The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 30, 1920, Image 6

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Aughst Otto, of Pnxton, was a busi
ness visitor In town Wednesday.
Try'tho Roxall first, It payB. 14tf
Cyril Cool underwent nn operation
at tho Twlnom hospital Tuesday,
O". C. .Alderson, of JUlosburg, trans
acted miMlnoa in town Wednesday.
Mrs. L. Harner, of Wallace, was the
gilOflt of friends In town Wednesday.
, A;C DoWItt, of Omnlia, was In town
Wednesday on Union Pacific buslnoiw.
Come In and see our complete Hue
"of Brunswick Phonograph. Walhor
Jifusc Co.
ti Clinton Son. Grartunto Opticians.
itifio (hem for Service. tf
' Attorney Victor Halllgan transacted
jrtegnl buslnosH In Omalia n day or two
Wvb wcekt
Chfl Iiiontz went to Lincoln yfoWr
day morning to transact business for
a fow doys.
John IJUbort, of Donver, looked af
ter? 'tjn Ion Pacific buslnoss In town
Cameos a raro selection for you to
nelcct from at DIXON'S.
Peter Gronborg, of Pnxton, was In
town Wcdncsdny looking nfter busi
ness matters.
, Just received A largo shipment of
Brunswick Phonographs nnd Bruns
wick Records. WALKER MUSIC CO.
Clarenco Malloy, Into clerk In tho
Samuolson Btoro moved this week to
his farm south of town.
.Mrs. Don Clabaugh came up from
Grand Island Tuesday for a short visit
nt the J. F. Clabaugh home.
Dr. F. J. Wurtolo returned yester
day from Omalia whero ho had boon
spending a few days on business.
A thirteen and ono-linlf pound boy
baby was born Wednesday to Mr. and
,Mrs. Claude Mecombcr, of Ravenna.
Tho lady who cares will carry a
- Cordova bag. DIXON, tho Jeweler.
( w W. J. Hondy wont to Omaha yestor
.'day to look after shlpmonts of Ford
cars. Ho said he might go through to
Dcdstoad, vaccum sweopor, 4 Elm
trees for sale at 714 W. 4th. Phono
Carl Macho returned Wednesday
from Minnesota whore ho purchased n
carload of granlto for tho North Platto
Monument Co.
Found A man's bicycle In good
condition. Owner can havo samo by
paying for this ndvertlsomont and a
roward. Inquire at this office.
, C. B. Brown, who for tho past month
hiUl been sorving ns rollof operator nt
tho Union Pacific tolcgrnph ofllco. re
turned Wednesday to tho Omaha office
sFor Salo Ford touring and n 1018
Maxwell touring. A & B Garage, half
block south of depot. 30-4
. Tho Ccmnflro Girls of Gothonburg
recontlv whipped a carload of wasto
- irwper to tho east. Tho paper sold for
$273,00, and tho expense was $102.00,
leaving not proceeds of $171.00.
Wo will bo glad to demonstrate HmV
Edison In vour homo. Call uh over the
phone 108DIXON, tho Jeweler.
, Mrs. John Cokor, one of tho pioneer
settlors of the Sutherland section, died
early vostordnv morning from physical
ailments due to advanced age. Tho
funeral villi bo hold this aflornnon at
2:30 at Sutherland.
For Salo Ono truck wagon and hay
rack ot a bargain. Also ono 4 h. p. gas
'onglno, Fairbanks nnd Morso. If. W.
Campbell, 209 E. 8th st.
, Ono hundred and twenty-five iobbors
nnd raonnfneMirorB traveling on a
Bpoolal train nnd accompanied by a
bond will pass through North Plntte
about noon on May 14 th. Tho party
Is making tho annual trade excursion.
Wanted 20 herd of cnttlo to pas
ture $1.50 per month. Lnwroncn F.
jPcterson. on old D. E. McDonald
Place. ' 32-2
J. H. Stackhouso, of Wallace, Is in
town today nnd Informs us that ho I
closing out his IntorostB In Wallnco
rproalnct. after having lived thoro for
tjilrty yearn, and will leavo In n wcoV
or so for California- whero ho may dr
oJdo to locate.
, , Your May Ball Dnnolng Frock wl'
be greatly admired If you solect yours
from The Wonderful lino of Clovor
Frocks shown oxluslvoly at BLOCK''
Mrs. Janet Alden, mothor of W. T.
Alden, of tlilB city., who mado hor
homo with tho latter for sovoral years,
died In Lincoln Tuesday nftornoon.
Mr. Alden was called to Lincoln Mon
day night by word or hor HlnosB and
arrived boforo sho passed away.
Chas. Boy.orlo, of Pino Bluffs, Wyo..
'. .vyjiB in town this wook siting his
;nistor, Mrs. C. M. Nowton nnd brother
, ,-Ad Boyorly whllo enrouto enst. Ho
rBnys snow storms havo boon vory
Bovero in oastem Wyoming this month
nnd cnttlo Iossob hnvo boon heavy.
Wo nro to havo special Balo on lndlot
blouBos beginning Snturdny, May lBt
Real Blousos at Real Salo Prices. E
Harry Porter has purchaBod the
Plzor nnd Langford lntorosts in tho
Star Bottling nnd Morcnntllo Co. and'
is now boIo owner of tho plant, Tlu
volumo of business tho plant is doln
.presages busy times for Mr. Portor
but ho will bo equal to all omorgon
ales. For Salo Rhodo Island Sotting
Eggs. $1.00 for 15 oggs, nnd $0.00 a
hundred. Inquire Mrs. Fred Nolson
2 miles wost of town. Phono 783f22. tf.
Wise women will now buy their
tailored suit during tho sale bolng hold
at THE LEADER MER. CO. Tho best
that mouoy will buy tho best anj
Btoro can sell you. Worth up to $135
rfona, less than $85. Going at $50.75
Road, tho Add in tlila .Issuo for partid
Wkbuy for Cash
and sell for Cash.
what a Buying
Power we have
. with, .297 Stores,
......v. ,i:
jj 297 busy stores- !SR0
One half block east of the Postoffice.
I We, operate all
our Stores on a
..well defined plan
Which assures the
people in every
place where
we locate, better
service and low
ei;,prices. '
Hosiery for Men, Women and Children
We have received an enormous Stock o Hosiery for Spring and Summer wear, which
is now on Display at the Penny Store. See our east window.
No. 7679, Womcns full fashioned hose, pure silk,
black, a pair , f
No. 3738, silk hose, black, clocked with white,
full fashioned, a pair
No. 7697, extra out'size, pure silk thread, black,
white and black
No. 1543, Womens black silk, very fine quality. -size
8 to 10 .'
No. A A 1, pure silk colors in white, black and
cordoran , ,
No. 1492, black silk thesocome, in fancy stripes
and seamless feet, a pair, $2.69 (S J A
and MAy
50 dozen Womens silk and fiber hose in black
brown and white, while they
Paramount Womens silk and fibre hose, brown
and white and black, aizes 8 to 10, 4 ft
Par 3)Z. 1 7
No. 8520, two tone fancy silk and fibre, a new
number lor summer- wear, per
pair .... .
No. 7223, womens' -rhire silk hose,
in black only ........... .
7648 superior quality in this number
in colors white, black and cordoran
634 Womens out size Lisle hose,
fashioned hose, a pair
Gp-Ed Womens hose, a stocking knit
' fashioned without any sleeves ....
No. 120 X Ladies fine seamless hose, superior qual
ity, in black only, pair
No. 130, spliced toe and heel, all black, 24 doz. is
all we have, while they last a pair
No. 37 X, Womens silk gauze Lisle hose, superior
quality, very fine number, about 30 dozen, a pair
Nc 112, Womens high, grade cotton hose, mercerized
finish, per pair. . . . :
No, 136, extra quality cotton, in brown
Many other numbers to select from in colors
white, brown, grey and black, 69c to
Pace Maker No. 1, wire twist hose, black i p
only, 6 to 10 size, 39c for boys and girls 49 C
No. 4401, we have seventy-two dozen of these
nose lor boys and girls, 6 to 10 size,
while they last, a 'pair . . .
No 5125, high grade hose for boys and
girls, sizes 6 to 10, 39c to
Boys ,Scout hose, black only, for service
try some of these, a pair.
Bearskin No. 1", good heavy hose lor the
boys, black, sizes 6 to 10, a pair.
Infants black hose, a lot of small s'izes,
4 and 4 1-2, exceptional values,a pair
BIB 1 rSia Jfc SP
Is full of Real values. Colors as brown, blue, black, etc., sell from
19 cents to 83 cents per Fair:
Itev. and Mrs. II. E. Hess loft thja
week for Tennessee, whero they will
romnln indefinitely. Rev. Hess Is suf
fering with rheumatism and goes
Bouth In hopo of securing relief.
For Salo or Kent Restaurant most
ly furnished. Thirty regular boarders.
Possession glvpn after May 1st. Write
A. P. Mooro, Brulo, Nob. 32-4
Stevo Pappas has purchased tho
property at 803 wost Eighth street
and on tho rear of tho lot is erecting
a 24x36 building which ho will stock
with morchandi80. Tho store will be
conducted by Mrs. Pappas.
Steam Uatlis, ainssngo and Electric
Treatment nt :tl2 Enst !tli, St. Phono
897. Mrs. Arthur Rush, tf.
Miss Julia Gleason returned today Tho W. C. T. U. will meet Tuesda;
from Kansas City, whore sho was call- afternoon at tho homo of Mrs. J. I
'od Inst week by the death of a relative. Murphy, 403 south "Willow. Nolghbor
For Salo-Eggs for sotting S.AV.'C. ""'L0", nr lnV,t0(1, A lunCh w"
II. P. Rocks, r. cents a ploco. Phono, uo sorvcu-
Doollttlo 782F220. 31-4 I Our ontlro stock of blouses on sale
Mru a t Tni,Hm, Saturday, May 1st, and all displayed
tho llrst of tho week from Hastings M such a manner that you can male
and will make North Plntto tholr ?'ou,r 80'cc"011 vory easily. E. T. Trami
ihomo. ,& Scas'
. , , Thero waa a man under tho Mlslond
Wo can match your now rust colorod lm, widow's hmi hut thn ft m nil
Mrs. Uuchanan, of Sutherland, visit
ed with frlonds in town Wednesday.
Tho Roxall handles tho goods. 14tf
Tho Mother's Club was entertained
Wednesday aftornocn at the homo of
Mrs. Finn.
Dixon & Son. Sight Specialists.
B. J. Salisbury camo down from
Ohoycnno yostordny to attend the I. 0.
O. F. colouration last evening.
All of our high grade suits aro now
offered at reduced prices. BLOCK'S.
Frank Buchanan has-been In Iwa
this week visiting his tvifo whoso con
dition Is not very encouraging.
Try tho Roxall first, it pays. 14tf
...l.i. ..lit. l. u n
Sn Awn V cnv '" rlght-ho was hor husband. But you
iiuvflu a bu.-sa. should havo heard tho tilings tho pos
itron Sturgos, formerly of this city, 'nips said. Como to tho Kolth Monday
is now at tho government sanitarium !and Tuesday and boo how busybodlos
at Battle Mountain, S. D., taking treat- sometimes make a lot out of nothing.
mont' ! Beautiful Dancing Frocks for th .
Vory high class blouses on display May Ball now on salo at BLOCK'S,
at E. T. TRAMP & SONS Ready to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Johnson and
Wear. children oxpect to leavo in a day or
Mrs. Nora Darr and children arrived ,n at trip, first .going to
Wodnosday from Sheridan, Wyo., for r,ort,a"t,,i. thon to B0tu,urn Ca"f,or
a visit with hor mothor, Mrs. Johanna Wta and from thoro to Arizona. Thoy
McQraw. iwul Boe't n clImttto beneficial to tholr
iiiaugmor s ncaiin.
W. R. Salisbury, has sold Ills roel-1 vw rnv Tmn nr,no,. w
donco on wost Sixth street to Rlloy bo t, admired if you select your
ffir$n?ihnrr?tt from Wonderful lino ot Clovor
Mr. Salisbury will mako his homo with Vrna ,,... villBvi nt lu nru-f
his brothor A. J. , ' "
' Mr. and Airs. Emmet Ennls and
Dr. E. W. Fetter mado a professiona'
trip to Brady yostorday.
W. Hnlliday, of Stapleton, is spend
ing soveral days, in town looking after
business, matters.
J. Koch, camo down from Horshn
yestorday, to attend tho Odd Follow
anniversary celebration last evening.' .
150 Classy New Spring Suits n
from 1-5 to l-S" off the resulnr Drico
Mr. and MrB. J. G. Buron returned
tho first of tho week from Arkansas
whoro thoy had been visiting relative
for tho past ten days.
Miss Irono Schott has resumed hor
duties in Attorney Shuman's office
nftor an absenco of sovoral weeks du
to illncsB.
Mrs. Jessio Flshor left Wednesdn
for Los Angeles to join Mr. Fishoi
who wont out soveral months ago to
look up a location.
For Sale Fordson tractor; cheap if
takon at onco. II. J. Moran, Chamber
of Commerce. ' 31-2
All of our Now Spring Sport Coats,
Three Quarter Length Coats aro no
on salo at greatly reduced prices t
Wanted About 100 head of cattle
baby arrived yostorday for a visit with
?, Ptl8tlr th0 8"mW?r non?iOP,' fiends and rclaWvos while enrouto to
mono 7Jbi-5. Ji-- tno,r homo Jn Arlzonili having spout
Gothonburg has organized a ball tho winter in IvansaB City. Mr. Ennls
team with Dr. F, A. Potorson as mou-jwill romadn but a fow days whllo tho
ngor. Tho team has started practlco wlfo nnd baby will romnln longer. Mrs
and 1b ready in schedule gntuos with Ennls was fonuorly Mlsa Maude
North Platto aud other towns. Owens.
I Rauch & Son sold three carloads of
jWltftefaco cattlo this week to Roy
iWolf, of Newcastle, Wyo., who shipped
!them to that place Wednesday.
For Salo.
Two blocks between Fourth and
Sixth streets Jn tho 2400 block on west
Fourth. Price $2500 if sold soon. In
quire on tho premises. 31-2
Hereford Bulls for Sale.
Eight Registered Hereford Bulls for
salo. Address E. Soderman, North
Platte. 29-4
For' Sale.
Span of big mules, wolght 2600, 7
and 9 years old; also ono - mulo
weight 1000. Address R. L. Doug
las, North Platto, or phono 792F013.
Big Bnrn for Rent.
Barn with accommodations for ten
head of horses and 25 tons of hay or CO
or 75 tons of hay without tho horses.
Located on east Ninth street, known
ns tho Mogonsen barn. Inqulro of
George McKain, North Plntto, or phono
7G0F21. 26-tf.
Registered Suffolk StnlUon
for salo or trade. Wolght 1650, six
years old. Inqulro of Albert A. Ginapp
Brady. lOtf
Are you going to paint? We aro
ready to meet your demands in any
thing in tho varnish or paint line.
dcu us uuioro Jetunir vour
nhntqatCt-T,,DUKl& ORVEN, 218 East
lit h Sf Phnti r OAT
Kxtensloii Jtond No. 77.
To whom it may, concern:
The special commissioner appointed
to locate a public road as follows:
Commencing at tho NE corner of
section 20, township 14 north, range 80
west and running thence north oa line
between See's 16 nnd 17 said township
and rango 60 chs. to tho SW corner of
NWH of NW of Section 16 said
township and range to connect with
oxtenslon of Road No. 107, this road to
bo G6 feet wide, and to bo an extension
of Road No. 77, has reported in favor
of tho same.
Anyone havinc oblonHnnn
or claims for damages by reason of the'
establishment of ktho above road must
nio samo on or boforo twelvo o'clock
noon of tho 28th day of Juno 1920.
Dated at tho Countv dork's nffinn in
iNorth Platte, Nebrsnka, this 16th day
ot April 1920.
A27-4 County Clerk.
Reserve a Hoover this week!
We expect very shortly our next Hoover shipment, ordered last summer.
The call Is so strong that they usually ore all reserved In advance of
arrival. We recommend your prompt consideration to avoid a wait later
thqt may prove exasperating at house-cleaning time. The Hoover is the
largest selling electric cleaner in the world because
Demonstrations daily in our
main aisle you are invited
We also demonstrate in the
home and offer convenient terms
in mi i i ! it n 1 1 in in Hum mniMM'i mil ii mln n
, North Platte Light & Power Co.