The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 30, 1920, Image 1

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NORTH PLATTl., NEB., APRIL 30, 1920.
No. 32
A LIVE OPTION PLAN Siignr Heot Itnllronds.
FOll SOLMEK HONUS. I Construction of thirty-eight miles of
" llfftr fnnfnto fflolnr rnllwnv Unnu I
Members of tho house ways and under way ln tho North Pintto yMay
Sol) 01)1) t'ELUMVS
means committee at Washington have
virtually decided to Include In their
Theso roads will be spurs from the
Burlington's main linos, wlill bo owned
soldiers relief legislation program a !by the 8Ugnr factory interests but
plan of paid up insurance, its value to
increaso annually by compounded in
terest, and on which loans could bo ob
tained from any postoltlco. With this
addition ox-sorvlco mon might elect
any one of tho following plans includ
ed 'n the republican program:
A cash bonus of $1.25 n day for each
day of service.
Aid In buying farm land, to bo re
claimed by tho government..
Aid In buying city homes.
Ar'd In their education.
Tho insurance.
To popularize tho last four plans,
the republicans propose to allow $1.75
a day for each day of servlco, instead
of tho $1.25 cash bonus as tho basis for
computing farm and homo aid, loan;
and the amount of financial a;!d each
man might receivo In tho form of edu
cational training.
Tho insurance plan as such was said
by committeemen to bo a "misnomer,"
but they declared It was tho "most ut
ractlve of any of the five plans. Tho
will be operated by tho Burlington
An eight mllos long '.no, now reach
lng out of Bayard is to be extonded un
til it is sixteen ntUos long.
Another line reaching out Into the
jboot farming country from Scottsblu'
w)!l be twelve miles long.
A lino ten miles long will bo built
from Mitchell to add acroago to th
area which will feed tho now .sugar
factory being built at Mitchell, th
macldnory fpr which was moved fror
Montana. This now factory will b
ready for operation in September, tak
lng care of this year's crop.
Fair and Supper.
The Ladles Guild of the Episcopal
church will hold a fair and supper at
the Masonic hall Thursday, May 20th.
and fancy articles of all kinds, rag
rugs, porch pillows, aprons and home
mado candles will bo on salo. Then
will also be a special booth selling
twenty-five cent packages. Beginning
at 5:30 a suDner wfll be served am
average period of service for world following tho supper their will be,
war veterans was 400 days, thoy said, ,, lancing. This affair will be open to
explaining that under tho Insurance , the public and worthy of a large at
plan tho average veteran would re
ceivo n paid-up Insurance policy of
?1,857, payableto him In cash nt the
end of twenty years, or Immediately to
his heirs In event of death.
William! fRussell
roit SALE.
Twcho room liouso nt 1008 West-lth
Street This property Is modern Ir
TT"?::7 , i .every detail and Is priced right for '
The Season's best styles in the sport (rflck Halc. Could bo made Into a
sweaters. E. T. TRAMP & SONS. I houg.
Possession to be given at once.
I ::o::
1 A. I Fennell arrived from Denver
yesterday to accept the position of
' general foroman for tho P. P. E. Co.,
succeeding Roy Cathors, who has been
transferred to Omaha. Mr. Fennell
.was assistant here a couple of years
I The Lutherans in America, while
not co-operating In tho Inter-Church
campaign, have before them a task
which has. a definite objective. Scat
tered throughout France, Russia, Ger-
.many, Finland, Austria, Czecho-Slavla.
'Jugo-Slavla, Poland, Ukralno, Ruman
ia, are hundreds of thousands of Lu
therans whose homes and churches
have been demolished, and whoso past
ors, In some Instances, have been kill
ed or exiled. American Lutherahs feel
their first fluty is to tholr foJlow-Luth,-crans
and they are now making an ef
fort to raise $1,800,000 to be used in
relieving actual suffering thru food
and clothing shortage. Tho campaign
which runs from May 9 to 1G, involves
331 congregations comprising about
43,000 members in Nebraska.
'IT? WHS I llplr Tin n T-tlmiRO nt n T?nrpnln rtr
i - . - - " i .......... .w v '
"May 1st E. T. TRAMP & SONS.
Though Walla Wall lodge, I. O. O. F.
has held many wonderful gatherings
dui'ing its nearly fifty years oxlstonco
ln North Platto, nono havo equalled
the ono held last ovonlng ln celebra
tion of tho 101st nnnlvorsary of Amer
ican Odd Fellowship. A more largoly
! nttonded meotlng could not bo expect
ed, a moro enthusiastic nsseniblngoj'
,X)f mou. could not bo marshalled ln'anyfl
town in the state or country, for there
I wurn iwnsnnl SKft. nnrOi nf ivlinm u
loyal to tho great organization and
followors of Its precepts.
Tho program started with n dinner
served at tho Masonic hall nt G:30, two
hundred and ninety-six being seated at
tho first tnblo and forty-two at a sec-
jond serving all men. It was really
ian Inspiration to view this body of
ropreaentatlvo mon of North Platto
and Lflncoln county gathered to cele
brate tho anniversary of as great, If
not the' greatest,, fraternal organiza
tion tho world hns over known nearly
350 mon rubbing shoulders, grasping
the hand of good-fellowship and fra
ternal good-will.
1 FollovJf.'ng tho supper, tho assem
blage repaired to the I. O. O. F. hall
where a class of flfty-ono candidates
I wero given the first degree. After the
i lnltjatory ceremonies addresses wero
mado by, tho speakers Including Grand
Master Proctor, of Wyoming, and
Grand Secretary Gage, of Fremont.
There was not one present who did
not feel and evince a delight in being
a member of tho army of Odd Follows.
j, Kccilnt., 1V Kolnrhuis Enlcrlillu Scout.
The pupils of Ida Ottointoln Willi "Twenty-live Boy Scouts and inom-
Dlxon & Son. Sight Specialists. given, piano recital Wednesday oven bora of tho Boy Scouts Council were
C. H. Walter rcturnod this morning 1B at olght o'clock, Mhy fifth, at UiojgtiMtA of the North Platto RotnrlartB
ffom n business trip to Denver. Parochial school hall. Tho public 18 . at a C:.30 dlnnor at tho Pacific Cafo
beginning tomorrow section mon on c, . y' mPlca- 1Iloro W1" 1,0 ;Wodnosday ovonlng. This' Is tho firs't
the Union Pacific will go on a ten-hour V , , 7 h. ' .. .... . -or a sbHob .of monthly dlnnors tho
day with a dally wage of $4.40
AssistniK tno pupus win uo nvo or,ij,rv r.)uu win ....
Miss Morrow's pupils In aesthetic iiin9n i,i,, tvn . nrnrncin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dickey return- dnnalng, Mildred Sklnnor n roa to 1 i i. V , u nnnraPB 81011
i1 thlii mnmitir from rwinvn,. .kf. ",lul Lu K"ior uu ruuumt,B . tho kindly fooling tho Rotnrlnns on
Oj-uiis morning rrom uonor whore nnd Mr. Hurrlngton In songs. tnrtnitt Mm'a n,i nn un iif,
',nB mnnn Xlm. Talun! T M?ruS TS ; Scouts U, ot tho Roi
rtfea Mnvmo Plzer loft thin mornl
JfQr alslt with fnends In Grand
Would Uko 100
pasture on tho S. Si
qulro at ranch or
jMr. and Mrs. W. C. Reynolds, who
had been snondlnir several ninnMia In
CdlUornla, arrived homo today.
For Sale Housohold goods. S00 E.
Fourth Street. Phono 11C7W.
Architect Victor F. Beck wont t
head of cattle L Tt Athoy. Mnbol Bnllnrd, Eva Sl
chwalgor ranch. In " " . " " ? iu,.B'
OOw fei. 5tll. 32-- -ltrnlrm. ,,.! riln.Ka llnnnlrnl
be oxtendod. After tho dinner, VIco"
President Carroll In Introducing tho
speaker of tho evening, assured the
Scouts nnd tho Scouts Council that
:;oii uio Howry kawu was sirongiy. ueuinii
All members ot Sarah Robekalt the Scout movement , n North Platte
lodge I. O. O. F. nro requested to moot jalid much of tho club's work would bo
nt tho I. O. O. F. hall Sunday after ;ln that direction. Tho sponkcr of tho
noon at 1:30 to attend tho funoral - evening was W. E. Rood, of OnThha,
Sister Dairy Baker. Mrs. Clam Darts. , who is not only a Rotarlan, but is
closoly associated with tho Boy Scout
movement In Omaha. Ho commended
Ohkosh this morning to submit plans 80Cr(try. ' order of tho Noblo Grand
for a now court liouso niul business Tr' our 30 cent Coffee. McMichael't
building. 5
fow Edison records JiiBt arrived nt
' "i" '"' anpvlpn ?nmlnv Tlioan mnolnnlo wliln" mOVOmcm 111 VJIliaiin CU1ZQUB
odlst church Sunday evening at eight c1fu uSS;11'" 'given $35,000 for this year's wor,
kJ. -BUpPAy, 3 80rvlC0 riurif I L aJ?m?rn.X.e the layMr. Reed mot
Grocery 28-4 itho Boy Scout work ulghiy, tho in-
Tho Presby'torlan choir and organls flUon;? l )aA upon tu0 members,
will give another of tholr monthl doaorlbod tho camp ground which Om
morUlng musicals nt the eleven o'clock hns arovldoil for Uio boys. For
tlUC) I(1UV11U11L 111 WlJIUIIil Ulil&Ulin UUTU
tho absonco of Rev. Hoss
"Shod With Fire"
A vivid story o the Plains. A
story of a western ranch that will
please, you. .
Two Part Sunshine Comedy
TwentCctli Century Club.
Tho Twontloth Century Club will
moot at tho home of Mrs. R. F. Cot
teroll, 015 South Pine Street, on Tues
day evening, May 4th, nt 8 p. m. with
Mrs. Wood Whlto and Mrs. W. C. Shel
ver assisting hostesses.
A fill attendanco of tho Club mom
hers Is urged as business of .import
ance will bo considered which re
quires Individual attention.
Mrs. W. C. Sholver vi(ill conduct the
lesson ninth and tenth Cltlzonsh
laws and Mrs. Gilfoyle will have
chnrgo of tho music.
tho Scouts Council nnd with sovoral
of tho Scoutmasters nnd gave them tho
bonoflt of his oxperionco ln tho work,
i". ::o:;
llore Is your opportunity lo help
your ilnnnolnl nnd living conditions to
a vast cxte'U. A mass meeting la call
ed for 8:(M p. m. at the K. P. Hnll,
Miss Carrie Bolton, who has been LEADER MER. CO.'S big salo of finOs , large savtii In your general expenses
rmnlrlnir lint lintiin i - Cnn ninirn Hn 1 r, ... l. r n nn I . " . . . - CT
6 "v " "" wunu up to ioo.uu, nono ios, mil be effected ir you so desire, it
for sovoral years, arrived ln town last than $85.00. All go on salo this morn- will bo explained to you thoroughly
ovonlng and will spend the summer ing at $59.75. After reading this an-ion this evening nnd we nrgo you' to
with her sister Mrs. W. H. McDonald, nouncoiuont don't loso a minute Imt nnmn nml miritrfinnln In IliU mnni.lnir.
by tho dlroctor of tho choir, Mrs, M.
TiOfiri' llflfnvl ntn onnnln nntinni.1.
Building. Phono 307. 77tf sorvtico of each month Instead of th
The mothors of tho high school ca- usual address bv, tho pastor,
dots twill give a banquet to tlie thirty-, 0ur suits and'eoats continue on sa
five cadets in tho basement of tho n rnn 1iin,vi,1,,t nri,M w rp mAn
jLutheran church this ovonlng nt seven & SONS. ' '""""
i0 (J?Ck; , r , 1 WOMEN Now is your tlmo for ac-
I Wan tod-Man or woman to do tlon You.u not , , ,
ihousecleanlng. Phone 120W. vnilr niOI, ,1V mu
I represent for Lincoln county ono
of tho strongest insurance companies
In the way of hail insurance. Seo mo
about tho nmount I can insure per
acre and the low rate. A company
that has In tho past 23 years paid all
tlosses as they came, big or Httlo.
Yours for business. E. "A. Olson, phone
323; evening 1130.
j ::o::
i Tho Episcopal guild will hold a
bazaar, serve a 'supper and give a
danco at tho MnsoiVc hall on the even
ing of May 20th.
The Old Lino Life Mini,
Res. Phono 1138. Office Phono (512J
Just received A largo shipment of so at onco nnd select your Biilt thos
Brunswick Phonographs and Bruns- will not llngor long. Thoso calling
wick Records. WALKER MUSIC CO. lato will bo disappointed. Seo Add
Coldor weather and possibly snow elsowhero ln this papor.
was predicted for today, but this morn -1 May 1st Is the day to got a real bar
Ing the weather Is beautiful. Wo can't Rain in a blouse. E. T. Tramp & Sons,
toll, however, what Obsorver Shilling! A large attondnnco of the Boy
will do before night. ( Scouts Council was prosont at the
Hoar tho Now Edison bofor'o you noon session hold at tho Oasis Tuos-
buy. Dixon, tho Jeweler. nay. iivo ladles, , representing
atvi T.AimifMMsy
Horses nnd Mules for Sale.
10 head mulos 700 to 1000 lbs.; :4
head horses 1200 to 1400 lbs. for salo.
M. R. Mngnuson, North Platto. 323
Thnn Mr-nnrmnit rr Wniifor nm. Cump-flro Girls, wero also preBont and
cinct, transacted business ln town yos- an enthusiastic meeting resulted. Wod
torday. He Is a ranchman and during nsday noon at tho Oasis, William
tho storms this month lost about "oe(J BaVo a,Yory interesting talk. Mr.
n nnn wmth nf oaiMn. othor out fin. i"ecd Is president of tho Board of Edu-
. i ,. . - . .
suffered rather uuuo" "l """"i". ami was ono or uiq
spenkors at tho banquet given by tho
(Ti-itrt.... n i.nnn r .1... I....
Come In and see our complete line IJT" ' "uu" " -"um" "L I,Ui
. -rv.-. r, .. OCOUIS.
If you haven't oiio of our Bnby Books
tho havo your Mamma go right down to
men In that Bectlon
severe losses,
ot BWJiswlck Phonographs. .Walker
Mtfslc' Co, '
Starting May 17th a campaign ti
raise funds for tho North Platto Boy
Scouts and Cnmpflro Girls will bo in
augurated. Tho sum needed to carrj
out the work of both organizations I
3.000. Tho nlnns ns outlined includi "our try our I'lUsbilry Best MJnnesoUftJ
tho lcaso of a tract of land upoi; iour. Never rails, lltisti fllorc. Co,
1 Sale f
we will place oil our Spring Suits on sale at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES.
We have made them up into four groups at
$21.50, $33.50, $39.50, $49.50.
Our SPRING COATS will go on sole,at the same time at
$14.43, $19.95, $24.46, $34.43, $48.43
We have never experienced such a backward season as to weather
conditions and wish to make a quick clean up of our entire stock of Suits
and Coats and are offering values that are in keeping with our reputation
for giving real sale prices when we hold one.
Our Ladies Spring Hats
We have divided into four lots ot "
$5.00, $8.00, $10.00 and $15.00.
These are hats that are worth trom one-half more to double the prices we are putting on
them. This does not include sailors or strictly summer stock but fine trimmed and tail
ored hats of the Best makes. Tho quality compared with the price will surprise you.
You will have to come. now to get the best selections.
"D.v Morrill, Dentist-, office over
.Wilcox Department Store.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. H. Merrick, of Mnx-
woll, wore business vJsltora ln town1
If you are having trouble with youi
which there is a grove ono mile nort
of Sioux Lookout and the erection o
pprmanont sleeping hunks and kltcho
and dining room, theso buidings to he
used at .separuto periods for both th
boys and thb girls. Tho land which It
is proposed to lcaso is ad ml rub 1
adapted for camping purposes. Tlr
purpose Is to eroct about a half dozo
of tho bunk houses each to havo sleep
lng accommodations for six.
Early Dry Land Triumph and Early
Ohio Seed Potatoes. Rush More. Co.
For Rent Four nicely fumlshc
rooms and bath. 609 West 9th St.
Mrs. John Kollhcr .and Mrs. Ira Sago
of Maxwell, visited ycslorday with
friends In town.
A Real Spring Suit at a real reduc
tion In Price nt BLOCK'S.
Seo us for wall paper, Tho Roxall
Store. 14tf
"Blind Man's Eyes"
Baby Burns Comedy
''Overland Red"
"Hoodman Blind"
Elmo The Fearless
Fourth Chapter
Our Jowolryj Storo and get one with
our compliments. Clinton, the Jowolor-
Crystal Theatre
Vivian Martin
"The Third Kiss
A great picture that you 'mtiBt npt
Century Comedy MY DOG, PAL.
1 KE
Sunshine Comedy "The Heart Snatcher"
Crystal, Saturday and Monday
A thrilling story of adventure in the land where thc best
man wins. Special comedy attraction each night.'"
Keith Theatre, Monday and Tuesday
She shocked the town, really she did! Here she was a
yonng and charming widow, entertaining two men in her
home, aud unchaperoned tqo! Unspeakable! And who do
you suppose one of these men was? Well, we'll have to
see, that's all!