The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 30, 1920, Image 10

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English Vlllaoers Feaitcd on fflh
Which Had Buon Cutting Anglers'
Lines for Years.
A pintle wns cniiRht unci killed re
cently In the little olil English village
of fiooston St. Laurence, Norfolkhlro,
and his roninlnn wore cut tip and
shared between tlio old age pensioners,
who voted him very tnsty, tin exchange
reports. The good people of 1 (pultun
St. Lawrence arc not cniinlbnls, nnil
for the bonellt of tlioac upt acquainted
with tho legondnry lore of that pnrt
of Unglnnd It must he explained thnt
this pirate wns n mounter plko which
terrorized the water of tho luke In
Beoslono for upward of thirty years.
Tho pike, which hud the reputation
of doing the moat nrtful fish In tho
world, earned tho nnnio of "the pirate"
because of his predatory raids on fish
erman's linen whenovnr they hooked
anything. Anglors came from miles
around to try nnd catch the freebooter,
but tho fish was too clover for the
most expert plscator.
According to stories told ovor mugs
of nle at tho village Inn the "pirate"
wns hooked only once, and In a vicious"
rage ho broke the line nnd esenped.
Yet tho honor of catching him goes to
a young ox-soldlcr who hud bcon pike
fishing only four times In his life.
Tho night of the capture they held
n messing contest In the village as
to the actual weight of the "pirate,"
tho prize holng the fish Itself. He
weighed 20 pounds 1 ounce, monsured
flvo feet and hnd a girth of two feet.
Tlmpklns' Abrupt Change of Subject
Hardly to Be Wondered at
Under the Circumstances.
Tho shaded llglits. music In tho dis
tance, sweet perfumes from tho costly
flowors nhout them everything wns
Just right for a proposal, and Tlmp
klns decided to chanco his luck. She
was pretty, which was good, and nlso.
ho believed, nn heiress, which was
"Arc you not afraid that some one
will mnrry you for your money?" he
asked gently.
"Oh, dear, no!" smiled tho girl.
"Such nn Idcn never entered my
head 1" ;
"Ah. Miss I.lscnmbe." ho sighed. "In
your sweet Innocence you do not
dream bow coldly, cruelly mercenary
sonic men nrol"
"Perhaps I don't." replied the girl
"I would not for a moment hnvo
such a terrible fate befall you I" he
said pnsslonntely. "You are too good,
too beautiful. The man who wins
you should lovo you for yourself
"ITe'Il hnvo to," tho girl remarked.
"It's my cousin Jcnnlo who has tho
money not T. You seem to hnvo got
me mixed. I haven't n penny myself."
"Ob cr" stninmered tho young
mnn "whnt.plensnnt weather wo aro
having, aren't wo?"
Extensive Litigation In Prospect flc
, cause of Winter Sport In Dutchess
' County, fcew York.
Every sportsman In Dutches coun
ty Is interested In n Inwmilt ovor the
Hkln of a fox which already hns In
volved two liunter, two farmer, four
lawyers and one Justice of the pt'iieo.
bidding fair to take a trail lending
straight Into the Supreme court, a dis
patch from I'otiRbkeepslo to the New
York ICvenlng Sun says.
Ifrynmd was shot and wounded
while In woods bolonglng to De Witt
Clinton Flanagan, formerly member of
congress. The wounded fox renched
tho farm of L. C. tlftrt, where It was
discovered by Bdward Mende, an em
ployee of Mr. Ilnrt. .Monde upod n
club and dispatched the animal, tak
ing possession of the skin. The two
sportsmen demanded possession of tho
trophy, but this was refused.
One lawyer representing the sports
men found an ancient Inw which pro
vided thnt a wild unlmnl shot by hunt
ers belongs to them whether It Is re
covered Immediately or escapes to oth
er parts.
In n Justice's court Meade was ar
raigned on a charge of having hunted
without n license, his weapon having
been a club, but he was promptly
Hut the queiflon of the pelt remain-
ed unsettled until the Justice found"
a colonial statute which slates that j
whenever a close (inclosed holding of
land) Is Invaded by a predatory onl- i
tunl snbl nnlinnl may lawfully be
seized or killed. Ifnder this ruling the
fox skin w.ns nwn rd ei to Meade.
Uncle Sam Officially Recognizes Be?
con Designed to Commemorate
the Titanic Disaster.
After we'en years tho "lute" light
In the llghtbouw on the roof of the
Seamen's church institute bus obtain
cd oltlclnl recognition on the gtjvom
ment chnrtu of Now Yqrk horbor. For
years this green beacon was Ignore.
Lnter It was recorded an h "llxed
point" Now It Ir marked with a star
on maps.
The lighthouse wns erecturi to com
memorate the heroes of tho grontost
marine disaster In tho inodurn world,
the sinking of the steamship Titanic
off Newfoundland April 10. 1012. The
lighthouse wau dedicated on tho first
anniversary of the disaster at n me
morial created by public subscription
and the work of prominent women.
Tho light cnlleU "tute" by seamen,
soon was guiding pilots who, at they
"turned the Hook" If) ailtoa or more
away, might mnko out tho groan nm
brilliant stur supplied by tho 7.WK)
candle power of three Cooper llowlti
qunrtz electric 'lumps 211 foot above
the city streets. Tills- green light on
the starboard especially provided an
excellent range for vessels making
their way to the Hast river.
The lighthouse also has 'cntrl"d
since November 1, 1910, u time bnH
4 feet In diameter which drops each
day at "standnrd menn" noon, when
as 'Arry remarks to IJI1I down In "the
slip," "she's Jos 5 er'clock In Lunnln."
Wo Rosllvor Mirrors, Repair Fur
niture, Itotfro llabby Uuggloa, Frame
nnd onlnrgo Pictures. All work guar-1
antood. Qlvo us a trial. TOOPS &
MAIZE, 113 Ultnor Hotel llldg., West
6th St. 29tf
Too Much Ceremony.
The battalion was resting beside the
road toward the end of Its 10-mIlo hike.
After tho weary innrchers hnd eased
their packs and sipped from their near
ly empty cjnntecns, they wntched dis
piritedly the energetic sottlng-up ex
ercises being gone through by a strange
outfit In a nearby Held.
"What's thnt there gang?" Inquired
Private Hnnks of Oklahoma without
"Infantry candidates' school," re
plied the corporal.
"Candidates! Infantry candidates I"
exploded Hanks. "My good gosh! Do
you hnvo to mnko application and be
Initiated to get Into tb's mess nowa
days?" The Home Se;or.
Some Excitement In Oil Wells.
Competitive drilling plays great
pnrt among .wells In n single vicinity
because all oil leases leak at the edges,
and whether you get your neighbor's
oil or he gets yours Is largely n mat
ter of speed. Consequently a well In
the middle of a large tract Is usunlly
let alone by the owner, or, at least, he
undertakes further drilling with tie
llbXiratlon. but If be strikes oil near
his boundary he drills his borders with
all haste, knowing that his neighbor
will "offset" bis wells, on tho other
side of the boundary Just as fast as
be can get the equipment on the
ground.--Hay MnrrN In the World's
To whom nre you going to sell your
Hay and Grain? Tho Harrington Met
cantlle Co. will offer tho highest
"rloPH t4tf
Aztec Dignitaries Had Imposing Tombs
In the Little Village of San
Juan Teotihuacan.
The little village of San .lunn
Teotihuacan, which In the A.tue Ian
gunge meant "City of tho Gods," was
In the enrly days of Aztec history the
Bceno of extraordinary religious cere
monies. The two pyramids, one dedi
cated to the sun. the other to the
moon, nre known to have boqn the
tombs In which hundreds of ttlbnl
dignitaries were, buried and excava
tors have exhumed wrought Stone eon
tabling human bones, obsidian knives
term cotta heads with broad faces and
tint noses, fragments of rare pottery
nnd grent numbers of arrowheads. One
of tho most recent ivnd most valuable
discoveries was a Jadelto mask of
some pnst monarch, with the brow
covered with the diadem known to
early Mexican history. The pyramid
to the sun nnd tl.u one to tho moon
.both contain chntubers and their sev
eral stories are complete toraplcs In
themselves, but connected by winding
The Inscriptions hnvlng Chinese
characteristics were discovered through
excavating In th ruins of what has
generally been known as- La Cludadela
(The Citadel), but which, according to
recent reports of Investlgntors, are
what Is left of n pyramid larger nnd.
ocrhups. older tbnn the two pyramids
to the sun and the moon.
Christian Science service Sunday 11
u. m. Wednesday evening meetings
ovory week nt 8:00, A cordial lnvl
tation Is extended to all to attend
, those services. Building & Loan build
lng. room 25.
kedcrown gasoline I
Evezy Drop
Red Crown Gasoline is all gasoline
every drop clean motor fuel picked
with pure, live, hard-hitting power.
Its uniformly even vapor: Jon, low
ignition point and quick, complete
combustion mean a steady, unbroken
flow of power, the elimination of ex
cessive carbon deposits "on cylinders
and pistons, and maximum mileage
per gallon of fuel.
Red Crown Gasoline is n straight all
refinery gasoline, thoroughly depend
able and always uniform whether
you get it here or a hundred miles
from here.
Forcorrectlubrication use Polarine.
Keeps motors quiet, smooth-running
and powerful.
Get them both at the sign of the
Red Crown.
m m
l 1
Tires, Tubes, Radiators, Spot Lights, Moto
Meters, Chains, Spark Plugs, Tire Covers,
Auto Jacks, Luggage Carriers, Tire Locks,
Air Gauges, Light Bulbs, Hose Connections,
Tubes or Tire Repairing it will pay you to
lodfc over our stock.
on Tires and Tubes until-May 16th.
Our price is lasty ear's price aftd is at least
20 per cent under the present price. Oil
for any known kind of lubrication. One
gallon, five gallon, ten gallon, one-half bar
rel or barrel lots. Mr. Tractor Man w,e
can save you money on that tractor oil.
Gone Lower.
Several of our Iloosier school build
ings are named after noted Ameri
cans of n generation or more ago. Re
cently nt a community meeting at
one of these buildings the speaker
spoke of the spirit of the man, whose
name tho building Jbore, hovering
over the School. The children seemed
much Impressed ben but It took tho
next day to show bow deeply somo
had been moved.
Tho principal sent two youngsters
to the basement to see to tho furnace
In the nbsence of the Janitor. They
came rushing up n few mlnutcslntcr
saying that they hnd heard a "ter
rible noise" down there. The prin
cipal laughed nt them but another
boy nrose In their defense. "I bet I
know what It Is." he said. "I bet It's
that man's spirit around hero again.
nly this time Instead of being on
tho roof It's dewn In tho cellar." In
dlnnapolls News.
I offer' for said 1120 acres of sand--hill
land located 23 miles from North
Platto on Tryon road; 200 acres'broke
and can break another 100, all In ono
body, 700 acres fenced with 3-wIro
fence, good framo barn, sod house,
well and windmill, tank and cistern,
good cavo and other improvements.
Address It. L. Douglas, North Platte,
or phone 792F013.
For Snle.
Flvo room house," gas, water, elec
tric lights, li'.co shado and fruit trees,
chicken houso and gr.rngo.' Located
at 718 west Third. Phono 1044W. 30tf
For Sale.
Matched team of greys 4 and 5 vears
old. Pho&e 1194w. 29-tf
Legal Notice.
J. Beckwith Is hereby notified that
tho Omaha Van and Storago Co., will
sell at 2 o'clock p. m., on May 13th, on
let 7, block 2, Penlston's Addition to
tho city of North Platto, tho following
goods left In storago by him, and upon
which there Is due as storago costs tho
sum of $82.00, together with, accruing
costs towit!; sofa, 4 bed rails, tool box,
2 rockers, 2 'chairs, crate of glass,
crate marble, bundle of bed slats, 2
bed ends, 2 bed springs, stove and a
dresser. v
31-2 Omaha Van & Sorago Co. .
Changed His Mind.
He was well up In the sixties nnd
always got a lot of pleasuro out of
walking. lie would always say: "You
city people don't get out enough and
In his short stny In the city ho
stepped Into his son's downtown mag
azine shop nnd said: "I Just walked
down irom Thirty-fourth street."
With pride ho added : "That's not bad
for a young fellow like me I And, by
tho wny, your wife "gave mo this note
and snld for mo to stop and get these
things. Where Is this storo?"
"Thnt's tho department storo Just a
square up the street this street," re
plied bis son.
"A department storo! Where Is. that
errand boy you hnve around here?
I'm too tired to walk up thore," re
plied the obi man.
Slow to Learn.
"This newly made millionaire Is nn
uncouth follow."
"So ho Is. Yet ho frequonts the
most fasblonnblo rostaurants."
"That's why I think It strango that
ho Is so backward In ncqulrlng n
polish. Tho mere contemplation of a
faultless hoad waiter ought to give
him some IdwiB of deportment." Iflr
mlngbam Age-llernld.
The Llnht In the Window.
The transport bad entered New York
harbor. On board was ono lone col
ored soldier nmong tho ' homoNvnrd
bound. As the ship passed the Btatuo
of llborty there was absolute sllenca,
when suddenly the dusky doughboy
broke tho quiet by remarking: "Put
your light down, honey, I'se home."
The American Legion Weekly.
Cm Opemte'tt
' '
1 Western Electric i
Hereford Dulls for Snle.
Twenty head of registered Horoford
llull3 for sale. S. J. Koch, Horshoy,
Nob. 23:8
EVERY feature has been perfected not a single one over
look . Running this Western Electric Power and Light
outfit is us simple as can be. Touching the starting lever
sets it running a child can do it. With the battery
charged you have continuous electric service night anc? day
You should know more about this ,piant its .ie:c;
simple; r's economical.
How cbout your place?
North Platte Plumbing & Heating Co.
106 E. 6th Street.