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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1920)
and Stoeet-Mrt, MOTHERS and FATHERS; When your daughter graduates, or when she Weds, give her something which will be worthy of the occasion. . s FRIENDS: , The best time to show your True-appreciation is when your , friend graduates or marries. ( s , K When a present comes from our store the recipient Knows . that the one who sends it bears towards hdr the kindest thought. C. S. CLINTON, SIGN'OF THK IlIG HIJttl. LOCAL ANI PERSONAL For Snlo Eggs for setting S. W. C. 1 D. 1 Ilocks. 5 conts a piece. Phone ,Most up to diito wall paper patterns Doolittlo 782F220. 31-4 tit tlio Roxall. 14tf CJ B Bedford returned yesterday Fred Bradloy of Maxwell, wart a bus- fr0m Storllng where ho visited over Incfls visitor In town Saturday. tho vvcok end with his parents. Dr. H. C. Brock. Dentist. X-Ray. Women want any, kind of work In Diagnosis. Reynolds Bids. Phono 148 country or town. Call Fred Ann Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Hnrris, of Max-'strong. 33-3 well, spont Saturday with frlonds In town. For Sale Registered Hereford BuIIb. tl. P. HaiiBon, North Platto, Neb. . lGtf Arthur Hansen returned Monday from a short, visit with relatives. In Council Bluffs. When In North Platte stop at tho New Hotel Palace and Cafe. You will be treated well. . , 68tf .Lawrence Wilson loft Sunday for Los Angolcs to spend several weeks visiting with frlonds. Clinton, & Son, Graduate Optlclnns, boo thorn for Sorvlco. Mr. and Mrs. W, T. Alden returned IiVtilnr trnm I.nilm Pnlo U'linrn tlinv attended tTie funeral of the late Janet Alden. "Ain't It a grand and glorious fool ing" to know that you'vo made the life of that boy or girl richer? Sup port the Boy Scout and Camp Fire Girl Campid'gn, May 7th to 19th. Sou us for wall paper, Tho Roxall Store. . 14t Mr. and Mrs. Dick Cornell loft Sun day for Denver to mako their future homo. Mr. Cornoll had boon associated with tho Fidelity Rosorvo-Co. here for " r.w,,1 '7 n, ,' "T LOOAL ANIM'EIISONAL tf somo time tpnst. A GROWING STORE , Three years ago May (th we stirtod tho Consolidated Suburban Grocery. t .Our business has grown-to such extent that wo had to enlarge our building. Wo are now running four deliveries instead of one., t .Wo are the originators and founders of the Suburban Grocery in North Platte, Wednesday and Thursday, May Gth and Gth, wo are going to give our customers tle bene fit of the following prices: ' 1 lb of good ground coffeo , j. $ .'15 1 15c glass mustard ' i -12 1 4 lb. sack P. C. Hour .30 1 30c Can Calumet Baking Powder-. L .25 3 pkgs. E. C. Corn Flakes . -24 , 1 35c pk. Rolled Oats .28 2 small pkgB. Rolled Oats .30 1 45c pkg. Crax. .35 7 lb. Box Crax., per lb. .16 1 35c Glass Jelly r ' - .2S 3 boxes Noodles, Macaroni or Spaghetti .25 4 Cans Oil or Mustard Sardines Z .25 1 lb. English Walnuts ;r .33 5 Boxes Matches - .25 2y lbs. White Beans .25 3 Bars Palmolive Soap . .25 3 Bars Cocoa Hardwator Soapr , ,.25 2 15c Boxes Borax m .. . .25 15 Bars of Swift White Soap --.i- i-rw-S 1.00 100 Bars of Swift White Soap , 0.40 1G Bars of Pearl White Soap Tr: , 1.00 20 Bars of Diamond C Soap T, , 1.00 100 Bars of Diamond C Soap ' 4.90 3 pkgi Soapado - .25 , Throe Cans Standard Corn .40 ' Two CaiiB String Beans - , m .25 J Can Pork and Beans . .10 H Largo Can Euzo Milk ,.T.-. ...... .10 1 Large Can Vogetablo Soup . mm .10 1 -pkg. Dried 'Sweet Corn . ....... .10 ' 2 lbs. Lima Beans -. ' .35 2 cans Carnation Milk Ti j . .16 il Gal. Can Pineapple rr" - 1.45 Our warehouse is chucked full of goods and new ' goods aro arriving daily. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, MAY 5th and Gth Wo aro going to have on salo." FLOUR l?i()UR is going up, lay in your supply while it lasts at $8,50 for a 18 lb. Sack In addition to the above prices for these dates wo are .going to give 1 lb, of sugar with every $5.00 purchase. , Jlelp us" to movo thiB stock as wo need tho room for goods , arriving. McMICHAEL GROCERY PHONE 441 Victor Halligan roliiViiod lhf morn ing from a business trip to Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. K. O. Weston hare turned from a two weeks' visit In the east. " May 20th 1'hc Tlnm. Mnlunjo lull -The Place. '.Jpii;itl 1'nff .uul , Supper The locn.'ni. , . For Sale Stol Majwttlc Range in good condition. Phono S&IW. Mrs. Geo. M. Obb and daughter left , SaturdKi- for a two week' visit with 1 relatives In York. Chas. "Rosslter has roturnod from Lincoln, toliero he transacted business for a couple of weoks. ! Wanted (o liny A few ,scctind ;ind , iifjfH, !xl2 or larscr. riiono (IGilW. .21 1 Itafo Elliot, of Council HHiffs, ,arriv- kjd Friday to attond tho funeral of his alstor, the late Mrs. Daisy uakor.- Dr. I. T. Qulgley, of Omaha, spent I Sunday, In town with relatives and frlonds, returning homo yesterday. , Jay, Smith, ' of Omaha, spont tho week ond In town visiting his parents, , Ho In with tho Morris Packing Co. , J. B. McDonald camo up from Omaha j this morning to transact business nnrt ; , visit friends for a few days. I Miss "Ethel Donegan lifts resigned hor position with tho N. P. Light Power Co. after two years q'f service. Wm. Norris, who had boon looking after business matters in town this ipast week, returned to Cheyenne Sun day. Chas. McMullen, .former North Platto harbor, was In town this morn ing enrouto to Sidney where ho has purchased a billiard hall. , Do not forcct the next Swedish Mis sion service at 7:30, May 7th at the j Pcoplo's Mission church. All Scandin avians Invited and welcome. j Steam Uaths, Mnfcsago and Electric . Treatment nt 812 .East Othj St. Phone 897. Mrs. Arthur Itush. tf. ' Tho Camp-fire Council will meet at tho homo of Mrs. A. P. Kelly Wednes day evening instead of Tuesday as was first announced. Mrs. J. H. Curry .returned Saturc I from St. Paul, whero for several weeks j sho had been helping tako care of her mother who Is soventy-soven years of ago and Is ip poor health. , Tho Episcopal Qirtld will meet! Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Mosc MoFarland, who will bo assisted' by Medames Brock, Lock, Parr and Millet. A card recefved at this office, a few . days ngo nunounced the birth of Dcro thy Joan Hnrcourt on April 8th nt tho i homq of Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Harcourt 1 at Independence, Mo. Congratulations, j aro Qxntcued to the iparonM M'antiMl Will pay cash' for ' lot on vest Third or Fourth streets. State lo cation and price. Address by mall only X, Care Tribune. 33-2 Among the attendants at tho May Party last ovenlng were Mrs. Fred Sawyer of Columbus and Mrs. I. u. Wernert of Kearney, formerly tho Misses Robhnuaen so well and favor ably known as North Platte young ladles. Roy Cathers, former general fore man for tho P. F. E. Co., Is spending today, in town while enrouto to Ogdcn. It is probablo that he will return, to North Platte, having been offered tho posltlpn of manager of tho now arti- tldai plant, War Mothers mot with Mrs, JutftiS Plzor Friday ovoning and arrange ments for tho obsorvancd of Flag Day woro cmploted. Mrs. F. E. Dullard, a former' resident nnd a war mother was .present nnd became a membor of tho local chapter. Refreshments were served. A now Bulck car owned by T. O. Swonson was stolen Sunday forenoon from In front of tho Presbyterian church vli)!le the Swonson family wasj attending service, tjio tneit was re ported to the sheriff, but as yet It lias not oeen recovered. Tiiof car Had a Browstor greon body and- yellow wheels. Are you going to paint? We. aro ready to meet your demands, In any thing in tho varnish or paint lino.' Como In and soo us. boforo letting your contract. DUKE & ORVEN, 218 East Gth St.. .Phono 207. 2C-8 Claudo Wilson succeeds Roy Cathors as general foreman for tho P. F. E. Co., .while Mr. Fonnell, who camo from Denver last week, takes tho'poal Uon of assistant foreman. Mr. Wilson, who Is a son of B. A. Wilson, 'is n North Platto boy who graduated from tho high school, ontorod tho employ of tho P. F. K Co. and by morjtorlous work has .boon promoted to general foreman. Silver & Waugh is tho firm name of a now tailoring shop which hasboon oponod in rooms ovor tho Landgrnf harbor shop. Both men aro experien ced tailors, and thoy will not only re pair and romodol garments for men nnd womon but will mako suits U ordor. Mr. Silver for somo time past has boon omployed In tho Burke tailor shop. Tho firm respectfully solicits a share of tho patronago of tho public, ;:o:: $100 Howard. B0 roward for tho rocoverv of the Bulck car bolonglng to I. O. Swonson, wmcii was stolon from In front of tho Prosbytorlan church May 2, and ?50 for tho conviction of tho thlof will bo iald by tho Bankors Automobile Insurance Co. of Lincoln. Tlw license number of the car is 25030G. oncino number 547757 and chassis number 557893. K. A. Oleson, Agont for North Platto. Lenso for Sale. Good grazing section, well fonced, throo wiros. Goo(i well nnd wind mill, 14 mllos north of No. Platto, Prlco $225.00 till April 1st, 1021. 33-2 J. A. JACKSON, Motor Rt B. V Xo'tlpc. Wft Rosllvor Mirrors, Ropair Fur niture, ReUro Babby nugglos, Framo and enlnrgo Plctufos. All work guar antood. Olvo us a trial. TOOPS & MAIZE. 113 Rltner Hotel Bldg., West 0th St. 29tf , am makes a delicious dessert s o m , Aside from its wholosomeness, itsMnitritive -qualities, its economy, bread is the most satisfactory fo.od because it can beserved in. s'o many appetizing forms. , ' ' . . Uso IAKE-RITET Bread when you try this mouth-watering recipe: A Delicious, Dread Custard. slices buttered bread 1 quart milk 4 eggs V cup sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla. 'extract Few preserved cherries Candied peel ; Beat the pggs and sugar slightly, then add milk and vanilla. Pour into a buttered baking dish and set the bread on top with buttered side up. Bake in mddlerate oven till firm. Decorate nicely on top .with the cherries and candied peel, and serve cold. Buy a loaf of BAKE-RITB Bread today and delight your faihilyrwifh a Bread Custard. - . c tf WE USE COW BRAND PL 0"UR'EXCLiUSIVELY: " ' Eat more bread and make BAKE-RITE Rreau you favorite brand. Lawrcnce-JIntthewson WeddJi'g. AVanted 20 head of cattle to pas A pretty wedding occurred at one ture. $1.50 per month. Lawrence F. o'clock Saturday afternoon at the Peterson, on old D. E. McDonald home of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Matthew- Place. 32-2 son when their daughter Alice became j the bride of Dewoy Lawrence, Rev. J Stevens performing the ceremony, Tho 1 house and table decorations were in I red and white, represented largely In vases of cut flowers. The, who was attonded by hor sister Miss Ethel tMatthewson. of David City, woro a 1 gown of white satin and georgette cropo and carried a bouquet o white roses, while tho maid was gowned In White mpssallne and carried a bouqet of white sweet peas. Tho groom was extraordinary salo of ladles highest Lucy Matthowsotn rendered the wed ding march. f Dinner followed the ceremony and later Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence left on a wedding trip to Denver 'and Salt Lake. Upon their return they will live on south Locust street. Tho bride for somo Umo was em ployed as stenographer In tho office of Bcolor, Crosby & Baskins and in addi tion to hor ouslness qualifications is a llnYshed musician. Mr. Lawrence Is a Lincoln county boy, having spent tho gteater part of his lifo on a farm near llorshey. Coming hero several years ago ho entored tho train department of the Union" Pacific In which he Is now employed. llo. Prcimred. Your boy will bo prepared for any cmorgoncy If a trained Scout. Help preparo him. by supporting Boy Scout and Camp Flro Girl Campaign. For Snlo Rhodo Island Sotting Eggs. $1.00 for 15 eggs, and $0.00 a hundred. Inqulro Mrs. Fred Nolson 2 mllos west of town. Phono 783f22. tf. Horses nnd Mules for Sale. 10 head mules 700 to 1000 lbs.; 4 head horses 1200 to 1400 lbs. for sale. M. R. Magnuson, North Platte. 323 NOW OPEN! The New Twinem Hospital For the Treatment ol Medical, Surgical and Obstetrical Cases.' 719 West Fifth Street. Phone 19. NORTH PLATTE HOME BUILDERS, Organized and fully equipped for the builds ing and selling of homes. .Buying and selling of residence lots. We build what you vant You pay like rent. ' ' ' ' Office Room 11, Brodbock Bldg. ,C. F. TEMPLE, President See Us For Your Drill This Drill with Press attachment $210.00 F. O. B. NORTH PLATTE Fordson Tractor - $887.00 Oliver two bottom Plow - $140.00 0 Heiidy-Ogier Auto Co. PHONE 34 North Platte, Nebraska