The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 04, 1920, Image 1

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No. 33
Jfeth 1$ jjiw-maij Wink K
- , "J. ' ;
I VJft iWfllt lit ft TlVttf t IWllktft I rtit w
FOIt ttEMTOmOUS SKHVIOfl. mvijv OUT AT 10.100.
Dr. J. Rhodes Longloy, former North
Platto boy, who has mado his home in
FonduLacNfor a number of years, has
received a citation from tho wnr de
partment, signed by General Porshlng
for exceptional meritorious and con
socutavo service with the American
hospital corps dn northern Russia. Dr.
Longlcy was one of tho first to respond
to tho call of his country. Ho was first
coi-ir.ilt Ioned a lieutenant and lator
was promoted to a captaincy and sail
ed for Europe. He remained :in London
about ten days, commissioned a major
and sailed for Russia whore ho was
assigned headquarters at Archangle
aB chief slirgeon of tho forces there
stationed. He wns returned home In
July, 1019," after more than two years
tjf service.
Misses Myrtlo Sherman and Lola
Brelun, of -Ogalalla, wore end guests
of Miss Harriot Murrln.
M!ss Vlasta Voseipka returned yes
torday from Bridgeport, where sho had
been visiting her sister for tho past
three months.
Airs. J. T. Stuart returned Friday
from Denver whero sho liad "boon vis
iting her daughter Mrs. H. N. Jacobs
for a week.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Graham, of
Council Bluffs, were week end guests
at the Fctl Stamp homo. Mrs. Gra
ham Is a, sister of Mrs. Stamp.
Tho greatest values over offered In
North Plattb are Included In tho sale
of ladles suits. at tho Leader. Actual
$85 to $135 values soiling at $59.75.
Drop in and see them while your size
I" here.
A Judgment agalnHt tho City of
North Platte, Nebraska, for $5400.00
as rondorod Friday by F. A. Kennedy,
workman's Compensation Commis
sioner of the Stato of Nebraska, in tho
caso of Nottio Mocombor against the
City and also a judgment for a like
amount In the case of Mary Rogors
against tho City. Those Judgments
woro gtvoti to these Avomen on nccount
of tho deaths of Chief of Police S. C.
tho attomianco at tho . Engineers' k Judgo Orlmoa sentenced two mon to
may rany msi evening was oviuonco the ponltenUnry Saturday, giving each
mm na u social nincuon u una iosi BU indeterminate- sontonco of from
nono or us popularity, for the number onP t seven years, both having plead
proseut, Dotn dancers and spectators, cA ,iit Tho men wore John D.
was limited only by tlio capacity or Roan anil Georgo II. Crntty. Koan was
tno uig nan which ror tnirty-livo yearn arrested on tho chnrgo of having stolon
has boon tho scono of this May Day a 1rt g0 car of na8tm,B Rnainussen, of
sod'al festivity, Though this former Unlilv. hist Hnntnnihef: Crnttv nlnmlflil
jLloyil opera house has wanod in tts Kiiilty to stealing two huUs of clothes
Afiuinmhnr nml Patrolman Geo. Hoeom. i?,u ",u.' " K1,u .- rrolM tlle Unl0 Vactt0 tmggngo room.
..." -.i.... ,..,.n i.. .i. .lurui implements nnu luuncaung aim, Moth ,nmi wm i.n mknn inMnmln thin
vice of tno Cu7by Mcx'icans on Jan. L "?n SSSffi?" J?i fH? to begin serving thtfr sentonce. .
1R 10"n Tim Cnmnpnnntinn Commls-i1"" ""') uuiiucu miiiiuBi uiiuii wio ::o:;
(ilnnnn nlun tt ttntinW.. nt ( fr Vint
task of "cleaning It up" and through Huko Tottonhoff camo un from Co
cent for unt,rinB ,abor ot nvo raon for a Imnbus Saturday to be present for tho
SSf gooS X? wfthout tK nShiy "n- H " --ot only lt flrst base ball .practo Sunday. Hugo
sta lmonts being paid." Tho monUily """ rT V i ' 7 S I, "llH BOH0 ,mo i'arui0"'P wiui nis
Installments are $00.00 each. P.ratru ftntl Presented an as attractive brothor Ed In tho hog buying buslnoss
The cases woro tried In this City bv lP"oi"" as n pnHi years wuon us and will spend the summer horo,
ine cases woie men n mis cuy uy . .. .. , lenoble. IUmp
" e..?.0 lmT!L..0JL". ."L'..f. i'nnd white was tho color scheme. ith Salo-Rugs, washing machino,
,HUC" 7" "' a ma,e of crcpo pnp(.r streamers ex- dicing table and mlscollanous articles,
see no reason for upholding the do- - " 0I cJllng to central points 809 East FoUrth St. Phono 11C7W. 1
fonse mado by tho legal department of lL"u'"i iru"1 "'""f10 t.iuu iiumw
tho cltv that It was not liable undof near. the balcony, with similar stream- Ualph, tho six year old son of Mr.
Sergeant Johnson, in charge of the
recruiting station received a wiro
Saturday morning stating that tho war
department had learned that our popu
lation Is 10.4GG. Thoso figures, tho
tologram stated, woro subject to re
vision, but this is not likely to alter
tho total to any marked oxtent. Tills
places North Platto, it Is believed, fifth
In papulation in tho stats, passing
Kearney. Beatrice, Norfolk and Fre
mont. , .
This populaton of over 10,000 was
contended by Tho Tribune to bo veri
fied by tlio votijig strength, tho school
population and the city directory, nnd
tho announcement from "Washington
did not come as a Burpi'ise.
On a letterhead ufted by tho Chamber
of Commotce In 1915, tho prediction
was made . .that North Platto would
have JLjpopulatlon of 10,000 in 1920;
that tho efforts of tho organization
would be to accomplish that result.
Through thoso efforts we have more
than reached the goal. tho Workman's Compensation Act. He or8, ot ."uo ,n.nU wllit0 coverI"5 the and Mrs. C. J. Vroipan, undorwont an Mrs. C. E. Sousor and daughter, Miss
Tho population of North Platto in Wu that It appeared to him that If cll wnlls w,h broml bands J w,1,tc oporation for appendicitis yesforday : Cora spout tho wook end In Claries
1910 was 4.793, thus shpwlng an 'In- j the Workman's Compensation Act. HeiwrlVil muo..0 0 "g coyerlng V10 , ,c, wB 1'',)ng wlth C. E. Sousor. Jr.
crease of 5.C73 or a gain of about 118 (piled to any omploycs of tho city, It Ul "i" " ua
per cent With the exception of Scotts certainly applied to pojlccmon-who encased in decorated shades ot blue
muff, tlio crmvMi nf Nnrlli PlnttA llnvo fliMr Hvoa in nrntnet flin Uvi.n atld White. TllO dCCOratiVO plans WCro
the greatest of any city in tho state
1 That North Platto loads in tho llbor- ,
nllty of puraqs hung up for auto racos
Is demonstrated by an entry blank
rocolyed from tho Ti', Stato "'IUiclngy'
Aflsoclatlon which will rnco at Gales
burg, 111., May 31st next. In thoso
riicos otua mllo trncl: tho biggest sum
any contestant can got Is $500, nnd tho
purse offered for tho 100-inllo race is
$1,000, Ot.vlded Into four monies, $500,
$350, $150 and $100.
Compared with tho purses offered In
tho North Platto races which will bo
(told July 3d, on a half milo track, wo
find It posslblo for tho leading cfintost
tnt to win $2500 and a Second contest
ant $1387.50. "
From this ft will bo seen thai-N&rth
Platto leads iu auto racing In the
middle west.
Big combination salo at Johanson's
Salo Darn, Saturday, May Jth: 14
head of horses and mules ; G sets work '
hnrnoss; household goods. 33-2.
ate. iand property of tlfo people of tho city. Hn b- Chairman James McNeill of
Atty.. Goo.-N. Gibbs. of this city ap- the Jirrnngemont commit eo and suc-vlslt-lpcared
for Mrs. Nettle Macombor In ccssfully cnntled out by hlmsolf. Clyde
Inc. Ma alnfor Afra Tnlit, T?nnnor fnr'Hin nrnpftmllmra nnJ Win V. Rhumhn LOOK, 10111 UVUll, IJ. C OlaCOH antl
some t'me, returned Sunday to his 'for Mrs. Rogers. -Tho cases have been ?.thfj mcmlors of tho committoe. Thnt
home In California. His brother R. Iuppealed by the city to tho district t,llM was Bomo task can bo
I.. Slnhhlns ncnotniinnlnrl lilm nn Hin court whero tliov will no doubt bo Sallied irom tlio fact that if JHO
roturn trip and will make a several j tried during the May term
weeks vn;t to points in mat state
streamers were placed ond to end tholr
length would havo boon a mile and a
Entertain Rami Rnvs.
juugo Grant wont to Kearnoy this im10 thirtv.ofirlit membnrs of Hin The May Party ononed wltli a half
morning to spend tho day on legal i,gh school band and' the fathers of Hour concert by Stamp's orchestra,
jUio-ooys wero ontonaineii oy uie una i "mo ociock me granu marcn
,mothers of the boys at the Methodist was called, this bolng led by Genornl
church parlors Friday ovenlng. Plates Mahagor Jeffors, of tho Union Pacific
Iwera laid for sovontv-two nnd slxtv- and Mrs. Jeffors. and it wns durlnir the
'flvo wero present, som of tho fathoi's march tliat each coulpio partlcipayng
who woro railroad omploycs being out wero presented with carnations. Tht
of town. Tho mothers served a very march 'was followed by a waltz and
jflno dinner and following the meal then tho dance was on nnd joyously
with Chester Cumming presiding as did it continue until three o'clock this
, toastmaster, toasts wero responded to morning.
I by. Master Tommy Carroll, tho smallest Many out-of-town people wore prca-
member of tho band, by Supt. Tout who ont-m,, number of theso being ftmnor
) spoke in behalf of the fathers and Mrs. North. Platte people who tlmo thoir
I Ray Snydor in behalf of the mothers, honic-comlng Mlslt so as to bo presont
I After the boys and fathers had par- at the May Party.
taken of tho meal, the mothers wero l The Tribune mai has never mlssca
seated at tho table and while thoy wore attending a May Party, and ho has no
eaUnnr 'the band rendered several so- hesitancy In saying that In all respects
loctions. th's', the thirty-eighth, was as bril-
1 ::o!! Rant a social function as anv of those
Brighten up your porch swing for preceding It, and Its evident success
uiu Bummur- one or .iwo;ormo-ai; .mjunj mane unnirman MCNojin and
For National Millinery Week
MAY 3rd to 8th
Crystal Tonight and Tomorrow
a powerful drama of tangled love Skein snarled In tho
picturesque Southland and unwound in New York City.
Also Sennett Comedy "REILLY'S WASH DAY."
all the nfew novelties. Georgettes,
malines, eho;rns milans and soxt Jia
Charming new styles in wide ' bHmmed
effects. The line is complete with color
and the price range such that your re
quirements are easily,. provided.
Style Plus Quality Store
Keith Wednesday and Thursday
the favorite of millions of adventure-loving Americans
m , ' -
, tractlya ppMi pj Msjconunlttee of tireless .Workors feel
Wsalo ,atjmJ3plBcopal falriafla-3UppoTthaMSlejr labor, was not .In vain. '.
!at the Masonlt hall May, 20th. ' ' ' "" ,
a wonder
Wm' Ebrlght went to Grand Island J
nrt.... it.i.r. t... . . , .
last night to attend tho non-partisan.!. " 1 ""O B".r .ol
convention which will nomlinat3 a can- "l .T . t' 0fltor
didato for governor. J. M. Calhoun ' l Ivonsoa City on April
(wont down this niomlng as a dolegato l" ",vul "urr OI ljeuy- lvnn
frnm T.lnrrt1tt rrn tf tr .olio.
1 v Mrs. Burr graduated from tho local
1 Mrs. F. T. Redmond and Mrs. Louts high School with the clnss of 1918 nnd
Petecson returned Sunday from Don- since that time has been emnloved n.a
'or whero they attonded tho funeral bookkeotpor for tho Coates Lumber &
of tho late Mrs. Broach. . Coal Co. Mr. Burr wns formerly n it.
Mr. and Mrs. wm. Friend and P. J. "reman Hero nnd was dlschnrced
Norton, of Grand Islnnd, were among sovoral months ago from, tho army
the out' of town people in attendance arior aimost two years sorvlco over-
at the May Ball. . seas, no is at prosont engaged In
The Golden Rule Bible Class of the ,ia'""K ouoy, Kansas.
i-ruauyiui inn cuuruii win muui wim
; bow knSt
tale of the West that ties the imagination in a--'
k"'A? gtllanIlQiBo;, AvhicirsCTonlVxs all
over, in just the rignt sprc-cf a. picture that brings out all
the Mix qualities-daring.yflght, romance-r-lnto glaring,
glorious relief. ', '
Kirs. Soronson, 100 B. B street, Friday
Mr. Hendy, who has just returned irom the
East, says the strike has tied up the Auto
Industry. Many branches of different mak
ers are being .closed in the large cities. ?ord ,
will build a few cars all the time, but this
will reduce the allotment to each dealer so
much that our quota will be very few. Our
full allotment was given us in April. We
can make a few deliveries if your order is
Miss Freda Slacker spent Sundav in
T" 1 f tit ..... "
uruuy visuing wim ner parents.
I Sugar advanced yosterday to 22 !
cenis pcr,pounu in the local market.
1 Mr. an Mrs. Thos. Gorham camo 'un
from Gandd Island yesterday to attond
mo may .nail.
Mrs. R. C Lanjrford returned this:
morning from Ovnlia wlio,o alio had
boon visiting fcr .i fpw days.
( Special for this week Ono-'Ufth off
on all models of the discontinued num
bers in iloodlowork. Tho Art Shop. 2t
Mis. Harry Dixon returned the lat
ter part pf last week from a protracted
Yisit wfth her daughter Mrs. Conlin
in Omaha
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Horrigan, of
Grand Island, can.o up last ovenng to
attend tho May ,Party and meot
' Mr; and Mrs. Thos. Ortou wont to
Grand Island this morning, tho former
going as a dolograto to the non-par
tisan stato convention.
Crystal Theatre
Enid Bennett
"Stepping Out"
Co id-bye scrub brush! So long
pots and pans! Never again!
TIp1 neglected wife fights .the
deil with fire and makes hubby
wish he had never left his hajnj
home ak&-i
Low S
are Fashion's Edict
Pumps and Oxfords are being worn, this season, fe.v,qri
moro generally than last year.- As usual, E. T. TRARJLP
& SONS' low shoes correctly interpret to the last detail
tho prevailing style trend. They coino in a variety of
graceful lasts and in all tho popular leathers.
Vamps this year are of unusual attractiveness. vThe favor-;
ite is the longtapering vamp, whose grace and beauty
has made it so greatly admired. (
Louis heels are favored for dress occasions,- and for walk-,
lug and general wear the practical Cuban heel. , .
Whatovor style you favoi we have a shoo that will sulf
you exactly. .
Prices ranging from $7.75 to $14.50. j
"Those Better Shoes"