The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 04, 1920, Image 5

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    . ::'-.-AT-. THE SUN,- ;
TUESDAY, MAY 4th. Afternoon Matinees.
DO you Wiow SAihc beautiful 'vti iii
Virgin beggar girl of Staipboul?' Z Jj&SSSffitm. S
Men forfeited their souls for her smile Zb'A'i'M' ! MT
a Sheik's harem. "And what became of (Jfffr2 E'Kf ' " 5 I f 8
- the American whom Sari loved? You'll hS) - ') 111
2 ? I r TT!Bjy f The Years most
4jg8? TOflli'- . Univepsaf-Jewel
(4f&lllLVL $500,000
Production de Luxe.N
Graduate Dentist
Office overthe McDonald
State Bank.
Mrs. Kqith Neville entertained, the
Saturday aftrenbon Bridge Club Saturday.
Jr. Howard Yost, Dentist, TwJneml
Building. Phono S07. 77H
Chapter AK P. E. 0. will meet
Wednesday nftornoon with Mrs. "W. T.
Butler Miltcmhorgor left Saturday
Tor Chicago where he will visit la's
mother and other relatives.
Di Morrill, Dentist, office over
Wilcox Department Store.
License to wed was issued Saturday
to John Stinson of Omaha and Mary
LulseSchllntz of this city.
"Youthful Folly" married for posit
ion lilt too late found it was the wrong
position. Crystal Theatre Tonight.
To whom are you going to sell youi
Hay and Grain? The Harrington Mer
cantile, do, will offer the hlgheel
prices. 64tt
Mr. and Mrs. Daniclson and daughter
of Hershoy, spent the week end with
friends in town.
Special for this week One-fifth off
on all models of the discontinued nurn
bers in needlework. The Art Shop. 2t
President Gray and Vice-President
Calvert passed through Friday enroute1
to the Pacific coast.
FRIEND." Boy Scout and Camp' Firo
Girl Campaign, May 17th to 19th.
A dance for tho benefit of tho base
ball team will bo held nt tho K. C. hall
Tuesday evening of next week.
See us for wall paper, Tho Rexall
hStore. ' 14tf
Mrs. C. F. Spencer left yesterday
noon for Excelsior Springs where' slip
will remain for several weeks.
Would like 100 head of cattle, tc
pasture on tho S. Schwalger. ranch. In
quire at ranch or C02 E. 5th. 32-2
Arthur Connor, living southwest of
town, returned recently from Hot
Springs; Ark., wherehe had been tak
lng treatment for eczema.
Try tho Rexall first, it pays. 14tf
An auto driver employed at the state
farm was fined one dollar und costs
yestorday for cutting a street corner
while driving in town.
For Sale Twenty-five head of Hero
ford cows. Clans Anderson. Phono
788F3. 33-2
FfiffiltoMg "to" with utlilo
BnrKo IffBt showing nt the Koitlf
tonight. ...
Mrs. H. N. Smith ift Saturday for
Melrose to visit tho 3lr. nndMrs. Touoy
Punhinwn for a week or so.
Mrs. W. H. Blnlock, of Donvor, form
erly of this city, pont the woolc ond in
town with friends while onrouto to
Mrs. Hubert Artndnlq. nftor living
six years in Colorado, has returned to
North Platte to visit Mrs. Jnmos Shea,
i'nd other fronds.
Mrs. J. F. Claubaugh Itf visiting her
sou Ralph iiiitl family in Greolcy, Colo,
having' left for that town' Saturday
Tho Loader More Co. ,1a having an
attended by. his brothor Charles. Miss
grade suits at ?69.76. Actunl ?Sfi and
$135 values.
The ramu Firo Council will meot nt
the home of Mrs. A. P. Kelloy for their
regular dmslness mooting on Tuesday
Mny thoMth. .
Spurgeon Proutt and Miss Blanche
'lerson, both of this city, wore united
in marriage by Judgo Woodhurst Snt-
rday evening. This couple ore color
ed people.
Tho Rexall handles tho goods. 14tf
Remembor tho sale, of ladles suits
at tho Leader More. Co. Values from
$85 to $135 selling at $59.75. Conio in
and pick one out your slzo is
Charley, fifteen year old son-
of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hayes, suffered
fractured wrist Sunday when ho
ttompted to crank a Maxwell enr at a
North Locust street garage.
Tho sale of suits at tho Leader
More. Co. Includes serges, trlcotlnes
and irovelty. cloths. All newest styles
and of tho best workmanship. Valuos
from $85 to $135 selling for $59.75.
You won't mind stepping out to see
Enid -Bennett in .'Stepping Out" at the
Crystal Theatro, Thursday and Friday.
She knew how to tairio a frlvllous
husband!' You just conio and watch
her do It.
For Sale or Rent Restaurant most
ly furnished. Thirt"wgular boarders.
Possession given after May 1st. Write
A. P. Mooro, Brule, Neb. 32-4
Mrs. A. N. Durbln, local campaign
director, reports that In tho final overy,
membqr canvass for now world move
ment campaign fund last Sunday the
North Platte Baptists subscribed $15,'-
803, making a total of $17,C00 on the
quota of $2G,G10.
Try tho Rexall first, it pays. 14tf
Mr. and Mrs. C R. Mbrey wore called
to Hastings Friday night by tho Illness
of Mr. Morey's father, who passed
away Saturday night. Mr. Moroy was'
a p cneer resident of Hnstings and for
many years a leading lawyer of that
city. Ho had been in poor health for
several years.
The Group meetings of tho Woman's
Auxiliary of tho Baptist church meet'
on Thursday of this week: BTible group'
with Mrs. A. C, Howard, 809 E. Fourth
St'.Queen Esthers with Mrs. Emery,
C14 AV. Second St.; Ann Hazcltiho
with Mrs. D. K. Newnloyor, 310 E.
Fourth St.
rn T ri TmrlfiT Mh M i I'iI'h f M IHnWnhil sm I
Make Life Safe and Sane for your Boy or Girl
For .
Boy Scouts and Camp Fire Girls
Possible with your Liberal Support.
Required Budget, $5,000.00
Campaign Piay 17th to 19th -
Approved by Rotary Club, Chamber of Commerce,
Welfare Board, Board of Education, All Churches,
Women's Clubs.
Stolon Cn'r Reentered.
tV Hudson spceHfttorJ dwifed by FrotT
Totro, living south of( Brady. w:u
stolon Saturday evonlng from Dowdy
street hoar Sixth where it had beoji
parked. Sunday morning men comng
frpm Brady roported n car ditched
south of tho Keith ranch and upon go
ing there Sheriff Salisbury round tho
Totro car. Ho brought it to town and
turned It over to tho owner. Tho thlof
had evidently struck n ror tho lillli
and had become mirnci on the bottom
Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Carson, of Goth
enburg, are guests of their son Perry
Carson and family.
. Miss Mary A. Posoy, a missionary
In China. is tho guest of her niece
Mrs. Carl H. Brodbeck, and will n
ninln for a couplo of weeks. Miss Posoy
gave nn interesting address nt the
Lutheran church Sunday ovonlng.
I tt
L ILn?c"(i l"o TTiuionil. '
p 'Eleven momborrdriirS North Plane
lvM t,a;u reported for practico Sunday
u .iMvfctti. ajlaUifi performance of the
MsVers nlUitUnitlftl rippenrnngo was
'sfficji ' ttjmirafl'a stroll; tonm for
tlio sehBOihW flue$ Todonhoftjr'nio- well
known twirW, arrived a few dnya ago,
jand oxpoctH to enter into partnership
v,in uin uroiner, who is a BipcKUUycr
lit tJilfTclty. If so ho will ucoomo n
purmanoht fixture. Loren Kyler will
nrrivo thin, woek, and Ontcliod Uumney
and Infielder Holldny have .boon In
town for a wook. Julosburg has asked
for a gamo next Sunday, but whothor
this will be accepted doponda on
whothor weuthor conditions this week
will permit tho boys to got in tho
1 to::
Spoclal for tills wook Ono-flftlr art
on all models of tho dlsoontinuod num
' hors In neodlowork. Tho Art Shop. 2t
x ; Notice.- : ''
"To nil stockholders of tho Sk nncr
Packing Company and. olhor Sk nncr
Corporations of OninhaobraskK:
Thoro will bo a me'etltig of all .stock
holders in ,abovo coriwrntlons at; tlio
l jiremon'a Hall nt 202 WosC Front St.
In the aty of North Pfatte on May 10.
1920, nt 1 p. .m.. for the purpose of
discussing and deciding upon action for
tho stockholders of theso corporations.
It is dcslrod that all stockholders of
Ko'th and Lincoln Counties nttoud this
meeting as the nffalrs of theso corpor
ations arc in such shape that Unless
tho stockholders tnko prompt notion
they nro likely to logo tholr invest
ments, i
a 1918
For Sail' lAird loiirlnir nnil
Maxwoll touring. A & BGarago, lialf
block south of depot. . . 304
Wall paper and paint at the Rexall.
A dozen members of the Rotary Club
of this city expect to go to Scotts
Bluffs Thursday morning to bo present
at the institution of three clubs, one
at tho Bluffs, a second at Chadron, tho
third at Alliance. For the convenience
of the Instituting officials it was de
cided to hold one meeting at Scotts
Bluff inscad of holding separate meet
ings at each of the three towns.
There Is nothing that will add more
to tho attractiyencss of your homo
for the same amount of expenditure
than now wall paper. Make your selec
tion now while our stock Is completo
DUKE & ORVEN, 218 East Gth St.
Phono 207. 2G
The sunsets of tho desert which
seams to drown the world in a flood
of crimson; the vastnoss of Arizona's
aridity; tho power of pioneer daunt
lessness; the depth of primitive loves;
tho rlproaring, racy, recklessness of
Tom Mix roll them all (Into one sky
rocket photodrama. and you have
"Desert Lovo" at tho Keith, Wednes
day and Thursday.
Banquet to Cadet.
The thirty-fivo boys who are mem
bors of tho high school cadets had one
of "tho times of tholr Uvea Friday
ovonlng whou they-were guests of the
mothers of tho boys at a banquet hold
in tho basement of tho Lutheran
church. Other than Commandant
Reynolds and Rov. Koch, only cadet
boys were present, and with a dinner
such ns appeals to a boy, and with
cheers and songs they mado merry tho
evening with an enthusiasm that con
vinced tho mothers that tliotr efforts
to pleaso tholr sons had been eminent
ly successful. Tho dinnor prepared
and served by tho mothers was sUch
as to completely fill tho "aching void"
of each boy, and if one helping was
not enough he was given two.
This "mixing" of mothors and sons
is to bo commended, tho fact is such
events should bo moro frequently
TwHio room house nt 1008 West lth
Street. This property Is modern Ir
every detail and Is priced right for
qitlck Kale. Could ho made Into h
double house.
Possession to lie given at once.
Esfrny Notice.
Taken up by tho undersigned on his
placo six miles southwest of North
Platte, on or about March 20th, 1920,
ono bay maro, ono gray maro and ono
yearling bay colt. Owner can havo
samo by proving proporty, and paying
Meadow View Farm
For Sale.
Matchod team of greys 4 and 5 years
''Comfort is the first consideration with me
when I buy shoes, but of course I want a
good lookor too. I like soft, pliable leather,
roomy toe and hooks instead of eyelets.
. " 4
It's no fun bending over long enouglrtp
fool with eyelets when I lace e'm. ..
I have worn this same style of Shoe
Market shoe for a7 long while now and cair'
recommend it I o any man who , 'wants aV
good, reliable shoe."
Just as this pleasing illustration creates a favorable impression'
so ohoe Market bhoes appeal to everyone who sees them.
Oxford shown above comes in soft, dark brown kid ar calf.
J. a. -i-a J.
Ladies' Suits, Coats and Millinery,
We have placed our Spring Suits on Sale at
made them up into four groups at
$21.50, $33.50, $39.50, $49.50.
Our SPRING COATS will go on sale at the same time at
$14.45, $19.95, $24.45, $34.45, $48.45
We have never experienced such a backward season4 as to weather
conditions and wish to make a quick clean-up o! our entire stock of Suits
and Coats and are offering values that are in keeping with our reputation
for giving real sale prices when we hold one.
Our Ladies9 Spring Hats
We have divided into four lots at'
$5.00, $8.00, $10.00, ij15?00
These are hats that are worth from onc'halt more to douhle the price we are putting on '
them, llns does not include sailors or strictly summer stock but line trimmed 'and tail
ored hats of the Best Makes. The quality compared with the price will surprise you.
You will have to come now to get the best selections.
old. Phono 1194w. 29-tf