
Uniforms and complete equip
ment; coif foods; tennis supplies;
automobile and camping supplies.
Send for catalogue
1514 Farnam St. OMAHA
allowance for
your olU body
Phone Tjler 714
Ames-Kelsey-Ottawa Streamline Bodies for th
Ford Chassis. Commercial Cabs and Bodies.
Central Garage, 1318 Harney St, Omaha, Neb.
For Infants and Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
Thirty Years
Instead of sending n friend
fool's errand, go yourself.
Always " .
the or
va For Over
Save time and hard work by using E-Z
Stove Polish; absolutely dustless, smokeless,
odorless; gives a durable ebony-black shine.
Try a 10c box of E-Z Oil Shoe Polish. AH
colors and white. It saves the leather and
prevents cracking. Don't risk cheap polish.
To open box jurt lift the latrh.