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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1920)
XORTTI PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE Your New Home should be made' artistic, sanitary and livable. These walla should be Alabastined in the latest, lip-to-the-ihinute nature color tints. Each room should reflect your own individuality and the treatment throughout be a complete perfect harmony in colors. The walls of the old home, whether mansion or cottage, can be made just as attractive, just as sanitary, through the intelligent use of Instead of kalsomine or wallpaper How much better, when you have a new home, totarryrAthantohave to correct errors afterward from former treatment with other materials, when you come to the use of Alabastine, as docs nearly every one sooner or later. Once your walls are Alabastined you can use any material over it should you desire, but having used Alabastine you will have no desire for any other treatment. Alabastine 13 bo easy to mix and apply so lasting in its results -so absolutely sanitary and so generally recognized as the proper decorative material in a class by itself that it is becoming difficult to manufacture fast enough to supply the demand. Alabastine is a dry powder, put up in five-pound packages, white and beautiful tints, ready to mix and use bv the addition of cold water, and with full directions on each package. Evtry paciagt jtnuint Atabaitint has cross and circle printed in red. Better write u for hand-made color designs and apeetal suggestion. Olve us your decorative problem and let us help you work them out. ALABASTINE COMPANY Grand Rapid - - Michigan I MIX IN ONE I I MINUTC WITH I I CO LP WATER I w. Miv,wfiya7 aw LONG SINCE HE HEARD WORD Tramp Probably Would Have Needed Dictionary to Get Proper Defi nition of Morals. The trnmp was a long, skinny Indi vidual wltlt n particularly villnlnous cast of countenance, and he wore a pair of trousers that had been de signed for a rann of at least three times his diameter. His rap on the farmhouse door brought out a sour, hard-faced puritanical woman who froze him, with one glance and then proceeded to eye him up and down especially down. "You needn't ask me for anything," she said, harshly. "I can see that your morals are of the loosest kind and tliui you deserve nothing." y ell, mum," replied the trnmp, glancing down nt his nether garments, 'niebbo so, though I ain't never heard em called that name before. Prob'ly me tailor ain't Jos' up to date, but If you won't give mo somethln to help fill 'em out mabbo you'd spare me a bit of rope to hold 'em up with." Ex change. A Clew to Perkins. Caller Is Mr. Perkins ut home? Maid Which one. sir? There are two brothers! living here. Caller The one that has n sister at Birmingham. London Tlt-Blts. A girl Is apt to have many pressing engagements before she marries. One Trial of Grape-Nuts will do more than many words to convince you of the goodness of this wheat and barley food. But it's worth saying that Grape Nuts contains all the nutriment of the grains, is ready to eat. requires no sugar and there's no waste. GrapeNuts is a Builder " I th c on unroot BSlJhI.W IIIIV Think what that means to vou in good hard dollars with the great de mand for wheat at hlch nrices. Manv tanners in western ianaaa nave paia lor tnetr lana from a single crop. The same success may still be yours, for you can buy on easy terms. Fatal Land af SIR in 30 an Ar.ra locaiea near innvinn towns, sooamarKets, railways land ot a kuiu wmcn grows u io o ouaneiB or wnisi 10 xna acre. Good grazing lands at low prices convenient to your grain farm en able you to reap the profits from stock raisins; and dairying. Learn the Facts About Western Canada low taxation (none on improvements), healthful climate, good schools, churches, pleasant social relationships, a prosperous and industrious people. For Mounted llttrstor. mtjp, description of farm opportunities In Manitoba, Saakatchawan and Alberta, reduced railroad rates, ate, write Department ot faimlgration, Ottawa, Canada, or W. V. BENNETT, Room 4, Bee Building, OMAHA, NEE Canadian Government Agent. GOT MARK TWAIN STIRRED. UP Humorist, Tired of Listening to Series of Remarkable Stories, Rose to the 'Occasion. A naval officer said at a banquet In New York: "Some of the war stories that I hear remlrid me of Mark Twain. Mark, you know, once sat In the smoking room of a steamer and listened for an hour or two to some remarkable lies. Then he drawled: " 'Boys, these feats of yours thnt you've been telling about recnll an ad venture of my own In Hannibal. There was a fire in Hannibal one night, nnd old man Hanklnson got cnught In the fourth story of the burning house. It looked ns' If he was a goner. None of the ladders was long enough to reach him. The crowd stnred at one another with awed eyes. Nobody could think of anything to do. Then all of n sudden, boys, an Idea occurred to me. "Fetch mo n rope I" I yelled. Some body fetched a rope, and with great presence of mind I flung the end of It up to the old mnn. "Tie her round your wnlstl" I yelled. Old man Ilnn klnson did so and I pulled him down.' " Latin ceased to be, spoken as the language of the people of Italy about the yeur B8. Most young men hnven't even a lnmo excuse for crrrvlng n cane. BEST CROPS FOR SPRING GREENS Spinach Is Most Excellent and Should Be Found in Every Home Garden. RICH LOAM MOST ESSENTIAL One of Good Points About Swiss Chard Is That Leaves May Bo Cut Without Injuring Plant Dandelion and Kale Are Good. (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Apiculture.) Spinach Is one of the bcs,t crops grown for greens nnd should bo found In every home gnrden. In the North It may bo planted In early spring, or It can bo planted In the autumn nnd cnrrled over winter by mulching with straw or leaves. Sow the seeds of splnnch in drills 1 foot apart nt the rate of 1 ounce to 100 feet of row or 10 to 12 pounds to the acre. To pro duce good spinach, a rich lonm which will give the plants a quick growth Is required. As ordlnnrlly grown, spinach occupies the land during tho autumn and winter only nnd does not Interfere with summer cultivation. Spinach Is an easily grown gnrden crop, and there Is, perhaps, no other of Its kind thnt will give as good sat isfaction. Three or four ounces of Beed planted in the autumn after a summer crop has been harvested from the land, will produce an nbundunce of greens' for the average family dur ing the late autumn nnd early spring. In gntherlng splnnch, the entire plant Is removed and not the lenves. The larger plants are selected first, and tho smaller or later ones are thus given room to develop. No thinning Is required If this plan of harvest ing Is practiced. The Savoy Is the variety most com monly grown. Chard. Chard, or Swiss chnrd, Is n beet which Is grown for Its foliage Instead of Its root. The leaves are cooked and used In very much the same way as asparagus. One of the good points about this vegetable Is that crop after crop of lenves may bo cut without In juring the plnnt. Chard Is planted about the same time and In the same manner ns beets, but as tho top grows larger It should be given more space thun the gnrden beet. The edible part of this plnnt is tho root, which somewhat resembles the carrot and Is used In the same manner. The leaves are used the same ns parsley for garnishing and In fla voring soups. New" Zealand Spinach. .The plant known as New Zealand splnnch Is not n true spinach but grows much larger and should be planted In rows 3 feet apart, with the plants 12 to 18 inches apart In the row. Some difficulty may be experi enced in getting the seeds to ger minate, and they should be soaked ono or two hours In hot water before plant- Swiss Chard Has Been Bred for Foli age for Salads Instead of .Root. Ing. New Zealand splnnch Is satis factory for growing In warm climates, ns It withstands bent better than the ordinary spinach. The fleshy leaves and tender stems are cooked the same as splnnch. Dandelion. Sow tho seed of dandelion In spring In drills 18 Inches apart, covering It one-half Inch deep. Thin the plants to about 12 Inches apart nnd give iroori clean cultivation thrmurhnnr the summer. In the colder pnrts of the4 country It may be desirable to mulch slightly during the winter, to prevent the plnnts heaving out of the soil. Early the following spring the plnnts will be rendy for use us greens, but they are greatly Improved If blanched by setting two boards In the form of nn Inverted V over the row. The blanching nqt only mnkes the leaves tender but destroys a part of the hit ter taste. ' Dandelion greens should be boiled In two waters to remove the bitterness. There are a large number of forms of kale, and these are thought by some to be the original type of the cab bage. Kale does not form u bend, nnd has convoluted lenves and thick stems. It may be set In rows and cultivated the same 'ns cabbage or may be sown broadcast, but may be set somewhat closer. This crop Is very hardy and will live through the winter In the open ground In localities where freez ing Is not too severe. Tho flavor of kale is Improved by frost. Kale Is used for greens during the winter nnd as a substitute- for cabbage. CELERY SEED BED IS OF BIG IMPORTANCE In North Seed Should Be Started in Hotbed. Watering Should Be Attended to Very Carefully and Bed Nt Allowed to Dry Out Keep for Winter by Banking. (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) For celery In tho North, sow tho seed In n hotbed or coldfrnme nnd transplant to the open ground. Celery plants are- generally Improved by transplanting twice. Celery seeds nro very smnll and nre slow In germlnn tlon, and the temperature of the seed bed Rhould be kept low. Tho seed bed .should bo especially well prepared, and tho seeds should not bo covered to a grentcr depth than onc-clght of an Inch. Watering should bo, attend ed to very carefully nnd the bed should not dry out. After tho plants arc up, care should bo taken thnt tho bed Celery May Be Planted After Some Early Crop. does not become too wet nnd the plants damp-off, Five hundred plnnts will be sufficient for the ordlnnry fam ily. They should be set 0 Inches apart In rows 3 to 5 feet apart. Celery requires a deep, rich, molsl soil, with plenty of well-rotted barn yard manure or fertilizer and frequenl "shallow cultivation. In the garden, celery may be plnnted nfter some ear ly crop, such as lettuce, radishes, pens or benns. As soon ns the plants nttnln considerable size tho leaves should bo drawn up nnd n little soil compacted about their bases to hold them upright., If the blnnchlng I; done with earth, care should be taken that tho heurts of the plants do not be come filled. Bonrds, pnper, dralntllcs, or anything that will exclude the light mny be used for blnnchlng; but earth ing up will produce the finest flavor. Celery mny he kept for winter use by banking with enrth and covering tho tops with lenves or straw to keep It from freezing, or It may bo dug and removed to a cellar, coldframe, vacant hotbed, or pit, nnd reset close together, with tho roots bedded In earth. While In storage celery should be kept as cool as possible without freezing. The hlnnched stems of celery are eaten In the raw stnte, nnd both the stems and enlarged roots are stewed and creamed. Celery seed Is used for flavoring soups nnd pickles. Celerinc Is n large-rooted form ol celery used for cooking only. Cultl vnte the same as celery, but banking or blnnchlng Is not required. The roots mny remain In tho ground until wanted for use provided n light cover. Ing Is applied to provent freezing. Cows and mules have kicks In them. Our domestic animals have acute hearing. Why yell I i Very often hogs get tired the same feed and wunt u change. Nowadays the hog is allowed to range from farrowing time to market Ing day. i A lamb does not need to be very old to take care of Itself with the rest of tho sheep. . Both clover and alfalfa huve given satisfactory results when fed with corn to brood sowb. On n good grain ration, It Is cus tomary for lambs to gain about one- fourth of n pound per head dally. Corp and tnnknge nlonc Is n splcn did ration for fall pigs, and In experi ments nt the Iowa station has uni formly proved profitable. At the Iowa station they have pas tured as many as forty spring pigs per aero on rape. On ordinary soil, however, rapo does not do nearly so wclL IUsi JnEl I LIVE . STOCK Owe Their Health To Lydia E, Pinkham'a Vegotnblo Compound ovorehadowint; indeed is tho success of this great modioino. Compared with it, all other medicines for women's ills eeom to bo experiments. Whyia it so successful? Simply becausoof Ita sterling worth For ovor forty years it has had no equal Women for two generations havo depended upon it with confidence Thousands of Their Letters nro on our files, which provo theso statements to bo facts, not more- boasting. Hero Arc Two Sample Letters t Mother and Daughter Helped. Middleburg, Pa.-4,1 am glad to state thatLydia E. Pinkham'a VegetabloCompounddidmonruch good when I was 85 years old. I was run down with female trouble and was not able to do anything, could not walk for a year ana could not work. I had treatment from a physician but did not gain. I read In tho papers and books about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound and decided to try it. The first few bottles gave me relief and I kept on using it until I got hotter and was able to do my work. The Vegetable Com pound alsoregulated my daughter when she was 15 years old. I can recommend vegotableuompound as the best modicino I have ever used." Mrs. W. Yeiujeii, R. 3, Box 21, Middleburg, Pa. "Wise Is the Woman Who Insists Upon Having century. 60 cents SVOHN MKDICAI. No Slackers. "There Is said to bo n great de mand for $10,000-a-yenr men," re marked Mr. Gndspur. "So I hear," snld Mr. Dumbwalte. "Any special requirements?" "Well, I understand there Isn't much tnlk nbout a fivo-dny week and u six- hour dny In $10,000 a year circles. Tho idea seems to bo that a mnn enn work six dnys n week for eight or ten hours n day without wrecking his health, and he might even look in on tho Job for nn hour or two on Sundny, If nee essary." Birmingham Agc-IIernld. USES OF ASPIRIN Bayer Company, who Introduced As pirin 18 years ago, give advice. Aspirin created a sensntlon when In troduced by Hayor over eighteen yenrs ago. Physicians at once proved its wonderful elllclency In tho relief of pain. Tho genuine, world-famous As pirin, in "Buyer Tablets of Aspirin" Is safely taken by millions for Colds, Ileadnche, Rhcumntlsm, Neuralgia, Earache, Toothache, Aching Joints, Neuritis, nnd Pain generally. Be sure the "Bnyer Cross." which Is the mark of true "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," Is op each genuine package and each genuine tablet. Boxes of 12 tnhlets cost hut a few cents nnd contain proper directions. Druggists also sell Inrger "Bayer" packnges. Aspirin is the trudo mark of Bnyer Manufacture of Monoacetlc- acldester of Sallcyllcacld, Adv. Tho Choice. "Tho llremnn In the stable Is look ing nrouml for a horse." "I suppose ho wants n plug." A pretty girl doesn't fully appreel ate her beauty unless somo ono Is con stnntly reminding her of It. Where is Relief Must I Endure Forever the Torturous Itching? The skin is fed from tho blood, and upon tho condition of the blood depends whether or not your skin will bo healthy and frco from boils, pimples, scaly irrita tions, red eruptions and other dis figuring: nnd unsightly disorders. The sensible treatment that will show real results is a remedy that Fa)l River, Mass. "Three years apo I gave birth to a little girl and after she was born I did not pick up well. I doctored for two months and my condition re mained tho samo. One day ono of your little books was left at my door and my husband aug crestcd that I try a bottle of Lvdfa 'E. Pinkham'a Vegetabla Com pound. I started it immediately and I felt better and could eat better after the first bottle, and I continued taking it for somo time. Last year Igave birth to a baby boy and had a much easier time as I took tho Vegetable Compoundf or four monthsbefore baby came. On getting up I had no pains like I had before, and no dizziness, and in two weekB felt about as well as ever."- Mrs. Thomas Wilkinson, SG3 Colum bia Strot, Fall River, Mass. DON'T I.ET THAT COUdH CONTINUE! Spohn's Distemper Compound will knock It In very ahort time Al the first sign of a cough or cold In your hone, clve a few doses ot "SPOHN'S." It will act on the standi, eliminate the disease perm and prevent furth er destruction of body by disease. "Pl'OHN'S" has been th standard remedy for DISTEMI'Ell. INFLUENZA, l'INIC BTB. CATAIUUIAL, FEVER. COUQIIS and COI.DH for a quarter of and $1.16 per bottle at t an drur ntoroa. COMPANY, Goeuen. Ini, ' Bright. Smnrtlee I've Invented n machine to tell fresh eggs. Smarter Tell them what? "CARRY ON"! If Constipated, Bilious or Headachy, take "Cascarets" Feel grand 1 Be efficient! Don't stay sick, bilious, hendnchy, constipated. Re move the liver nnd bowel poison which Is keeping your bend dizzy, your tongue coated, your breath bad and your stom nch sour. Why not get n smnll box of Cascarets and enjoy the nicest, gentlest laxative-cathartic you ever experi enced? Cascarets never gripe,, sicken or Inconvenlenco ono like Salts, Oil, Calomel or harsh pills. Cascarets bring sunshine to cloudy minds and half-sick bodies. They work while you sleep. Adv. It's Just as desirable to know when to forego nn ndvuntngu ns It Is to know when to grasp an opportunity. Relief 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief RE LL-ANS bFOR INDIGESTION From Blazing Skin Diseases? will cleanse tho blood thoroughly and kill tho germs thnt cause the trouble. And for this purpose no remedy ever made can approach tho record of S. S. S. which cleanses tho blood of the diseaso L'erms, nt the same time building up tho general health. For valuable literature write to Chief Medical Adviser, 100 Swift I Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga.